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This section further discusses the following results and findings of this study. Each of
every subsection were being interpreted and discussed relating on the learning styles of Grade
12 Students of Curuan National High School. (See figure 3 below).

Learning Styles STEM HUMSS HE AFA

Visual 24% 16% 24% 14%

Auditory 24% 34% 27% 16%

Tactile 0% 16% 19% 21%

Read and write 52% 34% 30% 49%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

Figure 3. Learning styles of G12-Students of each strand.

The data above shows the comparison of learning styles of Grade 12 Students of each
strand in ACAD-STEM, TVL-HE, and TVL-AFA, the Read and Write is the dominant
learning style. That means they learn best by reading and writing. They prepare to learn
information by reading notes, and text books. These learners make use of dictionaries and
other reference materials. While in ACAD-HUMSS most of the Students are a mixture of
auditory learners and read and write learners. They learn most effectively by listening and by
reading their notes.
Figure 4: Learning Styles of the Grade 12 Students based on their sex.

Learning styles Male Female

Visual 20% 19%

Auditory 29% 27%

Kinesthetic 17% 15%

Read and Write 34% 37%

Total 100% 100%

The data above shows the comparison of learning styles of Grade 12 Students based on
their sex. The learning style read and write is leading in both male and female. This simply
means that these learners find writing, reading articles and taking notes to be the most helpful
when learning.

Learning Styles





Read and Write Auditory Visual Tactile/Kinesthetic

Figure 5: Learning Styles of the Grade 12 Students

This data above shows the comparison of learning styles of the Grade 12 Students. The
most prevalent learning style among the students is read and write with a 36%, followed by
auditory with 29%, the third is visual with 19%, and the least is the tactile with the 16%.


Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

After the researchers have done their study, they find out that there are some students
who have more than one Learning Style. Out of 20 respondents, only 5 has one learning style.
The rest of the 15 respondents has multiple learning style, which is normal because each one
of us can learn differently. It is important for educators to understood the differences in their
students, curriculum and assessment. Since the prevalent learning style of the Grade 12
Students is read and write, the best way for them to learn is by reading informations and
rewriting what have they read into their own words.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the outcome of the study, different learning styles really helps us on
comprehending and absorbing new information. In this case, the researchers are
recommending everyone to be aware of their learning styles. For them to determine if what
type of learner are they, so that they can use it effectively and to improve ones learning. They
can use our learning style questionnaire attached in appendix B. Also, we are recommending
our educators to know their student’s learning style to improve the teaching and learning
process. And for those who wants to conduct a research about Learning Styles, they can use
our research paper as reference.

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