Outdoor Learning Activity: Is It Effective To Rouse Students' Speaking?

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Indra Cahyono
English Education Department, Muria Kudus University

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of

outdoor learning activity in improving students speaking. 30 students were
selected from 125 students of the third semester as the participants of the
study. The design of the study was one group pre-test post-test quasi
experimental design. The group was taught by outdoor activity. Then oral
test was given in both pre and post-tests. The result of the test showed that
the mean score of pre-test was 70.1 while the mean score of post-test was
79.5. Accordingly, the statistical analysis affirmed that outdoor learning
activity was effective in improving the speaking ability of the students;
another conclusion was that outdoor activity provided authentic material to
the students where authentic material was very beneficial as it gave a
valuable insight into a culture and language. More, outdoor environment
included was potential to encourage meaningful learning by moving
between the abstract and concrete as well as transforming experience
into knowledge through reflection and communication

Keywords: outdoor learning activity, English speaking skill

Effective teaching involves a deep 2005). Classes occur in the same place
understanding of subject matter, at the same time every week; it can be
learning theory and students divergent, said as monotonous and this kind of
planning, and classroom instruction monotony is welcomed in the world of
strategies (Barry, 2010, p.3). The a new student.
classroom where most of learning A good classroom management
carried out is counted as a part of and organization whether it is
learning environment which brings acknowledged or not, also gives
influence on the success of learning. impact to the effectiveness of the
The classroom is in the first place an learning process. Moreover, the more
entrance for student to find a sense of various activities conducted in the
continuity in learning (Flemming, classroom the more enthusiasts and

motivated the students will be, that’s In English learning, the lack in
why the teacher needs to maximize the motivation are kind of hinders that
activity inside the class to maintain the may distract or disturb the
students’ enthusiasm and interest effectiveness of learning. In Speaking,
during the learning. students could lose their interest or
However, indoor classroom is not willing to speak up even though they
sufficient enough to provide the have the ideas to convey because of
students need. They also need outdoor this case, mentally they will get down.
experience, regardless to the Outdoor Learning creates
appropriateness with the material; they informal circumstance where the
need it because outdoor activity will students or people can share
give such refreshment and real-life everything without minding the formal
experience in learning which is very context that may occur inside the class
beneficial to the students. Good and that makes more intimate
atmosphere of teaching and learning relationship where people can talk
process is very required, especially in more enthusiastic and with no nerves,
the English classroom where the where outdoor class gives more
dynamic interaction of teacher- refreshment by its atmosphere like the
students is implemented (Guo, 2011). air and the situation. And it is believed
The formal situation inside the class that the brain works better in a good
can create both, anxiety and boredom condition (Pearson, 2004). However, it
to the students that make them become is strongly believed that it can also
less motivated during the learning arouse the students’ motivation in
process which result in non- learning.
maximized process of absorbing the Moreover, Thanasoulas (as cited
material given. in Guo, 2007) states that Outdoor
Equally important, motivation Learning Activity is related to real life
takes a major role on students learning experience. It is also count as
in education. However, the level of authentic material. Klein (2010)
motivation (high or low motivation) argues that using authentic material is
effects on students’ success. The lack a successful factor as it gives a
of it may affect students’ attitude and valuable insight into a culture and
be also considered to be detrimental to language. It is more advantages to the
the performance of language learning. learning achievement. Outdoor
Without motivation, learning is not environment include its potential to
possible. Due to motivation, students encourage meaningful learning by
do any task and achieve learning moving between the abstract and
objectives. Motivation increases the concrete as well as transforming
performance of learning (Brown, experience into knowledge through
2001, p.75). Teachers motivate the reflection and communication
students and achieve their task without (Dahlgren & Szczepanski, 1998;
motivation is difficult to achieve. Jordet, 2010). It provides the students
Motivation is helpful for reaching the the basics and principles to interact in
objective for teachers. Through real life situation. Hence, Outdoor
personal approach or any kind of Learning Activity is suitable to teach
amusing activity, a teacher could the four aspects in English learning,
arouse the motivation from the (listening, speaking, reading, and

writing) but there are some topics that to speak up when they were given a
are most suitable to be taught indoor. chance by the lecturer. Therefore, this
Furthermore, Outdoor Learning study would try to implement Outdoor
Activity addresses multiple needs and Learning Activity, which is one of
interests of students and creates a teaching strategies that will give
variety of authentic English language different atmosphere which is lighter
inputs (Bas, 2008). Project Work and more enjoyable in the process of
(Fried-Booth, 2002, p.7) presents learning. And the formulated question
various project activities on different related to the problem of this study is;
scales. Some can be carried out within was there any significant difference in
one class period; some require weeks. speaking ability of the students before
The adoption of this learning and after being taught by using
“encourages students to move out of outdoor learning activity?
the classroom and into the world” and
“helps to bridge the gap between METHODOLOGY
language study and language use”. This study is essentially
Outdoor Learning Activity allows quantitative. This study was carried
teachers and students to move beyond out with a one-group pre-test and post-
the limitations of a traditional English test design. The pre- and post-test
curriculum (Foss, Carney, McDonald, were designed to be the same. The
& Rooks, 2007). Engaging students in population of this study was the third
Outdoor Learning Activity offers the semester of English education
significant benefit of expanding the department of Muria Kudus
student learning environment. University. At this department, there
Realizing that their normal were 4 classes. However, purposive
surroundings and activities offer sampling technique was used to select
meaningful opportunities to learn the sample. Hence, class D which
English is likely to spark interest and consisted of 30 students was taken as
increase motivation to learn. the sample.
Related to the review above, such An oral test was administered to
kind of problem was also faced by the students before the treatment to
English Education Department examine the students’ speaking ability.
students, Muria Kudus University. The test was about describing person
Information from observation and or things.
interview with the lecturer and the Then, on the treatment, students
students of the advance speaking class worked in pairs, or small groups. Pairs
of the third semester students of Muria or groups would have to collect more
Kudus University showed that the lack information. The students were given
of motivation occurred when the class the topic and the instruction to work
ran for a quite long time and the outside the class, and then the students
interaction between the students to did the interview with people that they
lecturer got less. The students tent to meet, after that the students compiled
stay quiet, and by the time, they got as much and as detail information
bored caused by they get ran out of from the interviewee. After obtaining
activity. This matter caused the the information, the students were
students felt so lazy or they felt like about to have presentation.
they didn’t want to talk during the Prior to the activity, an analysis of
lesson. The students also felt reluctant sample data has been presented so that

students understand what is expected 63-65 4 13.33
of them. The whole class then 60-62 5 16.67
discussed the correctness and ∑ 30 100
appropriateness of the usage and
translation of the examples. In terms A significant improvement was
of the presentation format, lecturers clearly described after the students had
who use this project could have some outdoor learning activity. It
students present the information either could be seen from Table 2 below. All
orally. students score were higher than 70.
After all session of treatment
done, a posttest is administered to Table 2
examine the effect of implementing Score distribution of post-test
the outdoor learning activity on the Interval Percentage (%)
students' achievement. The results of Score F
88-90 3 10
pre-test and post-test then were
85-87 5 16.67
compared. In analyzing the scores
82-84 0 0
using t-test, the formula proposed by 79-81 11 36.67
Ali (1984, pp.179-182) was used to 76-78 0 0
find out the Mean and the Standard 73-75 9 30
Deviation of both the pretest and 70-72 2 6.67
posttest. The t–test formula was to ∑ 30 100
know whether there is significant
difference of pre - test and post - test To answer the research questions,
or not. which seek to identify whether or not
To get the score of the students’ there is a statistical differences in
speaking ability by oral test, scoring students’ speaking due to the outdoor
scale by Brown (2004, p.172) was learning activity, means and standard
used. It covered Pronunciation, deviations of the pre and posttest
Adequacy of vocabulary for purpose, scores were investigated, as shown in
Grammatical Accuracy, Fluency, and Table 3.
Relevance and adequacy of content.
Table 3
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION T-test Result of Speaking Ability before
Table 1 describes the result of test and after being taught by Outdoor
before the students treated by outdoor Learning Activity (N=30)
learning activity. The result showed Test Mean SD T- T-
crit obtained
that 70% of the students score were Pre
fewer than 71, moreover, they were test 70.1 6.16 2.045 11.31
categorized as poor. Post 79.5 5.52
Table 1
Score distribution of pre-test Table 3 analysed the compared t-
Interval Percentage test result of the mean of the pre-test
Score f (%) was 70.1, and the mean of the post test
78-80 6 20 was 79.5 and the standard deviation of
75-77 3 10 the pre-test was 6.16 and the standard
72-74 0 0 deviation of the post test was 5.52.
69-71 12 40 The t-obtained of both pre-test and
66-68 0 0

post-test was 11.31. The degree of Learning Activity. After getting the
freedom (df) for both pre-test and data on post-test, the writer calculated
post-test was 29. At the significance and analyzed it. The writer found the
level (α) 0.05 for one tailed testing highest score of post-test is 90 and the
with the degree of freedom 29, the lowest score is 70. Based on the
critical value of t-table is 2.045. calculation, the mean is 79.5 and the
Because the fell in the critical standard deviation is 5.52. From that
region, it can be stated that there was a result, it can be concluded that the
significant difference between the post-test is better than the pre-test.
Speaking Ability of the Students The statistical data obtained
before and after being taught by Using from the test implied that outdoor
Outdoor Learning Activity. learning activity is effective to
Based on the result of pre-test, the improve the speaking abilities of
writer found out that the highest score students. As it was mentioned earlier,
is 80 and the lowest score is 60. From there was one group of consisted of 30
the calculation of the data in pre-test, students and an oral test was
the mean is 70.1 and the standard administered as pre and post-test.
deviation is 6.16. From the result on Then, the results of pre and post-test
pre-test, it can be concluded that some were compared. The results exposed
students still had low speaking ability. that the students in the post-test
Then, the students were trained to performed better in their speaking test.
endure the feeling of humiliation or Moreover, in comparison to the pre-
being ashamed to speak English in test, the mean of the group in the
public. It was hoped that they would post-test displayed a significant
get used to it that it could help them increase. This revealed that Outdoor
reduce their anxiety level and learning activity is effective in
increased their frequency in speaking improving the students’ ability of
and also they did not have to be shy to speaking.
speak English anymore. Moreover, the
students were exposed to speak CONCLUSION
English outside and hopefully they In conclusion, this study
would lose their perception to only demonstrates that outdoor learning
speak English during the class. Next, activity is effective in improving the
the writer asked one group to come speaking ability of the students
forward to tell the task of being a tour because it provides real life experience
guide. The last step was assessment to that increases the motivation, as a
the students’ performance or consequence, their performance of
evaluation. The writer gave score to learning is also increased.
the students based on the aspects that Additionally, the Outdoor
have been decided, such as: Learning Activity will help the
Appropriateness, Adequacy of lecturer provides authentic material to
vocabulary for purpose, Grammatical the students where authentic material
Accuracy, Fluency, Relevance and is very beneficial as it gives a valuable
adequacy of content. insight into a culture and language.
After conducting the treatment, Moreover, Outdoor environment
the writer gave post-test to the include its potential to encourage
students to test their speaking ability meaningful learning by moving
after being taught by Using Outdoor between the abstract and concrete

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