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Fill in the Blanks:

(i) A hormone which influences the ossification of bones is calcitonin. (ii) The
endocrine part of the pancreas is the Islets of Langerhans. (iii) Insulin makes
the liver turn blood sugar into glycogen. (iv) The activities of the thyroid
gland are controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secreted by the
pituitary gland. (v) A nerve chain between a receptor and an effector organ is
called reflex arc. (vi) Cerebrum is the site of consciousness, memory, and
intelligence. (vii) Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. (viii) The organ of
balance and hearing in the body is the ear.

2. True & False:

(i) False - Adrenal cortex produces emergency hormone cortisol. Adrenaline is

produced by the adrenal medulla. (ii) False - Iodine is the main element of
thyroxin. (iii) True - Thyroxin regulates metabolism. (iv) True - A nerve impulse
passes from one neuron to another across a synapse. (v) False - Reflex action
does not necessarily involve the brain; it can occur at the spinal cord level.

3. Multiple Choice Questions:

(i) Cerebellum is the part of the brain which is responsible for: c) Maintaining
posture and equilibrium. (ii) A reflex arc in man is best described as
movement of stimuli from: g) Receptor cell, spinal cord, motor neuron,
relaying neuron (iii) Which statement is not for a hormone? c) They are used
again and again like catalysts. (iv) Secretin is secreted by: c) Small intestine
and stimulates pancreas (v) Pancreas is a mixed gland in which: a) All cells
secrete enzymes and hormones. (vi) Leydig cells are meant for: c) To
produce testosterone

4. Give Technical Terms:

(i) When your mouth dries up and the heart begins to beat faster, which
hormone brings about the feeling? Adrenaline (ii) Name the cells of islets of
Langerhans in the pancreas, which secretes insulin and glucagon. Alpha cells
(for glucagon) and Beta cells (for insulin) (iii) The chemical messenger by
which the nerve impulse travels from one neuron to the other.
Neurotransmitter (iv) The fluid which fills the central canal of the spinal cord.
Cerebrospinal fluid

5. Name the hormones which lead to the following conditions:

(a) Diabetes mellitus - Insulin deficiency (b) Growth of beard in women -
Excess of Androgens (like testosterone) (c) Myxedema - Hypothyroidism
(d) Gigantism - Excess of Growth Hormone (GH) (e) Exophthalmic goitre -

6. Choose the odd one out:

(f) Insulin, Glucagon, Diabetes insipidus, Diabetes mellitus. - Diabetes


7. Differentiate between Endocrine gland and Exocrine gland:

 Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, while

exocrine glands secrete substances through ducts.

8. Write about some functions of:

(a) Adrenal glands: Produce hormones like cortisol, aldosterone, and

adrenaline; involved in stress response and electrolyte balance. (b) Synapse:
Junction between two nerve cells allowing the transmission of nerve impulses.
(c) Medulla Oblongata: Controls vital functions like heartbeat, breathing, and
blood pressure. (d) Cochlea: Part of the inner ear responsible for hearing. (e)
Auditory nerve: Carries auditory information from the ear to the brain. (f)
Ciliary muscle: Controls the shape of the lens in the eye for focusing.

9. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the human eye.

10. Differentiate between Cretinism and Myxedema:

 Cretinism is a condition of severe hypothyroidism in infants, leading to

stunted physical and mental development.
 Myxedema is hypothyroidism in adults, characterized by general swelling,
lethargy, and slow mental function.

11. Differentiate between nervous control and hormonal control:

 Nervous control involves rapid and specific responses, using nerve impulses.
 Hormonal control is slower, involving the release of hormones into the
bloodstream to regulate various physiological processes.

12. Draw a neat labeled diagram of a neuron.

Neuron Diagram

13. What is meant by 'reflex action'?

 Reflex action is an involuntary and automatic response to a stimulus, often

without involving conscious thought, designed to protect the body.

14. Differentiate between the blind spot and the yellow spot:

 Blind spot: Area on the retina without light-sensitive cells where the optic
nerve exits the eye.
 Yellow spot: Area on the retina with a high concentration of cones,
responsible for detailed central vision.

15. Differentiate between rods and cones:

 Rods: Photoreceptor cells in the retina responsible for vision in low light
 Cones: Photoreceptor cells responsible for color vision and high acuity in
bright light.

16. Differentiate between aqueous humor and vitreous humor:

 Aqueous humor: Clear fluid in the front part of the eye, maintaining
intraocular pressure.
 Vitreous humor: Gel-like substance filling the space between the lens and
retina, providing structural support.

17. Name the following:

 (a) Three layers of the eyeball:

. Sclera
. Choroid
. Retina
 (b) Two pigments of the sensory cells:
. Rhodopsin (in rods)
. Iodopsin (in cones)

18. Name the defects caused due to:

(a) Lens turns opaque: Cataract (b) Deficiency of vitamin-A: Night

blindness (c) Lens becomes too flat: Hypermetropia (Farsightedness) (d)
Uneven curvature of the cornea: Astigmatism

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