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NCERTCLASS1 PRACTICE MATH BOOK- Part 1 R-WORLD BOOKS KET TTT TEER TTT T TERETE REECE ET TET TET E EE ETT ._ PREFACE = = a = Mathematics is often quote as a poetry of logical ideas. Building upon this beautiful notion, we set out to create this book with a burst of exuberance. Delivering a fun learning experience without deviating from the syllabus was a challenge in itself. We left no stone unturned to achieve what we ourselves would seek in an exhaustive Mathematics Workbook. This workbook is based on NCERT’s Textbook for Standard 1. It covers all the aspects of formative and summative evaluation as per the prescribed pattern. The workbook is made as a replica of the textbook with ample of exercises and lucid as well as crisp explanations of key concepts as necessary. Our structured approach and delicate treatment of examples will ensure that kids do not get overloaded by the numerical world. We have provided adequate space for writing steps and answers in all our numerical problems. Further, the ample number of practice exercises would help Kids to revise and test their knowledge. The book gradually delivers into numbers using interesting illustrations that contain everyday objects and scenarios. Our vibrant eye- catching design coupled with frisky characters is bound to sustain kid’s interest in the subject. This book is an outcome of holistic approach towards learning. We are confident that ‘our workbook will impact the desired mathematical competence to every student using it. Happy Learning! = RWorld Books aon wor [EI gle a nite ain at neds ia tne en oe, a 2B z 5 7% = & £ § & & € £ é : : £ é € : : & é é & AAA AAA 25258785 ARBAB AHB BA TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 1 SHAPES AND SPACE 4 2 NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 9 58 3 ADDITION 1 4 SUBTRACTION 101 PEETEAEERCER AOS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 1 SHAPES AND SPACE 4 2 NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 9 58 3 ADDITION 91 4 SUBTRACTION 101 CHET KEKERTTT ETRE TT INSIDE- OUTSIDE Hello Benny, | am Dora. Where are all my animal friends? I came to visit them all. Hi, Dora- Welcome to Benny's Z00 The animals are here, some are resting INSIDE and some are playing OUTSIDE. You can visit them all and greet them. After all, you are an animal lover. Hehehel!!! Thanks Benny For the compliment... lam definitely excited to meet my lovely friends!!! PETTERS Hello, my cuties!!! Bob is OUTSIDE and Cherry is INSIDE the house. => «D Hey hilll! Lovely Monkey Family. The outeide Mother Monkey and Baby Monkey are INSIDE the cave and the DADDY Monkey is, playing OUTSIDE the cave. inside Heya! Chirping Birds. Ohh I can see one of them is INSIDE the bird house and the other bird is having water OUTSIDE. INSIDE- OUTSIDE Directions: Write the word INSIDE- OUTSIDE given in the empty space below: INSIDE OUTSIDE Directions: Color the picture. Color the dog brown which is inside the dog house. And the dog grey that is outside the dog house: aon wor [El KETTRT TEER E TETTTTT RTT INSIDE-OUTSIDE ‘olor the box pink if something is inside and color the box blue if something is outside. DEE EET eo Oo L Directions: Draw a circle inside the square. R WORLD BOOKS INSIDE-OUTSIDE position of the objects in it. The ice is inside/outside the glass. The pencil is inside/outside the pencil box. The honeybees are inside/outside the honeycomb. The fish is inside/outside the fish bowl. Directions: Look at the picture, and circle the option that best describes the HARB 2557552525255 555 5 HH HHI PABBA BAH AHHH ETRE T TERETE TET TT TET E EE EET INSIDE-OUTSIDE RTT TH < Directions: Observe the following image and write “Yes” or “No” for the € given statements: € Mango is outside the basket- Corn is inside the basket- | Carrot is outside the basket- Potato is outside the basket- Cabbage is outside the basket- & Tomato is inside the basket- TETTETTER TTT TY INSIDE-OUTSIDE Directions: Write Inside or Outside in the blanks given below: FRET TE The children are playing : The ii The monkey is the cave. BIGGER- SMALLER STORY OF A SMALLER DEER AND BIGGER DEER Once upon a time, there lived a bigger deer and a smaller deer in the jungle. Bigger deer used to take care of smaller deer as he was the most mischievous one. Bigger deer used to follow smaller deer like a shadow. One fine day, when bigger deer went to find some food for them, Smaller deer went to the other side of the river while playing, When bigger deer came to know that smaller deer went to the other side of the river, he was really worried. He rushed to the other side in search of a smaller deer. When he saw that smaller deer was in danger as a ferocious lion was going to attack him from back. Bigger deer quickly took smaller deer and started running. Both reached their home successfully. ‘Smaller deer thanked bigger deer for saving his life. BIGGER-SMALLER Directions: Write the word BIGGER-SMALLER given in the empty space below: BIGGER SMALLER Directions: Color the picture. Color the BIGGER LION- Y£.LOW and SMALLER MOUSE aon oo 7 BIGGER-SMALLER & & Directions: Color the box pink if the object is BIGGER and color the box blue if the object is SMALLER. A J Directions: Draw a smaller leaf and a bigger leaf. Color both the leaves green. THT TT TE BIGGER-SMALLER Directions: Look at the picture, and circle the option that best describes the size of the objects. é A girl is bigger/smaller than a woman. Dinosaur is bigger/smaller than rabbit. ae & Tree is bigger/smaller than plant. © Orange is bigger/smaller than watermelon. @ BIGGER-SMALLER Directions: Observe the following images and write “Yes” or “No” for the given statements: Flamingo is bigger than parrot- Gold fish is bigger than Dolphin- Car is smaller than bus- Hen is bigger than chic - Camel is smaller than snail- swonosoors Ei AAABARBAA ERELSHER ACER ERRORS Directions: Stick the pictures of 3 BIGGER ANIMALS and 3 SMALLER ANIMALS in the space given below: BIGGER SMALLER BIGGEST- SMALLEST NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A SMALLEST OBJECT Once upon a time, there was a tree standing high in a jungle. The tree used to feel very proud of himself as he was the biggest of all other trees. ‘Once he was talking with his fellow companion who was the smallest tree in the entire jungle. The biggest tree told to the smallest tree,” | am the biggest of all, no ‘one can damage me. | am the biggest.” The smallest tree laughed at the biggest tree and told him, “You can never judge anyone by the biggest or smallest size. All are equally important and the creatures of God.” The biggest tree laughed at the smallest tree and said,” You better keep quiet idiot!” Later in the evening a huge storm of wind started blowing, the whole jungle was scared and so the biggest tree. The wind hit the biggest tree heavily and shattered him into pieces whereas it could not damage the smallest tree as it started moving according to the direction of the wind. The biggest tree who was with his wrong assumption told to the smallest tree, “I was wrong, each and everyone of us are God's creatures, no one is the biggest and no one is the smallest.” BIGGEST-SMALLEST Directions: Write the word BIGGEST-SMALLEST given in the empty space below: BIGGEST SMALLEST Directions: Color the picture. Color the BIGGEST APPLE- RED and SMALLEST APPLE GREEN. J « won oor Directions: Circle the biggest object given below. TERETE TEETER TERETE ET KETC TET TTT T EEE EES 5 5 & SMALLEST Directions: Circle the smallest object given below. 55854545245 & & & & e é < & g € € & & e & N85 9258S 8H SG TOP-BOTTOM Rani and Jay went to the garden for the first time. They were very happy and amazed to see other friends playing happily in the garden with the ball and some of them were riding on the swings. Suddenly they were amazed to see the slide and at the same time excited to play. Rani, climbed the ladder first and slide down. While Rani was at the bottom of the slide. Jay climbed the ladder and he was standing at the top of the slide to wait for his turn. They enjoyed the slide very much. After that, they went to the seesaw. Rani sat on one side and Jay sat on the other side of the seesaw. When Rani was at the bottom, Jay was at the top. When Jay was at the bottom, Rani was at the top. This way they enjoyed the seesaw very much After returning from garden, Rani went to her home which was at the top floor and Jay went to his home which was at the bottom floor. Both enjoyed their garden trip very much. FETT EE TOP-BOTTOM Directions: Write the word TOP-BOTTOM given in the empty space below: FETE RE TOP BOTTOM Directions: Color the picture. Color the TOP FLOOR- P!NK and BOTTOM FLOOR ORANGE. ||BB8| say RWORLD BOOKS TERE TERT TOP-BOTTOM Directions: Observe each image and write top or bottom as relevant: TEETH TT RE CET Rabbit is sitting at the top/bottom of the tree. Dog is standing at the top/bottom of the house. Boy is standing at the top/bottom of the stairs. A Boy is at the top/bottom of the slide. Pl tete! Metetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetete tet q q al | tele tetetetetetetetes = E 9 a S E Directions: Look at the star in the pictures below. Is the stay at the top of the object or at the bottom? Circle top or bottom. Metetetetetetetetetetetetes etetetetetetetetetes FETT TE TE NEARER-FARTHER Shreya was a very bright student in her class. She was always curious to know and learn new things. ERELSHERACER ERRORS Her teacher taught her the concept of nearer and farther. She asked her teacher, “Mam! Which are the objects in the nature that are nearer and farther?” Her teacher replied, “Dear Shreya, the natural objects such as the clouds, the aero plane flying in the sky are farther to us. Whereas, the tree planted here, the dog sleeping is nearer to us. Shreya thanked her teacher for making her understand the concept of Nearer and Farther. PET T TTT NEARER-FARTHER Directions: Write the word NEARER-FARTHER given in the empty space below: NEARER FARTHER Directions: Color the picture. Color the NEARER TREE TO THE MOUNTAIN- LIGHT GREEN and FARTHER TREE TO THE MOUNTAIN- DARK GREEN. HTT TE TERETE NEARER-FARTHER Directions: Observe each image and write Nearer or Farther as relevant: The boy is standing nearer/farther from the tree. : " ? The red tent is nearer/farther from the blue tent dog. FARAH The lion is nearer/farther from the tiger. Fa NEAREST-FARTHEST Once upon a time there was a race between 2 animals. The hare and the tortoise. The judge was the king of the jungle, Mr. Lion. He encouraged both the participants of the race and told them to finish the race near the river. Both the participants were very enthusiastic and they were ready for the race. The announcement was made and both the participants started running. The hare was, nearest to the river and the tortoise was farthest. During the race, the hare stopped under a tree, he thought that he is going to win the race as he is nearest to the river. He took a very long nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise who was farthest from the river went ahead with his speed slowly. The tortoise was the nearest participant from the river. He steadily with his pace, won the race and the hare lost the race. The judge rewarded the tortoise with the winning cup. FETCH TT TEE T TTT ETT EE EET TE 525 5 25 355 5 255 534 B45 B45 4B 4H HGH HBB PH B4 HHH GH 9H GB HGH HB 5H 95H 935 HGH HH HHH IH NEAREST-FARTHEST Directions: Write the word NEAREST-FARTHEST given in the empty space below NEAREST FARTHEST Directions: Color the picture. Color the NEAREST ANIMAL FROM THE TREE- BROWN and the FARTHEST ANIMAL FROM THE TREE- GREY SOEs AAAI es KET TRT TEER TTT CHET TTET TEETER TTT EEE E OEE NEAREST-FARTHEST Directions: Observe each image and write the answer as relevant: Circle the nearest object from the & & ; g = & Circle the farthest boat. a Circle the nearest car. 5H NIH N85 45H OS EH 8 GHG HFG CETTE T TTT TE CHT Circle the farthest giraffe Circle the nearest dinosaur Circle the farthest group of people. Marry had a little dog. The dog’s name was Scooby. She loved her dog so much. ‘One fine day, after coming from school, she wanted to play with Scooby. But she searched him here, there, everywhere but could not find him, She asked her mom, “Mom, where is Scooby?” Her Mom replied, “I saw him just now on the stairs.” He was not there. She asked his dad, “Dad, where is my dog?” Her dad replied, “I saw him under the table taking a nap.” She searched him under the table, Scooby was not there. She started crying, she wanted to play with Scooby. Scooby started barking suddenly, marry was in joy to see Scooby, sitting on the backyard garden bench. ‘She hugged Scooby tightly and both played happily. RTT T RTT ON-UNDER < Directions: Write the word ON- UNDER given in the empty space below: oo ON UNDER Directions: Color the Picture. Color the dog under the bed pink and color the man on the bed brown. The book is on/under the table The dog is on/under the table I = & £ = & = The boy is on/under the tree a5 ON-UNDER Directions: Look at the image. Draw a book vase on the table and draw a ball under the table, twos Bors Life below the sea and above the sea ‘Once upon a time a man went for fishing. When he went on a boat for fishing, a fish came out from below the water and started talking with the man. The man told the fish, that life above the sea Is awesome. You can go anywhere; you ‘can enjoy the mountains. You can enjoy going above in the planes. You can also see the beautiful natural scenery. The fish was very jealous, so she started talking about the life below the sea. She told that you can find the heaven below the sea. The plants, the fishes and the different, marine animals will make you go mesmerized. Both of them went on talking about their lives above the sea and below the sea. CHTTK CRT ROTTER EEE ABOVE-BELOW Directions: Write the word ABOVE-BELOW given in the empty space below: ARBAB ABOVE BELOW Directions: Color the Picture. Color the ball ABOVE THE BOX- BLUE and the ball BELOW THE BOX- GREEN. SEES & : & = ns 7 ABOVE-BELOW Directions: Observe each image and write ABOVE-UNDER as relevant: The Cat is above/below the box a= a The monkey is above/below the castle a The boy is below/above the bal 2 ~ KET TTT TTT RTE T TERETE REET ET TTT E The boy is above/below the tre The mountains are above/below the plane. & & TEETER Shapes Around Us CIRCLE won soos BE CIRCLE AROUND US © DONUTS STEERING WHEEL ‘WHEELS twos Bors EETRECTER TEETER TEETER ET ETE RETR TEE TEE E TEE EE ETE REET EERE & Shapes Around Us = & & & & : aon woos 5552592584 H 5H 85H HSH HSS GG GY 8G SN GF 8 8G GS Spee enn ne ie ee inh nbn mn ee ene TRIANGLE AROUND US @ PIZZA SLICE A ROAD SIGN TORTILLA HANGER wom soos TERETE TEETER TERETE ET SQUARE 55854545245 58545548558 Srna SQUARE AROUND US — (CHEESE mn CHESS BOARD BISCUIT twos bors Count with me. 2 are short and 2 are long Come along and sing my song. I'm a rect s You can see. I have 4 sides. R WORLD BOOKS RECTANGLE AROUND US MOBILE ENVELOPE AAA AAA AAA FRET TE R WORLD BOOKS v =] 3 € 3 2 =< a 3 2 s = wo real objects: Sort Shapes Directions: Sort and Draw the real-life objects that match the shapes: AA SAAAABABA ABH iAH 8 5 85H HH FH SN twos Bors TET TTT TEER TEES FRUIT SELLER SORTING A fruit seller sorted the following fruits by color: eco se eaJ Which sorting is correct? ROLLING OR SLIDING Directions: Tick the objects that will roll when pushed. ROLLING OR SLIDING Directions: Tick the objects that will slide when pushed. % eee aera’ ST SKS % ee) 5% rere oe 27 MATCH THE SHAPES Directions: Match the shapes with the same size. TETTTT TEE EE TS ABABA COLOR THE SHAPES the image below. Directions: Color the shapes give! Triangle: Red, Square: Grey, Rectangle: Pink won oor COLOR THE SHAPES Directions: Color the shapes given in the image below. Rectangles TWianges= red bie FT TT ETE TEETER TE TET ETE EE TE ERELSHERACER ERRORS Directions: Create your own picture, using the shapes like triangle, rectangle, square, circle. 222222 re: TERETE EE TET TERT ETE CHAPTER 2: NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 9 Come right down and then you're done. That's the way to make a one! Around and back on the railroad track. Two! Two! Two! Around the tree, around the tree. That's the way to make a three! Down, over, down some more, That's the way to make a four! Put on a hat, Then take a dive. Make a round belly, Now that's a five! Make a hoop and then a loop! Six! ‘Across the sky and down from heaven, That's the way to make a seven! Make an ‘S' and close the gate. ee That's the way te make an eight! 9) Make a circle and then a line. That's the way to make a nine! TERETE TEETER T TERETE MORE OR LESS Directions: Tick the group which has more number of objects: a Ae “goat TEETH TT RE EET a Oe A bs 0% WX me ww ww ¢ F999 Se RARRAA MORE OR LESS Directions: Tick the group which has less number of objects: 09 See Se KAKA 55H HHH HHH HHH HHH: SAW HHIHHH TETERE Directions: Circle the number that is more TECTTETT TERETE TET TET WHICH Is LESS? Directions: Circle the number that is less. 25 81) COUNT AND MATCH Directions: Count and Match the number of the given objects: www @ 7" wom soos FHKE COUNT AND MATCH Directions: Count the circle in boxes. Match the boxes. PTETT TOE ETS PETER TEETER EEE GROUPING Directions: Make a group of different objects given: | | 4 bottles R WORLD BOOKS seletetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetestetetetetesetetetetetetetetetetesetetetetetetetets HEMT TTT OE R WORLD BOOKS 3 cats 7 flowers 5 apples 1 elephant TTT T TERETE TEER TERETE EE Directions: Color the objects as per the number given: CETTE TTT ETT EET EE EEE ETT COUNT AND COLOR & = & & = & € & & FRET TE grep ay fal TTT TRTTE TEETER TERETE EE TTT COUNT AND MATCH Directions: Count the number of objects and match against the number given in the boxes: COUNT AND WRITE KET TTT TEER TEER EER EEE EEE T TT TEE EET E EE TREE TT EE EES, « os 2 PABA AA RATT 24% 2 OS: JOIN THE DOTS Directions: Join the dots and make a beautiful picture. Also color the picture. TEER TRT TEER TREC TERETE ETE MISSING NUMBERS Direction: Write the missing number given in the box. TTT TE BEFORE, AFTER, BETWEEN Directions: Write before, after and between numbers given. BEFORE BETWEEN AFTER i Tr _ 3 _ 6 2 _ 8 er) 5 TE awono eons AARAAAAAAAAH a INTRODUCTION OF ZERO Around and round and ANANDA AAA AY round we go, S ©) VAAAAAA AAA AAA DAA When we get home we have a zero. TRTTT TCE TEES CONCEPT OF ZERO Zero Cookies Mama baked 4 cookies, left them sitting on « plate. When my 4 friends came to play, T guess they couldn't wait, Each ate 1 big cookie— 1,2, 3, and4. So, there are Zero cookies left But Mama's baking more! FARA BAAAA AT KETTTT RETR T RECT ERTS KTTTRRTET TT COUNTING ZERO Directions: Count the number of eggs in each nest, touching each egg as you say the number. Draw a line from the number 0 to the nests with 0 e; ee ore eS Directions: Circle the tree that has zero apples. So i FAA i CETTE TTR T TEER ERE R EER EE EE PET TTT TET E ETE T TT TEE EEE ETS 5 f CHAPTER 3: ADDITION = & Adding Fish 1 litle angel fish red, white, and blue. ‘Along came his friend ‘ond then there were 2 2 litte fish both splashed in the sea, Along came @ clown fish and then there were 3. ABBA 3 litle fish ‘il raced near the shore ‘Along come a catfish ‘and then there were 4 aT 4 little fish blew bubbles and ployed. Then they all swam home ‘at the end of the day = & 5585958 8 HH CHT HOW MANY ALTOGETHER? TTT TS 1 Teddy bear AND 1 Teddy bear is equal to Teddy bears. 3 Candies AND 2Candies —isequalto Candies. xk kk k xk * 5 Stars AND 3Stars is equal to Stars. w 3 Cats AND 3 Cats is equalto cats won woos Ej 222 tt ke 4Parrots is equalto Parrots. is equal to tas: Fs 3 Flamingoes ‘AND 2Flamingoes is equal to Flamingoes. won woos Ej TTT TTR T EERE T WHAT IS THE SUM? 4 Tomatoes AND 3Tomatoes is equal to Tomatoes. Lion AND Otion is equal to Lion, 444 224 %¥ ¢ 5 Roses AND Roses is equal to Roses. 2 Boys AND 1 Boy is equal to Boys. won woos Xj TTT TT TTT E ETE RE ERECT EEE ET TT TTT TET EEE TERETE T TEE EES, ADD THE NUMBERS HORIZONTALLY & & & § = § : 2+7= 3+1 at im 6+3= ABABA AAAI a7 TTT T TTT EET T EERE EERE EET EE TEE TEE EEE TEE TEE E CEE TE ADD THE NUMBERS HORIZONTALLY e < € : = : z ec 3+4= 0+7= 743 im ABABA 5 ABABA THEE T CRETE ERE E EE ERE TEER TET TTT TEE EEE T TET TE i S 3 a B 2 5 ADD THE NUMBERS VERTICALLY SAAB G TIT 2529 D5 85 925 8H FH HH GHG 8 HSB 8G YG TET TT CRETE TREE E TEER EEE ETT TT TEE EEE TET TET G i S 3 a B 2B 5 ADD THE NUMBERS VERTICALLY ABBA AGH 2529 D5 85825 8H FH HSH GHG 8S BG 8G YG TERT TT TEETER TREE RETO REECE ET TEE TOOT TE EET TEE E EES, 34 FAA AH ADD THE NUMBERS VERTICALLY 79) 5+4= 3+6= RWORLD BOOKS [Flu 5 2525252525 25 5 B55 25 Bh By 5 25 B54 B55 25 5 Bs B55 255 35 B55 B55 BH 5 B55 259 25 5 255559 HB B55 259 5 BBS 25 855 5 2 HHH 559 HHH CHAPTER 4: SUBTRACTION FIVE LITTLE REINDEER Five little reindeer Flying in the skyl One little reindeer Flew into a pie! OOPS! Four little reindeer Flying in the sky! One little reindeer went too high! OOPS! Three little reindeer Flying in the sky! One little reindeer kept asking WHY?! OOPS! Two little reindeer Flying in the sky! One little reindeer was really shy! OOPS! One little reindeer Flying in the sky! One little reindeer said BYE BYE! OOPS! Who will pull Santa’s sleigh? LESS MINUS ss SUBTRACTION DIFFERENCE sono coos CHT T TG FIND THE DIFFERENCE eee £ FEKETE ETT ETT E 422 “222 6 Chicks Minus “4 Chicks is equal to (Chicks. 1 Bird minus 1 ind Is equalto Bird, ee | | ee ee 4 Parrots MINUS ——2Parrots is equal to Parrots. won oor eee FHKE TTT T TENCE ETE LESS OR SUBTRACTION ee] [eee ¢ $ 5 Roses minus Roses is equal to Roses. 6 Tomatoes MINUS 2 Tomatoes —_ is equal to Tomatoes. 2 Boys minus 1 Boy is equal to Boy. won oor KETTTTR TREC TERRE TEER EE EEE EET TT TERE EEE SUBTRACT THE NUMBERS HORIZONTALLY RTT 3-1= 4-1= HAA FAA 1% TET TTT TEER TTT TEER TEER EEE E TT TTT EEO EE TE EET T TTT CEES, 34 SUBTRACT THE NUMBERS VERTICALLY & £ & & £ 7 rte CETTE RTT T TEER TEE TEER EEE REET T TT CETTE OEE E TEE TTT E EEE E SUBTRACT & MATCH THE NUMBERS 0 4-2 7-2 @ N [>] [| 9 oO | rh R won oor

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