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Topic 1: Technology is creating new platforms for writing.

Some people say that

these platforms are doing great harms to languages, while others say that
technology is enriching languages. Discuss and give your own opinions.
In the age of technological advancement, new platforms for writing have emerged.
A number of people claim that they are responsible for the deterioration of
languages, while others argue that languages are being developed thanks to
technology. This essay will discuss both views as well as give my opinions.
On the one hand, it can be denied that technology has contributed to the
enrichment of languages. First and foremost, language repertoire is expanded more
and more by virtue of technology. It is a fact that numerous words that only have
technological meaning at first are now used in many contexts. A typical example is
Google which is a search engine but now has an additional meaning: looking for
something. Moreover, innumerable terms and expressions invented by Internet
users have been adopted, gone viral, and become common in daily conversations.
Second, technology also helps increase the expressiveness of language. Nowadays,
technology users can add diversity to expressions since multiple platforms allow
users to attach digital images, emojis, or illustrations within text. Furthermore, an
enormous number of fonts suited for different purposes and types of content are
now available online.
Topic 2: Some people say that imported entertainment products are causing the
loss of cultural identity in many nations. Others say that they are not to blame for
this loss. Discuss and give your own opinions.
1. The loss of cultural identity in many nations due to imported entertainment
- Making youngsters lose interest in their own cultural values
+ Imported entertainment products with modern concepts, technology and
advertising are obviously more attractive than traditional entertainment products
=> Youngsters tend to idealize foreign values and forget cultural values
- The destruction of original cultural values:
+ Inappropriate collaborations between imported and indigenous culture from
young, ambitious but ignorant of culture artists directly ruin cultural identity.
2. Imported entertainment products are not to blame for this loss:
- The loss of cultural identity has numerous reasons and

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