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All this while you have tried to refrain from evil

acts, have you succeeded? Some 'Of you have been

here for twenty years, others for twenty-fIVe, and yet
others for thirty years, and the Words of God are
being preached to' you, yet they have no effect on
you. You are desiriouS to forsake sin but because of
your f8rnily background you have. been incapaCitated
to do so.
But since the Father knows the intricacies invol
ved, He maintains that as many as receive Him, are
given the. right to becOme the clilldren of God. You
'are being gathered into this by grace. There
,is no other . thing to be done because if you are .fe
<:),uited tQ forsake sin as a condition of entry, when
will you fulfill such a condition?
It is said that as by' the disobedience of one inan
'sin came into the world, so by the righteousness of
one person salvation is given toa great manY,people .
who are unrighteous. T:tterefore, weare saved through
the righteousness of the Son of God. That is why it is
good to serve GOd.
For one 'person to renderservicesunto God, God
uses that. to work salvation to an the inhabitants of
the world. ,This salvation extends from generation to
generation,and showers-peace and allgopd things to
Our Lord Jesus Christ said., their sakes I
sanctify myself" that '. they ahomight be sanctified
through the truth." Therefore, can you not realise
how the wisdom of God has eluded men in the enllie
Now, somebody will stand professing
to be Jesus. Another stays at a different 'place to
declare that he is the Christ . Yet another person will
p"oclaim somewhere that he is God. Do they compre
hend the intricacies of what they are professing?
The Holy Father arrived in the hall physically at 4.10 p.m. and after
personally donating the Father's and Mother's envelopes, which were
raised by the general congregation, He gave His advice which He says is
the "Spiritual Food." In the advice, He said that the reason there is so
much Joy and peace in BCS is because members rt;joice and have total
faith in the Father, assuring the gathering that whoever rEiJoices with,
accepts and have faith In the Father will be given the right to be the
Father's child. Citing John 1:12, the Holy Father said that the joy of
having received the Holy Spirit in our midst sets us all free, and in
addition accords us eternal
salvation since He dDes not want anybody to perish." He says one does not
become a child of God because one prays, pay "tithes or fast regularly,
"but because one rEiJoices with the one who is in our midst." The Father
assured us that all our sins have been forgiven because the people have
decided to rEiJoice with the one who is here.
The Sole Spiritual Head said that the power to refrain from sins does not
lie: with any person but only with God on high, "so, whether you have
forsaken sin or not, your having faith and rEiJoicing with Him is sufficient
for you to be accorded the right and authority to be His children." He says
the joy, progress and stability found in BCS does nDt necessarily mean
that Brotherhood has so much money but rather it is because of the
Father, God, who is in their midst.
"The members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star do not glory in their
wDridly possessions or educational achievements, but rather they glDry
and rejOice in His ever commanding presence and He WhD is in their midst
takesdelight in their necessary salvatlDn,1I the HDly Father said.
He assured all that the HDly Spirit will at the fullness .of time, change
everybDdy frDm the little sin that is disturbing peDple and He went .on tD
explain that it is not true that sinners are allDwed to stay and dine with
Him, but rather, it Is only thDse WhD have accepted, rt;joiced with and have
faith in Him" adding that if GDd had needed .only the righteDus peDple in
His kingdDm, nobDdy will be fDund there because all humanity has sinned
and run shDrt of the glDry .of GDd."
He finally warned,that anybDdy WhD rejects Him will regret, but thDse WhD
rE;jDice and accept Him shall be given the right tD be the children of God.
In His advice at the clDse of the DccasiDn
the SDle Spiritual Head urged
all the menfDlk tD attend
the Father's Day celebratiDn at Biakpan, during the Father's Week,
commencing December 11 1986. He specifically stressed the need fDr the
strong shDwing .of fDrce .of the men's presence .on Saturday and Sunday
December 6 and 7, 1986 "when the general election .of the IntellJ,atlDnal
Men's FellDwship would be made tD reflect the internatiDnai character of
the DrganizatiDn for peace, unity and prDgress in the wDrld."
n;jolee and accept Him shall be given the right to be the children of God
.In His advice at the close of the occasion, the Sole Spiritual Head
urged all the menfolk to attend the Father's Day celebration at Blakpan,
during the Fathers Week, commencing December 1, 1986. He specifically
stressed the need for the strong showing of force of the men's presence
on Saturday and Sunday December 6 and 7, 1986 "when the general
election of the International Men's Fellowship would be made to reflect
the International character of the organization for peace, unity and
progress In the world.
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