CCT Minuette Range Datasheet

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, lighting

• Z0601 TT 26° 39° 47° Non Zoom Profile • Z0607FS 6° - 10° Pursuit Follow Spot
• Z0602 21° - 36° Reflector Profile • Z0642 18° - 57° Fresnel
• Z0602P 17° - 36° Condenser Profile • Z0644 10° - 59° Pebble Convex
• Z0603P 35° - 42° Condenser Profile • ZOC46/8/9 Asymmetric Flood

• Z0606P 13° - 16° Condenser Profile e ZOS46 Symmetric Flood

The Minuette Range is a complete family of

luminaires with individual but complementary
optical and photometric characteristics designed
around 500 and 650 Watt tungsten halogen lamps.
Construction is in general of finned aluminium
extrusions formed aluminium and sheet steel. Spot
lights are fitted with a full width heat insulated rear
handle and external 3 conductor cables are one
metre long 1.5mm2 high temperature silicone .
· Hinged bottom gives easy Front runners for colour Lenses independantly
access. frame and Barn doo r adjustable. Choice includes single and multiple floodlights
either asymmetrical beam spread for lighting vertica l
surfaces , such as Cycloramas and back cloths, or
symmetrical for basic illumination. General purpose
spotlights offer Fresnel or Pebble convex lenses and
the choice of Profile spotlights goes from a fixed
beam angle luminaire through to several zoomed
lensed versions with either reflector or condenser
optics. There is also an excellent Follow Spot which
although rated at only 650W gives performance and
operator facilities normally only found in larger and
Condenser lens chas iss. Gobo holders and drop in Fully insulated oper ato r
iris . handles . more costly units.

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Z0601 Z0602P
Minuette TT Minuette
26° - 39° - 47° 17° - 36°
Non Zoom Condenser
PROFILE Variable beam

A non zoom profile
spotlight with removable
framing shutters and ,:~ , wao~ •••
A condenser optics profile
spotlight for high defi-
nition gate projection.
lris/Gobo slot. Fo r th ose ap p licati o ns
The Minuette TT Prof ile which require particul arly

Spotlight has a non zoom high definition Gobo and
lens system for 26° beam ! ,.... gat e proj ec ti o n th e
angle which, w ith its easily condens er versio n of the
Minu e tte pr o f i l e is
accessible magaz ine can
be user adju stable with
·~ e xcell en t . In d ivi du a ll y
390 additional lens for beam
44 2 •
adju stable zoom lenses
Typical pe r for m ance based on
angles of 39° and 47°. The Cal ibr ated:- T27 650W , 240V, C13 D bi-
gi ve hard or soft edging
optical system can be plane 400 Hr , 3 100K, 14,500 L umen over a 17°-3 6 ° range.
T yp i cal performance based on adjusted to g ive precise Hard Edge Focus T27 65CNV Optically it inc o rpo rates a
Calibrated:- T27 650W, 240V, C13D bi-
beam shaping by four Peak Cut Off Yi Peak Peak silvered glass refle ctor and
plane 400Hr , 3100K, 14,500 Lumen Setting Angle Ang le Candela
thermally i n sul a ted heat resisting Bi-Conve x
Narrowest 17° 12° 68,000
Hard Edge Focus T27 65CNV tempered straight steel Spread
co nden ser lens but in all
Peak Cut Off !17Peak Peak shutters or a drop-in Iris 2s 0 15,000
other respects is similar to
Candela W idest 36°
Setting Angle Angle
accessory , the gate for Spread th e Z0602 zoom profile
Nar rowest 26° t9 ° 28.000
which can alternati vely be Flat Cut Off Vi Peak Peak with aspher ic refle ctor
Spread Setting A ngle Angle Candela
used fo r Gobos . Full width opt ics.
Widest 47° 28° 12.000 Narrowest 170 15° 52,000
Spread rear handle . Spread
Med ium 39° 26° 14,000 Widest 36° 30° 12.000

Z0602 Z0603P
Minuette Minuette
21° - 36° 35° - 42°
Reflector t, Condenser
Variable beam Variable beam

A versatile zoom lens A condenser optics profile

profile spotlight with spotlight for high defi-
removable framing shutt-
ers and lris/Gobo slot.
·~ r_
,- Weight 3.6Kg
!! nition gate projection.
For thos e applicat ions

·: ,...;1dbi
This profile spotlight can which require particu larly
be adjusted to give precise high definition Gobo and
beam shaping by the built gate pr o ject i on the
in thermally insulated condenser version of the
tempered , stainless steel
shutters or a drop-in iris,
·: 'T . 360
M i nuette

the gate for which can adjustable zoom lenses

T y p ic a l perf o rm ance bas e d o n Ty pic al perf o rm a n ce ba se d o n
Ca libr ated:- T27 650W . 240V, C13D bi- alternatively be used for Cali brated :- T 27 650W , 240V, C13D bi- give hard or soft edging
pl ane 400Hr, 3100K , 14,500 Lu men Gobos . The zoom lens pl ane 400Hr , 3100 K, 14,500 L umen over a 35° -42° range . In all
Hard Edge Focus T27 65CNV system with individually Hard Edge Focus T27 65CNV other respects similar to
Peak Cut Off Vi Peak Peak adjustable lenses gives Peak Cut Off Vi Peak Peak Z0602P zoom profile.
Setting Angle Angle Cande la Settin g A ngle A ngle Cand e la
hard or soft edging over a
Narrowes t 21° 11° 50.000 Narrowes t 35° 27° 15.000
Spread 21 ° -36° range . Reflector Spre ad

Widest 36° 16° 42.000

can be externally adjusted W idest 420 32° 10.000
Spread for peak or flat field. Full Spread

Flat Cut Off Vi Peak Peak width rear handle. Flat Cut Off Y1Peak Pe ak
Se tting Ang le A ngle Candela Setting Ang le A ngle Cand ela

Narrowest 21° 19° 22.000 Narr owes t 35° 32° 13.000

Spread Sprea d

Widest 36° 27° 13.000 Widest 42 ° 36° 8.000

Spread Spread
20606P 20642
Minuette Minuette
130 - 160 18° - 57°
Condenser FRESNEL
Variable beam

• -~,1
"<- ) !~
•f ',
• Weight 5
A narrow angle condenser
optics profile particularly
suitable for long throws.
Bi-Con vex condenser lens
and silvered glass reflector
optics ensure a very
~UN 17~

.p"' ~
Weight 2.2Kg
A general

spotlight with variable soft
edged beam which can be
further shaped by a
barn door

precise high performance This popular spotligh t is at
beam betw een 13°- 16° home in a large theatre , a
which can be set for school drama stage or
optimum throw efficiency lighting an exhibition. Th e
by means of 2 indepen- Fresnel lens absorbs little
t 540
dently operated Pi ano
Convex lenses. Indepen-
dently operated framing
L[: 245 -
light and beam spread can
be contro lled over an 18° -
57° range. A 4 leaf barn
Typical performance based on
Calibrated:· T27 650W , 240V. C13D bi· shutters and optic al gate door optional accessory
plane 400Hr, 3100K, 14,500 Lumen for iris an d Gobo restricts halati on and can
Hard EdgeFocus T27 65CNV projection . Typical performance based on be used to further shape
Calibrated:· T 27 650W. 240V. C130 bi·
Peak Cu t Off Vi Peak Peak plane 400Hr . 3100K, 14,500 Lumen the beam.
Setting Angle Ang le Candela

Narrowe st 13° 11° 93.000 T27 650W

ViPeak 1/10 Peak Peak
Flat Cut OH Vi Peak Peak Angle Angle Candela
, Setting Angle Ang le Candela
SPOT 41.000
W idest 150 13° 63.000
Spread FLOOD 8,750

20607FS 20644
Minuette Minuette
- 10° 10° - 59°

A very efficient operator A flexible spotlight having
controlled long throw an adjustable soft even
Weight 7Kg spotlight. Zoom lenses6° - beam which can be further
10° . shaped with a barn door
i-= 2$0 -t Ideal for small venues, attachment.
schools and clubs. This spotlight offers a

r ~·~
r- 800
• Silvered glass reflect or
• Bi-Convex condenser
• 100mm and 150mm
completely new dim en-
sion in lighting. Designed
as a luminair e for
entertainment lighting
zoom lenses for theatres , schools and club
optimising throw stages, its beam qual ities
distance performance. and 10° -59 ° range make it
• Built in iris and 4 ideal for emphasis lighting
shaping shutters. of all kinds. A 4 leaf
Typical perfo rmanc e based on
• Quadrant balancing rotatable barn door
Calib rat ed:· T27 650W , 240V. C13D bi· side and rear handles. optional accessory can be
plane 400Hr, 3100K, 14,500 Lumen • Co lour magazine Typi cal performance based on used to further shape the
Hard Edge Focus T27 650VV accessory. Calibrated :· T27 650W, 240V , C13D bi· beam .
Peak Cut Off Y:, Peak Peak The lens system with its plane 400Hr . 3100K, 14,500 Lumen
Setting Angle Angle Cande la
large diameter front lens ViPeak Y,oPeak Peak
Narrowe st 50 50 216.000
Spread produces more beam Angle Angle Candela

Widest 10° so 130,000

brightness than many high SPOT 7.5° 13.5° 52.900
Spread Wattage rated spotlights . FLOOD 46 .5° 57.5° 8 , 200
Asymmetric FLOOD
Symmetric FLOOD

The Minuette Floodlight Series 2 is Ideal for the efficient

lighting of vertical surfaces such as cycloramas and
backcloths In the asymmetrical version and for general
floodlighting in its symmetrical fonn.
Both types of floodlight use double ended tungsten
halogen lamps. Each compartment has a maximum
rating of 500 Watts although smaller Wattage lamps are
available. For the first time a small floodlight now
incorporates unique safety features including a
tempered safety glass and an auto eject CEE22
2• connector which eliminates any risk ·of internal access
Pho tom etr1c da1a o n at1e rnat 1ve with the supply connected. Colour filters are retained by
lam p 1ype s su ita ble for use w i th
l h1s pro d uc l incl udi ng 120V a spring steel frame and separate colour cassette is not
ava ,lao le on reque st
A safety mesh is available as an alternative to the safety
1,5.., 1-5,m
glass. (transmits less light than safety glass)
'"' : &oo O
c Asymmetric Symmetric
ZOC46 ZOS46 1 light Weight 3.4Kg
ZOC48 3 light Weight 10.2Kg
ZOC49 4 light Weight 13.6Kg

The Minuette Range is part of a wide choice of luminaires and RECOMMENDED LAMPS 220/240V
accessories made by CCT for Theatre and Entertainment Minuette Fresnel and Pebble Convex
Y0018/ Y0018E, T26/T27 650W
lighting. Y0016/Y0016E, T18/T25 SOOW
Y0014/Y0014E, M38 300W, M40 SOOW
The worlds most successful Profile Spotlights based upon a Minuette Profile and 'Pursuit'
choice of lamphouses and interchangeable zoom and non- As above
zoom lenses
Minuette Floods
Starlette Y0046/Y0046E, K1 SOOW,Y0045,
K11 200W, Y0044, K9 300W
A series of lead screw focus Fresnel and Pebble Convex
spotlights having unique safety features and excellent ACCESSORIES
performance . Z0431 Extra Colour Frames· all
except 'Pursuit' and Flood
Remote Control Colour Change Z0013 Extra Colour Frame 'Pursuit'
Z0083 Hook Clamp
CCT's Semaphore Colour changes are found in many Safety Chain
theatres on the U.K. and overseas. There are two standard YOOS7 10 mmSpigot (fo r when using stand)
sizes: 6" (152mm) and 8" (229mm), Various control systems Z0043 4 Leaf Barn door (for Fresnel and P.C. Spots) except Pursuit
are available including memory. V1872 Wide Angle Lens (for Z0601TT)
Z0433 Drop-in Iris (for Profiles)
MX intelligent wheel changers are an economic way of having Z0100 Rotatable Gobo Holder
up to five colou r selection with nothing more than 3 core Y0122 Scenic Gobo
'daisy chained' wiring . Z0846 Flood Straight-edged Barn door
Z0847 Flood Toothed-edged Barn door
Effects Projector 2000/2500W suitable for standard theatrical ZOC43 Safety mesh as alternative to
effects or universal slide carriers. Safety Glass
ZOC45 Extra Flood Colour Frame
Full details on all Product groups and expanded photometr ic Z0019 Hand-operated Colour Magazine
information along with detailed technical specifications are for 'Pursuit'
YOOS8 12mm Spigot for Pursu it

CCT reserve the right to change spec1f1ca tions and materials without prior notice.
All pho1ome1r1c data given is typical only.

ccT:= lighting
Tel: 0602 862722
Fax: 0602 862546
Country Dial Code: 44 602

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