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What is Dadaism?
❖Dadaism is an art movement that emerged in Europe during World
War I, in response to the trauma and disillusionment of the war. It was
characterized by its rejection of traditional artistic conventions and
values and embraced a nihilistic and anti-establishment ethos. The
Dadaists aimed to overthrow traditional notions of art and morality by
creating works that were intentionally irrational, nonsensical, and anti-
art. They used a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture,
photography, and performance, to create works that challenged the
status quo and questioned the role of art in society. The Dada
movement was short-lived but influential and laid the groundwork for
many later movements in the art world.
Cut with the kitchen
knife Broken arm Fountain

Hannah Hoch Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp

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