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Section 1.

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Spill Prevention Plan is to support an orderly and effective response to sanitary sewer spills.
The Sanitary Prevention Plan provides guidelines for Costa Mar Group LLC personnel to follow in responding
to, cleaning up, and reporting Sanitary Sewer Spill that may occur within the Bypass service area.

1.2. Regulatory Requirements

Costa Mar Group LLC shall develop and implement a spill prevention plan that identifies measures to protect public
health and the environment. At a minimum, this plan must include the following:
(a) Proper notification procedures so that the primary responders and regulatory agencies are informed of all
Sanitary Sewer Spills in a timely manner.
(b) A program to ensure appropriate response to all spills.
(c) Procedures to ensure prompt notification to appropriate regulatory agencies and other potentially affected
entities of all Sanitary Sewer Spills that potentially affect public health or reach the waters of the river. The
Spill Prevention Plan should identify the officials who will receive immediate notification.
(d) Procedures to ensure that appropriate staff and contractor personnel are aware of and follow the Plan and are
appropriately trained.
(e) A program to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to contain untreated wastewater and prevent
discharge of untreated wastewater to waters of the river and minimize or correct any adverse impact on the
environment resulting from the Sanitary Sewer Spills, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as
may be necessary to determine the nature and impact of the discharge.

1.3. Goals
The Costa Mar Group LLC goals with respect to responding to Sanitary Sewer Spills are:

1 Respond quickly to minimize the volume of the Sanitary Sewer Spills.

2 Contain the spilled wastewater to the extent feasible.
3 Eliminate the cause of the Sanitary Sewer Spills.
4 Minimize public contact with spilled wastewater.
5 Mitigate the impact of the Sanitary Sewer Spills.
6 Meet the regulatory reporting requirements.
Section 2. Sanitary Sewer Spill Detection and Notification

If a Sanitary Sewer Spill occurs, the project supervisor must be immediately notified and the procedure to
eliminate the spill should begin. The project inspector and PRASA compliance staff must also be notified.

Section 3. Sanitary Sewer Spill Response Procedures

Sewer service calls are considered high priority events that demand a prompt response. Responders follow the
procedures in this Spill Prevention Plan to execute a responsible Sanitary Sewer Spill response.

3.1. First Responder Priorities

The first responder’s priorities are:
1. To follow safe work practices.
2. To respond promptly with the appropriate equipment.
3. To contain the overflow wherever feasible.
4. To restore the flow as soon as practicable.
5. To minimize public access to and/or contact with the overflowed sewage.
6. To determine the start time and photograph the incident, when possible.
7. To promptly notify the Costa Mar Group Supervisor in event of Sanitary Sewer Spill.
8. To return the spilled sewage to the sewer system.
9. To restore the area to its original condition (or as close as possible).

3.2. Safety
The first responder is responsible for always following safety procedures. Special safety precautions must be
observed when performing sewer work.

3.3. Initial response

The first responder must go to the site where the problem is reported and visually verify if there is
Possible sanitary sewer spill.
The first responder must:
• Identify and evaluate the affected area and extent of the spill.
• Check for sewage overflow caused by bypass system failure.
• Contain the spill and return wastewater to the sanitary sewer system.
• Take photographs and document the situation.
3.4. Initiate Sanitary Sewer Spill containment measures.
The responder should attempt to contain as much of the spilling sewage as possible using the following steps:
• Determine the immediate destination of the spilled sanitary water.
• Plug any leaks or pipes, if applicable, using air plugs, sandbags and/or plastic mats to contain the spill of
sanitary water.
• Contain/direct spilling wastewater by diking/dam or sandbags, if applicable.
• Pump the sanitary wastewater into a tank truck to correct the failure that caused the spill.

3.5. Restore Flow

After correcting the failure that caused the spill, the bypass must be put into operation and monitoring must be
maintained to prevent it from happening again.

Section 4. Equipment
This section provides a list of specialized equipment that is required to support this Spill Prevention Plan.
 Emergency Response Truck -- A utility body pickup truck is required to store and transport the equipment
needed to effectively respond to sewer emergencies (backups). The equipment and tools should include
containment and clean up materials.
 Portable Generators
 Portable Trash Pumps, Piping, and Hoses
 24” to 48” Pneumatic Plug
 Portable air compressor and air hose
 Combination Sewer Cleaning Truck -- A combination high velocity sewer cleaning truck with vacuum tank
is required to clear blockages in gravity sewers, vacuum sewage, and wash down the impacted area
following the Sanitary Sewer Spill event.
 Emergency Light Tower

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