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English: MOCK_TEST


Passage: Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India, was a key
figure in the nation's struggle for independence against British rule. Known for his
philosophy of nonviolent resistance, Gandhi, or Bapu (Father), as he was
affectionately called, led a life dedicated to principles of truth, peace, and
justice.Gandhi's commitment to nonviolence became evident in his advocacy for civil
disobedience as a potent tool for social and political change. One of his notable
campaigns was the Salt March in 1930, where he and his followers walked over 240
miles to the Arabian Sea, protesting the British-imposed salt tax. This event marked a
turning point in India's fight for independence.

Beyond political struggles, Gandhi was a fierce advocate for social equality. He aimed
to dismantle the caste system, working towards a more unified and inclusive society.
His teachings emphasized the importance of simplicity, self-reliance, and communal

151. When was Mahatma Gandhi born?

A) January 15, 1872

B) October 2, 1869

C) March 12, 1885

D) July 4, 1876

152. What was Gandhi's philosophy of resistance called?

A) Militarism

B) Nonviolence (Ahimsa)

C) Aggression

D) Retaliation

153. What significant event marked the Salt March in 1930?

A) Independence Day

B) A protest against taxation

C) The formation of a political party

D) A religious ceremony

154. What did Gandhi advocate for regarding the caste system?
A) Its continuation
B) Reform and dismantling
C) Strengthening its divisions
D) Ignoring its existence

155. What did the Salt March symbolize in India's fight for independence?

A) A quest for spices

B) A call for international intervention

C) A protest against salt scarcity

D) A significant step towards freedom

156: Identify the correct spelling related to education:

A) Curiculum
B) Curriculum
C) Curruculum
D) Currucullum

157. Choose the correctly spelled word:

A) Embarrassment
B) Embaressment
C) Embarassment
D) Embarasment

158. Select the accurate spelling:

A) Occurred
B) Occured
C) Occurred
D) Occureed

159. Pick the correct spelling:

A) nephw
B) nephew
C) nawphew
D) nephewe

160: Choose the correctly spelled word related to science:

A) Labratory
B) Laborotory
C) Laboratory
D) Labaratory

Choose the word from the following options that is similar in meaning to

161: "Ancient"

A) new
B) Modern
C) very old
D) Recent
162: "Conquest"

A) Victory
B) defeat
C) destruction
D) peace

163: "Begin"
A) stop
B) start
C) pause
D) kind

164: "Gift"
A) present
B) happy
C) sad
D) punish

165: "Huge"
A) small
B) large
C) ugly
D) dirty

Rearrange the words and choose the correct word from the given options below:
166: "EDAF"


167: "RESOW"


168: "ONNATI"

169. I wanted to go to the park _____ it started raining.

a. but b. or c. so d. because

170. She studied hard __________ she could ace the exam.

a. but b. so c. or d. because

171. Tom loves both chocolate ice cream __________ vanilla ice cream.

a. but b. and c. so d. or

172. I like to swim, __________ my sister prefers to sunbathe.

a. and b. because c. but d. or

173. I can't decide __________ to watch a movie or read a book tonight.

a. so b. but c. whether d. and

174. We were late __________ we missed the bus.

a. so b. because c. or d. and

Identify the part of speech for underlined word.

175. You have to take the final call.
A. Verb b. noun c. adverb d.adjective
176. Oh! That is really sad.
B. Verb b. Interjection c. adverb d.adjective.
177. He is my brother.
C. pronoun b. verb c. adverb d.adjective

178. She is coming with me.

D. noun b. preposition c. adverb d.adjective

179. What is the adjective in the sentence: "She bought a __________ dress for the

a) She b) Party c) Bought d) Beautiful

180. Which sentence uses the comparative degree correctly?

a) She is the tallest girl in the class.

b) The elephant is big.
c) This is the most interesting movie I have ever seen.
d) The mountain is high.

181: Choose the antonym for the word "Brave."

a) Scared b) Kind c) Smart d) Happy

182: What is the opposite of the word "Empty"?

a) Full b) Quiet c) Dark d) Small

183: Select the antonym for "Fast."

a) Slow b) Quick c) Rapid d) Swift

184: What is the opposite of the word "Begin"?

a) End b) Start c) Finish d) Commence

Question tag

185: He did everything quite speedily,____?

a) did he b)didn’t he c)does he d)don’t he

186: I am looking after the garden,______?

a) amn’t I b)aren’t I c)don’t I d)do I

186: Which of the following pairs of words rhyme?

a) Jump and Sleep b) Cat and Dog c) Cake and Lake d) Tree and House

187: Identify the pair of words that do not rhyme:

a) Bright and Night b) King and Swing c) Song and Strong d) Snack and Track

188: go to (a)/ they shall (b) / village(c) / for a week (d).

a) acbd b) dcba c) bacd d)bdac

189: no flower (a) / there were (b) / in the land (c) /and fruit (d).

a) dbac b) abdc c) cbad d)badc

Choose the correct meaning for the idioms given below:

190: Piece of cake

a) Something very easy

b) Difficult
c) Have doubts
d) None

191: Blow your own trumpet

a)To boast of one’s achievements

b)To play a trumpet

c)To dress glamorously


Identify the type of tense in the following

192: I like mangoes and ice-creams.





193: why do you like it?





194: Hurray!! We are going on a picnic!





Choose the correct article for the blank in the sentence:

195: "I saw __________ beautiful rainbow in the sky."

a) a b) an c) the d) no article

196: "I need __________ new laptop for my work."

a) a b) an c) the d) no article needed

197:What is the word for a person who travels to a foreign country for pleasure?

a) Immigrant b) Tourist c) Migrant d) Explorer

198: What is the word for a person who can speak two languages fluently?

a) Trilingual b) Bilingual c) Monolingual d) Polyglot

199: Identify the sentence in the future tense:

a) He has completed his project.

b) We were watching a movie last night.
c) They will visit us next weekend.
d) I am reading a book.

200: Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?

a) She reads books every evening.

b) They have already finished their lunch.
c) I am watching a movie right now.

d) He will go to the store later.

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