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Human Anatomy & Physiology

Worksheet- Hematology
Name_______________________________________________ Section_____________ Date__________________

Based upon: “Human Anatomy & Physiology, 11th edition”, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2019.
Updated - August 24, 2020

1. Functions of the blood include the transporting of all of the following except (643)
A. Hormones
B. Metabolic waste products
C. Nutrients
D. Oxygen
E. None of the above
2. Blood is (643)
A. a liquid tissue
B. a connective tissue
C. an epithelial tissue
D. A and B
E. A and C
3. Formed elements of the blood include (644)
A. Platelets
B. Red blood cells
C. White blood cells
D. All of the above
E. B and C only
4. The matrix of the blood (643)
A. doesn’t exist
B. is the plasma
C. is the platelets
D. is the walls of the vessels
E. none of the above
5. The most abundant “formed elements” in the blood are the (645)
A. Agranulocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. Granulocytes
D. Platelets
E. None of the above
6. Since heavier substances in suspension tend to settle out fastest, which part of the blood is at the bottom of a tube of centrifuged blood?
A. Plasma
B. Platelets
C. Red blood cells
D. White blood cells
E. None of the above
7. The most abundant solutes in the blood are the (644)
A. Electrolytes
B. Hormones
C. Nitrogen waste products
D. Nutrients
E. Plasma proteins
8. The first step in hemostasis is (658)
A. Clot retraction
B. Coagulation
C. Platelet plug formation
D. Vascular spasm
E. None of the above
9. In the formation of prothrombin activator, what is the single common factor that both the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways must first
activate? (659)
A. Factor VII
B. Factor X
C. Factor XII
D. Fibrinogen
E. Prothrombin

Using the key: A. Albumin

B. Clotting proteins
C. Fibrinogen
D. Globulins
E. Plasma proteins
Match each of the descriptions below with the correct response from the key above (644)
10. A B C D E Constitutes 4% of plasma proteins
11. A B C D E Constitutes 8% of plasma by weight
12. A B C D E Constitutes 36% of plasma proteins
13. A B C D E Constitutes 60% of plasma proteins
14. A B C D E The most abundant plasma protein

Using the key: A. Lymphoid stem cell

B. Myeloid stem cell
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
From which stem cells does each of the following blood “formed elements” descend? (647 - 655)
15. A B C D Agranulocytes
16. A B C D B-cells
17. A B C D Basophils
18. A B C D Eosinophils
19. A B C D Erythrocyte
20. A B C D Granulocytes
21. A B C D Leukocytes
22. A B C D Macrophage
23. A B C D Mast cells
24. A B C D Megakaryocyte
25. A B C D Neutrophils
26. A B C D Plasma cells
27. A B C D Platelets
28. A B C D Reticulocyte
29. A B C D T-cells

If a “true cell” is defined as a living object that contains a nucleus and organelles, which of the following are true cells (645)
Using the key: A. True cell
B. Not a true cell
30. A B Agranulocytes
31. A B B-cells
32. A B Basophils
33. A B Eosinophils
34. A B Erythrocytes
35. A B Granulocytes
36. A B Leukocytes
37. A B Lymphocytes
38. A B Macrophages
39. A B Megakaryocytes
40. A B Monocytess
41. A B Neutrophils
42. A B Plasma cells
43. A B Platelets
44. A B Reticulocyte
45. A B T-cells
Using the key: A. Anemia (650)
B. Hemophilia (662)
C. Leukemia (654)
D. Polycythemia (651)
E. Thrombocytopenia (662)
Match the following descriptions and/or definitions with the terms above
46. A B C D E A cancerous condition involving overproduction of abnormal white blood cells
47. A B C D E A condition in which the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity is too low to support normal metabolism
48. A B C D E A condition of insufficient circulating platelets
49. A B C D E An abnormal excess of erythrocytes
50. A B C D E Bleeding disorder due to genetic absence of genes responsible for the production of a clotting protein

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