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Once there lived a kind King and Queen. They were very happy until the Queen became
ill. The King send is guards to dig up a magical flower with healing powers. Unfortunetly, the flower
belonged to a wicked woman named Mother Gothel who was furious to lose her precius flower. And so,
when the King and Queen had a baby that her hair had the same healing powers as the flower, so she stole
the child away.
Mother Gothel hid the girl named Rapunzel, in a tower. She said it was dangerous out
side. Actually, Mother Gothel used Rapunzel’s hair to stay young and told her she was her mother.
Rapunzel’s hair grew so long that Mother Gothel used it to come and go from the tower. “Rapunzel! Let
down your hair”.
Each year on Rapunzel’s birthday floating light filled the sky. Rapunzel desperately
wanted to see them. She didn’t know they were lanterns released by the King and Queen, who hoped their
daughter someday return. Rapunzel brigged Mother Gothel to see the lights for her eighteenth birthday.
Mother Gothel refused. “Don’t ever ask to leave this tower again.”
Soon Mother Gothel went away and a thief named Flynn Rider climbed into the tower.
Rapunzel knocked out him with a frying pan. She tied hjm up and searched thought his bag, she took the
crown. They made a deal, If Flynn helped her, she would give him back the crown. “ You will act as my
guide, take me to those lanterns, and return me home safely”. Flynn had no choice. “Fine, I’ll take you to
see the lanterns.” Flynn climbed down the tower, and Rapunzel used her hair to leave.
Flynn took Rapunzel to a pub, hoping the Snuggly Ducking would make she scared. But
when Rapuzel tell about her dream of seeing the lanterns, they all became friends. Flynn hurt his hand
when he Ran from the brothers. Then Rapunzel put her hand around it and his wound was healed. Flynn
was amazed, so Rapunzel explain about her magical hair, “ but once it’s cut,” she said, “ it loses its
Soon, Mother Gothel returned to the tower. “Rapunzel, let down your hair.” Rapunzel
didn’t answer, so Mother Gothel went up the tower’s hidden staircase. She found the stolen crown and a
WANTED poster of Flynn. Mother Gothel set off to bring back Rapunzel.
The next morning was Rapunzel’s birthday. Flynn led her to town, Rapunzel saw a
painting of the royal family. She felt as if she belonged there in the kingdom. Rapunzel and Flynn dance
and ate cakes, and then they took a boat to watch the lanterns from the harbor. Twilight came and
glowing lanterns filled the sky. “I have something for you, too,” Rapunzel told Flynn gratefully. She
handed him the crown.
Flynn saw the Stabbington brothers ashore and tried to give the crown to them. but The
brothers tied up Flynn and sent him off in a boat. Then they told Rapunzel that Flynn had left with the
crown. “NO” Rapunzel was shocked. The brothers tried to get Rapunzel, she tried to run away. Suddenly
Mother Gothel rushed and saved Rapunzel from the brothers! Rapunzel didn’t know that Mother Gothel
had told the brothers to capture her. “ You were right, Mother. You were right about everything.”
Mother Gothel took Rapunzel back to the tower. But Rapunzel kept thinking about all
she had seen. She looked at her paintings on the tower walls.“ I am the lost princess!”. Instantly, Mother
Gothel stopped pretending to be nice. She tied Rapunzel up, and then when Flynn came to try to save her,
she attacked him. Flynn was hurt, amnd Rapunzel knew she could heal him with her hair. “ I’ll stay with
you,” she promise Mother Gothel. “just let me save him.” “ swear it,” said Mother Gothel. And Rapunzel
did it. But Flynn refused to let Mother Gothel win. As soon as Rapunzel came near him, he cut her hair
with a shard of glass. And Mother Gothel began to grow older and older before their eyes.
“ you are my new dream.” Flynn closed his eyes. He was gone. Rapunzel wept, and a tear fell on Flynn.
Flynn’s eyes opened. The magic in her tear had save his life!.
Overjoyed, Rapunzel and Flynn went to the palace where Rapunzel was welcomed by her real parents, the
King and Queen. They were overjoyed to have their darling daughter back after so many years!.


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