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Universal Precaution – assumes that all patients are infected with blood-borne diseases.
Standard Precaution – is assumed only for specific diseases.

Infectious bodily fluids

1. Blood
2. Semen
3. Vaginal secretion
4. Synovial fluid
5. Amniotic fluid

Yellow bin – infectious waste.

Immunization – introduction of antibodies in susceptible person or animal.
- Types of Immunity
1. Naturally acquired – passive – placental; active – recovery from disease.
2. Artificially acquired – passive – indirect-antitoxins; active – vaccines and toxoids.

Immunized – state of being protected against any disease.

Sub-clinical – immunity acquired through constant exposure from disease.
Antigen – marker – any substance that causes immune system to produce antibodies.
Antibodies – protector

- Types of Antigens
1. Inactivated – killed organism that cannot cause disease (e.g., rabies vaccine)
2. Attenuated – weakened or has reduced virulence but still alive (e.g., MMR, OPD, BCG)

First In, First Out principle on vaccines as they have a shelf life or an expiry date.
Cold Dogs – where vaccines are put – ice in box to maintain temperatures.
Cold Chain System – how to the temperature of vaccine is maintained.

What damages vaccines: Heat and sunlight, freezing, chemical agents to clean vaccine storage
areas. They should BE KEPT AT 0 TO 8 DEGREES CELSIUS.

Environmental Sanitation: PD 856

I. Water Supply Sanitation Program

Level 1 (Point of Source) Protected well or developed spring, no distribution system.
Level 2 (Communal Faucet System) Source reservoir, piped distribution network.
Level 3 Water works system, individual house connection.

II. Policies on Proper Excreta and Sewage Disposal

Level 1 Non water carriage toilet facility
Level 2 Water sealed and flush type.
Level 3 Water carriage toilet connected to septic tank or sewerage system.

III. Policies on Food Sanitation Program

IV. Policies on Hospital Waste Management

Deep well is built under specific distance.


- Isolation and quarantine
- Disinfection (C or T)
- Disinfection of killing undesirable small animals.
- Fumigation – gaseous agent.

Curative aspect
- Medical management
- Nursing management

Rehabilitative aspect
- Activity
- Nutrition

Means of Controlling Spread of Communicable Disease

1. Elimination of source of infection
2. Interruption of transmission
3. Protection of susceptible host.

Isolation – separation of patients with communicable diseases.

Purpose: to confine the infectious agent and prevent escape of infection.

7 Categories

1. Strict – highly contagious

2. Contact – by close or direct contact
3. Respiratory – infectious dz over short distances through air.
4. TB – positive smear / cx-ray that suggests active TB.
5. Enteric – direct contact with feces.
6. Drainage/secretion – direct or indirect contact with purulent materials or drainage from
infected site.
7. Universal Precaution – applied when handing blood and body fluids.

AIDS – immune deficiency that is acquired. Combination of signs and symptoms that form a
distinct clinical picture of disorder.

- Caused by HIV – retrovirus, lentivirus, or slow virus. Time between infection and
symptoms may take longer which allows microorganisms to be transmitted. Infection
and appearance of AIDS may take 7-12 years.

“Window Effect” – where HIV infection takes place, but HIV antibodies have not appeared yet,
causing HIV to become undetectable.
- They become detectable 4-6 weeks after infection.
- CD4 – protein molecules that is found in the T-cells.

1. Sexual contact
2. Injection of infection blood
3. Perinatal

- Blood Transfusion
- Organ Donation
- Accidental exposure in hospitals or clinics.

Diagnostic Tests

1. EIA/ELISA – enzyme link immunosorbent assay

2. PA – particle agglutination test
3. Western Blot Analysis – confirmatory diagnostic test
4. Immunofluorescent test
5. RIPA – radio immune-precipitation assay
6. HIV Antibody Test

- CD4 count – criterion that determines if the client is HIV positive or has AIDS.

Neurological Symptoms (Aids-related complex, ARC)

- Memory loss
- Altered gait.
- Depression
- Sleep d/o
- Chronic diarrhea
Top 10 Symptoms

1. Depression
2. Diarrhea
3. Thrush
4. Weight loss
5. Lipodystrophy
6. Sinus infection
7. Fatigue
8. N/V
9. Lactic acidosis
10. Peripheral neuropathy

Bacterial Opportunistic Infections

MAC – mycobacterium avium complex – when cd4 count is <50.



1. Herpes
2. Hepatitis
3. Genital warts
4. Cytomegalovirus CMV – can cause retinitis.
5. Malluscum contagiosum – dome shaped papules.


1. Candidiasis
2. Cryptococcal Meningitis
3. Histoplasmosis – small lesions that appear on the skin. CD4 count <200.


1. Bacterial
2. Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (Pneumocystis Jeroviccii)


1. Kaposi’s Sarcoma – cancerous lesions caused by overgrowth of blood vessels.

2. Cervical Dysplasia and cancer – common in women – associated with HPV.
3. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma - cancerous tumor of the lymph nodes.
1. Toxoplasmosis
2. Cryptosporidiosis – caused by crypto. CD4 count >200.

- AIDS drugs are not cure for HIV infections.

- They are called “antiretroviral drugs”.
- Inhibit the reproduction of virus.

- Knowledge deficit
- Social isolation
- Risk for infection
- Anxiety
- Self-esteem disturbance
- Altered role performance.

4 C’s of Management
1. Compliance
2. Counseling
3. Contact tracing.
4. Condoms


Amoebiasis – protozoal infection involving colon, but can spread to soft tissues, like liver or
lungs through lymphatic dissemination.

Infectious Agent – Entamoeba Histolytica

2 Developmental Stages
1. Vegetative
2. Cyst

Source of infection – human excreta

Period of communicability – entire duration of illness.
Incubation – Severe: 3 days; Sub-acute – several months; Average – 3-4 wks.

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