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Activity 2.

1. Picture Analysis.
In the digital artwork, you can see how the artist love his/her
country for how it shows the various and the most notable
Philippine culture and tradition. Appreciate and be proud of it for
a nation’s culture and tradition resides in the hearts and in the
soul of its people. As of the role, function, and characteristics of
21st century is all about communication between the artists and
viewers, moreover, a social interaction through artwork.

2. Make your own Digital Photography.

It was me in this photo and was captured before the sun sets. The perfect shadow
of me with trees and sunlight is like I'm in the other place like beach but in fact it is
just in our terrace. This photo reminds me of how peaceful and joyful in such a
place like this and seeing shadows as a thing of beauty, as most people perhaps
only appreciate the light.

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