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09 ord [sep s device a tect which | sevice te ure NS2 Simulation Flow chart 1 Create a.tcl tel file Type ns .tel to interpret the file Type nam in the terminal to open the network | animator sd Search for the corresponding .nam file in the ‘ working folder y 2 network lth woay es A proulel leah in seal _wonh) topelogies —_lan Vantous be vs's e4. roe clon sore. bcppec! |capedility df peege phiced __yepnesmbabion. ssherne orebwonhioa Leysces. an be Shown 4 Cameaeelaf Teacher's Signature: Lab elilfomn! — Lorerfr al cliffure beccebion YP Me ely. Mod 4: 7H, 2 rene erie raw hubs ff —meddes ce | Real hime meee, the - ae Aevice_im a metwonl behave as heel elewise de. and look Similan fy seal elevree. wimitakcow —eoracle: 7 : fonts maade._a_thislemt__tam.€n amd) oo ee ore hime _inbinvals, to Leann ror to taedle thea vehwonh fev Me. Astvonking bovice Thene ane Vanious oeboonhing —cheviees whith. ~|\Can be _usecl _to_toveah_eliffnenl_nehwenhing lab Semant: es. £4: Reuten, Loar'bchys_, Habs, wineless chvices. Commections | Enel __clevices_,_wan_Lmulabion—._pensonal_Compalen —_Lapsops_,— Senvens_,_pnimbins_, IP Phases, Tablels, Pos, | eorneless€ncb—chewices, _sdinech__emel_eleweses_, ehe. | Conmechions.. ie ede Pn 7 Conntchvanious —mebaonbing — elevices tena _fracheb___ tnacen ane Console Cable, Copper Llneighk - Mhnaugh alle, Cop pen Crossover Coble, _ Fiben Cable, Cocniel — lable. Preereae a Teacher's Signature, _Staial pre. Qual _p, (aye ea Aaonle_ ion ulator. CNSR). Stoneeo2thoonh _Qimuletion bool ev Sa, —— i$ ells exxecsh teal Siomuleston shine the —aelvarceff _ time —elepenrels om the I 4 event _sshieh an main tamecl eche. | or. a bial the Combnal aed ta pres ths olivmea bay nse has bang —corel_tich Lh a ys brat. ahjechs . A: Ls 2 ¢ allows bo am on hnalocale —asel applications 1 low be medify Cntshinng anes Wi | A. len Lion 1.8. ton, re rs ain obbyech escben trae jf teal ‘ana oncis el. Langs ee pb Mek has auf le —— Din kewe Cass pe—_amel. —plakfos aclips mb__The or Lesuphs ar ch cls fo best 0b cata: lia coke doer —_leedy a pscil pile nespaneling bo Hoe ——evembs _gemencibel inh. nh. er Teacher's Signature: fey oe Sere rire SSS | Sheps fis Ginclabiom, | Define Hee feernanio_fo Crnmulabe, t+ taeect bbe z ator olrject = Fuse em _lnacing + Sebup the om, cen kinag, mechani kun > Cnterte Lraaspent. anmnechi oar ~ Cebu csen applicetsiar ~ Schedule clata tnamnsmaissiorn Setup the Srnulebian packet sniter application (¢ g., browser, ssh client, skype) packet analyzer Transport (TCP/UDP) Network (IP) Link (Ethernet) Prysical (CATS, Radio) rbneduction fo —1jae Shank. a | Pachet Soriffesrs + = - ao 1 ——— Ppacheh__Smiffens ane ex _basiehoal_Jon— ebsenviang the misiage am a mebwonh.—as —Hse_mame- Suggs!» —a_pachel Serif Jen Copbanes mnissage— Ling tent Recsived fom by oe it watt alsa Lyfe _—bally Stene_amd_chihlay the Conbnls of Vaniaus——— __pueketell —feslel im th phurnecl mnaessage. _f0_prachel naif fee thsilf 1 passe y sermues feng = Lt el _secdivel_Ly app licebs ae —jpamcatag ena yous peben lrul onevecr Prcleel. self joint Shank 1s a pechel Sonifp and. ses eal — it La pku nelwonh tnaffiec on the Ie nelwank amel- Gap bumes —srebwoank —baaffie nem eHatnanet blathealt lormeless Créee 80201) Tehen ti Ine. 4 ‘omomne chicas aml enone A ensbuonh—pachel—aulyt0r puessaks G,phaneel pachel olakas onuch__clebar'l as pasirhle Th /s_avatla- ble Nese fre bd open Sune: ee foe best facheb —amalyten—avarlabel —boclogy $$ _ re salem alec punpaser_¢f sine shank —— ial = lb hoenh ——aclminis baa boxs__use bbe Hclileshes Teacher's Signature: ——___ Types of Network Devices = Router a Gateway # Network Interface Card (NIC) © Hubs # Switches = Repeaters @ Bridge «= Router i - «Modem cal ple = | “O” || > —— Stucly OF Nebsonk Devices. fim: The aim et Hyis shecly 1s bo mdinsland obiffovenl netsonle_dewires creel cliffenence_Gehoten them. ——— a - _ | Sefhwoanetsecl + (Pachet sm Att, Refuaten: efrmabs at physeel layen_ _rpilen rs then orale device thal —necerves a Sigal —emel __yetnansonits vt wak highea level amd —highen _powin 0% stato the _ethin Grele Lshnachion oe that the Gigneal Cam Cover lengen —dithamee _§_l2aprabin have toe ents $0. Canmah be eles ek Jon —eorane than hoo device Se yep. Dn Ldn hudba. rebocrbh heh, nepuatin uh 0 Gonce- _ whnaton 15 a—cluvice pon _Commecting multiple tsrsted peorin Lor _frbunoppbe Lilbenmeh —cleizebegathin—amel makin fan ack_as a Gingle_mebsenh —Segremt_. Hobs _pdenk ab He physical lagen the O51 —matdlel tne clevice 13x Jonsp fp ralifpont—noponbin pada hubs also franbicip- tale in Collision —dlebechtan_,—cfon wanding —a_feub Signed to ts chbicks a Collistan.— Switch om 1 \ (-— os ae / at Es -nehocrk S.orleh on Gilehing hub tsa Ceompuhe _nthwenking —elwises Mrab_Conneclsmeoonhs Gegments, “The _ fenm —Cemmenly neers boa meboonh Lnidge Shak pwoesses -ancl_neuks lala at Me data linh_leyen Clayen 2) _ tht €81_medkl._Geathches Hal _aeldiltoneslly —fanceess lala ab te _mabwenh _fayen (layers, ane of bun nifensed ae as —layen 5 Susikches ox mufbileyen —Leatteh ts. — hcouh Gaile Cammichous —raullsple maboonh _— $22.10 Shemeanel 2 tenielge wrth mumenous pants, Srortch 2 Broth 1's of bum usecl_rnbench tA breielg sn tominng clataprachels — cle besten it ifthe bnielge 1x exble 1 tHre given Reelin: ~ Jee 03 ater thee ec cbbwiee hat —sraoben- inka chamg ached: fa _Loehioten theo. Cach_olabe packed Lontarms —adeluiss—tnfenmabion thal a_neuber — — [fam tise ba alelinaniine 4p Be Sounee mel cluctiaes tine, ba pracheb fo another. T y | wane Golo : si A Communicabien muehsenh, a mehoenh rede CyerPe on _intentacing with amathenntboonh bork _ws0s | TO ae i: a gatewoery may Contain alevices Seach a's _pprchetel fawn “anny Aaonaee mettching clevices, nele Cemvnhins feult iselatons ev Srgmel bnenileclons as —mecettany eo ppreviele Systeon —inakin- ope nabrlity df also _neuwintel — Poe 2thablit- _—homent__af —mubually —acceeplatle—aclmimistaative Asnececlunts bo Leth mebvenh aoe -A_puetes bnamslatia p ping gab Vechun Lemenesk —nehoenh tort ell athoank— rae bechmeleyies by peter ing Pha —tengpuincel aac Comseat A | [Preteen Henk ing af meh clown ng uckeh b : ©) Place hoo —emel—_clevice (P0)_om_bhe sank 1 Lom pcg un orp LP adldoess amel _Lubmet mack i) cpenanne Phe Pt.'s tsrth the EP acldess Comma be Mya 00's —v0rbh__¢ofyppen —Caess.ovs Yenenet table ‘ Sn -nea| Home bay bo chech—tshethea hase des beret ee “neachable oy mel using the pron, aaa + da Pranulation —smode—filace the PDv_om Bp paae@aieee and. deilrmabion 06 and—check bmansmistion 31 pachabs. x hub on the senk place ancl the P's ca ppen @heeight through Cable _chech —webhin the chistimation 13 n2achable Alow —ppleee— Hye hubs ing, Jon seal hime — Teacher's Si (auing "PING? iat BW Re imede_bo ef e4 when She fay, Comme, ee arn oma el Tham place Hoe cleehrmekcom rm. Bing" amel lich em Grmulekion— (nansoncssiem oo Pachele Hho ae “used as the mehoanh _cbeutce {eatheh, 5 ae Le po [eh themes the Mae alin Hall) Sh temels eee he ray en the elethimabion ——_ chute 1s Commecled wee the mae aeldaseg tabh Cit type Hae Sustteh > em Guotteh $4. Show mpc. lomman els -etcdelness: Table | Rouben cvs the ehusenbing elec eee Stet tee + bneale bow Iyeal einer _makoonh on the toewh ¢hece ame ene clevice Pcs) lonfigune He IP acldness the a4 of tach_ef Hae nfigun oh bs | eee Hhat__tach LAN mehoonh use | | 1 Gtiiag Class (lg2 10:10:10.0 amel_192.188.1.o) ey a_noulen on the wonkshace anel Connect the one. sealen]ace 4) the heuten ba tarts amd athen j hajate _ fe _LAn2 —usinng Cafpen thnewyht tMncegh cable. lonfrgun— the IP_addness ff the imbinfacesf Hoe Wowken - PAI eee (ne a the chjault _gabeouy the aaa be Bek sues LAN fo She FP acldness of bre Soatinfows of He teaten | i aca) eat ecte ceed E whith th_1's— lonmebed Lv th wsrng png i oat Abe tert [bedi Me alisbrmabion —s4—teae a Command, tn neal brome mecle chee ‘oon E Teacher's Signature ‘Then place te Pou en bel Lounte mel —dhsbimesbio amd—thech fon the bramsmrssien df pachels tn Grmulobi= on m7ede._— when nouhin is used ata mehoenking —cvice Cit has A memory Dh neukes Hye olla —Jnom Seunte fo chi hinabion (672 view Me euting fable Im tut type foe lemme nds : neuter > ban eaten t Dhow ip nou be Lomtluss hen bcos cliffereml sae baanh —clevizeslehe hubs, Qartbebus tomel youlentAubsenhs whe cletigmecl |pachels Teacher's Signature Lo mili sis on each af 127 networks $000 hosts on on each of 16,000 networks. ‘of 2 million networks, Supn' ‘supports pports 6 at 2S hosts on each <1 hosts on each of 2 mmen oa Reserved for multicast groups Reserved pebwoh Lo A ise | Host To | Slanting hits Jor class: Class A Po class 8 10 classe No [plies | Promye —_|Ne gi wie _| Pifeolh | | clas n | r | 12-12% 19716 G@*2) | 255.0.0.¢ | | | class B 128-191 16584 1¢ Co) | 255.255. | - - . | Class ¢ | We Be 192-023 |2097152 Fe CD a5¢.258.055 | ce 224-235 | | a I | 240.255 I Class D> INlo classé > IN Aehoenk [P_ Levy. [hy 4, 4 evs LP vensinn £) TR aelelness be alle cot, thls be el chy ly FA aeldlinscs — clelie Shs sigaeel fa cAkinvamedl ty bee IPvd Prefix 72.14,15.0/24 62 users \ 1.Subnet 4. Subnet 2.Subnet 3. Subnet Aron Rurs) EP ry Adelnese : Sty 32-bit Leng wniqyuecomeleamivertsal [wrth __adelness Shree 2? ox 4.29441 L96. (| Mababione: Theme ane haa pnivalem! mebalrens be shew jan LPV4 acldness a [on] +t Bimany—netebion e Z + DeHed + cleermeal molatian._ joo a7 Eee EEE ee reece eee fn bihary —mobabiom the Py address 13 chsplayel — 2s 32bek each och 1s af bm, niffined tees a hyle.— _.&y-Outoror Lola tof. LOL 0060-00010 —— To_mehe Hye rh, aclel re man op + amed_ fo_4eacl__Imbinmel Ldeess cre ts: ly coruibhe a tn —chetioreal —Jonm poith—a—alecimealfotiat Celeb) Gappunaling the Ley he Ly: UF149.92.2 | palelnessing . The —aclelness Spaces _churclecl into. [he Clases. [A,B l,D EE. : et ele lass Julleeldnessing an £0 crelelness_tm class AB. ke 5 diclecl rn bo mebwouk Lp_ancd_hest_£p_. These—panls ane | veary song larg th clefumeliing eth t—clesss 2 aclebrcess. a Mash. Mash 14 a 32-bit __numben made Con figeous_ Us —fellowsecl. by Contiguous 04. tt can hulp to of Li he hath —mehwonh ID amel_hest fp. Se Teacher's Signature Tem ft Tyouva cE Lass Jess Additessiog aap ieee eee pyrve—mene _onganisahion access bp pe —nhimet_,chossless cacldnessing tas a amel_rmplimen bel. Pn bhi’ Sthem, Fhene_eeme— classes bul Ve aeldness ane ¢hill yonunaled. tm blacks : Tomash. AD aie ie ote52 th 1s Vany Common —Comvintent bat jusk the Value i — 1€c60R_matabion) . ie eee Pt Aeldnese = dm Lvs aaldness Lomas of [b-bybes Beale Bee ag fae gen Ma bation > Th. 3 _emly one mobabion fo Show IPvb ——laclelaess +Wexacdscimel Colon Noleubr Hs nebakion,128 bits ane objvrelecl mba 2 Sechion tach 2 bybes bh, Tose by bes toa_Hertexcltermal Lnotake. jeqpoinedd yhereer al con ed cligsls_ Thens gore Hae adldness Comsishk af 5 _A lecronedl _eltgi'ts, Gxith wey fon —lelig cts Qapranabrel by 2 Colom —————E HG EDEC + 00T4_: 0000: 0000-:.0000: QOFF 0000: FFFO - a Dhbnivated-- £DEC Ty 02010 GOFF 10+ FFE fpec: 4:0 —_ ee | Sabeulting TE pe fins bathe eboyrsron ie a inh 2mallin _nehoonhs fon & A tang bblech tn das oe cee Teacher's Signature = : - ass S| _| Ber B__adedress reaps cam be dvureled —rnla_Qaverad adleliessiarg a ee groups andl tach acledues _greup Cam bee assigned ta Smell onfiowh —Calhd Geborl. Gaksmabhing meneases— fhe member af 1's tm the mesh. Suppermething: nefine te Me Combrmabiom ff Sevunal Smaller mehwonhs fo —fonm a langin nthoanh . Fo. ey: Aor _brz. gamiiation needs tooo aclelness MHrat can bee g azambe ef 4 Contiguoes Class ¢ blocks. Th angen ebion Cao trem use these ackdaesess fo tneede ome Seafen orehoenk Safpervelting —olreneases Hse mumbin gts in the oaash ‘onclusian: aa Checlieel 1 chbail about [Pv ackdrussrong bot Cle ssless tne hecssf. ael: dressing )and Lv 6 = —addless tg sete eee ae seers tet ee Patt fa senha |yaet He mt naach Hes Naples sep Path} tnawn Taal |. ” Theeny : 2s - The annangroen! a nehcenk thal Compniscs nedesanel Cemmictiarg limes via _@tnelen_amel_tecetven ss nefened fe as ‘Nehsonk Tefelegy' The Nanteus mabwenh— lepelegy ane: Mesh ipelegy . eee el Ten certs befeleg y Creag —chevice 1s Cann Vechecd s90'hy amclten ya cleelecesbecl Channels Culleeltearhs. Supposs nt maf dlevises ane commechel sith each eHsen— tn_a_meshtipelegy the kebalmumbin pent that ane ppt eet tach, eben —cloeiee—¢: Z ff Pants sequined = N4 Catt) | : ee |. Hypa the glaull 1s chagmeseel _taily Dobe ics ee ete because lata 1's tnansfentel ameng fhe (dewies_fhneugh __dleclicated channtls er limbs fb Pravel is ote a Se a se FENaGaTaagI909 Stan befology . | ; Ln _thys.,.all tha _closiiag ane —ceaoarechicl — | tee Fogle hud Moneugh a cable. This hiub i He | Centnad ede amet all obban —sades cine _Lorrnec teal — tothe tenlnal erocle The hub can he fastive—tnsealoe te neh_am _inbeligunt rub Grech as bneadeathiong dlewites, eck the Seumne inne the bush Lam ye _virbellizgenh Lane os achive hud. Aelivehrebt rae —teprecbens ic. Hem. | Bus. hepelogy: oe EEE Tks a sehwenh oe ‘which ever, | lormputen _amel__erehoonh plese hicl__ta_a 2 (aa ae Se NE pe ene! be _amothen im a Omagh diucbion . Me Aieclnecleonal faabine 1s rn bus topelog, eelbiperal ” | ancl_c—_m roles hfe op iy be Z bench le | facts apology sh. —| Rim —tapelog yg a ae heey fo ong — necking aleve 4 Ly oh satgh bouncer ; — ee ee eae dattho tateg mumlun_f nocles, because J Sant ene scams to _temel fame —chifa bo the last _macle tn —sing behaley ay LotthLo0medes,-then daha will howe be poss the ae 2. —~—lnodes Lp each 100% mac Mecnce bo pone deo —| ye fratens — ante_useck_im Lhe —soebston bh. ___ Praceclune © Place ys ond clever C00) on Mie sdenht pace. + Cen figun sMith — IP exddress cine Qulnel mash —amel seman dhe Re sort tks 10 aedlness. —_——_—— lemme! cette fo each _Pe_using a C055 Ove" — ebhuxneh cable Cexup) Jon Shan Iopalagy whene all Pes ane _connechd to a Single hub) ne ABESRSSSPRESE —— |: Connect the Srartches. accondingly bo the \Ghotan —sn_—the —oftgume, $$ Iny bo chech —s2h then Phe clesbinalion fog ies ab — + Im seal hime —smeele 13_tteathable__0y nel — = Tn Giemeledron mach, place she Pou_om Lath —Geunce and. olesdimation cancl check Hse —bnamsmission 1) —pachels Con clusion: poe Leann babel — diff mbonk topologies —nebioerh est design tcl __wssing Hubs mel isitehes mel __bes bed on —Bacest fel —_dncsnsonitsion — of peaches — Teacher's Signature: —_ pace RAL Rt rT or or Ee Cu Se tetas Deemer atc erred Ra aes eas atl Seer eer errr (eae aaa eee ea ee ar peering ns 5 feet] eons serie peered Brower eee) ory The ely chive | the thudy , ee eee aaa |hasiemebacrh coortna nd___amd__metwonh lon afequnation ammancls. Loflioane Regyintdl—_Pachel Janeen —cenel—Caramanel_fracinpt Theory < onjig i The £0 confrg mmanch__1s__usedd bo chsploy ton Teplze—mebwanh limp igunabes yeclues / fash te hast Loon i 1 wolacal Cauee) —aorel. __| Dorma manne Ly steam (ns) Gebbinrg. seed wcthart * TRcem/fig [all Display Hae ofall Teo] se Comfigunebs | fonda wp bases ___Plesps bares _Cz mo : ——inkingh rnstallecl _aebweak _adaplens an_lagicel tnbite Such os _chisplag Commechians ta Coofi' 4 | Sere d— Comnmmeancl fine ap lroms lam be _ubiliaedl with | the Cammamel_sptomig_lall the op tiom Lom, be chisprlay — Gy Ieompig lnshase—¥elease allt vA —addaess—Coerinidl- 0468) ee — rpeanfig Lremere—— feentess all L004 acldness—_(nqjoines- Dien). ee Eb.LenJig | flush clus.) lash the Duis Cache. Teacher's Signature Losec eve tei) Se le eet ee OOS Rees Scottie [svet-evost: eee pees eee eee ee Ci Gis BSL FOES cat Zo rouve tn host _tompulin—.—nelstal le mmmend — hifle ys achive Te? _lenmeehiens, penton which _She—_tern uber _—lsheniong _Etsanenael__Ghalushies_, the IP _nowhing OP i rege | Ghebishies amel _£Pve Shecbesbres , sect _s0itheul praneths nb, _nebsbob chispleys active Teo Conmechion'. jhene ast ere Li __bhhiens —avartlable sith ths Libeblernrnand.atcestible att bre Commanel —_mibstal [2 ee Te clisplay toe —Cembenls_f Nhe B12 neuhing babile ose Co: i * Preag Du sa —_ubility 4 Les bir 2 Linky b hast. Ding Sead: ut negwesle Nan snes passer fares eo Specified best sella Paz te lagex protocol that is fant en fae ree] £0 Suils Ge fabian Com baal meta L_lremb) Phag uses 1eme Lehe neyues Mabag nama clsecl hie _farcmany —puspos ° 7% fexad aut +f ha hast oz pe ee eas sespanding « Oy nbanw: [2 haslinan ot fling ip saddest + Suacent » the —buacent pee a ay aa Pe — on _sithhen Syste Baa espana oes dhustes an ba _fabe__to a deshinaki ahs by i A. aL eines cena Reyes nadinag —6vt 0. aoa, & PGR iy pieaanic) Deans) Aen cat) Tecate RUNG ety mii) Ke Boe ie ears Cat ard tet aE eee eae et} A ue unites ae Les see fae LCE LEC BEeL Ty ere T Yes ESET ees ts ny Sees rad eee ere pig eo) eevee) oon Ceres ete ee oh Cera Fath pings Pad fying is ellen Vensivor ef Prawn cent — thet — gis you $abns adeut proche Jost —amel— ns Jock uf> ‘The ms lookup ability allows you ta _qyueny 2 mame Linven_ aorel Gurchly —fimel_oub which __s2ame— _neselves__te which __rpe_acklyss | Gachustan: — Ghuliiel fha alent Commoncle—amal— __ netwonh Com, rgune Commands Teacher's Signature: renner

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