Drought Prediction

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Monday, 28 August 2023

Registration task

Niki Giarimi
Re ection and evaluation on syllabus and overall course

My expectation of the course is that it will focus on laying the foundation for the rest
of the degree, while also critically engaging in spatial analysis and geographical
analysis. My impression is that the course will blend theoretical and practical
knowledge of GIS and its applications.

Having previously studied a BSc in Geography, I believe I am well prepared for the
course; however, since it has been over two years since I took any GIS-modules, I
think a big part of the course will serve as a great ‘refresher’ for me, which I am
looking forward to. I am also excited to delve deeper into GIS as a whole, since my
degree did not speci cally focus on GIS and only provided introductory modules on
it. It will be fun to focus more on this aspect of geography, which was one of my
absolute favorite modules/courses during my bachelor’s studies.


Having read and understood Lund University’s rules regarding plagiarism and the
provided guide to the correct referencing of material in my work, I agree to not
engage in plagiarism.


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