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Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Facoltà di Ingegneria e architettura

Course: Environmental Chemical Engineering

A.A. 2021/2022

Chapter 12. Particulate matter control system_2

Teacher: Alessandro Concas
Bag-house filters

Filter media for the removal of PM from dry

gas flows block particles by capture on
porous tissues and media.

The filtration process is initially operated by

the filter medium (fabric filter) and then also
by the layer of PM layer (cake) that
accumulates on the fabric filter.

Filter media consist of natural or artificial

fibers, organized in woven or non-woven
structures type or felt able to be
systematically cleaned from the layer of dust
that accumulates in a filtration cycle.
Bag-house filters

Best available system to remove the finest particles. Collection mechanisms by:

a) interception by impact on the fibers due to the inertia of the particles;

b) direct deposit on the fibers for slowing down the speed of the particles;
c) deposit on fibers by Brownian diffusion (finer particle sizes);
d) sieve effect operated by fibers and fiber bridges.

The multiplicity of specific mechanisms also for very fine particle sizes allows the
system to achieve maximum removal efficiency irrespectively of the particle size.
Bag-house filters: materials

For high T
Bag-house filters: structures
Fibers can be woven or felt (needle-punched fibers on a woven structure)
Different textures for fabrics Felt

Principle of operation of fabrics Felt working principle

Bag-house filters: structures

Woven plot Felt

Bag-house filters: the bags
The filter fabric is arranged on a
cylindrical structure through
whose lateral surface the gas
that is filtered passes.
The gas flow can take place both
from the outside to the inside and
vice versa
Bag-house filters: operation
Bag-house filters: operation
Bag-house filters: cleaning
As filtration goes on the cake of dust that
accumulate the surface becomes thicker
resulting in high DPs and clogging.
It is necessary to periodically remove the
cake by different methods.

a) Mechanical shaking
b) Mechanical shaking (bellow type)
c) Mechanical vibration
d) Counter-current airflow
e) Compressed air jets
Bag-house filters: cleaning by shacking
A timed system with pressure sensor activates
the shaking, the motion of which must be
adequate for frequency and amplitude.

Due to the high mechanical stresses induced by

this system, particularly robust filter materials are

Parameter Value
Frequency Many cycles
Motion Sinusoidal or armonic or bellow type
Peak acceleration 1-10 g
Amplitude From fraction to some inch
Mode Off-stream
Duration 10-100 cycles, from 30 s to some min
Tipical diameter of the bag 5, 8, 12 in
Bag-house filters: cleaning by countercurrent flow

A timed system or pressure

sensor activates an auxiliary fan
forces a dry, clean air flow to
pass through the filter in reverse
to that of the treated gas.

Parameter Value
Frequency Cleaning one compartment at a time continuously or driven by a maximum value of P
Motion Gently inward; slow re-pressurization after backflush completion
Mode Off stream
Duration 1-2 min, including valve opening, closure and settling; backflow for 0-30 s
Bag diameter 8, 12 inch; length 22, 30 ft
Bag strength 50-75 lb
Bag-house filters: cleaning by jet-pulses
Jets of compressed air (100 psi) at
intervals regulated by a timer or
pressure sensor. The shock wave
propagates along the bag causing the
detachment of the layer of PM
It is not normally necessary for the
compartment to be excluded from
operation. Filtration rates 2-3 times
higher than other techniques.
Parameter Value
Frequency A row of bags per time
Motion Shockwave moves along the fabric
Mode On-stream; useful for very dirty gases
Duration The pulse lasts about 0.1 s while the row is working
Bags diameter 5-6 in
Bag-house filters: cleaning by jet-pulses
The volumetric flow rate of the compressed air is about 0.2–0.8% of the flow rate
of the filtered air when both are corrected to the same temperature and pressure.

Compressor power:


The cost for compression power can equal that of the main fan power.
Air to cloth ratio or filtration rate
Filtration rate given by the ratio of the gas flowrate Q
acr = v =
to the filter surface (not including the cake) A
air to cloth ratio = filtration velocity (v)

Maximum Filtering Velocities for Various Dusts in Shaker or Reverse-Air Baghouses.

Air to cloth ratio or filtration rate
Filtration rate given by the ratio of the gas flowrate Q
acr = v =
to the filter surface (not including the cake) A
air to cloth ratio = filtration velocity (v)

Maximum Filtering Velocities for Various Dusts or Fumes in Pulse-Jet Baghouses

Pressure drops
Three main contributions P = Pf + Pp + Ps

Pf = Due to the fabric ( N m−2 )

Pp = Due to the cake (N m )

Ps = Due to the structure (neglected) ( N m−2 )

The first two contributes can be described by Darcy's law

Df  v D f and D p depth of the filter and the particulate cake, respectively, ( m)

Pf =
Kf K f and K p permeability of the filter and the particulate cake ( m2 )

Dp  v  gas viscosity ( kg m−1s −1 )

Pp =
Kp v=Q/ A gas velocity ( m s −1 )
Pressure drops: filter drag calculation
If the filtration velocity is constant, it can be assumed that the depth of the cake
increases linearly over time as a function of the dust load (𝐶 𝑣)

C = PM concentration in the gas ( kg m−3 )

Dp = v = gas surface velocity (m s )
b = bulk denisty of the cake ( kg m )

Df  v  v2 C t
So the Total pressure drop P = +
Kf K p b

Areal dust density W =C v t ( kg m -2

P Df  
Filter drag S = = K c + K sW where Kc = Ks =
v Kf K p b
Pressure drops: PM surface density effect
Trend of the resistance of the filter as a function of the areal density of the dust.

S = K c + K sW

The residual mass of PM on the fabric at

the beginning of a new filtering cycle is a
function of the intensity of the previous
cleaning cycle.

The curves are initially non-linear

because the initial flow through the fabric
is not uniform because the previous cycle
can leave dust residues on the surface.

To get the values of Kc and Ks consider only the linear part of the curve
Example 12-1
Based on the following test data for a clean fabric, predict the design pressure
drop in a baghouse after 70 minutes of operation with C = 5.0 g/m3 and filtration
velocity V = 0.9 m/min.

Solution of Example 12-1
First, we use the test data to generate a plot of filter drag versus areal dust density.

S = K c + K sW
From a linear least-squares fit of the last 4 data points:
 Pa min   Pa min m 
K c = 455   K s = 2.381  
 m   g 
Solution of Example 12-1
Knowing the coefficients of the filter drag, we can predict the design pressure drop.

Evaluate the dust areal density after 70 min:

 g 
W = C  V  t = 5  0.9  70 = 315  2 
m 
Evaluate the drag:

 Pa min 
S = K c + K sW = 455 + 2.381  315 = 1205  
 m 
The compute the pressure drop as:

P = S  V = 0.9  1205 = 1085 ( Pa )

Design considerations: total filtration area
First choose the material according to its resistance to temperature, chemical
agents, abrasion, pressure drop (cf. Table below).
Once the material has been chosen, the total filtering surface is established based
on the max filtration rate for the kind of dust considered.

Maximum filtration rates on baghouses depending on the type of dust

Then calculate
filtration Area :

Atot =
Total filtering
Design considerations: number of sleeves
The filtering surface of a bag is given by the side surface of the cylinder plus one
base surface, the filtration area of the single sleeve can be easily calculated:

D 2
Ab = b
+  Db Lb
The number of sleeves necessary is : nb =

These bags are arranged in several compartments containing parallel rows of filter
elements (bag/bag filters).

The gas flow is divided up on all the compartments that operate in parallel.

All compartments can be simultaneously in filtration even during the cleaning phases
or be excluded in part for the time necessary to remove dust from the fabrics.
Design considerations: number of compartments

Note that the data are provided according to the net filtration area and to
know this you need to know how many compartments are being cleaned
Design considerations: number of compartments

C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3

Example of three
compartments in

C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
Design considerations: number of compartments
t f = N (tr + tc ) − tc = total filtration time (time bewteen two cleainings of the same compartment)
tr = run - time (time bewteen the cleaning of two subsequent compartment) that is also the
time when all the compartments are simulatenously online
tc = cleaning time duration

For the 3 compartments of the previous slides the times are those in the figure
Design considerations: cleaning time
When all the compartments are online (run-time) we have:

Q Flow rate QN Q
QN = filtered by 1 vN = = Filtration
N compartment AC NAC rate

AC = filtration area of one compart

When one of the compartments is being cleaned, the gas flow rate is distributed
among the remaining 𝑁 − 1 compartments and thus:

Q Flow rate QN −1 Q
QN −1 = filtered by 1 vN −1 = = Filtration
N −1 compartment AC ( N − 1) AC rate

So the filtration rate won’t be always the same but it will be equal to vN when all the
compartments are online while it will be vN-1 when one of them is being cleaned.
Example 12-2
Estimate the net cloth area for a shaker baghouse that must filter 40000 cfm of air
with 0.65 g of flour dust per cubic foot of air.
Also specify the number of compartments to be used and calculate the total
number of bags required if each bag is 8 feet long and 6 inches in diameter.
The cleaning system is based on mechanical shacking

Hint: neglect the base area of the of the bag consider only the cylindrical area

What if the cleaning system were based on jet pulses??

Solution of Example 12-2
From the Tables, the recommended maximum V for flour is 2.5 ft/ min.

= 16000 ( ft 2 )
Q 40000
A= =
V 2.5
From Tables, we might specify N = 5 compartments. To meet the design filtering
velocity when filtering with one compartment off-line there must be 4000 ft2 of
fabric in each compartment, for 20000 ft2 total.

The fabric area of one bag is approximately   0.5  8 = 12.6 ( ft 2

Thus, the total number of bags is 20000 / 12.6 = 1587 ( bags )
For each compartment we would have 4000 / 12.6 = 317.5 ( bags / compart )
Since we cannot have a fractional number ➔ 320 ( bags / compart )
Total actual filtration area (fabric filter to purchase) = 20160 ( ft 2 )
Solution of Example 12-2
From the tables we find that for jet pulse higher acr can be used and in particular for
flour V=13 ft/min:
= 3077 ( ft 2 )
Q 40000
A= =
V 1.3

Since there are no compartments, the net area is equal to the total area and the
number of bags is:

A 3077
nb = = = 245 ( bags )
Ab 12.6

Again, the physical positioning of equal n° of bags in rows and columns might
dictate a slightly larger total number of bags
Design considerations: cleaning time
At the end of the cleaning of the 𝑗 − 1th compart, the next to be cleaned will be the
𝑗𝑡ℎ which, at this point, has been online for the period:

t j = t f − tr = ( N − 1) (tr + tc )

We have substituted to tf the previous expression

During this period the bags of the j-th

compartment will have accumulated a
surface density of dust equal to:

W j = ( N − 1) ( vN Ctr + vN −1Ctc )

Because during
the tr all comparts
Because during tc all but
one compartments are S j = K c + K sW j
are working working
Drag in the j-th compart
Design considerations: cleaning time
To evaluate 𝑆 we will need to know the filtration rate 𝑣𝑗 in the sector 𝑗 which will be
slightly different from the average one 𝑣𝑁−1 (evaluated before) because in this
compartment the surface accumulation of dust before filtration is greater than
average. Velocity 𝑣𝑗 can be evaluated by multiplying 𝑣𝑁−1 by a correction factor 𝑓

v j = f N vN −1

S j = K c + K sW j
vj = f

Pj = Pmax = S j v j

The knowledge of the maximum pressure drop in the compartment allows one to
carry out the sizing as shown in the following slide.
Design considerations: cleaning time
The sizing can be carried out in different ways. Two possible ways are:

Set the n° of compartments 𝑵 , the

Set 𝑵, time for cleaning and filtration 𝒕𝒋 ,
maximum 𝜟𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙, and the time for cleaning
𝒕𝒄 the goal is to select the run-time 𝒕𝒓 such we can calculate the 𝜟𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 by solving
that 𝜟𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 is never exceeded by solving the equations in the following
the following equations in the sequence sequence:

1) vN −1 = Q ( N − 1) AC
1) t j = ( N − 1) (tr + tc )  tr
2) v j = f N vN −1
2) W j = ( N − 1) ( vN Ctr + vN −1Ctc )  W j
3) Pmax = S j v j  Sj
3) v j = f N vN −1  vj
4) S j = K c + K sW j  Wj
4) S j = K c + K sW j  Sj
5) W j = ( N − 1) ( vN Ctr + vN −1Ctc )  tr
5) Pmax = S j v j  Pmax
6) t j = ( N − 1) (tr + tc )  t j
Example 12-3
For the baghouse of the previous Example 12-2 (built with 320 bags/compartment),
assume that the filter drag model holds with Kc = 1.00 (inH2O min / ft) and Ks =
0.0463 (inH2O min ft /g).
Also, assume that a compartment can be cleaned and returned to service in 4
For a filtration time of 60 minutes, calculate the maximum pressure drop expected.
Solution of Example 12-3
QN 40000  ft 
With all five compartments in service: vN = = = 1.98  
AC 20160  min 

Q 40000  ft 
With only four compartments on-line, vN −1 = = = 2.48  
( N − 1) AC 16128  min 

t f + tc 60 + 4
Then calculate the run-time as: tr = − tc = − 4 = 8.8 ( min )
N 5

Next, calculate the accumulated areal dust density.

 g 
W j = ( N − 1) C ( vN tr + vN −1tc ) = 4  0.65  1.98  8.8 + 2.48  4  = 71.1  2 
 ft 
Solution of Example 12-3
The maximum allowable  inH 2O min 
S j = K c + K sW j = 1 + 0.0463  71.11 = 4.3  
filter drag
 ft 

 ft 
Using fN = 0.76 from Tables we v real
j = f N vN −1 = 0.76  2.48 = 1.88  
obtain the actual Vj as  min 

Finally we obtain the pressure Pm = S j v real

j = 4.3  1.88 ( inH 2O )
drop as
Design considerations: other considerations
Additives (such as activated carbon
or other reagents) can also be
added to the filtering surface in
order to maximize the collection and
removal of specific contaminants
Filtration: removal efficiency
Filter efficiency for individual mechanism
and combined mechanisms
Thanks to the
exploitation of 0.8
different collection

mechanisms, filtration 0.6
allows to maximize the Interception
removal efficiencies Diffusion
even for the very fine Gravitation
grain sizes Total

0.01 0.1 1 10
dp (m)
Filtration: removal efficiency
An equation that can be used for determining the collection efficiency of a baghouse is:

 = 1 − exp  − ( D f +  t ) 
 = constant based on fabric ( ft −1 )
 = constant based on cake ( s −1 )
D f = fabric thickness ( ft )
t = time to develop the cake thickness ( s )
 = collection efficiency ( / )

It is a total efficiency (not fractional) that must be assumed to be roughly the

same for all the granulometric fractions
Electrostatic precipitators (or filters)
Electrostatic filters (ESPs) separate particles from a gaseous stream using
electric forces. The separation mechanism develops in three main stages:

1. particles are electrically charged;

2. charged particles are introduced into an electric field, where a force capable
to separate them from the gas flow lead them on a collection electrode, is

3. the particles collected on the electrode are systematically removed to allow

the separation of new particles.

In single-stage systems, widely adopted in the treatment of industrial

emissions, the process of charging the particles takes place in the same
electric field that determines the separation from the gas flow.
Electrostatic precipitators (or filters)
The structure of an ESP consists of two electrodes with very different radii of curvature:

1) an electrode, usually a wire,

where electrons are discharged
2) a collection electrode (a plate or
Corona effect.
By applying a high potential
difference to these electrodes, the
value of the non-uniform electric
field close to the discharge
electrode is high enough for the
ionization process of the dielectric Ions, produced by the corona effect,
(carrier gas) to be triggered migrate to the electrodes of opposite sign
Electrostatic precipitators (corona effect)
Assume to apply a potential difference between two electrodes (wire and plate or
wire and tube) using a transformer and a rectifier for the transformation of
alternating current into direct .
Electrostatic precipitators (corona effect)
The potential decreases as we move from the wire to the plate.

V An electric field E is established between the plate/tube

and the wire. Let's refer to the cylindrical geometry and
suppose we have infinite air permittivity

x ions = areal charge denisty

 = permittivity R1 R2
Wire Plate / r

ions E E dE dr k E=
E = − =0 + =0 =− ln E = ln  
 r r E r r r
V R2
dV dV k dr
E = −V −
=E − =
dr r  0
dV = −k 
R1 V V
V = k ln c k= c E=
R2 v ln ( R1 R2 ) v r ln ( R1 R2 )
Electrostatic precipitators (corona effect)
The smaller the radius of the wire and the greater the field that develops with the
same difference in potential applied (accumulation of charges at the tips)

r ln ( R1 R2 )

Near the wire 𝑟 → 0 the electric field is so high to determine the release of
electrons and thus the ionization of the surrounding gas (corona effect).

The voltage must be chosen so that this effect is not too pronounced to avoid the
production of electrical sparks that could determine the onset of fires.

The voltage and the distance between plates (or cylinder radius) must result
into maximum electric fields within the range 10.000 - 70.000 volt/m.
Electrostatic precipitators (electrophoresis or electric wind)
Ions migrating to the opposite electrode collide with dust particles and charge them.

• The charge assumed by the particles

depends on the magnitude of the
electrical quantities involved as well as
on the size of the particle.
• On the charged particles in the electric
field, an electric force directed towards
the collection electrode develops. The
module of this force depends on the
charge accumulated on the particle and
the strength of the field.
• This force leads the particle to move
towards the collection electrodes where
they are retained.
Electrophoresis or electric wind
The ions produced by the corona effect
migrate to the electrodes of opposite
sign and colliding with the dust particles
that flow parallel to the electrodes
transfer charges to them.

For small particles (<0.5 m) diffusion

phenomena due to the thermal agitation
of gaseous molecules (Brownian
motions) also become relevant.

The motion of charged particles in the gas towards the plate (collection tube) is also
called electric wind or electrophoresis
Electrostatic precipitators: videos on working principle
Some shots of plate and cylindrical electrodes
Electrostatic precipitators (Electrode cleaning)
The particles in the collection electrode must be periodically removed in order to
allow the collection of new particles.
• In dry systems (most-most) cleaning is
performed by hitting or transmitting
vibrations to the electrode.
• Metal masses raised by
electromagnets or rotating hammers
are used. Vibration shaking is made
with vibrators with pneumatic or
electromagnetic mechanical action.
• In the wet system, cleaning takes
place by means of liquid veils running
along the walls of the electrodes. This
system is useful for powders with high
19.5.6 Precipitatori elettrostatici: teoria
La trattazione teorica rigorosa del sistema passa attraverso le Equazioni di Maxwell che
contestualizzate sul sistema studiato diventano:
E = − ions = densità di carica superficiale

 = permittività
E = −
b = mobilità ionica
J = ions bE − Dions
J = corrente
+ J = 0 D = diffidusività della carica
Queste risolte con le opportune condizioni al
contorno consentono di ottenere il campo e carica mp = −3  d p ( u - v ) + q E
che consentono poi di risolvere le equazioni del moto dt
delle particelle nel campo di forze elettriche
Tale approccio, pur rigoroso, è però tipicamente poco utilizzato nella pratica industriale
che fa leva su un analisi semplificata dei fenomeni
Electrostatic precipitators: simplified theory for their design
A simplified, but scientifically sound, approach is based on the idealization of the
system as shown in the figure. The following assumption are also considered:

a) Gases (and particles) move in the x

direction with a constant velocity u,
without longitudinal mixing.
b) The particles are evenly distributed in
the y and z directions for each x
c) The charge (wire) and collection (flat)
fields are constant and uniform;
d) Particles rapidly reach the terminal
velocity vt in the y direction.
e) The re-entrainment of the collected
particles is negligible
Electrostatic precipitators: simplified theory for their design
Under these assumptions the balance for the particles flowing through an element
of size x of the channel can be written as follows:

uH C x − uH C x +X = M r
2 2
H = plates height
C = particles concentration
w = terminal velocity
M r = particles removed in the unit time

The mass removed in the unit time is equal to the flux of particles (𝑤 𝐶 ȁ𝑥 ) along
the y-direction times the area 𝐻Δ𝑋 perpendicular to the flow
M r = w H X C x uH C x − uH C x +X = wH X C x
2 2
Electrostatic precipitators : Efficiency and Deutsch equation
Dividing the last equation by the volume of the element and taking the limit Δx→0

 CL 
dC 2wH dC 2wH w 2 HL wAp
C  C
=− 
uHD 0
dx ln   = − =−
0  C0  uHD Qc

where: Ap = Plate area (front + back) and Qc = volume flowrate of gas within one channel

CL  wAp 
= exp  −
 wAp  It is a fractional
  = 1 − exp  −  efficiency because w
C0  Qc   Qc 
depends on the
diameter of the particle

Total number of channels : N

Total collection area: 𝐴 = 𝑁 𝐴𝑝 Deutsch equation
Total gas flowrate is Q = 𝑁 𝐴𝑐
 wA 
 = 1 − exp  − 
We can write the same equation in terms of total  Q 
area and flowrate
Electrostatic precipitators : terminal velocity
The terminal velocity is achieved when the electric force acting on the particle and
the other forces are balanced so that its net acceleration is zero.
The scalar component along the direction y ( I to the fluid flow and gravity) is :

dw 3 d p qEcoCC
mp = w − FE = 0 where FE = qEco w=
dt CC 3 d p

where : q = electric charge of the particle (C )

Eco = electric field at the collection electrode (V / m )

The value of the electric field is calculated at the collection electrode because
the balance is made on the element near the plate (collection electrode).

To close the problem, it is necessary to evaluate the particle charge q. Precipitatori elettrostatici: meccanismi di carica
Il meccanismi di carica sono due: di carica delle particelle è quello che abbiamo già
brevemente descritto e che fa leva su un campo di carica corona negativo.

L'elevata tensione negativa (fino a 100.000 V in corrente continua pulsante) ionizza le

molecole del gas, generando elettroni liberi. Gli elettroni scorrendo verso le piastre
messe a terra colpiscono e si attaccano ai gas elettronegativi, creando ioni negativi.

Nel campo di carica, gli ioni negativi sono guidati dal campo elettrico verso particelle di
polvere che intercettano le linee di campo. Questo meccanismo è più efficace per
particelle più grandi di un micron.

Per le particelle più piccole (<0,2 micron) il meccanismo di carica principale è invece di
tipo diffusionale; cioè, la carica di particelle piccole è il risultato di collisioni tra ioni del
gas e piccole particelle derivanti da moti Browniani Precipitatori elettrostatici: quantificazione carica
q = ne n = numero di cariche e = carica elettrone

Bombardamento di ioni in presenza di Collisioni di particelle con ioni dovuti

campo elettrico ad alta intensità. a moti Browniani

L'elevata tensione negativa (fino a Per le particelle più piccole (<0,2

100.000 V) ionizza le molecole del gas, micron) il meccanismo di carica
generando elettroni liberi. principale è invece di tipo
Elettroni colpiscono e si attaccano ai gas diffusionale; cioè, la carica di
elettronegativi, creando ioni negativi. particelle piccole è il risultato di
Gli ioni a loro volta intercettano le collisioni tra ioni del gas e piccole
particelle solide caricandole. particelle derivanti da moti Browniani

 3   Ed p 
  eZi N i t  D p kT   d pCi e2 N i t 
n=      n= ln 1 + 
  + 2   4 e   1 +  eZ i i 
N t 2e2 2 kT
 
Electrostatic precipitators: saturation charge
For sizing purposes we can consider the maximum charge that can be
accumulated, i.e. the saturation charge:

 0 = free space permittivity ( C V −1 m−1 )

K =  / ( + 2 )
q =  d  KEch
p 0  = dielectric constant of the particle in free space ( / )
Ech = electric field at the discharging electrode (V m−1 )

Inserting this value into the terminal velocity equation :

Cc d p
w=  0 KEch Eco
Typical values of 𝒘 range from 2 to 20 cm/s for coal fly ashes, 6 - 8 cm/s for
H2SO4 mists, 6 - 7 cm/s for clinker powders and 6 - 14 cm /s for blast furnace dust.
Example 12-4
Consider a monodisperse aerosol of particles with 𝑑𝑝 = 0.5 𝜇𝑚 characterized by
volumetric flow rate 𝑄 = 2000 𝑚3 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 and total powder concentration 𝐶𝑝𝐼𝑁 =
1.0 𝑔 𝑚−3 . Assume you have to treat it with a PE with the following characteristics:

• Constant electric field 𝐸 = 50000 𝑉 𝑚−1

• Plates sizes L = 6 𝑚 e H = 3 𝑚
• Electrical charge on the particles q = 10

Design the PE that allows PM removal with an efficiency equal to 99%.

Consider that the charge of an electron is: e = 1.6 × 10−19 𝐶

Solution of Example 12-4
Particles are very small so we must consider the Cunningham factor. Cc = 1.33
Charge that accumulates on each particle q = 10 e = 1.6 10 −18 C 

Evaluate the velocity of electrical migration : w= = 1.25 10 −3  m s −1 
3 d p
Calculate the total area needed to have 𝜂 = 0.99 from the Deutsche Equation:

 w A wA
 = 1 − exp  −  = ln (1 −  ) = 4.61 A = 122783  m2 
 Q  Q
Considering both sides, the single plate has a collection area equal to:

Ap = 2 L H = 36  m  2
Total number of plates is: n= + 1 = 3142
Example 12-4 (usare per esercitazione modificato)
Consider an electrostatic precipitator (PE) consisting of a number of plates 𝑛𝑝 = 6 with
the sizes shown in the next slide. This device is used to treat a monodisperse aerosol
having a total concentration 𝐶𝑝𝑖𝑛 = 1 𝑔 𝑚−3 of particles with diameter 𝑑𝑝 = 3 𝜇𝑚 . The
regulatory threshold concentration is equal to 𝐶𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 5 × 10−3 𝑔 𝑚−3 .
All the quantities shown in the Table and Figure in the following slide are also known.
Assume that the electric field is uniform and in particular has the same value at the
discharge and the collection electrode.
Evaluate the voltage to be applied in order to obtain an emission that complies with the
regulatory limits at the outlet of the PE.
To do at home: assume that instead of a mono-dispersed the inlet aerosol is characterized
by the particle size composition in the Table. Calculate the minimum voltage to apply even
in this case.
Example 12-4
Entity Symbol Value UM
n° of plates n 6.0E+00 -
Heigth of a plate H 3.0E+00 m
Lenght of a plate L 3.0E+00 m
space between two plates s 2.3E-01 m
Free space permittivity 0 8.9E-12 F/m
Dielectric constant of particles  4.0E+00 -
Adimensional paramter K 6.7E-01 -
Particles diameter dp 3.0E+00 m
Flow velocity in the ducts v 1.5E+00 m/s Dp,i Wti IN
Total inlet powders concentration Cpin 1.0E+00 g/m3 Classe (m) (%)
Regulatory thershold concentration Cplim 5.0E-03 g/m 1 0 0.00
2 2.5 0.04
Air viscosity at 20°C  1.8E-05 kg/(m s)
3 4.5 0.4
Cunningham factor Cc 1.3E+00 - 4 7 1.5
5 8.5 1.3
6 10 1.8
7 12 8.9
8 15 5.7
To do at home 9 18 12.7
10 27.5 49.0
11 42.5 8.5
12 60 6.2
13 82.5 2.5
14 95 1.4
Solution of Example 12-4
To ensure the comply wiht the regulatory thershold the PE must have an efficiency equal to:

C lim  w Ap 
 =1− p
= 0.995
From Deutsche Equation the  = 1 − exp  − 
efficiency can be evaluated also as :  VG 

VG  C p 
We can evaluate the velocity of electrical w= ln  lim  = 0.30  m s −1 
migration to ensure the efficiency: Ap  C p 

Where, referring to a single channel between two plates, it is indicated with:

Area of a plate (back and front): Ap = 2 L H = 18.58  m2 

Gas flowrate in each duct: Qc = v s H = 1.05  m3 s −1 
Solution of Example 12-4
From the law of motion in an electric field we can evalaute the migration velocity

dw 3 d p w=
mp = w − FE = 0 with FE = qEco
dt CC 3 d p

Note: we consider the Cunningham coefficient because the particle is very small, dp=3 m
Let's assume for safety that the charge that accumulates on the particle is the saturation charge:
q =  d p2 0 KEch = 1.7 10 −22  Ech C 
Inserting the value in the expression of the migration velcoity we get:
w = 4.22 10 −13 Ech Eco But from the text of the exercise we have Ech = Eco = E so..

w = 4.22 10 −13 E 2 w 0.3

E= −13
= −13
= 841492 
V m −1

 = 841.5 
 kV m −1
4.22 10 4.22 10

We can finally calculate the voltage as: V = E   = 96.4  kV 
Practical sizing: type of plates, wires etc.
Sizing essentially consists of the choice of type, number, size and spacing between
the plates as well as charge electrodes (wires). First of all, the type is chosen:
Practical sizing: Collection area
The flow is distributed on the different
separate channels created by the plates.

The one in the figure is only one section but

we can have several sections Ns in the
direction of the flow (in series with this one).

The total collection area is :

A = Ap ( n − 1) N s = Ap ( N − N s )

Ap = plate area back and front (2 HLp )

n = plates number in one section
Example of a single section consisting of 11 plates.
N = total number of plates
There can be multiple sections in series
N s = number of sections
Example 12-5

(a) Calculate the total collection area for a 98% efficient ESP that is treating Q=
10450 m3/min of air. The effective electric migration velocity is 6.0 m/min.
(b) Assuming the plates are 6 m high and 3 m long and that there are two
sections in the direction of flow, calculate the total number of plates required
and the number of plates for each section.
Solution of Example 12-5
Rearranging the Deutch Equation we have:

A = − ln (1 −  ) = 6813 ( m2 )
ln (1 −  ) = −
Q w

From the givens we have: Ap = 2 HLp = 36 ( m2 ) Ns = 2

From the previous equations:

A = Ap ( n − 1) N s no. of plates for each n = A + 1 = 96

section N s Ap

A = Ap ( N − N s )
Total no. of plates: N= + N s = 192
Practical sizing: typical design parameters

There is no standardized
method for ESPs sizing.

We work a lot on the basis

of experience and tables
like those shown here.

Using the information

provided in Table you can
get the basic geometry and
the operating conditions of
an ESP.
Practical sizing: N° of ducts
Once certain construction characteristics of the plates have been chosen, the
number of ducts (or channels) can be determined as follows:

Nc = n − 1 = Q
= S = HB Lp
uDH u

n = n° of plates S
Q = total volumetric flowrate H
u = velocity of gas
D = distance between two plates
H = height of plates Q = Su

The relationship can be used to estimate Nc by assuming a value for H and choosing
the representative values of u and D based on tables like the previous one.
Practical sizing: ESP length
We can evaluate the total length of the ESP considering the following aspects:

L0 = N s Lp + ( N s − 1) Ls + Len + Lex
= S = HB

N s = no of sections/compartments
Lp = length of plates
Ls = distance between sections/compartments
Len = length of the entrance section Ls
Lex = length of the exit section

The spacing between the sections can be 0.5–1.0 meters, while the input and output
lengths can be several meters.
Practical sizing: calculation of the number of fields
The number of fields/sections can be calculated on the basis of the plate size :

R = aspect ratio ( Total plate length / Height )

N s = RH Lp
Total plate length = N s Lp

Plates for large ESP fly ash are typically 6-12 m high and 1-4 m long.

The ESP height can vary from 1.5 to 3 times the height of the plate due to presence
of hoppers, superstructure, controls and so on.

Based on the number of plates, the actual collection area and therefore the
expected efficiencies can be calculated.

Aa = 2 HLp N s N d Aa = effective collection area

Example 12-6
For a 99% efficient precipitator treating 20,000 m3/min of gas needing a total
collection area of 14,000 m2, estimate the overall width, length, and height of the

Use typical values for plate height, channel width, gas velocity, and aspect ratio.
Assume plates are available in heights from 6 –12 meters and are 3 meters long.
Solution of Example 12-6

Choose typical values from the

Table, for instance:

𝐻 = 12 𝑚,

𝐷 = 25 𝑐𝑚,

𝑢 = 100 𝑚/min ,

𝑅 = 1.0


𝐿𝑝 = 3 𝑚
Solution of Example 12-6
We can thus calculate the number of ducts:

Nc = = 67 ( ducts )
And the number of sections (compartments):

Ns = = 4 ( sections )
And so the actual collection area is:

Aa = 2 HLp N s N d = 19296 ( m2 )

However, 19296 m2 is excessively higher than the required 14000 m2.

In this case, it seems best to change the plate size.
Solution of Example 12-6
Since the aspect ratio must remain above 1.0 for this high efficiency, we try a plate
height of 𝐻 = 8 𝑚. Thus:
Nc = = 100 ( ducts ) Ns = = 3 ( sections )
uDH Lp

Aa = 2 HLp N s N d = 14400 ( m2 ) OK!!

We can now check some of the other design parameters for our design against the
typical ranges given in the Table.
Aa  m2 
specific collection area = = 0.72  3 
Q  m min 
= 4800 ( m2 )
plate area per electrical section =
Data are consistent with the ones shown in the Table and thus they are Ok.
Practical dimensioning: energy consumption and efficiency
Energy consumption can be calculated on the basis of the power of the corona:
I c = corona current
Pc = I cVavg
Vavg = average voltage

The effective terminal velocity is evaluated as

a function of the corona power through
specific correlations proposed in the literature

we =
k = 0.5 - 07 se Pc (W / ft 2 ) e w ( ft / s)

The removal efficiency is then calculated using the

 kPc 
Deutche equation. If the result is not satisfactory, the  = 1 − exp  − 
process is repeated after changing the input data  Qc 
Effects of process parameters: dust resistivity
The resistivity of the dust to be removed is a critical parameter for the successful use
of ESP. It is a measure of the resistance of dust to conduct electric current

R p Ap V Ap If resistivity is too high the

P= = If resistivity is low (high
conductivity) the particle
particle can hardly by
lp i lp is charged quickly but
also discharges quickly. Therefore it can give rise
to a layer of charges –
Ap = cross section area of the particle It can also be charged
near the positive
R p = particle resistance with the opposite sign
electrode causing a
and get closer to the
l p = length of the path in current direction potential drop
emission electrode.
V = voltage
i = current

The resistivity P of the materials in the aerosols can vary from 108 to 1013 ohm-cm
but but for an efficient separation it is better that it is < 1011 ohm-cm.
Effects of process parameters: dust resistivity
The resistivity of particulate matter also affects the speed of electrical migration
and therefore the separation efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator.

For this reason, it is necessary to choose the right configurations and settings
as a function also of the resistivity of the powders.
Effects of process parameters: dust resistivity
Different levels of dust resistivity therefore require different voltages.

Esistono valori
Effects of process parameters: dust resistivity
Different parameters can cause a change of powders resistivity and therefore it is
necessary to evaluate them carefully. Among these parameters temperature and
sulfur content can have a very important influence.

The temperature of
the gas upstream the
precipitator is
modified to modulate
the resistivity of PM
and obtain higher
Effects of process parameters: humidity
Even humidity and temperature of gas
can affect the ESP efficiency and must
be suitably controlled and eventually

As you can see, moisture acts positively

in the sense that it reduces the resistivity
of dust.
This leads to increased separation
For this reason, the gas flow is
humidified using steam in order to
improve separation efficiency.
Effects of process parameters: particle size
Particle diameter also affects the performance of the electrostatic precipitator

Good efficiencies
(>90 %) for almost
all diameters

Larger particles are removed more efficiently because they acquire a greater electric
charge, while smaller particles, even smaller ones, are removed more efficiently
because they are subjected to less resistance and therefore migrate easily.
Stima dei costi
Stima di larga massima dei costi mediante correlazioni semi-empiriche fornite in
funzione dell’area dei piatti (o elettrodi di raccolta in genere).

I prezzi vanno poi attualizzati.

Noto P, sulla base di tabelle come quella a
fianco si valutano tutti gli altri costi
associati e si perviene al valore finale del
costo del precipitatore installato

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