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The concept of ethics is not the same as the knowledge that could only be limited by

knowing what is right and wrong. It is much deeper to comprehend because it is difficult to judge
what may be right or wrong in a particular situation on any basis. Ethics deals with sound
standards of how people should behave. Ethics does not explain how people behave. It is about
how people should behave. Ethical people always strive to make the right decisions in all
circumstances. they Do not rationalize their actions based on their own perceptions. Ethical
decision-making involves following certain established ethical conduct, and in order to
understand this, it must be distinguished from other concepts.
Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions.
Values are concerned with what an individual will do in certain situations, while the ethical code
of conduct is concerned with what a person should do in such situations. Prestige, power, and
wealth will lead a person to act in their own interests, but honesty, integrity, and trust will lead a
person to act in the best interests of others. A person should not assume that acting in the
interests of others precludes acting in his or her own interests. Certainly, the Golden Rule
teaches us to treat others as we would like to be treated.
Being ethical is not the same as following the law. Law-abiding people always try to
follow the law, but sometimes your ethical conduct tells you to break the law. Although these
situations are not usual, ethical reasons must be behind to support this conduct. For example,
you are in your backyard and you hear your neighbor shouting as if she needs help. Without a
doubt, you break into their house and find out that their kitchen almost got burned and the
owner got trapped, you decided to help her. Breaking into someone’s house without permission
is a violation therefore you have broken the law. However, you have shown and acted concern
for the safety of your neighbor in a life-threatening circumstance, and that act is ethical.
The basis of ethical conduct of a person must be based on the accepted standards of
behavior. Though standards have developed over time and are influenced by religious writings,
philosophies, and societal values there are certain principles that should be the frame of
reference. Every conduct must have integrity, respect, wisdom, and justice for it to be ethical.
One’s action must also be in accordance with morality, law and conscience.

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