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Day 1!

Writing task 1

1. The line graph gives data about various of crime Man city center between 2003 to
2012. Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there was dramatic decrease.
Burglary while crime level of car theft fluctuated increase over the period in question

2. The line graph provides information about how many tourists visited to attraction from
1980 to 2010. Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there was remarkable a rose
at the zoo and castle. Aquarium saw that steadily a plummet over a 30-year period.

3. The line graph illustrates data about how much consummation of spreads in 1981 to
2007. Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there was considerable a downward
trends in the consumption of both Butter and Margarine while the consumption of low
fat and reduced slowly spreads upward over the period years.

Day 2
Writing task 1
(Introduction) The line graph gives data about various areas of crime in Man city
center from 2003 to 2012.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there was slow increase
trends who car thief stole cars. Another interesting point is that the Burglary was the most
popular crime in 2004 but in 2012, this crime went up remarkably by 2000. One of them
is Robbery`s graph shows that there was fluctuation in 2003 to 2012.
(Body 1) Looking at details, Burglary crime started at approximately 3400 times,
after that it just increased about 350 times until 2004, while there was a dramatic drop
over the next 8 years. The number of crime fell significantly 2000 times. (Having just
under 350 times in 2004, crime of Burglary then declined remarkably in 2012.)
(Body 2) By contrast, the crime of Car Theft and Robbery were just increased in
2003 to 2004, but Car Theft crime having decrease to 2000, the crime rose in 2012 and
reaching at 2800 times in 2012. Despite declining slowly to 510, crime of Robbery then
stabled at 2006 to 2012.
Day 3!
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The graph below shows predictions about the number of
people who will study three major world languages between 2020 and 2030.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the graph is that, the number of
learners will rise considerably, especially Mandarin will grow up higher level than
Spanish language. Another interesting point is that, the graph gives information
about English language will rocked and increased.
(Body 1) Looking at the details, as regards speakers of Mandarin will start at
100 million in 2020, and then there was a rise over the next decade, by 2030, the
number of students will have risen sharply to over 500 million. If we look, the
Spanish language`s trend will just similar. The trend gives data that, the Spanish
learners is likely to grow slowly. Although growing up sharply and slowly the
number of people who study Mandarin and Spanish will equal about 350 million in
(Body 2) On the other hand, the number of English learners will have
increased sharply to over 700 million in 2024, after that despite falling slowly to
just until 610 million in 2026, students then rose dramatically in last four years.

Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The graph gives information about the number of annual visitors
visiting to three museum between 2000 and 2005.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there were two different
type information which annual visitors of MET and Edo-Tokyo considerable fall over
part of whole period in question and rose until peak level. Another interesting point is
that year-to-year number of tourists of National a rise dramatic.
(Body 1) Looking at the details, as regard MET museum visitors started at 12
million in 2000. There was a fall during the next two years, at which point it levelled off
at about 6 million from 2001 to 2002. Then the figure went up significantly, finishing at
around 14 million in 2005. If look at Edo`s visitors the trend was similar. Having
remained stable at about 12.8 million in two years, visitor`s then declined slowly until
2003, reaching more then 6 million. There was a gradual rise to around 14 million in
(Body 2) By contrast, the visitor of National went in opposite direction. Takings
started at nearly 6 million in 2000. Then there was a remarkable rise to around 16 million
in 2005. It was the most popular museum during half of the decade.

Day 4!
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The table below highlight data on the number of eaten times who
fast food eater, Australian Teenagers between 1975 and 2000.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the table is that, there were a fluctuation
trend of Hamburgers, while the number of Pizza eater saw a remarkable rise in the first
decade, then the number of visitors levelled off over the period in question. Another
interesting point is that Fish and Chips was a decline in 2000.
(Body 1) Looking at the details, as regard Pizza`s clients started at 5 times in 1975.
Then there was a dramatic rise over the next 10 years, at which point it levelled off at
more than 80 times until end the of period. If we look at Hamburgers, the trend was
similar. Having rose dramatically to about 70 times in 1975 to 1985, clients then rose
slowly in 1885 to 2000. There was then a gradual rise to around 100 times in 2000.
(Body 2) By contrast, Fish and Chips graph shows that takings fluctuated around
100 times in 1975. After that, despite falling remarkably to just over 85 times in 1980, the
people then rose in the last 5 years, and then falling remarkably to just over 40 times in
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The chart gives data about how many percentages of male and
female ages 18-20 doing deferent activities.
(Overall) Overall what stands out from the graph is that the participation rated of
men and women are closer to each other the cycling
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The column graph shows the percentage of how many male in a
particular country who watching sports to males who prefer participating in sports.
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The chart gives information about how many male and female
research students studying six science-related subjects at a UK university in 2009.
Day 5!
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The line graph illustrates data about how much consumption of
spreads in 1981 to 2007.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there were considerable
downward trends in the consumption of both Butter and Margarine while the
consumption of low fat and reduced spreads upward sharply and went up remarkably
over the 11 years.
(Body 1) Looking at details, consumption of Butter started at 150 gr in 1981, then
there was a rise over the next 5 years, at which point it reaching about 200 gr. Then the
figure decreased remarkably, finishing approximately 50 gr in 2007. If we look at Low
fat and reduced spread, taking rose sharply, and it reaching more than 80 gr in 2001.
There was a gradual decline to around 40 gr in 2007
(Body 2) By contrast , the consumption of Margarine , Despite falling slowly to
10gr , eating a Butter then increased sharply in 1986 to 1991 and achieved just stable at
about 100 gr from 1991 to 1996, after that the graph shows that, there was declined
dramatically, at the end it reaching 40 gr in 2007.

Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The chart gives information about how many male and female
research students studying six science-related subjects at a UK university in 2009.
(Overall) It can be seen that, the men are generally the best researchers, learning
women’s in five out of six item. On the whole, exact Sciences such as Physics,
Astronomy are not popular as natural sciences items like Biology and Medicine.
(Body 1) In terms of studies at men`s, Biology come top of the list, with an
average of around 230 students. Medicine is the next best subjects, with around 150.
Geology is third, at around 150, Veterinary medicine come next and it is the last popular
item in natural sciences, with just over 75 learners. Three times as many as are studied in
(Body 2) Physics are also the number one learning in exact Sciences. With just
over 200 students. Astronomy is second, at around 150 learners.

Writing task 1.
The column graph shows the percentage of how many male in a particular country
who watching sports to males who prefer participating in sports.
In general, the boys in this age group engage in a higher number of included leisure
activities than the girls, with higher participation levels in all activities except art and
As we can see, watching TV and videos is the most popular activity for children in
this age group with 100% of the boys and girls surveyed having been involved. The least
popular activity overall is skateboarding/roller-blading, as it saw the lowest overall
participation rate amongst the boys and girls, at around 38% and 28% respectively.
The boys show a preference for electronic games, which were enjoyed by 80% of
them, and outdoor activities, such as bike riding, which 70% of all boys surveyed had
participated in. They were less interested in arts and crafts. The girls on the other hand
took part in bike riding, electronic games, and art and craft at similar rates, with all at
around 60% participation.
Writing task 1.
(Introduction) The table below highlight data on the number of travelers using
major British airports between 1998 and 2003.
(Overall) Overall, what stands out from the table is that, there were a fluctuation
trend of Heathrow airport, while the visitors of Gatwick saw a remarkable rise over the
period in question. Another interesting point is that Stansted was the most popular station
in 2000, and then the number of visitors levelled off over the period.
(Body 1) Looking at the details, as regard Gatwick, the number of travelers started
at 36.5 million in 1998, and then there was a rise over the period, at which point it
increased dramatically about 45.6 million until 2004, this figure being the peak level of
visitors during the whole period. If we look Stansted’s tourists, the table illustrated that
having rose sharply approximately 39.9 million in 4 years, the number of visitors levelled
off and stabled at 43.3 during 2001 to 2003.
(Body 2) By contrast, Heathrow’s schedule shows that takings fluctuated around
48.2 million in 2000. After that, despite falling remarkably to just over 33.2 million in
2002, the people then rose in the last one years. Finishing at around 45.6 million in 2003.

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