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J R Rodgers, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

ª 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Defining Statement MHC Restriction

Introduction B Cell Responses
Definitions Complement
Immunocytes (Figure 1) Patterns of Regulation in Immunology
Trafficking Allergy and Autoimmunity
Fundamentals of Innate Immunity Vaccines
Acquired Immunity Further Reading
Antigen Processing and Antigen Presentation

Glossary immune deviation (1) The shifting or skewing of a T cell

acquired immunity Immunity elicited during a primary response from Th1 to Th2, or vice versa. (2) Any similar
response by clonal expansion of immunocytes bearing skewing.
antigen-specific receptors and characterized by the immunoglobulin A family of antigen-binding proteins
ability to establish immune memory, from which a robust produced by B cells.
and rapid secondary response can be recalled. inflammation A state of cells or tissues characterized
adjuvant A compound that when formulated with by the release of inflammatory compounds, typically
antigens nonspecifically promotes an antigen-specific resulting in the clinical signs of swelling, redness, and
response. Adjuvants have both immune-stimulatory and pain, but mediated by a variety of soluble factors and
antigen storage (depot) properties. cell types.
anamnesis (1) The restoration of memory from a state innate immunity Immunity to potential pathogens
of (apparent) memory loss. (2) Recall responses of based on constitutive mechanisms, such as the skin,
acquired immunity. or inducible mechanisms, mediated by pathogen
antigen (1) Any molecule recognized by an antigen recognition receptors.
receptor. (2) Any molecule or compound that induces memory (1) Formally, the property of a system by which
the formation of antigen receptors specific for it. a change in the system results in a long-term or
antigen receptor (1) A molecule, generated by somatic permanent change in the system. (2) The formation of
mutation, that binds its cognate antigen specifically. (2) memory T and B cells that allow subsequent stronger
The receptor for antigen on T cells (TCR) or on B cells and more rapid responses.
(also known as antibody). opsonization The process by which bacteria and other
autoimmunity Pathological conditions in which target particles are tagged by antibodies and
antigen-specific receptors interact with self-antigens complement components for subsequent phagocytosis
and promote immune destruction of healthy tissues. by macrophages.
B cell An immunocyte expressing a functional B cell T cell A leukocyte expressing a functional T cell
antigen receptor (antibody/ immunoglobulin). receptor (TCR) and recognized generically by the
complement A proteolytic cascade of proteins whose presence of the CD3 molecule at the cell surface.
sequence, initiated by antigen–antibody complexes or tolerance The state of nonresponsiveness to self- or
by innate mechanisms, results in acute immune foreign antigens. Central tolerance is defined by clonal
responses, including chemoattraction of immunocytes, deletion or inactivation during immunocyte development
and cell lysis. in primary lymphoid organs. Peripheral tolerance
costimulation A process of activating T cells requires deletion or inactivation of clones in peripheral
nonspecifically through certain receptors, notably tissues and/or active suppression by suppressive
CD28, that provides the ‘second signal’ to complement mechanisms.
the antigen-specific primary signaling through the T cell vaccine A formulation of antigen and adjuvant that
receptor. elicits a protective acquired immune response.
cytokine A soluble protein hormone bioactive on cells
of the immune system.

482 Pathogenesis | Immunity

Abbreviations LRR leucine-rich repeat

ADCC antigen-dependent cellular MAC membrane-attack complex
cytotoxicity MAMP microbe-associated molecular
AID activation-induced deaminase pattern
AIRE autoimmune regulator MBP mannose-binding protein
APC Antigen-presenting cells MHC major histocompatibility complex
CMV cytomegalovirus molecules
CTL cytolytic T cells NK natural killer
DAF decay-accelerating factor NOD Non-obese diabetic
DC dendritic cells PAF platelet-activating factor
dsRNA double-stranded RNA PAMP pathogen-associated molecular
ER Endoplasmic reticulum patterns
FDC follicular dendritic cell PRR pattern-recognition receptor
GALT gut-associated lymphoid tissues RAG recombination-activating gene
IFN interferon RAGE/AGER advanced glycation end-product
IKDC interferon-producing killer DC receptor
IL interleukin RSS recombination signal sequences
ITAM immunoreceptor tyrosine-based TAP transporter associated with antigen
activating motif processing
ITIM immunoreceptor tyrosine-based TCR T cell receptor
inhibitory motif TLR toll-like receptor
KIR killer-inhibitory receptors TNF tumor necrosis factor
LFA low-affinity integrin ULBP cytomegalovirus UL16-binding
LGL large granular lymphocytes protein
LPS lipopolysaccharide

Defining Statement The word ‘immunity’ derives from the Latin immunitas,
the legal status of Roman city-states granted immunity
This article summarizes key concepts and features of from paying tributes to Rome or to individuals freed from
innate and acquired immunity, with an emphasis on municipal duties; the root munis referring to change and
mammalian systems. It elucidates terminology and meta- (ex)changeable goods. This is the direct origin of the legal
phors that permeate the literature of immunology, and meaning of ‘immunity from prosecution’, but , in the first
outlines the major mechanisms allowing for pattern and century, Lucan (De Bello Civile) had already used the word
antigen recognition and effector function by immuno- metaphorically to describe the Psylli of North Africa as
cytes and their soluble products. immune to the bites of venomous snakes. Biological
immunity can refer to constitutive physical innate
mechanisms, such as the physical protection afforded
against infection by skin, the activity of natural killer
Introduction (NK) cells against virus-infected cells, or the natural
resistance of mice to diphtheria toxin because of the
Immunity is an extensive topic, worthy of an encyclope- absence of a receptor for that toxin. Immunity can also
dia of its own. Here we cannot summarize the field in be innate but inducible, as in the antiviral state induced by
detail, but will identify key concepts. These concepts exposure to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Finally,
include (1) the difference between innate and acquired immunity to specific microbes can be acquired during
immunity and how they relate to each other; (2) the the lifetime of the individual by infection or vaccination.
notions of specificity and immune memory; (3) the some- The origins of immunology as a science are lost in
times antagonistic concepts of self and danger; and (4) the antiquity but have always been fundamentally connected
mutually defined ideas of an antigen and its receptor. This with microbiology. It was certainly known before the begin-
article will arm the microbiologist not with a storehouse ning of the Common Era that survivors of certain plagues
of information, the classic goal of an encyclopedia, but (perhaps smallpox) were immune to its recurrence.
with a fundament of understanding with which to read the Observations such as these were rendered uncertain by
larger literature of immunity. imprecise diagnoses of the illness, but advanced sufficiently
Pathogenesis | Immunity 483

so that by the end of the first millennium, Common Era, pathogenicity, how these mechanisms might be modified in
Chinese and Hindu healers were aware of the efficacy of vaccines and therapies, and how microbes coevolve with
the homeopathic practice of insufflation, in which pow- their hosts.
dered scabs of the afflicted were blown through straws Acquired immunity refers to mechanisms of resistance
into the lungs of healthy individuals. This observation not encoded in the germ line but evolving during the
drew these ancient doctors to a fundamental insight on lifetime of each organism. Such mechanisms are fre-
acquired immunity – some property of the diseased could quently called ‘adaptive’. However, the phrase ‘adaptive
induce long-standing and specific protection in naive indi- immunity’ can be misleading and imprecise. It is mislead-
viduals. Centuries of observations and reconceptualizations ing because acquired immunity is often maladaptive,
about the specificity of this protection led to Fracastoro’s causing allergic and autoimmune disease or increasing
fourteenth century germ theory of infectious disease, which rather than decreasing the pathogenicity of microbes. It
held that infectious diseases were caused by disease-specific is imprecise because innate immunity can be also ‘adap-
agents. This core concept was dealt a minor blow in the late tive’ in both Darwinian and homeostatic senses.
1700s, when Jenner found that vaccination with cowpox The critical concepts pertaining to acquired immunity
protected against the different though closely related dis- are those of memory, specificity, antigen, the immune self,
ease smallpox. However, the successes of both variolation and self-tolerance, all intimately related to mechanisms of
and vaccination spurred the deliberate experiments of acquiring immunity. The chief scientific problems for the
Pasteur in the following century to develop attenuated microbiologist include how the host differentiates between
vaccines and a modern version of the Specific Germ pathogenic and nonpathogenic microbes and between
Theory of infectious disease. The modern concepts of microbes and its own tissues, the effector mechanisms that
acquired immunity maintain that induced protection is suppress microbial virulence, how acquired immunity can
specific for each infectious agent, but recognize specificity be enhanced therapeutically or preemptively in the form of
at the level of molecules rather than microbes, which vaccines, and how acquired immunity contributes to allergy
allows cross-reactivity and self-reactivity (autoimmunity). and autoimmunity.
The mechanisms of innate and acquired immunity are
closely integrated, sharing the same or closely related
Definitions pathways for inter- and intracellular communication and
effector mechanisms. Moreover, some of the receptors
The various mechanisms of immunity are classified under mediating acquired immunity function in a manner that
the rubrics of innate and acquired immunity. This division closely resembles the receptors of innate immunity. It is
reflects the frequent use of analogies between immunolo- likely, for example, that the acquired antigen receptors of
gical and psychological phenomena including ‘memory’ B and T cells evolved from innate receptors. Innate and
and ‘the self’. In these metaphors, innate and acquired acquired responses are functionally integrated in the
immunity correspond to inborn (instinctive) and learned sense that innate responses profoundly influence acquired
animal behaviors. responses. Recent years have witnessed a flood of descrip-
Innate immunity refers both to mechanisms of resistance tions of ‘the interface’ between innate and acquired
to infection existing constitutively in the organism and to immunity. Such an interface is probably more conceptual
mechanisms inducible by stimulus-response systems resem- than physiological. Thus, innate and acquired mechan-
bling the homeostatic mechanisms of general physiology. In isms are thoroughly interdigitating.
this regard, the terms ‘innate’ and ‘natural’ are used inter-
changeably, both referring to traits essential to the ‘nature’
of the organism. The concept of a specific nature for each Immunocytes (Figure 1)
species, traceable to the Greek philosophers, is interpreted
by the modern biologist as referring to traits encoded in the The history of immunology was long contested by humor-
germ line and subject to neo-Darwinian evolution. The alists and cellularists. The term humoral immunity refers to
term innate, preferable as more precise and less imbued the presence of soluble proteins called antibodies, which
with metaphysical overtones, is gradually replacing the circulate in the blood, one of the four humors of medieval
term natural in the immunological literature. The latter is physiology. The humoral immunologists, typified by Paul
retained in phrases such as ‘natural killer cell’, ‘natural Ehrlich (Nobel 1908) and Karl Landsteiner (Nobel 1930),
antibodies’, and ‘natural Treg cells’. had the training and interests of chemists, and were able to
For the microbiologist, the chief scientific problems asso- make rapid progress in deciphering the first critical para-
ciated with the category of innate immunity are to digm of acquired immunity: the quantifiable chemical
understand how the host distinguishes between pathogenic specificities and mechanisms of interactions between solu-
and nonpathogenic microbes, how innate responses inhibit ble immunoglobulins (antibodies) and their ligands,
virulence, how innate immunity contributes to microbial antigens.
484 Pathogenesis | Immunity

Th1 Tfh

Plasmacytoid Thymus
VE-cadherin+ dendritic B cell
CD45+ CD34+ cell DP Treg
endothelial precursor thymocyte CD4 T cell
CD8 T cell
γδ T cell
stem cell
NK cell

Erythrocyte Monocyte


Platelets Eosinophil Myeloid dendritic cell

Mast cell

Figure 1 Leukocyte development. A working model of the differentiation pathway of mammalian hematopoietic cells. Solid lines
connected with cell symbols reflect well-substantiated pathways. Arrows not anchored in cell symbols, or with dashed lines, indicate
less certain pathways. Earlier analyses suggested a bifurcation of the pathway leading from the pluripotent stem cell to distinct myeloid
and lymphoid lineages. Accumulating evidence suggests that a single lineage may first progressively loose the potential to make
erythrocytes, then myeloid cell types, then B cell lineages.

In contrast, cellular immunology languished in the landscape of immunology for half a century, acquired
wings for more than half a century. The first cellularist immune reactions with self-molecules during embryo-
was Ilya Metchnikoff (Nobel 1908) who, inspired by genesis lead to clonal deletion (central tolerance); later
Darwin’s writings, compared the mechanisms of self- reactions with nonself molecules lead to immune reaction.
protection of vertebrates and invertebrates. Primarily a The concept of the immune self has been modified
zoologist, he discovered and named the macrophage. He somewhat in recent decades to include observations that
may also be regarded as the forefather of innate immu- self-tolerance includes peripheral mechanisms as well as
nity, though this category was not available in his time. central tolerance. Moreover, the distinction between self
Although Metchnikoff and the humoralists debated bit- and nonself has been blurred in recent decades by the
terly over the relative importance of cellular and humoral understanding that nonself molecules by themselves are
immunity, these two threads were more often discon- not sufficient to induce an immune reaction, while local
nected than at odds. inflammation can stimulate autoimmunity. In the modi-
Influenced by the early work of the neo-Darwinist fied landscape, the distinction between self and nonself is
Julian Huxley on the biological concept of the individual, accompanied by the understanding that recognition of
and aware of the role of cells as producers of antibodies, foreign antigens requires the activation of innate immune
Macfarlane Burnet (Nobel, 1960) wove these two threads receptors for microbial products and/or self-molecules
into the single fabric of modern immunology, in which that signal the presence of local danger or trauma.
the core mechanism of acquired immunity is based on the The central theme of cellular immunology is that
Clonal Selection Theory, in which antigen receptors immunity is mediated by immunocytes even if the immune
expressed by clones of immunocytes evolve during the factors they produce are secreted in soluble form. Although
lifetime of the organism. most cells of the body are active in innate immunity, the
Also under the influence of Huxley’s views on biolo- cells principally involved are blood cells. Immunocytes
gical individuality, Burnet promoted the concept of the derive from the same hematopoietic stem cell that gives
immune self. From this viewpoint, which dominated the rise to the red blood cells during vertebrate ontogeny.
Pathogenesis | Immunity 485

The chief functions of the primitive immunocytes are Trafficking

irritability (allowing response to foreign substances and
cells), mobility (giving access to sites of wounding, infec- Most white blood cells enter the circulation in mature
tion, or digestion), and phagocytosis, the ability to ingest form from the bone marrow. However, the T progenitors
substances and particles including other cells. first migrate to the thymus where they develop from
The predominant blood cell in the simple circulatory thymocytes into T cells. Leukocytes circulate rapidly
system of the insect is the plasmatocyte (not to be con- through the blood but quickly enter tissues under the
fused with the B cell-derived plasmacyte of vertebrates), a influence of locally produced chemoattractants called
macrophage derived from endothelial cells. The hemato- chemokines. These are generated by local cells including
poietic stem cells of mammals, which reside in the adult resident macrophages and DCs in response to local infec-
bone marrow, also derive from an endothelial-like cell; tion or tissue irritation and trauma. Most myelocytes
they still express the mucin-like adhesion protein CD34, remain in the circulation but the vast majority of lym-
a protein otherwise characteristic of endothelial cells. phocytes remain in the peripheral tissues or lymphoid
The CD34þ bone marrow-derived stem cell gives rise organs including the lymph vessels. Steady-state and
through mitosis to new stem cells and the progenitors of all induced changes in homing to different tissues is
blood cells. Differentiation steps driven by members of the mediated by changes in the avidity of leukocytes for
Notch protein family successively give rise to so-called adhesion molecules in those tissues. These changes are
myeloid and lymphoid progenitors. The former in turn induced chiefly by chemoattractant protein hormones
give rise to red blood cells among others but apparently called chemokines secreted by many different cell types,
have lost the ability to become lymphocytes. In contrast, or by the bacterial tripeptide, N-formyl-methionine–leu-
lymphoid progenitors loose the ability to form red blood cine-phenylalanine (fMetLeuPhe).
cells but may be able to generate some myeloid lineages. Although the details differ slightly for different leuko-
Myeloid progenitors generate erythrocytes (and their cytes, T cells illustrate the general principles of leukocyte
end products, red blood cells) and the myeloid series of trafficking. Naive T cells circulating in the bloodstream
leukocytes (white blood cells): monocytes and their dif- tumble through capillary beds, making weak transient
ferentiation products, macrophages and myeloid interactions with the endothelial wall through contacts
dendritic cells (DCs); granulocytes (eosinophils, neutro- between CD62L (L-selectin) and CD34 on endothelial
phils, basophils, and mast cells); and platelets. All of the cells. Resting T cells express high levels of low-affinity
myeloid leukocytes play important but distinctive roles as integrin LFA-1, but exposure to chemokines causes a
effector and regulatory cells of both innate and acquired rapid increase in affinity and avidity of LFA-1 for its
immunity. The lymphoid progenitors give rise to B cells, ligand, ICAM-1, found on many cell types including the
T cells, and NK cells. These are also leukocytes but are lumenal surface of the capillary endothelium. These
also called lymphocytes because of their high concentra- interactions permit the tumbling T cell to form tight
tion in the lymph fluid. adhesions with the endothelium of high endothelial
The principal cells of immunity – the leukocytes – are venules within lymph nodes. Subsequent burrowing
of hematopoietic origin; the principal organs are a mix- (called diapedesis or extravasation) of the T cell through
ture of leukocytes and cells of other lineages. The so- the endothelium gives it access to the tissue space where
called primary lymphoid organs are those that produce it proceeds through amoeboid movement to engage other
lymphocytes: the fetal liver; the bone marrow, also the site cells. Except for tissue macrophages and DCs, such as the
of adult hematopoiesis; the thymus, training ground for T Langerhans cells of the skin, most myelocytes circulate in
cells, located in the superior mediastinum of the chest and the blood and enter inflamed tissues only. Their local
derived from the equivalents of embryonic gill slits. The efforts are typically followed by apoptosis within a day;
secondary lymphoid organs are the sites in which T and B their cell corpses are engulfed by macrophages. In con-
cells mature, where acquired immunity is initiated and trast, T cells and other lymphocytes spend most of their
immune memory maintained. These are the spleen, also time in lymph nodes and other peripheral tissues, but
the graveyard of red blood cells, and lymph nodes. Lymph occasionally leave those tissues through draining lympha-
nodes develop as encapsulated outgrowths of lymphatic tic vessels, tributaries of the two lymphatic systems that
vessels provided with nerve and blood supply. There are empty into large veins in the chest cavity.
two categories of lymph nodes. The superficial nodes Apart from a few exceptions (notably, the brain), the
drain skin and outer tissues; the deep nodes drain the lymphatic vessels drain every organ. Like the vessels for
gut and respiratory mucosa and other deep organs such blood circulation, lymphatic vessels are walled by
as the aorta. endothelial cells. However, they lack smooth muscle
486 Pathogenesis | Immunity

cells; movement of cells through the lymphatics requires Innate Acquired

peristaltic motion mediated by surrounding body move-

ments. A series of lymphatic valves retards retrograde
motion, allowing lymphocytes to move slowly from tissue
to lymph nodes or spleen, and from lymph nodes or Dose
spleen toward the (left and right) thoracic ducts. The
former is the major route by which lymphoid cells reenter
the blood circulation.

In addition to returning lymphocytes to the blood,
lymph vessels serve to drain fluid from tissues and are
the chief mechanism for transporting digested fat from the
gut. Finally, lymphatic vessels draining infected tissues
provide a mechanism for lymphocytes and DCs in per-
Figure 2 Comparative kinetics of innate and acquired immune
ipheral tissues to find each other in draining lymph
response. Both innate and adaptive immune responses are
follicles and nodes. induced by specific interactions between receptors and their
Lymph nodes are specialized organs for initiating and stimulating ligands (arrows). Innate responses (left panel) are
regulating acquired immunity, and for immune memory. immediate and usually short-lived (bottom curves); subsequent
They are formed during embryogenesis through interac- responses to the same stimulus exhibit similar kinetics and dose
responsiveness (top curves). In contrast, primary adaptive
tions of blood vessels, which later provide T and B cells,
immune responses exhibit an apparent delay in response while
and lymphatics, which provide DCs. Nodes remain very undetectable clones expand. Secondary responses are faster
small until an acquired immune response is initiated, after and stronger and respond to lower doses of ligand. Acquired
which they grow in size by accumulating macrophages, immunity exhibits system memory; the critical change due to
DCs, and T and B cells; the T and B cells increase in memory is that the responsiveness of the system has changed.
number through rapid proliferation.
microbes resemble the homeostatic mechanisms by
which the organism responds to many other variations
Fundamentals of Innate Immunity in its external and internal environment. That is, temporal
variation in the concentration of chemical ligands is
Immunity starts at the interface of the organism with its
detected through protein receptors specific for those
environment, whether that is viewed as the external
ligands and transmitted rapidly to affect the cytoskeleton,
milieu, which includes the physical and chemical, or the
cell motility, and gene expression in responding cells.
internal milieu, which also includes the genetic. At this
The resulting signal is typically rapid and often regulated
level, the distinction between the functions of immunity
by feed-forward activation, feedback inhibition, and mod-
and the other life functions of feeding and reproducing is
ulation from other response pathways.
blurred and every cell exhibits immune functions. Thus,
Like other homeostatic mechanisms, the hallmarks of
both the bacterium in restricting bacteriophage DNA and
the innate immune response are its immediacy and the
the neuron, whose impulses can affect the outbreak of
Herpes simplex, exhibit immunity. operation of homeostatic controls that restore the system
Appreciation of the importance of innate immunity his- to its basal state. A true basal state has no record of not
torically lagged behind that of acquired immunity, but being in the basal state; ideal homeostatic mechanisms
recent years have led to tremendous interest in this area. thus erase the memory of system perturbations.
Innate immunity overlaps with general mechanisms of Homeostasis thus explains the memory-free aspect of
inflammation. Inflammation results not only from classi- innate memory. Thus, an organism exposed to an innate
cally defined immunity but also from wound healing, immune insult, such as exposure to a bacterial lipopoly-
chemical irritations (including those resulting from excess saccharide (LPS), will respond within seconds to that
serum glucose and dietary fat), hypoxia, cellular starvation, exposure, but within hours will begin to revert to basality.
heat shock, and cell death (including cell death due to Unless excessive exposure leads to irreversible damage,
normal cellular differentiation). The hallmarks of inflam- shock, or death, the wounded organism is healed comple-
mation are classically defined by three clinical terms: rubor tely; after a few days, secondary exposure to LPS induces a
(redness), tumor (swelling), and dolor (pain). The under- response of similar kinetics, magnitude, and consequence.
lying mechanisms, however, are manifold and mediated by Innate immunity is initiated when host cells detect
a variety of different cytokines, chemokines, and cell types. ‘‘stranger’’ signals (biochemicals produced by microbes
Innate responses are typically rapid, induced by but not their eukaryotic hosts) or danger signals (pro-
microbe-derived ligands or self-derived danger signals, duced by injured or stressed host cells). At this level,
and are memory-free (Figure 2). Innate responses to innate recognition of pathogens closely resembles
Pathogenesis | Immunity 487

receptor-based recognition of foodstuffs and mating The theme of induced hypersensitivity is common in
types. The former were originally termed pathogen-asso- innate reactions. Thus, in most cell types, interferon
ciated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by Charles Janeway induces the expression of PRR that increases cellular
(a term that stresses the correlation, established by evolu- sensitivity to dsRNA, a MAMP associated with replica-
tion, between microbes and the need for host defense) but tive intermediates of RNA viruses. As a result, prior
also called microbe-associated molecular patterns exposure of uninfected cells to interferon will arrest pro-
(MAMPs). The cellular receptors for MAMPs are called tein synthesis upon infection. In this sense, innate
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and are the basis for immunity can generate a variety of nonbasal states that
Janeway’s ‘stranger hypothesis’. This hypothesis states therefore exhibit forms of short-term system memory
that innate immune receptors should be sensitive to (Figure 3). In addition, some PRR can be induced by
local accumulation of microbial products. In contrast, interferon- (IFN-) produced by T cells during an
Polly Matzinger stressed the concept that innate recep- acquired immune response.
tors have evolved not to recognize microbial pathogens Another mechanism for response to pattern-associated
per se but to recognize forms of stress characteristic of molecules is the so-called inflammasome, an intracellular
infection, including physical trauma associated with assembly that couples activation of intracellular PRRs,
wounding. In her view, innate receptors recognize immu-
nological ‘danger’. A broader organismic view is that a
variety of homeostatic mechanisms respond to a variety of Death
stresses, different innate mechanisms may respond differ-
ently to different kinds of stress, and a variety of response More
Heightened effector
pathways are used to integrate those responses appropri- responsiveness functions
ately to the kind of stress involved. The stress-responsive
ligands are called ‘alarmins’. Effector
MAMP1 functions
The type specimen of PRR is TLR4, toll-like recep-
tor-4, named for its homology to the innate immune
receptor Toll of Drosophila. TLR4 is a cell-surface recep- Basal state Death
tor present on many cell types, which, especially in the
presence of its coreceptors CD14 and MD-2 (proteins
expressed by macrophages), has a high affinity for LPS, Clonal expansion Effector cell
a product of Gram-negative bacteria. Breach of the skin or
gut by bacteria exposes macrophages to LPS, initiating a Signal Two
signaling cascade leading to macrophage activation and a
variety of associated innate immune functions, including responsiveness Memory cells
phagocytosis, increased motility and gene activation, and
secretion of cytokines, including the inflammatory cyto- Signal One
kines interleukin-1 (IL-1), TNF- and interferons, and antigen i Anergy,
chemokines. At low concentrations, it can upregulate its ARi cell death
own expression and the expression of other PRR, includ- Basal state
ing other TLR molecules. This leads to a transitory Figure 3 The two-signal model applied to innate and acquired
hypersensitivity of the system to LPS and other MAMP. immunity. The top figure illustrates how independent activation of
At high concentrations, as in septicemia, LPS can induce different pattern recognition receptors by different microbe-
toxic shock and death. This results from the release of the associated molecular pattern (MAMP) molecules can induce
both responsiveness and effector functions during an innate
chromatin-binding protein HMBG1 by activated macro- immune response. Excessive signaling leads to death, while
phages. Necrotic but not apoptotic cells also release cessation of signaling allows an immunocyte to recover the basal
HMBG1, accounting in part for the greater inflammatory state. Note that by removing the immunocyte, death also can
activity of necrosis over apoptosis. As a soluble molecule, restore the basal state. The bottom figure illustrates a two-signal
model adapted from that of Bretscher and Cohn. Antigenic signal
HMGB1 acts as an alarmin by activating the advanced
One is insufficient to drive T or B cells to proliferate and exhibit
glycation end product receptor (AGER, also known as effector functions, but can lead to cell death or anergy. Signal
RAGE), which drives late-stage shock. Thus, PRRs, Two from activated antigen-presenting cells (APC) (for T cells) or
though encoded by the germ line, need not be constitutive activated T cells (for B cells) permits clonal expansion, memory
of the basal state. The immune system, by propagating cell formation, and effector function. Excessive signaling leads to
clonal exhaustion and death. T cells rarely if ever return to a basal
states of hyperresponsiveness and waves of signaling, may state. The two models are aligned to maximize a hypothesized
find it difficult to return to the basal state, leading to evolutionary derivation of acquired immune activation from a
irreversible pathology, including death. two-signal innate activation model.
488 Pathogenesis | Immunity

such as Non-obese diabetic (NOD), to an enzyme, markers, and might be a T cell equivalent to the IKDC.
capase-1, that activates certain proinflammatory cyto- Finally, the follicular dendritic cell (FDC) of germinal
kines, including IL-1. An emerging theme is that high centers is unrelated to the DC described above. It has
production of IL-1 requires two signals. TLRs signaling surface receptors for immunoglobulin, and presents anti-
through MyD88 activate transcription from the IL-1 gene, gens to B cells in the germinal centers.
while inflammasome activation is needed to generate the Myelocytes serve both innate and acquired immunity
active form of IL-1. This limitation may prevent inap- by helping to stimulate T and B cells or by providing
propriate responses to benign microbes such as gut flora. effector functions for soluble antibodies. Platelets aggre-
Initial innate insult in a peripheral tissue causes the gate to assist in blood clotting and wound healing. When
release of chemokines, especially IL-8, and inflammatory activated, they also release granules containing factors
cytokines, especially IL-6, from local cells. Within min- that are stimulatory for both innate and acquired immu-
utes, the former attract neutrophils, which extravasate nity. Neutrophils, macrophages, and DCs are active
into the infected tissues and phagocytose microbes. The phagocytes; the latter also present antigens to T cells.
rapidly accumulating corpses of neutrophils are in turn Eosinophils and macrophages recognize antibodies – pro-
digested along with bacteria, by a second wave of extra- duced by the acquired immune system – bound to
vasating monocytes. Under the influence of inflammatory pathogens, directing antigen-dependent cellular cytotoxi-
cytokines including IFN-, these become ‘angry’ macro- city (ADCC) toward those targets. Basophils and mast
phages that actively phagocytose particles and secrete the cells bear receptors for two classes of antibodies, IgG
inflammatory cytokines IFN-, tumor necrosis factor- and IgE, respectively, and when triggered by exposure
(TNF-), IL-1, and IL-12. Among other effects, the last to antigen, release platelet-activating factor (PAF) and
two cytokines help drive proliferation of NK cells and histamine, respectively, to trigger smooth muscle contrac-
differentiation of activated T cells into the T-helper 1 tion in the gut and lungs, vascular dilation, and, in
(Th1) or inflammatory T cell pathway. extreme cases, asthma and anaphylaxis. In addition, mast
A third phagocyte activated by innate responses is the cells particularly are important in regulating immune
DC – so called because of its many projecting cell pro- activation and immune tolerance.
cesses. These cells reside in an immature but highly
phagocytic state in peripheral tissues but rapidly mature
during an innate response. This mobilizes them to cease
Natural Killer Cells
phagocytosis and traffic via the nearest lymphatic capil-
lary to the draining lymph node, and upregulate Though recent evidence suggests that they also express a
expression of antigen-processing functions, antigen pre- novel kind of acquired antigen receptor, NK cells are cells
sentation molecules, and T cell costimulatory factors. of the lymphoid lineage with predominately innate
Within the draining lymph nodes, these DCs potently immune functions. They reside in tissues throughout the
present their antigen to T cells in the form of peptides body and circulate in the peripheral blood as large gran-
bound by class I and class II major histocompatibility ular lymphocytes (LGL); their granules contain the
complex (MHC) molecules. cytotoxic proteins granzyme B and perforin with which
The cellular taxonomy of DCs is poorly understood. they attack and kill their target cells: cancer cells, virus-
The so-called T cell-associated DC can be derived from infected cells, and cells exposed to a variety of other
both myeloid and lymphoid precursors. The myeloid- stresses. NK cells are required immediately after infection
derived DC is apparently the source of most tissue- for resistance to many viruses and bacteria and are major
resident DCs including the Langerhans cells of the skin producers of IFN- and IL-2, needed for subsequent
and the hepatic DCs; these might be the major mechanism T cell responses.
of presenting antigens to T cells during primary immune Metchnikoff described the macrophage as a policeman
responses. Through differential expression of costimula- charged with maintaining the order of metazoan life. In
tory molecules and cytokines, these DCs can also regulate vertebrates, NK cells seem to be specialized for the police
the differentiation path of T cells responding to antigen. function. They are not phagocytic but are heavily armed
The chief lymphoid-derived DC is the plasmacytoid DC. with cytocidal weapons. Like macrophages, they recog-
This shares certain cell-surface markers with B cells, and nize and kill target cells decorated with antibodies. In
produces large quantities of type I ( and ) interferons. addition, they bear a large variety of receptors by which
By virtue of the latter, plasmacytoid cells are important they scan the surface of other cells for evidence of truancy
effector cells during responses to viral infection. A newly or other malfeasance. These receptors activate or inhibit
identified DC is the IFN-producing killer DC (IKDC), the NK cells, and it is the balance of their signals that
generated from a subset of NK cells when these are decides whether the NK cell attacks. Inhibitory receptors
exposed to MAMPs. A large subset of T cells in the gut- scan the surface of target cells for molecules consistent
associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) expresses DC with a healthy cell. Although this activity was described
Pathogenesis | Immunity 489

originally in terms of a ‘missing self’ hypothesis, it can be The peptides themselves are derived from endogenous
seen more broadly in terms of ‘missing health’. proteins partially digested by proteasomes and pumped
Among such markers of health are the class I MHC into the ER by transporter associated with antigen pro-
molecules, present on healthy cells but frequently down- cessing (TAP). As a result, class I MHC molecules can
regulated in cancer or virus-infected cells. Human NK report changes in the population of peptides displayed by
cells express killer-inhibitory receptors (KIR) that recog- a cell, whether affected by cell stress per se or by the
nize class I MHC molecules; in their absence NK cells are presence of intracellular pathogens.
triggered to kill. Activating receptors scan for positive
signs of stress. For example, the molecules MIC
NK Licensing
and cytomegalovirus UL16-binding Protein (ULBP) are
induced by cell stress and frequently appear on tumor The inhibitory receptors of NK cells recognize the MHC
cells; they activate the NK receptor NKG2D. alleles of their own immune self; NK cells reject cells that
Receptors for some molecules come in both activating do not express those alleles. This is the ‘missing self’
and inhibitory forms and one of these may serve to illus- phenomenon, defined by Klaus Kärre, which predicted
trate the entire paradigm. The receptor NKG2A is inhibitory receptors and an educative process for NK cells
inhibitory due to an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based to learn ‘self’. The latter is provided by two mechanisms:
inhibitory motif (ITIM) motif in its cytoplasmic tail, random expression of NK receptors and licensing. Most
while its paralogous receptor NKG2C is activating due immature NK cells randomly and stably express one or
to an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motif two MHC-reactive NK receptors from a large germ line
(ITAM) motif. Both recognize the class I MHC molecule repertoire. As a result, many NK cells do not express any
HLA-E bound with a peptide derived from other MHC self-reactive receptors and, if allowed to become cytoly-
molecules. When human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infects tic, would attack healthy cells. Through a mechanism
cells, it inhibits the expression of most class I MHC currently not understood, only self-reactive NK cells
molecules, including delivery of peptides derived from become licensed; the others survive but remain anergic.
them to HLA-E. As a result, both KIR and NKG2A Licensed NK cells mature and, thereafter, kill unless
receptors lose their signal, inviting NK attack. However, inhibited by the presence of self-MHC molecules.
CMV provides a MHC surrogate peptide to restore
HLA-E function and suppress NK cells through
The Role of Innate Immune Cells in Immune
NKG2A, a suppression countered in part by NKG2C.
Activation and Immune Tolerance
It has long been thought that macrophages and NK cells
MHC Molecules
are inflammatory part of host defenses against microbes
MHC molecules belong to the immunoglobulin super- and cancer. However, it has recently been appreciated
family, of which immunoglobulins – antigen receptors of that macrophages and NK cells, and perhaps all leuko-
acquired immunity – are the type specimens. An impor- cytes, can play both protective and tolerant roles. In their
tant subset of MHC molecules plays a role in acquired protective mode, both cell types are cytocidal. In the
immunity by presenting peptide antigens to T cells; it was pregnant uterus, and in some tumors, both macrophages
this function that led to their initial description as trans- and NK cells can promote angiogenesis and are
plantation antigens. The family of MHC molecules, tolerogenic.
however, has a variety of other functions, and includes
olfactory receptors, transporters for iron or immunoglo-
bulin, and stress indicators for NK cells.
Inasmuch as NK receptors can differentiate among Acquired Immunity
class I molecules on the basis of bound peptides, and
given the ability of pathogens to manipulate the peptides The linchpin of acquired immunity is the antigen recep-
bound to MHC molecules, it is plausible that T cell tor. The antigen receptor is that which acquires new
receptors (TCRs) evolved from activating receptors on recognitive specificities, is coupled to effector mechan-
NK cells. An evolutionary arms race might have driven isms, and is coupled to a mechanism ensuring immune
the sophistication of viruses to subvert these responses memory. It is the proliferative expansion of rare immu-
and of the immune system to detect subversion. nocyte clones expressing antigen-specific receptors that
Class I MHC molecules have several critical features explains the three chief characteristics of acquired immu-
ideal for such an arms race. Their chief characteristic is nity: the relatively slow response of acquired immunity to
the ability to bind tightly to short peptides found in the initial insults, the establishment of memory, and the more
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and transport them to the rapid and robust memory response to secondary infection
cell surface where they can be scanned by lymphocytes. or experimental immune challenge.
490 Pathogenesis | Immunity

The antigen receptor of vertebrates shares some of main categories of antigen receptors. The generative
these features with a parallel mechanism found in the meaning has since been transferred to the term immuno-
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The vertebrate receptor gen, leaving antigen to refer to its role as ligand for
is a protein; the receptor in C. elegans is a ribonucleopro- antigen receptors. Unlike the molecular patterns recog-
tein called Slicer (the RNA-induced silencing complex). nized by innate receptors, there is often no pattern to
In this organism, as in vertebrates, infection by RNA antigens, no intrinsic foreignness.
viruses generates MAMPs in the form of dsRNA longer The antigen receptors of jawed vertebrates are
than 20 bp. One strand, the ‘guide’ strand of a 20 bp frag- expressed by two kinds of cells: membrane-bound anti-
ment is loaded into Slicer, which can then attack and bodies (also called immunoglobulins) by B cells and the
destroy many copies of viral RNA. The RNA interference TCR by T cells. These two receptors are closely homo-
machinery itself is a PRR, part of innate immunity, while logous in sequence and structure and belong to the
the addition of the virus-derived guide RNA converts immunoglobulin gene superfamily. The existence of a
Slicer into a specific receptor for the pathogen. third kind of antigen receptor in mouse NK cells has
This mechanism, also operating in vertebrates, generates been intimated by studies of NK-mediated hypersensi-
new recognitive specificities coupled to effector mechan- tivity responses to chemical haptens. NK cells from these
ism, but no memory is generated. To achieve memory, an mice exhibit properties of hapten-specific transferable
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in C. elegans replicates memory. Whether this phenomenon actually represents
the guide RNAs. The new copies diffuse through the worm, a new antigen receptor remains conjectural. Such a recep-
providing advance protection for noninfected cells, and can tor might, for example, resemble the gene-rearranging
be cytoplasmically inherited by oocytes to engender a sort antigen receptor expressed by immunocytes of jawless
of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired immunity. fish (agnathans, sea lampreys, and hagfish), which belong
Vertebrates apparently do not have this polymerase. to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) gene family.
There are three critical differences between the Antibodies were the first discovered and remain the
acquired immune mechanism of C. elegans and that of paradigm of antigen receptors. With a few exceptions
vertebrates. These concern the mechanism of generating (camels have antibodies of just a heavy chain), antibodies
the new specificity, the mechanism of storing it as memory, are tetramers of two heavy and two light chains, each of
and the consequent locus of storage. In the worm, the which consists of an N-terminal variable domain, which
molecular structure of the pathogen instructs the formation binds a specific antigen, and one or more constant
of new recognitive specificity; it imposes its molecular domains, which mediate a variety of functions.
form on the plastic Slicer. Memory is stored in RNA- Immunoglobulins consist of a protein family, which in
diffusible molecules and maintained by RNA polymerases mammals consists of a heavy chain (IgM, IgD, and several
activated when the guide encounters its target. In contrast, isoforms of IgG, IgA, and IgE) and a light chain (, ).
the vertebrate receptor is generated in advance by random The corresponding heavy chain genes go by the Greek
mutation of DNA genes encoding antigen receptors. The appellations , , , , and ".
clones of cells expressing a mutant gene with new specifi- The variable regions of a heavy and a light chain
city for the pathogen are selectively activated to proliferate combine to form a single binding site for antigens; the
and differentiate: the Clonal Selection Theory of Burnet. full heterotetramer then has two full binding sites. In
Immune memory is maintained by memory cells that resting B cells, the heavy chains of immunoglobulins are
persist in the body long after the pathogen has left. The expressed as type I transmembrane proteins with a
worm acquires immunity by instruction; the locus of mem- cleaved signal peptide at the N-terminus of the prepro-
ory is diffusible among cells; memory is maintained by tein, an extracellular multidomain globular protein with
persistent exposure to the pathogen. In contrast, the verte- several N-linked glycans, a transmembrane region, and a
brate acquires immunity through selection; the locus is the short cytoplasmic domain that has no known function
cell; and memory is maintained chiefly by memory cells (Figure 4). The membrane-bound immunoglobulin is
even in the absence of pathogen. complexed with two other proteins,  and , whose
long cytoplasmic domains mediate signaling from the B
cell receptor complex.
Antigens and Antigen Receptors
B cell activation stimulates alternative splicing at the
The antigen receptors of vertebrates are proteins that 39 end of the primary transcript of the heavy chain, lead-
bind selectively to chemical moieties associated with the ing to a secreted form lacking the transmembrane and
pathogen. The ligands for these receptors, called antigens, cytoplasmic domains: the soluble antibody. When
can be proteins as well, but lipids, sugars, nucleic acids, secreted, different isoforms multimerize differently: IgG
and other chemical compounds can also be antigens. The and IgE are secreted as singleton tetramers, IgA as multi-
term antigen historically referred to any chemical able to mers of one, two, or three singletons, and IgM as
generate or induce antibodies (antikorpor), one of two pentamers, with a total of ten antigen-binding sites.
Pathogenesis | Immunity 491

available for binding when a protein is denatured, as in

denaturing gel electrophoresis and Western blots; they
may be located anywhere in a large protein, and their
corresponding antibodies can be generated in animals
immunized with synthetic peptides.
The molecular size of linear epitopes recognized by
antibodies is limited by the size of the corresponding
paratopes and ranges from a minimum on the order of a
TCR single residue of a sugar molecule or amino acid to a
maximum of about eight residues. At one extreme, both
Figure 4 Antigen-binding receptors. The antigen-binding antibodies and TCRs can bind minimal epitopes, called
receptors of T cells (left) are composed of two chains, each with haptens, as small as fluorescein. At the other extreme,
one antigen-binding domain, one structural domain, a
transmembrane (TM) domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. Each
antibodies recognize linear polysaccharides as long as
chain of the T cell receptor (TCR) resembles the light chain of six sugars. The epitopes recognized by TCRs are more
immunoglobulin, except the latter is not membrane-bound. The complicated, formed by the folding together of a linear
antigen-binding domain of the TCR recognizes a small peptide peptide epitope with an antigen-presenting molecule.
presented by an MHC molecule on the antigen-presenting cell. They are conformational in the sense that the TCR
Antibodies recognize ligands independently of a presenting
molecule. The heavy chain of the immunoglobulin contains
must recognize a well-conformed MHC molecule pre-
several additional structural domains and can be either senting the peptide. The peptide itself is linear.
membrane-bound or secreted, depending on the site of
polyadenylation and splicing of the primary RNA transcript. When
cell bound, both receptors are bound tightly by other proteins
that together form a signaling complex (not shown).
Antigen Processing and Antigen
Like the antibody, the TCR is a heterodimer of two
chains,  and , or, in a minor set of T cells, the para- The peptide epitopes recognized by the TCR are not
logous chains  and . Each of these has a variable and a available in the native or even the denatured form of
single constant domain; the heterodimer has a single protein antigen, but must undergo antigen processing.
antigen-binding site. Both chains are membrane-bound Most antigens processed for presentation by class I mole-
with very short cytoplasmic tails; there is no secreted cules are partially digested by proteasomes within the
form of the TCR. The single heterodimer associates cytosol, and are pumped into the ER by TAP. Within
obligatorily with CD3, itself a complex of several mem- the ER, newly synthesized class I MHC molecules
brane-spanning signaling proteins. achieve a mature conformation by folding with those
peptides for which they have binding specificity.
Successfully folded molecules are then transported to
the cell surface for presentation to T cells; class I mole-
The Antigen-Combining Site of the Antigen
cules that do not find peptides fail to fold and are
degraded. Class I molecules are expressed on almost
Each antigen-binding domain of an antibody or TCR every cell type; this allows cytolytic T cells (CTLs) to
contains a binding surface, called a paratope, which recognize and lyse any of these cells. Most antigens pro-
binds stereospecifically to its molecular complement on cessed for presentation by class I molecules are
the antigen, called the epitope. Antigens can thus be much synthesized within the presenting cell itself. As a result,
larger than an epitope, and many antigens contain multi- detection by T cells of viral peptides presented by the
ple epitopes. class I molecules by most cells is a sign that the latter are
Epitopes recognized by antibodies can be either linear actively infected.
or conformational. Linear epitopes are composed of short There is one exception to this rule: DCs are able to
polymers of molecules such as polysaccharides, peptides, transfer protein antigens from their phagosomes to the
or glycolipids. Conformational epitopes are formed by the cytoplasm where they enter the proteasomes pathway. By
juxtaposition of noncontiguous molecules, as in a folded this mechanism, sometimes called cross-priming, DCs in
protein. This distinction has a practical outcome: draining lymph nodes activate T cells specific for virus or
Conformational epitopes are available for binding only tumor antigens even if the DCs themselves do not express
when the antigen is properly folded and are usually found those antigens. (Cross-priming originally referred to the
on the surface of proteins. Well-conformed antigens are ability of antigen-presenting cells (APC) of the host to
needed to elicit antibodies for conformational antigens by present antigens from transferred heterologous cells; the
immunization. In contrast, linear protein epitopes are term is also used to refer to the general ability of APC to
492 Pathogenesis | Immunity

acquire and present antigens from other cells, regardless The dependence on two to three anchor residues
of the kind of MHC molecule involved.) entails that a given MHC molecule recognizes fewer
Peptides presented by class II molecules follow a dif- than 1 in 400 random peptides, and an immune system
ferent path. Most antigens enter the pathway of antigen relying on a single MHC molecule would provide ample
processing through some form of endocytosis: receptor- opportunities for pathogens to evolve resistance. Most
mediated endocytosis and phagocytosis of exogenous species of vertebrates express two or three loci each of
antigens, and autophagocytosis of internal proteins. The class I and class II MHC molecules devoted to presenting
presence on a presenting cell of antigens presented by a wide sampling of peptides to T cells. Rather than
class II MHC molecules is therefore no indicator of increasing the number of loci, which would probably
infection. Most cells do not express class II MHC mole- create problems of excessive self-tolerance, class I-a and
cules; those that do are called professional APC. Of these, class II MHC genes have become the most polymorphic
DCs are relatively rare, but extremely efficient at acquir- of all genes, with up to hundreds of alleles in natural
ing, processing, and presenting antigens. Macrophages are populations. This enormous diversity has two important
less effective on a per cell basis, but very common at the consequences for the organism responding to infection
site of active infection. B cells are not phagocytic, but and three for vaccinologists. First, assuming random mat-
because their surface antigen receptors (antibodies) have ing in the population, most individuals are heterozygous
very high affinity for antigen, they are very effective at at each locus, doubling the number of peptides recognized
acquiring (through endocytosis of their own surface anti- by MHC molecules. Second, a large-enough population is
bodies) cognate antigen. likely to contain some individuals that can generate
acquired immunity to a new pathogen. Third, vaccines
designed to target a peptide that is ‘immunodominant’ for
MHC Restriction individuals bearing one set of MHC alleles are not likely
to be effective in the general populace.
The epitopes recognized by antibodies are usually formed – Fourth, because of the huge polymorphism of MHC
even when conformational – by the chemical residues of molecules T cells of each individual must be ‘educated’ to
a single molecule or a single subunit of a multimeric recognize the particular MHC molecules of their ‘self’. It
protein. In some cases, the juxtaposition of residues from is this feature, discussed below under the rubric of thymic
two subunits of a protein can produce a conformational education, that gave rise to the notion that the MHC
epitope accessible to the antibody. Such antibodies defines ‘self’ and that accounts for the fifth consequence
recognize the residues of one subunit only in the mole- of MHC polymorphism – the violent rejection of organ
cular context of the residues of the second subunit. This transplants from donors not matched for MHC
situation is relatively rare for antibodies, but is the rule polymorphism.
for TCRs. Under unusual situations it is possible to
obtain TCRs that recognize small haptens or that recog-
The Generation of Antigen Receptor Diversity
nize antigens in the absence of MHC molecules.
However, most TCRs recognize short peptides only The variability of the antigen-binding sites of antigen
when presented by particular MHC molecules. This receptors depends not on a plasticity of the sites them-
phenomenon is called MHC restriction; the ability of selves, but on the somatic mutation of the receptor genes.
the TCR to recognize the peptide epitope is restricted to This involves a variety of mechanisms. For example, in
the particular allele of the MHC molecule. Indeed, ana- germinal center B cells, the enzyme activation-induced
lyses of the X-ray crystal structures of TCRs engaged deaminase (AID) mutates DNA sequences encoding the
with peptide–MHC complexes revealed that about 90% antigen-binding site of expressed immunoglobulins. This
of the contact surface is composed of MHC residues. receptor editing can increase or decrease the affinity of
Class I MHC molecules bind peptides 8–10 residues in the antibody for its antigen, or change the specificity
length tightly within a groove. Two or three residues of the altogether. AID belongs to a family of enzymes that edit
peptide make intimate contact with the MHC molecule, RNA or DNA, and it is plausible that this or a similar
two or three are available for direct contact with the TCR. mechanism of somatic mutation was the primordial means
The former property entails that an MHC molecule binds of antigen receptor diversification. Receptor editing does
only a subset of peptides with high affinity – the subset not operate on TCR genes, at least in the mouse.
defined by the two or three ‘anchor residues’; and potential A second mechanism of somatic mutation uses gene
epitopes may be predicted by their possession of this conversion to replace the variable region of an expressible
‘binding motif’. In terms of peptide binding, class I and II immunoglobulin locus with variable region segments
MHC molecules differ chiefly in that the former enclose from a library of alternatives. This mechanism operates
the termini of peptides, the latter allow the termini of in chickens and to some extent in rabbits as a primary
undefined length to extend into the water phase. mechanism of generating antibody genes, but it can also
Pathogenesis | Immunity 493

contribute to receptor editing in germinal centers. Lymphocyte Selection

Notably, in both chickens and rabbits, the main organ
According to Burnet’s Clonal Selection Theory, clones of
for generating B cells is not the bone marrow, as in
lymphocytes are selected negatively if they react with
humans and mice, but intestinal lymphoid tissue: the
self-antigens, positively if they react with foreign anti-
Bursa of Fabricius in the chicken and the appendix in
gens. Both forms of selection operate chiefly at the time of
the rabbit. Thus, gene conversion might be considered as
first encounter – negative selection during embryogenesis
a mechanism operating primarily in secondary lymphoid
or early stages of lymphocyte differentiation in the adult,
positive selection after encounter with a pathogen. These
A third form of somatic mutation operates as the chief
essential features remain in the more recent models of
means of receptor diversification in B and T cells in the
acquired immunity, but have been modified to some
bone marrow and thymus, respectively. This mechanism
extent to account for the mechanisms of diversification,
requires the site-specific DNA recombination-activating
and to account for MHC restriction.
gene (RAG). In contrast to gene conversion, which trans-
Survival of newly formed lymphocytes in each lineage
fers sequence information though patches of homology,
requires the formation of a functional receptor; thereafter,
RAG mediates rearrangement through short recombina-
the negative and positive clonal selection mechanisms
tion signal sequences (RSS) that allow nearly perfect
differ for B and T cells. Nevertheless, the end result is
placement of variable region cassettes into the expression
similar in both cases: mature lymphocytes rarely express
locus. Although RAG expression is limited to lympho-
autoreactive receptors (self-tolerance) but have the
cytes, there is evidence in sharks that RAG can also
potential for high-affinity reactions with foreign antigens.
rearrange immunoglobulin genes in the germ line itself.
B cells undergo negative selection in their primary
This recombinase is distantly related to site-specific
tissues, followed by positive selection in the periphery.
recombinases of bacterial transposons and to the DNA
Perhaps one-half of the newly formed B cells express
integrases of retroviruses. RAG has been found in verte-
autoreactive receptors. Most of these are destroyed by
brates but not in jawless fishes or invertebrates and might
negative selection, some in the bone marrow and the
have been introduced to vertebrates by lateral transmis-
remaining in the periphery. Self-reactive B cells escaping
sion from bacteria. Thus it appears likely that the
negative selection circulate without being activated in
evolution of vertebrate antigen receptors using RAG
most cases. However, in some individuals, these can be
and site-specific recombination was superimposed on a
activated by autoreactive T cells to release pathogenic
preexisting mechanism mediated by AID and homology-
autoimmune antibodies.
based recombination.
Positive selection of B cells occurs initially in lymph
In mice and humans, RAG operates during the early
nodes or the spleen and, after they form during an
stages of B and T cell ontogeny to generate a single
immune reaction, in the germinal centers of those organs.
functional expressed locus from two or three variable
Under the control of T cells, exposure to cognate antigen
region elements (V, D, and J) upstream of the single
drives the proliferation and differentiation of B cells.
constant region. The large number of different germ line
Selection also operates following the reactivation of
copies of V, D, and J elements generates a large combi-
memory B cells. In this case, clonal variants expressing
natorial diversity in the final product; additional diversity
receptors modified by hypermutation or receptor editing
is generated by imprecision when the segments are joined.
are positively selected on the basis of high affinity for
A final combinatorial diversification is obtained by the
antigen. As a result, the antibodies produced by memory
random selection of heavy and light chains. Through a
responses have higher affinity than those produced by
variety of mechanisms, nearly all nascent B and T cells
primary responses – a phenomenon called affinity
successfully rearrange and express a functional antigen
receptor from a single allele only, a phenomenon termed
allelic exclusion. This ‘one cell–one receptor’ mechanism
ensures that the selective fate of each such clone depends
Thymic Education
on the specificity of a single antigen receptor character-
istic of that clone. Selection of the receptor repertoire of T cells differs
Nonvertebrate chordates display an additional strikingly from that of B cells, chiefly to account for
mechanism for generating antigen receptor diversity. MHC restriction. In particular, T cells – called thymo-
The immunocytes of jawless fish clonally express a single cytes during thymic education – first undergo positive
functional copy of a rearranged antigen receptor belong- selection to achieve MHC restriction, followed by nega-
ing to the LRR family. As in the case of the germline copy tive selection to remove autoreactive clones. Later, in the
of chicken immunoglobulin, the germline copy is non- periphery, clones of T cells may expand in response to
functional; an AID-dependent gene conversion mechan- antigen, a process equivalent to peripheral positive selec-
ism has been implicated in making it functional. tion of B cell clones.
494 Pathogenesis | Immunity

As is the case for B cells, generation of the unselected the thymus through blood vessels. In addition, stromal
repertoire occurs in the primary lymphoid organ for T cells and cells of the thymus express a protein, autoim-
cells – the thymus. The activity of two kinds of molecules mune regulator (AIRE), that induces local expression of a
in T cells ensures that most MHC molecules that survive large number of self-proteins, apparently for the purpose
the initial round of selection are MHC-restricted. The of tolerizing T cells. This phenomenon underscores the
first is the coreceptor, CD8 for class I MHC molecules, basic correctness of Burnet’s conception of self as defined
and CD4 for class II molecules. Most thymocytes differ- by central tolerance. Indeed, deletion of AIRE in mice
entiate through a double-positive stage in which they and humans causes autoimmune disease.
express both CD4 and CD8; it is the double-positive A small fraction of thymocytes proceed through alter-
thymocyte that undergoes the initial round of positive native routes of education. Thymocytes expressing
selection. The extracellular domains of coreceptors functional  TCRs are positively selected but may
engage the conserved but class-specific residues of the never express coreceptors, and never go through negative
MHC molecules. The cytoplasmic domains of CD4 and selection. They home from the thymus to the mucosa-
CD8 sequester the signaling molecule Lck, a tyrosine associated lymphoid tissues where they make up about
kinase required for TCR signaling. TCRs that do not half the resident T cells. The functions of these cells are
engage MHC molecules do not have access to Lck; a poorly understood, but may have NK-like activity, pro-
thymocyte bearing an unrestricted TCR therefore dies ducing cytokines when activated, and may suppress
from neglect. In contrast, thymocytes whose receptors acquired immunity to food antigens. Another small subset
engage class I or class II MHC molecules activate Lck of thymocytes is restricted by the MHC class I-like mole-
and are positively selected to progress to the next stage. cule, CD1, which binds neither CD4 nor CD8. CD1 binds
Only those TCRs that bind with sufficient affinity to peptides, but also binds endogenous and mycobacteria-
MHC molecules and their embedded peptides are posi- derived waxy compounds. Such T cells express a very
tively selected. As a result, the thymocytes that emerge limited repertoire of variable region segments that are
from the thymus are restricted by self-MHC. preadapted for binding CD1. Their functional similarity
Double-positive cells undergo another educative pro- to NK cells and invariant use of a single TCR- chain
cess in which they become single-positive thymocytes, have garnered these CD1-restricted T cells the appella-
expressing only the coreceptor appropriate to their MHC tion of invariant NKT (iNKT) cells.
restriction. This mechanism is instructive rather than It should be apparent that positive selection of thymo-
selective. Double-positive thymocytes that have been cytes shares at least superficial features of NK cell licensing.
positively selected transiently downregulate CD8. MHC In both cases, a random mechanism generates lymphocytes
class II-restricted thymocytes continue to engage their with receptors, some of which are self-reactive. Licensing
MHC class II through CD4 and maintain signaling and positive selection then induce differentiation of self-
through Lck. This causes the CD8 locus to shut down reactive cells, and functional inactivation of the others. For
permanently, allowing the thymocytes to mature into NK cells, NKT, , and Treg cells, positive selection is the
CD4þ thymocytes. In contrast, class I-restricted thymo- last selective step. There is an important difference: docu-
cytes transiently lacking CD8 expression lose signaling mented licensed NK receptors are inhibitory, TCRs are
through Lck. Transient loss of signaling causes them to activating.
lose expression of CD4 permanently, regain expression of
CD8, and become CD8þ thymocytes.
T Cell Activation and Differentiation
During thymic negative selection, thymocytes with
excessive affinity for self-peptides suffer one of two The predominant T cell expresses the  TCR. On
fates: deletion or conversion to so-called regulatory T leaving the thymus as a naive T cell, it circulates rapidly
cells (Treg). The first removes most overtly autoreactive through the blood, entering lymphoid tissues through
T cells, the second generates a cell that suppresses the high endothelial venules and, if it does not encounter
autoreactivity of other cells. Only about 5% of thymo- antigens, it slowly returns to the blood through the
cytes survive thymic education; of these, about 5% lymphatics.
become Treg. Commitment to the thymic or ‘natural’ To detect antigens, amoeboid T cells crawl through
Treg lineage involves expression of the transcription fac- lymphoid tissue, transiently engaging DCs with nonspe-
tor Foxp3 and constitutive expression of the high-affinity cific adhesion molecules. Previously activated in
subunit of the IL-2 receptor, CD25. Peripheral T cells peripheral infected tissues, these DCs have already pro-
that lack Foxp3 expression can also be induced to express cessed antigens and present them in the form of peptides
Foxp3, but the function and stability of these cells in vivo on MHC molecules. Most naive T cells are nonreactive
remains controversial. and quickly disengage. The rare reactive lymphocyte,
Self-antigens present in the thymus include those however, detects cognate antigen on the DCs; its TCR
expressed by thymic cells themselves or brought into begins signaling to initiate a profound series of cellular
Pathogenesis | Immunity 495

changes. Within seconds the affinity of adhesion mole- IL-10 suppresses IL-12 production by DCs. In addition,
cules is increased, strengthening the adhesion between T IL-4 promotes the development of B cells secreting IgG1
cell and DC, and the T cell stops crawling. Membrane and IgE. Th2 cells are essential for resistance to extra-
flow continues, allowing TCRs and the costimulatory cellular pathogens including fungi and nematodes, and to
receptor CD28 to accumulate at the center of the interface the pathological development of many forms of allergy
with the DC. These form an ‘immunological synapse’ – and of asthma.
similar to the focal adhesion complex of other cells. As The differentiation of Th1 and Th2 cells tends to be
more TCRs and costimulatory are engaged, the strength mutually exclusive because the cytokines produced by
of signaling increases and multiple signaling cascades are each type of cell are self-promotional and mutually sup-
activated. These induce expression of additional adhesion pressive. As a result, immune response to vaccines and
molecules, CD25, the high-affinity receptor for the mito- pathogens tend to be ‘skewed’ or exhibit ‘immune devia-
genic cytokine IL-2, production of cytokines including tion’. Indeed, many of the T cell suppressor reactions
IL-2, very rapid proliferation (doubling every 6 h), and T described in the 1980s were probably examples of
cell differentiation. immune deviation.
It is at this time that the T cells differentiate into The cytokine TGF- induces expression of Foxp3 in
various subsets. The chief subsets of effector T cells are the otherwise uncommitted CD4þ T cells and, in some
characterized by the coreceptors CD8 and CD4. conditions, these cells functionally resemble thymus-
CD8þ T cells become CTL. Textbooks have for years derived Treg cells. Both thymus-derived and induced
referred to CD8 as ‘suppressors’. This appellation might Treg cells secrete TGF- andIL-10, both of which sup-
merely reflect a different functional assay rather than a press Th1 cells. In addition, Treg cells are able to suppress
differentiated subset, but one can frequently detect CD8 the activation of other T cells through a cell contact-
T cells that express IFN- but not perforin, lending dependent process, the mechanism of which is otherwise
strength to the notion of different states of differentiation. unknown. The stability of the functional state of induced
CTLs carry large cytolytic granules and express the Treg cells and their importance in vivo or in therapeutic
cytolytic Fas ligand at their surface. They leave the lym- applications remain controversial.
phoid tissues, scouring the body for virus-infected cells. The inflammatory cytokine IL-6, produced by many
During acute virus infection, the frequency of CTL reac- cell types, drives CD4þ cells to express another lineage-
tions with an immunodominant epitope may increase critical transcription factor, RORT, and become T17
within a few days from a naive level of ten per million cells. T17 cells secrete the inflammatory cytokine IL-17
to 10%. The bulk of these cells die, leaving behind a that further promotes the T17 pathway, recruits neutro-
residue of memory cells. phils, and stimulates the proliferation of keratinocytes.
Many CD4 T cells proliferate and remain resident in T17 cells promote the development of autoimmunity.
the lymphoid tissues in which they are activated. Here A fifth subtype of CD4þ T cell has been proposed and
they contribute to the formation of secondary lymphoid characterized as a follicular helper T (TFH) cell.
follicles as part of the germinal center reaction, a complex Generation of these cells appears to require IL-21, and
of dividing B and T cells, T cell-associated DCs, and they themselves secrete the same cytokine. They home to
follicular DCs. Within the germinal center, CD4 T cells the follicles of germinal centers where they appear to
subset differentiation is driven chiefly by the balance of cooperate with B cells and generally to promote antibody
cytokines. Five subtypes or lineages of CD4 T cells are production. The transcription factor Bcl-6 might be
currently recognized. important for formation and/or maintenance of this cell
Inflammatory innate responses drive IL-12 production type.
by DCs. Th1 cells are induced especially by the cytokines
IL-12 and IFN- and themselves express the lineage- T cell memory
critical transcription factor T-bet, the cytokines IL-2, After an acute response to vaccination or infection, most
TNF-, and IFN-. They promote the activation of effector T cells die. A residue of cells serves as memory
cytolytic cells (T cells and NK cells) and cytolytic anti- cells, which may persist for decades in humans in the
bodies (subclasses IgG2a and IgG3); their function is apparent absence of antigen. They proliferate very slowly
critical for resistance to viruses and bacteria. In addition, to maintain a steady state. There are two kinds of memory
IFN- inhibits the proliferation of Th2 cells. cells. Central memory cells closely resemble naive T
In the absence of IL-12 or IFN-, CD4 cells tend to cells, replicate rapidly upon secondary exposure to anti-
develop through the Th2 pathway. Th2 cells are induced gen, but replicate before expressing effector functions. As
by the cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, express the lineage- a result, secondary memory responses from central mem-
critical transcription factor GATA-3, and produce the ory cells are strong but delayed. In contrast, so-called
cytokines IL-4 and IL-10. IL-4 is mitogenic for Th2 memory-effector cells often lack the costimulatory recep-
cells but suppresses proliferation of Th1 cells, while tor CD28 and proliferate very poorly, but maintain the
496 Pathogenesis | Immunity

effector function. For example, like NK cells, memory- induces an AID-dependent recombination event that
effector CTL can lyse targets within minutes without the deletes the  region and connects the expressed variable
need to proliferate. Indeed, many memory-effector cells region with one of the downstream constant regions.
exhibit surface markers and other functions characteristic Switching is regulated by cytokines. For example, IL-4
of NK cells and have been described as another kind of induces switching to the 1 or " constant regions, gener-
NKT cell. ating B cells expressing IgG1 or IgE, respectively. In
The mechanisms of immune memory are difficult to contrast, IFN inhibits switching to IgG1 or IgE, but
study partly because of the timescale of relevant experi- instead induces switching to the 3 or 2a constant
ments. It is critical to establish experimentally that a regions, leading to production of IgG3 or IgG2a,
primary state of acquired immunity has lapsed, to permit respectively.
tests of the ability of the immune system, or of parts of it Through the mechanism of heavy chain class switch-
under study, to restore immunity. The recall of immune ing, the single functional variable region present in the
memory from a state of apparent immune amnesia is naive B cell can be expressed with functionally distinct
called the anamnestic response. constant regions in different subclones. The antibodies of
different classes differ in their half-life in the serum, their
ability to fix complement, their ability to be transcytosed
B Cell Responses from the placenta into the fetus or in the mammary gland
into milk, across the gut epithelium into the intestine, and
The naive B cell expresses its clonotypic immunoglobulin their ability to bind receptors (called Fc receptors) for
chiefly in the form of IgM. The paradigmatic response of immunoglobulins found on different immunocytes. For
B cells to antigen occurs in the germinal center and example, IgM is moderately active in neutralizing virus, is
requires engagement with Th1 or Th2 and perhaps TFH extremely effective at activating complement, but does
cells. This process is apparently initiated by cross-linking not cross the placenta or enter milk and is not active in
the surface IgM by polyvalent antigen – such as the sur- antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)
face of a virus. Such cross-linking is sufficient for mediated by NK cells. In contrast, IgG1 is better at
internalizing, processing, and presenting peptides from virus neutralization, ADCC, moderately activates com-
the antigen, and for increasing the avidity of B cell adhe- plement, is efficiently transported across the placenta, and
sion molecules, allowing the B cells to engage the T cells triggers release of PAF from basophils. IgA is secreted
they encounter as they traffic through germinal centers. If efficiently into the gut lumen where it is effective at virus
the antigen peptides are recognized by T cells, the T cells neutralization. IgE binds to specific Fc receptors on mast
also respond by forming an immune synapse with the B cells; cross-linking with antigen triggers mast cell degra-
cell and by upregulating expression of CD40 ligand nulation and histamine release.
(CD40L), which activates the costimulatory receptor The activities of antibodies depend on two aspects of
CD40 on B cells. In turn, the B cell upregulates expression their structure. On the one hand, antibody binding to
of the costimulatory molecules B7 (reactive with CD28 antigens can neutralize a virus by allosteric changes in
on most T cells) and ICOS ligand (reactive with ICOS on capsid molecules, or by blocking access to the cellular
TFH cells). receptor for the virus. In some cases, however, antivirus
Activated by the T cell, the B cell can now proliferate antibodies can increase infectivity, as with IgG antibodies
and differentiate, giving rise to terminally differentiated against HIV, most of which merely increase its ability to
plasma cells; most of these migrate to the bone marrow infect monocytes. On the other hand, the constant region
where they secrete large quantities of soluble antibody of an antibody couples the receptor to effector functions.
into tissue space and bloodstream. As with T cells, a few B The effect may be to increase the avidity of interaction (as
cells remain to become memory cells. Unlike T cells, but with pentameric IgM), to target the antibody to specific
requiring their help, memory B cells undergo affinity cellular receptors, or to bind soluble effector molecules
maturation and receptor editing. If antigen concentrations such as complement.
remain high, or if there is a secondary exposure to anti-
gen, the B cell undergoes immunoglobulin gene class
switching. Complement
This form of DNA rearrangement is unique to immu-
noglobulins. The heavy chain locus contains a series of Complement represents a series of soluble proteins, pre-
heavy chain constant regions, each encoding a complete sent constitutively in the blood and tissue spaces that can
constant region with a class-specific DNA switch region be triggered through an explosive cascade of protein
at its 59 end. The 59 most constant region is , and this is cleavage reactions to activate potent innate immune
the configuration first expressed after VDJ recombination, mechanisms. The effector mechanisms include the for-
allowing initial expression of IgM. Reactivation of B cells mation of lethal membrane pores in bacteria or cells,
Pathogenesis | Immunity 497

activation of phagocytosis by macrophages, and recruit- of soluble factors that recruit phagocytes, and the target-
ment of neutrophils. ing of phagocytes to the activating surface.
Activation (fixing) of complement by antibodies was Uncontrolled activation of the complement cascade is
discovered first and hence is called the classical comple- lethal to the host organism. Two general mechanisms
ment activation pathway; in this respect it is an important limit its effect. In the first, most triggers target the effects
effector arm of acquired immunity. In this pathway, anti- to a limited surface – a bacterium or infected cell. In the
gen–antibody complexes bind the complement factor second, a variety of soluble and cell-associated inhibitory
C1q, initiating its self-cleavage to release activated sub- factors inhibit the complement cascade. For example, the
units, C1r and C1s; these quickly lead to the cleavage and membrane protein CD55, also known as decay-accelerat-
activation of C3 convertase. The complement cascade is ing factor (DAF), inhibits activation of C3 convertase.
also activated by two other mechanisms, which also lead
to activation of C3 convertase. In the ‘alternative’ path-
way, C3 binds to bacterial surface and is induced to Patterns of Regulation in Immunology
activate itself, generating the C3 convertase. In the lec-
tin-mediated pathway, carbohydrate structures on The mechanisms for triggering and limiting complement
microbial surfaces are recognized by the lectin man- activation illustrate a general feature of both innate and
nose-binding protein (MBP) (Table 1). Once cross- acquired immunity: an uneasy balance between positive
linked, MBP triggers the release of homologues of C1r feed-forward and feedback inhibition mechanisms. Both
and C1s, which activate the C3 convertase. innate immunity, in the form of complement, and
The common link for all three triggering arms of the acquired immunity, in the form of clonal expansion, can
complement pathway is C3 convertase, which triggers generate exponential feed-forward reactions to control
three principal downstream pathways. In one pathway, the otherwise explosive growth of microbial pathogens.
C3a and C5a are produced; these are potent mediators of The effector functions of both forms of immunity are
inflammation and recruit phagocytes. A second product of coupled especially through the classical complement
activated C3 convertase, C3b, binds to phagocyte recep- pathway.
tors, triggering phagocytosis and clearance of antigen– The two arms are also coupled in terms of activation;
antibody complexes. This process, by which bacteria innate immunity provides a form of ‘second signal’ to
and other particles can be targeted for destruction, is permit an immune response. In the original formulation
called opsonization. Finally C3b also initiates the forma- of the Clonal Selection Theory by Burnet and modified by
tion of a membrane-attack complex (MAC) involving the Joshua Lederberg, clones of B cells would pass through a
pore-forming components of complement. tolerizable state en route to maturity. Any clone reactive
The essential features of complement may be summar- with self-antigens would be tolerized; thereafter, exposure
ized as follows: an initial trigger event initiates the to antigen alone would be sufficient to trigger immuno-
sequential deposition of complement factors on the trig- cyte activity. However, Paul Bretscher and Melvin Cohn
gering surface, targeted either by a MAMP or by an advanced arguments that in a system in which
antigen–antibody complex. Activation of the C3 conver- immunocytes could be activated by cognate antigen
tase then triggers formation of the MAC on the same alone, autoimmune reactions would occur too readily.
surface, leading to lysis of the microbe or cell, secretion Translated into contemporary terms, they proposed that

Table 1 Representative receptors of innate and acquired immunity

Innate receptors Example Ligand Source

TLR TLR-2 Zyomasan Yeast

TRL-3 Derma RNA viruses
TRL-4 LPS Gram-negative bacteria
TLR-9 Nonmethylated CpG DNA Bacterial DNA
NOD NOD-2 Muramyl dipeptide Gram-positive bacteria
Chemokine receptor Formyl-peptide receptor Formyl-peptides Bacteria
Lectin Mannose receptor N-mannosylated proteins Bacterial glycoproteins
NK receptor NKG2Aa HLA-E with MHC signal Healthy cells
NKG2C peptides or heat shock protein peptides Stressed cells
NKG2D MIC Stressed cells
T cell receptor V14 TCR CD1 þ waxy lipids Self þ Mycobacteria
Alarmin receptor AGER Advanced glycation end products High serum glucose
HMGB1 Necrotic cells
NKG2A is an inhibitory NK receptor; all the other receptors in this table are activating.
498 Pathogenesis | Immunity

T and B cell responses could only occur if each was with complement fixation, additional inhibitory pathways
independently activated by cognate antigen and provided are important to suppress autoimmunity. These include
help from another, independently responding, immuno- the activity of Treg cells and other suppressive T cells that
cyte. In their formulation, a cognate antigen provides the inhibit antigen-specific T cell responses through cell–cell
first signal to an immunocyte, while the cooperating contact and soluble factors. Innate immune mechanisms
immunocyte provides a second, permissive, signal. This also suppress T cell responses. For example, NK cells can
is essentially the model described above for the germinal kill activated DCs.
center reaction, in which T and B cells provide help to A long-held model for autoimmunity is that of mole-
each other while responding to distinct epitopes on a cular mimicry, in which a little exposure to microbial
single antigen. antigens triggers a cross-reactive reaction with self-
While this model explained the germinal center reac- antigens; this sterile autoimmunity persists in the absence
tion, it did not adequately explain a variety of T cell of the original infection. One extension of this model has
responses, including those of CTL, in which B cells are been the hypothesis that the increase in childhood vacci-
not involved. In such situations, there was no second anti- nation explains an increase in frequency of autoimmunity
gen-specific immunocyte to provide a permissive signal to and other pathologies, such as autism, conjectured to be
T cells. In such cases, it then appeared that professional autoimmune manifestations. While the twin models of
APC would provide the second signal to T cells at the time molecular mimicry and sterile autoimmunity have
of antigen presentation. The general finding that T cell experimental support in mice, their applicability in
responses required a variety of soluble (e.g., IL-1) and cell- humans remains conjectural. A somewhat opposite view
bound (e.g., B7) costimulatory signals was seen as consis- is taken by those who conjecture that an increase in
tent with this model. However, if professional APC such as allergy and autoimmunity is caused by excessive cleanli-
macrophages and DCs constitutively present antigen, T ness in early childhood, including the prevention of
cells would always receive a second signal during exposure childhood infections by vaccines.
to antigen. As discussed by Janeway and by Matzinger, T An alternative hypothesis is that autoimmunity is
cells do not respond to every foreign antigen they encoun- caused not by exposure to antigens, but by innate insults
ter. In particular, there are many foreign antigens absorbed inappropriately signaling danger to the immune system.
through the gut or respiratory tracts, to which an immune A clinical model for this concept is psoriasis, in which an
response would be unhealthy. acute blow to tissue can initiate local self-perpetuating
Considerations such as these led to the suggestion that pathology.
immunostimulatory signals might be obtained through
innate receptors for ‘stranger’ or ‘danger’ ligands. These
would indicate the actual presence of pathogens or actual Vaccines
danger to the organism. For a time it seemed that the
concept of ‘danger’ represented a profound challenge to The steady march of successful vaccines including those
Burnet’s concept of self and nonself. In particular instead for smallpox and polio led to the hubristic view that
of requiring a special mechanism for a tolerizable state, it vaccine development was conceptually simple. A series
would be sufficient to assert in the general case that of vaccine failures, including vaccines for Mycobacterium
detecting antigen in the absence of danger signals (alar- tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV, are impressive especially by
mins, MAMP) should tolerize a T cell. For the present, underscoring how little we understand about why they
however, it appears that both theories will prevail. The fail. Moreover, HIV induces a robust immune response in
notion of self-antigens seems to readily encapsulate the most patients, initially.
function of AIRE in the thymus. Moreover, it is manifest The profound challenges facing the microbiologist in
that thymocytes and many B cells in the bone marrow do immunology are both fundamental and practical. Among
go through a tolerizable state for which there seems no the former can be included the problems of how the many
need to invoke the concept of relative danger. The syn- mechanisms of innate recognition are integrated to guide
thetic view in which concepts of the immune self coexist the differentiation of T and B cells, how memory cells are
with concepts of danger as inheritor of the general notion formed and maintained, and how the different T cell
of two signals reflects the current thinking of many subtypes interact with each other and other compart-
immunologists. ments of the immune system. In addition, the functions
of NK cells and several myelocytic cell types remain
poorly understood. Finally, the mechanisms by which
Allergy and Autoimmunity some viruses and bacteria manipulate the immune system
to their own ends are barely understood.
Despite the requirement for a second signal, allergic and On a practical level, the problem of testing vaccines
autoimmune responses still occur in many individuals. As for their ability to generate immune memory is nearly
Pathogenesis | Immunity 499

untouched. Pharmacological agents, long used to inhibit Kuby’s textbooks. Advanced workers should consult
immune functions, have been barely explored for the pur- Paul’s Fundamental Immunology, which contains a core of
pose of enhancing adjuvants. In this respect, new studies of material difficult to find elsewhere, or Rich’s Clinical
innate immunity may have elucidated a hitherto unknown Immunology. Readers interested in the latest reviews on
mechanism for adjuvants. Previously, it was thought that research topics should consult The Annual Reviews of
adjuvants work through two mechanisms. First, physical Immunology for longer papers and Nature Reviews
properties of some adjuvants, such as the emulsion-forming Immunology or Trends in Immunology for highly readable
oils of Freund’s adjuvant, provide a depot effect, allowing short reviews. High-profile research papers and minire-
slow and steady release of antigen. Second, the presence of views in immunology are published in Immunity, Nature,
microbial by-products in some adjuvants (again, the myco- Nature Immunology, Science, Blood, and The Journal of
bacteria-derived waxy compounds present in Freund’s Experimental Medicine. The Journal of Immunology and The
adjuvant) were thought to activate innate responses. These European Journal of Immunology are high-quality journals of
explanations failed to account for the properties of alum. professional immunology. One of the earliest presenta-
This composite contains aluminum hydroxide and lacks tions of the Two Signal model is from 1970.
both oils and bacterial products and has been the only
adjuvant allowed for routine human use. Recent studies
See also: Immune Suppression; Vaccine Development:
suggest that aluminum hydroxide crystals resemble natu-
The Development of Avian Influenza Vaccines for Human
rally occurring alarmins (danger signals) and activate
Use; Vaccines, Viral
It is not clear if the problem with developing vaccines
for malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS is merely practical or
represents a major deficit in our understanding. After a Further Reading
century of testing Ehrlich’s ‘magic bullets’, the clinician’s
Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, and Pillai S (2006) Cellular and Molecular
armamentarium of pharmaceuticals for promoting immu- Immunology, 6th edn. New York: Saunders.
nity to infectious disease is nearly empty. The one Bretscher P and Cohn M (1970) A theory of self–nonself discrimination.
exception is the convincing efficacy of interferon to Science 169: 1042–1049.
Kindt TJJ, Goldsby RA, Osborne BA, and Osborne RA (2006) Kuby
treat patients with hepatitis C, effective in only half the Immunology, 6th edn. New York: W. H. Freeman Company.
cases. Despite the urgent need for treating autoimmunity Murphy K, Travers PT, and Walport M (2007) Janeway’s
and the high hopes of treating cancer with immunother- Immunobiology, 7th edn. New York: Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Paul WE (ed.) (2003) Fundamental Immunology, 5th edn. New York:
apy, the greatest problem of immunity remains that for Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
which immunity evolved: the control of infection. Rich RR, Fleischer TA, Shearer WT, Schroeder HW, Frew AJ, and
The now-classic work on the history of immunology is Weyand CM (eds.) (2008) Clinical Immunology, 3rd edn. New York:
Silverstein’s. Highly readable introductory textbooks Silverstein AM (1989) A History of Immunology, 1st edn. San Diego, CA:
might refer to the latest editions of Abbas’, Janeway’s, or Academic Press.

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