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Plant Commissioning, Start Up & Shut Down
Semester II 2019/2020
 Define the different types of pressure
testing system.
 Explain the safety issues and precautions
measurement during pressure testing
Pressure Testing
 It is normal to carry out a pressure test on a
pressure vessel in order to check that it can be
safely operated at the design pressure.
 But such testing is a potentially hazardous
 The test should be performed in the presence of
the Inspecting Authority.
 The types of pressure test are:
1. Standard hydraulic acceptance test
2. Pneumatic acceptance test
3. Hydraulic proof test
4. Combined hydraulic/pneumatic test
 In addition to these tests, which are
carried out just before or after installation,
there are periodic routine tests that are
carried out during the operation life of the
 Factors to be considered in the choice of
the test method include the test fluid and
the size and location of the vessel.
 The procedure should define any areas at
risk and the controls to be applied to
Basic test method
 Before any test is carried out, the vessel should
be given a detailed visual inspection as is
 It may also be desirable to carry out a leak test
and provided that the pressure is not raised to
more than 10% of the design pressure.
 The basic test method is to raise the pressure in
the vessel gradually to 50% of the specified test
pressure and thereafter to increase it in stages of
approximately 10% until the test pressure is
 The test pressure is to be maintained for 30 min.
except for certain smaller vessels.
Hydraulic test
 The method of pressure testing preferred is the hydraulic
rather than the pneumatic.
 The energy available is large for pneumatic method and any
failure during the test is likely to be highly explosive.
 Using in incompressible liquid media such as oil or water
instead of air
 In hydraulic test, the test fluid should normally be water.
 Other liquids may be utilized instead if necessary.
 Problem with water:
◼ the vessel and the structure cannot withstand the weight
of water.
◼ the water may be difficult to remove completely or it may
 The vessel under test should not be subjected to any form of
shock loading such as hammer testing.
Pneumatic Testing
 Should only be carried out either on vessels of
such design and construction that it is not
practicable for them to be filled with liquid.
 Or on vessels for use on processes that cannot
tolerate trace liquids and where the removal of
such liquids is impracticable.
 Before been tested, all welds that have not
already been non-destructively tested should be
tested by magnetic particle and/or dye penetrant
Suitable Precautions Against the Hazard
of Vessel Failure
 The capability of blast protection
 The extent of area cleared for test safety
 The degree of confidence in stress analysis of
vessel details
 The adequacy of any non-destructive testing
carried out before the test
 The resistance of the vessel material to fast
 The procedure to prevent local chilling during
filling and emptying of the vessel
 The extent of remote monitoring providing during
the test.
Overall Safety Precaution
 Hazard should be considered are the explosion of the vessel
and ejection of blanks and plugs, of high velocity fluid jets
and of dirt.
 In hydraulic testing, checks should be made on the effects
of static head, on the ability of the vessel and the structure
to withstand the weight of water, and on the strength of
any temporary pipes, connections or blanks.
 In order to avoid the risk of freezing, the temperature of
the water should be not less than 7oC.
 Measure should be taken to prevent overpressure of the
vessel during the test.
 Accurate and reliable means of measuring the pressure
should be provided in the form of a pressure gauge that is
freshly calibrated and preferably duplicated.
 Safety is a major concern
 Recommend minimum people on site during the test
Pneumatic Test - Incident
•Incident happened in a non-ExxonMobil facility in
Brazil during a pneumatic test of the tank associated
•A blind was NOT installed to isolate the piping – only
block valves were closed.
•The tank “lifted off” and was found on top of the unit!

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