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Valsad Farmers

Powergrid Corporation.

Our deep concerns regarding the proposed installation of high tension 400KV transmission lines above
our farm land. While we understand the significance of electricity transmission for the development
of our country, we believe it is essential to address the potential adverse effects on human health and
the environment.

Adverse Effects on Human Health:

As a responsible and concerned community, we have extensively researched the potential side effects
associated with living in close proximity to high-voltage transmission lines. The following significant
concerns have emerged from our research:

1. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Exposure: High-voltage transmission lines are known to emit
strong electromagnetic fields, which have been associated with health risks such as an
increased potential for cancer, neurological effects, and cardiovascular problems. These fields
can penetrate the human body and disrupt cellular functions, leading to various health issues.

2. Cancer Risk: Numerous studies have raised concerns about a possible link between long-term
exposure to high EMF levels and an increased risk of certain cancers, particularly childhood
leukemia and adult brain tumors. This raises considerable alarm for the health and well-being
of our families and the future generations. We believe that our children and grandchildren
deserve a safe and healthy environment to grow and thrive.

3. Reproductive and Immune Health: Research has indicated that EMF exposure may adversely
affect reproductive health, leading to reduced fertility and an increased risk of miscarriage.
Additionally, there are concerns about weakened immune systems resulting from continuous
exposure to high-voltage transmission lines. This could make our community more susceptible
to illnesses and infections.
4. Psychological Stress: The mere presence of such transmission lines near residential areas can
cause psychological stress and anxiety among the residents, significantly impacting their
mental health and overall quality of life. The constant worry about potential health risks can
take a toll on our well-being.

5. Vulnerable Population: Children and pregnant women are considered more susceptible to
the potential health effects of EMF exposure. Since our farm is not far from residential areas,
there is a concern about the health and well-being of the children and pregnant women in our
community. We want to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our vulnerable community

6. Lack of Consensus: Although some studies suggest potential health risks, there remains no
universal consensus in the scientific community. Therefore, we believe a thorough and
transparent Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is necessary before proceeding with the
installation. The health and well-being of our community must not be compromised without
thorough and definitive evidence.

We kindly request your representatives to address the following questions

during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and consultation
1. How will the Powergrid Corporation monitor and mitigate the levels of
electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by the high-voltage transmission
lines to ensure they remain within safe limits for human health?
2. What measures will be taken to protect vulnerable populations, such as
children and pregnant women, who may be more susceptible to the
potential health effects of EMF exposure?
3. Has the Powergrid Corporation conducted studies to assess the long-
term health implications of living near high-voltage transmission lines,
particularly regarding the potential risk of cancer and other diseases
associated with EMF exposure?

Concerns Regarding Tree Cutting:

Apart from the potential health risks, we are also deeply concerned about the implications of tree
cutting in our vicinity. The removal of trees for the installation of the transmission lines can lead to
the following adverse effects:

1. Soil Erosion: Trees play a vital role in preventing soil erosion by anchoring the soil with their
extensive root systems. Cutting down trees in the area might exacerbate soil erosion, leading
to potential damage to our farmland and the loss of fertile topsoil. This could negatively
impact our agricultural productivity and livelihoods.
2. Oxygen Outflow: Trees are essential oxygen producers through the process of
photosynthesis. Their removal could lead to a reduction in oxygen production, negatively
affecting the air quality in our community. Poor air quality can have severe health
consequences for all living beings in the area.
3. Water Table Levels: Trees play a crucial role in maintaining water balance and groundwater
recharge. Their removal can disturb the natural water cycle, potentially leading to a decline in
the water table levels and affecting our irrigation practices. This could exacerbate water
scarcity in our agricultural activities.

4. Ecosystem Disruptions: Trees form intricate ecosystems that provide habitats for various
plant and animal species. Removing these trees could disrupt the delicate balance of the local
ecosystem, impacting biodiversity and potentially causing the migration or decline of certain
species. This could lead to ecological imbalances and loss of valuable biodiversity.


We are also deeply concerned about the implications of tree cutting in our
vicinity. We kindly request your representatives to provide information on
the following:
1. Will the Powergrid Corporation consider alternative routes or
technologies that can minimize the number of trees that need to be cut
down for the installation of the transmission lines?
2. What measures will be implemented to prevent soil erosion and protect
the water table levels in our region once the trees are removed?
3. How will the Powergrid Corporation ensure that the loss of trees does
not lead to ecological disruptions, and what reforestation or tree
replanting programs will be undertaken to restore the local ecosystem?

Weather and Temperature Changes:

Over the past five years, we have observed significant changes in weather patterns and temperatures
in our region. Unpredictable weather events, including extreme heatwaves and unseasonal rains, have
become more frequent, posing challenges to our farming practices and crop yields. These extreme
weather events have disrupted our traditional agricultural practices and require new adaptations that
come with their own set of challenges and costs.


Given the observed changes in weather patterns and temperatures in our
region over the past five years, we kindly request your representatives to
address the following questions:
1. Has the Powergrid Corporation conducted any climate impact
assessments to understand how the installation of the transmission
lines might affect local weather patterns and microclimates?
2. How will the Powergrid Corporation address any potential changes in
extreme weather events that could impact our agricultural practices and
crop yields?
Impact on Honeybees:
We have noticed a disturbing trend in recent years where honeybees, which are crucial for pollination
and crop production, are no longer visiting our farms. We suspect that the high magnetic fields
generated by the transmission lines may be affecting their navigational abilities and disrupting their
natural foraging patterns. The decline in honeybee populations could have severe consequences for
our crop yields and agricultural sustainability.


As honeybees play a crucial role in pollination and crop production, we kindly
request your representatives to address the following questions:
1. Will the Powergrid Corporation conduct studies to understand the
impact of the high magnetic fields from the transmission lines on
honeybee populations in our area?
2. What measures will be taken to mitigate the potential adverse effects
on honeybee foraging behavior and ensure the sustainability of our
agricultural practices?

We understand the necessity of land clearance for the transmission lines, but we kindly request the
Powergrid Corporation to consider adopting responsible practices to minimize the impact on our
environment. We suggest exploring alternative routes that can avoid the removal of large numbers of
trees and preserve the ecological integrity of our area.

Moreover, in light of these concerns and the possible acquisition of our farm land for the transmission
lines, we kindly request the Powergrid Corporation to consider providing the highest compensation as
per our demand in the event of land acquisition. This compensation should adequately reflect the
value of our land and the potential disruptions to our livelihoods caused by the project.

Our farmlands have been the source of livelihood for generations, and we deeply value the
environment and the well-being of our families. We urge the Powergrid Corporation to prioritize the
safety and health of the residents and conduct thorough research and consultation with the affected
communities before proceeding with the project.

Our community looks forward to working together with the Powergrid Corporation to find a mutually
beneficial solution that upholds the well-being of both the nation's energy needs and the people's

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