Unit 1. Pages 12-14

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fu n c t io n s : issuing and accepting

a challenge
gram m ar: verbs followed by
infinitive or gerund; verbs which
take gerund and infinitive with

different meanings: remember,
try, stop, regret, forget
vo c a bu la r y: verbs of movement;
adjectives to describe
uncomfortable feelings

R E A D IN G 5 Read what Joe Simpson

said in an interview about his
1 Look at the photos. Can you see a s u m m it, a ro p e , a g la c ie r relationship with Simon Yates
and a crevasse? after the event. Then discuss the
2 Imagine spending time in an environment like this. W hat
kinds of things could go wrong? W h at are the dangers? In a p arado x ical way, in cutting the rope,
Make a list. which n early killed me - an d to his mind,
he h ad killed me - he put me in a position
3 It Read and listen to the article to find out what went to save m y own life, an d I owe him the
wrong for two mountain climbers.4 world for getting me into that position ...
I'd like to say I could have done the sam e
4 Read the article again. Seven sentences have been removed thing. I'm not sure, though. So it was never
-5f from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one an issue with Sim on and I, an d we've been
which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence. close friends for the last [...] 20years.

A Then something dramatic happened. 1 W h a t do you think of the decision that

В Simon couldn't talk to him or see him. Simon made?
C Several teams had tried before, but they had all failed. 2 W h a t decision do you think you
D Both men knew that it would be almost impossible would have made if you'd been in
to survive the situation. Simon's position?

E Despite his extreme injuries, he had managed to 3 Jo e Simpson is now a motivational

crawl out o f the crevasse. speaker whose presentations are very

F A nd they had run out o f fuel for their stove. popular. W h y do you think this is the
case and would you go to see one
G W h en he finally arrived at base camp, he was absolutely exhausted.
of his talks if you had the chance?
H The weather conditions w ere dreadful.
Give reasons.


Sacrifice for survival?

This is the story of two ambitious mountain (limbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates,
whose story was later turned into a film. Touching the Void, and it started with an
outstanding success. Joe and Simon managed to climb the West Face of Siula Grande
in the Peruvian Andes.

1 _____________ After reaching the summit, Joe and Simon decided to go back down via the North Ridge, on extremely r
but faster route. Their ascent had already taken much longer than they had intended because of bad weather.

2 ________So it wasn't possible for them to melt ice and snow for drinking water any more. It was getting dark too, and
they knew they needed to descend quickly to the glacier, about 1,000 metres below.

3 ________Joe slipped and landed awkwardly, breaking his leg. Both Simon and Joe were in shock. They were at a
height of 6,000 metres.4___________ They were freezing. They had no communication with the base camp, and there was
no chance of a rescue helicopter or any other form of outside help. The situation was really dangerous, not just for Joe, but
for both of them. As an enormous snowstorm was building up around them, Simon tied two ropes together, tied them around
Joe, and started lowering his injured friend. Suddenly, the knot got stuck between two rocks and Joe was left hanging from
a cliff, in mid-air over a huge crevasse.

5___________ He tried desperately for more than an hour to pull his friend up, but without success. The situation was absolutely hopeless. Simon imagined both
himself and his friend dying in the snow and ice. He didn't want to leave his friend alone, but the more he thought about it, the more he began to understand
that there was no way he could save both his own life and that of his friend.

For a moment, Simon felt like giving up. But then he decided to cut the rope and save his own life. Joe fell away, right down to the bottom of the crevasse. The
next day, when Simon continued down the mountain and passed the area where Joe had landed, he saw nothing, and assumed he was dead.

But he wasn't. Joe had survived the fa ll.6___________ For the next three and a half days, he continued to descend the mountain, crawling and hopping on one
leg under extremely difficult conditions. He even managed to cross a glacier with no safety equipment or rope assistance whatsoever.7___________ The others
were thrilled and amazed to see him especially because they had been preparing to leave. Joe's incredible determination and the fact that he hadn't given up
under the most desperate conditions had helped him to save his own life.

Ш Ш Ш З W o rk in pairs. Discuss how Simon may

have felt when he made his decision.
Thinking ra tio n ally
3 иаудиш Н Read the situations. For each one, think
Solving a problem requires decision-making. In a about what you might want to do and what you
difficult situation we may need to make sure that we are should do. Then compare ideas with a partner.
not distracted by irrelevant ideas, so we can look at the
facts that are relevant for making the right decision. 1 You have an important test tomorrow and your friend
wants you to go to a party tonight.
1 W hich of the following facts were relevant for
2 You haven’t been feeling well for several days. A
Simon in making his decision to cut the rope?
tells you to go to a doctor. В tells you to take some
1 Siula Grande is part of the Andes region medicine. You like В better than A.
of Peru. 3 You borrowed a friend's bike and had a small accident -
2 The two climbers had already reached there’s a scratch on the bike that isn't easy to see.
the summit.
3 Joe had a broken leg. Pronunciation
4 There was no way they could get help
from anywhere.
5 Their way back down was via the
□ Dipthongs: alternative spellings
Go to page 120.
North Ridge.
6 The rope got stuck and it was completely

------- -..... ............ ............. ......./

impossible to pulljoe out of the crevasse.


GRAM M AR 2 Use the verbs in the list to complete

the sentences. Use the gerund or
Verbs followed by infinitive or gerund infinitive.
1 Read the sentences from the article on page 13 and choose read help climb be go
the correct words - there are two sentences in which both walk get buy show
options are possible. Then complete the rule with о g e ru n d
1 The weather was great on Sunday,
and on in fin itiv e .
but I didn't feel like a
1 Jo e and Simon managed to clim b / clim bing the W e st Face of mountain.
Siula Grande. 2 M y friend suggested ___ ________
2 Simon tied tw o ropes around Jo e, and started to low er / lowering on a bike ride.
his injured friend. 3 Nobody asked us______________our
3 Simon imagined both himself and his friend to die / dying in the tickets as we entered the cinema.
snow and ice. 4 I gave Sarah a copy of Joe Simpson's
4 For a moment, Simon Yates felt like to give / giving up. book Touching the Void. She says
5 But then he decided to cut I cutting the rope and save his own life. she's really enjoying it.
6 H e continued to descend / descending the mountain. 5 Can I borrow your umbrella? I can’t
stand _____________ around in the
6 I wanted ____ ________ new skis, but
W e follow the verbs:
I couldn't afford______________them.
• imagine, feel like, suggest, practise, miss, can't stand, enjoy, detest, and
don't mind with 1.................... 7 I don’t mind_____________ my
brother with his homework.
• manage, want, decide, refuse, hope, promise, ask, learn, expect,
afford, offer and choose with 2..................... 8 Can you imagine
• begin, start and continue with 3______________ , o r 4______________ caught in a snowstorm for hours?
with no difference in meaning.

VO C ABU LARY 3 Complete the sentences with the

correct forms of the verbs from
Verbs of movement Exercise 2.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the list. 1 They looked down and then slowly
Check in the article on page 13. started______ into the steep valley.
crawling climb hopping descend 2 W e spent the morning
around the harbour, looking at the
1 They managed to __________the W est Face of Siula Grande.
2 They knew they needed t o __________quickly to the glacier.
3 At the zoo the monkeys were
3 For the next three and a half days, he continued to descend the
from the trees.
mountain,__________an d __________ on one leg.
4 The plane______ quickly after take
2 Match the words with their definitions. off until it reached 10,000 metres.
5 Their daughter was asleep, so they
1 climb 3 hop 5 stagger 7 leap 9 rush
around the house.
2 crawl 4 wander 6 tiptoe 8 swing 10 descend
6 She was badly injured, but managed
a to jump on one foot next door and ask for help.

b to walk around without any clear purpose or direction 7 W hen I hurt my ankle, I had to
around the house on one leg.
c to move easily and without stopping in the air, backwards
and forwards or from one side to the other 8 As soon as I heard Jo was back, I

d to walk on your toes, especially in order not to make a noise to her mum's house to see
e to go or come down
9 There was a hole at the bottom of
f to go up, or to go towards the top of something
the fence, and we managed______
g to (cause to) go or do something very quickly
through it.
h to make a large jump from one place to another 10 He saw the snake and in no time he
i to move slowly on hands and knees onto the table.
j to walk or move with difficulty as if you are going to fall

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