ClassroomObservation Checklist

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Name of Observer: __________________ Date: ______________ Day: _______________

Time: _____________ Class: ____________ Teacher: _______________ Unit: _________
Respond to each statement using the following scale:
1=Not observed 2=More emphasis recommended 3=Accomplished very well

1. Physical Setting 1 2 3
Students are arranged in a way that supports cooperative learning and
engagement. (seating arrangement)
The classroom is organized, and the are materials easily accessible to every
Furniture is adjusted to the proper size for the students.
Student work is displayed in the classroom (individual and/or group projects).

The classroom is free of clutter and visual stimuli are not excessive.
The classroom arrangement allows the teacher to circulate in the classroom
Is the seating arrangement flexible to accommodate different activities and
learning styles?

The teacher can see all students at all times and the students can see the teacher
and whiteboard easily.
2. Time Management 1 2 3
Is the lesson organized with a beginning, middle, and end?

Does the teacher arrive on time?

Used all the time in class very effectively.
Students are prepared for the class and don’t waste the teacher's time managing
the class.
Met the objectives of the lesson within a time.
Students are provided with activities to engage in if they complete work before
other students (to save students time).
Ended a class with a review/ conclusion of the lesson.
Minimal time is used for transitions, discipline, and organization.

3. Rules/Routines/Expectations/Procedures 1 2 3
Routines to: start begin class, end the class, and turn in classwork are evident
(circle all that were observed).
Rules and regulations are clearly displayed on the soft board.
Students demonstrate respect for the teacher and each other
Students follow rules, and routines and are aware of consequences.
Is the teacher consistent in enforcing rules and procedures?

Remind the class of the rules at times when someone has misbehaved.
Procedures for: asking/answering questions, filing work, accessing and storing
materials, transitioning, waiting, entering the classroom, and moving within the
classroom are evident.
4. Behavior Management 1 2 3
Students are under control during the lesson.
Preventive discipline is used.
Inappropriate behavior is redirected and/or stopped.
Behavioral expectations and rules are communicated.
The classroom is constantly monitored while teaching.
Behaviors are dealt with firmly and positively.
Does the teacher handle instances of misbehavior proactively?
Behavioral corrective feedback is given privately in a calm, firm, and respectful
tone of voice
Minor disruptive behaviors are handled with proximity control, redirection to
task, and/or pivot praise (publically attends to the appropriate behavior of
Behavioral corrective feedback is delivered promptly
5. Teacher-Student Interaction & Classroom Environment 1 2 3
The teacher encouraged students to participate in class discussions and activities.
The teacher gives individualized attention to students when needed.
The teacher portrays a friendly, positive attitude.
The teacher uses an appropriate tone of voice
Active supervision is provided by moving through the classroom frequently
The classroom environment is overall positive.
The teacher responded appropriately to student questions.
Uses multimodal methods for teaching: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic activities,
images, metaphors, cases, problem-solving, writing activities, group work, etc.

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