Hospitality and Social Networking Service

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Rating: ________________
Year and Section: BSTM 3B Professor / Instructor: MR. JONNEL ENRIQUEZ
Due of Submission: November 24, 2023

<< Week No. 12-

1. Couchsurfing:
Couchsurfing is a hospitality and social networking service that connects travelers
with locals who are willing to offer a place to stay for free. It goes beyond just
providing accommodation; it's about cultural exchange and building connections
between people from different backgrounds. Travelers can find hosts in various
locations around the world, creating a more immersive and authentic travel

Emerging Trends:
- Local Experiences: Couchsurfing has evolved beyond just a place to crash; it
has become a platform for locals to share their culture, traditions, and local
experiences with travelers.
- Safety Measures: As safety concerns are paramount, Couchsurfing has
implemented various features like identity verification, references, and user reviews
to enhance the safety of both hosts and guests.
- Diversity of Hosts: The platform has seen an increase in the diversity of hosts,
including families, professionals, and individuals from different age groups.

- Couchsurfing Website: []
( )
- Höckel, L. (2016). Couchsurfing: Belonging and trust in a globally cooperative
online community. New Media & Society, 18(10), 2375-2392.
2. WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic
WWOOFing is a volunteer-based exchange that connects individuals with organic
farmers. In exchange for working on the farm, volunteers receive room and board,
providing a unique opportunity for travelers to experience sustainable and organic
farming practices while immersing themselves in the local community.

Emerging Trends:
- Diversification of Opportunities: WWOOFing has expanded beyond traditional
farming to include opportunities in permaculture, eco-villages, and other sustainable
living projects.
- Educational Focus: Many WWOOF hosts now emphasize education, providing
volunteers with hands-on learning experiences about organic farming, sustainability,
and environmental practices.
- Global Network: The WWOOFing network continues to grow, with
opportunities available in an increasing number of countries, fostering a global
community of like-minded individuals.

- WWOOF International: []( )
- Brown, R., & Clover, D. (2017). Building sustainable communities through
volunteer tourism: A case study of WWOOF. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(6),
3. House Swapping:
House swapping involves individuals or families exchanging homes for a set period,
allowing each party to experience a new location without the cost of
accommodation. This trend has gained popularity as a cost-effective and
personalized way to travel.

Emerging Trends:

-Online Platforms: The rise of dedicated online platforms has made house
swapping more accessible and secure, providing features like identity verification,
insurance options, and detailed property listings.
-Long-Term Exchanges: While short-term exchanges are still common,
there's a growing trend of long-term house swaps, enabling individuals to live like
locals in a new destination for an extended period.
-Specialized Swaps: House swapping is no longer limited to primary
residences; individuals are exploring options like vacation homes, apartments, and
even unique properties like houseboats.

- HomeExchange:
- Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012). The role of smartphones
in mediating the touristic experience. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4),

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