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1. Jack London ……………… wrote “Iron heel” is a famous American write.
2. Rachel had never told me ……………… she lived.
3. Is there anything ……………… I can do?
4. This is the house ……………… he used to live.
5. They are the men about ……………… I was telling you.
6. We saw the people ……………… car had broken down.
7. Is this the best play ……………… you have ever seen?
8. That is the woman ……………… will be prime Minister one day.
9. We all thank him ……………… gave us a lot of help.
10. Next summer holidays, our family will go to Miami ……………… my sister is living.
11. The boys ……………… are playing in the garden are my cousins.
12. He finally married the girl ……………… he loved.
13. The flowers ……………… my friend gave me have withered.
14. Mary is the girl ……………… bicycle was stolen yesterday.
15. Love, ……………… is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life.
16. I saw many people and cattle ……………… went to market.
17. The man to ……………… you spoke is my boss.
18. Swimming, ……………… is a good sport, makes people strong.
19. The decision was postponed, ……………… was exactly what they wanted.
20. I know the place, ……………… you can find many beautiful roses.
21. I was Dr Fleming ……………… discovered penicillin.
22. Budapest , ……………… is on the Danube, is a beautiful city.
23. They show me the hospital ……………… buildings had been destroyed by the storm.
24. The teacher with ……………… we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
25. It is easy to find faults in people ……………… we dislike.


1. The girl is sitting by Jack. She is Mary.

2. Can you understand the question? He asked you the question last time.

3. Is that the girl? We saw her on TV last night.

4. The farm produces milk. We visited it last Sunday.

5. At last he married the girl. He loved her.

6. The man is an engineer. We play with his daughter every day.

7. He didn’t receive the letter. I sent him the letter last January.

8. He often tells me something about his village. He was born there.

9. My sister wants to speak to you. You met her at my birthday party.

10. The children like the funny stories. Their grandmother tells them those stories every evening.

11. The boy will be punished. He threw that stone.

12. Thanh is the girl. I’m going to invite her to my dinner party.

13. The man is a doctor. My parents bought the man’s house.

14. The street is very wide. It leads to my school.

15. It is the shop. My sister works in the shop.

16. His father is a bank manager. This makes it easy for him to have a good job.Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND
I. Phaân loaïi tính töø/ traïng töø theo aâm tieát:
a. Tính töø (adj) / traïng töø (adv) ngaén: coù 1 aâm tieát vaø 2 aâm tieát taän cuøng baèng: -Y, -LE, -OW, -ER .-
EX: big, cheap, young, new, wide……; “happy, busy, early, clever, gentle, narrow”………
b. Tính töø (adj) / traïng töø (adv) daøi: coù 2 aâm tieát trôû leân
EX: quickly, careful, famous……; difficult, important, intelligent, dangerous………
 Note:
- Early (sớm) là loại ngắn vì đây chính là từ nguyên gốc
- Quickly (nhanh) là loại dài vì đây là sự kết hợp của : QUICK + LY
II. Caùc loaïi so saùnh:
1. So saùnh baèng (Positive form) laø hình thöùc duøng Ñoái töôïng 1 so vôi ñoái töôïng 2
a. Caâu khaúng ñònh:

S + V + as + adj/ adv + as + noun (danh töø)/ pronoun (ñaïi töø)/ clause(meänh

(Ñoái töôïng 1) (Ñoái töôïng 2)
Ex: This picture is as beautiful as that one.
(Böùc tranh naøy thì ñeïp nhö böùc tranh kia) Vôùi “to be” → so saùnh tính töø : beautiful, careful
Mary draws as beautifully as Tom does.
(Mary veõ ñeïp nhö Tom vaäy) Vôùi Ñoäng töø thöôøng (draws)
→ so saùnh traïng töø: beautifully/ carefully
b. Caâu phuû ñònh
S + V (not) + as/so + adj/ adv + as + noun (danh töø)/ pronoun (ñaïi töø)/ clause(meänh ñeà)
(Ñoái töôïng 1) (Ñoái töôïng 2)

isn’t so careful as his brother.(Anh aáy thì khoâng caån thaän baèng anh cuûa anh aáy)
John doesn’t work so/as carefully as Mary does. (John khoâng laøm vieäc caån thaän baèng Mary)
Löu yù: Khi noùi gaáp bao nhieâu laàn, ta duøng: twice as … as (gaáp 2 laàn), three times as … as (gaáp 3 laàn) …
EX: Their house three times as big as our house. (Nhaø hoï lôùn gaáp 3 laàn nhaø chuùng toâi)
2. So saùnh hôn (Comparative form): laø hình thöùc duøng Ñoái töôïng 1 so vôi ñoái töôïng 2
Tính Töø/ Traïng Töø Ngaén (Short Adj/ Adv) Tính Töø/Traïng Töø Daøi (Long Adj/ Adv)

S + V + short adj/adv_ER + THAN + Ñoái S + V + MORE -Long Adj/ Adv + THAN + Ñoái
töôïng 2 töôïng 2
Ñoái töôïng 1 Ñoái töôïng 1

a. Theâm “-ER” vaøo sau tính töø/ traïng töø ngaén b. Theâm “MORE” tröôùc tính töø/traïng töø daøi
(short adj/ adv) (long adj/ adv)
EX:big (lôùn) → bigger (lôùn hôn) EX:
fast (nhanh) → faster (nhanh hôn) useful (höõu ích) → more useful (höõu ích hôn)
quiet (yeân laëng) → quieter (yeân laëng hôn) boring (teû nhaït) → more boring (teû nhaït hôn)
happy (haïnh phuùc) → happier tired (meät moûi) → more tired (meät moûi hôn)
(haïnh phuùc hôn) quickly (nhanh) → more quickly (nhanh hôn)
clever (thoâng minh) → cleverer (thoâng minh hôn) quietly (yeân tónh) →more quietly (yeân tónh hôn)
narrow (heïp) → narrower (heïp hôn) interesting (thuù vò) → more interesting (thuù vò hôn)
simple (ñôn giaûn) → simpler (ñôn giaûn hôn)
Ex:  Nam is taller than his sister.  This picture is more beautiful than that one.
(Nam thì cao hôn chò anh aáy) (Böùc tranh naøy thì ñeïp hôn böùc tranh kia)
 He works harder than his friend.  She speaks English more fluently than I do.
(Anh aáy laøm vieäc chaêm chæ hôn baïn mình) (Coâ aáy noùi tieáng Anh löu loaùt hôn toâi)

Löu yù: Ta coù theå taêng hoaëc giaûm möùc ñoä so saùnh hôn baèng caùch theâm “much/ far/ a lot (nhieàu), a bit/
a little, rather/ slightly (moät ít)” TRÖÔÙC daïng so saùnh.
EX: Her boy friend is much/ far older than her. (Baïn trai cuûa coâ aáy lôùn tuoåi hôn coâ ta nhieàu)
Today I get up a little later than usual. (Hoâm nay toâi thöùc daäy treã hôn thöôøng ngaøy moät chuùt)
3. So saùnh nhaát (Superlative form): laø hình thöùc duøng ñoái töôïng 1 so vôùi nhieàu ñoái töôïng khaùc.
Thöôøng nhieàu ñoái töôïng khaùc ñöôïc hieåu trong caùc cuïm töø vaø meänh ñeà nhö:
 IN + NÔI CHOÁN/ TOÅ CHÖÙC : in the world (treân theá giôùi) / in Vietnam (ôû Vieät nam)…
 OF + NHOÙM NGÖÔÛI/VAÄT (cuï theå) : of the three students (trong 3 hoïc sinh)…
 OF + THÔØI GIAN: of the year (trong naêm)
 (THAT) I’VE EVER SEEN / KNOWN…(maø toâi ñaõ töøng thaáy/ bieát)

Ex: - What is the longest river in the world? (Con soâng naøo daøi nhaát treân theá giôùi?)

Tính Töø/ Traïng Töø Ngaén (Short Adj/ Adv) Tính Töø/Traïng Töø Daøi (Long Adj/ Adv)

S + V + THE + short adj/adv_EST + nhieàu ñoái S + V + THE MOST -Long Adj/ Adv + nhieàu ñoái
töôïng khaùc töôïng khaùc
Ñoái töôïng 1 Ñoái töôïng 1

a. Theâm “–EST” vaøo sau tính töø/ traïng töø ngaén b. Theâm “MOST” tröôùc tính töø/ traïng töø daøi (long
(short adj/ adv) adj/ adv)
EX: hot (noùng) → hottest (noùng nhaát) EX: slowly (chaäm) → most slowly (chaäm nhaát)
cheap (reû) → cheapest (reû nhaát) expensive (ñaét) → most expensive (ñaét nhaát)
busy (baän roän) → busiest (baän roän nhaát) beautiful (ñeïp) → most beautiful (ñeïp nhaát)
happy (haïnh phuùc)→ happiest (haïnh phuùc nhaát)
Ex: She types the fastest in the company. (Coâ aáy ñaùnh Ex: This is the most interesting film that I’ve ever seen.
maùy nhanh nhaát trong coâng ty) (Ñaây laø boä phim thuù vò nhaát maø toâi ñaõ töøng
Ex: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. xem)
(Hoâm qua laø ngaøy noùng nhaát trong naêm.) Ex: She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
(Coâ aáy laø coâ gaùi ñeïp nhaát trong lôùp.)

4. So saùnh keùp:
a/ so saùnh luõy tieán: laø hình thöùc noùi veà 1 ñoái töôïng naøo ñoù ñang thay ñoåi töøng ngaøy

S + V + short adj/adv _er + and + short adj/adv _er : ngaøy caøng …… hôn
more and more + long adj/adv.

Thöôøng laø caùc ñoäng töø: GET =BECOME : trôû neân

Ex: Hoa becomes fatter and fatter. (Hoa ngaøy caøng maäp hôn)
Mr. Brown drives faster and faster. (OÂng Brown laùi xe ngaøy caøng nhanh hôn)
Jane becomes more and more beautiful. (Jane caøng trôû neân xinh ñeïp hôn)
b/ sosaùnh ñoàng tieán : laø hình thöùc noùi veà 2 ñoái töôïng naøo ñoù cuøng thay ñoåi – aûnh höôûng
laãn nhau

THE + COMPARATIVE + S + V, the + COMPARATIVE + S + V : … caøng…(thì)

Ex: The healthier I get, hôn)
(So saùnh the happier I feel. (Caøng khoeû maïnh hôn)
(So saùnh thì toâi caøng
thaáy haïnh phuùc)
The more difficult the lesson is, the harder we try. (Baøi hoïc caøng khoù, thì toâi caøng coá gaéng)
The larger the house is, the more expensive it is. (Caên nhaø caøng lôùn, thì noù caøng ñaét)
III. Löu yù veà tính töø/ traïng töø:
a. Qui taéc theâm _ER hoaëc _EST vaøo adj/adv:
 Large – larger – the largest (roäng/ lôùn nhaát)
 Dry – drier –the driest (khoâ nhaát)
 Hot – hotter –the hottest (noùng nhaát)
Big – bigger – the biggest (lôùn nhaát)
 New- newer - the newest (môùi nhaát)
Narrow – narrower – narrowest (heïp nhaát)

b. Tröôøng hôïp ngoaïi leä:

Good/well (toát, ñeïp) better  the best
Bad/badly (xaáu, teä)  worse  the worst
Many/much (nhieàu)  more  the most
Little (ít)  less  the least
Far (xa)  farther  the farthest
further the furthest
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences. Use the comparison of the word in brackets.
1. Mary isn’t (pretty) __________________ as her sister.
2. The steak is (expensive) __________________ than fish.
3. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (well) __________________
4. Nobody is (happy) __________________ than Miss Snow.
5. It was an awful day. It was (bad) __________________ day of my life.
6. Thank to the progress of science, human life is (good and good)__________________ .
7. Mr. Brown is (delightful) __________________ person I have ever known.
8. The competition makes the price of goods (cheap and cheap) __________________
9. Sam’s conduct is (bad) __________________ than Paul’s.
10. These boys are (ill-prepared ) __________________ for the employment than my children.
11. What is (popular) __________________ sport in your country?
12. They speak English (fluently) __________________ than we do.
13. It was an awful day. It was the (bad)_____________ day of my life.
14. He was a bit depressed yesterday, but he looks (happy)____________today
15. John’s car runs (well)________________ than Mary’s.
16. That’s the (far)_______________ way to the city center.
17. I feel (good)_________________ today than I did last week.
18. HCM City is the (big)______________ city in Viet Nam.
19. Marjorie has (many)_______________ books than Sue.
20. He acts (badly)______________ than ever before.
21. This bottle has (little)______________ water than my bottle.
22. Nam is (nice)_______________ than Minh.
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences, suing the structure …er and …er or more and more.
1. This subject gets harder and harder all the time. (hard)
2. I’m just getting more and more confused. (confused)
3. It’s becoming __________________ for me to keep up. (difficult)
4. The textbook just gets __________________(complicated)
5. I spend __________________ time on my work (much)
6. My list of things to do gets __________________ (long).
7. As I waited for my interview, I became __________________ (nervous).
8. My problem is getting __________________ (bad).
9. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got __________________ (good).
10. Traveling is becoming __________________ (expensive).
11. My bags seemed to get __________________ as I carried them (heavy)
12. The city is getting __________________ (big)
Exercise 3: Complete each sentence using information in brackets and the structure with two comparative.
1. (The rents is high.) The bigger a flat is, the higher the rent is.
2. (You learn quickly.) The younger you are, _______________________________________.
3. (The roads are quite.) The earlier you leave, _______________________________________.
4. (The choice is wide.) The bigger a supermarket is, __________________________________.
5. (I get confused.) The more I tried to work this out, ______________________________.
6. (You can speak fluently.) The more you practise_______________________________________.
7. (The beaches get crowded.) The better the weather is, ___________________________________.
8. (She became impatient.) The longer she waited, ______________________________________.
9. (It’s hard to concentrate.) The more tired you are, ______________________________________.
10.(The product is reliable.) The higher the price is, ______________________________________.
1. I never listen to _____ radio. In fact I haven’t got ______ radio.
A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a
2. It was a beautiful day. _______ sun shone brightly in _____ sky.
A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a
3. It is said that Robinhood robbed _____ rich and gave the money to _____ poor.
A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a
4. Life is not so easy for _______ unemployed.
A. the B. a C. an D. X
5. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of _____ dead were taken away.
A.the B. a C. an D. x
6. The butler was _____ I suspected.
A. last person B. a last person C. the last person D. some last person
7. Where ______ you borrowed last week?
A. is scissors B. are the scissors C. is some scissors D. are scissors
8. Too much rubbish is being dumped in ______.
A. sea B. the sea C. a sea D. some sea
9. This is exactly _____ I was looking for.
A. job B. a job C. some job D. the job
10. Of all the cars, I think I prefer ______.
A. a Japanese B. some Japanese C. the Japanese one D. a Japanese one
Exercise 1: Put a/ an/ the in each space, or leave the space blank:
1.We went by _____ train to _____ west of England.
2.______ who live in ______ Netherlands are called Dutch.
3.______ judge sent me to _____ prison for ______ ten years.
4.______ Columbus was one of _____ people to cross _____ Atlantic.
5.As ______ captain of ______ ship, I have _______ complete authority.
6.David learned to play _____ violin when he was at _______ university.
7.______ Trafalgar Square is near ______ Charing Cross Station.
8.Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week?
9.We’ll put up ______ shelves and then go to ______ café for something to eat.
10.Is that ______ present Bill gave you for ______ Christmas.
. tenses:
1. When the teacher (enter)___________the room, the students were talking.
2. We (hold)_____________ a soccer match next Sunday.
3. Guillermo (call)_____________ his employer yesterday.
4. Jane sent a letter to his university after she (receive)___________ her scholarship check..
5. The car (flip)______________ ten times before it landed on its roof.
6. While Joan was writing the report, Henry (look)_____________ for more information.
7. What you (do)______________ last weekend?
8. Mr. and Mrs. Ba (take)____________ some beautiful photos a few days ago.
9. Her brother (talk)_____________ to his pen pal on the phone at the moment.
10. They (not contact)_______________ to each other for a long time.
11. Nothing (be)______________ done since I moved here.
12. I used to walk to school when I (be)_______________ in primary school
14. After she __________(finish) her performance, she invited the audience to ask questions.
15.His father__________ (die) of cancer last year.
16. The train ___________(just, leave) when we got to the station.
17. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she ___________ (phone) the fire department.
18. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she_________(not enter) any kind of contest.
19. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I _________(not, enter) to visit friends and family several times.
20. When my parents _________ (arrive)for a visit tomorrow, they will see our new baby for the first time.
Exercise I/ Choose the most appropriate preposition to fill in each blank.
up after on off in
1. I’d like to listen to some music. Would you please turn the radio….................?
2. Please try to give…....... smoking. It is not good for your health.
3. Don’t put…............. your homework anymore. the deadline is coming.
4. When I was young, my uncle looked…........... me because my parents were abroad.
5. Before you enter the class, you need to fill… ........this form so that we can have your personal information.
Exercise II. Choose one of the following phrasal verbs to complete the sentneces
look up look after find out go on
turn down give up grow up break down
1. We'll buy a smaller house when the children______________and left home.
2. The computer isn't working - it_______________this morning.
3. It was not problem. We_______________his number in the telephone book.
4. Who ___________the cats when we go away on holiday?
5. I______________where he lived by checking in the local library.
6. My headaches have been much better since I____________drinking coffee.
7. 'What______________here? What are you doing?'
8. I_____________their offer because they weren't going to pay me enough money

Exercise III- Choose from the four options given(marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each
1. The driver skidded and ….a dog.
A. ran B. ran in to C. ran after D. ran over
2. Aren’t you going to …the dress…before you buy it?
A. try/ X B. try/ up C. try/ on D. try /in
3. I’m sorry, sir. But you’ve already worn these dress. That’s why we can’t…it…..
A. take/ back B. take /after C. take/ in D. take/ again
4. Are you telling the truth? Or are you …. this story.
A. making B. making up C. making for D. doing
5. Perhaps important supplies of food and minerals were suddenly….
A. cut out B. cut off C. cut down D. cut back
6. His alarm clock is always set for six o'clock. He arises at the same time every day.
A. turns off B. gets up C. puts on
7. She telephoned her friend to tell him about the meeting. They decided to drive there together.
A. turned on B. took off C. called up
8 Some old friends of mine visited us last night.
A. called on B. called up C. wore out
9. Fortunately, Marie is associating well with her new co-workers.
A. calling on B. talking over C. getting along with
Exercise IV. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to change the
1. Peter is just like his father! (take after)
Peter .______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. Quite by chance, Brenda met Philip at the station, (run into)
Brenda ____________________________________________________________________________.
3.Tina's car stopped working on the way to Scotland, (break down)
Tina's car____________________________________________________________________________.
4.Ruth's party has been postponed until next month, (put off)
Ruth's party__________________________________________________________________________ .
5. It would be a good idea to stop drinking coffee, (give up)
It would be a good idea_________________________________________________________________ .
6. I saw their number in the phone directory, (look up)
I __________________________________________________________________________________
7.We offered them £250,000 for the house but they refused our offer, (turn down)
We offered them £250,000 for the house___________________________________________________ .

8. It took me a long time to recover from my illness, (get over)
It took me____________________________________________________________________
9. I’m thinnking about my next holiday with pleasure. (look)
I’m looking forward __________________________________________________________
10.You don’t need to wear your rain coat. it is so hot here. ( take)
You can ______________________________________________________________________
Fillin the gaps
Get on Fill in look for switch on Take off try on
turn down put out believe in throw it away turn off
1. “Please________ the radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”
2. Quick! ________ the bus. It's ready to leave.
3. I don't know where my book is. I have to ________ it.
4. It's dark inside. Can you ________ the light, please?
5. ________ the form, please.
6. I need some new clothes. Why don't you ________ these jeans?
7. It's warm inside. ________ your coat.
8. This pencil is really old. You can ________.
9. It's so loud here. Can you ________ the radio a little.
10. The firemen were able to ________ the fire in Church Street.
11. Does your little brother ________ ghosts?
Multiple choice
12. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______?
A. turn on B. turn off C. go on D. look after
13. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work?
A. look for B. look up C. look after D. look at
14. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn into
15. The nurse has to _________ at the midnight. {take (sth) over: take control of or responsibility for}
A. take care B. take on C. take over C. take off
16. There is an inflation. The prices __________.
A. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up
17. Remember to _______ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.
A. take care B. take on C. take over C. take off
18. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look at
19. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat.
A. Put on B. Put down C. Put off D. Put into
20. Frank never turns up on time for a meeting.
A. calls B. arrives C. reports D. prepares
21. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.{p ut off: postpone: delay}
A. do B. let C. delay D. leave
22. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.
A. looked after B. taken after C. gone off D. got over
23. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.
A. went on B. went out C. went off D. went away
24. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.
A. take part in B. take over C. take place D. take care of
25. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.
A. up to B. on for C. on well with D. in with
26. Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?
A. keep on B. give up C. take after D. stop by
27. My father gave up smoking two years ago.
A. liked B. continued C. stopped D. enjoyed
28. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on
29. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.
A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up
30. Look out! There’s a car coming!
A. The car is behind you, so you should run.
B. Don’t go away because the car is coming.
C. Hurry up or you will be late for the car.
D. You should be careful because the car is coming.

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:
1/ A. city B. country C. by D. very
2/ A. places B. houses C. bosses D. offices
3/ A. names B. rivers C. seasons D. parts
4/ A. e mpire B. e nter C. e mpty D. e nd
5/ A. united B. developed C. regarded D. attracted
6/ A. follow B. below C. know n D. down
7/ A. south B. about C. borough D. fou nd
8/ A. mingle B. fine C. buildi ng D. mi llion
9/ A. bu sy B. just C. hu ndred D. su ch
10/ A. wa ter B. ca ll C. rename D. tall
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. capital B. different C. business D. apartment
2/ A. theater B. district C. locate D. famous
3/ A. southeastern B. visitor C. attractive D. convenient
4/ A. develop B. museum C. populate D. informal
5/ A. mingle B. whether C. harbor D. compare
6/ A. population B. comparison C. information D. similarly
7/ A. region B. belong C. complete D. prefer
8/ A. metropolitan B. popularity C. pronunciation D. international
9/ A. borough B. reserve C. beginner D. pollute
10/ A. rename B. problem C. combine D. connect
X/ Read the headings (from 1 to 7) and the paragraphs (from A to G) carefully, and then match them together
A/ __________
New York is the world’s most ethnically diverse city. About one-third of New York’s residents, over 2.6 million
people, were born in other countries. Schoolkids in New York speak more than 120 languages.
B/ __________
The city is full of famous buildings that you may often see on television. They include the Empire State
Building, United Nations headquarters, Chrysler Building, and Rockefeller Center.
The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. It has welcomed millions of immigrants to America.
Two of the world’s tallest buildings once soared above New York’s skyline. They were the twin towers of the
World Trade Center. But terrorists flew airplanes into the towers and destroyed them on September 11, 2001.
Central Park is an oasis of greenery in the midst of New York’s tall buildings. It offers a zoo, a nature center,
playgrounds, paths for running and bicycling, and places for ice skating, roller skating, and playing sports.
C/ __________
What do you think of when you think of New York City? Most people think of Manhattan, the heart of the city,
with its towering skyscrapers.
But the city has five sections. These sections are called boroughs. A borough is similar to a county. The five
boroughs are Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island.
D/ __________
The Bronx is the only borough of New York City on the United States mainland. The other boroughs are on
islands. Brooklyn and Queens occupy the western end of Long Island. Water surrounds Staten Island and Manhattan.
These two boroughs face each other across New York Harbor.
E/ __________

English explorer Henry Hudson in 1609 sailed up the river that now bears his name. He was working for a
Dutch company. The company started a settlement at the mouth of the Hudson in 1624. They called it New Amsterdam.
The English captured the settlement in 1664 and renamed it New York.
Since colonial days New York has been an important city. It was the U.S. capital from 1785 to 1790. New York
passed Philadelphia in 1810 to become America’s largest city. New York grew because of its excellent harbor. The port
made it a center of trade. Immigrants to the United States poured through the port.
F/ __________
Today, Wall Street, New York’s financial center, is the leading financial center for the world. Wall Street is
home to many banks, stock markets, stockbrokers, and other financial institutions.
New York is the most important communications and publishing center in the United States. Three major
television networks have their headquarters in New York City—ABC, CBS, and NBC. Many of the country’s major
advertising agencies and book and magazine publishers also are headquartered in New York City.
G/ __________
New York is a major center for the arts. No other American city has so many places to hear music, see plays,
watch dance, or look at art.
The city’s outstanding art museums include the Metropolitan Museum, Guggenheim Museum, Museum of
Modern Art, and Whitney Museum of American Art. Galleries on Madison Avenue show very new artworks.
Times Square and Broadway form the main theater district. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts has concert
halls, theaters for dance and plays, and the Metropolitan Opera House. New York City’s museums, theaters, and
concerts make the city a popular destination for millions of visitors each year.
1. Choose the word, which best fits each gap of the sentence
21. With the population of 19 million in the whole ……………… region, and …… area of 946 square km, New York is
the largest city in the USA.
A. urban/ with B. city/ national C. country/ all D. metropolitan/ total
22. He is very ……………… and has never had any trouble passing exams.
A. sensible B. perceptive C. clever D. sharp
23. That …………………. bus is usually on time; so I have no idea why it is late today.
A. village B. community C. town D. country
24. The doorway is low, so …………… your head when you go in.
A. attend B. mind C. mark D. take care
25. The ……………… problem with the flat is that it is too small.
A. important B. main C. vital D. significant
26. You will have to …………….. your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. cut down B. call off C. back out D. put aside
27. My two brothers each has two sons, so I have four …………….. altogether.
A. nephews B. cousins C. nieces D. relation
28. Although the patient's condition is serious, she seems to be out of ……………….
A. place B. danger C. control D. order
29. Although they are identical twins their teacher can easily …………. between them.
A. distinguish B. differ C. select D. identify
30. Most of the roads in the city have been …….……. recently.
A. made B. rebuilt C. attracted D. taken over
2. Choose the word, which best fits each gap of the passage
Canberra, the capital city of Australia (31) a population of just over 323,000, is Australia's largest island city.
The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory, 300km southwest of Sydney, and 650km
north-east of Melbourne. Canberra was selected (32) the location of the National Capital in 1908 as a compromise (33)
Sydney and Melbourne and is unusual among Australian capital cites as an (34) purpose-built, planned city. Following
an international contest for the city's design, a design by Chicago (35) Walter Burley Griffin was selected and
construction commenced in 1913.
As Australian's seat of government, Canberra is the (36) of Parliament House, the High Court of Australia and
numerous government departments; it is also the location of numerous social and cultural institutions of national (37).
The federal government contributes the largest (38) of Gross State Product and is the largest employer in Canberra.
Canberra is also a (39) destination for domestic and international (40)
31. A. with B. to C. for D. about
32. A. as B. same C. like D. similar
33. A. and B. among C. between D. together
34. A. entire B. entired C. to entire D. entirely
35. A. architecturally B. architectural C. architect D. architecture
36. A. sight B. site C. sightseeing D. signal
37. A. significant B. significance C. significantly D. signal
38. A. rate B. percentage C. percent D. percentage wise
39. A. unpopular B. popularly C. popularity D. popular
40. A. viewers B. villagers C. tourists D. visitors
Mexico is a country of contrasts: the stunning beauty of its beaches and jungle against the endlessly (51) capital.
Mexico City is polluted and overcrowded on the one hand but also alive with art and music on (52). The buses play (53)
music continuously and the local bands play in the (54) square (55) night. In the market during the day, you will come
across beautiful local crafts at low (56). A trip to the cinema, and a drive on the underground during the rush (57)- both
are unforgettable experiences. Most entertainment centers in the city are built for masses, so sitting in the cinema is like
being in a huge football ground. Away (58) the capital, many year-round resorts have sprung up along the coasts. Hotels
line the beach, most with private swimming pools, modern facilities and (59) beautiful …………………………. . (60)
if you have the opportunity to spend time in Mexico, take it!
51. A. fascinated B. fascinating C. fascinate D. fascinates
52. A. other B. the another C. the other D. another
53. A. habitual B. customary C. historical D. traditional
54. A. main B. important C. major D. primary
55. A. in B. of C. at D. on
56. A. costs B. fees C. fares D. prices
57. A. time B. hour C. period D. stage
58. A. from B. to C. for D. in
59. A. platforms B. theaters C. buildings D. waterspouts
60. A. In contrast B. By the way C. To sum up D. So
2. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the
culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: Opportunity for education, employment and entertainment.
They also contain the very worst parts of a society: Violent crime, racial conflict and poverty. American cities are
changing, just as American society is changing. After World War II city resident have become wealthier and more
prosperous. They have more children. They need more space. They move out of their apartments in the city to buy their
own homes. They buy houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people can live in a peaceful atmosphere and where
there are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950's, the American "dream" was to have a house in the
suburbs. Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950's are now adults. Unlike their
parents, they want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers and executives are moving back into
the city. Many are single, others are married, but often without children. They prefer the city to the suburb because their
jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city
offers. A new class is moving into the city - a weathier and more mobile class. Only a few years ago, people thought the
older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems and
conflicts. One thing is sure: Many dying cities are alive again.
66. The paragraph from "American cities are similar to …….." to " just as American society is changing" ……
A. explains why American cities are changing.
B. is a description of cities.
C. shows that American cities have many problems.
D. says American cities contain the very best aspect of a society.
67. In the 1950's, the American "dream" was ……………… .
A. to have a colour T.V set
B. to have a big car
C. to buy an apartment in the city
D. to buy a new house in the suburb
68. In "Now things ………….. mobile class", the author has ……… reasons why people want to live in cities
A. two B. three C. four D. five
69. According to the passage, cities are ………………... .
A. sick
B. alive again
C. living
D. dying
70. The movement of people to and from the city can explain …………..
A. social changes
B. violent
C. racial conflict
D. the best aspects of a society
2. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage.
Every ten minutes, one kind of animals, plants or insects dies (31) ___________ forever. If nothing is done about
it, one million species that are alive today will have become (32) _________ in 20 years from now.
The sea are in (33) ___________ . They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste and chemical (34)
___________ . We should do something immediately or nothing will be able to live in the sea.
Many hectares of forests are being (35) ___________ every day. The effect on the world’s climate and on our
agriculture will be serious. The (36) ___________ of forest and hunting have killed many kinds of wild animals.
Fortunately, the World Wildlife Fund was (37) ___________ in 1961. There were some people who wanted to raise
money to (38) ___________ animals and plants from extinction. Today, the World Wildlife Fund has become a large
international (39) ___________ . It has had 35 million conservation projects and protected many kinds of wild animals (10)
_________ extinction.
31. A. up B. out C. of D. from
32. A. poor B. important C. death D. extinct
33. A. dangerously B. dangered C. dangerous D. danger
34. A. fertilization B. fertilize C. fertilizers D. fertile
35. A. crushed B. grown C. destroyed D. saved
36. A. disappearance B. appearance C. conservation D. fund
37. A. find B. found C. founded D. fund
38. A. distribute B. occupy C. bring D. save
39. A. Fund B. cooperation C. office D. organization
40. A. from B. out C. for D. off
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
When the first white men came to America, they found vast amounts of natural resources of tremendous value.
Forests covered a large part of the nation; later gas, oil and minerals were found in unbelievable amounts. There was a
great abundance of very fertile soil. Forests, prairies, streams and rivers abounded with wildlife. So vast were these
resources to make way for farmland. Grassland and prairies were plowed and harrowed. Minerals and soil were used in
great quantities to supply a power companies. Mammals and birds were slaughtered for food and sport.
Within a short time, the results were obvious. Floods caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage yearly. The
very fertile soil washed away or blew up in great clouds. The seemingly inexhaustible oil and minerals showed signs of
depletion. Rivers were filled with silt from eroding farms and wastes from factories. Many of the rivers were made unfit
for fish. Several species of birds disappeared and some mammals seemed on the verge of going. Future timber shortages
were predicted.
In short, American soon came to realise that some sort of conservation programme must be set up, if future, as
well as present, Americans were to have a share in the resources that are heritage of every American.
61. It seemed to the early American settlers that…..
A. game was scare B. forests should be cut
C. the natural resources were D. there was a shortage of minerals.
62. The use of America’s natural resources by the early settlers was……
A. careless B. scientific C. unbelievable D. predicted
63. One reason many of our rivers are no longer suitable living places for fish is that…..
A. too many fish have been caught. B. floods have caused much damaging
C. a conservation program bas been set up. D. factories have dumped wasted into the river.
64. Another word for fertile is……
A. wet B. productive C. useful D. irrigated
65. The title below that best expresses the main theme or subject of this selection is……..
A. What the first white men found in America B. The causes of timber shortages
C. The loss of topsoil D. The story of American’s natural resources
2. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a symbol of
our (66) ___________ throw-away society. But there seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course that
plastic has brought enormous (67) ___________ even environmental ones. It’s not really the plastics themselves that are
environmental disadvantage – it’s the way society chooses to (68) ___________ and dispose them.

Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal-non-renewable natural
processes. We (69) ___________ well over three million tons of the stuff in Britain each year, sooner or later, most of it
is thrown away. A high proportion of our annual consumption is in the (70) ___________ of packaging and this
constitutes about seven percent by weight of our domestic requirements.
66. A. legal B. wasteful C. useful D. normal
67. A. pleasures B. benefits C. savings D. profits
68. A. use B. store C. endanger D. abuse
69. A. consign B. import C. remove D. consume
70. A. way B. kind C. form D. type
V. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box.
represents fueled oversee alarming lost imported establish reduced covered sought
derived cleared.
The rate at which the deforestation of the world is proceeding is (31) ........ In the 1950 approximately 25 percent of the
earth's land surface had been (32) ....... with forests, and less than twenty-five years later the amount of the forest land
was (33) ....... to 20 percent. This decrease from 25 percent to 20 percent from 1950 to 1973 (34) ....... an astounding 20
million square kilometers of forests. Predictions are that all, additional 20 million square kilometers of forest land will
be (35) ....... by 2020.
The majority of deforestation is occurring in the tropical forests in developing countries, (36) ....... by the developing
countries' need for increased agricultural land and the desire on the part of developed countries to import wood and
wood products. More than 90 percent of the plywood
used in the United States, for example, is (37) ....... from, developing countries with tropical rain forests. By the mid-
1980s, solutions to this expanding problem were being (38) ......., in the form of attempts to (39) ....... an international
regulatory organization to (40) ....... the use of tropical forests.
Mass media, program, advantage, disadvantage, recommend, provide, present, cancel, comedy,

documentary, drama, feature, appointment, channel, distinctive, visually, orally, violent, global

VIII/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ The President escaped through a secret passage underneath the parliament building.
A. answer B. hidden C. confidence D. basis
2/ Which channel do you recommend to someone who likes animals?
A. suggest B. tell C. speak D. talk
3/ Documentary is a film or a radio or television program giving facts about something.
A. things B. numbers C. truth D. news
4/ What types of the media are the most and the least important to you?
A. successful B. significant C. wonderful D. attractive
5/ Listen to the two radio news stories and check the right column under News story 1 and News story 2.
A. honest B. honorable C. good D. precise
6/ Television can make things more memorable because it presents information in a more effective way.
A. clever B. expensive C. successful D. pretty
7/ Some television programs may make people violent.
A. rapid B. insane C. extreme D. good
8/ Television also interferes with family life and communication.
A. conflicts B. comes C. goes D. chats
9/ I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.
A. wrongness B. error C. badness D. ugliness
10/ It makes us aware of our global responsibilities.
A. national B. worldly C. universal D. overall
IX/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ The mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change.
A. less B. fewer C. tiny D. small
2/ We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. lively B. frequented C. accessible D. revealed
3/ Match the word in A with its appropriate definition in B.
A. indirect B. illegal C. improper D. unreal
4/ What program do you dislike watching and why not?
A. fancy B. think C. imagine D. want
5/ What are the differences among types of the media?
A. peace B. sameness C. likes D. need
6/ Heavy rain causes floods all over the country.
A. light B. thin C. tiny D. trivial
7/ Television can make us passive.
A. obtrusive B. enterprising C. energetic D. strong
8/ It is an enjoyable way to relax.
A. incorrect B. improper C. hateful D. unpleasant
9/ We don’t have to think so our brain becomes lazy.
A. quick B. diligent C. hard D. good
10/ The council demolished it.
A. made B. did C. started D. construct
X/ Fill each gap with suitable words from the list below:
answerphone, per, media, living, filming, mountains, watched, radio, listened, movie
1/ We _______ in silence as the names of the dead were read out.
2/ There are more cafés _______ square mile here than anywhere else in the country.
3/ _______ was halted after the lead actor became ill.
4/ I rang several times last week, but I kept getting his _______.
5/ Greta Garbo was one of the great _______ stars of the 1930s.
6/ Bonner _______ helplessly as the ball sneaked in at the near post.
7/ The increase in interest rates will raise the cost of _______.
8/ The Matterhorn is one of the biggest _______ in Europe.
9/ The mass _______ has become one of the main instruments of political change.
10/ I heard a good program on the _______ last night.

XII. Read the conversation below. Choose the correct word to use in each blank
1. David: Are there any good ___________ on television tonight? ,
A. showings B. channels C. programs D. performances
2. Linda: Yes, there's a very interesting __________ about life in the ArctiC.
A. comedy B. documentary C. news D. entertainment
3/ We can't go to Julia's party _______ we're going away that weekend.
A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of
4/ _______ repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it.
A. By B. Despite C. With D. For
5/ She walked home by herself, _______ she knew that it was dangerous.
A. because B. although C. and D. but
6/ I had a train to catch, so I was _______ the clock all through the meeting.
A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watching
7/ _______ the newspaper article quickly and make a note of the main points.
A. Scanning B. Scan C. Scanned D. To scan
8. Which of the following is NOT a type of the mass media?
A. dictionaries B. television C. radio D. magazines
9. The News is always ---------at 7 p.m.
A in B. on C. at D. for
10.________channels are there on our national TV?
A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How far
11 What________is on VTV3 at 8.15?
A. channel B. programme C. television D. wave
12. Which of the followings only provides information and entertainment orally?
A. radio B. magazines C. newspapers D. books
13. I enjoy______to the radio while I am driving.
A. hearing B. listening C. watching D. seeing
14. What_________do you often turn your TV on?
A. chanels B. television C. stations D. waves
15. You can hear BBC news.............. all over the worlD.
A. shows B. announcements C. receipts D. programs
16. Television can make things...................because it presents information in an things effective way.
A. memory B. memorial C. memorable D. memorably
17. Children often prefer looking reading books.
A. newspapers B. comics C. articles D. commercials
18. In Britain, there are some 'terrestrial' ..................on TV such as BBCI, BBC2, ITV1
A. programs B. series C. channels D. cables
19. 'Is the paper published every day?' 'No, it..............out once a week.'
A. turns B. goes C. produces D. comes
20. 'The Guardian' tended to support the government in this matter.
A. comments B. complaints C. commands D. comedies
21. a film with factual information, often about a problem in society.
A. series . B. soap opera C. documentary D. drama
22. There was a report .......... The Independent .................. this new law.
A. on/ for B. in' to C. in/ about D. on/ in
23. a system connecting millions of computer worldwide.
A. The television B. The Internet C. The media D. The phone
24. The scheme allows students from many countries.............. with each other.
A. communicate B. to communicate C. communicating D. communicates
READING: Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
World Wide Web (WWW), computer-based (1) _______ of information resources that combines text and
multimedia. The information on the World Wide Web can be accessed and searched through the (2) _______, a global
computer network. The World Wide Web is often (3) _______ to simply as “the Web.”
The Web started to become a (4) _______ resource after 1993 when the first widely distributed browser
provided a convenient way to (5) _______ a variety of information on the Internet. The Web uses (6) _______, which
means that information can be displayed in a wide variety of formats. (7) _______ can read text, view pictures, watch
animation, listen to sounds, and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web. A user can (8) _______
seamlessly from a document or Web page stored on the computer to a document or Web page (9) _______ on another
The Web offers a place where companies, universities and (10) _______ institutions, and individuals can display
information about their products, services, facilities, or research, or their (11) _______ lives. Only a small percentage of
information on the (12) _______ is restricted to subscribers or other authorized users. The majority of Web pages are
available to (13) _______ who can access a computer that connects to the Internet. The Web has become a (14) _______
for many companies selling products or services, and a forum for people to exchange opinions and information.
Museums, libraries, government agencies, and schools post information on the Web to make it (15) _______ to others.
New vocabulary:
- seamless (adj.): không có đường nối, liền một mãnh
- institution (n.): cơ quan, trụ sở cơ quan
- restrict (v.): hạn chế, giới hạn, thu hẹp
- subscriber (n.): người đặt mua, người đăng nhập
1/ A. system B. source C. network D. resource
2/ A. Computer B. Radio C. Television D. Internet
3/ A. said B. referred C. told D. considered
4/ A. popular B. normal C. ordinary D. favorite
5/ A. enter B. access C. come into D. arrive at
6/ A. yahoo B. Media Player C. information D. multimedia
7/ A. Users B. People C. Customers D. Shop keepers
8/ A. go B. move C. fly D. run
9/ A. placed B. put C. installed D. stored
10/ A. another B. others C. other D. one another
11/ A. private B. popular C. common D. possessive
12/ A. Computer B. Network C. System D. Web
13/ A. no one B. everyone C. someone D. anyone
14/ A. school B. hospital C. marketplace D. company
15/ A. good B. available C. free D. valuable

I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.
1. a. celebrate b. decorate c. entertain d. influence
2. a: polite b. popular c. pagoda d. agrarian
3. a. longevity b. calendar c. parade d. occasion
4. a. represent b. exchange c. receiving d. prepare
5. a. constancy b. festival c. activity d. comment
II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined part.
6. Before Tet, supermarkets and shops are full _______ goods.
a. of b. with c. in d. for
7. On the first -day of Tet, children ____ their new clothes and make New Year's wishes to their parents.
a. take on b. pick on c. put on d. try on
8. People believed that what they do on the first day of the year will __ their luck during the whole year.
a. control b. influence c. exchange d. result
9. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find _______ at all.
a. no one b. anyone c. someone d. somebody
10. Tet is really a time of fun and _______ throughout the country.
a. holidays b. celebrations c. preparations d. festivals
11. The whole family usually tries to get together at Christmas.
a. contact b. gather c. relate d. communicate
12. In Britain Christmas dinner usually _______ turkey, Christmas pudding and brandy butter.
a. brings on b. serves with c. consists of d. puts up
13. We wish you both- health and longevity.
a. long life b. happy life c. easy life d. exciting life
14. Vietnamese people usually make _______ for Tet several weeks beforehand.
a. preparing b. preparation c. preparatory d. preparations
15. She has as good chance as _______ of winning the race.
a. someone b. anyone c. everyone d. no one
V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
From (31) _______ times people have celebrated the end of winter and the new life that spring brings. One of the
most important Christian festivals is Easter, (32) _______ Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus
Easter, however, is not the (33) _______ spring festival. In Sweden, people celebrate the end of the winter by
making (34) _______ bonfires. Fire also plays an important part in the Hindu festival of Holi. In some villages children
are (35) _______ round bonfires by their mothers to protect them (36) _______ danger in the coming year. Buddhists in
Thailand soak (37) _______ in water when celebrating their New Year, which (38) _______ in the middle of April. In
Antigua in Guatemala they carpet the streets with flowers. Chinese spring parades are (39) _______ colourful, but (40)
_______ flowers they have large dragon puppets which dance in the streets.
16. a. earliest b. latest c. previous d. old
17. a. which b. when c. because d. by then
18. a. single b. one c. only d. lonely
19. a. giant b. tremedous c. extreme d. huge
20. a. gone b. carried c. brought d. run
21. a. in b. out of c. against d. from
22. a. through b. one other c. each other d. mutually
23. a. falls b. appears c. happens d. occurs
24. a. the same b. as c. not less d. equally
25. a. instead of b. on behalf of c. in spite of d. place of
VI. Read the passage carefully then choose the correct answers.
In Viet Nam, there is great excitement built up well before Tet Nguyen Dan. First, every family organizes a trip to
the cemetery to visit the graves of their ancestor. After that, to create an air of prosperity, wealth and fun for the first
three days of the Lunar New Year, people are kept busy cooking traditional foods, buying gifts, and making other
preparations. Certain items deemed to be bought or made are banh chung, dried watermelon seeds, tea, dried sausages,
fruit (fresh and candied), ornamental plants and flowers. Red and yellow flowers are ideal as they make the house more
welcoming. On the New Year's days, only good comments and wishes can be expressed. Children receive their Ii xi (or
red envelopes with lucky money inside). People make a visit to family members, neighbors, and close friends. And
people who live apart from their family try to get together on these days. Clearly enough, games and various forms of
entertainment are staged and these often last a week. Varying traditional specialties including wrestling, buffalo fighting,
dragon or unicorn dancing take place in different regions.
26. Before Tet, people usually _________.
a. are very busy with the preparations b. have great excitement and fun
c. rebuild their ancestral graves d. spend time on traveling
27. Which of the following, according to the passage, is not usually eaten during Tet?
a. candied ginger b. sausages c. watermelon d. beef stew
28. Why are red and yellow flowers popular in decorating the house at Tet?
a. Because they are friendly and pleasant: b. Because they make the house look comfortable to be in.
c. Because they represent good luck. d. Because they are attractive and cheap.
29. On the New Year's days, _________.
a. people are busy cooking traditional foods b. everybody receives their 'lucky money'
c. only good comments can be made d. houses are cleaned and decorated with trees and flowers
30. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
a. Tet is period of concord and hope. b. Tet is a sort of bond that ties the living and the' dead.
c. Tet is a great season of joy and of entertainment. d. Tet is an occasion for a family reunion.
No pains, no gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Compiled by Ms. Ngoan


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