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1. Project Initiation (Week 1-2)

Define research objectives and scope.

Conduct a literature review on the integration of AI in education.

Develop a clear research question and hypothesis.

2. Ethical Approval and Permissions (Week 3-4)

Submit research proposal for ethical approval.

Obtain necessary permissions from St. Paul's University authorities to conduct the research.

3. Participant Recruitment (Week 5-6)

Identify and contact potential participants.

Develop and distribute informed consent forms.

Schedule interviews and distribute questionnaires.

4. Data Collection (Week 7-10)

Conduct interviews with faculty, administrators, and students.

Administer questionnaires to a representative sample of the student population.

Collect relevant data on the usage and impact of AI-driven learning tools.

5. Data Analysis (Week 11-14)

Organize and clean collected data.

Utilize statistical analysis methods to identify patterns and correlations.

Interpret findings in relation to the research question.

6. Preliminary Findings (Week 15-16)

Summarize and document preliminary findings.

Discuss initial observations with the research team.

Identify any gaps in the data or potential areas for further exploration.

7. Final Data Analysis (Week 17-20)

Conduct a more in-depth analysis of the data.

Refine statistical models if necessary.

Cross-verify results and ensure data reliability.

8. Report Writing (Week 21-24)

Begin drafting the research report, including introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and

Collaborate with co-authors and seek feedback.

9. Review and Feedback (Week 25-26)

Share the draft report with the research team and academic advisors.

Collect feedback and make necessary revisions.

10. Final Report Submission (Week 27-28)

Complete the final version of the research report.

Submit the report to the relevant academic authorities at St. Paul's University.

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