Combat Sheet DND 5e

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1. Determine 2. Estabish 5. Begin the Next

3. Roll Initiative 4. Take Turns
Surprise Positions Round
Your Turn
During your turn you can move a distance up to your speed. You can break this
movement up however you like, using only portions of your speed at a time.
Movement Movement through difficult terrain is twice as difficult, costing you two feet of
movement for every one foot moved.
During your turn you can communicate freely within the game (within reason). You
Interaction can also interact with one object of feature for free as part of your movement or
action. Example interactions can be found below.
Your Action represents a major part of your turn. You can only perform one Action
Action per turn. The move common Action is the ‘Attack’ action, but a variety of others are
listed below.
Your Bonus Action allows you to use various class features, spells, and other abilities
that specifically state that they may be activated using a Bonus Action. You can only
Action perform one Bonus Action per turn.
Your Reacion is an action made in response to a trigger of some kind and as such it
can be used when it is not your turn. You can only perform one Reacion per round of
Reaction combat, resetting at the start of each of your turns. Opportunity Attacks are the
most common type of reaction and are triggered when an enemy leaves your reach.



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