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So,next let's talk about how to protect the environment.

First,we can try and go organic

wherever possible. Be it food, daily products, or clothing, choose organic substances over
inorganic ones as much as you can. Cut down on plastic and other poisonous and harmful
chemical compounds as they severely harm the environment and lead to major problems
like biomagnification and eutrophication.
Then,we can follow the 3R rules.For example,we can reduce waste,reuse waste and recycle
waste. Follow the 3 ‘R’s to do your bit in conserving the environment. This method
minimizes waste to a great extent and keeps the environment clean.

Then,protect environment can provide habitats of species.Almost half of the species live in
forests thus destroying the forests would lead to the destruction of the ecosystem at large.

So,food chain will generating.The sun provides light for the plants. The plants are food for
the animals that are in turn consumed by other animals. Therefore, destroying the
environment would destroy the food chain system.

Last,the important of protect environment is ENVIRONMENT TO SURVIVE.

As the environment gets destroyed, the more animals in the ecosystem perish. As the
environment is degrading, most of the animal species face extinction.

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