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The Dark Side of Technology

1. Complete the article with the words in the list.

intelligent, integral, applications, crucial, online, accountability,
processing, advancements, impacts, accordingly, algorithm, chatbots,
life-or-death, chain, adapt, image, cancer, virtual, potential, exclusive,
artificial, ethical, devices

_____(1) Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the
creation and development of _____(2) machines that can work and react like
humans. AI has been around for quite some time, but it's only recently that we have
seen significant _____(3) in this field. Today, AI is transforming various industries,
from healthcare to transportation, and is becoming an _____(4) part of our daily
One area where AI has made remarkable progress is natural language _____(5)
(NLP). NLP focuses on how computers can understand and interpret human
language and respond _____(6). With the help of AI-powered virtual assistants such
as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, people can now interact with their _____(7)
using voice commands and receive real-time responses. These _____(8) assistants
are continuously learning and adapting to users' preferences, making them more
effective over time.
Another application of AI that has gained popularity is _____(9) recognition. AI
algorithms can analyze and interpret visual data, enabling computers to identify
objects, faces, and even emotions expressed in images. This technology has
numerous practical _____(10), such as self-driving cars, surveillance systems, and
medical diagnostics. For example, AI can help doctors detect diseases like
_____(11) at an early stage by analyzing medical images with greater accuracy than
human doctors.
AI is also revolutionizing the way we shop. _____(12) retailers, such as Amazon and
Alibaba, use AI algorithms to analyze customer data and provide personalized
recommendations based on their preferences and browsing history. _____(13)
powered by AI are used in customer service to answer queries and assist shoppers
in finding the right products. Additionally, AI is being used to improve supply
_____(14) management by predicting demand patterns and optimizing inventory
In the entertainment industry, AI is being used to create realistic video game
characters that can learn and _____(15) to players' behavior. AI is also being used
in the film industry to generate special effects and improve animation. For instance,
Disney has developed an AI _____(16) that can automatically generate 3D
animations from 2D images, making the animation process faster and more
However, with all these advancements come _____(17) concerns. One of the
primary concerns is the potential impact of AI on jobs. As AI becomes more capable
of performing tasks that were once _____(18) to humans, there is a fear that it
could lead to widespread unemployment. Another concern is the lack of
transparency and _____(19) in AI decision-making. For example, autonomous
vehicles use AI algorithms to make split-second decisions that can have _____(20)
consequences. It's important to ensure that AI systems are fair, unbiased, and
accountable for their actions.
Despite these concerns, AI has the _____(21) to revolutionize our world and
improve our lives in ways we never thought possible. However, it's _____(22) to
approach AI development and deployment with caution and ensure that its
benefits are accessible to all while minimizing any negative _____(23) it may have.

2. Read the text and choose the correct answer:

1. What is the primary focus of natural language processing (NLP) in AI?
A. Analyzing and interpreting visual data
B. Creating realistic video game characters
C. Understanding and interpreting human language
D. Analyzing customer data for personalized recommendations

2. How are AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa improving over time?
A. They are becoming more effective at answering customer queries.
B. They are learning and adapting to users' preferences.
C. They are generating special effects in the film industry.
D. They are improving supply chain management by optimizing inventory levels.

3. How can AI algorithms help doctors in medical diagnostics?

A. By analyzing and interpreting human language
B. By providing personalized recommendations based on browsing history
C. By identifying objects, faces, and emotions in images
D. By detecting diseases like cancer with greater accuracy
4. What is one ethical concern regarding AI?
A. The potential impact on jobs and unemployment
B. The lack of transparency and accountability in decision-making
C. The generation of 3D animations from 2D images
D. The improvement of animation in the film industry

5. What should be ensured in AI systems according to the text?

A. The fair and unbiased generation of special effects
B. The accountability of AI algorithms for their actions
C. The optimization of inventory levels in supply chain management
D. The accessibility of AI benefits to all individuals

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