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Ari and I work surprisingly well together.

The process of the rocket was a strangely rocky

one, and our cooperation was the same. At the beginning of our building and planning, I felt as
though I was doing everything. Honestly, I was okay with that, because it's something I’m used
to, and I had expected it when I signed up to work with her. While I was trying to plan the rocket
and the blueprints, for example, Ari used my airpods and listened to Mariah Carey (I might have
been singing along also). I didn’t have a problem with her not doing much, and I wasn’t willing
to make a big deal out of it that would ruin our friendship. However, later on, Ari became much
more engaged. As our project got more stressful, it was as though the stress encouraged her and
made her want to work harder. Especially on our last rocket, our final product, she was all grind,
and if anything, our roles switched. While I had fun doodling on the tape, she put together the
final blueprint. Overall, I learned how to work better with Ari, and we both learned how to
become better partners. Often I hear that working with friends strains your relationship, but with
Ari, it only strengthened it.

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