Homework Assignment 2

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1. Watch this clip! Identify the problems and explain why such problems occur!
pieces /i:/– to piss /i/
son of a bitch /i/ – son and a beach /i:/
folk – fuck
sheet – shit
peace – piss
Mistaken between long and short vowels
Reason: Italian language does not have the sound /i/ in long form

2. What is your impression about this clip? Why is his English pronunciation difficult to understand?
What is/are the influential factor/s here?
hell vs house
Lack ending sounds and vowels
Ending sounds in VNese lack of the /s/ sound -> pronounce in E is difficult for Vietnamese people
3. Below is the table of Vietnamese consonants.

The nasal velar consonant /ɲ/ is represented by the two letters ‘nh’, as in nho (grapes), nhìn (look), xinh
(pretty); the fricative voiceless velar consonant /X/ (the accurate symbol is / ꭓ/) is represented by the two
letters ‘kh’, as in khô (dry), khéo (dexterous), không (no); and the fricative voiced velar consonant /ɣ/ is
represented by ‘g’ or ‘gh’, as in gà (chicken), gấp (fold), ghế (chair). /ɲ/ and /ꭓ/ do not exist in English or
Vietnamese students perform comparison-contrast between English and Vietnamese consonants and
vowels, and 이건희 does English-Korean one. Those Vietnamese students who know Korean can do it,
too. Point out the phonetic similarities and differences between these pairs (or all the sounds in the three
words if you can):
English Vietnamese (English meaning) 한국어

car ca (mug) 가 /ga/

go gầu (dandruff) (그리)고 /gô/

Letter present for the sounds is the same but the pronunciation is different
4. Provide detailed explanations for what happens in these pictures!

Pronunciation is the same but with different pauses will represent different word
-> Homonym
B. mailman -> male man
-> Homonym
C. Homonym: bear vs bare

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