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Title: The state of art on “Topic”

Cover Page (Name, section, and topic title)” According to technical report
writing standards”
Maximum (200 words)
Should answer the questions of (why its important to study this topic, what is the problem, what is
the method, and what is the output)

1. Introduction

Maximum (2 pages)

Should contains an introduction about the topic, literature review, the idea of the topic, and some
curves, figure to describe the basics of the problem, and aim of the investigation.

2. Theoretical, model description, and/or experimental setup

Maximum (1 page)

Describe the theoretical model of the method used to solve the problem (equations)

Describe the experimental setup of the device.

3. Conclusion

Maximum (200 words)

Summarize what this report is about and most important findings.

4. Future work

Maximum (200 words)

In your opinion, what are the future work that can be done in this area.

5. Reference

The reference used in writing the report should be written using one of the reference software
List of topics

1. Vortex tube
2. Steam ejector
3. Solar driven absorption systems.
4. Solar driven vapor compression systems.
5. Nanohybrid refrigerant.
6. Energy saving in Air conditioning systems.
7. Variable refrigerant flow (VRF).
8. Energy saving in buildings.
9. Energy management systems in Air conditioning and vapor compression systems.
10. Adsorption systems.
11. Vehicle air conditioning systems.
12. Air conditioning of data centers.
13. Thermoelectric air conditioning.


1. Any topic related to Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems is welcomed after taking
the permission.
2. All technical report standards should be considered (formatting, citation, page numbering)
(use Times New Roman (font) with size of 12).
3. Report and references used in writing the report should be submitted in one compressed file
through the model.
4. You can use ScienceDirect (use Mansoura University email), google scholar, and
ResearchGate to download research articles.

5. The dominant references should be research articles (Avoid internet resources).

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