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Name : Rizma Fitriatuzzahroh

NIM : 2088203068

Session material : Understanding News Values and Elements

usage (New
words or Example
r of the Topic of the
Source phrase taken from Grammar
meeting meeting
encountered the text
during the
Meet 3 Understanding Lecturer’ Proximity=Kede How Interrogative
News Values s Note katan-Nomina- proximity sentence
and Elements nearness in impacts local
space, time, or and global
relationship- news coverage
How proximity
impacts local and
global news

Attract=Menarik Why Interrogative

-Verba-Pull- prominent sentence,
cause to come to figures and noun phrase
a place or ins6tu6ons
participate in a attract media
venture by attention
something of
conditions, or
Why prominent
figures and
attract media
Showcasing=me Showcasing Prepositional
mamerkan- examples of phrase
Show- exhibit; news stories
display- centred around
Showcasing conflict
examples of
news stories
centred around

Depth=kedalama How human- Interrogative

n-noun- he interest sentence,
distance from the elements add noun phrase
top or surface to depth and
the bottom of relatability to
something- How news
elements add
depth and
relatability to

Interconnectedne the Preposition,

ss=Saling interconnected noun phrase,
berhubungan- ness of news
Verba- the state values and
of being news elements
connected with
each other- the
ss of news values
and news


In meet 3, explaining about the material entitled "Undersantanding News Values

and Elements", after I studied with the lecturer and discussed the material, I
understood and understood more about news value and some of the elements
mentioned in the material. There are a lot of explanations about news value,
timeliness, proximity, significance, prominence, and others. Apart from being able
to study with the books that have been distributed, it can also understand from the
lecturer's explanation related to the material, and finally it can be understood.
better understand about news and how to analyse news. In addition, learning about
editorials also gave me a better understanding when practising the assignments
given. This ability gave me the skills to learn editorials and news.


From the pdf file, the title is “Understanding news value and elements” the first is
introduction there are importance of understanding news values and elements in
journalism, objective of the presentation. second is news values, there is definition
of news values, role of news values, coomon news values. third, timeliness there
is explaining the importance of breaking news and current events, how timeliness
influences news coverage and consumer interest, and example of timely news
story. fourth, significance, there is discussing the importance of a news story’s
boarder implication, how significant stories shape public perception and policy,
and the last is notable examples of significant news story.

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