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Jonna Reamer Disposition Paper

9/14/2011 EDU 509

Being an educator is a huge responsibility and in fact, a lifestyle which will affect hundreds of students each school year. Because educators are role models for the youth of the nation, their disposition must be such that they uphold the integrity of the profession, and show the students how to maintain a professional disposition. The list of characteristics of good teachers could go on forever. However, the following are the ones that I intend to uphold in the classroom. Firstly, I believe it to be important to set high expectations in the classroom, not just for my students, but for myself as well. There is no reason to think that improvement of some sort cannot be made. Each student is coming into the same classroom, but has a very different background. Expectations for each student may vary to some degree, but there will be progress expected of every one of them. As a teacher, I have to expect myself to be capable of guiding each and every student to better themselves in some way throughout the year. It requires a large amount of optimism to maintain these high expectations, but all teachers should be capable of doing so for the betterment of their students. Going almost hand in hand with expectations is the issue of flexibility. Flexibility comes in many forms. As a teacher, you will have to be flexible about the expectations for each student. There will be students all working toward the same goals with each of them following a different path toward the goal. Differentiation of instruction is the key to flexibility, as well as being

prepared to deviate from the lesson as you envisioned it. Maybe last years class did it this way, but this years class is a whole different mix, and it is not working for them. Teachers of course must be responsible. With this comes being there and prepared everyday to make a difference in the lives of students. You cannot change the home lives of students, but you can provide them with appositive atmosphere in your classroom and encourage them to better themselves. Being responsible is being optimistic that each student will get closer to their maximum potential with your class. Educators are responsible for bringing their A game to class every day. Encouraging students to work in school requires a great deal of respect for the students. Each student has a whole life beyond the four walls of your classroom and acknowledgment of them as an individual, and respect for their differences (no matter what they may be) will in turn help to gain their respect for you. With mutual respect being fostered in the classroom, productivity becomes a real and obtainable outcome. With this, comes being personable. If the students do not see you as a real person, or the fact that you see them as a real person, learning will be hindered. School is a part of each students life, not a separate life. Right now the atmosphere of education is changing. There are a lot of negative attitudes floating around about the way things are done, or should be done. To overcome this and be successful, educators must have conviction. They will have to go after what they believe in despite what others may say, and be willing to adjust to whatever works in order to achieve their goals. Lastly, teachers must have perseverance. There isnt a yellow brick road to follow to success as an educator, and there are going to be a lot of times, especially at first, where it seems

overwhelming. A good teacher will persevere by believing in not just themselves, but their students. The students are why we exist, and thus we must keep them in mind with everything we do. Each of the above dispositions will allow educators to work with students in any situation in a healthy manner. No one goes into teaching for the money, so it should be a given that there is something greater motivating them to do their jobs, and do it well.

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