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Associate Professor & Research Guide
K. S. Akkamahadevi Women’s University,
Jnanashakti Campus, Torvi, VIJAYAPURA.
Concept of Teaching
Characteristics of Teaching
Objectives of Teaching
Fundamentals of teaching
Functions of Teaching
Attempts have been made to define teaching in terms of
teaching as an intended activity, teaching a narrative
activity, and the like.
But more definitions are still emerging.

Teaching is a social process and it is influenced by social


Morrison : (1934-Autocratic view)Teaching is an intimate

contact between a more mature person and a less mature one
which is designed to further education of the later.
(what the teacher teaches & it’s a bi-polar process)
Meaning contd..
Murshell, 1954- “teaching is organization of

Flanders (1970) says, “The act of teaching leads to

reciprocal contacts between the teacher and the pupils
and the inter change itself is teaching”.

Clarke: broadened the scope of Teaching and

included all those organized activities that may result
in modifying the behaviour of the learner.
Teaching is defined in the Dictionary of Education as follows:
Narrowly, the act of instructing in an educational institution,
(Training &Instruction)
Broadly, management of the teaching- learning situations,
It includes
 The Direct interaction between the teacher and the learners,
 Proactive decision-making process of planning, designing and preparing the materials
for the teaching-learning conditions, and
 Post -active redirection (evaluation, redesign, and dissemination).

 However, it is very difficult to precisely define the concept of

teaching and its nature. But teaching is associated with the process of
Teaching is concerned with the activities such as,
Training &Instruction
Guidance (Individual &Group)
Direction (to reach the goal)
Reconstruction of Knowledge and experiences,
Modification of behaviour
Giving reinforcement (Positive &Negative)
Finding solutions of their problems etc.
Teaching is an interactive process and dominated by
communication skills (Two-way interaction)
• It is an Art and Science
It is Purposive and Goal directed
Create self motivation for learning.
Desirable Information
Effective planning
A professional activity (to develop students’ Personality)
It is based on democratic Ideas (Generalization based on opinion
&Collective Idea)
A specialized task (a set of skills for realization of certain goals)
Teaching enhances the potentialities of students (Physical,
Mental, Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual)
It is an attempt to adjust the students with
Environment(highly intellectuals can adjust easily)
Teaching is a medium for preparing next generation.
It is both diagnostic and Remedial (Causes for pb. & soln)
It demands Mutual co-operation
It includes all sorts of Teachers performance &Teaching
methodology (mastery over the Skills & Methods
Objectives of Teaching:
Following are the major objectives of Teaching
To develop Thinking power of students
Acquisition of Knowledge and Experiences
To bring the desired changes in the pupils.
To shape behaviour and Formation of sound character.
To develop a social and efficient member of the society
Formation of belief (abilities, life & mankind)
To develop personal transferable skills (Personal &
interpersonal skills)
To develop conceptual Knowledge and skills (critical
thinking, writing, creativity, formulation of hypthesis &
its testing
Discipline related Knowledge and Skills (subject
Knowledge, Understanding
To develop +ve attitude &Optimism (life, values,self
To summarize the objectives of teaching it includes
Teaching: to bring changes in the behaviour of the students
Conditioning: to improve the Learning skills of the students
Training: shaping the behaviour and conduct
Instruction: Acquisition of Knowledge &Skills
Indoctrination: preaching the principles of life &belief
Fundamentals of Teaching:

The fundamentals of teaching comprises mainly three

variables, which operates in the process of teaching-learning
I) Teacher as the independent variable
The teacher is free to plan, organize, lead and control the process
of teaching.
He/she is free to perform various activities to provide a learning
experience to the learner.
He can act according to his knowledge, skills and experiences
Tr. plays an active role
II) Student as the dependent variable
 The student is required to act according to the planning and organization of the
 The teaching activities of the teacher influence the learning of the students.
 Students Development depend on teachers efforts.
 Effectiveness of teaching depends on thorough understanding of subject

III) Content and the strategy of presentation as

intervening/moderater variables
 Intervening variable leads to desirable interaction between the teacher and
learners to achieve goal.
 The content determines the mode of presentation: telling, showing and doing.
 It includes, Methods, techniques, management of instructional materials and
teaching environment
Independent variable Diagnosis

Content and Strategy

Teaching of Presentation
Intervening variable

Student Evaluation
Dependent variable

These variables (teacher, content and strategy of presentation, and

perform the following three functions:
Fundamentals of Teaching………

IV) Suitable Environment (Condusive/fevourable)

(Class room, school, social, economic & political)

V) Teacher-Student Relationship
(Healthy, friendly, mutual respect, Sympathetic & Empathetic)

VI) Student Discipline

(Reverence to teacher, Learning)

VII) Professionalism
(Teacher s’devotion to teaching &committed, democratic)
(1) Diagnostic function:
The teacher is an independent variable is more active
and diagnoses the following:
Entering behaviour of students,
Teaching problems,
Individual variations, and
Content analysis in view of learning condition.
 In the process of interaction both teacher and
the student diagnose for initiations and
(2) Prescriptive function:
 The major objective of this function is to bring desirable
changes in the behaviour of the learner.
 The teacher makes efforts to organize the intervening variables
in such a way so as to select teaching techniques and feedbacks
that help in the realization of the objectives.
(3) Evaluative function:
 This aims at examining the effectiveness of the prescriptive
 The evaluative function has three main activities:
i. Construction of criterion test,
ii. Evaluation of change of behaviour.
iii.Evaluation teaching effectiveness
Dear students so far we have discussed
What is Teaching
What are the Chief Characteristics of Teaching
Major Objectives of Teaching
Fundamentals/ essentials of teaching
Important Functions of Teaching

Lets have an exercise

Are you ready to answer to my questions?
Few Model Questions:
1) Which one of the following is the main objective of
A) To give information to students.
B) To develop thinking power of the students.
C) To dictates notes to students
D) To prepare students to pass the Examination
2) Effectiveness of teaching depends on
1) Qualification of Teacher
2) Personality of Teacher
3) Handwriting of Teacher
4) Subject Understanding of Teacher
Model Questions……….

3) A teacher can be successful if He/she

A) Helps students in becoming better citizens.
B) Impart subject knowledge to students.
C) Prepare student to pass the examination
D) Present the subject matter in a well organized
4) Which one of the following is appropriate in respect of
student- teacher relationship.
A) Limited to class only
B) Cordial and respectful
C) Indifferent
D) Very informal and intimate.
Model Questions……….

5) Which is the least important factor in teaching?

A) Maintaining discipline in the class room
B) Lecturing in impressive way
C) Drawing sketches and diagrams on the board
D) Punishing the students
6) If a student absents from the classes for a long time
A) You will try to know the cause of his absence.
B) You would be neutral and would not show any
interest in it.
C) He would be absent due to some personal reasons
D) It is not a duty of a teacher

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