Black Beauty 2023 Mr Second Term ( موقع درس انجليزي)

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Black Beauty sec. Term

Second Term 01273771598
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Black Beauty sec. Term

By Anna Sewell

Second Term 01273771598
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Black Beauty sec. Term

Chapter 8:
* Earlshall Park *

1-How many years did Black

Beauty live at Birt
→Black B Beauty lived for three
happy years.
2-Why did changes come at
Birtwick ? and what changes?
→The mistress was often ill and the
doctor advised"", her to go and live in
a warm country for 2or3 years, so
the master decided to leave England.
3- What was the destiny ‫مصير‬
of Black Beauty, Ginger and
Merry legs?
Ginger and Black. Beauty were sold to
an old friend"of the Master, Lord
Gray. Merrylegs. Given was
to the neighbour, Mr Blomefield.
4-Where did John took
Ginger and Black Beauty?
→To Earlshall park where lord Gray
5-Who was Mr Yourk? →He was the new driver he was a
good looking man about fourty
6-What did John say about Black Beauty to Mr York?
That black Beauty had the most prefect temper.
7- Why did horses wear -bearing rein in Earlshall 2
→ Because Lady Gray followed the fashion!
8-What did Lord Gray say to Mr York when he came to see them?
→To keep an eye on the mare and not to make the bearing rein too tight at first.

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Black Beauty sec. Term

9-What did Lady Gray order York to do ?

-To Pull the horses' head up at once without arguing‫جدال‬
10-What did Ginger do when York took off the rein to shorten it?
She stood upon her back legs then kick herself out of the carriage and fell down.
11-Why was Black Beauty angry ?
→ As his leg was hurt after Ginger
kicked him while trying to refuse the
12-Why did Black Beauty feel
tired and miserable ?
After 4 months putting lady Gray.The
sharp bit cut into his tongue. and the
rein hurt his neck
13-What did Blantyre advise
Anne ?
→ Not to try the horse "Lizzie" as it
was easily frightened for a lady to
(14) What frightened Lizzie out side the doctor's house?
There was a boy behind some horses, waving a large whip. One of the horses banged into Lizzie's
back legs. Then galloped quickly.

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Black Beauty sec. Term

15- How did lady Anne fall in the ditch ?
Lizzie jumped over the wide ditch and completed running but Anne fell not moving.
16-What did Blantyre ask one of the men cutting grass to do?
To ride Black Beauty and ask the doctor to come then go on to the Hall to tell them.
Quotations and comments:~
"I want to train young horses"
John to the Master Mr. Gordon. After every thing in Birtwick changed as the master decided to leave
England after his wife illness.
"I cannot think of anyone more suitable than you..." If I can & help you...write to
Mr Gordon to John After every thing
in Birtwick changed as the master
decided to leave England after his
wife illness.
"Is there any thing you want
to mention".
York the new driver to John
York asked John to know every thing
about Black Beauty and Ginger
" keep an eye on the mare-
Don't make the bearing rein
too tight"
Lord Gray said this to York talking
about Black. beauty which indicated
that he was a kind man

The accident and new
1-Who looked after Black
Beauty while Work was in
A man called Reuben Smith. He was gentle and clever.
2- What was Reuben Smith problem (fault) ?.
He sometimes drank too much and behave badly.

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Black Beauty sec. Term

3-Why did Lord Gray tell Smith to leave?
One night Smith drove some Ladies and gentlemen home and was so drunk that he could not hold the
4- Why did Smith back to work again?
York spoke again to Lord Gray who was. very kind and he took Smith back-and promised never to
drink again.
5-Why was Black Beauty bleeding. ?
Because one of shoes came off and Smith was too drunk to notice. The road was rough His foot was
cut from the sharp stones.
6-Why did Black Beauty
fall violently?
His foot was bleeding and the
pain was to great.And Smith was
thrown off.
7-What happened to
Reuben Smith after
He lay still and his head is
covered with blood-
8-Why was Black Beauty
no longer suitible for a
fashionable family?
Although his knees got better,
they looked very ugly
9- How was Black Beauty
a job horse?
Black Beauty was sold to a man
in Bath who kept many horses
for hire.

•He was a man employed by Mr

10-Who was Filcher ?

Barry the new owner of

Black.Beauty to look after Black
11-Why didn't Black
Beauty eat well?

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Black Beauty sec. Term

Because The groom Filcher and his son came every morning at six o'clock. then the boy filled a bag
with oats and put it into his basket.
12-Why did the two policemen come to the stable
To take Filcher and his son as they stole theoats for their chickens.
13-Why did Black Beauty become thin and unhealthy?,
As anew groom was employed but he was lazy about cleaning. he left the stable wet and dirty.
14- Why did Mr Barry decide to stop keeping a horse?
After all that trouble with grooms. He decided to send Black Beauty to a horse fair.
15- How much did (Jerry) Barker pay to buy! Black Beauty?
Twenty-five pounds.

A Quotations
"Take care of Lady Anne, and don't let any one else except her ride Black Beauty"
, Mr Blantyre to Smith when Mr Blantyre gave him some money at the station
"It'll be all right until we get home,"
Smith to the white Lion hotel stableman when the stableman told him that Black Beauty had a loose
"His hands are cold and his head is covered with blood"
Robert to Ned talking about Smith after he fell as he was drunk and riding Black Beauty with a loose
shoe very fast. He fell and died.
"Your horse doesn't look as well as "See how wet.and warm he is. "I advice you to
watch your groom more."
A gentleman farmer to Barry talking about the bad condition of Black Beauty.
" Show me where your father Keeps food "
Apolice man to Filcher's boy as they stole the horses oats.

A London cab horse.
1- Who was Jerry Barker?
He was a cab driver lived in london he was a small man
quick, but well made.
2-How was Jerry's Family?
His wife Polly a little woman with dark hair and eyes. 12

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Black Beauty sec. Term

year boy Harry and Dolly was eight.
3-What was Jerry's other horse?
It was a tall white animal called captain..
4-How did Jerry divide his work day?
Captain went out in the cab all mo and Beauty morning went out in the afternoon.
5-What did the Jerry call Beauty ? why?
Jack, after the old one
6-What was Mr. Grant like
He was a man in a gray coat and
sensible kind man .
7-Why was the first week
as a cab horse hard for
Black .Beauty?
As he was not used to London
the noise the hurry and the
8-How was kind-hearted
or what was Jerry's
principle in driving?
- He was against hard driving to
please careless people, he went
at fair speed. He also helped a
young. man fell down heavily.
9-Why did the gentleman
write down the name and
address on the side of the
cart of drunk man?
As the drunk man was whipping
the horses and he would tell the
"We'll call him Jack, after
the old one"
Jerry said this to his wife Polly after he had bought Black Beauty as Polly liked to keep a good name

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Black Beauty sec. Term

"He's the right kind for you. I don't care what you paid for him, he will be worth it"
→Mr Grant said that to Jerry after he examined Black Beauty carefully in the cab stand.
"Extra money doesn't play for extra speed "
→That was Jerry's reply to the two Young men who asked him to take them quickly to Victoria
station for extra money so he refused the offer Larry another cab driver accepted. 11
"I wish there were more gentlemen like you".
→Jerry told the gentleman he wished there
were many kind hearted people like him in
the city as he saved the horses from the
drunk cab driver..

Goodbuy to old friends
1-How was Ginger on meeting
Beautyafter that long time?
Her face was miserable and full of pain, her
bones showed through her Coat.
2- How did Ginger's owners deal
with her? Why?...
They whipped her and worked her 7 days a
week to recollect the money they had paid
for her.
3-Why used didn't Ginger kick
people cruel to her as she used to?
As men are stronger and cruel without
4- Why did Black . Beauty hope the
dead horse was ‫ معاناة‬Ginger?
As her troubles and suffering would end.
5- Why did the poor woman ask
the wayto St Thomas Hospital?
As her little son was ill and couldn't walk .
6-Why was Polly worried about Jerry's cough?
As he worked all hours and in all kinds of weather.
7-What happened to Jerry as a result of waiting too long at night in bad

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Black Beauty sec. Term

His cough was terrible and become bad.
8- What did the doctor advise Jerry todo?
→He had to stop working acab driver again.
9-What was the solution to Jerry's family problem?.
Mrs. Fowler wanted Jerry to be her carriage driver and they would live in a cottage in the country.


1-" You look happyand

comfortable"with life as a
cab horse, but it's different
Ginger to Beauty when they met
one day She was in a bad conditions G.,
she wished to die.
2-" I wish the end would
come. I wish I was dead"
→ Ginger to Beauty complaining
her hard tiring life, she was
suffering to death.
3-"We must eat when we can
on day's like this"-
Jerry to Jack. after making about
five. journeys to many . places They
were eating in the cab stand.
4-"He's in great pain and
can't walk "
The poor woman with sick child
complaining- to Jerry when she
wanted to know the way to hospital as her child was crying in great pain.
5-"I'd be ashamed of myself if I let a woman and a sick child in danger "
Jerry to the poor woman who asked for the way to hospital and he offered to take her to the
hospital for free.

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Black Beauty sec. Term

6-"It's difficult to get acab in this part of London today!"
The rich lady Mrs Fowler when she saw him. at the hospital at night asking him about his family. . as
she was his wife's mistress.

Hard Times Mr.Abdelsalam
1-Why was it difficult for
B.Beauty to pull a heavy cart of
the baker ?
- Because Jakes the baker's cart driver
drove with the bearing rein up.
2-What did the woman ask Jakes
to do toB.Beauty?
- To take the rein off to make beauty do
3- Why didn't Jakes want to take
the rens off Beauty?
As it was fashionable and other drivers
would laugh.
4-To whom was B. Beauty sold
after the baker?
To Nicholas skinner
5-Why did Beauty wish he were
dead ?
Because his driver was hard. He had
cruel whip made him bleed.
6-What happened to B. Beauty at
Lud Gate Hill ?
-His feet went from under him and fell
heavily. He couldn't move. He expected to
7-" What did the doctor advise Skinner related to Beauty?
-To rest him and give him food to get better. Then he could sell him for good money.
"Please don't whip your horse like that, I can help if you'll let me "

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Black Beauty sec. Term

→ It was said by a woman to Jakes when B.Beauty stopped to have some rest on the way. She asked
Jakes not to whip and to loosen the rein.

"Poor boy, is that what you wanted, ".

The woman on the road to B. Beauty when she saw him moving his neck up and down to relieve pain
after loosingthe rein.
"It's better to start a good fashion than to follow a bad one"
→ The woman on the road to Jakes asking him not to tighten the reins just for fashion
"This poor horse can't take
us and all our laaggage,
He's too tired "
→Grace the young girl, to her
dad seeing B. Beauty he was tired
and thin so she thought it couldn't
carry the big Family and their

My last Home
Mr.Abdelsalam ‫ربيع‬

1-Whopersuaded the
farmer to buy Beauty in
the fair ?
-His young grand son, Willie
2-What did the man who
was selling Beautysay to
Willie's granaddod about
- It wasn't old, just tired and thin
from too much. work. In six
months, he'd be fine-
3-How much did the farmer pay for B.Beauty ?
5 pounds.
4-What helped Beauty to feel quiet young again.?

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Black Beauty sec. Term

- Having hay and oats every night and morning, the rest and good grooming as the farmer ordered.
5-How was the three ladies impression about B. Beauty?
- They liked him but one was worried by his knees.
6-What was the farmer's
offer to the three ladies ?
- They could try it for a few
weeks, if they liked B.B
7- Who was the three

Joe Green …( The groom Boy who

ladies' groom?

was at Birtwick park of Mr

Gordon )
8-How did Joe Green Know
B. Beauty?
He saw the white star on his
forehead and The white foot.
9- What did the ladies
promise ?
They would never sell B.Beauty .
10-What did B.Beauty
dream of Before hewas
quiet awake?
He was still in the field at Birt
wick Ey standing with his old
friends under apple trees.

"Won't you buy him, and
make him Young."
-Willie to his grandad the farmer in the horse fair. He admired the horse and wanted his granddad to
buy B.Beauty-
" We'll give him some gentle work and look for a good home for him"
-Willie's granddad to Willie talking about B.Beauty. He will order good food and gentle work for B.
Beauty then sell it to a good owner.
"You have always given us good advice.."

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Black Beauty sec. Term

-. The youngest of the three ladies to Willie's granddad when he gave them B. Beaut to try it for few

"I'm surprised you suggested this horse."

"That's just like the star that Black Beauty had …."
- Joe Green to the farmer when he saw B.Beauty's knees without knowing It was B. Beauty .

Joe Green to himself when he was cleaning Beauty's face. He was surprised that the horse had the
same white star as B.Beauty……

Second Term 01273771598

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