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The secrets and advantages of artificial intelligence

1.What exactly does robotics mean?

-Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the
design,construction and operation of physical robots.It is
a multidisciplinary science,at the border between
engineering,science and technology.
Over time, it also expanded its field of activity at the
same pace as the the evolution of technology.If,in
the 2000s,almost all robots were used in
factories,today we have bots that explore the
planet in extreme conditions,robots that assist law
enforcement or surgical robots that save lives.

2.But what are robots?

-Robots are machines designed to replace or mimic
human actions in order to make our lives easier and
better.Their construction is based on various
knowledge of electronics,mechanics,programming,
nanotechnology and bioengineering.

3.Man or robot?To whom does the future belong?

-All are more of the opinion that artificial intelligence has
become as capable as the human mind-if not smarter.Will
the future make doctors obsolete?Or the secretaries?
Artificial intelligence is talking over,in most fields, the
areas of responsibility considered until recently to
be par excellence the strengths of the
human mind. But at the end of the day,
does this mean that AI is better and
smarter than humans?John McAfee, the
owner of the well-known software
company McAfee, answers this question:
"There is no point in comparing artificial
intelligence with the human mind because
they are two completely different things,

even if sometimes their functions
overlap."The human brain is not superior
to artificial intelligence. Conversely - yes.
The only problem would be that the two
are simply not comparable.
The main difference between the two
types of intelligence is the way of data

processing and abstract thinking.

4.Is it helpful in the helpful in the daycare
-In recent years,advances in artificial intelligence (Al)
have begun to revolutionize various aspects of our lives,
including education.Teaching with the help of artificial
intelligence has become a growing trend, with the
potential to make significant improvements in the
learning process.This article explores how artificial
intelligence can be integrated into teaching and the
benefits to both teachers and students.Integrating
artificial intelligence (Al) into the education process can
bring many benefits and significant improvements.Here
are some concrete ways Al could be integrated:

-Automatic translation and interpretation systems:These
can be useful in helping students who speak a foreign
language understand lessons and study
materials.Thus,they can access educational resources in
an easier and more efficient

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