Karty Przeciwie Stwa Calosc

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turn on come in get off set out check in take off


come check
turn off go out get on back out put on

lazy hard-working fall asleep wake up stand up sit down

English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
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English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
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English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
to pull remember to win to arrive to borrow to buy

to push to forget to lose to leave to lend to sell

to throw to catch to break to repair to begin to end

English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
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English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
dangerous whisper empty innocent correct together

safe scream full guilty wrong apart

Rozkładamy wszystkie karty
na stole rewersem do góry.
Każdy uczestnik gry odkrywa
po kolei dwie wybrane kar-
ty. Jeżeli przedstawione na
kartach słowa są przeciwień-
stwami, gracz zabiera tę parę
kart. Jeżeli nie są – zakrywa je
i zostawia na stole. Wygrywa
osoba, która zbierze najwię-
cej par.
modern old-fashioned healthy sick wealth Więcej gier na naszym blogu:
English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
Karty rozdajemy pomiędzy
grających. Gracze trzymają English English English English English
je w dłoni rewersem do góry.
Na hasło „Start” wszyscy wy-
kładają po 1 karcie na stół
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
tak, aby ta karta była widocz-
na dla pozostałych graczy.
Osoba, która zauważy parę
przeciwieństw musi jak naj-
szybciej klepnąć ręką w stół,
po czym zabiera zauważoną
parę kart. Pozostałe karty
zostają odkryte na stole. Wy-
grywa osoba, która zbierze
najwięcej par.
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
Więcej gier na naszym blogu:
above cheap thick similar wide strong

below expensive thin different narrow weak

sour sweet downstairs upstairs foreign domestic

English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl www.EnglishisSimple.pl
English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
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English English English English English English
is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple is simple
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