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Global divide - is about the different factors that affect the improvements or advancement of different
places all around the globe. There is pre-division before world war 1 Distance is no longer a problem or

Global North - rich and industrialized countries.

Global South - poor and developing countries.

The term global divide connotes disparities in income and living conditions between the advanced and
developing states.

Global North
- these countries are basically rich countries where they experienced advancements in modern
technology and all services are accessible.

Top 10 countries that have the best work-life balance (2023)

1. Netherlands 6. Lithuania
2. Italy 7. Norway
3. Denmark 8. Belgium
4. Spain 9. Germany
5. France 10. Sweden

Global South
- poor and developing countries
- these countries are left behind. Even access to basic social services is a matter of privilege. Many places
remain stricken by underdevelopment, poverty, and inequality.

Top 10 world’s poorest countries

1. Dr Congo 6. Haiti
2. Mozambique 7. Ethiopia
3. Uganda 8. Tanzania
4. Tajikistan 9. Kyrgyzstan
5. Yemen 10. Uzbekistan
Modernization Theory - this theory argues that societies undergo stages of growth and move from
traditional to modern one.

Dependency Theory - it argues that the root cause of poverty and underdevelopment is imperialism as
well as dependency of poor nations on the rich nations

Neo-Liberal Theory - intellectual basis of this theory comes from the neo-classical economics, which
combines arguments supportive of free market with scientifically inclined school of economics. They
suggest the little role of the state in managing the economy.

World System Theory - the argument of dependency thinkers that the cause of underdevelopment and
poverty is external intervention continues inworld system theory, developed by Immanuel Wallerstein.

The origin of dividing countries into the North-South Divide arose during the Cold War of the mid 20th
century. During this time, countries were primarily categorized according to their alignment between
the Russian East and the American West. Countries in the East like the Soviet Union and China which
became classified as Second World countries. In the west, the United States and its allies were labelled
as First World countries. This division left out many countries which were poorer than the First World
and Second World countries. The poor countries were eventually labeled as Third World countries. This
categorization was later abandoned after the Second World countries joined the First World countries.
New criteria was established to categorize countries which was named the North-South Divide where
First World countries were known as the North while Third World countries comprised the South.

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