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Bio-input Resource


Natural Farming
Technical Process Manual
Copy rights & credits
Published by:
National Coalition for Natural Farming
Plot. No. 685, Road. No. 12 Narasimha Swamy Colony, Nagole Hyderabad Telangana, India - 500 068

Version 1.0 ; September 2022

Authors :
National Coalition for Natural Farming Secretariat Members :
- Mr.Kale Venkata Homendra, former Program Associate (Integrated farming systems) and
- Mr.Abhishek Singhania, former Capacity Building Coordinator
- Mr.Kuriakose Jr, BRC Associate;

Reviewers :
- Mr.D.Balaraju, Scientist Plant Health, KVK Yagantipalli, Andhra Pradesh
- Mr.Ajit Kelkar, Director, Abhinav Organics, Madhya Pradesh
- Mr.Ravi Kelkar, Director, Abhinav Organics, Madhya Pradesh
- Ravindra A, Executive Director, WASSAN

Editor : Riya Rachel Simon, Communication Coordinator, National Coalition for Natural Farming

Publication supported by : ATE Chandra Foundation, AgroEcology Fund, India Climate Collaborative, Caring Friends, Children's Invest-
ment Fund Foundation and Duleep Matthai Foundation

Design & Layout :

Sanskaar Singh

Photographs :
Foundation for Ecological Services
Sahaj Samruddha
National Coalition for Natural Farming

Copyrights :
This work is licensed under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
(cc BY-NC-SA 4.0)

You are free to copy, redistribute and adapt the materials for non-commercial purposes with attributions to original authors and
photographers, clearly indicating changed portions and under an identical license.
For the completion of this manual, individuals and institutions from various parts of the country have provided their time, knowl-
edge and energy. NCNF would like to express sincere gratitude to all its Coalition partners and members who gladly engaged with
us for the background research, enthusiastically participated in the multiple training programmes and eagerly shared their
on-ground implementation knowledge.

We would like to thank the faculty members of KVK Yagantipalli, Andhra Pradesh and Abhinav Organics, Madhya Pradesh for pro-
viding support as technical resource persons in preparing this manual.
And offer our gratitude to the team of reviewers - Mr.D.Balaraju, Scientist plant health, KVK Yagantipalli ; Mr.Ajit Kelkar and Mr.Ravi
Kelkar, Directors, Abhinav Organics Indore and Ravindra A, Executive Director, WASSAN.

Finally, all this would not have been possible without the continuous guidance and mentorship of Ravindra A, Executive Director
WASSAN and Dr Sabyasachi Das, Director RRA N.

Acknowledging that there is a lot more scope for additions be it in the processes laid out or the diversity of inputs; this is only the
first version of the manual. We openly invite all to share additions and suggestions, thus beginning a continuous documentation
process of agro-ecological input support systems.

Kuriakose Jr
Riya Rachel Simon

National Coalition for Natural Farming

Executive Summary
Agroecology is gaining ground in India and internationally. The broader principles of agroecology were laid out by FAO. The
recent announcement by Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, is further emphasizing on transforming the agriculture
paradigm towards natural farming. Currently, India has more than a million farmers practicing agroecological farming but
many of them struggle in sustaining it and subsequently are seen using synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides in the
longer run.
Adopting natural farming practices and sustaining them poses many challenges for the farmers; particularly poor knowledge
dissemination, increased efforts to procure raw materials, and lack of access to valued markets amongst others. Of which
access to farm inputs can be cited due to the following reasons :

Lack of exposure and knowledge of different bio-formulations and bio-inputs

Unavailability of raw materials
Lack of knowledge on handling, usage and storage of inputs
Limited hand holding support
Extra efforts required in procurement of the raw materials and their subsequent preparation
Maintaining quality of the prepared bio-inputs

Bio-Resource Input Centers’ (BRCs) are one of the possible input support systems that could help in resolving this issue of
accessibility to natural farm inputs. Its promotion, as a single stop shop for all bio input needs will not only help farmers to
learn but also adopt these technologies in their farm to sustain their livelihood and to make it professionally viable and profit-
As the first version of the publication, the following pages, offers itself as a manual to set up such a center. Divided in three
parts; the part 1 captures the enterprise aspects of the BRC. Laying out the center’s objective; its desired audience, stakehold-
ers and their respective roles; possible business models catering to diversity of economic demographics, and giving the out-
comes that could be expected from the BRC.
While part 2 of the manual lays out the step by step process of setting up a BRC. Giving details of the physical infrastructure
and equipment list required to set it up. Part 3 of the manual lays out details of the variety of products that could be sold in
the center. The manual captures the biopesticides, biofertilizers, nutrient management, botanicals and non-botanicals based
inputs. Details of the different inputs, its preparation, storage, required raw materials, and even the how and when these inputs
could be used are mentioned. Thereby giving both the theoretical and practical aspects of the inputs.
Sl No Description Page No. Sl No Description Page No.

1 Part 1 Bio-Input Resource Center (Cover) 1 35 23. Thutikada Kashayam(ipomea solution) 39

2 Introduction 2 36 25. Green Chilli Garlic Solution 40
3 Objectives 3-4 37 26. Egg amino acid 41
4 Stakeholders & Roles 5-7 38 27. Ocimum kashayam 42
5 Business Models 8-9 39 28. Herbal Tea 43
6 Steps to setup a BRC 10-11 40 29. Fish Amino acid 44
7 Expected Outcome 12 41 30. Dried ginger(Sonti/sonth)-milk Kashayam 45
8 Part-II Setting up a BRC 13 42 31. Cow Pat Pit (CPP) 46
9 Equipement list 14 43 32. Plant growth Factor Soyabean Tonic 47
10 Physical infrastructure 15 Non Botanicals (Nutrient Management | Multiplication Process 48
11 Annexure II 16 44 1. Azotobacter (Free Living) 49
12 Botanicals - Bio-firtilizer 45 2. Azospirillum 50
13 1. Ghana Jeevamrutham 17 46 3. Rhizobium 51
14 2. Type II-Ghana Jeevamrutham 18 47 4. PSB (Phosphate solubilising Bacteria) 52
15 3. Bio-Urea/Bio-soil 19 48 5. VAM (vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) 53
16 4. Vermiwash 20 49 6. KSB (Pottsium solubilising bacteria) 54
17 5. Beej Amrutham 21 50 7. ZSB (Zinc solubilising Bacteria) 55
18 6. Beejaraksha 22 51 8. Trichoderma Viridae 56
19 7. Jeevamrutha 23 52 9. Pseudomonas 57
20 8. Neemastram 24 53 10. Verticillium Lecanii 58
21 9. Vavilaku kashyam(vitex negundo solution) 25 54 11. Beauveria 59
22 10. Agnastram 26 55 12. Metarhizium 60
23 11. Brahmastram 27 Multiplication Process
24 12. Dashparni kashayam 28 56 Bacteria - Method 1 61
25 13. Panchagavya 29 57 Bacteria - Method 2 62
26 14. Saptha Dhanyakura Kashayam 30 58 Fungi - Method 1 63
27 15.Sour Butter milk 31 59 Fungi - Method 2 64
28 16. Cow dung asafoetida solution Introduction 32 60 Bacteria Multiplication 65
29 17. Waste decomposer 33 61 Fungi Multiplication (Laboratory conditions) 66
30 18.Amruthajalam: 34
31 19. Neem seed kernel Extract: 35
32 20. Bael Leaves kashayam 36
33 21. Onion kashayam: 37
34 22. Tobacco Kashayam 38
Bio-Input Resource Center

Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Agro-ecology is gaining ground in India and internationally. The broader principles of agroecology were laid out by FAO. Niti Ayog has
endorsed Natural Farming as one of the important directions for Indian agriculture; several programs at state and central levels (such
as BPKP) are promoting natural farming. Currently, India has more than a million farmers practicing agroecological farming but many
of them struggle in sustaining it and subsequently are seen using synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides in the longer run.
Adopting agroecology based farming practices and sustaining them poses many challenges for the farmers particularly poor
knowledge dissemination, increased efforts to procure raw materials, and lack of access to valued markets amongst others. Of
which access to farm inputs can be cited due to the following reasons :

Lack of exposure and knowledge of different bio-formulations and bio-inputs

Unavailability of raw materials
Lack of knowledge on handling, usage and storage of inputs
Limited hand holding support
Extra efforts required in procurement of the raw materials and their subsequent preparation
Maintaining quality of the prepared bio-inputs

Promotion of Bio Resource Centers, as a single stop shop for all organic input needs will not only help farmers to learn but
also adopt these technologies in their farm to sustain their livelihood and to make it professionally viable and profitable.

Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

A Bio-Input Resource Centre (BRC), where time tested, locally prepared Inputs/formulations utilizing biological entities or biologically
derived inputs useful for improving soil health, crop growth, pest or disease management and habitat management are made
available for purchase by farmers in a defined geographical area.

The BRCs serve five purposes :

Maintaining and sale of cultures of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides for multiplication and use by farmers
Preparation and sale of ready-to-use organic inputs
Training farmers on the preparations of botanical extracts and animal based inputs
Sharing knowledge on natural farming practices
Sale of pheromone traps, lures, sticky traps and others.

Audience group
BRCs are intended to be for-profit enterprises run by individuals or groups who have expertise on Natural Farming, a demo plot to
demonstrate and some capital to invest. Their capacity building on recommended package of practices, production and handling
of bioformulants, building a market and running a venture would be essential. Natural Farmers or those interested in Natural Farm-
ing in the neighboring villages would be the ideal customers of BRCs.

Certain prerequisites for potential BRC entrepreneurs

Could be an SHG or a family Potentially have a shed for production, storage and sales of bio-inputs
3 to 5 years Of Natural Farming experience (otherwise the capital expenses would be significantly higher) which is
Recognized as a progressive farmer in the village attached to their home or farm
A demo plot for field visit Financially sound enough to share the costs of setting up the BRC
Basic education to maintain data records and Should have access to cattle by products (either own or through
capture farmer feedback village dairy) 3
Good communication skills
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

The following support could be provided to BRC entrepreneurs from the project for BRC
Capacity building - Technical trainings (PoPs of the local Establishing sources for procuring quality mother cultures,
crops, production and handling of necessary bio-inputs, pheromone traps and other relevant inputs.
quality control)
Connections with microfinance institutions for loan
Support system setup (Access to resource organizations,
other BRC entrepreneurs, knowledge documents, monthly Business model with a 3 year plan
Zoom sessions for a year)
Refresher trainings
Exposure visit to other BRCs

An example of the potential changes that may be visualized :

Crop Item Present Practice Visualized Change in practice

Rice Eco engineering No specific practice Gliricidia / Redgram on bunds

Rice Soil fertility FYM/Fertilizers Green manure / Jeevamrut
Rice Seed / Seedling treatment No Practice Pseudomonas /Azospirillum / Beejamrut
Rice BPH / Leaf / folder/Stem borer Imidacloprid / Dinoteferon Ph traps / Botanicals / NSKE /Beauveria
Rice Blast/Blight Tricyclazole / Hexaconazole Pseudomonas/Botanicals
Groundnut Eco engineering No specific practice Pongamia/Neem for field borders
Groundnut Soil fertility FYM/Fertilizers Ghana Jeevamrut
Groundnut Seed / Soil treatment M-45 Bijamrith, Trichoderma
Groundnut Sucking pests Imidacloprid / Mono Sticky traps / NSKE / Verticillium
Groundnut Leaf spot / stem rot Saaf, Hexaconazole Botanicals, Pseudomonas 4
Stakeholders & Roles

Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Possible role of CSO

Prepare a 3 year business plan
Selection of BRC entrepreneurs
Sign MoU with BRC entrepreneurs
Training of BRC entrepreneurs on technical and
financial aspects of BRC
Selection of Gram Panchayats
Market Estimations
Provide a grant (or a loan) for the capital expenditures (equipment
and shed) of setting up BRC and a line of credit to the entrepreneur
for handling operational expenses
Extensive marketing support to the BRCs
Sales support through CRPs or the field functionaries acting as
commission agents. FPOs could directly sell the products
Performance evaluation of BRCs
Market assurance for six months to a year after initiating a BRC

Role of BRC entrepreneurs

Maintaining and sale of cultures of bio fertilizers and bio
pesticides for multiplication and use by farmers
Preparation and sale of ready-to-use organic inputs
Training farmers on the preparations of inputs
Sale of other inputs pheromone traps, lures, sticky traps and
Capturing farmer feedback
Preparation of monthly accounts and share it with the CSO
Invest a small amount for establishing and running the BRC
Stakeholders & Roles
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Bio-Input Resource Center

Stakeholders & Roles
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Visiting BRCs for knowledge exchange and purchase of raw
materials or ready-to-use inputs
Share cropping details with the BRC entrepreneurs
Provide feedback to the farmers after the use of the inputs

Panchayats can play a very important role. They could support in providing land for BRC setup at extremely nominal rates.
Their support could provide a big boost in the uptake of natural farming in the villages, thereby giving marketing support to
the BRC.
Agriculture department (KVK, Block Development officers, Agriculture officers) can support largely in terms of providing access
to various Govt schemes and technical training on various inputs amongst others.

Criteria for selection of Gram Panchayat

CSO to be active in the panchayat for the next 3 years
At Least 1000 farmers pursuing Natural farming or inter-
ested in it.

Business Models
As a result of discussions two models have emerged with a lot of smaller variations. A low investment low income model
(LIM) for tribal areas and the other could be a high investment high income model (HIM).

Low investment low income model (LIM)

In the LIM model, a BRC entrepreneur gets a loan from an FPO at a 10% annual interest rate which is spent on capital expenses. It
is assumed that the shed will be available with the BRC entrepreneur and only the equipment will have to be purchased. The
duration of the loan is 3 years with annual EMI payments. It has been assumed that the equipment purchased would be depre-
ciating assets with a life of 1 to 4 years. In the cost estimations, the packaging, branding and marketing costs have been esti-
mated. The packaging and branding are extremely low cost versions. Labor costs have been considered, however it is recom-
mended the family of the entrepreneur provide support in the production and sales thereby increasing the margins for the
entrepreneur. Only 3 products are sold - Jeevamrut, Handikhata and Nimastra. The model also clearly shows that it is not a
round the year kind of a work but seasonal work, in this particular case the May to November has been considered operational
months. It will depend on the cropping seasons taken up in a particular region. It shows an estimated Profit and Loss statement
with a growth trajectory for the first 3 years. It is a direct B2C model. Revenue through services has not been considered in this
model. The cash flow indicates that a working capital of Rs 2132 is sufficient for the BRC to begin besides the support received
from the FPO. Considering the low returns, LIM is more suited for individual champion farmers with support from their families
and not SHGs.

High investment high income model HIM

In the HIM model, largely the capital inflow comes as a grant from the CSO body helping the champion farmer or the SHG to set
up the BRC. In this particular case, we are considering a mix of B2B and B2C models. It is assumed that land would be provided
by the Panchayat or the SHG members free of cost. However, the construction of the shed and purchase of equipment have
been accounted for. The equipment costs are significantly higher than the LIM models because of the increase in the range of
products and inclusion of certain microbial cultures (azotobacter, trichoderma, verticillium) which need specialized equipment
for production. It has been assumed that the equipment purchased would be depreciating assets with a life of 1 to 10 years and
accordingly depreciation has been accounted for in the costs. Besides the inputs that are prepared and sold at the BRC, a ser-
vice component has been included for inputs (Waste Decomposer, Jeewamrutham) that need to be prepared in bulk and
transportation for the same would be extremely expensive, entrepreneurs will go to the farmers field to make such inputs and
be paid a service fee for the same. Also the product list includes certain pheromone traps and sticky sheets which have to be
procured and sold directly, NPM (non pesticidal management) techniques involve such methods. It has been assumed that 50%
of the target area would be covered in the first year and all estimations have been made for the first year. On an average the
margins have been kept at 50%, lower margins for products which are easy to prepare with a long shelf life or simply traded
through the BRC (Pheromone traps). 10% commission has been assumed for the sales representatives (FPOs and field represen-
tatives of NGO). BRC entrepreneurs will need a loan of approximately 1L as working capital and will have to pay an interest for the
same. Some products will remain unsold and subsequently there will be some losses. A target area of 1000 acres has been con-
sidered out of which only 30% would be captured in the first year and subsequently expansion would take place. 8
Business Models
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

“Difference between LIM and HIM”

Lead facilitating agency could be an FPO or a CSO
BRC could be run by an SHG or a champion farmer. LIM is more suited for a champion farmer and HIM is more suited
for an SHG
Financial investments could be met through multiple channels - Loan or a grant from an NGO or an FPO, Government
based grant could be a possibility, Panchayat support to meet some of the costs, the BRC entrepreneur could be
making a small investment
LIM is generally a B2B model, HIM could be B2B, B2C or a hybrid model
Largely, the product and services selection is dependent on the cropping pattern and outlook of the farmers in the
village. Services such as going to the farmer’s home to make the inputs could also be a possibility. Paid training cours-
es could also be conducted. Besides raw materials or ready to use inputs, other products could be sold such as seeds
and seedlings. Matured BRCs could also be facilitating sales of end produce for the farmers.
Elaborate models OF both HIM and LIM can be shared upon request.

Steps to setup a BRC
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Step No. Description Remarks

1 Select BRC entrepreneurs Criteria for selection of entrepreneurs has

been shared as part of the

Selection of Panchayat / Target villages Villages that can be catered through this
Capacity Building to cover technical guid-
3 Capacity Building of entrepreneurs on BRC ance on inputs and farm practices as well
as business model preparations

4 Selection of products to be sold Select products whose demand is high or

anticipated to be high

5 Finalise the prices of the products Generally a 40% - 50% margin is suggested

6 Identifying reliable sources for mother culture of microbial inoculums Inoculums like Verticillium, Pseudomonas,
Azotobacter, PSB, KSB, others

7 Establish an investment plan (Capital Costs, Operational credit, A small investment must come from the
Marketing costs, Buyback costs) BRC entrepreneur as well

8 Create business model for each BRC Soft copy of Sample Business model can
be shared upon request

9 Exposure visit to other BRCs -

10 Setup BRC shed(separate shed for production and storage) One time expense, sometimes the shed is
available with the entrepreneurs

Steps to setup a BRC
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Step No. Tasklist Remarks

11 Purchase of equipments One time expense, approximate cost would be INR 60,000/-
Soft copy of template to capture accounts can be
12 Monitor quarterly accounts and performance evaluation shared upon request

How will the BRC products be marketed? Can it be

through wall paintings or banners across villages? Or
shall there be a one time activity of running a Public
13 Create a marketing model announcement system across the villages? Can reg-
ular messaging from entrepreneurs to potential cus-
tomers help? Etc.
14 Create a sales model Can the local FPOs, CRPs become sales agents?

15 Conduct marketing exercise across the target villages Promotion of BRC products in all the target villages

Can the local FPO, Panchayat, SHGs and other village

16 Identify stakeholders and their roles level institutions support?

Buyback agreement with entrepreneurs for unsold A buyback agreement for the first 6 to 9 months till the
17 monthly demand pattern is established
products at cost to cost basis
Facilitate monthly session for entrepreneurs to engage
18 Q&A session with resource agency every month with resource persons for support

Will help in maintaining standards and may increase

19 Yearly quality tests of inputs trust factor on the products being sold

20 Refresher training by sharing digital content

with BRC entrepreneurs 11
Expected Outcome
Part 1 :
Bio-Input Resource Center

Expected Outcome

It is expected that the CSOs will open up new BRCs or upgrade existing BRCs that will leverage the experience of the
existing BRCs.

Considering the fact that a BRC reduces the entry barrier to Natural Farming, increased uptake should be seen in
the project areas since

Effort required to practise Natural Farming will reduce

Productivity of crops, vegetables, and fruit crops in the villages will improve
Confidence levels of farmers with regard to use of organic and bio inputs will go up
Quality of soil improved for future of agriculture
The improved production levels of the village will pave a way to development of infrastructure facilities like Stor-
age godowns, Market outlets etc.
With increased family incomes, quality of life, family expenditure on education, health and amenities will improve
Formation of commodity interest groups, FPOs may be possible that enables them for improved bargaining
power, marketing and facilities.
Few of the trained youth may assume the role of service providers in the domain of sustainable agriculture tech-
nology, provision of inputs, custom hiring and marketing etc.

Setting up a BRC

Equipement list
Part 2 :
Annexure 1 and 2

Equipment List

Sl.No Item QTY Unit Cost (INR.) Total Cost (INR.)

1 Plastic Drums 200 ltd 8 1,000 8,000
2 Plastic Drums 100 lt with lid 8 500 4,000
3 Gas Stove/Connection 1 set 7,000
4 Buckets and tubs 20 160 3,200
5 Cans 20 lt 10 350 3,500
6 Plastic drums 50 lt with tap and lid 10 500 5,000
7 Steel vessels big 5 800 4,000
8 Wet grinder 1 9,000
9 Plastic trays 12 150`x 12 1,800
10 PP covers & other packing material 1,000
11 Sealer 1 1,500
12 Racks 2 1,500 5,000
13 Tunnel shade net 100 sqm & Pro trays Qs 2,500 6,000
14 Prestige Pressure cooker (20 lt) 1 5,000
15 Miscellaneous Qs 5,000

TOTAL 69,000.00 14
Physical infrastructure
Part 2 : BRC Set up

For establishing a BRC, the following Infrastructure and Equipments would be needed

Physical Infrastructure

Working Area - Minimum of 5 cents of open space with entrepreneurs (Either owned/leased) for preliminary
preparation of the raw materials, grading, washing, grinding etc. and a closed room (space) for housing of
equipment, handling preparations, mixtures, storage etc.
Room/Space for showcasing prepared products (Service point) : Space for showcasing
Power connection at working area : Single phase
Water facility both at working area and service area : Clean potable water should be available; preferable if
it can have an overhead tank with tap connection.
Furniture : At least 1 table and chair for operator, a bench for clients; Two racks for showcasing products at
Service Centre.
Plastic ware : (These are indicative in nature, actual items would be determined in due course of time)

Annexure II
Part 2 : BRC Inputs

The possible items in BRC could be

For Improving soil fertility and soil health For pest or disease management
Seeds of green manuring crops. Seeds / seedlings of trap crops
Vermiculture / compost Botanical decoctions like Panchagavya, Dashparni, Neemastra,
Neem / karanj cake brahmastra, agniastra, NSKE
Cow dung/cow urine Bio pesticides – Beauveria, Verticillium, Trichoderma, Pseudo-
Microbial preparations like Jeevamrut, Ghana Jeevam- monas, NPV formulations / cultures
rith, Waste Decomposer, etc. Pheromone traps, sticky traps, lights traps
Other inputs such as VAM, bv, Rhizobium, PSB, Azospiril-
lum, Azotobacter, Potash / Zinc Mobilizers etc.

For habitat management:

Seeds / Seedlings of Glyricidia, Drumstick, Pongam, Neem
Seeds for Border crop/Intercrop/Cover crop.
Navadhanya Seed Kits


The ingredient estimations, the cost estimations and various other details have been furnished to the best of our
Assumptions - knowledge but it will vary across geographies.

1. Ghana Jeevamrutham

Prepration Time Dosage Remarks

Usage Preparation method https:/
bbyTDKwO-c of video
Tap the button
1 week 400 kg / acre Should be incorporated Spread the dung on the It is not a fertilizer but it
into the field during the floor, spread urine, can enhance the micro-
field preparation. Can jaggery, flour and soil bial activity and convert
also be broadcasted on over the dung and mix all the nutrients in plant
the standing crop or at thoroughly. Then make it available form
the base of perennials for in to small balls, dry them
2-3 times in a season. in shade. It should get Quality Assessment
Shelf life dried in one week. After
getting dried convert it in
to powder, store in gunny
Raw materials
6 months bags.

Estimated cost
- 100 kg cow dung
- 10 ltr cow urine
- 1kg to 2kg jaggery
- Jaggery Rs 120 Foliar Spray /
- 1kg to 2kg pulse flour - Flour Rs 140 Soil Application
- Urine Rs 50 How to store
- Handful of the best quality soil available (preferably
from the base of an old tree or forest soil) - Cow Dung Rs 300
Soil application
Total - Rs 610 Store it in a cool and dry
(Rs 6 per kg) place and moisture free
area under a shade


2. Type II-Ghana Jeevamrutham

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

1 week 400 kg / acre Should be incorporat- Spread FYM on the It is not a fertilizer but
ed into the field during floor, sprinkle 200L of it can enhance the
the field preparation jeevamrutham on it microbial activity and
and also can be and mix it thoroughly. convert the all

broadcasted on the After 2-3 days, add nutrients in the avail-
standing crop and another 200L of able form
Quality Assessment
also at the base of jeevamrutham. Mix it
Shelf life perennials for 2-3 thoroughly and dry it
times in a season. in a shade. -
Raw materials
Required 6 months

- 400 litre liquid jeevamrutham Estimated cost

- 1500 kg to 2000 kg FYM (a tractor load would be Foliar Spray /
sufficient) Soil Application
How to store
- FYM Rs 3500
- Jeevamrutham Rs
1000 Store it in a cool and Soil application
Total - Rs 3600 dry place and
(Rs 2 per kg) moisture free area
under a shade


3. Bio-Urea/Bio-soil:
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

2- 3 months 1000 kgs/Acre Soil Fertility (Replace- Dig a pit in a size at It is not a fertilizer but
ment for Chemical least 5X5X5Foot it can enhance the
nitrogenous microbial activity and
(Dimensions), Fill the
fertilisers) convert the all
pit with the soil or with

nutrients in the avail-
the sand and allow Quality Assessment able form
the all urine and
Shelf life
washes from cattle
Raw materials shed to the pit contin-
Required 6 months to 1 year uously for 2-3 months,
then drainage all the
Estimated cost liquid composition
A pit( Size as per Convenience) and collect the soil How to store
Soil from pond/sandy soil to fill the pit from the pit and allow Foliar Spray /
- FYM Rs 3500
A cattle shed with lining to collect all washes into it to dry in shade and Soil Application Can be store in shade
- Jeevamrutham Rs
the pit 1000 the bio-urea/ bio-soil for 1 year
Total - Rs 3600 will get ready for use. Soil application
(Rs 2 per kg)


4. Vermiwash
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method

7-10 days 1000 kgs/Acre Take aplastic can with

It enhances the
eider mouth, drop-
growth and resistance
stones to ¼ part as an
of the crop
initial layter, and then
arrange another layer

as coconut coir to half
of the container, and
Shelf life then arrange FYM as
another layer, which is
Raw materials the topmost layer, and
Required 6 months to 1 year
drop half KG of
container, then pour a
Estimated cost litre of water, allow the
vessel to settle down
-Tank/Plastic can from 25 liters - 100 liters capaci- for a week, but ensure
ty as per our convenience moisture presence
- Stones Plastic can- 300rs
inside. After 1 week
-Coconut coir again pour 1 litre of
-FYM wate and can obtain
-Water vermiwash from the
-Earth worms bottom. This process
of pouring water and
collecting vermwash
can be done 4-5


5. Beej Amrutham
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method
Link of video Remarks
Tap the button
12 to 14 hours Sprinkle beej amruth- Treatment of seed and Take 20 liters of water Lime is using here to
am on seeds until all seedling with beej in small bucket or tank reduce the acidity in
the seeds are wet, amrutham is helpful in and suspend cow cow urine and beej
allow them to dry in better germination dung in it over night amrutham cannot be
the shade and then rates, helps in controlling by hanging into water mostly recommend-
sow them in the field. the incidence of seed in a cloth, pour cow

Quality Assessment ed for groundnut seed
Seedlings can be and soil borne disease urine,drop lime and treatment.
dipped in beej soil into water allow
amrutham for 10 to 15 for fermentation and Appearance of
Raw materials minutes before plant- can be used for next bubbles and using
Required ing. Day adequate quantity of
ingredients during
Estimated cost preparation
How to store
- 5kgs of cow dung
- 5 liters of cow urine
- 50gm of lime powder in 20 liters of water - Cow urine Rs 25 Cannot be stored
- Handful of the best quality soil available - Cow dung Rs 10
(preferably from the base of an old tree or soil - Lime powder Rs 10
Total - Rs 45 Foliar Spray /
from the forest) Soil Application Shelf life

Seed coating 6 months to 1 year


6. Beejaraksha
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

2 hours 10 grams /kg of seed Can be used for seed All the ingredients Especially could be
treatment especially should be converted used for seed,having
for seeds having thin thin seed coat
layer of seed coat eg: into fine powder by

groundnut using Mesh and sprin-
kle cow urine on the
ingredients and mix Quality Assessment
Shelf life the powder thorough-
ly and allow to dry in
Raw materials shade
Required 6 months

Estimated cost
-Red soil-100 grams
-Hill soil-100 grams Foliar Spray /
-Ash from sticks/Cow dung-100 grams Asafoetida - Rs 50 How to store
Soil Application
-Asafoetida powder-20 gms
-Turmeric powder-20 gms Can be stored in small
-Cow urine-10 ml pots,or plastic vessels, Seed coating
see that beejaraskha
should be stored in
dry place


7. Jeevamrutha

ht ps:/
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

1 Days for preparation Can be directly used Pour 200 liters of water Microbial population
- 1st spraying@15 days with irrigation (ferti-
and allow 6 days for in a drum 1 kg of will increase upto 7
100 liters water+5 liters gation) can also be
fermentation Jaggery, 1 kg of Flour, days and will start
DJ use for sprayings with dung and urine, reducing after 7 days

- 2nd spraying@30 dilution, handful of chemical as per scientific study
days 100 liters used for growth and free soil in the drum Quality Assessment See such that,Each
water+10 liters DJ to increase soil fertility and mix thoroughly and every part of the
- 3rd spraying@45
plant should be get
days 100 liters
Appearing bubbles wetten thoroughly
Raw materials water+15 liters DJ
- 4th spraying@60 and
Required good smell of jaggery
days 100 liters
water+20 liters DJ and floor
- 5th spraying@75 Estimated cost How to store
-200 Liters of water days 100 liters
-2-5 Kgs cow dung water+25 liters DJ
Plastic drums
-5-10 Liters cow - 6th spraying@ 90 -Cow dung- Rs 30
urine days 100 liters water+ -Cow urine- Rs 50
30 liters DJ -Jaggery- Rs 60 Shelf life
-1 Kgs of jaggery Foliar Spray /
-1 Kgs of Pulse flower after 6th spraying 30 -Flour- Rs 70 Soil Application
-A Handful of liters for every 15 days -Total- Rs 210 7 days from
chemical free soil can be recommended preparation


8. Neemastram
https:/ of video
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Remarks

Tap the button

1 Days for prepara- Should have to spray Should be used Pour 200 liters of water Uncertainty regarding
tion for every 20 days for directly without in a drum,cow dung shelf life but palekar
and allow 2 days for better results and to dilution. and cow urine in it and said that can be
Fermentation avoid the incidence of Used for controlling allow the mixture to stored upto 6 months
all pests sucking pest. fermentate, Each and every part of

Quality Assessment the plant should be
get wetten thoroughly
Each and every part of
By physical the plant should be
Raw materials appearance get wetten thoroughly

Estimated cost
-200 Liters of water
-5-10 Kgs of neem leaf paste
-2 Kgs of dung - Cow urine Rs 50
-5 Liters of urine
How to store Foliar Spray /
Soil Application Shelf life

Plastic drums
Foliar Spray 3 months


9. Vavilaku kashyam(vitex negundo solution)

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method https:/ of video Remarks
Tap the button
1 day- (3-5 hours) For effective results,it Can be used for Take 5 kgs of leaves Each and every part
should be sprayed control of sucking paste and boiled in of the plant should
twice in 10 days pest,leaf curl 10 liters of water, be get wetten
effective results can diseases,to control the solution should thoroughly
obtain during initial the incidence of be boiled till the
h e l i c o v e r p a

stages of pest water shrinks to 5 Quality Assessment
infestation, armigera
during the initial
stages of crop 10 liters of liquid
Raw materials should be boiled
Required (30-45 days-100 How to store
liters of diluted until it becomes to
solution/acre) 5 liters
middle stages( Estimated cost Cannot be stored
-Vitex negundo 60-90 days-150 liters
leaves-5 kgs of diluted solution)
-Surf-100 gm final stages(90-120 -50 rs for boiling and
-10 liters of water days- 200 liters of grinding the leaves
diluted solution) Foliar Spray /
Soil Application Shelf life

Foliar Spray 0 days


10. Agnastram
Prepration Time

Required only one


For Effective results,


It can be used for all

Preparation method

Take 20 liters of cow

Link of video
Tap the button

High dosage may

day(3-5 hours) of we have have apply urine into a cause damage to the
doing all activities but types of stem borers,
this bio insecticides fruit borers, hidden pot and place all crop Each and every
it should be kept aside when infestation is at ingredients in to the part of the plant
for 48 hours after caterpillars, pod
Economic threshold pot and allow to boil it should be get wetten

preparation borers and all kinds
level, This is the of bollworms for 1 hour on small thoroughly
flame and allow to Quality Assessment
powerful coconction
which can control all cool it for 48 hours
most of all pests, (3-5 and stir it in the morn- Use exact ingredients
liters of Agnastram ing and evening
and follow procedure
into 100 liters of water to get effective
Raw materials
and can be applied
Required Results Shelf life
for 1 acre)
Estimated cost
3 months
-20 liters of cow urine -Cow urine - Rs 50
-2-5 kgs of neem leaves paste -Neem leaves paste How to store
-1/2 kgs of Tobacco powder - Rs 50,
-1-2 kg of chilli paste -Garlic paste - Rs 60 Foliar Spray /
-1/2 kg of garlic paste -Chilli paste - Rs 100 Filter the liquid Can Soil Application
-Pot for boiling -Tobbaco powder - be stored in pots upto
Rs 60 3 months Foliar Spray
- Total - RS 320


11. Brahmastram
Prepration Time

Required only one

Dosage Usage

To control all types of

Preparation method https:/
Link of video
Tap the button
EJ8Ww Remarks

For Effective results, Take 20 liters of cow Each and every part of
day(3-5 hours) of we have have apply Bollworms and all urine into a the plant should be
doing all activities this bio insecticides types of sucking pest pot and place all get wetten thoroughly
but it should be kept when infestation is at ingredients in to the
aside for 48 hours

Economic threshold pot and allow to boil it
after preparation level, This is the for 1 hour on small Quality Assessment
coconction which can flame and allow to
control all sucking cool it for 48 hours
pest and small and stir it in the morn- use exact ingredients Shelf life
bollworms,(6-8 liters ing and evening and follow procedure
of Brahmastram into to get effective
200 liters of water and Results 6 months
Raw materials can be applied for 1
Required Estimated cost

-Cow urine - Rs 50
-20 liters of cow urine -Neem,pongamia,- How to store
-2 kg of Neem leaves pulp custard apple,datura
-2 kg pongamia leaves Castor leaves into Foliar Spray /
-2 kg custard apple paste/pulp -Rs 50 filter the liquid Can be Soil Application
leaves pulp stored in
-2kg datura leaves pulp - Total - Rs 100 pots upto
-2kg castor leaves pulp 3 months Foliar Spray


12. Dashparni kashayam

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method ht ps:/ Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

40 days to complete For Effective results, To control all types of Take 200 liters of Each and every part of
the process of we have have apply pest water and drop 20 the plant should be
preparation this bio insecticides liters cow urine and 2 get wetten thoroughly
when infestation is at kgs of cow dung into
Economic threshold

the drum and cover it
level, This is the with gunny bag and
powerful coconction keep it a side for 2 Quality Assessment
which can control all hours and after 2
most of all pests, (3-5 Estimated cost hours add 500 grams
liters of Agnastram of turmeric powder Use the quantity of Shelf life
Raw materials into 100 liters of water and 500 gms of ginger Raw material as per
Required and can be applied -Cow Urine Rs.50 pulp and 10 gm of recommendation
for 1 acre) -Ginger-500gms- Rs60 asafoetida and mix it and allow for the 3 months
-Asafoetida - Rs.30 thoroughly and allow fermentation as per
-Tobacco Powder -Rs it for fermentation schedule which was
-200 liters drum -2kgs of Bael leaves over the night,in the recommended
-20 liters of cow urine -2 kgs of tulasi leaves 100
-chillies-Rs 100 next day morning add
-2 kgs of cow dung -2 kgs pieces of mari- 1 kg of tobacco
-500 gms of turmeric gold plant -Garlic-Rs 80
-Collecting and powder,2 kg of hot
powder -2kgs of rui leaves green chilli pulp and
-500 gms of ginger -2kgs of mango leaves crushing leaves -
Rs.150 add half kg of garlic
paste -2kgs of guava leaves pulp and keep it in the
-10 gms of asafoetida -2 kgs of papaya leaves Total Rs. 570/-
shade for 24 hours in
-1 to 2 kgs of chillies -2 kgs of pomegranate the next morning add Foliar Spray /
-Half kg of garlic solution -2kgs of Vitex bendigo all the 10 kinds of
-1 kg of tobacco powder leaves leaves and allow it for
Soil Application
- 2Kgs of neem leaves 2kgs of lantana camara fermentation for
-2kg of pongamia 2 kgs of ginger leaves 30-40 days,avoid to
leaves, 2 kgs of Hibiscus leaves interact directly with
Foliar Spray
How to store
-2kgs of Datura leaves 2 kgs of ber leaves sunlight and
-2 kgs custard apple 2 kgs of Cassia tora water,after 30 -40
leaves leaves Plastic drums days we have to filter
this with cloth and can
be stored for 6 months 28

13. Panchagavya

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks
Tap the button
Requires 21 days to 3 Liters/Acre It can be useful to Take 5 kgs of dung in Each and every part of
complete the process enhance the Flower- to small tub and mix it the plant should be
ing and fruit growth thoroughly with get wetten thoroughly
of preparation and also vigorous ghee,do it for 4 days in

growth of the crop the morning and
evening, After the 4
days mix all other Quality Assessment
Shelf life ingredients such as
the milk, urine, coco-
nut water, palm wine,
Raw materials
Required 6 months to 1 year jaggery into it and mix
it thoroughly and store How to store
it by covering with
Estimated cost cloth and allow it to
fermentate for 15 store in the plastic
-Cow dung - 5kgs -water-3 liters drum or in a pot
Days.., then the
-Cow urine- 3 liters -Jaggery-1KG Foliar Spray /
-Cow milk- Rs 180 solution ready for
-Cow's curd- 2 liters -Palm wine-3 liters usage Soil Application
-Cow milk- 3 liters -Cow Curd- Rs 120
-Cow ghee-3 Liters -Cow ghee- Rs 500
-Coconut water-3 Liters -Coconut water- Rs180 Foliar Spray
-Bananas-12 -Bananas- Rs 60
-Jaggery - Rs 60
Total - Rs 1100


14. Saptha Dhanyakura Kashayam:

Prepration Time

2 days

Obtained 10-15 liters


To control the flower

Preparation method

Take all 6 types of

ht ps:/
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Each and every part

of liquid into 100 liters and fruit droppings,to dhanteras in 1 bowl of the plant should be
of water and can be increase the quality of and sesame dhanya get wetten thoroughly
the produce in another bowl pour

water allow it to get
soaked for 12 hours
and next to that tie Quality Assessment
these dhanya's in two
different cloths as - Shelf life
Raw materials Estimated cost they soaked and allow
Required they to keep in shade
for 12-24 hours we can 2 days
observe the sprout-
-7 dhanyas -Rs 100 ings from the seed,we
-100 gm sesame should have to grind
the all types of dhan-
-100 gm Red gram ya's at a time and Foliar Spray /
-100 gm Red gram deposit such mixture Soil Application
-100 gm Bengal gram into the 10 liters of
-100 gram Horse gram urine and add the
How to store
-100 Black gram entire content into 100 Foliar Spray
-100 Dhaincha liters of water and can
Store in the plastic be used for 1 acre
drum or in a pot


15.Sour Butter milk
https://youtu. be/s3FiZj6uUro
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks
Tap the button
3-4 days 20 DAS(Days after To control the fungal Take 2-3 liters of milk Each and every part of
sowing) -6 liters of infection and make it into curd the plant should be
sour buttermilk in 100 and convert that curd sprayed thoroughly,It
liters of water into buttermilk and can be also applied

allow it fermentate for for the soil along with
4-6 days Quality Assessment water

Raw materials
Required Shelf life

No shelf life Estimated cost How to store

- Milk 2 liters- Rs 120 cannot be stored Foliar Spray /
Soil Application



16. Cow dung asafoetida solution

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

4 days 3ltr per acre it will provide some Mix cow dung cow Each and every part of
resistant to crop to urine and water, in a the plant should be
survive against the drum and keep it for sprayed thoroughly
drought, It can able to fermentation for 4

prevent upward leaf days. Stir it well morn-
curl in chilli and other ing and evening in
crops these four days. Then
Quality Assessment
Shelf life add asafoetida and
lime to the solution -
Raw materials and mix it thoroughly.
Required No shelf life Keep it aside for
sedimentation and
Estimated cost then filter the liquid
out using a cloth
-Cow dung 5 kg
-Cow urine 5 ltr Foliar Spray /
-Lime- 150grm -Cow urine - Rs 50
-Asafoiteda - Rs 75 Soil Application
-Asafoetida 200 gms
-Total - Rs 125
How to store Foliar Spray

Cannot be stored


17. Waste decomposer

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

4- 6 days Fertigation- providing Enhances soil fertility Take 200 ltr drum, It can be prepared
along with irrigation breaks the soil salinity pour 200 ltr of water again and again by
-First 15-20 days after enhances the growth add 2 kg jaggery and keeping 30-40 liters of
sowing take a drum of crop add mother culture WDC as mother

fill 25% with waste controls diseases and mix it well. culture in 200 liters of
decomposer rest 75% pest to an extend drum and fill the drum
Quality Assessment
with water mix it well again with water and 2
and spray it Kgs of jaggery,then we
- From 40-50 days - can prepare 200 liters
Raw materials 50% waste decom- of jeevamrutham
Required poser and 50% water
mix it well and spray
it. Estimated cost Shelf life
-WDC mother culture - From 65-70 days
-200 Liter of water 75% of drum decom-
poser and 25% water 2 years Foliar Spray /
-2 kg Jaggery -2 kgs Jaggery - Rs
and spray it 140 Soil Application How to store
- From 85-90 days Mother culture -Rs 20
100 % WDC -Total - Rs 160 Both Plastic drums


Prepration Time

3 Days

Fertigation- The
whole 200 ltrs can
provided along with

It provides NPK to
it can enhance the
Preparation method

In 200 litres of water

mix all the mentioned
ingredients then allow
ht ps:/ yout .be/DcGxAoD5dlw
Link of video
Tap the button

It is not a fertilizer but

it can enhance the
microbial activity and

irrigation growth of the crop it for fermentation for convert the all
and will gives the three days nutrients in the avail-
Quality Assessment able form

Raw materials
How to store
Estimated cost Shelf life
-10 ltr cow urine Store it in a cool and
-2 kg cow dung dry place and
-Neem powder - Rs moisture free area Foliar Spray / 1 week
-15 kg of neem powder Soil Application
-400gm sesame oil 300 under a shade
-2 kg of jaggery -Sesame oil -Rs 80
-2kg pulse floor -Jaggery - Rs 120 Soil application
-200 litres of water -Pulse flour - Rs 140
Total - Rs 640


19. Neem seed kernel Extract:

Prepration Time

1 day

3 litres/acre For

Controlling of
small bollworms and
sucking pest
Preparation method

Soak neem
kernel powder in 20

litres of water using a

cotton cloth for one
ht ps:/
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night. Remove the
cloth next day and Quality Assessment
add the soap nut
Shelf life powder to it and mix it
thoroughly,the -
Raw materials solution gets
Required No shelf life

Estimated cost
-5kg Neem seed kernel
-20 litres - water Foliar Spray /
-Soapnut powder 100gm -Neem seed- Rs 100
-Soapnut - Rs 50 Soil Application

-Total - Rs 150 How to store Foliar spray

Cannot be stored


20.Bael Leaves kashayam

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

1 day 5 lts of kashayam It can be used Take a pot and pour It is not a fertilizer but
poured into the 100 efficiently to control 10 liters of water into it can enhance the
liters of water and the blast of Rice pot and drop these 5 microbial activity and
can be sprayed on with in a week should kgs of bael in the pot convert the all
the crop be sprayed 2 times for and boil on the small nutrients in the avail-

effective results flame until the liquid able form
Quality Assessment
comes to 5 liters then
allow the liquid to get
cool,then the kasha- -
Raw materials yam is ready for the
Required Shelf life use

No shelf life
-5 kgs of bael
leaves Foliar Spray /
-Soap powder-100 Soil Application
-Soap nut powder
-500gms Soil application
How to store

Cannot be stored


21.Onion kashayam:
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

3 days Obtained liquid is to for controlling the Take 5 kgs of onion Effective for
be poured in 100 liters white and yellow flies and grind it into paste controlling the red
of water and should and Red mites and take a pot and mites
be sprayed on the effectively pour 20 liters of water
crop and deposit this onion

paste into that,allow it Quality Assessment
to fermentate for 48
hrs and then filter the
liquid after 48 -
Raw materials hours,then deposit all
Required ingredients which How to store
were mentioned and
Estimated cost mix it with 200 liters of
Cannot be stored
water and can be
-Onion-5 kgs sprayed
-Jaggery -2 Kgs
-Coconut water-2 liters -Onion -250Rs
-100 gms turmeric powder -Jaggery-120 Rs
-Coconut water-200
Rs Foliar Spray /
- Total-570 Rs Soil Application Shelf life

Seed coating No shelf life


22.Tobacco Kashayam
Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

1 days Obtained liquid is to For controlling of Take 1 kg of Tobacco Tie cloth to the mouth
be poured in 100 liters sucking pests, larvae paste and 10 liters of and nose while
of water and should water into a pot and boilingIt can be used
be sprayed on the boil it 1-2 times in 5-7

crop and Add surf powder days,then after spray
to it before spraying Quality Assessment jeevamrutham/cow
dung asafoetida
solution for better
Shelf life - results
Raw materials
6 months

-Tobacco leaves-1kg
-Surf powder -100gm Foliar Spray /
or Soap Nut powder Soil Application

Estimated cost How to store Foliar spray

Tobacco paste-50Rs Cannot be stored


23.Thutikada Kashayam(ipomea solution)

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method ht ps:/ Link of video Remarks

Tap the button

1 days For effective control of Cut the ipomea Tie cloth to the mouth
Obtained liquid is to Brown plant Hopper leaves in to small and nose while boiling
be poured in 100 liters
pieces, Boil this Effective for controlling
of water and should
ipomea leaves in 15 the red mites

be sprayed on the
crop liters of cow urine,
by using the pot until 4 Quality Assessment
boils and allow to cool
it down then filter the
liquid by using the Appearing bubbles
Raw materials cotton cloth and can and
Required be used good smell of jaggery
and floor
Estimated cost
-10 kgs ipomea Shelf life
-15 liters desi cow -Cow dung- Rs 30
urine -Cow urine- Rs 50 No shelf life
-Jaggery- Rs 60 Foliar Spray /
-Flour- Rs 70 Soil Application
-Total- Rs 210 How to store

Cannot be stored Foliar spray


25.Green Chilli Garlic Solution

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video

Tap the button

5 days 3-5 ml/liter For fungal infections Take 1 liter of water
and for leaf spots which is obtained
after washing the rice
And store it a side for
2 days in a liter or 2

liter bottle And after Quality Assessment
these 2 days pour 3
Shelf life Estimated cost liters of milk into this
starch water Allow the
Raw materials solution for fermenta-
Required 2 years 3 liters milk-180Rs tion for 3 days By
covering it with some
cotton cloth Three
layers will be formed
-Rice starch (water obtained after washing the
after 3 days The
above 2 layers which
-3 Liters of raw cow milk,
How to store are thick should
-Jaggery for storage
removed and the 3rd
-Small plastic drum Foliar Spray /
layer which is thin we
For storage add liquid can use it We can use Soil Application
jaggery to the solution this solution for
which is equal to controlling of all
quantity of the fungal infections and Foliar spray
solution(LAB) and to enhance the
should stored in fridge flowering and fruiting .
Dosage 3-5ml of
liquid with 1 liter of


26.Egg amino acid

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method How to store

27 days 50 mL /15 liters of Take a small plastic Plastic tin/jar

sprayer(taiwan use for vigorous
tin and deposit black
sprayer) growth and provide
jaggery and eggs and
resistant to the plant
cut the lemon into 2
and can able to
pieces and deposit in

control the many pest
the plastic tin and
close the tin with cap
and shake morning Foliar Spray /
and evening Soil Application
Raw materials thoroughly, After 27
Shelf life
Required days the solution will
get ready
Foliar Spray
6 months Estimated cost
-1 kg jaggery
-12 Desi eggs
-30 lemons -1 kg jaggery- Rs 60
-12 desi eggs- Rs 120
-30 lemons -Rs 150
-Total - Rs 330


27.Ocimum kashayam
Prepration Time

1 day

5 liters/acre For

controlling of
Preparation method

Take a Pot and pour 10

Link of video
Tap the button

For effective results

alternaria leaf spot liters of water into it Spray twice in a week
and some other and add 5 kgs of
fungal diseases Ocimum leaves and
boil it till comes to 5
liters of liquid and Quality Assessment
allow it to cool down
Shelf life and can be diluted
and sprayed for 1 acre Use exact ingredients
Raw materials of land and follow procedure
Required 2-3 days to get effective
Estimated cost
-5kgs Ocimum
-10 liters of water
-100 gms soap powder -Cow urine - Rs 50
-Neem leaves paste
- Rs 50,
-Garlic paste - Rs 60 Foliar Spray /
-Chilli paste - Rs 100 How to store Soil Application
-Tobbaco powder -
Rs 60
- Total - RS 320 Cannot be stored Foliar Spray


28.Herbal Tea
Prepration Time

7 Days

Obtained liquid to be

It will be useful for

Preparation method

Grinde 5 types of
Link of video
Tap the button
diluted in 200 liters of controlling of many leaves and make it as
water. pests and control of a paste. Add 5 liters of
many leaf spots and it cow urine,5kgs of cow
will enhances the dung in a pot and add
growth of the crop it these 5 types of
can be mostly used in leaves paste into it Stir
all most all types of it every morning and Shelf life
vegetable crops evening thoroughly
Raw materials for 7 days,add 5 liters
Required of water to it and filter 0 days
the liquid,then herbal
tea is ready for use
-Ocimum-1kg -5 kgs cow dung
-Tobacco leaves-1 kg -5 liters of cow urine
-Papaya leaves-1kg -5 liters Neem leaves
-Aloe Vera leaves-1kg -100 grams jaggery
-Bougainvillea leaves-1kg
-Teak wood tree Foliar Spray /
How to store Soil Application
-Neem leaves-1kg
Cannot be stored Foliar Spray


29.Fish Amino acid

Prepration Time

27 days

Obtained liquid to be

It can gives the

Preparation method

Take a small plastic

Link of video

Tap the button


diluted in 200 liters of vigours growth of the

tin and deposit black
water. plant
jaggery and add 1 kg
of fish and 1 liter of

water to it close the
tin with cap and
shake morning and
evening thoroughly, Foliar Spray /
Estimated cost allow it to fermentate Soil Application Shelf life
Raw materials
Required After 27 days the
solution will get ready
-Jaggery - 60 Rs Foliar Spray 6 months
-Fish -100Rs
-1 kg of jaggery -Total -160Rs
-Fishes and fish wastes 1 kg
-1 liter water

How to store

Plastic tin/jar


30.Dried ginger(Sonti/sonth)-milk Kashayam

Prepration Time Dosage Usage Preparation method Link of video

Tap the button

3 hours Obtained liquid to be All types of diseases Make sonti into fine
diluted in 200 liters of powder and deposit in
water. 2 liters of water and
boil it thoroughly until

the liquid comes to 1
liter At the same time Foliar Spray /
boil the milk upto one Soil Application
Shelf life boil and allow them to
cool down and then
Raw materials mix the both liquids Foliar Spray
Required No shelf life
together and can be
used for spraying by
diluting in 200 liters of
-Sonti-200 grams
-Water-2 liters
-Cow or Buffalo milk-5 liter
Estimated cost

-Sonti Rs 50 How to store

-Milk-5 liters-300 Rs
-Total -350Rs Cannot be stored


31. Cow Pat Pit (CPP)

Prepration Time

30 days

1 Kg CPP 40 Lit of

Nourish the new roots

Preparation method

Dig a 3ft x 2 ft x 1ft deep pit, layer the

ht ps:/
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Tap the button

water for 2 acre 1 Kg , while doing seed

treatment Help to boundary with wet bricks. The pit
CPP in 5 Lit of water, should be empty on its lower
dip the roots of the heal wounded plants

surface. Collect 60 to 65 Kg of cow
plant before planting dung from healthy milk giving cows
(if possible) , add 200gms of Shelf life
eggshell powder or seashell
powder and 200gms of powdered
Raw materials basalt or rockdust. Knead this 6 months
Estimated cost
Required mixture for 10 mins. Fill the kneaded
cow dung mixture upto 10 inches.
After the mixture is settled, make
sure to punch 5 holes of 2 inches.
Cow dung- 60-65 Kg Add 2 sets of B.D 502-506 in the
Egg Shell powder - 200g punched holes and cover them up
Two sets of bio dynamic prescription with Organic Fertilizers. Add 350 ml
of B.D 507 in clean water and sprin-
kle it all over the pit evenly and
How to store cover it with a wet jute bag. After a
month passes on, stir it after each
15 days


32. Plant growth Factor Soyabean Tonic

Prepration Time Shelf life Usage How to store Link of video

Tap the button

30 Day 6 months Pit
250gm to 500gm of
fluid when mixed with
16 liters of water and
sprinkled occasion-

ally helps in healthy
growth of flowers &
fruits. When mixed
with irrigation water
(5 to 7 liters per Acre)
Raw materials helps in land fertility
Required and growth.

1 KG Soybean Seeds
250gm of Mahua
Half Kg Jaggery
6 Bananas
250 gms of Drum-
stick leaves
1 Kg Marigold Flower
10 Liters of water

Non Botanicals
Nutrient Management | Multiplication Process

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

1. Azotobacter (Free Living)

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Usage Dosage Shelf life
Seed Treatment Soil application

Nitrogen Bacteria Seed Treatment - It Soil application - 1-2 10 gm of azoto- 3 months

can be used in seed Kgs of Azotobacter bacter for 1 kg of
treatment to most of can be mixed with 100 seed
the cereals,Especially kgs of FYM and mix it 1-2 kg/ 500ml of
used in the seed thoroughly for 2-5 azotobacter to be

treatment of all vege- days,give little mois- mixed with 100 kgs of
tables,10-20 gms of ture to the content FYM
Raw materials Crops Azotobacter to be daily,the white colour
used in 1 kg of seed appearance seems
treatment. In case of on the FYM which was
vegetable seeds, liquid biofertilizer,For mixed, it the symbolic
Mother culture wheat, Maize, seed treatment 250 representation,that
(liquid or powder), Mustard, cotton, ml of azotobacter to mixed FYM is ready for
FYM potato etc. be mixed 2-3 liters of use In case of liquid
water and spread and biofertiliser, 500 ml of
mix thoroughly with liquid azotobacter to Mother culture cost
50-60 kgs of seeds be mixed with 100 kgs
and allow them to dry of FYM and spread it 100 Rs/KG
and to be sown throughout the field 120 Rs/Liter
immediately,In the
case of seedling
treatment, 250 ml of
liquid to be mixed with
4-5 liters of water and
soak the seedlings for
half an hour and sow

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

2. Azospirillum
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Seed Treatment Dosage Mother culture cost

Nitrogen Bacteria 100 Rs/KG

250ML of azotobacter to be mixed Seed treatment-Half 120 Rs/Liter
2-3 liters of water and spread and Kg of Azospirillum is
mix thoroughly with 50-60 kgs of mixed with the
seeds and allow them to dry and stretch of paddy

to be sown immediately,In the and sprinkled on
case of seedling treatment, 250 sprouted paddy
Raw materials Crops ml of liquid to be mixed with 4-5 seeds and mix it
Required liters of water and soak the seed- thoroughly and for Shelf life
lings for half an hour and sow seedling treatment
Mostly used in immediately, half kg azospirillum
is mixed with 4-5 3 months
Sorghum,Paddy,- soil application :500-750' ml of
Azospirillum liquid azospirillum to be mixed liters of water and
culture-1-2 kgs sugarcane,Millets
etc with 100 kgs of FYM and spread it soak the seedlings
FYM-100 kgs throughout the field.If it is powder for half an hour and
form- 1-2 Kgs of Azospirillum can can be sown
be mixed with 100 kgs of FYM and
mix it thoroughly for 2-5 days,give
little moisture to the content
daily,the white colour appearance
seems on the FYM which was
mixed, it the symbolic representa-
tion,that mixed FYM is ready for

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

3. Rhizobium
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

Nitrogen Bacteria Jaggery syrup is made 200 gms for 100 Rs/KG
by boiling it,and add 500 10-15kgs of seed 120 Rs/Liter
-800gm of Rhizobium
culture is to be mixed

with jaggery solution
and sprinkle over the
seeds such that ensure
Raw materials Crops small coating over the
seed (Jaggery syrup Shelf life
and Mother culture
All pulses except should be mixed as per
Rhizobium culture kidney beans (kidney the size of the seed) It 3 months
and Jaggery beans do not fix fixes the nitrogen into
nitrogen in the soil) the soil due to the
presence of leghaemo-

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

4. PSB (Phosphate solubilising Bacteria)

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

Phosphorus Bacteria It can solubilize the Soil Application 120 Rs/Liter

phosphorous present :500-700ml of PSB to
the soil and supplies to mixed with 100kgs of
the plants in available FYM and give mois-

form. ture to the mixed FYM
for 5 days then white
Raw materials colour appearance
Crops was developed
Required Shelf life
above the surface of
the FYM,which
All crops indicates that 3 months
PSB culture substance is ready
FYM for use

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

5. VAM (vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza)

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

Phosphorus Bacteria Soil Application

It can solubilize the 120 Rs/Liter
phosphorous present :500-700ml of VAM to
the soil and supplies to mixed with 100kgs of
the plants in available FYM and give mois-

form and promotion of ture to the mixed FYM
growth as much as for 5 days then white
possible colour appearance
Crops was developed
above the surface of
the FYM,which
All crops indicates that
substance is ready
for use

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

5. KSB (Pottsium solubilising bacteria)

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage

Potassium Bacteria Soil Application

It solubilizes the
potassium present in :500-700ml of VAM to
the soil, mixed with 100kgs of

FYM and give mois-
ture to the mixed FYM
for 5 days then white
colour appearance
was developed
above the surface of
the FYM,which
indicates that
substance is ready
for use

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

7. ZSB (Zinc solubilising Bacteria)

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage

Zinc Bacteria It solubilizes the zinc Soil Application

present in the soil and :500-700ml of VAM
provides to plants in
required form to mixed with 100kgs

of FYM and give
moisture to the
mixed FYM for 5 days
then white colour
appearance was
developed above
the surface of the
FYM,which indicates
that substance is
ready for use

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

8. Trichoderma Viridae
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

NA Bacteria It can be used for Seed treatment :10 100-120 Rs/kg

controlling of all types gms/1 kg of seed In
of fungal diseases,It case of tubers,bulbs
can control root and suckers,1 kg of T

rot,Bulb rot and can viride should be
control the all kinds of deposited in 100 liters
fungal diseases and it of water and soak
Crops can control the wilt in
them for half an hour
chilli and tomato if Shelf life
given as the fertiga- and can be
tion can be mixed with sown/Planted soil
All crops
FYM and can incorpo- Application: 100kgs of 3 months
rate during the last FYM mixed with 2 kgs
ploughings can also of Tviridae can be
be used as foliar spray incorporated into the
field Foliar Spray : 3-5
gms/3-5 ml per 1 liter
of water

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

9. Pseudomonas
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

NA Bacteria It can be used for the (seed treatment) :10 100-120 Rs/kg
control of all types of gms/1 kg of seed In
Bacterial infections case of tubers,bulbs
and Blight diseases and suckers,1kg of
etc can be mixed with Pseudomonas

FYM and can incorpo-
should be deposited
rate during the last
ploughings can also in 100 liters of water
Crops and soak them for
be used as foliar spray
half an hour and can Shelf life
All crops be sown/Planted soil
Application:100kgs of
3 months
FYM mixed with 2 kgs
of Tviridae can be
incorporated into the

Foliar spray : 3-5

gms/3-5 ml per 1 liter
of water

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

10. Verticillium Lecanii

Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

NA Fungi Used for the control Foliar Spray 100-120 Rs/kg

of Whitefles, Green :3-5gms/3-5 ml
scale, Mealybugs, per 1 liter of water
Aphids and jassids

Shelf life

All crops
3 months

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

11. Beauveria
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

NA Fungi Used for the control of Foliar Spray : 100-120 Rs/kg

Bugs, All caterpillars, 3-5gms/3-5 ml per 1
thrips, armyworms, liter of water
Whiteflies, Borers etc

Shelf life

3 months

Nutrient Management
Non Botanicals

12. Metarhizium
Nutrient fixed Type Usage Dosage Mother culture cost

NA Fungi Used for the control of Foliar Spray : 100-120 Rs/kg

beetles and weevils 3-5gms/3-5 ml per 1
liter of water

Shelf life

All crops
3 months

Multiplication Process

Bacteria - Method 1
(Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium)

Prepration Time Dosage Estimated cost Operations/procedure to be done

7 days 3 gm of Mother -7 dhanyas -Rs 100

culture into media
Take the 1 liter capacity glass vessels or jars as
many as possible which can fit into the pressure
cooker,fill the glass jars/bottles with 10gms of
jaggery and 2gm of NACL in each bottle and
Close the bottles with airtight non absorbent
cotton, sterilize the in the pressure cooker upto
Raw materials
the 7 whistles and cool them at room tempera-
Required Shelf life
ture until it reaches to 38 degree centigrade
then transfer the mother culture in Sterilized
6 months-1 room and by keeping the vessels close to the
Jaggery - 10 gms year based on burning spirit lamp then agitate continuously for
Pressure cooker- the expiry date 2 days and transfer tand allow the solution to
20 liters
settle down for 1 week then the solution is ready
Mother culture

Nutrient Management
Multiplication Process

Bacteria - Method 2
(Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium)

Prepration Time Dosage Estimated cost

Operations/procedure to be done

7 days 3 gm of Mother
culture into media -7 dhanyas -Rs 100
Take the 1 liter capacity glass vessels or
jars as many as possible which can fit
into the pressure cooker,fill the glass
jars/bottles with 5gms peptone ,3 gms of
yeast,meat/beef extract-2gm and
NACL-5 gms and Close the bottles with
airtight non absorbent cotton,sterilize the
Raw materials in the pressure cooker upto the 7 whistles
Required Shelf life and cool them at room temperature until
it reaches to 38 degree centigrade then
transfer the mother culture in Sterilized
6 months-1 year room and by keeping the vessels close to
"Pressure cooker-20 based on the the burning spirit lamp then agitate
liters expiry date continuously for 2 days and transfer tand
Peptone -5gms allow the solution to settle down for 1
Yeast-3gms week then the solution is ready

Nutrient Management
Multiplication Process

Fungi - Method 1
(Trichoderma viridae, Baeuveria, Verticillium lacani, Metarhizium)

Prepration Time Dosage Shelf life Operations/procedure to be done

7 days 3 gm of Mother 6 months-1 year

culture into media based on the
expiry date Soak the jowar for night and make
them half boiled,and take the PPcov-
ers and fill upto 1/4th(300gms of
jowar),close the cover by using small
Raw materials pieces of PVC pipes,non absorbant
Required cotton and silver foil/news paper and
take the pressure cooker and fill the it
with 4-6 inches of water and allow it
to sterilize for half an hour and allow it
Polypropalene to cool down at room tempera-
Covers(10 cm x7 cm) ture,Then transfer the mother culture
Jowar -250 gms in a room on a table by creating
Water -175 ml aseptic environment in the presence
PVC pipe pieces for of burning sprit lamp,keep it a side for
closing the covers 7-14 days at room temperature,then
Non-absorbant the content fistly turns into white
cotton colour and then turns into blue colour
Silver foil/news and sterilize the tray and transfer the
paper content to the tray and dry it at room
Mother culture temperature then the entire culture
will get dried and make it into powder
and the content is ready for use or
mix the obtained content with 2 liters
of water and collect the liquid
solution,the liquid solution is ready for
Nutrient Management
Multiplication Process

Fungi - Method 2
(Trichoderma viridae, Baeuveria, Verticillium lacani, Metarhizium)

Prepration Time Dosage Shelf life

Operations/procedure to be done

7 days 3 gm of Mother 6 months-1 year

culture into media based on the
expiry date Soak the jowar for night and make
them half boiled,and take the PPcovers
and fill upto 1/4th(300gms of jowar)
and caso4-20gms/kg of seed and
Caco3-5gm/kg of seed, close the
Raw materials cover by using small pieces of PVC
Required pipes,non absorbant cotton and silver
foil/news paper and take the pressure
cooker and fill the it with 4-6 inches of
water and allow it to sterilize for half an
hour and allow it to cool down at room
Covers(10 Cm length
temperature,Then transfer the mother
and 7 width)
culture in a room on a table by creating
Each cover capacity
aseptic environment in the presence of
-300 gms
burning sprit lamp,keep it a side for
7-14 days at room temperature,then
the content fistly turns into white colour
PVC pipe pieces for
and then turns into blue colour and
closing the covers
sterilize the tray and transfer the
content to the tray and dry it at room
temperature then the entire culture will
Silver foil/news
get dried and make it into powder and
the content is ready for use or mix the
Baveria mother
obtained content with 2 liters of water
and collect the liquid solution,the liquid
solution is ready for use.

Nutrient Management
Multiplication Process

Bacteria Multiplication (Laboratory conditions)

(Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium)

Prepration Time Dosage Shelf life

Operations/procedure to be done

3 days 3 gm of Mother 6 months-1 year

culture into media based on the
expiry date Take the 1 liter capacity Conical flasks
as many as possible which can fit
into the pressure cooker,fill the glass
jars/bottles with 5gms peptone ,3
gms of yeast,meat/beef extract-2gm
Raw materials and NACL-5 gms and Close the
Required bottles with airtight non absorbent
cotton and close it with silver foil/new
paper,sterilize the media in the auto-
clave for 15minutes with 15 LB
"Pressure cooker-20
pressure at 121*C and cool the at
room temperature till reaches 38*C,
Peptone -5gms
thenkeep all media bottles in Laminar
air flow chamber and switchon UV
light for 2 minutes for steriliza-
tion,then transfer the mother culture
in Laminar air flow chamber by keep-
Water-500ml in
ing the vessels close to the burning
each flask
spirit lamp, then agitate continuously
for 2 days in the agitator/shaker and
transfer and allow the solution to
settle down for 3 days, then the
solution is ready

Nutrient Management
Multiplication Process

Fungi Multiplication (Laboratory conditions)

(Trichoderma viride, Beauveria, Verticillium lecanii, Metarhizium)

Prepration Time Dosage Shelf life Operations/procedure to be done

7 days 3 gm of Mother 6 months-1 year

culture into media based on the
expiry date Take 1 liter capacity conical flasks as
many as possible which can fit into
the pressure cooker,pour 500 ml of
water and add jaggery - 50 gms,
yeast-3gms and chloramphenicol
Raw materials tablets-50 mg in each bottle and
Required Close the bottles with airtight non
absorbent cotton and close it with
silver foil/newspaper,sterilize the
media in the autoclave for 15minutes
Pressure cooker - 20
with 15 LB pressure at 121*C and cool
liters capacity
the at room temperature till reaches
Water - 500 ml
38*C, thenkeep all media bottles in
Jaggery -50 gm
Laminar air flow chamber and
Yeast - 3 gm
switchon UV light for 2 minutes for
sterilization,then transfer the mother
Capsule-50 mg
culture in Laminar airflow chamber
by keeping the vessels close to the
burning spirit lamp, then agitate
continuously for 2 days in the agita-
tor/shaker and transfer and allow the
solution to settle down for 1 week, then
the solution is ready

The National Coalition for Natural Farming is a collaborative platform to build knowledge and capacities in multiple
dimensions among all stakeholders to accelerate the practice and policy related to agroecology-based farming
in its multiple variants in India. The effort is to facilitate the empowerment of a significant number of small and
marginal farmers covering a substantial area of land. With special emphasis on socially marginalized groups and
regenerating environmentally vulnerable areas, with farmers’ collectives as the foundational basis and women
farmers in leadership roles.

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