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- Curriculum comes from the Latin word currere which

means to run.
 Glossary of Educational Reforms
- Curriculum refers to the knowledge and skills
students are expected to learn, which include the
learning standards or learning objectives they are
expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers
teach; the assignments and projects given to the
students; the books, materials, videos, presentations,
and readings used in a course; and the tests,
assessments and other methods used to evaluate
student learning.
 Curriculum refers to the means and materials with which
students interact for the purpose of achieving identified
educational outcomes.
 John Dewey
- Curriculum is the continuous reconstruction.
 Indiana Department of Education
- Curriculum refers to the planned interaction of students
with instructional content, materials, resources, and
processes for evaluating the attainment of educational
 Curriculum
- Is systematic & organized
- Explicitly states outcomes (knowledge, skills) the
learners/students have to achieve and learn through the use
of planned instructional processes and other learning
implements in a specific period
- Consists of a planned process of measurement, assessment,
and evaluation to gauge student learning
- Is designed for students

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