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Class: 8th Subject: Social Studies

Chapter No:11 Topic: The concept of two-

Nation state

Self-made questions
Qi. Why has the whole of the Indo-Pak subcontinent never been
a single nation?
Ans. The whole of the Indo-Pak subcontinent has never been a single
nation because it is so vast that in the past, with slow and difficult
communications, it was impossible for a single ruler to govern the
whole of it.
Qii. Which was the largest independent state in British India
and what was its area?
Ans. Hyderabad in the Deccan was the largest independent state in
British India and its area was 212,000 sq km.
Qiii. What was the population of Muslims and Hindus
according to the official census of 1940?
Ans. According to the census of 1940, Hindus were 254,
930,506(65%) and Muslims were 92, 058, 096(24%).
Qiv. Who formatted the concept of Muslim identity in 18th
Ans. Muslim thinkers like Shah Waliullah and Syed Ahmed Shaheed
Barelvi formatted the concept of Muslim Identity in 18th century.
Qv. What are the contribution of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan
towards Muslim community?
Ans. Sir Sayyidd Ahmed Khan was a brilliant man who did much to
resolve the differences between British and Muslims after the war of
independence. He convinced the Muslims that education was vital for
them and set up the Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh. He believed
that only through education they could recapture the great glory of
their past.
Qvi. Where and when did Allama Iqbal put forward the
proposal of separate Muslim homeland?
Ans. In 1930, in Allahbad Alllama Iqbal put forward the proposal of
separate Muslim homeland.
Qvii. Which famous series of Essays did Allama Iqbal publish
in 1930?
Ans. Allama Iqbal published his famous series of essays on ‘The
Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’ in 1930.
Qviii. Who circulated his views in a pamphlet entitled ‘Now or
Ans. Chaudhri Rehmat Ali circulated his views in a pamphlet entitle
‘Now or Never’.
Qix. What does the term ‘Ideology’ mean?
Ans. Ideology is the name given to a set of ideas, ideals, and beliefs
that are particular to a group of people, and also guide them.
Qx. When was ‘Objectives Resolution’ passed ?
Ans. ‘Objectives Resolution’ was passed in March 1949.

Exercise Questions
Q1: Why, do you think, was all of the subcontinent not united under any past
native ruler or government?

Ans:The whole of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent was never been a single

country,because It was a vast territory with a diverse population; a single ruler
could not govern it; due to communication problems; economic problems;
conflicts among rulers of smaller states who all wanted independent kingdoms
and were constantly at war, etc.

Q2: What role did Sir Sayyid and Allama Iqbal play in uplifting the Muslims of

Ans: Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan tried to establish friendly relationships between
the Muslims and the British, to the advantage of the former. He was strongly in
favour of education as he saw it as a key to progress; he set up the Anglo-
Oriental School in Aligarh. He proposed the initial idea of two nation theory.
Allama Iqbal; he was a scholar, philosopher, poet ,and lawyer .Iqbal was
ranked foremost as an influential figure in modern Muslim history. He
expressed his thoughts in forceful poetry to awaken the Muslim spirit. In 1930
at Allahabad Conference, as the chairman of the Muslim League, in his
presidential address he put forward the proposal for a separate Muslim
homeland. Iqbal also attended the Round Table Conferences in London. He
proved to be a guide and support to Mr Jinnah. Though close to Iqbal, Mr.
Jinnah adopted the two nation theme two years after Iqbal’s death.

Q3: Describe the contribution of Mr. Jinnah and Chaudhry Rehmat Ali to the
Muslim freedom movement?

Ans: Mr. Jinnah put forward the proposal of a separate Islamic state in the
Muslim League meeting at Lahore in 1940. The British, seeing that he had
great power over the Muslims of the subcontinent, had to ultimately give in and
a separate nation i.e. Pakistan was born on 14 August 1947.
Chaudhri Rehmat Ali tried to convince the Muslim leaders to demand an
independent state. In 1933, in a pamphlet entitled ‘Now or Never’ he proposed
the name ‘Pakistan’. He also formed the “Pakistan National Movement” to fight
for his ideas.

Q4: Explain what is meant by ideology. What are the main features of
Pakistan’s ideology?

Ans: Ideology is a set of ideas, ideals, and beliefs that a particular group of
people follow. The Pakistan ideology is based on the Two-Nation Theory
(Hindus and Muslims are two different nations). The main features of
Pakistan’s ideology are Islam and equality for all, social justice and minority
Subject Session 2021-22 Class 8 Sec

R# Name Date

Unit # 11 Total Marks 15 Obtained


Choose the correct answer:

Sr# Question A B C D

1 The famous 14 points Chaudhri Quaid-e- Allama Iqbal Sir Sayyid

were presented by ------ Rehmat Ali Azam Ahmed
to demand for a Khan
separate, independent
state for the Muslims of

2 Who spoke up for Muhamma Allama Iqbal Both A & B None

independence of d Ali
Muslim? Jinnah

3 War of independence 1856 1857 1858 1847

fought in?

4 Who was given the title Allama Sayyid Both A & B None
of “Sir” by British Iqbal Ahmed Khan

5 Resolution of Pakistan Islamabad Karachi Lahore None

was passed in 1940 in?

6 Pakistan’s ideology is Religion Quran Faith All of these

based on?

7 Chaudhri Rehmat Ali England Canada England Canada

died in? February January January 1951 February
1951 1951 1951

8 When two nation theory 1946 1947 1948 1949

became a reality?
9 Sri Lanka was known 1972 1973 1974 1975
by its European name
Ceylon till?

10 Government of Azad 11 24 October 23 October 17

Jammu & Kashmir was November 1947 1947 November
established on? 1947 1947

11 In-----century Indian 17 18 19 20
leaders agreed, India
would be a single

12 -----were never really Marathas Sikhs Both A & B None

incorporated into the
Mughal Empire?

13 In 19th century who was Sir Sayyid Mr. Jinnah Allama Iqbal Chaudhri
the most influential Ahmed Rehmat Ali
Muslim figure? Khan

14 Where did the Round In Paris In Delhi In London In

Table Conferences held? Washingto

15 Name the author of Chaudhri Allama Iqbal Sir Sayyid None

‘Now or Never’? Rehmat Ali Ahmad Khan

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