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Dear Self,

On this day, 16th of March, 2022, I’d like you to take a quick roller coaster ride back to your past
self. Out of all the people, I believe you are truly the one who genuinely knows your story, and your
identity. So here it is, I know that for the past years you have been in cage, out of freedom. You have
spent years living under the shadow of someone else’s decisions and plans for you in life. At that time,
you totally felt lonely, thinking that loneliness was just a norm. You have lived throughout life without
affection and emotional attachments from people that surrounds you. All you know is that you were
born to follow specific orders, live under rules and regulations, and be that responsible, obedient child.
You’ve grown for years bearing that sadness buried deep beyond within.

However, for the past two years, you were finally freed. You have felt that you now possess the
absolute freedom from the chains of the past. You came to understand and feel what it’s like to be
happy. You became that wandering soul, searching for love and happiness wherever you go. Not until,
you went the wrong chapter. You became lost, broke and shattered. You have grieved through pains
that change your heart. You somehow lost track of your journey and your goal. You have thought that
the world is too cruel of your kind and innocent heart. But, you know that you aren’t a coward. You are
that one strong woman who knows that she has a voice for herself. She has feet that can stand on her
own countless of times. You came to surpassed and overcome that chapter and that made me so proud
of you. For I know myself how heavy it must have been and no one would be able to understand you if
they were not in your shoe.

Moving forward, I hope that when the future comes, you are able to prepare yourself. Prepare
yourself of the things and instances where life is still going to nurture and challenge you. Regain that old
you, take a hold of yourself because life will always put a storm on you. Do the things that will make you
happy. Earn a degree, get that job, and earn a salary. Work hard and persevere for the things that you
want to accomplish and establish. Stop all the procrastinations and all the lazy visions because that
wouldn’t take you anywhere. You wouldn’t want to live the future regretting of the past. More than
that, I hope that time would pass by again wherein you will search for that butterflies in the stomach.
You are able to embrace one’s soul, and you will be able to again trust people. For you are not alone, no
man is an island. I may not have written the best letter for you at this pace of my life. However, what
matters the most is the passion that is burning in your heart. That even pages of letters and notes
couldn’t estimate how wide and limitless you’re plans are in life.

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