Patrical Research 2 School Ict Laboratory Services Quality Revise Group 4

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Tabajonda, Kenth Martin D.

Regala, Marc Lorenz B.

Esparcia, Ian Niel E.

Bentulan, Angeline

Biñas, Jhon Rich

Zafra, Jerome

Tan, Gian

Presented to the senior high school department of Panabo city national high school,

Panabo city in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical

Research 2
December 2023

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Review of Related Literature

Research Objective
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Methodology

Research Design
Research Locate
Selection of the Respondents
Research Instruments
Data Collection Procedure
Data analysis Procedure
Ethical Consideration
Chapter I

The computer lab is a room or space equipped with computer use in school, including

(ICT) Information, Communication, and Technology students, where they can use their

knowledge and skill in their specialization. Typically, a specialized computer teacher uses

the computer lab as the focal point for teaching entire classes how to use computers.

Teachers can conduct research or work on technology-based projects in the lab with their

students Saadon., (2012).

Rapid technological advancements have brought ICT to the forefront of modern

education. ICT laboratory services play a crucial role in supporting and enhancing

students' learning experiences in ICT-related subjects. Understanding the impact of ICT

laboratory services quality on students' performance is essential for improving

educational outcomes Anderson, R., et al., (2000).

ICT laboratory provides students with access to up-to-date technology and resources.

This enables them to develop their digital literacy skills, explore new software and tools,

and stay updated with the latest trends in technology. Such exposure can enhance their

overall academic performance Carraso, J., & Dumpit, S., (2019).

In addition to providing high-quality computer lab services, education in ICT helps

students grow holistically by giving them the knowledge, abilities, and real-world

experience they need to succeed in school and in their careers in the quickly expanding

field of information and communication technology Carraso, J., (2019). Thus, poor service

quality in a computer lab can have a detrimental impact on students' educational

experiences, academic achievement, and preparedness for the workforce Khusaini, K.,

et al., (2022). It may also result in a waste of resources, lower motivation, and damage to

the institution's standing. Ensuring a good and effective learning environment requires

addressing these problems and raising the quality of the services provided.

We are conducting this study because we have noticed issues with the quality of

school laboratory services. The laboratory service lacks space, computers, and teachers.

And we notice that there are a lot of ICT students who use the computer laboratory per

session; additionally, because of the inadequate quality of the laboratory, not all students

can be chattering with their teacher and what will be the impact to their performance.

Review of Related Literature

The review of related literature on ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

laboratory services quality and student performance aims to explore the relationship

between the quality of ICT laboratory services provided by educational institutions and its

impact on students' academic performance. As we all know, ICT (information

communication technology) students were often using the computer laboratory as their
perspective place for them to learn about their lessons. To those students, computer labs

play a critical role in their ability to learn, access information and complete work.

As stated in the study of Corgi, (2022). The lab does not appear to be large

enough, which is the first thing to bring up when discussing technological difficulties. In

addition, the room occasionally seems stuffy from the number of people occupying it as

well as heat from the computers that are constantly running. There are not enough spots

available. Working with someone close by who also requires a computer might

occasionally seem emotionally taxing. Thus, expanding the space and increasing the

number of seats could make sense.

According to Mani, A. & Patvardhan, C., (2006). The rapid advancement in

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), availability of quality infrastructure

and cheap services have led to exponential expansion of applications of ICT in all the

fields of endeavor.

Most instructors are worried more about utilizing technology in the classroom and

technical issues because they are ill-equipped to solve. It's one of the many problems

with using ICT in the classroom. I have had numerous experiences as an ICT instructor

where I ran across technical issues in the classroom. In the best of circumstances, the

student could locate another computer to use for their coursework. When things went

wrong, it seriously disrupted students' ability to learn (Hilkemeijer, M., 2016).

According to (Angcharoensampan, R., & Ketchaya, S., 2019). The perception of

contemporary computer labs and their state-of-the-art offerings are frequently regarded

as essential to the accomplishment and prosperity of the university. Strong perceptions

of advanced computer lab systems and training procedures are regarded as essential
components of higher education organizations. Additionally, providing high-quality

services will improve an organization's reputation over the long run by strengthening its

foundation of high-quality services in a sustainable manner.

Academic performance is considered an important achievement for students during

the educational process in the university. Good learning quality is created in a continuous

process due to enhance knowledge, understanding, and accounting. practices. By the

increase of knowledge, understanding, attitude, and students’ competencies, can

accelerate academic performance. (Khusaini, K., et al., 2022).

Students' academic achievement is crucial since it serves as a representation of

their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes during their college career. Students' success in

their future employment is mostly determined by their academic performance. (Khusaini

et al., 2022).

Used interchangeably with “student success,” it encompasses academic

achievement, attainment of learning objectives, acquisition of desired skills and

competencies, satisfaction, persistence, and post-college performance. (Kuh et al.,


One of the many elements of academic achievement is academic performance.

Academic achievement is influenced by a variety of factors, such as parental support,

peer pressure, student motivation and temperament, and socioeconomic background.

(Masud, S., 2019).

According to (Saadon,2012). ICT students often go to their computer laboratory

to enhance their learning skills. one of the main things that a computer laboratory should
have been the good service and excellent quality of a computer lab, so that the

performance of the students will be better when it comes in their strand ICT.

Computer laboratory offers space to all students to explore things and build a

connection to technology. In addition, the computer lab is built and equipped with

computers and other learning technology resources that can enhance the learning ability

of a student. This study aims to measure the level of importance and satisfaction on the

services from the perspective of a student. (Saadon, 2012).

Information and communication technology (ICT) are applied to citizen empowerment

and capacity building. ICT can improve educational opportunities and results for all

students, including those with intellectual disability (Anderson & Dexter, 2014).

The most basic way that computers help the students is through word processing.

Through word processing programs like Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel students

can access programs to edit, paste, copy, correct spelling errors and it gives students the

ability to be creative, add some pictures, highlight and much more. (Carraso, J., & Dumpit,

S., 2019).

Technology use in education has significantly impacted how people study today.

With the use of educational technology, students can learn more quickly than in the past

and accomplish their objectives. Institutions of higher learning offer computer labs and

assistance to support users' academic objectives. Computer labs are now more than just

a "room with technology"; they are multipurpose areas used for academic research,

socializing, and teamwork. (Hawkins and Oblinger, 2007).

As stated in (SchoolNet India, 2022). Hi-tech digital learning solutions have been

implemented in the ICT lab in schools to provide a more interactive platform for students.

Students are now able to manage and monitor their progress better.

The computer laboratory as the one learning tool also necessary to deliberated

which is the tool to become complement for students in the field of ICT subject. Despite

the usability for helping learning process, computer labs need good maintenance and

repairpersons for better service. (Lubis, A., 2019).

Through the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in

schools, the government needs to take a more active role in assisting the teaching and

learning process. Information and communication technology (ICT) can increase learning

possibilities, enhance the quality of education, and make education more accessible

(Olaleye et al., 2010).

Technology improvements have also had a significant impact on education. It has

made it possible to use a wide range of fresh approaches and strategies to improve

teaching and learning. It is commonly known that both traditional and distance education

programs can benefit from relevant laboratory experience in terms of student learning

and enthusiasm in the subject matter. However, because of time and space constraints

as well as a lack of funding for laboratory supplies, the most difficult part of any program

is still effectively integrating pertinent experiments into the courses. (Mani, A., &

Patvardhan, C., 2006).

Objective of the study

This Study aims to:

i. To assess the current state of ICT laboratory service quality in schools.
ii. To determine the level of academic performance among ICT students.
iii. To determine the correlation between students' usage of ICT laboratory services
and their academic achievements.

To find solutions to the problems of this study, the following research hypotheses
were raised to pilot the study.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this correlational research study is to know if there is a significant
relationship between School ICT Laboratory Service Quality and Student Performance.
And to determine how ill-equipped laboratory service affects student performance. This
study will be beneficial to the ICT students who are experiencing laboratory
circumstances and enhance their learning environment. This will also benefit the future
researchers who would want to conduct a study about School ICT laboratory service
quality and student performance. The data that will be presented here will be useful for
future studies.

Definition of Terms
School ICT Laboratory Services: These refer to the infrastructure, equipment,
software, and technical support provided by the school to facilitate ICT learning and
activities. It includes computer labs, internet connectivity, educational software,
multimedia resources, and other related services.
Quality: When referring to school ICT laboratory services, quality can be defined
as the extent to which the services meet or exceed the expectations and requirements of
students, teachers, and other stakeholders. Quality can encompass factors like reliability,
efficiency, accessibility, technical support, usability, and the availability of up-to-date
technology and resources.
Student Performance: Student performance refers to the academic
achievements, outcomes, and overall progress of students in their studies. It can be
measured by various indicators, including grades, test scores, project outcomes,
engagement levels, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving skills.

Chapter II

Research Design
This Study uses non-experimental quantitative correlational research method to
determine the relationship of two variables. According to Fleetwood, D., (2023)
correlational research is a type of non-experimental research method in which a
researcher measures two variables that understands and assesses the statistical
relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable. A correlational
research design investigates relationships between variables without the researcher
controlling or manipulating any of them (Bhandari, P., 2021). This study is correlational
since it determines whether Canteen Service Quality Influence Student Satisfaction.
Research locale

This study will be conducted at Panabo National High School. The respondent
will be given a questioner. The study will be conducted in the first semester of the
academic year 2023-2024.

Selection of the Respondents

In selecting respondents from the population of this study, the students are
particularly ICT morning shift learners who are officially enrolled during school year 2023-
2024 at Panabo National High School. The research chooses the ICT Senior High School
students because they are the only qualified to be the respondents in the said topic. The
total number of ICT students belong to the population is 242 students, but the researcher
will randomly select students in each section which consists of at least 100 respondents.

Research Instrument

The primary tool utilized in this study is an adopt questionnaire. The survey
questioner for the students from the survey questioner by (Gulbahar Y.,2008).
Respondents will answer the questions to determine the outcome. The design of the data
operation is essential to achieving the project's goals. It will be the main tool used by the
researcher to collect data. Respondents must provide information about their name,
gender, age grade & section and strand in the demographic profile.

Data Collection Procedure

The survey questionnaire will include sections to collect demographic information,

information about ICT laboratory services quality, and self-reported academic
performance in ICT-related subjects. ICT laboratory services quality will be assessed
using Likert-scale questions, focusing on facility availability, technical support, software
accessibility, and infrastructure reliability. Students' performance will be measured based
on self-reported grades or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).

Data Analysis Procedure

Quantitative data analysis techniques will be employed to determine the link between
ICT laboratory services quality and students' performance. Descriptive statistics, such as
mean and standard deviation, will be used to summarize the data.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will adhere to the ethical rights that a researcher should follow.
A consent form will be submitted to the principal and adviser of each student to ask for
permission to conduct the study inside Panabo National High School.

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Angcharoensampan, R., & Ketchaya, S., (2019). ENHANCEMENT OF SATISFACTION
LEVEL OF USING COMPUTER LABORATORY. International Academic Multidiscipline
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Bhandari, P., (2021). Correlational Research | When & How to Use. Retrieved from
Carraso, J., & Dumpit, S., (2019). IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF
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Hawkins, B., L., & Oblinger, D., (2007). The myth about the need for public computer
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Hilkemeijer, M., (2016). How to overcome technical difficulties in your school's computer
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Kuh et al., (2006). What Matters to Student Success: A Review of Literature. Indiana
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Quality University of Medan Area, Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Science
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Mandefro, E., (2013). Availability and Utilization of ICT Facilities for Teaching learning
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Masud, S., 2019). Academic Performance in Adolescent Students: The Role of

Parenting Styles and Socio-Demographic Factors – A Cross Sectional Study from
Peshawar, Pakistan. Sec. Educational Psychology Volume 10. Retrieved from
ADMINISTRATION IN EKITI-STATE. European Journal of Educational Studies 4(1).
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SchoolNet India, (2022). Why Schools Should Start Using ICT Labs. Retrieved from
Study Corgi (2022). Overcrowded Computer Lab as a School Problem. Retrieved from



Dear student,
Your section is a chosen respondent to our research which aimed to find out the
influence of school ICT laboratory service quality and students' performance. This
questionnaire is about Digital Literacy and use of School ICT laboratory by ICT student in
each section focused on the frequency, quality and diversity of ICT use in learning.
Read and answer each question carefully and ask for help if you do not understand
something or are not sure how to respond. Answering this questionnaire should require
you about 30 minutes.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. Your responses will be treated with utmost

Personal Data
Name: Grade & Section
Gender: Male Female Age: Strand:

I. The questions given below are necessary for us to collect data and to find out if
there is a significant relationship between the given variables. Please
blacken/shade the oval that corresponds to your answer.
NOTE: The following rating numbers indicates that:
1 = Strongly Disagree what is described,
2 = Disagree what is described,
3 = Not sure what is described,
4 = Agree what is described,
5 = Strongly agree with what is described


1.Effecient time to prepare materials based on ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

2. Efficiency in professional development ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

opportunities for gaining knowledge and skills?
3.Have control measures been determined and ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

4.Have standard operating procedures specific to ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

each laboratory been developed and are they readily
5.Is personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves, ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
shoes, coats, e.g.) provided?
6.Are all safety and warning signs clearly visible? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

7.Are control measures monitored and reviewed for ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

their effectiveness?
8.Are staff provided with ongoing training in OHS and ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
laboratory safety?
9.Is all food and drink prohibited in laboratories? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

10.Is there a first aid kit/cabinet in each ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


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