Transfer Function Response

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To model the transfer functions for the heat exchanger (E-100) and the reboiled

distillation column (T-100) with respect to time starting from mass and energy
balances, we need to derive equations based on the dynamics of each process. Here
is a simplified approach:

Heat Exchanger (E-100) Transfer Function:

For the heat exchanger, the transfer function can be derived from an energy balance
around the exchanger. Assuming a simple first-order process without phase change,
the energy balance is given by:

Q = mCp dT/dt

- Q is the heat input (which can be a function of time if it's being manipulated by
a PID controller),
- m is the mass flow rate,
- Cp is the specific heat capacity of the fluid,
- T is the temperature of the fluid,
- dT/dt is the rate of temperature change with respect to time.

The transfer function G(s) for the heat exchanger can be defined as the Laplace
transform of the output (temperature change) over the input (heat input), which can
be written as:

G(s) = Output(s)/Input(s) = T(s)/Q(s)

Assuming a linear system and applying the Laplace transform to the energy balance
equation, we get:

Q(s) = mCp sT(s)

Hence, the transfer function G(s) is:

G(s) = T(s)/Q(s) = 1/(mCps)

Reboiled Distillation Column (T-100) Transfer Function:

For the reboiled distillation column, the transfer function can be derived from
both mass and energy balances, taking into account the reboiler's duty which
affects the vapor flow rate and therefore the mass flow rate at the bottom of the

The mass balance for a component i in the reboiler can be expressed as:

Fi + Ri = Di + Bi + Vi

- Fi is the feed rate of the component,
- Ri is the rate of return of the component from the column,
- Di is the distillate rate of the component,
- Bi is the bottom rate of the component,
- Vi is the vaporization rate of the component.

The energy balance around the reboiler can be given by:

Qr = Bi hb + Vi hv - Fi hf - Ri hr

Where h represents the specific enthalpy of the respective streams.

Taking the Laplace transform and assuming steady-state initial conditions, we can
derive the transfer function for the mass flow rate concerning time as a function
of the reboiler heat input Qr. The specific form of the transfer function will
depend on the relationship between Qr and Vi (since Vi affects Bi by the mass

The transfer function H(s) could be expressed in terms of the bottom product
concentration, xB, and the reboiler duty, Qr, assuming a first-order dynamics, as:

H(s) = xB(s)/Qr(s) = K/(τs + 1)

- K is the process gain,
- τ is the process time constant.

These are generic forms of the transfer functions, and actual models would require
specific process data to determine the parameters such as process gain and time
constants. Moreover, in a real distillation column, multiple stages and non-
idealities may require a more complex model than the first-order transfer function
provided here. If you have specific process data or parameters, we can refine these
models further.

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