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1) Two coherent monochromatic like beams of intensities I and 4I are super imposed. the maximum
and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beams are

a) 5I and I b) 9I and I c) 5I and 3I d) 9I and 3I

2) In a young 's double slit experiment 12 fringes or observed to be formed in a certain segment of
the screen, when the light of wavelength 600 nm is used. if the wavelength of light is changed to 400
nm, number of fringes observed in the same segment of the screen is given by

a) 12 b) 18 c) 24 d) 30

3) The frequency of the lightweight in a material is 2 X1014 Hertz and wavelength is 5000 A0 angstong
unit. the refractive index of the material will be

a) 1.50 b) 3.00 c) 1.33 d) 1.40

4) In young's double slit experiment the intensity at centre of the screen is I. if one of the slit is
closed the intensity at centre now will be

a) I/2 b) I c) I/4 D I/3

5) when light enters from 1 medium to another which of the following reminds same frequency
wavelength amplitude velocity


Very short answers 3 x 2 = 6

6) What type of wavefront will emerge from a 1) point source 2) distant light source 3) linear source

7) How would the angular separation of interference fringes in Youngs double slit experiment change
when the distance between the slit and the screen is halved.

8) How does the angular separation between the fringes in a single slit diffraction experiment change
when the distance of separation between the slit and the screen is doubled.

PART C 3 x 3 = 9

9) Draw the diagrams to show the behavior of plane wavefronts as they pass through a) a prism b) a
thin convex lens

10) Obtain the expression for the resultant amplitude and intensity for two waves interfering.

11 ) Using the principle of Huygen, explain the refraction of a plan wavefront when it is incident on the
interface of the two media and hence prove the law of refraction.
PART D 2 x 5 = 10

) Obtain the condition for constructive and destructive interference in Youngs double slit experiment .
Hence deduce the experission for fringe width.

In a youngs double slit experiment the slits are separated by 0.28 mm and the screen is placed 1.4 m
away . The distance between the central bright frine and the fourth bright fringe is measured to be 1.2
cm. Determine the wave length of light in the experiment.

) State Huygens principle. Using the principle explain how diffraction pattern is obtained on a screen due
to a narrow slit on which a narrow beam coming from a monochromatic source of light is incident

Light of wavelength 550 nm is incident as parallel beam on a slit of width 0.1 mm . Find the angular and
the linear width of the principal maxima in the resulting diffraction pattern on a screen kept at a
disctance of 1.1 m from the slit . which of these widths would not change if the screen were moved to a
distance of 2.2 mfrom the slit ?

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