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Therapy for

Severe Psoriasis

Los Angeles, CA, USA


Departments of Dermatology,
Pathology, and Public Health Sciences
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Department of Dermatology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY, USA
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899

Therapy for Severe Psoriasis ISBN: 978-0-323-44797-3

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Chairman and Clarence S. Livingood Chair
JASHIN J. WU, MD Department of Dermatology
Los Angeles, CA, USA Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit, MI, USA
Departments of Dermatology, Pathology, and
Public Health Sciences ELAINE J. LIN, MD
Wake Forest School of Medicine Department of Dermatology
Winston-Salem, NC, USA University of California—Davis
Sacramento, CA, USA
Professor and Chair
Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman Department LAUREN M. MADIGAN, MD
of Dermatology Department of Dermatology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Henry Ford Hospital
New York, NY, USA Detroit, MI, USA


David Geffen School of Medicine
JOHANN E. GUDJONSSON, MD, PhD University of California—Los Angeles
Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Emerging Los Angeles, CA, USA
Taubman Medical Research Institute
Assistant Professor JOHN K. NIA, MD
Department of Dermatology Clinical Dermatopharmacology Fellow
Director of Inpatient and Consultation Department of Dermatology
Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
University of Michigan New York, NY, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA


Clinical Dermatopharmacology Fellow Center for Dermatology Research
Department of Dermatology Department of Dermatology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Wake Forest School of Medicine
New York, NY, USA Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Center for Dermatology Research SANDRA PENA, BS
Department of Dermatology Center for Dermatology Research
Wake Forest School of Medicine Department of Dermatology
Winston-Salem, NC, USA Wake Forest School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Department of Dermatology SHIVANI P. REDDY, BS
University of Michigan University of Illinois College of Medicine
Ann Arbor, MI, USA Chicago, IL, USA

University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Resident
Medicine Department of Dermatology
Kansas City, MO, USA Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY, USA


Our knowledge of the genetics and immuno-

pathogenesis of psoriasis has exploded over the
past two decades to the extent that psoriasis
now has to be considered a systemic disease for
a significant percentage of patients having other
organ involvement, including the joints. Thus,
more than 40 genes have been shown to be asso-
ciated with psoriasis. However, a much smaller
number of genes are associated with psoriatic
arthritis, throwing into doubt the actual specific
Alan Menter, MD association between psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis. The severity of cutaneous inflammation
Psoriasis is a common, immune-medicated, ge- is frequently “mirrored” systemically in the
netic disorder affecting up to 2% of the world bloodstream with potential negative sequelae
population with significant interracial variation, for the heart, especially the coronary vasculature,
being far less common in Africa, Asia, and North as well as the liver, including steatohepatitis. In
America Indians than in Scandinavian countries, addition, psoriasis has been shown to be statisti-
Northern Europe, and the Americas. Men and cally associated with a relatively long list of other
women, boys and girls, are equally affected, comorbidities, including obesity; with the full
with the majority of patients developing their dis- spectrum of the metabolic syndrome, including
ease before the age of 40. obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and
Psoriasis shares much of its ancient history hypercholesterolemia; and with hypertriglyceri-
with leprosy, with Biblical references to leprosy demia. Other conditions, including sleep apnea,
likely representing actual psoriasis. Hippocrates chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and renal
in fact described a series of skin disorders under disease, are also linked to psoriasis.
the heading “Lopoi,” Greek for epidermis, which Psoriasis likewise has a major effect on patients’
possibly included both psoriasis and leprosy. The quality of life with social and personal interactions
term “psoriasis” was derived from the Greek for frequently disrupted due to the visible nature of
epidermis, which possibly included both psoriasis the disabling condition, leading to depression, fa-
and leprosy. The term “psoriasis,” derived from tigue, and indeed a higher likelihood of suicidal
the Greek “psora” meaning “itch,” was first ideation, especially in younger patients.
used by Galen (133-200 AD). Sixteen centuries It is thus incumbent on all dermatologists with
later, Robert Willan (1757-1812) published the an interest in the fascinating disorder not only to
first true description of psoriasis in 1808. assess each and every psoriatic patient’s total skin
Psoriasis is not “one disease.” It has a vast surface, head to toe, at each consultation but also
array of clinical phenotypes with the classic “pla- to evaluate for comorbidities, including psoriatic
que” form being the commonest. It can vary joint disease and psychosocial issues. Collabora-
from a few discrete areas of activity, such as tion with colleagues in other specialties, including
the scalp, elbow, and knees, to generalized cuta- cardiology, endocrinology, hepatology, general
neous involvement with various forms, shapes, internal medicine, and family practice, is
and sizes of individual lesions. In addition, frequently indicated for the betterment of the
numerous other phenotypical manifestations health of the psoriatic population as a whole. In
can include guttate, erythrodermic, inverse, patients with less severe psoriasis, who account
and palmar-plantar forms, either individually or for approximately 75% of the psoriatic popula-
in association with the classic plaque-type dis- tion, topical agents are the treatment of choice
ease. Chapters in this book address multiple in the overwhelming majority. For the remaining
classes of therapy currently available for the 25% with moderate to severe psoriasis, the
treatment of psoriasis, together with investiga- wide array of systemic therapies, both oral and
tional new drugs and the advent of biosimilar injectable, offers the opportunity to maximize
agents. the benefits of treatment to our psoriasis ix
x Foreword

population, both short term and long term, while

also reducing the impact of the multiple comor-
bidities associated with the more severe forms
of psoriasis. Thus, the future for our psoriasis
population is exciting indeed.

Alan Menter, MD
Chair, Department of Dermatology
Clinical Professor of Dermatology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
Dallas, TX, USA

Jashin J. Wu, MD, Editor Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD, Editor Mark G. Lebwohl, MD, Editor

The first edition of Therapy for Severe Psoriasis fills an insight into therapies in the pipeline that may
the need for an up-to-date resource for the rapidly be approved in the near future.
changing treatment arena for severe psoriasis. High- We hope that this textbook serves as both a
lights of this book are chapters devoted to newly reference book and a practical guide in treating
approved therapies such as apremilast, secukinu- patients with severe psoriasis. We look forward
mab, ixekizumab, and biosimilars. This is the golden to further advances in therapy for severe psoriasis
era for treating patients with severe psoriasis. As in the coming years, and we plan to update this
more and more medications are approved, each textbook with a second edition in a few years’ time.
wave seems to demonstrate higher efficacy with
minimal adverse events. It is hoped that this text-
book summarizes and guides the dermatologist in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
learning and choosing among the myriad of options. The editors thank Russell Gabbedy, Colleen Viola, Louise
The lead authors of each chapter are world Cook, and others at Elsevier for their steady support over
leaders in their fields regarding their topics, and the 6-month period of writing, revising, and editing this
we thank them and their coauthors in textbook. The editors acknowledge the patients who
developing comprehensive but readable chap- allowed their photos to be used for educational pur-
ters. The opening chapter gives an updated poses like this and also for giving the authors inspiration
overview of psoriasis, including epidemiology, in developing strategies to treat their severe psoriasis.
pathogenesis, and clinical findings in each of the
subtypes of psoriasis. Each chapter devoted to Jashin J. Wu, MD
therapy has a concluding paragraph that frames
Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD
the therapy in their own “expert” algorithm of
when to use the treatment. The final chapter gives Mark G. Lebwohl, MD

Overview of Psoriasis
Michael Kelly-Sell, MD, Johann E. Gudjonsson, MD, PhD

 Psoriasis  Plaque psoriasis  Clinical subtypes  Pustular psoriasis  Nail psoriasis

 Today, psoriasis is a global disease causing significant impairment in quality of life, disfiguring
morbidity, and increased mortality.
 Psoriasis affects men and women equally. Two-thirds of patients are thought to have mild disease,
and one-third of patients are thought to have more severe involvement.
 Psoriasis is found in practically all racial groups and is thought to affect approximately 2% of the
world’s population.
 Psoriasis may appear at any age, but it most commonly presents between the ages of 15 and 30.
 Over the last 20 years, many of the immunologic drivers of psoriasis have been uncovered, and this
research has been translated to the clinic with the development of increasingly powerful but
selective biologic drugs targeting these immune pathways.

Psoriasis was first described by the ancient Greeks, EPIDEMIOLOGY

Hippocrates and Galen, and grouped together Psoriasis affects male and female patients equally.
with leprosy. The term psoriasis was derived from Two-thirds of patients are thought to have mild
the Greek “psora” which means an, “itch, mange, disease, and one-third of patients are thought to
scab.” In the early nineteenth century, Robert have more severe involvement. Psoriasis is found
Wilan and Hebra refined the description of psoria- in practically all racial groups and is thought to
sis and distinguished it from leprosy. In 1879, affect approximately 2% of the world’s popula-
Koebner described the appearance of psoriatic le- tion. Although psoriasis is a global disease, there
sions at sites of injury, called the “Koebner phe- are some regional variations in prevalence, with
nomenon.” Today, psoriasis a global disease rates varying from 0.4% in Asians to 2.6% in the
affecting 125 million people across the world and United States and 2.9% in Denmark. In Africa,
causing significant impairment in quality of life, dis- there is a higher prevalence in East Africans as
figuring morbidity, and even mortality. In the late opposed to West Africans, which may help
twentieth century, basic science research demon- explain racial differences within the United States.
strated that psoriasis is an immune-mediated poly- Interestingly, a study of 26,000 South American
genic disorder that can be triggered by various Native Americans did not document a single
environmental triggers. Over the last 20 years, case of psoriasis.
many of the immunologic drivers of psoriasis
have been uncovered, and this research has been
translated to the clinic with the development of AGE OF ONSET
increasingly powerful but selective biologic drugs Psoriasis may appear at any age, but it most
targeting these immune pathways. This increased commonly presents between the ages of 15 and
understanding of the immunology of psoriasis 30. An earlier age of onset and family history
has led to remarkable improvements in the treat- have been associated with particular HLA class I
ment of psoriasis and makes it an exciting time to antigens, most notably HLA-Cw6. Based on this
care for patients with psoriasis. finding, Henseler and Christophers1 proposed

2 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

that 2 different forms of psoriasis exist: type I pso- center with increasing parakeratosis, capillary
riasis, with onset before the age of 40; and type II elongation, and perivascular infiltration of various
psoriasis, with age of onset after the age of 40. types of immune cells. Mature psoriatic lesions
Both types of psoriasis respond similarly to contain elongated and uniform rete ridges with
treatment. thinning of the epidermis overlying the dermal
papillae. The tips of the rete ridges may become
Cause and Pathogenesis clubbed with dilated, tortuous capillaries in the
The root cause of psoriasis remains unknown. How- dermal papillae. There is typically confluent para-
ever, research is beginning to link the complex ge- keratosis and hyperkeratosis.5 More inflammatory
netic, biochemical, and immunologic abnormalities cells are present with CD41 T cells and dendritic
that underlie the disease. These changes can be cells in the upper dermis and CD81 T cells in the
seen in both psoriatic lesions and normal- epidermis. Neutrophils are commonly seen in pso-
appearing skin of psoriatic patients. riatic lesions and form characteristic collections in
There is strong evidence suggesting at least a the spinous layer (spongiform pustules of Kogoj)
partial genetic basis in psoriasis. Genome linkage and in the stratum corneum (Munro microab-
studies in the 1990s identified a locus termed pso- scesses). Eosinophils are not seen in psoriasis, un-
riasis susceptibility 1 (PSORS1) in the major histo- less the disease is drug induced.
compatibility complex (chromosome 6p21.3),
home of the HLA genes.2 Many HLA markers
have been associated with psoriasis, but HLA- T CELLS
Cw6 has constantly demonstrated the highest The role of T cells in psoriasis was first documented
relative risk for psoriasis in Caucasian popula- in the 1980s, and the last 30 years of scientific and
tions.3 HLA-Cw6 is also strongly associated with clinical research on psoriasis have further high-
early onset, guttate psoriasis, and psoriatic lighted their role in the pathophysiology of the dis-
arthritis. However, only about 10% of HLA-Cw6 ease. The latest biologic medications for psoriasis
carriers develop psoriasis and the PSORS1 may ac- target T-cell immune pathways, and their ability to
count for only one-third of the genetic liability to clear plaques underlines the importance of the
psoriasis.4 In recent years, additional genetic risk T-cell pathways these medications target.
variants have been identified for psoriasis, with In 1984, Dr Baker and colleagues6 were the
more than 60 genetic loci identified to date. These first to show a correlation between the eruption
findings confirm the polygenic nature of psoriasis of psoriatic skin lesions and the epidermal influx
and also its heterogeneity because most patients and activation of T cells. Subsequently, deletion
carry different combinations of these risk variants, of epidermal T cells was shown to predate resolu-
and this may influence clinical course of the dis- tion of psoriatic plaques in patients on photother-
ease as well as therapeutic responses. apy.7 In 1986, cyclosporine was shown to be
highly efficacious in treating psoriasis due to its
blockade of T-cell function.8 Ten years later in
DEVELOPMENT OF A LESION 1996, activated autologous T cells initiated psori-
Psoriasis is characterized clinically by red and scaly atic lesions when injected into uninvolved psori-
plaques sharply demarcated from normal skin. atic skin transplanted onto severe combined
Histologically, it is characterized by marked prolif- immunodeficient mice.9 This showed that T cells
eration of keratinocytes, altered epidermal differ- were sufficient to induce a psoriatic process.
entiation, and proliferation of endothelial cells More recently, using xenograft models where hu-
accompanied by an influx of a variety of inflamma- man skin is grafted onto immunodeficient mice,
tory cells. The development of a psoriatic lesion trafficking of T cells to the epidermis, particularly
is a complex and multicellular process that CD81 T cells, was shown to be critical for devel-
involves keratinocytes, T cells, dendritic cells, mac- opment of psoriatic plaques, highlighting the
rophages, mast cells, endothelial cells, and neutro- importance of these cells in psoriasis.
phils. Cytokines and growth factors initiate and Psoriatic lesions are typified by T helper 1 (Th1)
sustain inflammation in this process through path- polarized CD41 cells and T cytotoxic 1 (Tc1)
ways that involve cells of both the innate and the polarized CD81 T cells producing interferon
acquired immune systems. Initial pinhead-sized (IFN)-g, which is the dominant cytokine profile of
macular lesions show edema and mononuclear psoriatic lesions.10 IFN-g drives the production
cell infiltrates within the upper dermis. The over- of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and IL-23 by dendritic
lying epidermis becomes spongiotic, and there is cells. IL-23 supports and expands CD41 T cells,
a focal loss of the granular layer. As the plaque ma- and likely CD81 T cells, that produce IL-17 and/or
tures, the epidermis becomes thickened in the IL-22, whereas IL-12 promotes development of
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 3

Th1 and Tc1 cells. The secretion of IL-17 and IL-22 enzymes. These changes lead to histopathologic
by these cell types likely maintains the chronic findings that can be identified on microscopic ex-
inflammation in psoriasis,11,12 but the exact role amination and have been termed “histochemical
of IFN-g in this process is still unclear. T cells parakeratosis.”
also contribute to the production of tumor necro-
sis factor-a (TNF-a), but TNF-a is a potent proin-
flammatory cytokine, the main role of which may CLINICAL FINDINGS
be to amplify the effect of other cytokines, History
including IFN-g and TNF-a. Biologic medications In approaching a patient with psoriasis, it is impor-
targeted at inhibiting these inflammatory media- tant for the clinician to obtain a thorough personal,
tors, including TNF-a, IL-12/IL-23, and IL-17, family, and social history because it often will influ-
have shown great efficacy in treating psoriasis, ence the choice of therapeutic agent. Relevant in-
underlining the important role this molecule plays formation includes the age of onset of psoriasis
in driving the disease. and whether psoriasis is present in any close rela-
tives, because both a younger age of onset and
a positive family history have been associated
MACROPHAGES AND DENDRITIC CELLS with more widespread and recurrent disease.18
Macrophages are important phagocytic cells that In addition, the prior course of disease and fre-
reside under the basement membrane, adjacent quency of relapses should be recorded, because
to proliferating keratinocytes, and are important there is significant variability in the clinical presen-
in the early development of psoriatic lesions. tation of disease and the disease may change from
They express Factor XIIIa and secrete the chemo- one clinical phenotype to another (Box 1.1). In
kine MCP-1 (CCL2).13 They are an important source some patients, the disease frequently relapses,
of TNF-a, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and and this has been associated with more severe dis-
IL-23.13,14 It has been shown in mouse models ease with rapidly enlarging lesions covering signif-
that the selective elimination of macrophages leads icant portions of the body surface.19 Other
to prompt improvement of psoriatic lesions.15 patients have more chronic, slowly developing le-
Dendritic cells have an important role in both sions with only occasional recurrences.
priming the adaptive immune response and The presence or absence of joint symptoms
inducing self-tolerance. Subtypes of dendritic should be recorded—such as painful, warm, or
cells, such as Langerhans cells, dermal dendritic swollen joints. Any of these complaints are con-
cells, and myeloid dendritic cells, help drive the cerning for psoriatic arthritis and prompt a more
Th1, Th17/Th22 polarization of psoriatic plaques. thorough evaluation. It is important to remember
In particular, myeloid dendritic cells help make that osteoarthritis is common and frequently co-
IL-12 and IL-23 cytokines that promote Th1 and exists with psoriasis.
Th17 differentiation and responses, respec-
tively.16 In a psoriatic plaque, myeloid dendritic
cells can be increased up to 30-fold as compared BOX 1.1
Clinical subtypes of psoriasis
with uninvolved skin and make up about 80% to
90% of the dendritic cells.17  Chronic plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris)
 Psoriasis geographica
NEUTROPHILS  Psoriasis gyrata
Although neutrophils are a common histopatho-  Annular
logic finding in the upper epidermis of psoriatic  Rupioid
lesions, they do not seem to a have a significant
role in lesional development in chronic plaque  Ostraceous
psoriasis, although they have a key role in pustular  Elephantine
variants of psoriasis.  Guttate psoriasis (eruptive psoriasis)
 Small plaque psoriasis
UNINVOLVED PSORIATIC SKIN  Flexural (Inverse) psoriasis
Normal-appearing skin of patients with psoriasis  Erythrodermic psoriasis
has been shown to have subclinical biochemical
changes that lead to subtle histologic findings.  Sebopsoriasis
Lipid biosynthesis is predominantly affected with  Napkin psoriasis
measurable changes in the levels, constitution of  Linear psoriasis
phospholipids, free a-amino acids, and hydrolytic
4 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Psoriasis is associated with several comorbid- response is still unclear. There is a broad differen-
ities, including increased incidence of myocardial tial diagnosis for psoriasis that physicians should
infarction, stroke, and death, particularly in pa- consider (Table 1.1), and treatment failures may
tients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis.20–23 prompt a reconsideration of the diagnosis.
Psoriasis has been shown to be an independent
risk factor for cardiovascular disease,24,25 and it
is important to screen patients for other cardio- CUTANEOUS LESIONS
vascular risk factors in their social and medical his- Psoriasis Vulgaris
tories, because modification of these can help Psoriasis vulgaris, or chronic plaque psoriasis, is the
offset their increased risk. Cardiovascular risk fac- most common clinical manifestation of psoriasis,
tors include smoking status, diet, and any previ- affecting approximately 90% of psoriasis patients.
ous diagnoses of hypertension, diabetes, Psoriasis vulgaris is characterized by well-
dyslipidemia, or obesity. demarcated, erythematous, raised plaques with
Treatment history should also be recorded. white micaceous scale. Lesions vary in size from
Although the ability to predict treatment re- pinpoint papules to large plaques and tend to be
sponses to a given agent are still very limited, pa- symmetrically distributed on the scalp, postauricu-
tients that have been on previous biologics and lar skin, elbows, gluteal cleft, and knees. These le-
failed generally respond less well to other biologic sions produce significant amounts of scale and
agents, even when these are in a different removing the scale produces pinpoint bleeding
class. The nature of this decreased therapeutic (the Auspitz sign), which is a sign of the dilated

Differential diagnosis of psoriasis
Psoriasis Vulgaris Guttate Erythrodermic Pustular
 Discoid/nummular eczema  Pityriasis rosea  Drug-  Impetigo
 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma  Pityriasis lichenoides induced  Superficial candidiasis
(CTCL) chronica erythroderma  Reactive arthritis
 Tinea corporis  Lichen planus  Eczema syndrome
 CTCL/Sézary  Superficial folliculitis
 Pityriasis rubra pilaris  Small plaque  Pemphigus foliaceus
 Seborrheic dermatitis parapsoriasis  Immunoglobulin A
 Subacute cutaneous lupus  Pityriasis lichenoides pemphigus
erythematosus et varioliformis acuta  Sneddon-Wilkinson
 Erythrkeratoderma (either (PLEVA) disease (subcorneal
erythrokeratoderma variabi-  Lichen planus pustular dermatosis)
lis and/or progressive sym-  Drug eruption  Migratory necrolytic
metric erythrokeratoderma)  Secondary syphilis erythema
 Hypertrophic lichen planus  Transient neonatal pus-
 Lichen simplex chronicus tular
 Contact dermatitis melanosis
 Chronic cutaneous lupus er-  Acropustulosis of infancy
ythematosus/discoid lupus  Acute generalized
erythematosus exanthematous
 Hailey-Hailey disease (more pustulosis
 Intertrigo (flexures)
 Candida infection (flexures)
 Bowen disease/squamous
cell carcinoma in situ
 Extramammary Paget
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 5

capillaries below the epidermis and thinned supra- psoriatic papules across the upper trunk and
papillary plate. Disease presentation is impres- proximal extremities (Fig. 1.2). Guttate psoriasis
sively variable among patients, and the clinical typically presents in children, adolescents, and
findings can change quickly even within the same young adults. It is often preceded by a strepto-
patient. coccal throat infection, and less commonly, peri-
Psoriatic lesions can be induced by trauma, and anal strep infections, and more than half of
this is known as Koebnerization or the isomorphic patients will have molecular evidence of a recent
response. This phenomenon is more likely to occur streptococcal infection, such as an elevated anti-
when the disease is flaring and is an all-or-nothing streptolysin O, anti-DNase B, or streptozyme titer.
response (meaning if psoriasis appears at one site Despite this association, antibiotics are not helpful
of injury then it will appear at all sites of injury). The in the treatment of guttate psoriasis and do not
isomorphic response typically appears 7 to 14 days alter the course of the disease.28 One-third to
after injury, and the lifetime prevalence of the phe- one-half of patients who develop guttate psoriasis
nomenon is estimated to be 25% to 75%.26 The will later develop chronic plaque psoriasis. As
isomorphic response is not specific to psoriasis. mentioned above, guttate psoriasis shows the
Historically, psoriasis vulgaris has been subclas- strongest association with HLA-Cw6.29
sified by the shape and scale of the plaques.
Today, the terms have little significance clinically, Inverse Psoriasis (Flexural Psoriasis)
but they connect the modern disease to its long Inverse, or flexural, psoriasis is distinguished by
history. Psoriasis geographica describes plaques psoriatic lesions appearing in the major skin folds,
that resemble a land map. Psoriasis gyrata consists such as in the axillae, inguinal creases, intergluteal
of confluent, connected plaques with a circinate cleft, umbilicus, and inframammary folds. Lesions
appearance. Rupioid lesions present in the shape are erythematous and sharply demarcated, with a
of a cone or limpet. Ostraceous plaques have a cir- glossy appearance and little to no scale. The
cular, hyperkeratotic concave lesion resembling an lesion may contain a central fissure. The sharp
oyster shell. Elephantine psoriasis refers to large, demarcation and glossy appearance help distin-
thick, scaly plaques on the lower extremities. guish the lesions from other diseases of the skin
Annular lesions have partial central clearing, giving folds. Sweating is decreased in affected areas
a ring-shaped appearance, and are associated and localized fungal or bacterial infections may
with a good prognosis because the annular shape be a trigger.
suggests clearing (Fig. 1.1). Finally, a hypopig-
mented ring on the periphery of an individual pla- Erythrodermic Psoriasis
que, or Woronoff ring, may be seen after Erythrodermic psoriasis is the generalized form of
treatment with UV radiation or topical steroids. disease and affects all body sites: face, trunk, ex-
Woronoff rings are thought to be caused by inhibi- tremities, hands, and feet. Erythema is more
tion of prostaglandin synthesis and are associated prominent and the scaling is finer, more superfi-
with lesional clearing and a good prognosis.27 cial and diffuse, as compared with psoriasis vulga-
ris. Patients lose their autonomic control of body
Guttate Psoriasis temperature and may present with systemic
Derived from the Latin gutta, “a drop,” guttate symptoms. They lose excessive heat from gener-
psoriasis is distinguished by the eruption of small alized vasodilation and so may shiver to try to
compensate. In warm climates, there is a risk for
hyperthermia because patients do not sweat
from their psoriatic lesions.30 The generalized
vasodilatation also puts patients at risk for high-
output cardiac failure, impaired hepatic and renal
function, and lower extremity edema. Erythroder-
mic psoriasis is thought to have 2 general presen-
tations: first, as a chronic form that is thought to
be a slow progression of psoriasis vulgaris
(Fig. 1.3). A second form is distinguished by its
sudden onset and may be a generalized Koebner
reaction to treatments such as phototherapy or
anthralin. Finally, other generalized forms of pso-
Fig. 1.1 Annular plaque psoriasis. There are well- riasis may give an appearance of erythrodermic
defined erythematous plaques with thick micaceous psoriasis as they heal, such as generalized pustular
scale on the periphery. psoriasis.
6 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 1.2 Erythrodermic psoriasis associated with HIV. (A) Cutaneous disease often worsens as a patient’s CD4 count
drops. (B) Thick micaceous scale. (C) There was confluent erythema and scale on the hands. Note the prominent oil
spots below the fingernails and swelling of the left fifth PIP joint. (D) There is confluent scale on the feet with subtle
erythema. Note the left third toe dactylitis, also known as a “sausage digit,” a manifestation of psoriatic arthritis.

Pustular Psoriasis neutrophils on histopathologic examination

Clinically, pustular psoriasis is distinguished (Fig. 1.4). There are 4 main clinical categories
by the appearance of 2- to 3-mm sterile of pustular psoriasis: generalized pustular psori-
pustules that show infiltrated subcorneal asis (von Zumbusch type), annular pustular pso-
riasis, impetigo herpetiformis, and localized
forms (including pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
[PPP] and acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau)
(Box 1.2). Finally, SAPHO syndrome (synovitis,
acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) is a ge-
netic syndrome that typically presents in chil-
dren and young adults, and palmoplantar
pustulosis is a main feature.

Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (von

Generalized pustular psoriasis (von Zumbusch) is
an acute variant of pustular psoriasis typified by
several days of fever preceding the sudden gener-
alized eruption of sterile pustules across the
body—face, trunk, extremities, nail beds, palms,
and soles. The attacks may occur in waves, and
the skin is painful. On examination, there is a
background of erythematous skin that initially
Fig. 1.3 Guttate psoriasis, involving the upper extrem- starts as patches but spreads to become
ities and torso. Clinically, the micaceous scale helps confluent, leading to erythroderma. With chronic
differentiate this disorder. disease, there may be atrophy of the fingertips.
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 7

Fig. 1.4 Pustular psoriasis. The patient shown in (A) and (B) demonstrates flaccid subcorneal pustules on an
erythematous base. Note the pus accumulating in the dependent half of the pustules. The patient shown in (C)
and (D) had pustules form an annular or circinate pattern with an erythematous center. This may resemble erythema
annulare centrifugum or impetigo herpetiformis.

The cause of attacks is unknown but possible trig- successfully include methotrexate, cyclosporine,
gering factors include infections, irritating topical infliximab,33 and systemic corticosteroids.34
treatments (provoking a Koebner phenomenon), Loss-of-function mutations in the IL36RN gene,
and withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids. encoding IL-36 receptor antagonist (IL-36ra), have
Generalized pustular psoriasis may have been found in patients with generalized pustular
life-threatening complications, including hypocal- psoriasis. IL-36ra is an anti-inflammatory cytokine
cemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, that inhibits signaling of proinflammatory IL-36
bacterial superinfection leading to sepsis, and proteins (a, b, and g).35
dehydration.31,32 The severity of the disease
makes rapid control important, and therefore, Annular Pustular Psoriasis and Impetigo
medications with a rapid onset of action should Herpetiformis
be chosen. Drugs that have been used Annular pustular psoriasis is a rare form of pustu-
lar psoriasis that presents with pustules on an
erythematous ring. It may initially resemble gyrate
BOX 1.2 erythemas, such as erythema annulare centrifu-
Clinical subtypes of pustular psoriasis gum. It can present during pregnancy, typically
in the early third trimester, and is called impetigo
 Generalized pustular psoriasis (von herpetiformis. There is significant risk for hypocal-
Zumbusch) cemia, and while the disease typically improves af-
 Annular pustular psoriasis ter delivery, it may recur during subsequent
 Impetigo herpetiformis pregnancies.31,36 There is often no personal or
family history of psoriasis.
 Localized pustular psoriasis
 Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris Localized Pustular Psoriasis Variants
 Acrodermatitis continua (of Hallopeau) There are 2 main forms of localized pustular pso-
 SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, riasis: PPP and acrodermatitis continua (of Hallo-
hyperostosis, osteitis) peau). PPP is characterized by sterile pustules on
the palmoplantar surfaces with yellow-brown
8 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

macules. There may be scaly, erythematous pla- BOX 1.3

ques. A minority of patients has psoriatic plaques Nail findings in psoriasis
elsewhere, and the pustules primarily remain on
the palmoplantar surfaces throughout the dis-  Nail matrix
ease. PPP is thought to affect femalemore than  Nail plate pits
male patients, with a ratio of approximately 3:1,  Onychorrhexis
and typically presents between the ages of 20 to
 Beau lines
60. In contrast to plaque psoriasis, PPP is not
associated with any HLA type. In epidemiologic  Nail plate thinning
surveys, PPP has been highly associated with  Erythema of the lunula
smoking, and cessation of smoking is the most  Nail bed
important measure to treat the disease.37 If a pa-
tient continues to smoke, PPP is highly resistant to  Oil drops or “salmon patch”
treatment.  Subungual hyperkeratosis
Acrodermatitis continua is a rare eruption of  Onycholysis
sterile pustules on the fingers or toes that slowly
 Splinter hemorrhages
extends proximally. Chronic disease leads to atro-
phy of the digit and destruction of the nail matrix.  Proximal and lateral nail folds
It is difficult to treat.  Cutaneous psoriasis

Napkin Psoriasis
Napkin psoriasis typically presents in the diaper arranged on the dorsal nail plate. Nail pitting is
(napkin) areas between the ages of 3 and 6 months caused by foci of parakeratosis at the proximal
with a red, confluent patch. Scattered small, red, nail matrix, which forms the dorsal nail plate,
papules with psoriatic white scale may appear a causing poor keratinization. Nail pitting is not
few days later on the rest of the body. It typically unique to psoriasis and can also be seen in alope-
responds readily to topical steroids and usually re- cia areata and other disorders. The nail pitting of
solves by 1 year of age. alopecia areata is typically thought to be more
linear than in psoriasis, although this is not always
Linear Psoriasis the case. Other findings of nail matrix disease
Linear psoriasis is a rare form of the disease that include leukonychia, a result of disease in the mid-
typically presents as a linear plaque on an extrem- portion of the nail matrix, and widespread disease
ity or dermatome of the trunk. There may be an leads to crumbling of the nail plate.
underlying nevus, such as an inflammatory linear Oil drops are translucent red-yellow discolor-
verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN). Separating ations on the nail bed, below the nail plate. They
linear psoriasis and ILVEN into distinct diseases are a result of psoriasiform hyperplasia, parakera-
is controversial.38 tosis, and microvascular changes of the nail bed
and trapping of neutrophils under the nail plate.39
Unlike nail pits, oil drops on the nail bed are a
RELATED PHYSICAL FINDINGS unique finding of psoriasis. Other nail bed findings
Nail Findings with psoriasis include splinter hemorrhages, from
Nail involvement is common in psoriasis and is capillary bleeding at thinned suprapapillary plates,
seen in up to 40% of psoriasis patients.18 It in- onycholysis, and subungual hyperkeratosis. These
creases with age, extent of disease, duration of findings are not as specific to psoriasis. Anonychia,
disease, and presence of psoriatic arthritis. Find- complete loss of nails, is common in acrodermati-
ings are classified as either evidence of nail matrix tis continua, but nail findings are not typically seen
or nail bed disease (Box 1.3). Nail matrix disease in other localized variants of pustular psoriasis.
leads to pitting, onychorrhexis, Beau lines, leuko- Nail changes are important to note clinically
nychia, and thinning of the nail plate. Nail bed dis- because they have been associated with increased
ease leads to findings of oil drops (or “salmon risk for psoriatic arthritis.
patches”), subungual hyperkeratosis, and splinter
hemorrhages. Fingernails are more often affected
than toenails, and nail involvement may cause PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS
pain and restrictions on activities of daily life. Psoriatic arthritis occurs in 5% to 30% of pa-
Nail pitting is one of the most common nail tients with cutaneous psoriasis, and its preva-
findings with psoriasis. Typically, there are single lence may be underestimated.40 Cutaneous
or multiple 0.5- to 2.0-mm pits irregularly disease typically precedes the joint disease by
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 9

about 10 to 12 years, but about 10% to 15% of Many patients with psoriasis manifest altered
patients with psoriatic arthritis present without lipid profiles with elevated levels of high-density li-
skin findings. Diagnosis is difficult to establish poproteins, altered cholesterol-triglyceride ratios
because there is no serologic marker, and the in very low-density lipoprotein particles, and
radiographic hallmark, erosive changes, may elevated plasma apolipoprotein-A1 concentra-
occur years after the initial periarticular inflam- tions.43 These alterations in lipids may contribute
mation. Classic findings include asymmetric to the increased cardiovascular risk for psoriasis
involvement of both the distal (DIP) and prox- patients. Other risk factors of cardiovascular dis-
imal (PIP) interphalangeal joints, seen in about ease should be considered and appropriate labo-
40% of patients.41 In contrast to rheumatoid ratory tests ordered, because patients with
arthritis, involvement of the metacarpophalan- psoriasis are predisposed to cardiovascular dis-
geal joints is rare. Prolonged disease in the PIP ease (see later discussion). General markers of sys-
and DIP of a single digit can lead to swelling temic inflammation, such as C-reactive protein and
(dactylitis) and the appearance of a “sausage” erythrocyte sedimentation rate, are elevated in a
digit. Enthesitis, or inflammation at the insertion minority of patients with chronic plaque psoriasis
site of tendons into bones, is also a common and may suggest the presence of psoriatic arthritis.
finding in psoriatic arthritis and is seen in
approximately 20% of patients with psoriatic
arthritis.42 Arthritis mutilans is the most severe COMPLICATIONS
form of psoriatic arthritis with extensive joint Psoriatic patients have increased morbidity and
damage and bone resorption and is seen in mortality from cardiovascular disease, which cor-
5% of patients.41 Early diagnosis of psoriatic relates with the severity and length of disease.44
arthritis alters the treatment approach for a Younger patients with psoriasis are at particular
patient, as the physician should consider sys- risk, because a large population-based cohort
temic or biologic medications to prevent life- study using the UK General Practice Research
changing morbidity from arthritic changes, Database found that 30-year-olds with severe
even when cutaneous disease is limited. psoriasis had a relative risk of myocardial infarc-
tion of 3.10 as compared with healthy controls.21
Other large epidemiology studies have shown
LABORATORY TESTS that patients with psoriasis are 2.9-fold more likely
Most patients can be diagnosed based on their to have a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome—
clinical history and features alone. However, histo- which is defined by having 3 of 5 risk factors for
pathologic examination can be helpful to estab- cardiovascular disease, including obesity, hyper-
lish the diagnosis in difficult cases. The typical triglyceridemia, low high-density lipoprotein, hy-
histopathologic features of chronic plaque psoria- pertension, or diabetes. Psoriasis patients had
sis and guttate psoriasis have been discussed pre- increased rates of hypertension (35.6% in psoriatic
viously (see “Development of Lesions”). patients vs 20.6% in controls), and hyperlipidemia
Pustular psoriasis is distinguished on histopa- (29% vs 17.1%).45 Psoriasis is thought to be an in-
thology by the presence of neutrophils migrating dependent risk factor for the development of
from dilated vessels and pooling in the upper metabolic syndrome because psoriasis patients
epidermis, within the upper Malpighian layer have increased odds of having hypertension
below the stratum corneum. In newer lesions, even after controlling for age, sex, smoking sta-
there may be mild acanthosis, whereas older le- tus, and other variables.46 There is an increased
sions have more typical psoriasiform hyperplasia. prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (prevalence ra-
There are no serum markers that are specific tio [PR] 3.8), Crohn disease (PR 2.1), and ulcerative
for psoriasis and regularly used to establish a colitis (PR 2.0) in patients with psoriasis.45 There is
diagnosis. Laboratory workup is typically aimed an increased risk of both Hodgkin lymphoma and
at ruling out other disease processes in the differ- cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in psoriasis, particu-
ential diagnosis, such as checking an antinuclear larly in patients with severe disease.47
antibody to test for connective tissue disease. The psychological impact of psoriasis on
Nonetheless, it can be important to check serum patients is profound. Cutaneous disease leads
markers in patients with severe disease to assess to concerns about appearance, lowered self-
for systemic complications. Patients may have a esteem, social rejection, guilt, embarrassment,
decreased serum albumin, secondary to the nega- emptiness, sexual problems, and impairment of
tive nitrogen balance from the turnover of their professional ability (Fig. 1.5). These stressors
skin, or elevated uric acid, increasing their risk lead to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and sui-
for developing gouty arthritis. cidal ideation in psoriasis patients than in the
10 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Smoking also seems to play a role in the onset

of psoriasis. Neither characteristic affects treat-
ment strategies, although all patients should be
encouraged to quit and follow a healthy diet.
Quitting tobacco is particularly important for pa-
tients with palmoplantar pustulosis because to-
bacco use may drive the process and is
associated with recalcitrant disease.
Bacterial and viral infections have also been
associated with psoriasis flares or the onset of dis-
ease. There is a clear association between strepto-
coccal throat infection and guttate psoriasis, but
streptococcal infections may exacerbate chronic
plaque psoriasis, too.51,52 HIV infection can pre-
sent as a severe psoriasis exacerbation and, para-
doxically, a patient’s psoriasis may become more
severe as the immunodeficiency progresses.53
This helps to explain why treatment of a patient’s
underlying HIV with highly active antiretroviral
therapy improves the patient’s psoriasis.54
Finally, medications may help either induce dis-
ease or aggravate a patient’s psoriasis. Medica-
tions that have been reported to aggravate
psoriasis include lithium, b-blockers, TNF-a inhibi-
tors, antimalarials, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, type I and type II IFNs, imiquimod,
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and
gemfibrozil. The mechanism and clinical presenta-
tion of drug-exacerbated psoriasis vary. For
example, lithium is thought to decrease levels of
inositol, an important component of the intracel-
lular second messenger system, altering calcium
homeostasis and keratinocyte differentiation.
b-Blockers decrease cellular AMP, an important
intracellular signaling protein, altering calcium ho-
meostasis, driving keratinocyte proliferation and
inhibiting keratinocyte differentiation.55 Counter-
intuitively, TNF-a inhibitors may cause a psoriasi-
form dermatitis in patients with rheumatoid
Fig. 1.5 Psoriatic alopecia and plaque psoriasis. (A) arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.56 Most
Chronic inflammation and scale from psoriasis have patients reported developed palmoplantar pustu-
led to alopecia. This is typically a nonscarring alopecia losis, but about one-third developed chronic pla-
but the inflammation may be so severe that there is per-
que psoriasis.57 Psoriasis patients traveling to
manent destruction of hair follicles. (B) The same patient
countries where antimalarial prophylaxis is needed
demonstrated widespread erythematous plaques with
micaceous scale in a symmetric distribution. should be warned that their disease may flare and
plan accordingly.
general population.48 Pruritus and pain may exac-
erbate these psychosocial stressors. These issues
impact a large number of psoriatic patients with TREATMENT
one survey finding 79% of respondents reporting Psoriasis is an exciting field because the number of
their psoriasis caused a negative impact on their medications available for treating patients is broad
life.49 and growing quickly. Most, but not all, of these
agents are immunomodulatory medications.
Despite the high efficacy of these medications,
MODIFYING FACTORS older and more traditional therapies still have an
Obesity and smoking have both been associated important role as adjunctive treatment. This chap-
with more severe presentations of psoriasis.50 ter provides a general introduction to the major
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 11

categories of treatment: topical therapies, photo- treatment available (Box 1.4). Topical treatments
therapy, oral medications, and biologic medica- are often inexpensive and efficacious and have an
tions (Table 1.2). This chapter covers topical excellent safety profile. Despite these benefits,
treatments at depth but leaves the other modal- 40% of patients report being noncompliant with
ities for the remainder of this book. their topical treatments because they feel these
In formulating a treatment regimen, the clini- treatments are time-consuming and cosmetically
cian must balance the patient’s goals with the unacceptable.58 Cosmetic considerations are
measurable severity of the disease, patient- particularly important, and physicians should pre-
specific factors (such as psoriatic arthritis, preg- scribe a medication as both a cream, to be used
nancy, or a history of malignancy), and limits set during the day, and a more potent ointment, to
by payors. There is no cure for psoriasis, and treat- be used at night. It is important to give a sufficient
ment can be frustrating, with many patients volume of medication for the patient to treat their
reporting their treatment regimens being ineffec- skin lesions appropriately, and 400 g of a topical
tive. With the advent of highly effective biologics agent is required to entirely cover an average
and the high level of treatment responses sized adult twice daily for 1 week.
achieved with these drugs, patient’s expectations
have grown. Therefore, these feelings are only
likely to grow. CORTICOSTEROIDS
As patients will use these medications for Topical corticosteroids are commonly first-line
years, safety is also a major concern and deserves therapy in mild-to-moderate psoriasis and on sen-
a frank discussion with patients. New treatments, sitive skin, such as the flexures and genitalia.
which can be highly efficacious, often have the These medications work by causing nuclear trans-
shortest safety record. Furthermore, although location of glucocorticoid receptors, leading to a
some treatments are safe for continuous use, wide variety of effects. Patients typically see
others have cumulative toxicity that limits their improvement with 2 to 4 weeks of daily treatment
use. Treatments may lose efficacy over time either and then can taper to a maintenance phase of
through a process called tachyphylaxis, which is applying the creams only 2 to 3 days per week.
mostly limited to topical treatments, through the Long-term daily use of topical corticosteroids
development of neutralizing antibodies to a may cause skin atrophy, telangiectasias, stretch
particular biologic agent, or possibly through marks, and adrenal suppression (from systemic
the changing nature of inflammatory responses absorption). With long-term use, these agents
in psoriatic skin, requiring the change or the addi- lose their efficacy, and patients should be
tion of other modalities. Physicians must individu- switched to an alternative formulation. Upon
alize a treatment regimen to the patient and, if discontinuation of a topical steroid, a patient’s
there is disease progression, progression of dis- disease may rebound.59 Topical corticosteroids
ease will likely have to use treatments in combina- are inexpensive, effective, and safe, when used
tion to achieve long-term control. appropriately; therefore, they should be a part
of every patient’s treatment plan.

Most patients with psoriasis are treated initially VITAMIN D3 AND ANALOGUES
with topical treatments, and these medications The topical vitamin D preparations that are
can be used safely with nearly every other commercially available for the treatment of skin

Treatments for psoriasis
Topical Phototherapy Systemic Biologics
 Corticosteroids  Narrowband UVB  Cyclosporine TNF-a inhibitors
 Vitamin D analogues (310–331 NM)  Methotrexate  Etanercept
 Tazarotene  Broadband UVB  Acitretin  Humira
 Salicylic acid  PUVA  Fumaric acid esters  Infliximab
 Calcineurin inhibitors (for  Excimer laser (308 NM) (available in Germany IL-12/IL-23
inverse psoriasis) but not the US or UK) inhibitor
 Apremilast  Ustekinumab
IL-17 inhibitor
12 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis


Topical therapies Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are topical calci-
neurin inhibitors, blocking both T-lymphocyte
 Topical steroids function and IL-2 production. In clinical trials,
 Vitamin D analogues neither agent proved efficacious for chronic pla-
 Tazarotene que psoriasis. However, there is evidence that
tacrolimus is effective for the treatment of inverse
 Calcineurin inhibitors
psoriasis.62,63 Clinically, these agents are limited
 Tacrolimus by their main side effect, which is a burning sensa-
 Pimecrolimus tion at the application site. The US Food and Drug
 Dithranol Administration has placed a “black-box warning”
on these medications after anecdotal reports of
 Coal tar
malignancy were published. The American Acad-
 Salicylic acid emy of Dermatology and the American Academy
of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology have pro-
tested these warnings. Furthermore, large after-
marketing surveillance databases of the topical
disease include calcipotriene (or calcipotriol), cal- formulations have not detected any increased
citriol, tacalcitol, and maxacalcitol (tacalcitol and risk of lymphoma or cutaneous malignancies.64
maxacalcitol are not currently available in the
United States). Topical calcipotriene is commonly
thought of as being about as potent as a mild SALICYLIC ACID
topical steroid. These medications are more effec- Salicylic acid is a topical keratolytic that lowers the
tive if applied twice daily rather than once daily pH of the stratum corneum and reduces keratino-
and do not lose their efficacy with long-term cyte adhesion. This helps to soften plaques and
use.60 Irritation to the skin is a common side ef- reduce their scale, which enhances the penetra-
fect, so patients should be instructed not to apply tion of other therapies. Like tazarotene, it is often
vitamin D preparations to sensitive skin. There are best used in combination with a topical cortico-
almost no systemic side effects when these med- steroid. Unlike tazarotene, salicylic acid decreases
ications are used appropriately. However, hyper- the efficacy of UVB phototherapy.59 Systemic ab-
calcemia can occur if a patient applies more sorption can occur if applied to more than 20% of
than 100 g per week of calcipotriene or 200 g the body surface area, particularly in patients with
per week of calcitriol. Treatment with calcipo- renal or hepatic dysfunction. There are no
triene can complement the use of potent topical placebo-controlled studies using salicylic acid as
corticosteroids, with patients applying topical cal- monotherapy.
cipotriene 5 times per week when they taper their
topical steroid to 2 times per week, minimizing
the risk for steroid-induced atrophy. BLAND EMOLLIENTS
Patients should be encouraged to apply bland
emollients regularly between medical treatments.
TAZAROTENE Emollients can limit dryness, scale, and pruritus.
Tazarotene is a third-generation retinoid available They should be applied immediately after bathing
in 0.05% and 0.1% gels and a cream formulation. or showering for maximum effect. They can also be
It is used primarily to reduce plaque thickness and applied over a thin layer of a topical medication to
scaling. It is not as effective for plaque erythema. improve hydration of the skin. By smoothing the
The drug’s specific molecular targets are un- skin and preventing epidermal scatter, emollients
known, but it is thought to act by binding to reti- may increase the efficacy of phototherapy.
noic acid receptors. Local irritation is a significant
side effect and is dose related. Therefore, this
medication is best used in combination with PHOTOTHERAPY
topical corticosteroids or phototherapy. By Goeckerman first started using artificial light sour-
decreasing thickness and causing irritation, tazar- ces to treat psoriasis in the 1920s—using a combi-
otene lowers the minimal erythema dose for both nation of topical crude coal tar and subsequent
UVB and UVA. Therefore, if tazarotene is started UV irradiation. In the 1970s, photochemotherapy
in the middle of a phototherapy course, it is rec- with psoralen and UVA light (PUVA) was devel-
ommended that the UV dose be reduced by at oped, but has now been mostly discontinued
least one-third.61 given increased incidence of skin cancer,
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 13

BOX 1.6
Biologic therapies
 TNF-a inhibitors
 IL-12/IL-23 p40 subunit inhibitor
 IL-17 inhibitor
Fig. 1.6 Lentigines from ultraviolet treatment of psori-
asis. Chronic damage from the ultraviolet treatment of  Ixekizumab
these psoriatic patches has led to the formation of len-
tigines bilaterally. There is also epidermal atrophy,
likely from chronic use of topical steroids. A closer that they have an excellent safety profile. This is
view of the lentigines and epidermal atrophy (inset). an exciting time for the treatment of psoriasis
with multiple classes of biologics available:
particularly squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 1.6).65 TNF-a inhibitors, anti-p40 (IL-12/IL-23 antago-
In the 1980s, narrow band UVB (311–313 nm) nists), IL-17 inhibitors, and the promise of new
was developed and shown to be efficacious. Since anti-p19 inhibitors (selective for IL-23) on the hori-
that time, phototherapy has proven to be a safe, zon. These medications are changing the treat-
effective treatment for psoriasis that does not ment of patients with psoriasis and improving
cause immunosuppression. clinical outcomes.


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20. Wu JJ, Choi YM, Bebchuk JD. Risk of myocardial psoriasis variant palmoplantar pustulosis can be
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21. Gelfand JM, Neimann AL, Shin DB, et al. Risk of 38. Happle R. Linear psoriasis and ILVEN: is lumping or
myocardial infarction in patients with psoriasis. splitting appropriate? Dermatology 2006;212(2):
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22. Gelfand JM, Troxel AB, Lewis JD, et al. The risk of 39. Kvedar JC, Baden HP. Nail changes in cutaneous
mortality in patients with psoriasis: results from a disease. Semin Dermatol 1991;10(1):65–70.
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23. Gelfand JM, Dommasch ED, Shin DB, et al. The risk 41. Reich K, Kruger K, Mossner R, et al. Epidemiology
of stroke in patients with psoriasis. J Invest Derma- and clinical pattern of psoriatic arthritis in Germany:
tol 2009;129(10):2411–8. a prospective interdisciplinary epidemiological
24. Hjuler KF, Bottcher M, Vestergaard C, et al. study of 1511 patients with plaque-type psoriasis.
Increased prevalence of coronary artery disease in Br J Dermatol 2009;160(5):1040–7.
Chapter 1 Overview of Psoriasis 15

42. Radtke MA, Reich K, Blome C, et al. Prevalence and 54. Vittorio Luigi De Socio G, Simonetti S, Stagni G.
clinical features of psoriatic arthritis and joint com- Clinical improvement of psoriasis in an AIDS patient
plaints in 2009 patients with psoriasis: results of a effectively treated with combination antiretroviral
German national survey. J Eur Acad Dermatol Vene- therapy. Scand J Infect Dis 2006;38(1):74–5.
reol 2009;23(6):683–91. 55. O’Brien M, Koo J. The mechanism of lithium and
43. Mallbris L, Granath F, Hamsten A, et al. Psoriasis is beta-blocking agents in inducing and exacerbating
associated with lipid abnormalities at the onset psoriasis. J Drugs Dermatol 2006;5(5):426–32.
of skin disease. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54(4): 56. Famenini S, Wu JJ. Infliximab-induced psoriasis in
614–21. treatment of Crohn’s disease-associated ankylosing
44. Mallbris L, Akre O, Granath F, et al. Increased risk spondylitis: case report and review of 142 cases.
for cardiovascular mortality in psoriasis inpatients J Drugs Dermatol 2013;12(8):939–43.
but not in outpatients. Eur J Epidemiol 2004;19(3): 57. Ko JM, Gottlieb AB, Kerbleski JF. Induction and
225–30. exacerbation of psoriasis with TNF-blockade ther-
45. Augustin M, Reich K, Glaeske G, et al. Co-morbidity apy: a review and analysis of 127 cases.
and age-related prevalence of psoriasis: analysis of J Dermatolog Treat 2009;20(2):100–8.
health insurance data in Germany. Acta Derm Vene- 58. Richards HL, Fortune DG, O’Sullivan TM, et al. Pa-
reol 2010;90(2):147–51. tients with psoriasis and their compliance with
46. Cohen AD, Weitzman D, Dreiher J. Psoriasis and hy- medication. J Am Acad Dermatol 1999;41(4):581–3.
pertension: a case-control study. Acta Derm Vene- 59. Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines
reol 2010;90(1):23–6. of care for the management of psoriasis and psori-
47. Gelfand JM, Shin DB, Neimann AL, et al. The risk of atic arthritis. Section 3. Guidelines of care for the
lymphoma in patients with psoriasis. J Invest Der- management and treatment of psoriasis with
matol 2006;126(10):2194–201. topical therapies. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;60(4):
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chopathology than late onset psoriasis: a study of triol used as monotherapy. J Am Acad Dermatol
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human immunodeficiency virus infection. J Am and skin cancer. A historical cohort study on 492 pa-
Acad Dermatol 1992;27(5 Pt 1):667–73. tients. J Am Acad Dermatol 1992;26(2 Pt 1):173–7.
Ultraviolet B Phototherapy
Sandra Pena, BS, Dane Hill, MD, Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD

 Phototherapy  Narrowband UV-B  UV therapy  Psoriasis  Excimer laser

 Phototherapy with UV light can be used in the treatment of several cutaneous disorders.
 Phototherapy is an efficacious treatment option in the management of psoriasis and should be a
first therapy considered in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
 Narrowband UV-B is used as the first-line phototherapy treatment option for moderate-to-severe
psoriasis due to its clinical efficacy and mild side-effect profile.
 Targeted UV-B therapy phototherapy and employment of excimer lasers are excellent options for
patients with more limited disease, although there are now reports of use for extensive disease.

INTRODUCTION lamps. However, in 1978, Wiskemann introduced

Definition broadband UV-B radiation in a closed chamber
Phototherapy refers to the use of nonionizing ra- to treat psoriasis, which mitigated this drawback.8
diation, from the UV range, in the treatment of Despite these advances, broadband UV-B radia-
skin disorders (Table 2.1).1 It represents an effica- tion was less efficacious than psoralens followed
cious, cost-effective, and generally nonimmuno- by UV-A radiation, also known as PUVA therapy,
suppressive staple in the management of and as a result, did not gain widespread popu-
psoriasis.2 larity.5 It was not until the late 1970s when Parrish
and Jaenicke determined the action spectrum of
History psoriasis with a peak response at 313 nm that
The use of sunlight in the treatment of cutaneous gave impetus to narrowband (NB) UV-B as a new
diseases can be traced back to ancient times. Ev- phototherapeutic modality.9 In 1988, both Van
idence dating thousands of years demonstrates Weelden and colleagues10 and Green and col-
the use of plant extracts, including those from leagues11 demonstrated the superior clinical effi-
the Ammi majus plant (psoralens), followed by cacy of NB UV-B and subsequently marked the
sun exposure to treat vitiligo in Egypt and India.3 decline of broadband-UV-B (BB-UV-B) use for
However, it was not until the late nineteenth cen- psoriasis.
tury that heralded major advances in the develop-
ment and use of phototherapy.4 In 1901, Niels Types
Ryberg Finsen published the results of the treat- This chapter provides an overview of UVB photo-
ment of lupus vulgaris with a carbon arc lamp, therapy in the management of psoriasis.
which marked a breakthrough in the treatment
of skin diseases. For this, Finsen received a Nobel Broadband ultraviolet B (290–320 nm)
Prize in medicine, the first and only one ever Broadband (BB) UV-B phototherapy was initially
awarded in the field of dermatology.5 described in the Goeckerman regimen in 1925.
Shortly after in 1925, William Goeckerman For many decades, BB-UV-B remained an option
combined the use of UV radiation with coal tar in in the psoriasis treatment arsenal despite being
the treatment of psoriasis.6 The Goeckerman less efficacious than other treatment modalities.
regimen as it came to be known would remain a Presently, however, BB-UV-B has largely been
mainstay in phototherapy treatment of psoriasis replaced by NB-UV-B radiation, which has
for several decades.7 A major shortcoming of the demonstrated superior efficacy in clearing psori-
Goeckerman regimen was the low output of the atic lesions.12
18 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

TABLE 2.1 it can also be used for severe psoriasis of the

Ultraviolet radiation spectrum palms/soles or even for extensive disease.
UV Spectrum (10–400 nm)
Abbreviation Wavelength (nm) TANNING BEDS
The use of commercial tanning beds may be a
UV-A 320–400
viable alternative for patients in which in-office
UV-B 290–320 and home phototherapy are either unaccessible
UV-C 200–290 or impractical. Although evidence to support the
routine use of tanning beds may be sparse,
approximately 36% to 52% of patients have
Narrowband ultraviolet B (311–313 nm) used tanning beds in the treatment of their psori-
First defined in 1976, NB-UV-B has taken the asis.20,21 However, given the increased risk of skin
place of BB-UV-B in the treatment and manage- cancer and full-body UV exposure, tanning bed
ment of psoriasis.9 NB-UV-B has gained popu- use remains controversial, and not all dermatolo-
larity over PUVA in the treatment of psoriasis for gists agree that they should be used.
several reasons. First, NB-UV-B had similar effi-
cacy rates compared with PUVA.12 Therefore,
NB-UV-B is generally favored over PUVA due to INDICATIONS
greater ease of use for the patient. Another factor Indications for UV-B radiation include psoriasis,
is the increased risk of squamous cell cancer (SCC) atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, and mycosis fungoides,
associated with PUVA treatments. The risk of SCC among several others (Table 2.2).22
increases as the number of PUVA treatments in-
creases.13 NB-UV-B phototherapy has not been
shown to incur any increased risk of skin cancer.14 MECHANISM OF ACTION
Last, NB-UV-B is safe to use in children and preg- The epidermal layer of human skin, composed pri-
nant patients and lacks psoralen-related side ef- marily of keratinocytes, absorbs most UV radia-
fects, which ultimately makes it more favorable tion, with only the longer wavelengths having
as an initial phototherapy modality.15 the ability to penetrate the dermis. It was thought
that UV-B’s antiproliferative properties were a

Targeted phototherapy is a method of photother-
apy in which only affected areas of skin are treated. TABLE 2.2
Various devices can be used to deliver focused Ultraviolet B phototherapy indications
UV-B radiation on skin lesions while sparing unin-
Common Less Common
volved skin. These devices include high fluence
devices, like the excimer laser and flash lamp, Psoriasis Acquired perforating
and lower output devices, like UV-B light-emitting Vitiligo dermatosis
Atopic dermatitis Chronic urticaria
diodes.16 Introduced in 1997, the 308-nm excimer
Mycosis fungoides Cutaneous graft-
laser contains an unstable mixture of xenon and Pruritus (associated versus-host disease
chloride, which form “excited dimmers.” It is the with renal disease, Polymorphous light
dissociation of these dimers that produces the polycythemia vera) eruption
monochromatic wavelength, which is transmitted Cutaneous
via a fiber-optic cable to the lesion.17 The excimer mastocytosis
laser allows for targeted therapy that spares unin- Granuloma annulare
volved skin, especially in areas that are otherwise Lichen planus
difficult to treat, like the scalp, hands, and feet.17 Lichen simplex
In addition, it can generate high fluencies of chronicus
UV-B, resulting in faster clearing and fewer expo-
sures.18 Although the excimer laser is not suitable Parapsoriasis
for large body surface areas because the treat- Pityriasis lichenoides
ment may be considerably resource intensive Pityriasis rosea
and lengthy, the availability of more powerful UV Pityriasis rubra pilaris
emitting devices (and aggressive treatment proto- Seborrheic dermatitis
col) is extending the range of area that can be From Walker D, Jacobe H. Phototherapy in the age of bi-
treated.7,19 Although targeted treatment has ologics. Semin Cutan Med Surg 2011;30(4):196; with
generally been used for mild, localized psoriasis, permission.
Chapter 2 UV-B Phototherapy 19

result of direct DNA damage; however, recent ev- Broadband Ultraviolet B

idence suggests that phototherapy also exerts UV-B radiation is efficacious in the treatment and
immunomodulatory effects.23 Specifically, UV-B management of psoriasis. By virtue of being
radiation diminishes type-1 T-cell predominance discovered first, BB-UV-B has a longer safety re-
by altering cytokine profiles, induces apoptosis cord than NB-UV-B but is less efficacious in the
of keratinocytes and T cells, and depletes Langer- treatment of psoriasis. Only selective BB-UV-B
han cell numbers.24–26 (305–325 nm) has shown evidence of being as
Human T helper (Th) lymphocytes can be effective as NB-UV-B in clearing chronic plaque
separated into T effector cells, which protect the psoriasis.12
body from pathogens, and regulatory T cells, which
dampen immune responses when they become Narrowband Ultraviolet B
dangerous to the host. Different subsets of effector NB-UV-B phototherapy is an effective therapeutic
T helper cells are distinguished based on their cyto- option in the treatment of plaque psoriasis. In a
kine production profiles in addition to transcription systematic review of 41 randomized control trials,
factors and homing receptor expression.27 The 68% of patients receiving NB-UV-B monotherapy
main T helper subsets include Th1, Th2, and achieved plaque clearance, whereas 62%
Th17. In psoriasis, it is the Th1/Th17 T cells that achieved PASI-75.34 When compared with oral
overexpress Th1 and Th17 cytokines, which, in PUVA, NB-UV-B may be less efficacious in clearing
turn, influence the hyperproliferation of keratino- lesions but favored overall because of less risk of
cytes and the resultant inflammation.28 adverse events and increased ease of use.12,35
UV-B radiation shifts the dysregulated predom- If NB-UV-B phototherapy alone is insufficient
inance of Th1/Th17-mediated immune response in to manage a patient’s disease, then a combina-
psoriasis to more of a Th2 response. Specifically, tion of NB-UV-B plus topical or systemic adjuncts
UV-B phototherapy induces interleukin-10 (IL-10) may be considered.4 Emollients, including petro-
production in human keratinocytes, which is a ma- leum jelly, mineral oil, and coal tar, may result in
jor regulatory cytokine in the Th2 pathway.29 In improved plaque clearance.35 In addition, calcipo-
addition, phototherapy downregulates Th1/Th17 triol and maxacalcitol (vitamin D analogues) and
proinflammatory pathways by decreasing patho- psoralens at higher concentrations may also facil-
genic cytokine (IL-23, IL-20, interferon-g, IL-17, IL- itate lesion resolution.35 Regarding systemic ad-
22) production.30 juncts to NB-UV-B phototherapy, the addition of
Furthermore, UV-B exerts its therapeutic ef- methotrexate to NB-UV-B renders the treatment
fects by inducing apoptosis. Apoptosis is a pro- more efficacious than NB-UV-B alone.35
cess of programmed cell death in response to Combining phototherapy with retinoids or cyclo-
noxious stimuli. Evidence indicates that one sporine decreases the cumulative NB-UV-B dose
mechanism in which UV-B clears psoriatic lesions needed to clear psoriasis. Combination therapy
is through the induction of apoptosis in keratino- using biologics may potentiate their efficacy, but
cytes, epidermal T cells, and to a lesser extent, sufficient data are lacking.35
Langerhans cells.26,31,32 Data in children and pregnant women have
Last, UV-B is involved in promoting localized also been promising, because 51% of pediatric
immunosuppression. In addition to apoptosis, patients achieved complete clearance and an
UV-B radiation influences the migration of Langer- additional 41% had a 75% reduction in their
hans cells from the epidermis as well as decreases PASI score.36
dendritic cell expression of B7 costimulatory sig-
nals, which is necessary for the stimulation and TARGETED PHOTOTHERAPY
activation of T cells.32,33 Recent meta-analyses using a PASI clearance of
75% evaluated the efficacy of targeted NB-UV-B
in the treatment of plaque psoriasis and demon-
EFFICACY strated efficacy rates for the excimer (308-nm)
Efficacy can be evaluated with regards to fluency, laser to be 70%, 59% for excimer (308-nm) light,
clearance, remission times, and number of treat- and 49% for localized NB-UV-B (311–313-nm)
ments.16 The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index light.37
(PASI) score was developed as a tool to measure In addition, the excimer laser can clear psoria-
the severity of psoriasis. A variant of that score, sis, with about 70% of patients having a 75% or
the PASI-75, determines the percentage of pa- greater reduction in their psoriatic lesions.37,38
tients that achieved 75% reduction in the baseline Although partial clearance is possible in as few
PASI score and is a common measure of treat- as one session, usually higher frequency treat-
ment efficacy. ments (2 to 3 per week) are considered to be
20 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

more effective, with higher rates of complete reduction in acanthosis and desquamation before
clearance.37,39 In one multicenter trial for mild- defensive mechanism, that is, pigmentation and
to-moderate plaque-type psoriasis, 84% and increases in stratum corneum, take place.37,50
35% of subjects demonstrated PASI score There have been a few cases reporting the reacti-
improvement of at least 75% and 90%, respec- vation of herpes simplex virus infection following
tively, after 10 or fewer treatments.40 In addition, phototherapy; therefore, precautionary measures
the 308-nm excimer laser required fewer visits should be taken in those prone to frequent re-
while remaining relatively effective when lapses.51 UV-B phototherapy has not been associ-
compared with whole-body phototherapy.40 ated with an increased risk of fetal abnormalities
Similarly to NB-UV-B, combination therapies or prematurity and seems to be the safest therapy
that use the excimer laser with topical adjuncts in extensive disease. However, overheating
resulted in higher efficacy rates compared with should be avoided due to the increased risk of
monotherapy alone.41 neural tube defects.46
The most common long-term effect is photo-
aging, which may present as wrinkling, lentigines,
TANNING BEDS and telangiectasias.49 The most concerning long-
Efficacy of commercial tanning is difficult to assess term outcome is photocarcinogenesis. NB-UV-B
due to the lack of standardization of tanning bed probably confers less of a cancer risk compared
devices and lamps as well as by the poor compli- with PUVA but may be 2 to 3 times more carcino-
ance of tanning regimens.42,43 genic than BB-UV-B at similar doses.52,53 Howev-
Although tanning beds primarily emit UVA ra- er, the risk of skin cancer in psoriasis patients
diation, approximately 0.5% to 5.0% of the total treated with NB-UV-B correlated with the number
light output is within the UV-B spectrum.42 One of treatments, yet the overall risk of malignancy in
controlled trial compared low UV-B output the NB-UV-B-treated patients was not greater
(0.7%) lamps to higher UV-B output (4.6%) lamps than in the general population.54 In addition,
in the treatment of psoriasis and determined that although NB-UV-B treatment has not been linked
when equal erythema doses were given, there to any skin cancers, long-term follow-up data are
was a similar significant improvement in PASI lacking.15 Therefore, providers should continue
scores.44 In addition, higher output lamps counseling patients regarding skin cancer risk
achieved mean reductions in PASI scores of with NB-UV-B treatment. In addition, ongoing
35.4%  24.1% in 80% of patients.45 skin cancer monitoring of patients, in addition to
genital and facial shielding, is recommended.

UV-B is generally well tolerated and safe in almost TARGETED PHOTOTHERAPY
all patients, including children and pregnant Evidence suggests that targeted phototherapy is
women.35,36,46 The most common acute side ef- safer than whole-body phototherapy by reducing
fect is “sunburn,” which is a red phototoxic reac- the amount of unnecessary radiation.16 Adverse
tion that occurs about 24 hours after treatment.47 events are associated with higher cumulative UV-B
Erythema is usually dose-dependent and has doses and increased number of treatments.16
comparable rates between NB-UV-B versus BB- Given its targeted nature, the adverse effects
UV-B therapy.9,47 Pruritus has occasionally been of the excimer laser are limited to the area that
described in psoriatic lesions following UV-B ther- was targeted and are similar to those of NB-UV-
apy. However, this may be due more to the under- B. Short-term effects include erythema, blistering,
lying disease process rather than secondary to and hyperpigmentation.40 Blisters are noted more
phototherapy.17 Hyperpigmentation is another often with the use of higher doses.38 Hyperpig-
common side effect of UV-B phototherapy that mentation may be psychologically distressful for
can interfere with treatment compliance depend- patient; however, it tends to resolve with the
ing on the patient’s tolerance of skin color discontinuation of treatment.40 Long-term safety
changes.48 Pregnant patients should be informed data in patients treated with the excimer laser,
of the possible increased risk of melasma second- including children and pregnant women, are lack-
ary to UV-B phototherapy.49 ing but generally considered to be safe.49
Other less common acute effects include blis-
tering, cataract formation, and reactivation of her-
pes simplex virus infection. Blistering and painful TANNING BEDS
erythema have been seen in approximately 16% Unsupervised use of commercial tanning beds is
of patients and may be caused by a quick problematic and increases the likelihood of acute
Chapter 2 UV-B Phototherapy 21

side effects that include phototoxic reactions, When proceeding with phototherapy, patients
blisters, and itching.43,45 Long term, there is an should be educated about the use of goggles and
increased risk of developing melanoma, SCC, genital shields, and treatment regimens should be
and basal cell carcinoma in patients who have standardized (Tables 2.4 and 2.5).49 In addition,
ever used a recreational tanning bed compared the starting dose of UV-B radiation should be
with those who have not.43 In addition to history determined based on the patient’s skin sensitivity.
of use, younger age at first use and increased fre- Patient’s skin sensitivity can be estimated based
quency of sessions incur greater risk of skin can- on the patient’s Fitzpatrick skin phototype
cers in recreational tanners.43 (Table 2.6) or through determination of a minimal
erythema dose (MED), which is the amount of UV
radiation required to produce minimal erythema.
PRECAUTIONS The initial dose should be between 50% and
Although normally safe in most patients, UV-B 70% of MED, which has been found to have
phototherapy is absolutely contraindicated in pa- maximum efficacy and safety in both dark- and
tients with xeroderma pigmentosum or lupus ery- light-skinned patients.7
thematosus (Table 2.3). To determine the MED, adjacent areas of skin
are exposed to increasing doses of UV radiation,
and after 24 to 48 hours, graded based on their de-
MONITORING gree of erythema. The erythematous skin exposed
Prior to initiating treatment, patients should be to the shortest duration of UV radiation is defined
classified according to their disease severity. Pa- as the MED.55 The degree of erythema can be
tients whose lesions are localized (<10% body
surface area) are typically considered to have
mild-to-moderate disease. Those who have TABLE 2.4
generalized lesions (>10% of body surface area Dosing broadband ultraviolet B
involvement) are categorized as having severe According to Skin Type
disease. However, patients with less than 10% UV-B Increase After
BSA involvement can also be considered as hav- Skin Initial UV-B Each Treatment
ing severe disease when debilitating symptoms Type Dose (mJ/cm2) (mJ/cm2)
that interfere with activities of daily living are pre- I 20 5
sent. Those with mild disease can be treated with
II 25 10
topical treatments or targeted phototherapy,
whereas severe disease usually warrants photo- III 30 15
therapy or systemic therapies.2 IV 40 20
V 50 25
VI 60 30
Contraindications to ultraviolet B According to MED
Initial UV-B 50% of MED
Absolute Relative
Treatments 1–10 Increase by 25% of
Xeroderma Photosensitivity disorder initial MED
pigmentosum Taking photosensitizing
Treatments 11–20 Increase by 10% of
Lupus medications
initial MED
erythematosus History of melanoma
History of atypical nevi Treatments 21 As ordered by
Multiple risk factors for physician
melanoma If Subsequent Treatments are Missed for
History of multiple
nonmelanoma skin 4–7 d Keep dose the same
cancers 1–2 wk Decrease dose by 50%
secondarily to organ 2–3 wk Decrease dose by 75%
transplant 3–4 wk Start over
Data from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guide- Administered 3-5wk.
lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic Data from Zanolli MD, Feldman SR. Phototherapy treat-
arthritis: section 5. Guidelines of care for the treatment of ment protocols for psoriasis and other phototherapy
psoriasis with phototherapy and photochemotherapy. J responsive dermatoses. 2nd ed. New York: Informa
Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(1):120. Healthcare; 2004. p. 2.
22 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis


Dosing narrowband ultraviolet B Fitzpatrick skin phototype
According to Skin Type SPT Reaction to Sun Exposure
UV-B Increase I Always burns, never tans.
Initial UV-B After Each Maximum White skin
Skin Dose Treatment Dose
Type (mJ/cm2) (mJ/cm2) (mJ/cm2) II Always burns, sometimes tans.
White skin
I 130 15 2000
III Sometimes burns, gradually
II 220 25 2000 tans. White skin
III 260 40 3000 IV Sometimes burns, tans well.
IV 330 45 3000 Light brown skin
V 350 60 5000 V Rarely burns, always tans.
VI 400 65 5000 Brown skin
VI Never burns, always tans. Dark
According to MED
brown/black skin
Initial UV-B 50% of MED
From Roberts WE. Skin type classification systems old and
Treatments 1–20 Increase by 10% of new. Dermatol Clin 2009;27(4):531; with permission.
initial MED
Treatments 21 Increase as ordered and therefore, many physicians may choose to
by physician tailor treatment based on skin type due to greater
If Subsequent Treatments are Missed for convenience.58
Typically, treatment sessions 3 times per week
4–7 d Keep dose the same
are recommended for NB-UV-B (up to 5 times per
1–2 wk Decrease dose by 25% week for BB-UV-B and daily for tanning beds). How-
2–3 wk Decrease dose by 50% ever, barring any extenuating circumstances, treat-
or start over ment 3 times per week may be more favorable to
3–4 wk Start over minimize radiation exposure as well as toxicities.59
Dose increments, on the other hand, depend on
Maintenance Therapy for NB-UV-B the individual patient with the goal being to main-
After >95% Clearance
tain a mild perceptible erythema throughout treat-
1/wk NB-UV-B Keep dose the ment.58 Typically, it takes 20 to 36 treatments to see
for 4 wk same significant improvement for moderate-to-severe
1/2 wk NB-UV-B Decrease dose psoriasis treatment with NB-UV-B.35
for 4 wk by 25% There are no agreed-upon guidelines for the
1/4 wk NB-UV-B 50% of highest use of maintenance phototherapy. As a result,
dose treatment should continue until total clearance is
achieved or treatment fails to result in further
Administered 3–5/wk.
From Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines improvement.58 Some patients achieve clearing
of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic and long-term remission, and treatment can be
arthritis: section 5. Guidelines of care for the treatment stopped. For those whose disease tends to recur,
of psoriasis with phototherapy and photochemotherapy. a maintenance regimen can be used in which the
J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(1):118; with permission.
frequency of treatments is gradually reduced to
once a week or every other week. The decision
assessed either subjectively, which may have more to continue with maintenance therapy is left to
intraobserver variability, or objectively, using a the discretion of the practitioner and patient.7
chroma meter. However, one study looking at
objective versus subjective measures of erythema
found both to be in good agreement.56 TARGETED PHOTOTHERAPY
MED is considered safe and allows for a higher For patients with limited disease, targeted photo-
starting dose compared with a skin type–based therapy using an excimer laser is a worthwhile
regimen resulting in quicker results and fewer treatment option. Currently, there is limited evi-
treatment sessions.57 In addition, MED can vary dence for dosing protocols using the excimer
among skin type, and therefore, testing is recom- laser (Table 2.7). The initial dose is determined
mended. However, an MED-based regimen may by the patient’s skin type and the thickness of
be more labor intensive and time consuming, the plaque, while further doses are adjusted
Chapter 2 UV-B Phototherapy 23

Dosing for excimer laser
Initial Dose for Psoriasis
Skin Type
Fitzpatrick Skin Type I–III IV–VI (Dose
Plaque Thickness Induration Score (Dose in mJ/cm2) in mJ/cm2)
None 0 0 — — —
Mild 1 500 400 —
Moderate 2 500 600 —
Severe 3 700 900 —
Dose for Subsequent Treatments
Considerable Erythema (with or
No Effect Minimal Effect Good Effect Improvement Without Blistering)
No erythema at Slight erythema at Mild to moderate Significant
12–24 h and no 12–24 h but no erythema improvement with
plaque significant response 12–24 h plaque thinning or
improvement improvement reduced scaliness
or pigmentation
Typical Dosing Change from Prior Treatment Dose
Increase dose Increase dose Maintain dose Maintain dose or Reduce dose by 25% (treat
by 25% by 15% reduce dose by 15% around blistered area, do not
treat blistered area until it
heals or crust disappears)
From Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis:
section 5. Guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy and photochemotherapy. J Am Acad Derma-
tol 2010;62(1):124; with permission.

according to response to prior treatment.49 Treat- in patients compared with limited response
ment sessions are usually 2 to 3 times per week to monotherapy alone. Thick emollient
with a minimum of 48 hours between sessions creams should be avoided because
and are continued for 3 to 6 weeks.49 they can prevent penetration of UV-B
 Targeted therapy is an important alterna-
VACCINATIONS tive for patients with photoresponsive,
There are no limitations on vaccinations. localized disease.
 Home phototherapy can be an effective
alternative to office-based phototherapy
SUMMARY while increasing patient satisfaction with
Phototherapy is an efficacious treatment option treatment.61 Compliant and motivated pa-
in the management of psoriasis and should be tients could be considered appropriate
the first therapy considered in patients with candidates for home UV-B therapy, under
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. A common dermatologist supervision.
barrier to this therapy is the inconvenience of pa-  Although the recreational use of tanning
tients needing to come to the office 2 to 3 times beds is discouraged, therapeutic use of
per week for treatment. tanning beds may be recommended by
some dermatologists for patients for
 NB-UV-B phototherapy is first-line treat- whom in-office or home phototherapy is
ment for psoriasis because of less risk of not feasible.
adverse events and increased ease of use  Patients should be continued on photo-
when compared with oral PUVA. therapy for 25 to 40 sessions at a frequency
 Combination therapies with topical ad- of at least 2 to 3 times per week and a dose
juncts may help improve clearance rates of 6 to 10 times the baseline MED for
24 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

BB-UV-B and 4 to 6 times the baseline 17. Beggs S, Short J, Rengifo-Pardo M, et al. Applica-
MED for NB-UV-B before considering tions of the excimer laser. Dermatol Surg 2015;
discontinuation due to treatment failure.62 41(11):1201–11.
18. He Y, Zhang X, Dong J, et al. Clinical efficacy of a
308 nm excimer laser for treatment of psoriasis vul-
REFERENCES garis. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed
1. Pathak M, Fitzpatrick T. The evolution of photoche- 2007;23(6):238–41.
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2. Feldman S, Garton R, Averett W, et al. Strategy to laser in a generalized psoriasis patient.
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Psoralen-Ultraviolet Light A
Lauren M. Madigan, MD, Henry W. Lim, MD

 Psoralen-UV-A  PUVA  Photochemotherapy  Psoriasis

 Psoralen-UV-A (PUVA) photochemotherapy involves use of either an oral or topical psoralen fol-
lowed by exposure to long-wave UV-A radiation. This combination leads to a clinically beneficial
phototoxic response, which has been used therapeutically for a wide array of dermatoses.
 PUVA is an effective form of therapy for chronic plaque-type psoriasis with the potential for in-
duction of long-term remission.
 Use of PUVA photochemotherapy has become limited secondary to cumbersome administration,
acute toxicity, the availability of alternative modalities, and, most notably, the risk of
 Although caution must be exercised when administering PUVA, it remains a viable treatment
option for individuals with recalcitrant disease, darker skin types, and localized, refractory forms of
psoriasis, such as palmoplantar pustulosis.

INTRODUCTION declined because of its photocarcinogenic poten-

Photochemotherapy broadly refers to a treatment tial. This chapter discusses the mechanism of
method that uses a photosensitizing compound PUVA as well as efficacy, dosing, safety, and
and ultraviolet radiation. Psoralen-UV-A (PUVA) precautions.
therapy more specifically involves use of either
an oral or a topical psoralen followed by exposure
to long-wave UV-A radiation (320–400 nm). This MECHANISM OF ACTION
combination leads to a clinically beneficial photo- Psoralens are furocoumarins that are either natu-
toxic response, which has been used therapeuti- rally derived or synthetically produced.4
cally for a wide array of dermatoses. The use of Currently, in North America, 8-methoxypsoralen
psoralen photochemotherapy dates back thou- (8-MOP) is the only available oral and topical
sands of years to ancient Egypt and India, where formulation, whereas in Europe, 5-methoxypsora-
the pigment-inducing qualities of naturally occur- len (5-MOP) is used due to its lower potential for
ring plants were anecdotally described and phototoxicity and reduced gastrointestinal side
applied to pigmentary disorders such as vitiligo. effects. Trimethylpsoralen (TMP) has been tradi-
The period ranging from the 1930s to 1960s saw tionally used for bath PUVA, a practice that has
the chemical and structural identification of psor- been chiefly used in Scandinavian countries.5,6
alens with extraction and synthesis.1 PUVA, in its The lower phototoxic potential of TMP has also
modern form, was established by 1947 for the led to its use, primarily in South Asia, in combina-
treatment of vitiligo and was subsequently adapt- tion with sunlight exposure.
ed for use in psoriasis by Pinkus in 1951.2 The Following oral ingestion or topical application,
development of a high-intensity UV-A light source the psoralen intercalates between DNA base
in 1974 firmly established the use of this modality pairs but remains quiescent in the absence of
as a highly effective treatment of psoriasis.3 Over ultraviolet radiation. Upon initial exposure to
time, treatment options for psoriasis have UV-A, cyclobutane monoadducts are formed
expanded and regular use of PUVA therapy has with pyrimidine bases. When a second photon 27
28 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

of energy is absorbed, psoralen-DNA cross-link- Adhesion molecules and growth factor recep-
ing occurs, which inhibits DNA replication and tors are similarly modulated as is demonstrated
causes cell cycle arrest (Fig. 3.1).4 by intercellular adhesion molecule-1, whose
In addition to direct effects on cellular DNA, upregulation—a hallmark of inflammatory skin
numerous changes in the cutaneous microenvi- conditions—is effectively mitigated by photoche-
ronment have been observed following PUVA motherapy.7 Alteration in these mediators leads
treatment. Psoralen photosensitization leads to to transformation from a T helper 1 (Th1) and
altered cytokine secretion, including an increase Th17 profile to a Th2 phenotype.5 Activated psor-
in the expression of interleukins-1, -6, and -10 alens also interact with molecular oxygen, leading
as well as immunosuppressive prostaglandins. to the formation of reactive oxygen species.

Fig. 3.1 Psoralen biochemical pathway.

Chapter 3 PUVA Therapy 29

These reactive molecules and free radicals result individualized to each patient.12 These findings
in cell membrane damage by lipid peroxidation, were of paramount importance when considering
disruption of mitochondria, and activation of that patients with severe, generalized involvement
eicosanoid pathways.4 previously required inpatient hospitalization to
Following successful PUVA therapy, there is a achieve comparable results. Similarly, impressive
decline in proliferating epidermal cells and a sig- response rates were noted in 2 comparative
nificant reduction in the epidermal thickness of studies that evaluated the efficacy of PUVA in rela-
psoriatic lesions. Current evidence suggests that tion to narrowband (NB) UV-B. The PUVA-
this is mediated, in part, by induction of p53 and associated clearance rates reported in these
Fas pathways with subsequent keratinocyte studies were 70% and 84%, which, in both in-
apoptosis. There is evidence that differential stances, were superior to NB-UV-B therapy. Clear-
expression of microRNAs plays a large role in ance in these trials was defined as either 95% to
p53-dependant apoptosis with significant upre- 100% improvement or total clearance of psoriatic
gulation of miR-4516 and increased Retinoic plaques above the knees, respectively.13,14 Of
Acid Inducible Gene-1 signaling, leading to induc- note, long-term remission (>6 months) was also
tion of autophagy and reduced cell migration.8,9 achieved by a larger proportion of the subjects
Although effective at reducing epidermal kera- treated with PUVA (35% vs 12% in the NB-UV-B
tinocyte proliferation, PUVA is far more potent at cohort).14
inducing apoptosis in lymphocytes, which may be A Cochrane Review formally comparing PUVA
related to suppression of Bcl-2 expression.4,8 In and NB-UV-B for the treatment of psoriasis was
one in vitro study, there was virtual elimination reported in 2013. As with most phototherapeutic
of CD3 expression following bathwater treatment interventions, the analyzed studies were
with either TMP or 8-MOP.10 The degree of confounded by disparate dosing strategies, fre-
lymphocyte depletion has been reported to quency of use, and outcome measures.5 Of the
correlate with clinical response.6 3 studies included, one revealed that NB-UV-B
A major advantage of PUVA over UV-B photo- was as effective as oral PUVA, whereas the other
therapy is that UV-A penetrates deeper into the 2 found PUVA to be superior to NB-UV-B.15 A Eu-
skin. As a result, cellular effects can be detected ropean review similarly concluded that PUVA had
throughout the epidermis, papillary dermis, and superior efficacy, when compared with NB-UV-B,
superficial vascular plexus, leading to alterations as well as a higher probability of remission at
in dermal dendritic cells, mast cells, endothelial 6 months (odds ratio 5 2.73; 95% confidence in-
cells, and infiltrating immune cell function.5 terval [CI] 1.19–6.27).16 The duration of remission
has been correlated with Psoriasis Area and
Severity Index scores at the end of treatment.17
EFFICACY In clinical practice, this difference in response
Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy and remission period must be weighed against
of PUVA in treating psoriasis. These studies include the potential for carcinogenesis (to be discussed
2 early and integral investigations—one in the later in detail). Several studies have demonstrated
United States in 1977 and one in Europe in that bath PUVA is not only as effective as orally
1981—that firmly established PUVA as an effective administered PUVA but also requires a lower cu-
therapeutic option. The American study used oral mulative dose of UV-A and has fewer associated
8-MOP and high-intensity UV-A radiation. Of the adverse effects.5,18–21 This treatment option,
1139 patients included in the final analysis, clear- however, requires preparation of psoralen-
ance was noted in 88% and was reached at a containing bath water, immersion of the patient
mean of 23.6 treatments. Of note, clearance was in the bathtub, and irradiation with UV-A immedi-
defined as having macular erythema, hyperpig- ately after completion of bathing. In light of the
mentation, or normal-appearing skin.11 Initial resources needed to properly administer bath
dosing was based on skin phototype, and a fixed PUVA, its use has been limited worldwide.
dose was used for escalation of therapy in the
absence of erythema.11 In the European study, Combination Therapy
data from 18 separate institutions were pooled Effective combination regimens have been
and evaluated. In agreement with the US cohort, sought in an effort to reduce the cumulative
88.8% of the 3175 patients treated with PUVA dose of UV-A and potentially mitigate the associ-
achieved a response better than “marked improve- ated risks. Topical corticosteroids, calcipotriol,
ment” over an average of 20 exposures. Dosing in and tazarotene are all considered synergistic
this study was determined by the minimal photo- with PUVA and carry minimal additional side ef-
toxicity dose, and subsequent adjustment was fects.5 Concomitant exposure to NB-UV-B has
30 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

also been investigated for use in recalcitrant TABLE 3.1

cases. In a bilateral comparison study, patients Weight-based dosing of oral 8-
were noted to reach clearance in an average of methoxypsoralen for oral psoralen plus
only 11.3 treatments with a mean cumulative ultraviolet light A therapy
UV-A dose that was less than half of what was Patient’s Weight
given with PUVA monotherapy.22 Despite these lb kg Dose (mg)
findings, UV-B-PUVA combination therapy is
<66 <30 10
not used due to concerns for increased
photocarcinogenicity. 66–143 30–65 20
The combination of PUVA and oral retinoids 144–200 66–91 30
has been well studied. In a randomized, >200 >91 40
placebo-controlled trial, 96% of subjects who
received adjunctive acitretin therapy attained Adapted from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al.
Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and
marked or complete clearance in comparison to psoriatic arthritis. Section 5. Guidelines of care for the
80% of subjects who received PUVA photother- treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy and photoche-
apy alone. Significantly, the cumulative UV-A motherapy. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(1):126; with
dose for patients in the acitretin/PUVA arm was permission.
42% less than those who did not receive combina-
tion therapy.23 These findings are supported by
another placebo-controlled trial, which found refrain from eating 1 hour before and 1 hour after
the combination of oral retinoids and PUVA to dosing because food impairs the absorption of
be superior in many regards, including a decrease methoxypsoralen. Strict adherence to fasting is
in lesional scores, number of sessions, and total not usually feasible, however, as ingestion of psor-
cumulative dose of UV-A required before clear- alens on an empty stomach can lead to gastroin-
ance. On average, the patients in this study expe- testinal side effects such as nausea, and less
rience a decrease in treatment duration of 18 days commonly, vomiting. In practice, most practi-
when treated with concurrent PUVA and acitre- tioners recommend that the psoralen be taken
tin.24 The combination of these 2 therapies may with a small meal. Care must be taken to ensure
also help to reduce the potential side effects. that the type of food, amount of food, and the
Not only is a lower cumulative dose of UV-A time interval between the meal and psoralen
required but acitretin may also provide protection dosing are held constant to minimize variations
with regard to cutaneous malignancy.25 Because in the serum levels. For topical PUVA therapy,
of the potential for increased carcinogenesis, con- 0.1% 8-MOP in an emollient base is recommen-
current treatment with cyclosporine is generally ded and should be applied 30 minutes before
not recommended. The safety of combination exposure to UV-A starting at a dose of 0.25 to
therapy with methotrexate has also been chal- 0.5 J/cm2 and increasing by 0.25 to 0.5 J/cm2 as
lenged, although to a lesser degree.5 tolerated.5


8-MOP is available orally in a variety of prepara- Dosing of ultraviolet light A for psoralen plus
tions, including crystals, micronized crystals, and ultraviolet light A photochemotherapy
a liquid, which has a higher, earlier, and more Skin Initial Dose Increments Maximum
reproducible peak concentration. The liquid Type (J/cm2) (J/cm2) Dose (J/cm2)
formulation enclosed in a soft gel capsule is I 0.5 0.5 8
currently the most widely available.4 Following
II 1.0 0.5 8
ingestion, oral psoralens are metabolized in the
liver and ultimately renally excreted after 12 to III 1.5 1.0 12
24 hours. Psoralens are subject to a first-pass ef- IV 2.0 1.0 12
fect that can lead to drastic variability in plasma V 2.5 1.5 20
concentration following slight alterations in
VI 3.0 1.5 20
administration.4 The initial dose of psoralen is
based on the patient’s weight, as outlined in Adapted from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al.
Table 3.1. UV-A should be delivered 1 hour Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and
psoriatic arthritis. Section 5. Guidelines of care for the
following ingestion, with the initial UV-A dose treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy and photoche-
dependent on the patient’s phototype. Table 3.2 motherapy. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62(1):126; with
lists dosing guidelines. Ideally, patients should permission.
Chapter 3 PUVA Therapy 31

SAFETY visual impairment or cataract formation, findings

Acute toxicities are well recognized and are which may reflect the careful use of eye protection
among the most common adverse effects related among investigators.28
to PUVA. Within the initial large American and With long-term use of PUVA, photoaging is an
European studies, erythema (with associated pru- expected side effect because of changes in dermal
ritus, tingling, and pigmentation) and gastrointes- collagen, loss of elasticity, and pigmentary
tinal symptoms (such as nausea and vomiting) changes. In addition, chronic exposure to PUVA
were most common.11,12 As noted previously, had been associated with PUVA lentiginosis (the
some of the gastrointestinal complaints can be formation of diffuse, stellate lentigines; Fig. 3.3),
mitigated with coingestion of a small meal or cutaneous amyloid deposition, hypertrichosis,
use of an alternative psoralen (5-MOP). Unlike and chromonychia (Fig. 3.4).5,29,30 Although these
UV-B, PUVA-induced erythema peaks at 48 to adverse reactions may be cosmetically disturbing,
72 hours and persists for longer periods of the greatest risk attributed to prolonged use is the
time—up to 1 week or more.26 When large areas potential for the development of skin cancer.
are affected by phototoxicity, systemic symptoms
such as fever and malaise may be present due to Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
significant cytokine release.4 As PUVA has mutagenic effects on cellular DNA
Other acute toxicities, including headache, and immunosuppressive activity, it is not surpris-
blistering, dizziness, melanonychia, and photo- ing that there have been concerns regarding the
onycholysis, have been reported (Fig. 3.2).5,11,12 risk of cutaneous malignancy since its inception.
Induction or worsening of certain cutaneous dis- In a 30-year prospective study involving a large
eases, such as blistering disorders, has been well American cohort (the PUVA Follow-Up study),
described as has phototoxicity from other medi- 3000 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) devel-
cations that the patient might be taking. Hepatic oped—a value that is approximately 30 times
toxicity is also of concern because of observed higher than would be expected based on popula-
liver damage in rodents receiving excessive tion incidence data. These SCC were also noted
doses, although the clinical relevance of these to be distributed in anatomic sites that are not
findings and the incidence of true hepatitis are as commonly affected, such as the extremities
likely negligible in patients without severe under- and genitals. The correlation was not as strong
lying liver dysfunction.5 Ocular complications, on for basal cell carcinomas (BCC), which demon-
the other hand, do occur in individuals who resist strated a 5-fold greater incidence with more
use of eye protection. In one study of 82 patients than half of the detected tumors occurring in
who refused UV-A blocking sunglasses following areas where there was some degree of shielding
treatment, 20 patients developed conjunctival during therapy. Overall, the greatest determinate
hyperemia and 21 patients demonstrated of risk for the development of skin cancer was the
decreased lacrimation.27 No patients within this total number of treatments administered.
study developed lens opacities despite the ability Although patients who had received less than
of psoralens to bind proteins within the lens. In a 150 treatments did not demonstrate a clinically
25-year prospective study of a large US cohort, important increase in SCC, those subjects who
there was no increase in the incidence of either had received between 350 and 450 treatments

Fig. 3.2 PUVA-associated photo-onycholysis. Fig. 3.3 PUVA lentiginosis.

32 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

US cohorts, which did not find any increase in the

incidence of melanoma.32,38,39

Absolute contraindications to PUVA include
known systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria,
xeroderma pigmentosum, and photosensitivity
with a known action spectrum in the UV-A range
(eg, solar urticaria). Caution is also advised in
any individual with a predisposition to cutaneous
Fig. 3.4 Blue discoloration of the lunulae secondary to malignancy, including patients with lightly pig-
PUVA therapy. mented skin that burns easily, those with a history
of multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers or malig-
nant melanoma, those who are significantly immu-
were noted to have an incidence rate ratio of 6.01 nosuppressed, and patients with a history of
(95% CI 4.41–8.20).31 A recent, large systematic exposure to either arsenic or ionizing radiation.
review also revealed an increased incidence of Care must be taken in patients with severe hepat-
cutaneous tumors in PUVA-treated patients with ic disease because toxicity is more of a true
a disproportionate elevation in SCC. The risk in concern in this population. In addition, PUVA
European studies was found to be lower than should not be administered to patients with
the US cohort described above. This finding was limited ability to stand within the booth or to
attributed to a higher average UV-A dose as those who are claustrophobic.5
well as an overall high incidence of lighter photo-
types receiving therapy in the American study.32 Special Populations
As alluded to previously, the risk in many of the tri- Pregnancy and lactation
als analyzed was particularly elevated with regard Although UV-A therapy alone can lead to unique
to SCC of the male genitalia. In a prospective ramifications for pregnant patients (ie, induction
cohort of 892 PUVA-treated men, the incidence or worsening of melasma), much attention has
of an invasive penile or scrotal SCC was elevated been directed toward the potential risk of psoralen
52.6-fold (95% CI 19.3–114.6) compared with the ingestion at the time of conception or during preg-
general Caucasian population. The highest risk nancy. Three separate investigations—a prospec-
was appreciated among men receiving high- tive analysis of pregnant women included in the
dose PUVA as well as exposure to both PUVA Follow-Up study, a prospective follow-up analysis
and topical tar/UV-B radiation.33 It is important conducted by the European Network of Tera-
to note that an increased risk of skin cancer has tology Information Services, and a retrospective
not been demonstrated in patients of darker review of women treated with PUVA in Swe-
skin types receiving oral psoralen or in patients den—found an absence of significant congenital
who only receive PUVA bath therapy.34,35 anomalies within the treatment groups.40–42 The
Swedish study did, however, identify a marked in-
Malignant Melanoma crease in low-birth-weight infants when pregnancy
The relationship between malignant melanoma occurred following treatment. Although not fully
and exposure to PUVA has been more controver- explained by maternal behaviors, such as smoking,
sial. Long-term data from the PUVA Follow-Up the investigators could not exclude the possibility
study revealed an increased risk that first emerged that the underlying disease process itself was
approximately 15 years after the time of first treat- responsible for this outcome.42 It is important to
ment. From year 15 to year 21, the incidence rela- consider that the cohorts included in these studies
tive risk of all melanomas increased to 5.4 (95% CI were relatively small. At the current time, oral psor-
2.2–11.2) with a further increase to 9.3 (95% CI 3.2– alens are considered to be pregnancy category C,
26.6) over the following 27 months. A dose and it is prudent to avoid administering oral PUVA
response relationship was appreciated with more therapy to pregnant women.43 Similar risks may
than a 4-fold increase in the incidence of mela- not pertain to topical psoralen because plasma
noma after 15 years of latency in patients who levels are not significantly increased unless applied
had been exposed to at least 200 PUVA treat- to a large body surface area. As psoralen is
ments.36,37 These findings were not in accordance excreted in human milk, PUVA should not be
with 3 retrospective European studies and 2 other administered to nursing mothers.5
Chapter 3 PUVA Therapy 33

Because of the concern for photocarcinogenicity As this form of therapy does not result in systemic
and premature photoaging, oral PUVA is rarely immune suppression, there are no concerns
used in the pediatric population. Among patients regarding vaccination before—or during—PUVA
enrolled in the initial PUVA Follow-up study in therapy.
1975 and 1976, a total of 26 subjects were aged
15 years or younger at the time of their first treat-
ment. Within that small cohort, one male patient SUMMARY
developed 2 BCC before the age of 21.44 PUVA is an effective form of therapy for psoriasis
Although the power of the study is limited, this with the potential for induction of long-term
finding raises concern, especially because further remission. Its use has, in many ways, fallen out of
phototherapy or immunomodulatory agents may favor due to cumbersome administration, acute
be required later in life. In general, significant toxicity, the availability of alternative modalities
caution should be taken in this population, and (such as NB-UV-B) and—most notably—the
alternative modalities—such as NB-UV-B—are concern for photocarcinogenesis. For patients
preferred. Based on the data obtained from adult with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, it is appro-
subjects, topical PUVA may be a viable alternative priate to consider NB-UV-B and targeted photo-
for children with palmar and plantar disease due therapy with excimer laser as the first
to lower systemic absorption.45 therapeutic options (in addition to topical treat-
ments). In those who show an inadequate
response to 20 to 30 treatments of NB-UV-B,
MONITORING the options then would be considerably broader
Because of the risk of associated cutaneous malig- and include PUVA, traditional systemic medica-
nancy and ocular damage—among many other tions (eg, methotrexate, cyclosporine), biologics,
potential adverse events—a careful full skin exam- and phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitors. PUVA can
ination and a complete ocular evaluation should be considered as the first-line UV-based therapy
be performed at baseline. As directed by history, in patients with darker skin and those with thick le-
specific laboratory parameters including liver en- sions because UV-A penetrates deeper into the
zymes and autoimmune serologies (ANA, anti- skin when compared with NB-UV-B. Topical
Ro/La antibodies) may also be prudent. In a study PUVA is also an excellent treatment option for
that evaluated 27,840 person-years of data, no palmoplantar pustulosis.
significant decrease in the skin cancer risk was As the landscape of pharmacology continues
noted during the first 15 years after cessation of to change dramatically with regard to psoriasis,
PUVA therapy.46 This persistence of risk highlights PUVA will remain an important component
the need for ongoing, full-body skin examinations of the dermatologist’s armamentarium for
for any patient with a prior exposure, especially approaching an often complicated and chal-
those with a high total cumulative dose. This lenging disease.
recommendation is likely of less importance in in-
dividuals with darkly pigmented skin. Although
the literature has yet to find a significant long- REFERENCES
term risk of cataracts in patients who received 1. Pathak MA, Fitzpatrick TB. The evolution of photo-
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never done currently because of limited avail- 3. Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Tanenbaum L, et al. Pho-
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34 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

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Chapter 3 PUVA Therapy 35

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Vidhi V. Shah, BA, Elaine J. Lin, MD, Shivani P. Reddy, BS,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Methotrexate  MTX  Folate antagonist  CHAMPION  RESTORE1

 Methotrexate (MTX) remains a safe and effective modality for the treatment of severe, recalcitrant
psoriasis when used appropriately.
 The exact mechanism of action of MTX in psoriasis is unknown, but it is thought to involve an
immune modulatory effect on the T-cell–mediated inflammation in psoriasis.
 Studies demonstrate improvement of psoriatic lesions using 10 to 25 mg per week MTX as a single
oral, intramuscular, or intravenous dose.
 Adverse effects reported after MTX therapy include nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea,
bone marrow toxicity, pulmonary toxicity, and hepatotoxicity.
 Close monitoring of hematologic, liver, and renal function tests are indicated before and during
MTX treatment.

INTRODUCTION psoralen and UV-A therapy.3,5,6 There are many

Methotrexate (MTX) is a well-established systemic off-label uses of MTX, such as scleroderma, der-
treatment for moderate-to-severe psoriasis and matomyositis, alopecia areata, and others.7–9 In
psoriatic arthritis (PsA).1 The US Food and Drug addition to psoriasis and RA, MTX is FDA
Administration (FDA) first approved the use of approved for use in malignant neoplastic dis-
MTX for the treatment of severe, recalcitrant, eases, including gestational choriocarcinoma,
disabling psoriasis in 1972.2–4 Today, approxi- chorioadenoma destruens, hydatidiform mole,
mately 20,000 to 30,000 psoriatic patients in the acute lymphocytic leukemia, meningeal leukemia,
United States receive MTX treatment yearly.5 mycosis fungoides, non-Hodgkin lymphomas as
MTX is the mainstay of treatment in rheuma- well as cancers of the head and neck, breast, and
toid arthritis (RA), and the rheumatologic litera- lung, but doses for malignancies are much higher
ture thoroughly describes its safety profiles, than those used for dermatologic indications.10
which include the common side effects of nausea, Physicians caring for patients with psoriasis tak-
loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea, and more ing MTX are faced with the challenge of identifying
severe adverse effects (AEs) of bone marrow, pul- optimal therapeutic doses, while managing
monary, and hepatic toxicity.5 Greater knowledge adverse side effects. Appropriate use of MTX
of MTX and its effect on patients with RA has pro- requires a gradual increasing of dosages paired
moted conscientious use of this medication in pa- with careful patient management.11 Several guide-
tients battling with moderate-to-severe plaque lines on MTX dosing regimens have been pub-
psoriasis. Dermatologists have expanded indica- lished and are largely based on expert opinions,
tions for prescribing MTX to other forms of severe although administration strategies vary widely.4,11
psoriasis, including PsA, erythrodermic psoriasis, MTX is manufactured as oral tablets or intra-
acute and localized forms of pustular psoriasis, muscular, intravenous, or intra-arterial injections.
nail psoriasis, psoriasis that is recalcitrant to The tablet form is 2.5 mg MTX disodium, whereas
alternative treatments, and/or psoriasis that the injection is 25 mg/mL MTX sodium. The rec-
significantly impacts a patient’s economic or psy- ommended starting dose schedule for psoriasis
chological well-being and does not respond is a once-weekly, low-dose schedule of either a
appropriately to retinoid, phototherapy, or single oral, intramuscular, or intravenous 7.5- to 37
38 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

15-mg per week dose until adequate response is However, this long-standing theory has been
achieved or a divided oral dose schedule 2.5 mg disproven.3,13 Novel concepts emphasize this
at 12-hour intervals for a total of 3 doses drug’s immune modulatory properties that down-
(Fig. 4.1).3 Some physicians recommend a test grade the psoriasis inflammatory cascade by pro-
dose as low as 5 mg for the first week of treat- moting apoptosis and suppressing intracellular
ment.12 Dosages should be adjusted to the indi- adhesion molecule expression of T cells involved
vidual patient (ie, reduced doses for decreased in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In addition,
renal function, the elderly patient, or persons MTX inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis and reduces
with low body mass index vs greater doses for levels of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and
those with extensive, intractable disease), while interleukin-1 (IL-1).3,14,15 These ideas represent
avoiding higher doses. MTX can be used for fundamental advances in the understanding of
long-term management of plaque psoriasis and the pathogenesis and treatment of psoriasis in
should be continued until optimal clinical re- the last decade, and further studies are needed
sponses are achieved. There is not an established to better elucidate its immune activity.16
maximum dose, although many use 25 to 30 mg as
a maximum. Following improvement of lesions,
dosages are typically tapered to the lowest effec- EFFICACY
tive dose and may be continued long term with There is a scant amount of evidence regarding the
adequate monitoring owing to the risk of toxicity. efficacy of MTX in plaque psoriasis, despite its
MTX should be kept in an area that is not readily former widespread usage. Much of the existing
accessible to children. Tablets and injection drug data is primarily derived from trials involving
vials should be stored in areas with little heat or patients with RA.5 To date, large randomized,
moisture, adequate light protection, and controlled trials, such as the CHAMPION,
room temperatures 59 F to 86 F (15 C to 30 C). RESTORE, M10-255, and a few smaller trials,
Special care should be taken not to freeze injec- have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy
tion vials.10 and safety of MTX for the treatment of plaque
psoriasis.17 Table 4.1 provides a summary of
these trials, including their comparative interven-
MECHANISM OF ACTION tions, primary endpoints, and outcomes.
MTX is a folate antagonist that interferes with de
novo purine synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme CHAMPION
dihydrofolate reductase. This critical enzyme is The CHAMPION trial was a phase 3, placebo-
responsible for converting dihydrofolate to tetra- controlled study that was the first to compare
hydrofolate, and its inhibition lowers the synthesis oral MTX to adalimumab and placebo for the
of DNAs, particularly purines and thymidylate. For treatment of psoriasis.17 The study enrolled 271
this reason, MTX effectively hinders cellular repli- patients from 28 different sites across Europe
cation (Fig. 4.2).3,5 and Canada and randomized them in a 2:2:1 ratio
The exact mechanism of action of MTX in the to receive MTX, adalimumab, or placebo for
treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis 16 weeks. Oral MTX was dosed at 7.5 mg at
is not fully understood. Traditionally, the antipro- week 0, increased to 10 mg/wk at week 2, and
liferative role of MTX was assumed to be most finally 15 mg/wk at week 4. Patients who achieved
effective against the rapidly proliferating psoriatic Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 50 by
epidermis. Inhibition of DNA synthesis during the week 8 were maintained on the 15-mg/wk dose,
S phase of the cell cycle would theoretically and those who did not were increased to
decrease epithelial cell production and parallel 20 mg/wk. Any patient not achieving PASI-50 by
keratinization rates of normal skin.13 week 12 was increased to a maximum study

Fig. 4.1 MTX dosing regimen for psoriasis. (From Czarnecka-Operacz M, Sadowska-Przytocka A. The possibilities
and principles of methotrexate treatment of psoriasis—the updated knowledge. Postepy Dermatol Alergol
Chapter 4 Methotrexate 39

Fig. 4.2 MTX mechanism of action.

dose of 25 mg/wk. Efficacy was defined as excluded from the study. MTX was found to be
achieving a PASI 75 response after 16 weeks of less efficacious than infliximab in patients with
treatment. Patients with prior exposure to TNF moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, and by
antagonists were excluded.17 The trial demon- week 16, 63 of 215 (29%) patients taking MTX
strated greater PASI-75 scores for adalimumab switched to infliximab. Only 9 of 653 (1%) inflixi-
(79.6%) to oral MTX (35.5%) and placebo mab patients switched to MTX. At week 16,
(18.9%) for the treatment of plaque psoriasis.17 78% of infliximab patients attained PASI-75 in
Further analysis of the CHAMPION trial suggests comparison to 42% on MTX therapy (P<.001).
that week 12 may be a crucial time period to This score was consistent at week 26 when 77%
decide whether a patient should continue MTX of infliximab achieved PASI-75, whereas only
treatment or change to a different medication.27 31% of MTX patients achieved PASI-75 (P<.001).
Fig. 4.3 demonstrates the efficacy data of the In general, higher percentage of infliximab pa-
CHAMPION trial.27 tients achieved PASI-50 and PASI-75 than MTX
patients at all visits.18
The RESTORE1 trial was a phase 3, open-label, M10-255
randomized, controlled trial that compared the The M10-255 trial was a phase 3, randomized,
efficacy and safety of oral MTX to infliximab in double-blinded, clinical study comparing oral
adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoria- MTX with folic acid to briakinumab, a human
sis.18 The study enrolled 868 patients, who were monoclonal antibody targeting IL-12 and IL-23.19
randomized in a 3:1 ratio to receive infliximab The study enrolled 317 patients randomized to
5 mg/kg (infusions at weeks 0, 2, 6, 14, and 22) receive either briakinumab or MTX. Baseline
or MTX 2.5-mg tablets (15 mg/wk for the first MTX dosage was 5 mg/wk at week 0 to 15 mg/
6 weeks, which could be increased to 20 mg/wk wk and escalated by 5 mg at weeks 10 and 16 if
if patients failed to achieve PASI-25 from baseline patients did not achieve a PASI-75 or PGA 0 to
by week 6). Patients who were intolerant to the 1. The primary endpoint consisted of PASI-75 or
treatment or had not achieved PASI-50 from PGA 0 to 1 at 24 and 52 weeks. Results demon-
baseline by week 16 were able to switch treat- strated greater percentage of patients achieving
ment groups. Patients who switched from MTX clearance with briakinumab (81.8%) than MTX
to infliximab therapy were administered infliximab (39.9%) at week 24 and 66.2% versus 23.9% at
infusions at weeks 16, 18, and 22. Patients who week 52, respectively (P<.001).19
switched from infliximab to MTX received 15 mg
MTX weekly until week 22. Last treatments were
administered at week 22, and final follow-up SMALLER STUDIES
occurred at week 26. Folic acid supplementation Smaller studies have also demonstrated efficacy
was recommended, but not required. The primary of MTX in psoriasis. Flystrom and colleagues20
efficacy endpoint was defined as a PASI-75 at compared the short-term effectiveness of MTX
week 16, whereas additional major endpoints to cyclosporine (CsA) in a randomized, controlled
included PASI-75 at week 26 and a Physician trial. A total of 37 patients with plaque psoriasis
Global Assessment (PGA) score of cleared or min- were treated with MTX using an initial dose of
imal (0 or 1, respectively) at weeks 16 and 26. Pa- 7.5 mg/wk, maximum dose of 15 mg/wk, and
tients with previous exposure to MTX were 5 mg/d of folic acid supplementation. The primary
40 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Efficacy data of methotrexate studies
MTX Comparator
a. PASI-75 a. PASI-75
b. PASI-50 b. PASI-50
MTX Dosing c. PASI-90 c. PASI-90
Study, Year (n 5 Subjects) Comparator (mg) mg (no. wk) Outcome (%) Outcome (%)
CHAMPION,17 2008 (n 5 271) Adalimumab, 7.5 (0–1) a. 35.5 a. 79.6, 18.9
placebo 10.0 (2–3) b. NR b. NR
15.0 (4–7) c. 13.6 c. 51.3, 11.3
20.0 (8–12)a
25.0 (2–16)a
RESTORE1,18 (n 5 868) Infliximab 15.0 (1–5) a. 42 a. 78
20.0 (6–16)a b. 61 b. 87
c. 19 c. 55
M10–255,19 (n 5 317) Briakinumab 5.0 (0) a. 39.9 a. 81.8
10.0 (1) b. 23.9 b. 66.2
15.0 (2–9) c. NRa c. NRa
20.0 (10–15)a
25.0 (16–24)
Flystrom et al,20 2008 (n 5 84) CsA 7.5 (0–12) a. 24 a. 58
15.0 (0–12)a b. 65 b. 87
c. 11 c. 29
Heydendael et al,21 2003 (n 5 88) CsA 15.0 (1–4) a. 60 a. 71
22.5 (5–16) b. NR b. NR
c. 40 c. 33
Akhyani et al,22 2010 (n 5 38) MMF 7.5 (0–1) a. 73.3 a. 58.8
15 (2–4) b. 100 b. 82.4
20 (5–12) c. 26.7 c. 11.8
Dogra et al,23 2012 MTX (25 mg N/A a. 72 a. 92
vs 10 mg) b. NR b. NR
c. NR c. NR
Ho et al,24 2010 TCM 2.5–5 (0–1) a. 63 a. 0
10 (1–2)a b. 79 b. 14
c. NR c. NR
Fallah Arani et al,25 2011 Fumaric acid 5 (0–1) a. 24 a. 19
15 (2–12) b. 60 b. 42
12.5 (13) c. 8 c. 4
10 (14)
5 (15)
2.5 (16)
Revicki et al,26 2008 Adalimumab 7.5–25 (0–15)a a. 80 a. 36
b. 88 b. 62
c. 51 c. 14
Abbreviations: CsA, cyclosporine; NR, not reported; TCM, traditional Chinese medicine.
Step up therapy if response was inadequate and no AEs were noted, the dosage was increased.
Data from Refs.17–26

endpoint was PASI-75 response at 12 weeks, supplementation. Fourteen MTX patients experi-
which was achieved in 58% using MTX. There enced elevated liver enzymes and were excluded
was a statistically significant difference in efficacy from the study. At 16 weeks, approximately 60%
that was greater in the CsA treatment group.20 of these patients achieved a PASI-75; however,
Heydendael and colleagues21 conducted a ran- no significant difference in efficacy was found be-
domized, controlled trial also comparing MTX to tween MTX and CsA treatment groups. Akhyani
CsA. A total of 43 patients were treated with and colleagues22 compared the efficacy and
MTX using an initial dose of 15 mg/wk, maximum safety of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and
dose of 22.25 mg/wk, and no folic acid MTX in the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis.
Chapter 4 Methotrexate 41

100 Placebo

PaƟents (%)







50 75 90 100 50 75 90 100 50 75 90 100 50 75 90 100
Wk 4 Wk 8 Wk 12 Wk 16
Fig. 4.3 Efficacy data of CHAMPION trial.

Eighteen patients were administered MTX using response, specifically, the development of anti-
an initial dose of 7.5 mg/wk. Following 12 weeks drug antibodies (ADAs). These antibodies act by
of treatment, patients in the MTX group achieved neutralizing or binding to therapeutic protein
a PASI-75 of 53.3%. No significant differences in products, and their presence is often concerning
efficacy were found between MTX and MMF.22 for impending biologic failure. Moreover, ADAs
Ranjan and colleagues28 compared the therapeu- can trigger potentially dangerous immune-
tic efficacy of MTX at 15 to 20 mg/wk versus complex AEs, such as serum sickness, broncho-
hydroxycarbamide at 3 to 4.5 g/wk. The primary spasm, thromboembolic events, and Arthus and
endpoint was percentage reduction of baseline infusion reactions.29 Emerging evidence suggests
PASI scores over 12 weeks. The mean percentage that concomitant administration of disease-
reduction in the MTX group was 77.28  28 and modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such
48.47  26.53 in the hydroxycarbamide group. as MTX with biologic therapy can reduce the ef-
A greater percentage of patients in the MTX fects of biologic-associated immunogenicity.
group demonstrated greater than 75% reduction Administration of MTX in the context of biologic
in the PASI scores than hydroxycarbamide therapy may decrease ADAs’ formation in a
(66.66% and 13.33%, respectively).28 A systematic dose-dependent manner, thus improving drug
review investigated MTX for psoriasis in 7 survival, protecting drug efficacy, and promoting
different trials and found that MTX 7.5 mg was better patient outcomes.29
less efficacious that CsA 3 mg, and MTX 15 mg The data for MTX for the reduction of immuno-
was equally as efficacious as CsA 2.5 mg and genicity are promising, yet are largely established
fumaric acid ester. MTX 7.5–25 mg was less effica- in patients with RA. Biologics indicated for the
cious than both adalimumab and infliximab. treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis,
The data from these clinical trials and small etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, ustekinumab,
studies suggest that MTX therapy for psoriasis is secukinumab, and ixekizumab, all pose the risk of
generally effective if the side effects are tolerable. immunogenicity, but few studies exist that investi-
Week 12 may represent an appropriate time for gate the value of the MTX-biologic combination in
dermatologists to decide whether MTX is this population.29–31 Lecluse and colleagues30 con-
improving psoriasis or should be discontinued ducted a prospective observational cohort study
for alternative options. Additional randomized, assessing ADAs in 29 patients receiving adalimu-
controlled clinical studies in patients with psoriasis mab for plaque psoriasis over 24 weeks. Thirteen
are needed to explore the efficacy profile of MTX of 29 patients (45%) developed ADAs; interest-
and to validate the current prescribing guidelines. ingly, none of their 3 patients who received
concomitant MTX therapy developed ADAs. In a
follow-up study, Menting and colleagues32
EFFICACY IN REDUCTION OF extended this cohort to 80 patients, including the
IMMUNOGENICITY original 29 patients. The long-term consequences
Immunogenicity refers to the ability of therapeutic of ADA after 24 weeks of adalimumab treatment
protein products to stimulate an immune were assessed and ADA concentrations were
42 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

collected at baseline and at 12, 24, and 52 weeks. Psoriatic Arthritis study, a multicenter placebo-
Overall, 39 of 90 (49%) patients developed controlled trial involving 221 subjects with PsA,
ADAs. Three of 8 (37.5%) patients receiving reported that MTX therapy has little to no
concomitant MTX (2.5–20 mg/wk) at the start of disease-modifying effect. Subjects were random-
therapy developed low titers of ADA. Thus, ized to receive either MTX or placebo for 6 months.
concomitant treatment with MTX did not signifi- MTX was initiated at 7.5 mg/wk, increased to
cantly reduce ADAs in this study. The investigators 10 mg/wk at week 4, and 15 mg/wk at week 8.
possibly attribute their results to the small sample Sixty-seven of the 109 MTX subjects and 61 of
size of patients administered MTX with biologics. 112 placebo subjects completed the study. Inves-
Chiu and colleagues33 found that MTX can tigators observed no statistical improvement with
decrease immunogenicity in adalimumab-treated the primary endpoint, Psoriatic Arthritis Response
patients. Titers of ADAs were collected from 53 Criteria, as well as the American College of Rheu-
patients with psoriasis vulgaris who had been matology (ACR20) and 28-joint disease activity
treated with adalimumab for at least 12 weeks. score.35 Conversely, the Tight Control of Psoriatic
Fifty-five percent of patients initiated MTX Arthritis study, a multicenter, open-label, random-
10  3.2 mg weekly (range 5–15 mg weekly) at ized, controlled trial involving 206 subjects with
the start of adalimumab therapy, whereas 45% PsA reported the beneficial effects of MTX in
of patients started MTX 5  9.2 months after bio- PsA. Patients received MTX either as tight control
logic treatment. Lower titers of ADAs were found protocol or as standard care, with 104 subjects
in patients administered MTX in comparison to receiving a mean dose of greater than 15 mg/wk.
adalimumab monotherapy (P<.05). Interestingly, At 12 weeks, improvements in multiple clinical out-
no difference in ADAs was found between pa- comes were demonstrated. A higher proportion of
tients treated with greater than 7.5 mg MTX versus patients receiving greater than 15 mg/wk achieved
less than 7.5 mg MTX. Investigators concluded ACR20, ACR50, and PASI75.36
that early initiation of MTX during biologic therapy In addition, large-scale registries, including
might reduce the risk of developing ADAs later on, the NOR-DMARD Norwegian registry and the Uni-
although this difference was marginally significant. versity of Toronto PsA registry, and several obser-
The addition of MTX, even after the develop- vational studies report substantial improvements
ment of ADA, could provide a safe and effective with MTX in joint disease in isolated and combina-
strategy to maintain biologic efficacy. Present tion therapy. The paucity of clinical trial informa-
literature suggests that MTX is potentially effica- tion and confounding results among different
cious in reducing ADAs; however, the number of studies that evaluate the efficacy of MTX in PsA
patients studied is limited, and this data should largely contributes to the lack of understanding.37
be interpreted with caution. The efficacy of
concomitant MTX therapy with biologics needs
further research and larger prospective trials SAFETY
with greater sample sizes necessary to validate MTX has higher chance of serious side effects
coadministration of MTX with biologics.29 owing to its systemic drug distribution and drug
action. Patients should be well informed of the
signs and symptoms of these AEs before begin-
EFFICACY IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS ning MTX therapy. The most important side ef-
Various therapies, including corticosteroids, fects are hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression, and
DMARDs, and biologic DMARDs, exist to target pulmonary fibrosis. Systematic review of data
the pain, inflammation, joint destruction, and receiving long-term low-dose MTX indicated
ensuing debilities affiliated with PsA. After nonste- that 33% progress to liver disease.38 The safety
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), MTX is data from certain randomized, controlled clinical
one of the most widely used DMARDs. Despite trials have provided important information
its widespread use for the management of PsA, regarding MTX use in psoriasis.
there are very few placebo-controlled studies
that have investigated its effectiveness. Further- CHAMPION
more, the existing clinical trials provide insufficient Safety and AE assessments in the CHAMPION trial
or conflicting evidence regarding its value in the were continued up until 70 days after the last
synovitis and inflammation associated with PsA.34 treatment. Eighty-nine (80.9%) patients in the
Recent evidence from controlled clinical trials MTX-treated group, 79 (73.8%) patients in the
suggests that MTX is not efficacious for PsA; how- adalimumab-treated group, and 49 (79.2%) pa-
ever, the significant limitations of these studies tients in the placebo group reported adverse
hamper conclusive results. The Methotrexate in events. There were no serious infections reported
Chapter 4 Methotrexate 43

during this study, and no significant differences have been appreciated at all drug levels. Table 4.1
were seen in infection rates between the groups. provides an overview of the common, less com-
Serious AEs varied between groups. In the MTX- mon, and relatively rare AEs associated with MTX
treated group, there was 1 case of hepatitis sec- use. Decreasing or dividing the dosages, adminis-
ondary to MTX use. In the adalimumab-treated tering intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, or
patients, there was 1 case of pancreatitis and 1 providing concomitant food or folic acid 1 mg sup-
case of an ovarian cyst enlargement. There was 1 plementation can successfully reduce side effects.
case of calculus of the right uteropelvic junction
in the placebo-treated group. Overall, 8 patients Drug and Food Interactions
discontinued the study due to AEs: 6 MTX patients Special care should be taken with medications that
(due to upper abdominal pain, retrobulbar optic have the potential to displace MTX from its protein
neuritis, hepatitis) and 3 cases of abnormal liver binding sites (salicylates, sulfonamides, phenytoin,
function tests (LFTs) and 1 adalimumab and 1 pla- penicillin, and tetracycline) or decrease renal
cebo patient due to elevated aspartate amino- tubular secretion (NSAIDs, probenecid), thereby
transferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase increasing plasma drug concentrations to toxic
(ALT) concentrations. There were no reported levels.39 It is generally recommended to avoid
cases of tuberculosis or deaths during this study. prescribing other drugs with known nephrotoxic
(aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, or CsA) or
RESTORE1 hepatotoxic (retinoid, azathioprine, sulfasalazine)
Safety assessments in the RESTORE1 trial demon- effects in patients using MTX.39 Antibiotics may
strated similar instances of AE in both MTX and interfere with the normal gut flora and reduce in-
infliximab groups. Up until week 16, AE experi- testinal absorption of MTX. Vitamins, especially
enced by MTX patients included nasopharyngitis folate supplements, can decrease the effective-
(5%), fatigue (8%), headache (7%), and nausea ness of MTX but may help relieve some AEs such
(7%). AE common to the infliximab group as increased LFTs, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
included infusion-related reactions (9%), naso- upset, alopecia, or stomatitis (Table 4.2). Use of
pharyngitis (6%), and headache (5%). Numerical radiotherapy and MTX increases the risk for osteo-
data indicated that the incidence of serious and necrosis or soft tissue necrosis. The bioavailability
severe AEs was greater in the infliximab group of MTX is significantly reduced with food and
than MTX group, although no statistical analysis milk products.10
for significance was performed.

Most drug safety information has been extra- Dermatologists should be aware of the cautions
polated from rheumatologic studies for safe of MTX administration. Special attention should
administration of MTX to patients with moderate- be given to patients with a history of immunode-
to-severe plaque psoriasis.16 There are few ficiency, hepatic disease, and certain other condi-
evidence-based studies on plaque psoriasis pa- tions. Otherwise, healthy individuals, including
tients, and data chiefly rely on case studies, clinical pregnant women, children, and elderly individ-
experience, and retrospective studies. Side effects uals, seeking treatment with MTX also require
of MTX are dose and frequency dependent, but additional consideration.

Side effects associated with methotrexate
Common Less Common Rare
Nausea Headaches Hepatotoxicity
Vomiting Alopecia Renal toxicity
Anorexia Mood disturbances Leukoencephalopathy
Stomatitis Confusion Blindness
Stomach ache/pain Tinnitus Gastrointestinal ulcers
Dizziness Weight loss Severe allergic reactions
Fever Convulsions Cardiac dysfunction
Chills, diarrhea Anemia Sudden death
Leukopenia Thrombocytopenia
Fatigue Rashes
Data from Pfizer. Methotrexate Product Monograph Pfizer Canada Inc. 2015.
44 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Myelosuppression significant decline in blood cell counts should

MTX can potentially decrease all forms of blood immediately terminate treatment.
cell counts, including red blood cells, white blood
cells, neutrophils, and/or platelets. However, sig- Hepatotoxicity
nificant hematologic depression is uncommon if MTX is notorious for increasing hepatic enzyme
patients without risk factors are appropriately levels (approximately 15%–50% of patients) and
monitored. In 1 rheumatologic review, bone inducing troublesome effects on the liver,
marrow toxicity occurred in 1.4% of closely stud- including fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients taking
ied patients.40 The amount of bone marrow sup- chronic, low-dose MTX.41 For this reason, hepato-
pression is relative to the dose and duration of toxicity is a major limiting factor for MTX adminis-
drug exposure as well as risk factors, including tration in patients with psoriasis. According to the
older age, drug-to-drug interactions, alcohol medical literature, persons with diabetes, obesity,
abuse, decreased renal function, absence of folic hyperlipidemia, personal or family history of he-
acid supplementation, hypoalbuminemia, and patic disease, exposure to hepatotoxic drugs or
dosing inaccuracies. Depending on the level of lack of folate supplementation, and excessive
hematologic irregularity, MTX is contraindicated alcohol use significantly increase a patient’s risk
in many patients with pre-existing bone marrow for hepatotoxicity.11 In psoriasis patients with
disorders and malignancies (Box 4.1). Patients risk factors for hepatic fibrosis, some guidelines
who proceed with therapy and experience a recommend periodic liver biopsies, although
that suggestion remains controversial.12

Pulmonary Fibrosis
MTX has been implicated as a serious cause of
BOX 4.1 pulmonary toxicity. Notably, most reported
Absolute and relative contraindications for
studies of MTX-induced lung disease are in
patients with RA, which may be a combination
Relative contraindications of drug side effects as well as pulmonary mani-
Abnormal LFTs festations of the autoimmune disease process.
A recent meta-analysis of double-blind random-
Alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease
ized, controlled trials of MTX versus placebo or
Obesity comparative agents found no risk of adverse
Diabetes mellitus pulmonary events in patients with PsA, psoriasis,
Abnormal renal function tests or inflammatory bowel disease.42 Nevertheless,
this toxicity is real, and patients should be aware
Active infections including HIV, TB, and so of this potential AE and follow up with their
physician if they experience any respiratory
Recent or active hepatitis B or C symptoms.
Mild-to-moderate bone marrow hypoplasia,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia Patients with Excessive Third Space Fluids
Absolute contraindications Patients with pleural effusion, ascites, gastrointes-
tinal tract obstruction, previous cisplatin therapy,
Pregnant or breastfeeding
dehydration, aciduria, and impaired renal function
Men or women seeking childbirth may be predisposed to higher than normal levels
Severe infections of MTX. Prolonged clearance times may result in
Acute or chronic renal failure
toxicity, and increased MTX concentrations
should be monitored at 24, 48, or 72 hours to
Severe hepatic disease determine when and for how long to administer
Respiratory failure leucovorin rescue.10
Immunodeficiency syndromes
Severe bone marrow hypoplasia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia
Use of MTX in pregnant and lactating women with
psoriasis is strictly prohibited, because it is a
Active peptic ulcer well-established teratogen (pregnancy category
Hypersensitivity to MTX X).3 When dispensed to pregnant women, MTX
Data from Pfizer. Methotrexate Product Monograph
can lead to abortion, death, and fetal abnormal-
Pfizer Canada Inc. 2015. ities of the cardiac, musculoskeletal, and nervous
systems.3 Women seeking children should
Chapter 4 Methotrexate 45

postpone conception for at least 1 complete TABLE 4.3

ovulation cycle following suspension of MTX ther- Methotrexate monitoring recommendations
apy before conception, although no optimal time from the American Academy of Dermatology
period between cessation of therapy and preg-
nancy has been established.3 Men should also
be strongly discouraged from using MTX if History and physical Routine
seeking a pregnancy with their partner, because PPD test Baseline
MTX is known to affect the process of CBC (differential Baseline and every
spermatogenesis.3 and platelet counts) 2–4 wk until stable
and then every
Pediatric Use 1–3 mo thereaftera
MTX should be used with caution in children, Renal function tests Baseline and every
because there are very little data on the safety (serum BUN, 2–3 mo
and effectiveness of this drug in the pediatric pop- creatinine, GFR)
ulation. Low dosages have proven to be beneficial LFTs (AST, ALT, alkaline Baseline and every
in children with psoriasis as well as other rheuma- phosphatase, 4 wk for first 6 mo
tologic disorders. Children less than 1 month of albumin, bilirubin) and then every
age should not be given MTX injection formula 1–3 mo thereaftera
with benzyl alcohol. This preservative is reported a
CBC and LFT monitoring recommendations for the pa-
to cause gasping syndrome, characterized by dif- tient with no hematologic or hepatic abnormalities.
ficulty breathing and circulatory collapse.10 Data from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al.
Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and
Geriatric Use psoriatic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the
management and treatment of psoriasis with traditional
Not much data regarding the clinical safety of systemic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;61:456.
MTX are available in the elderly population. The
older individual experiences age-related changes
in intestinal, renal, and hepatic drug metabolism; bilirubin. Patients with elevated LFTs should un-
thus, consider prescribing lower weekly dosages dergo further screening for hepatitis B virus
and monitoring for adverse events more vigilantly (HBV) and hepatitis C virus. Screening for tubercu-
than in the adult population.10 losis (TB) with a baseline purified protein derivative
(PPD) test or another test for latent TB is
recommended in patients who will be treated
The first guidelines on safety monitoring in pa-
tients receiving MTX were established in 1972. Ongoing Monitoring
Since then, multiple updates have been pub- Hematologic
lished. The information presented is based on CBC should be obtained every 2 to 4 weeks for
the most recently published guidelines from the the first few months to detect changes in leuko-
American Academy of Dermatology in 2009 cyte and platelet counts. Continue CBC moni-
(Table 4.3).43 toring until patient and leukocyte count are
The potential for fatal drug toxicities mandates stable and then proceed to check CBC every 1
treatment regimens characterized by a strict to 3 months until cessation of therapy. Patients
dosing schedule and routine monitoring. Patients at risk for hematologic toxicities may be affected
on MTX should be closely monitored for early after the first MTX dose, and CBC should be ob-
recognition of hematopoietic, hepatic, or renal tained before administering the second dose. It
abnormalities. is advisable to reduce or temporarily discontinue
MTX therapy should a significant reduction in
Baseline Monitoring platelet or leukocyte count occur and administer
Before initiating MTX therapy, patients should 10 mg/m2 folic acid.43
have a thorough history and physical examination,
including a history of alcohol consumption, expo- Renal
sure to viral hepatitis, and family history of liver dis- Renal function tests including serum BUN and
ease. Laboratory evaluation should include creatinine should be conducted at 2- to 3-month
complete blood counts (CBC) with differential intervals. Consider calculating glomerular filtra-
and platelet counts, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) tion rates (GFR) in patients with decreased renal
and creatinine, LFTs including serum AST, ALT, function, such as the elderly or patients with
alkaline phosphatase, and serum albumin and decreased muscle mass.43
46 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis


The issue of liver toxicity is a major concern in MTX is a safe and effective drug for the treat-
patients using MTX therapy. Serum AST, ALT, ment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
alkaline phosphatase, and serum albumin should Consider MTX in a patient with severe, recalci-
be monitored monthly for the first 6 months and trant forms of psoriasis that have little to no
then 1 to 3 months thereafter. Repeat LFTs in 2 risk factors for the development of dangerous
to 4 weeks if enzymes levels are elevated less side effects of MTX, and those who have failed
than 2 times the upper limit of normal. Elevations alternative antipsoriatic medications such as
greater than 2 times, but less than 3 times, the up- topical medications and phototherapy. Based
per limit of normal should be closely monitored, on expert experience, dermatologists should
repeated in 2 to 4 weeks, and doses decreased consider a starting dose of 7.5 to 15 mg/wk
as necessary. Liver biopsy should be performed and escalate to a therapeutic target dose of 15
in patients with persistent elevations of 5 of 9 to 25 mg/wk without exceeding a total dose of
AST levels over a 1-year period or if there is a 25 mg/wk. Folic acid supplementation is
decline in serum albumin from the normal range strongly recommended and may reduce the
in a patient with well-controlled disease and occurrence of side effects. Patients will typically
normal nutritional status.43 see improvement in 6 to 8 weeks, but the au-
Patients with risk factors for hepatotoxicity thors do not consider MTX to be a failure until
from MTX (obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlip- 12 weeks of therapy. Furthermore, a patient
idemia, alcohol abuse, personal history of liver may have to be on 3 months of MTX before their
disease, family history of liver disease, elevated insurance company will cover biologic therapy.
liver chemistry studies, or previous/concomi- Educate the patient that complete clearance
tant exposure to other hepatotoxic drugs) of lesions is not the therapeutic goal. Since the
require closer follow-up and evaluation. In advent of biologics, there are more available
addition, LFTs should be checked following in- options to treat psoriasis that are more effective
creases in MTX dosages. If a significant abnor- than MTX and have the potential for less AEs.
mality in liver enzymes occurs, temporarily Nevertheless, MTX may play a novel role in
discontinue MTX therapy for 1 to 2 weeks and reducing biologic-associated immunogenicity.
repeat LFTs. Consider liver biopsy if LFTs Additional studies are needed to validate the
remain elevated for 2 to 3 months and MTX potential benefits of MTX and biologic coad-
treatment is still desired.43 ministration. Dermatologists should carefully
consider the risk-benefit ratio before beginning
MTX and thoroughly include a history, physical,
VACCINATIONS and laboratory evaluation of the patient, espe-
Live and inactive vaccinations are considered to cially renal and liver function.
be less efficacious in a patient taking MTX. Inacti-
vated vaccinations (injectable influenza) are not
contraindicated during MTX therapy; however, REFERENCES
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typhoid, yellow fever, oral polio virus, smallpox, methotrexate plus pioglitazone vs. methotrexate
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are generally not recommended. Importantly, type psoriasis: a single-blinded randomized
the zoster vaccine is not contraindicated in controlled trial. Int J Dermatol 2015;54:95–101.
patients taking doses of MTX less than 0.4 mg/ 2. Bolognia JL, Jorizzo JL, Rapini RP. Bolognia’s
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MTX has been reported to reactivate HBV, possibilities and principles of methotrexate treat-
and serologic testing for viral hepatitis should ment of psoriasis—the updated knowledge. Post-
be completed before starting treatment or epy Dermatol Alergol 2014;31:392–400.
considering vaccination. Check HBV surface anti- 4. Menting SP, Dekker PM, Limpens J, et al. Metho-
gen, HBV surface antibody, and HBV core anti- trexate dosing regimen for plaque-type psoriasis:
body to rule out disease before starting MTX. a systematic review of the use of test-dose, start-
Vaccination can be offered in patients lacking im- dose, dosing scheme, dose adjustments, maximum
munity to HBV, especially in patients who are at dose and folic acid supplementation. Acta Derm
risk for exposure.44 Venereol 2016;96(1):23–8.
Chapter 4 Methotrexate 47

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safety of methotrexate combined with low- to mg or 25 mg orally once weekly in adult patients
moderate-dose corticosteroids for severe alopecia with severe plaque-type psoriasis: a prospective,
areata. Dermatology 2016;232:242–8. randomized, double-blind, dose-ranging study.
10. Pfizer. Methotrexate Product Monograph Pfizer Clin Exp Dermatol 2012;37:729–34.
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11. Montaudie H, Sbidian E, Paul C, et al. Methotrexate traditional Chinese medicine in psoriasis: a random-
in psoriasis: a systematic review of treatment mo- ized, placebo-controlled trial to determine efficacy,
dalities, incidence, risk factors and monitoring of safety and quality of life. Clin Exp Dermatol 2010;35:
liver toxicity. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2011; 717–22.
25(Suppl 2):12–8. 25. Fallah Arani S, Neumann H, Hop WC, et al. Fuma-
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13. Weinstein GD, Goldfaden G, Frost P. Methotrexate. 26. Revicki D, Willian MK, Saurat JH, et al. Impact of
Mechanism of action on DNA synthesis in psoriasis. adalimumab treatment on health-related quality of
Arch Dermatol 1971;104:236–43. life and other patient-reported outcomes: results
14. Tamilselvi E, Haripriya D, Hemamalini M, et al. Asso- from a 16-week randomized controlled trial in pa-
ciation of disease severity with IL-1 levels in tients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
methotrexate-treated psoriasis patients. Scand J Br J Dermatol 2008;158:549–57.
Immunol 2013;78:545–53. 27. Saurat JH, Langley RG, Reich K, et al. Relationship
15. Elango T, Dayalan H, Gnanaraj P, et al. Impact of between methotrexate dosing and clinical response
methotrexate on oxidative stress and apoptosis in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis: suba-
markers in psoriatic patients. Clin Exp Med 2014; nalysis of the CHAMPION study. Br J Dermatol
14:431–7. 2011;165:399–406.
16. Ryan C, Korman NJ, Gelfand JM, et al. Research 28. Ranjan N, Sharma NL, Shanker V, et al. Methotrexate
gaps in psoriasis: opportunities for future studies. versus hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea) as a weekly
J Am Acad Dermatol 2014;70:146–67. dose to treat moderate-to-severe chronic plaque
17. Saurat JH, Stingl G, Dubertret L, et al. Efficacy and psoriasis: a comparative study. J Dermatolog Treat
safety results from the randomized controlled 2007;18:295–300.
comparative study of adalimumab vs. methotrexate 29. Jani M, Barton A, Warren RB, et al. The role of
vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis (CHAMPION). DMARDs in reducing the immunogenicity of TNF
Br J Dermatol 2008;158:558–66. inhibitors in chronic inflammatory diseases. Rheu-
18. Barker J, Hoffmann M, Wozel G, et al. Efficacy and matology (Oxford) 2014;53:213–22.
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with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: results clinical consequences of antibody formation
of an open-label, active-controlled, randomized against adalimumab in patients with plaque psoria-
trial (RESTORE1). Br J Dermatol 2011;165:1109–17. sis. Arch Dermatol 2010;146:127–32.
48 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

31. Farhangian ME, Feldman SR. Immunogenicity of key questions toward optimizing methotrexate use
biologic treatments for psoriasis: therapeutic con- in the clinic. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2011;
sequences and the potential value of concomitant 25:758–64.
methotrexate. Am J Clin Dermatol 2015;16:285–94. 39. Nast A, Boehncke W-H, Mrowietz U, et al.
32. Menting SP, van Lumig PP, de Vries AC, et al. Extent S3—Guidelines on the treatment of psoriasis vulga-
and consequences of antibody formation against ris (English version). Update. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges
adalimumab in patients with psoriasis: one-year 2012;10:S1–s95.
follow-up. JAMA Dermatol 2014;150:130–6. 40. Gutierrez-Urena S, Molina JF, Garcia CO, et al.
33. Chiu HY, Wang TS, Chan CC, et al. Risk factor anal- Pancytopenia secondary to methotrexate therapy in
ysis for the immunogenicity of adalimumab associ- rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 1996;39:272–6.
ated with decreased clinical response in Chinese 41. Bath RK, Brar NK, Forouhar FA, et al. A review of
patients with psoriasis. Acta Derm Venereol 2015; methotrexate-associated hepatotoxicity. J Dig Dis
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34. Mease PJ. Spondyloarthritis: Is methotrexate effec- 42. Conway R, Low C, Coughlan RJ, et al. Methotrexate
tive in psoriatic arthritis? Nat Rev Rheumatol 2012;8: use and risk of lung disease in psoriasis, psoriatic
251–2. arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease: system-
35. Kingsley GH, Kowalczyk A, Taylor H, et al. atic literature review and meta-analysis of rando-
A randomized placebo-controlled trial of metho- mised controlled trials. BMJ 2015;350:h1269.
trexate in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 43. Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines
2012;51:1368–77. of care for the management of psoriasis and psori-
36. Coates LC, Helliwell PS. Methotrexate efficacy in atic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the
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J Rheumatol 2016;43(2):356–61. tional systemic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;
37. Mease P. Methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis. Bull 61:451–85.
Hosp Jt Dis 2013;71(Suppl 1):S41–5. 44. Wine-Lee L, Keller SC, Wilck MB, et al. From the
38. Barker J, Horn EJ, Lebwohl M, et al. Assessment Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Founda-
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ference to evaluate current practice and identify 1003–13.
Elaine J. Lin, MD, Vidhi V. Shah, BA, Shivani P. Reddy, BS,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Acitretin  Etretinate  Phototherapy  PUVA  Broadband UV-B  Narrowband UV-B
 Teratogenic  Hyperlipidemia

 Acitretin is an effective agent for the treatment of plaque psoriasis and is often used in combi-
nation therapy (phototherapy and other systemic antipsoriatic agents).
 Acitretin is initially dosed at 10 to 25 mg/d with gradual escalation of 10 to 25 mg every 2 to
4 weeks done according disease response and patient tolerance.
 Acitretin is pregnancy category X; adequate counseling, abstinence from alcohol, birth control,
and evaluation for pregnancy are required before, during, and after acitretin therapy.
 Acitretin has the added benefit of being safely used in the long term without the risk of

INTRODUCTION Acitretin is available in 10-mg, 17.5-mg, and

Acitretin has been the only oral retinoid approved 25-mg gelatin capsules for oral administration.2
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to For optimal absorption and bioavailability, acitre-
treat psoriasis since 1997.1 Monotherapy acitretin tin should be taken with fatty food.4 After oral
is a therapeutic option for the treatment of plaque administration, maximum plasma concentrations
psoriasis with doses up to 50 mg daily, although it are reached between 0.9 and 4.6 hours; after
is often used at lower doses in combination with drug cessation, elimination half-life varies from
systemic therapies, such as UV-B or oral psoralen 16.5 to 111.1 hours.5 Acitretin is extensively
plus UV-A (PUVA) phototherapy, to increase effi- distributed throughout the body with approxi-
cacy. When used in combination with photother- mately 95% bound to plasma proteins without
apy, acitretin may be often dosed at 10 to 25 mg tissue accumulation. After multiple doses,
every other day. It is also an effective monotherapy steady-state concentrations of acitretin are
for erythrodermic and pustular forms of psoriasis achieved within approximately 3 weeks.2
as well as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-
associated psoriasis. Acitretin is not indicated in
the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. MECHANISM OF ACTION
Acitretin is the pharmacologically active metab- Acitretin is a second-generation monoaromatic
olite of etretinate, a second-generation retinoid retinoid whose mechanism of action is not fully
that was approved for psoriasis in 1986 (Fig. 5.1). elucidated. Acitretin activates all 3 retinoic acid
Etretinate is more lipophilic and has a longer half- receptors (a, b, g), which are nuclear receptors
life than acitretin and can be detected in serum that are part of the steroid-thyroid hormone re-
for up to 2 years after treatment discontinuation ceptor superfamily.6 Activation of these receptors
(Table 5.1).2 Because of its more favorable pharma- leads to downstream gene expression, which ulti-
cokinetics, acitretin replaced etretinate in 1997. mately leads to normalization of epidermal cell
Concomitant alcohol intake indirectly increases proliferation, differentiation, and cornification.7
the reverse esterification of acitretin to etretinate; Unlike other systemic antipsoriatic medications,
a trend was found linking higher risk of etretinate the effects of acitretin are not mediated through
formation with higher-dosage ethanol intake.3 immunosuppression.
50 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 5.1 Chemical structure of etreti-

nate (A) and acitretin (B).

EFFICACY PASI score was 76% in comparison to baseline by

Monotherapy the end of the 1-year follow-up period. However,
Plaque psoriasis only 37 patients completed 12 months of treat-
Many trials have demonstrated the efficacy for ment, whereas the rest withdrew prematurely
acitretin monotherapy in the treatment of because of adverse effects, therapeutic failure, or
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.8 In an concurrent illness, or were lost for administrative
open-label multicenter study, 63 patients with se- reasons. In a double-blinded clinical trial, 16 pa-
vere psoriasis received acitretin at a starting dose tients were given initial doses of 25 to 50 mg/
of 50 mg daily for 4 weeks with individual dose ad- d for 8 weeks, followed by an open-label phase
justments of 10-mg increments or decrements at with individualized dose adjustments for 12 weeks.
monthly intervals (10–70 mg) as needed there- At the end of the 20-week follow-up, reductions
after.9 The percentage of patients achieving a from baseline were seen in scaling (42%), erythema
75% or greater improvement in their Psoriasis (50%), and thickness of plaques (53%), with a 44%
Area and Severity Index score (PASI-75) after reduction in body surface area involved.10
12 weeks was 34%, and the average reduction in Four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evalu-
ated the efficacy of acitretin monotherapy in com-
parison with etretinate monotherapy.11–14 In one
TABLE 5.1 of these studies, patients treated with acitretin
Comparison of properties of etretinate versus (n 5 127) or etretinate (n 5 41) were begun on
an initial dose of 40 mg/d for 4 weeks with individ-
Etretinate Acitretin ual adjusted doses for the subsequent 8 weeks.12
Approved for Approved for psoriasis Average daily doses for acitretin and etretinate
psoriasis in 1986, in 1997 were 0.54 mg/kg/d and 0.65 mg/kg/d, respec-
withdrawn in 1998 tively. After 12 weeks, 52% of acitretin and 45%
50 times more Less lipophilic of etretinate-treated subjects achieved PASI-75.
lipophilic than A systematic literature review of these 4
acitretin RCTs of acitretin and etretinate monotherapies
Half-life of 120 d Half-life of 50 h found similar efficacies in the treatment of
>98% eliminated 2 or >98% eliminated 2 mo
Efficacy of acitretin in plaque psoriasis and fre-
more years after after treatment
treatment quency of adverse effects are dose dependent.15
Because both therapeutic and toxic responses to
Metabolized into Small amounts may be acitretin vary widely among patients, a single cor-
acitretin converted into
rect dose cannot be recommended. The optimal
etretinate (process
enhanced by ethanol) dose range for monotherapy acitretin is usually
in the range of 25 mg every other day to 50 mg
Teratogenic Teratogenic daily. To avoid intolerance, acitretin may be
Chapter 5 Acitretin 51

initially dosed at 10 to 25 mg/d with gradual esca- considered when the patient has a relative or abso-
lation of 10 to 25 mg every 2 to 4 weeks lute contraindication to first-line agents with more
(maximum 75 mg/d) done according to the rapid onset (cyclosporine or infliximab).22 Patients
response of the disease and patient tolerance.16 can be started at an initial dose of acitretin 25 mg/
Another approach that can be used to achieve ef- d with dose escalation of 10 to 25 mg every 2 to
ficacy more quickly (for example, in patients with 4 weeks.20 EP refractory to acitretin monotherapy
pustular psoriasis) is to start with 50 mg daily may require the addition of phototherapy. In the
and reduce the dose once side effects begin to case of exfoliative EP, sequential therapy with
occur. At doses of 50 mg daily, however, the cyclosporine may be used (Table 5.2).23
mucocutaneous side effects are often poorly
tolerated. Combination Therapy
Improvement while on acitretin is gradual and Acitretin is often used in combination with other
may take 3 to 6 months to achieve maximum dis- therapies to increase the efficacy of treatment of
ease control. Although higher doses (50–70 mg/ plaque psoriasis. Topical therapies, conventional
d) may result in more rapid and complete re- systemic agents, phototherapy, and biologics
sponses, they are associated with increased have been used concomitantly with acitretin to
adverse effects. Initial worsening of symptoms, enhance efficacy and reduce the total dose re-
such as burning, erythema, and plaque expansion, quirements and adverse effects of other antipsori-
may occur but can improve if acitretin is atic drugs (Table 5.3).24
continued.17 Once the disease is adequately
controlled, acitretin can be tapered to the lowest Acitretin and psoralen plus ultraviolet A
effective dose for long-term maintenance Acitretin is used in combination with PUVA (re-
therapy. PUVA) to increase efficacy as well as reduce the
cumulative UV-A dose, retinoid dose, and dura-
Pustular psoriasis tion of therapy needed to treat plaque psoria-
Monotherapy acitretin is a first-line option in pus- sis.31,32 Two randomized double-blinded studies
tular psoriasis, especially palmoplantar psoriasis demonstrated higher remission rates with fewer
(PPP).18 In a retrospective multicenter study of PUVA exposures and lower cumulative UV-A
385 patients with generalized pustular psoriasis dose in psoriasis patients treated with re-PUVA
(GPP), etretinate, methotrexate (MTX), cyclo- in comparison to placebo-PUVA (Table 5.4).31,32
sporine, and PUVA were effective in 84%, 76%, Acitretin may reduce the risk of cutaneous car-
71%, and 46% of patients, respectively.19 Acitretin cinogenicity and photoaging associated with pho-
can be given with an initial dose of 25 mg/d, totherapy when used in combination with
although those with GPP may require more PUVA33. A nested cohort study analyzed 135 pa-
aggressive therapy and can be started on a higher tients with psoriasis who were exposed to PUVA
dose (50–75 mg/d).20 Dosing can be tapered down and used retinoids for at least 26 weeks in
to the lowest effective dose as the disease is 1 year or more.34 Each patient’s tumor incidence
controlled. In the case of refractory PPP, combina- of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell
tion therapy with PUVA should be considered.21 carcinoma (BCC) with or without retinoid use
was compared. After adjusting for confounding
Erythrodermic psoriasis factors, retinoid use was associated with a 30%
Acitretin monotherapy is an efficacious treatment reduction in SCC incidence (P 5 .002). Notably,
for erythrodermic psoriasis (EP) and should be the SCC incidence rapidly approached that of

Sample sequential therapy with cyclosporine and acitretin*
Induction Transitional A Transitional B Maintenance
Cyclosporine Acitretin 25 mg/d (dose Taper cyclosporine Acitretin continued for
5 mg/kg/d escalation of 10–25 mg long term
divided every 2–4 wk based on
twice daily patient response and
side effects)
Month 0–1 Month 2–3 Month 4–7 Month 81
* Close monitoring of lipid profiles should be done because both drugs can cause reversible elevation of triglycerides and
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
Studies and a review of combination therapies and recommendations
Comments &
Dose Combination Study Design Dose Regimen Results Recommendations
Topical agents Acitretin 1 calcipotriol Randomized, bilateral 40 received combination 60% of combination arm Ashcroft et al concluded
paired comparison24 and 20 received and 40% of acitretin that there is insufficient
acitretin alone for monotherapy arm evidence to support
52 wk achieved complete large effects in favor of
clearance acitretin 1 calcipotriol
in the treatment of
chronic plaque
Conventional Acitretin 1 MTX Retrospective data 18 received acitretin Combination well The FDA-approved
systemic agents review26 25 mg (daily or tolerated and often acitretin prescribing
alternating effective with no new information
days) 1 MTX 7.5– or unusual adverse contraindicates MTX in
25 mg/wk for an effects noted, combination with
average 9 mo including significant acitretin due to
hepatotoxicity potential
Acitretin 1 Review23 The author suggests a — Skillful management of
cyclosporine sequential therapy transition phases
strategy for psoriasis: (acitretin dose
1. Cyclosporine 5 mg/kg/ escalation,
d for month 0–1 cyclosporine taper) is
2. Introduce and maxi- required. If acitretin
mize acitretin dose at alone is inadequate,
month 2–3 additional
3. Taper off cyclosporine phototherapy or
at month 4–7 topical agents may be
4. Maintenance with aci- considered on a case-
tretin after month 7 by-case basis
Biologic agents Acitretin 1 Randomized, controlled, 60 patients with plaque 45% of etanercept Uncontrolled studies and
etanercept investigator-blinded psoriasis were studied. group, 30% of acitretin case reports have
study27 22 received etanercept group, and 44% of demonstrated efficacy
(25 mg twice weekly combination group of treatment of plaque
sc), 20 received achieved PASI-75 at psoriasis with biologic
acitretin (0.4 mg/kg week 24 (P 5 .001 for plus retinoids.28
daily), and 18 received both etanercept Acitretin reduces dose
combination groups compared with requirements and
etanercept (25 mg acitretin alone) increases efficacy of
once weekly sc) plus biologics, but cost and
acitretin (0.4 mg/kg lack of long-term
daily) for 24 wk safety data are
Acitretin 1 infliximab Case series29 4 EP patients received Extremely good This study investigates
infliximab (5 mg/kg iv) response of EP at 6 wk short-term infliximab
at 0, 2, and with no adverse events therapy in EP patients.
6 wk 1 acitretin (0.3– Full potential of
0.6 mg/kg daily) infliximab 1 acitretin
combination is yet to
be elucidated
Acitretin 1 adalimumab Retrospective case 4 severe or recalcitrant 3 achieved good efficacy, —
series30 psoriasis patients 1 achieved poor
received adalimumab efficacy, 2 experienced
(40 mg weekly, or mild side effects
every 10 d, or every
2 wk) 1 acitretin (10–
30 mg daily) for a mean
duration of
12.9  12.4 mo
Data from Refs.23,24,26,27,29,30

Chapter 5 Acitretin
54 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Treatment outcomes of acitretin and psoralen plus UV-A combination therapy
% of Patients Cleared Mean Treatment Mean Number Cumulative UV
Study at End Point (%) Duration (d) of Treatments Dose (J/cm2)
Saurat et al,31 1988
Re-PUVA 94 47.8 13.7 57.8a
Placebo 1 PUVA 80 65.4 19.9 97.2
Tanew et al,32 1991
Re-PUVA 96 40.2 15.3 58.7a
Placebo 1 PUVA 80 51.0 21.4 101.5
P<.01 versus placebo.
Data from Saurat JH, Geiger JM, Amblard P, et al. Randomized double-blind multicenter study comparing acitretin-
PUVA, etretinate-PUVA and placebo-PUVA in the treatment of severe psoriasis. Dermatology 1988;177(4):218–24; and
Tanew A, Guggenbichler A, Honigsmann H, et al. Photochemotherapy for severe psoriasis without or in combination
with acitretin: a randomized, double-blind comparison study. J Am Acad Dermatol 1991;25(4):682–4.

preretinoid use upon discontinuation of retinoids. severe forms of plaque psoriasis. This regimen
Systemic retinoid use in this study was not signif- allows for increased efficacy in the treatment
icantly associated with increased BCC incidence. of plaque psoriasis with lower duration of ther-
Bath or soak PUVA is a safe and effective alter- apy and cumulative UV dose in comparison
native for patients who cannot tolerate the with BBUVB alone (Table 5.5).40–42 In the study
gastrointestinal and phototoxic side effects of by Ruzicka and colleagues,40 the median cumu-
oral PUVA.35 Bath PUVA reduces the cumulative lative BBUVB energy applied to reach PASI-75
UV-A dose needed for disease control and the was 41.5% lower with combination therapy in
variation in psoralen plasma levels associated comparison to BBUVB alone. Iest and Boer41
with gastrointestinal absorption of oral PUVA. found that the number of BBUVB treatments
Muchenberger and colleagues36 treated 4 pa- to reach clearance was reduced by approxi-
tients with erythrodermic, pustular, or plaque pso- mately 20% in the re-BBUVB group relative to
riasis with bath re-PUVA (0.5 mg/kg/d of acitretin the BBUVB group. The advantage of re-BBUVB
plus bath PUVA 3–5 times/wk) and found a over re-PUVA is the use of phototherapy
greater than 90% improvement after 4 weeks. without the need of oral psoralen and the lower
Compared with 25 to 50 mg/d of acitretin risk of cutaneous carcinogenicity of BBUVB in
required when given as monotherapy, usually 10 comparison to UV-A.21
to 25 mg/d of acitretin is sufficient when given Physicians can start patients on 10 to 25 mg/d
in combination with PUVA.37 Patients may be of acitretin for 1 week before initiating BBUVB
begun on a daily dose of 10 to 25 mg acitretin phototherapy.43 If acitretin is to be added to a
for 1 to 2 weeks, followed by addition of PUVA patient’s pre-existing UV-B regimen, UV-B dosim-
treatment, which is continued until disease etry should be initially reduced by 50% to avoid
remission. Because retinoids thin the stratum burning and then gradually increased if no photo-
corneum and cause an increased risk of UV toxicity occurs. Following the initial clearing of
radiation–induced erythema, advancement in psoriasis, remission can be prolonged with an
UV-A dosimetry should be more gradual.38 If aci- additional 3 weeks of UV-B treatment.44
tretin is to be added to a patient’s pre-existing
PUVA regimen, UV-A dosimetry should be initially Acitretin and narrowband ultraviolet B
reduced by 50% to avoid burning and advanced phototherapy
back to baseline if no phototoxicity occurs.39 Narrowband UV-B phototherapy (NBUVB) is high-
Following the clearance of psoriasis, low-dose aci- ly effective for the treatment of plaque psoriasis
tretin or PUVA alone can be considered as main- and can be combined with acitretin to reduce
tenance therapy. the number of treatments for clearing. A retro-
spective data analysis of 40 patients on acitretin
Acitretin and broadband ultraviolet B 25 mg/d plus NBUVB 3 times per week revealed
phototherapy that 72.5% of the patients achieved PASI-75.45 A
Acitretin can be used concomitantly with broad- randomized comparison of acitretin plus NBUVB
band ultraviolet B (BBUVB) to effectively treat with re-PUVA revealed that both regimens
Chapter 5 Acitretin 55

Studies of combination acitretin with broadband ultraviolet B phototherapy
Combination Number Mean Measure Cumulative Efficacy
Treatment of of Treatment Dose End
Study Regimen Patients Length (J/cm2) Points
Iest and Boer,41 Acitretin (0.34– 9 19.3 (no. of 8.4  3.7 89% obtained
1989 0.44 mg/kg) 1 treatments) clearancea
BBUVB 32 24.9 (no. of 11.1  5.2 62.5% obtained
treatments) clearancea
Ruzika et al,40 Acitretin (35 mg/d 40 48.0 (d) 8.8  6.8 76% decrease
1990  4 wk, 25 mg/d in PASI
thereafter) 1 60% obtained
BBUVB 38 43.4 (d) 6.4  5.2 35% decrease
24% obtained
Defined as 80% to 100% improvement.
Data from Ruzicka T, Sommerburg C, Braun-Falco O, et al. Efficiency of acitretin in combination with UV-B in the treat-
ment of severe psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 1990;126(4):482–6; and Iest J, Boer J. Combined treatment of psoriasis with aci-
tretin and UVB phototherapy compared with acitretin alone and UVB alone. Br J Dermatol 1989;120(5):665–70.

provided similar efficacy in the treatment of SAFETY

moderate-to-severe psoriasis.46 Acitretin plus Acitretin shares similar adverse effects with
NBUVB dosimetry regimens can be performed other systemic retinoids. Adverse effects are
similarly to that of the previously described com- preventable or manageable through proper pa-
bination phototherapy regimens. tient selection, dose adjustments, and routine
monitoring. The teratogenicity of acitretin is a
serious side effect that limits its use in women of
Chemoprevention reproductive potential. Most commonly reported
Systemic retinoids have been widely studied for side effects include cheilitis, xerosis, and alopecia
and have shown promising results on the (Table 5.6). With the exception of teratogenicity
prevention of certain cancers. The anticancer and hyperostosis, all side effects of acitretin re-
protective effects of retinoids are derived from ported in literature are dose dependent and
their antiangiogenic properties and ability to reversible.52 A retrospective analysis found that
induce cell proliferation, modulate growth, and common adverse effects were 2 to 3 times more
induce apoptosis.47 Retinoids reduce the frequent in patients receiving 50 mg/d acitretin
risk of new primary cutaneous SCC in moderate- than 25 mg/d acitretin.53
risk patients and immunosuppressed organ trans-
plant patients.48–50 Acitretin is now commonly Teratogenicity
used in practice to reduce the risk of Like all systemic retinoids, acitretin is labeled
immunosuppression-related skin cancer in trans- pregnancy category X. Major fetal abnormalities
plant patients as well as to prevent and treat leu- include central nervous system malformations
koplakia, actinic keratosis, cutaneous T-cell (meningomyelocele, meningoencephalocele),
lymphoma, acute promyelocytic leukemia, head craniofacial malformations (facial dysmorphia,
and neck carcinoma, nonmelanoma skin cancer, low-set ears, high palate, anophthalmia),
hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, and neu- musculoskeletal abnormalities (multiple synosto-
roblastoma.51 A nested cohort study found that ses, syndactyly, absence of phalanges, hip malfor-
oral retinoid use was associated with a 30% reduc- mations), and cardiovascular malformations.2
tion in SCC incidence (P 5 .002) in psoriatic pa- Acitretin is contraindicated in women who are or
tients treated with PUVA.34 Because psoriasis intend on becoming pregnant during treatment
patients are at higher risk for malignancy, the che- or 3 years following discontinuation of treatment.
mopreventive properties of acitretin are added Patients should not donate blood during treat-
benefits to psoriatic treatment regimens. ment or 3 years after treatment cessation in order
56 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Most frequently reported adverse events during acitretin clinical trials in psoriasis patients (N 5 525)
Body Mucous Skin & Central
System Membranes Appendages Musculoskeletal Nervous System Eye
>75% Cheilitis
50–75% Alopecia
Skin peeling
25–50% Rhinitis Dry skin
Nail disorder
10–25% Dry mouth Erythematous rash Arthralgia Rigors Xerophthalmia
Epistaxis Hyperesthesia Spinal hyperostosis
paresthesia (progression of
Paronychia existing lesions)
Skin atrophy
Sticky skin (possibly
due to increased
mucus production)
Acitretin dosing regimen ranged from 10 to 75 mg/d; majority received 25 to 50 mg/d. Greatest incidence of adverse
events occurred in patients receiving 75 mg/d.
Data from Soriatane [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC; Stiefel Laboratories, Inc.; 2014. Available at: https://
TANE-PI-MG.PDF. Accessed February 21, 2016.

to reduce the risk of teratogenicity in women does not require treatment cessation.12 Symp-
receiving blood donations. Available animal data tomatic treatment with emollients and low-
cannot determine a threshold dose in human strength topical corticosteroid can help relieve
therapy below which there is no risk of mucocutaneous side effects. If symptomatic mea-
teratogenicity.54 sures do not help alleviate these side effects, aci-
Ethanol is able to induce the conversion of aci- tretin can be tapered to a lower dose.
tretin to etretinate, which would extend the tera- Nonscarring alopecia occurs more frequently
togenic potential for female patients because of in high-dose acitretin regimens (w50%–75% of
the significantly longer elimination half-life of etre- patients) than low-dose regimens (w13%) and
tinate. Therefore, alcohol is prohibited in female usually resolves within 6 to 8 weeks of treat-
patients of child-bearing potential during treat- ment cessation.2 Nail disorders, including ony-
ment and for 2 months after discontinuation of chorrhexis, onychoschizia, and periungual
treatment. pyogenic granuloma, are also more common
Minimal studies have been done on seminal with high-dose therapy (w25%–50%) compared
transmission of acitretin and potential risk posed with low-dose therapy (0%).20 Tapering the
on the fetus. There is currently no mandate from dose or discontinuing acitretin should be
the FDA that prevents the exposure of women considered.
of childbearing potential to the semen of men
taking acitretin. To date, available data and Musculoskeletal
after-marketing surveillance have not shown any Musculoskeletal adverse effects are uncommon
association between paternal treatment with aci- but are the only significant and irreversible
tretin and retinoid embryopathy.55,56 adverse effects that are associated with long-
term systemic retinoid use. Long-term etreti-
Mucocutaneous nate therapy has been associated with diffuse
Mucocutaneous adverse effects are due to idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis syndrome
decreased sebum production and impaired skin (DISH), premature fusion of epiphyses, ligament
barrier function (see Table 5.6). They are also calcification, osteoporosis, and periosteal thick-
the most commonly encountered adverse effects ening.57 Retinoids are more likely to cause wors-
and are dose dependent and reversible in nature. ening of pre-existing skeletal overgrowth rather
Retinoid dermatitis resembles unstable psoriasis than de novo changes, which were seen in less
and can develop in 25% of patients after receiving than 1% of the cases studied in 3 prospective
high-dose acitretin; this is a transient reaction that studies.58–60
Chapter 5 Acitretin 57

There are conflicting reports in literature con- validity of this association or if its inclusion in the
cerning the association between skeletal adverse package insert was due to class labeling.
effects and acitretin therapy. A prospective study Patients should still be counseled for the signs
of 51 psoriatic patients treated with acitretin and symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri (head-
(average dose 0.5 mg/kg/d) for 2 years reported ache, diplopia, nausea, vomiting). If pseudotumor
2 subjects with unusual skeletal calcifications in cerebri is suspected, ophthalmoscope examina-
the forearms and hip.61 However, a retrospective tion can evaluate for papilledema, and the reti-
review of 49 patients on low-dose acitretin for noid should be discontinued. Systemic retinoids
1 year or more revealed no radiograph- should not be taken concomitantly with tetracy-
confirmed cases of DISH syndrome.62 A prospec- cline class antibiotics.
tive study measured the bone mineral density of
30 patients who took acitretin for a median of Metabolic and Hepatic
3.6 years and found no association between daily During clinical trials of acitretin (dosing range 10–
dose of acitretin, total dose administered, and 75 mg/d), 66% of patients experienced hypertri-
overall duration of treatment, and risk of osteope- glyceridemia and 33% experienced hypercholes-
nia or osteoporosis.63 Premature epiphyseal terolemia, with a lower proportion occurring in
closure is a concern in children treated with iso- the low-dose cohort.2,53 Initial management of
tretinoin, rarely with the use of etretinate, and hyperlipidemia consists of reduction in dietary
never reported with the use of acitretin.64 fat intake and exercise. If lifestyle changes provide
Sustained treatment with acitretin is associated inadequate control, addition of medications can
with myalgias and arthalgias, which can occur with be considered (Table 5.7).33 In the event of persis-
or without the elevation of creatinine phosphoki- tent hyperlipidemia in a patient already on a sta-
nase. Symptoms are usually mild and can be ble statin, prescription omega-3–acid ethyl
treated with oral analgesics. In severe cases, aci- esters can be added to improve lipid profile.68
tretin dose can be decreased by 25% until symp-
toms resolve.33

Neurologic TABLE 5.7

Pseudotumor cerebri has been associated with Management of hyperlipidemia during
systemic retinoid therapy, but the association retinoid therapy
with acitretin has been unclear. Literature reveals
Hyperlipidemia Management
multiple reports of pseudotumor cerebri associ-
ated with oral retinoid used concomitantly with Hypercholesterolemia  Decrease dietary fat,
tetracycline-class antibiotics as well as with iso- increase exercise
 Lipid-lowering agent
tretinoin monotherapy. Clinical trials (n 5 525)
(ie, atorvastatin
studying the efficacy and safety of acitretin in pso- 10 mg/d with individ-
riatic patients reported a rate of pseudotumor ualized dose
cerebri to be less than 1%.2 One case reported increases)
new onset pseudotumor cerebri in a pediatric pa-
Hypertriglyceridemia  Once medication
tient 1.5 months after the initiation of acitretin, regimen of hypertri-
dosed at 25 to 35 mg/d.65 A review of 331 case glyceridemia opti-
reports of ocular side effects associated with reti- mized (gemfibrozil
noids (tretinoin, etretinate, acitretin) found 21 600 mg twice daily)
cases of intracranial hypertension, 3 of which  Decrease retinoid
were associated with acitretin. Based on the dose by 50% if tri-
World Health Organization criteria, the investiga- glycerides
tors inferred a “probable” casual relationship of >499 mg/dL
intracranial hypertension due to these 3 retinoids.  Discontinue retinoid if
This relationship must be inferred with caution,
>800 mg/dL
especially because 6 of these patients were using  Reinitiate retinoid
tetracycline or minocycline antibiotics, which are once medication
possible instigators of intracranial hypertension.66 regimen of hypertri-
A review demonstrated the paucity of evidence- glyceridemia
based data to support the casual relationship optimized
between pseudotumor cerebri secondary to aci- Comment: combination therapy of a statin and fibrates
tretin.67 The investigators concluded that further (gemfibrozil) is avoided due to the increased risk of
investigation is required to assess the scientific rhabdomyolysis.
58 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Caution should be taken with patients with BOX 5.1

pre-existing liver disease before acitretin therapy. Contraindications to acitretin therapy
Elevations in serum transaminases occur in w25%
to 30% of patients and typically occur after 2 to Absolute contraindications:
8 weeks of therapy.33 However, these increases  Pregnancy
are often transient, reversible, and more common  Women of childbearing potential who cannot
with high-dose regimens. A 2-year prospective guarantee adequate contraception during
study demonstrated that therapy with typical treatment and 3 years after treatment
doses of acitretin (25–75 mg/d) did not induce cessation
biopsy-proven hepatotoxicity.69 Patients should  Severe liver/kidney failure
be counseled on minimizing alcohol and acet-
 Allergy to drug components
aminophen use. Retinoid dose can be decreased
by 50% if liver function tests (LFTs) are 2 to 3 times Relative contraindications:
normal values and discontinued if LFTs exceed 3  Breast-feeding women
times normal values. Retinoid can be reinitiated
 Mild hepatic/renal impairment (adjust dose)
at 25% of original dose once LFTs normalize.
 Alcohol consumption
Immunosuppression  Poorly controlled dyslipidemia
Acitretin does not increase the risk of developing  Concomitant use of hepatotoxic drugs or
infections and internal malignancies, thus making drugs that interact with acitretin
it an ideal treatment option for psoriasis patients
 Metabolic syndrome
with HIV, cancer, or other reasons of immunosup-
pression. It is also safe for long-term use without  Pediatric or elderly
time or cumulative dose limitations. An HIV pa-
tient suffering from severe psoriasis unresponsive
to topical steroids and UV-B was safely and suc- commit to 2 forms of contraception for at least
cessfully treated with 21 weeks of a tapering 1 month before initiation of and during therapy
dose of acitretin (30–10 mg/d).70 and 3 years after therapy discontinuation.
Because acitretin interferes with the contraceptive
Ophthalmologic effect of progestin-only preparations, the “mini-
Xerophthalmia and eye irritation are relatively pill” is not recommended as one of the forms of
common side effects that may require artificial contraception. Taking St. John’s wort is contrain-
tears, especially in contact lens users. Less com- dicated in this population because reports have
mon ophthalmologic effects are loss of night suggested decreased efficacy of hormonal con-
vision and color vision. traceptives while taking this supplement. Breast-
feeding is relatively contraindicated because trace
Psychiatric amounts of acitretin are excreted in human milk
Although there is a depression warning in the (30–40 ng/mL).73 Before beginning therapy, these
acitretin package insert, there is an absence of sci- patients should be counseled on the risks and
entific evidence of acitretin-associated depres- birth defects associated with acitretin exposure.
sion.67 Depression may be more of a theoretic
concern and class labeling. On the other hand, Metabolic and Hepatic
there have been anecdotal reports of depression, The risk of hyperlipidemia and pancreatitis during
and there is no extensive scientific evidence acitretin therapy is increased in patients with a fam-
showing that acitretin does not cause ily history of hypertriglyceridemia, alcohol con-
depression.71,72 sumption, obesity, and diabetes; therefore, these
patients may require more frequent LFT. Because
hepatotoxicity is exacerbated by alcohol, diabetes,
PRECAUTIONS and obesity, these patients require more frequent
Pregnancy Category X liver function monitoring. Acitretin can alter
Because of teratogenic risks, acitretin should not glucose control in diabetic patients, and thus,
be used in women of childbearing potential; in blood sugars should be checked more frequently,
rare circumstances, it could be considered in especially during the initial weeks of therapy.
cases of recalcitrant psoriasis and presence of
contraindications to other treatments (Box 5.1). Drug Interactions
These patients require 2 negative pregnancy Acitretin has significant drug interactions that
tests before initiation of acitretin and must should be noted (Table 5.8). To avoid
Chapter 5 Acitretin 59

TABLE 5.8 BOX 5.2

Notable drug interactions of acitretin Evaluation and workup for treatment with
Drug Interaction acitretin

Ethanol Enhanced conversion Baseline laboratory tests before acitretin

of acitretin to therapy
etretinate (relevant  Liver function tests
only to women of
child-bearing  Fasting serum triglycerides and cholesterol
potential) Evaluation during acitretin therapy
MTX Increased MTX level,  Mucocutaneous side effects
 Liver function tests
Vitamin A (>4000– Hypervitaminosis A
 Fasting serum triglycerides and cholesterol
5000 IU/d)
Microdosed Acitretin decreases
progestin antiovulatory effect on patient risks and concomitant medication
“minipill” of “minipill” that can induce hepatotoxicity or dyslipidemias.
Phenytoin Acitretin reduces its One practice guideline recommends the first
protein binding, LFTs and lipid profile reassessment during treat-
although clinical ment to occur between 4 to 8 weeks and then
significance of this every 6 months thereafter.74 This recommenda-
is yet unknown tion is based on standard clinical practice, where
Tetracylines Increases risk of alterations in liver function and lipid profiles are
intracranial uncommon. Unless there is evidence of bone
hypertension and toxicity, regular radiographic monitoring is not
photosensitivity recommended.
Oral corticosteroids Hyperlipidemia,
increased risk
of intracranial VACCINATIONS
hypertension59 Acitretin is not a direct immunosuppressant and
therefore does not interfere with the body’s
response to vaccinations, whether with toxoids,
hypervitaminosis A due to the additive effects of live, or attenuated vaccines. Patients may follow
retinoids and vitamin A, intake of other oral reti- regular vaccination schedules while taking
noids and vitamin A supplements greater than the acitretin.
daily minimum allowance is not recommended.2

MONITORING Acitretin is a second-generation synthetic retinoid
Before initiation of treatment, the physician must that is effective in treating plaque psoriasis as a
obtain baseline laboratory tests, perform a skin monotherapy or in combination with other thera-
assessment, and complete a medical history with pies. Monotherapy acitretin is also considered a
investigation of comorbidities, concomitant med- first-line treatment for pustular psoriasis. Acitretin
ications, presence of arthritis/arthralgia, and con- taken at a fixed dose of 25 mg/d obtains thera-
traindications/risks (Box 5.2). Women of peutic response (PASI-75) in 47% of severe pla-
reproductive potential should not be treated que–type patients at week 12.75 Pregnancy is an
with acitretin, but in the rare case in which no absolute contraindication to acitretin therapy,
other treatment is appropriate, they are required and the authors avoid acitretin in women of
to have 2 negative pregnancy tests before treat- child-bearing potential because there are many
ment initiation and monthly pregnancy testing other therapeutic options. Although acitretin has
during treatment. Follow-up laboratory tests a slow onset of action and is less effective
should be obtained every month while dose ad- compared with many other antipsoriatic systemic
justments are made and can be done every 3 to agents (MTX, cyclosporine, biologics), acitretin
6 months after dosing has stabilized and if previ- does achieve significant clearing, makes photo-
ous laboratory work was unremarkable for hepa- therapy more effective, and has the added benefit
totoxicity or hyperlipidemia. The timing of LFT of being safely used in the long-term without the
and lipid level reassessment can vary depending risk of immunosuppression.
60 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

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Vidhi V. Shah, BA, Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Elaine J. Lin, MD,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Cyclosporine  CsA  Neoral  Sandimmune  PISCES  PREWENT

 Cyclosporine (CsA) is a highly effective treatment option for patients with moderate-to-severe
plaque psoriasis with a rapid onset of action.
 Its mode of action includes the formation of a CsA-cyclophilin complex, which binds to and inhibits
calcineurin. Inhibition of calcineurin activity depresses T-cell differentiation and inhibits interleukin-
2 activity.
 CsA is dosed at 2.5 to 5.0 mg/kg/d in 2 divided oral doses, which may be increased or decreased
by 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/d.
 Important adverse effects of CsA therapy include the development of hypertension and neph-
rotoxicity; for this reason, routine monitoring of serum creatinine and blood pressure levels are

INTRODUCTION chronic idiopathic uticaria refractory to treatment,

Cyclosporine (CsA) is an effective medication used and pyoderma gangrenosum.3
for the treatment of severe plaque psoriasis in Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation manu-
adult patients.1 It is commonly known for its ability factures CsA under the trade names Sandimmune
to effectively prevent allograft rejection and is (available as 25-mg or 100-mg soft gelatin
widely administered following kidney, liver, and capsules, 50 mL per bottle oral solution, and
heart transplantation. The capability of CsA to 5-mL sterile ampul intravenous injections) and
drastically reduce immunologic activity within Neoral (available as 25-mg or 100-mg soft gelatin
short time spans has also made it a popular drug capsules or 50 mL per bottle oral solution). Neoral
of choice for the treatment of various immune- and its bioequivalents include Gengraf by
mediated disorders, including moderate-to- Abbott Laboratories Incorporated (available in
severe plaque psoriasis.2 25-mg or 100-mg capsules) and the generic
In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration version “CsA USP modified.” Neoral and Gengraf
(FDA) officially approved CsA for the treatment of are newer, microemulsion formulations with bet-
plaque psoriasis. Today, CsA is indicated for ter absorption and greater bioavailability than
adults who are not otherwise immunosuppressed the original Sandimmune formulation.4
and experience severe, recalcitrant psoriasis, The current recommended starting dosage of
including patients with extensive or disabling CsA for patients with psoriasis is 2.5 to 3 mg/kg/d
forms of psoriasis (plaque, generalized pustular, taken in 2 divided doses (1.25 mg/kg twice a day)
palmoplantar, and erythrodermic) that have failed for a short-term course of 12 to 16 weeks
at least 1 other systemic therapy or are unable to (Fig. 6.1). If there is no significant clinical improve-
take other systemic therapies due to contraindica- ment following at least 4 weeks of treatment, CsA
tions or intolerable side effects. Although it has dosages are increased in incremental dosages by
only 1 dermatologic-approved indication, CsA 0.5 mg/kg/d until the disease is stable. The
has been used for various off-label dermatologic maximum dosage per day is 5.0 mg/kg. Alterna-
disorders, including severe atopic dermatitis, tively, CsA may be started at the maximum

64 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

2.5–3 mg/kg/d taken in two divided doses Increase dosage by 0.5 mg/kg/d if needed until
(1.25 mg/kg BID) disease stable (Maximum dosage of 5.0 mg/kg)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12–16

Fig. 6.1 Recommended starting regimen of CsA in incremental dosages.

dosage and be reduced in 0.5-mg/kg/d incre- clinical trials have investigated the efficacy of
ments in severe disease. CsA is metabolized by CsA in the treatment of moderate-to-severe pla-
hepatic cytochrome P450-3A, and its plasma que psoriasis using various drug regimens,
half-life is approximately 8 hours, with a range of including monotherapy versus combination ther-
5 to 18 hours. apy; short, intermittent, and long-term therapy;
and topical versus systemic therapy.


CsA is a lipophilic cyclic polypeptide composed Short-term therapy: for induction of remission
of 11 amino acids.4 It suppresses the immune In an open, prospective, multicenter trial con-
system by inhibiting T-cell differentiation and ducted by Berth-Jones and colleagues,6 the effi-
activation. The drug itself binds a cytosolic cacy and tolerability of intermittent CsA
protein named cyclophilin. The subsequent (Neoral) therapy were studied in 41 patients
CsA-cyclophilin complex binds to and inhibits with psoriasis vulgaris. Each patient received 3
calcineurin. By inhibiting calcineurin, CsA blocks treatment periods of up to 12 weeks’ duration
activation of the transcription factor, Nuclear of CsA at a divided dosage of 5 mg/kg/d. Treat-
Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT); this prevents ment was continued until the patient achieved a
NFAT from activating transcription of genes 90% remission of afflicted areas or for duration
coding for interleukin-2 and other cytokines. of 12 weeks, whichever occurred first. Increases
The blockade of calcineurin halts signal transduc- in blood pressure (>95 mm Hg diastolic at 2
tion mechanisms required for the activation and consecutive visits), serum creatinine (>30% from
differentiation of T lymphocytes (Fig. 6.2).1 baseline), or development of other adverse
Downstream consequences of the inhibition of effects resulted in 25% dose reductions. Satisfac-
calcineurin include reduction of lymphocytes tory clinical response to CsA was evaluated using
and macrophages in the epidermis and dermis, a modified “rule of nines” criteria at the end of
downregulation of cellular adhesion molecule each treatment period. There was significant
expression in the dermal capillary endothelium, improvement in erythema, infiltration, and
restricted activation of antigen-presenting cells, desquamation the end of each treatment period
natural killer cells, and T cells, inhibition of kera- as compared with baseline (P<.01). There was a
tinocyte proliferation, and restricted release of high proportion of patients achieving clinical
histamine from mast cells.5 remission following each treatment period,
including 93% of patients at period 1 (mean 7.2,
SD 3.0 days), 85% of patients at period 2 (mean
EFFICACY 8.0, SD 3.2 days), and 91% of patients at period
CsA is one of the most effective drugs for the 3 (mean 7.4, SD 3.2 days). Patients experienced
treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoria- relapse at a median of 72 days and 53 days for
sis, with rapid onset of action and powerful immu- periods 1 and 2, respectively. There was no signif-
nosuppressive activity. An extensive number of icant difference between baseline and final

Fig. 6.2 CsA mechanism of action:

CsA crosses the plasma membrane and binds to cyclophilin CsA binds to cyclophilin, forming a
CsA-cyclophilin complex that in-
hibits calcineurin.
CsA-cyclophilin complex binds to and inhibits calcineurin

Inhibition of calcineurin blocks activation of the transcription

factor, Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT)
Chapter 6 Cyclosporine 65

follow-up for improvement or tolerability. The of MTX patients. In a similar manner, Heydendael
study concluded that intermittent courses of and colleagues10 also compared the efficacy of
CsA could rapidly clear plaque psoriasis.6 CsA to MTX. A total of 44 patients were treated
Faerber and colleagues7 conducted a meta- with CsA using an initial dose of 3 mg/kg/wk for
analysis of 3 major, prospective, randomized trials 16 weeks. In contrast to Flytstrom and colleagues,
investigating CsA for induction of remission in 579 Heydendael and colleagues found no significant
patients with severe plaque-type psoriasis differences in efficacy between CsA and MTX
(Table 6.1). Significant Psoriasis Area and Severity groups.
Index (PASI) reductions of 44.4%, 69.8%, and
71.5% were demonstrated in patients after 10 to Intermittent short-term therapy: for
12 weeks of CsA therapy at dosages of 1.25, 2.5, maintenance and prevention of relapse
and 5 mg/kg/d (mean daily dosage 0.53 mg/ In a 1-year, prospective, open, multicenter, ran-
kg/d). Primary outcome measures included PASI domized trial, the Psoriasis Intermittent Short
and serum creatinine levels. CsA was found to Courses of Efficacy of Sandimmune Neoral
be highly effective with patients reaching PASI- (PISCES) studied intermittent short-term treat-
50 from baseline in 4.3 weeks for 5 mg/kg/d, ment of CsA in 400 patients with plaque psoriasis
6.1 weeks for 2.5 mg/kg/d, and 14.1 weeks for who were unresponsive to topical therapy. Pa-
1.25 mg/kg/d. Moreover, CsA 1.25 mg/kg/d was tients were initiated at 2.5 mg/kg/d of CsA, which
found to be more efficacious than placebo, and was increased by 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/d (maximum of
this difference was statistically significant.8 5 mg/kg/d) until 90% clearance of the affected
Two randomized, controlled clinical trials areas or duration of 12 weeks, whichever occurred
compared the short-term effectiveness of CsA to first. Patients who achieved satisfactory im-
that of methotrexate (MTX).9 In the study by provement (defined as PASI-75) were randomly
Flytstrom and colleagues,9 84 patients were assigned to discontinue treatment or undergo a
randomized to receive either MTX or CsA for a dose reduction of 1 mg/kg/d until cessation. Pa-
12-week duration. The primary endpoint was tients were administered another course of CsA
PASI-75. Patients who received CsA demon- upon relapse and received as many treatment
strated greater efficacy than patients receiving courses necessary for 1 year. Overall, median
MTX therapy, with 72% of CsA patients reaching time to relapse was 3.6 months and 3.7 months
significant PASI changes from baseline than 58% in patients randomized to abruptly stop therapy

Comparison of 3 major, prospective, randomized trials investigating cyclosporine for induction
Meffert et al,43 Laburte et al,44 1994 Christophers et al,45
1997 (N 5 133) (N 5 251) 1992 (N 5 217)
Baseline PASI 8–25 18 15
CsA dosages 1.25 2.5 1.25
(mg/kg/d) 2.5 5 2.5a
Duration (wk) 10 12 12–36
CsA PASI 27.2 69 18
improvement 51 89 56
from baseline (%)
Placebo PASI 5.9 NR NR
from baseline (%)
Conclusions CsA 1.25 mg/kg/d is CsA 5 mg/kg/d is CsA 2.5 mg/kg/d is the
superior to placebo superior to optimal starting dosage
Consider dosage 2.5 mg/kg/d in as compared with
reductions to chronic plaque 1.25 mg/kg/d in
1.25 mg/kg/d once psoriasis chronic plaque psoriasis
patients stable at
higher doses
Patients with no significant improvement had dosages doubled up to 5 mg/kg/d until response reached.
Data from Refs.43–45
66 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

versus those who were tapered off (P 5 .04). Mean A German multicenter study assessed the re-
area of skin involvement included 4%, 2.6%, 4.4%, sults of long-term CsA therapy in 285 patients
and 4.5% at the end of treatment periods 1, 2, 3, with severe psoriasis. Patients were treated with
and 4, respectively, from a baseline of 25%.11 In 1.25 to 5 mg/kg/d of CsA for 6 to 30 months.
an extension study, the PISCES group adminis- PASI scores were reduced by 75% to 94% from
tered CsA to 76 patients with chronic plaque pso- baseline; however, half of the patients experienced
riasis intermittently over 2 years. Time in remission relapse following cessation of therapy.16 In a 16-
was the same whether abruptly stopping CsA or week unblinded study, 181 patients received 3.0
tapering over 4 weeks. Median time to relapse to 6.0 mg/kg/d CsA. Eighty-six percent of patients
was 3.8 months after the first treatment, which achieved a PASI-70 response. Patients entered a
progressively shortened after greater number of 24-week maintenance phase wherein they were
courses.12 randomly assigned to receive CsA 1.5 mg/kg/d
The PREWENT (Psoriasis Relapse Evaluation or CsA 3 mg/kg/d or placebo. Longer time to
with Week-End Neoral Treatment) study was a ran- relapse was associated with long-term mainte-
domized, double-blind, multicenter, controlled nance therapy with CsA 3 mg/kg/d than placebo
study that evaluated the efficacy and tolerability (P<.01). Furthermore, approximately half the pa-
of weekend CsA for the reduction of relapse rate tients treated with CsA 3 mg/kg/d experienced
in patients who had previously achieved remission relapse as compared with placebo (42% vs 84%)
with continuous CsA therapy. The primary at the end of the 24-week maintenance period.17
endpoint was no relapse or a 75% improvement Additional studies have studied novel out-
in PASI from baseline at week 24. Eighty-one comes that affect the overall efficacy of CsA.
patients received placebo and 162 received CsA Sandimmune and Neoral formulations were
for 2 consecutive days a week for 24 weeks. Week- compared in patients with severe plaque psoriasis
end CsA reduced time to first relapse in psoriasis in a prospective, randomized, double-blind study.
patients, with time to first relapse prolonged in PASI-75 was achieved by 80% of patients in both
patients receiving CsA versus placebo (P<.05). groups by week 12. However, the Neoral group
In addition, PASI was lower from weeks 4 to 16 in achieved a faster response and remission rates
CsA recipients. In patients with moderate-severe between the 2 formulations.18 An open trial study
psoriasis, the clinical success rate was increased investigated the efficacy of Neoral administered
with CsA compared with placebo (69.9% vs before and after meals in 37 patients with psoria-
46.3%; P 5 .011).13 sis vulgaris. CsA microemulsion of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/
kg/d was administered before or after meals for
Continuous long-term therapy 6 weeks. Giving CsA before meals improved pso-
Smaller studies have studied the effectiveness and riasis more than giving CsA after meals (P<.05).19
safety associated with CsA in continuous, long- Another trial evaluated the value of a fixed dose
term therapy. Chaidemenos and colleagues14 microemulsion of 100 mg/d CsA in psoriasis. Forty
conducted an open, randomized single-center patients were administered either 100 mg/d CsA
study studying intermittent versus ongoing CsA (group A) or 50 mg CsA twice daily (group B).
therapy in 51 patients with chronic plaque psoria- PASI-50 was achieved by 82% in group A and
sis. Intermittent administration was less efficacious 84% in group B. PASI-50 was significantly higher
than continuous treatment (PASI-75 62% vs 92%, in group A than in group B at 6 weeks; however,
P<.05). However, patients administered contin- no difference in PASI-75 and PASI-90 was seen
uous treatment received 139% of the mean cumu- between groups.20
lative CsA dose of intermittent therapy.
Long-term therapy should remain an option Combination Therapy
for patients who are recalcitrant to intermittent Topical therapy
therapy. Lowe and colleagues15 evaluated the ef- Combination treatments, including topical forms of
ficacy of CsA at 12 weeks and 3 to 5 years. Forty- CsA, have been studied for moderate-to-severe
two patients received CsA 5 to 6 mg/kg/d for plaque psoriasis. Various smaller studies have
12 weeks, and 14 of 42 patients (33.33%) evaluated topical CsA in combination with other
received maintenance treatment for 3.5 years. agents, including the vitamin D analogue calcipo-
At the end of 12 weeks, 36 patients (86%) were triol, corticosteroids, anthralin, and dithranol.21,22
clear or almost clear of psoriatic lesions. Dosages One randomized, double-blind, multicenter,
were increased from 5 to 6 mg/kg/d in 15 pa- placebo-controlled study evaluated the com-
tients who remained unresponsive to therapy. bination of topical CsA with calcipotriol ointment.
Sixty-seven percent of this subgroup achieved Patients were randomized to receive either 2 mg/
clearance within 4 weeks. kg/d of CsA with 50 mg/g of calcipotriol ointment
Chapter 6 Cyclosporine 67

or 2 mg/kg/d of CsA combined with placebo CsA use for up to 1 year, whereas the European
ointment. More patients in the calcipotriol/ guidelines allow its use for up to 2 years.1
CsA group (50%) achieved complete or 90% During the clinical trials of CsA, safety prob-
improvement in PASI scores than in the placebo/ lems occurred. In a study of 41 subjects, 18 pa-
CsA group (12%).23 tients did not complete the study, with 5
withdrawn for adverse events, including hyperten-
Systemic therapy sion (n 5 3), renal impairment (n 5 1), and abdom-
Concurrent administration of CsA with other inal pain (n 5 1). Less-severe side effects that were
systemic psoriasis agents, including MTX, myco- commonly encountered include paresthesia,
phenolate mofetil (MMF), and fumaric acid esters, gastrointestinal symptoms, musculoskeletal pains,
has been studied. The combination of 3 mg/kg/d influenza-like symptoms, headache, and upper
of CsA and 7.5 to 15 mg/wk of MTX was more respiratory tract infections. Patients during each
effective than monotherapy with either CsA or treatment period experienced increased blood
MTX alone in 19 patients with severe, recalcitrant pressures and serum creatinine; however, both
psoriasis.24 The addition of MFF (maximum returned to baseline by the end of follow-up.
dosage 3.0 g/d) to low-dose CsA (2.5 mg/kg/d) Overall, no cumulative toxicity was appreciated.6
in 9 patients with severe, recalcitrant psoriasis Thirty-three of 400 patients were withdrawn
resulted in moderate-to-good clinical improve- from the study due to side effects. Adverse effects
ment of psoriasis over 3 to 11 months.25 were reported in 50% of patients and included
paresthesia, nausea, hypertrichosis, and head-
ache. Most of these side effects were mild to
EFFICACY IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS moderate in severity; only 11 patients (3%) expe-
Various therapies, including corticosteroids, dis- rienced severe side effects that included myalgia
ease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and paresthesia. No clinically significant increases
and biologic DMARDs, target the pain, inflamma- in serum creatinine and/or systolic and diastolic
tion, joint destruction, and ensuing debilities asso- blood pressures were appreciated during the
ciated with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). CsA is a study. Thirty-two patients (8%) experienced
synthetic DMARD that has moderate efficacy for serum creatinine levels greater than 30% and 45
PsA spinal and joint symptoms. Most recently, patients (12%) developed new-onset hyperten-
the SYNERGY study conducted a large, multi- sion over 1 year.11
center, observational Italian study that evaluated
CsA monotherapy in patients with PsA; CsA was Nephrotoxicity
effective in reducing all disease parameters, CsA exerts a constrictive effect on renal arterioles,
including PASI, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis thus contributing increased blood pressure and
Activity Index, and patient and physician global decreased renal function.29 The low dosages
assessments.26 Although such studies have (2.5–5 mg/kg/d) used for treatment of psoriasis
demonstrated this drug to be effective, CsA is run less risk of renal dysfunction than the doses
currently not FDA approved for the treatment of used in transplant recipients. Experts recommend
PsA, and there are currently other medications intermittent use of CsA over 12 weeks rather than
available with superior efficacy.27,28 ongoing treatment. Long-term therapy with CsA
increases the chances of permanent loss of renal
function. Structural and functional damage to
SAFETY the kidneys is a concern with continuous CsA
CsA has potentially serious side effects and drug/ treatment for greater than 2 years at any dosage.
food interactions. Patients should be well Patients undergoing therapy for greater than
informed of the signs and symptoms of these 1 year should have yearly glomerular filtration
adverse effects before beginning CsA therapy. rate (GFR) monitoring and monthly creatinine
The most important side effects are nephrotoxicity levels monitored.
and high blood pressure, which seem to be dose Patients with serum creatinine levels greater
and duration dependent. In general, side effects than 30% of baseline on 2 separate occasions,
are easily reversed with cessation of therapy; how- measured 2 weeks apart, should have CsA dos-
ever, long-term therapy may be associated with ages reduced by 1 mg/kg/d and follow-up serum
toxicity and structural abnormalities in renal micro- creatinine levels every other week for 1 month. If
vasculature. The current guidelines recommend the serum creatinine continues to remain greater
the administration of CsA using a short-term than 30% of baseline after lowering the doses after
regimen of 2.5 to 5.0 mg/kg/d for 12 to 16 weeks. 2 similar instances, it is recommended CsA be dis-
For long-term therapy, the US guidelines allow continued. Patients on therapy for more than
68 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

1 year should be carefully monitored for nephro- Additional Side Effects

toxicity including yearly GFR and monthly serum In addition to the above-mentioned side effects,
creatinine levels. Minimization of renal impairment patients on CsA therapy may experience head-
may be achieved with lowering dosages and termi- ache, tremor, paresthesia, hypertrichosis, gingival
nating therapy. Old age, obesity, pre-existing hy- hyperplasia, worsening acne, nausea, vomiting,
pertension or kidney disease, and concomitant diarrhea, myalgia, flulike symptoms, lethargy,
use of other nephrotoxic medications can increase hypertriglyceridemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperka-
the chances of CsA-induced nephrotoxicity.1 lemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and increased risk of
infection and malignancies.1
CsA has a dose- and duration-dependent effect on
blood pressure that is reversible with reduction or PRECAUTIONS
discontinuation of therapy. CsA dosages should Dermatologists should be aware of the cautions
be reduced by 25% to 50% in patients experi- of CsA administration. Special attention should
encing increased blood pressure (measured at 2 be given to patients with a history of kidney dis-
separate instances). It is recommended to discon- ease, pre-existing hypertension, and certain other
tinue CsA if elevated blood pressure levels persist conditions. Otherwise healthy individuals,
despite dose reductions. Various studies investi- including pregnant women, children, and elderly
gating CsA effect on blood pressure report individuals, seeking treatment with CsA also
between 5% and 26% of psoriatic patients experi- require additional consideration (Box 6.1).
ence increase in blood pressure after initiation of
CsA therapy. Calcium-channel blockers, specif- Pregnancy Category C and Lactation
ically amlodipine and isradipine, are first-line treat- There are very little data reporting CsA use in
ment choices for CsA-induced hypertension pregnant women with psoriasis. The effects of
because they act to directly relax the vascular CsA in pregnancy are primarily derived from the
smooth muscle. Additional treatment options organ transplant literature, making direct com-
include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors parisons between the 2 populations difficult. In
and b-blockers. Thiazide and potassium-sparing general, pregnant women who are receiving
diuretics are not recommended. CsA treatment in the transplant population are
at risk for babies with low birth weight and prema-
Malignancies turity.32 One retrospective study of 629 pregnant
It is difficult to determine the risk of malignancies patients using 1.4 to 12 mg/kg/d CsA from week
caused by CsA in psoriasis patients because 6 through the entire pregnancy found similar rates
psoriasis patients have greater risk of cancer and of fetal loss and malformation to that of the gen-
lymphomas than the general population. B- and eral population. However, the study did find
T-cell lymphomas are rare in CsA-treated pa- increased rates of prematurity and lower birth
tients. Paul and colleagues30 prospectively rates within this population.33 Similarly, smaller
followed 1252 patients for 5 years and reported studies including 1 case report34 and retrospec-
no lymphoma. The connection between solid or- tive analysis35 found that low birth weight and
gan tumors and CsA is also unclear. Several case prematurity were associated with CsA usage in
reports have suggested the development of or- pregnant patients with complicated medical his-
gan malignancy in CsA-treated patients; however, tory. As such, the risks and benefits of CsA should
2 large-scale studies report the association to be be carefully weighed before initiating therapy in
unlikely. Ryan and colleagues31 conducted a pregnancy. The FDA has labeled CsA as preg-
case control study and suggested that CsA in nancy category C, and the general recommenda-
combination with another immunosuppressive tion is to withhold CsA treatment in pregnant
therapy used together may decrease the inci- patients and only consider it in patients who
dence of breast and rectal cancers. have severe psoriasis recalcitrant to other
Patients should avoid simultaneous treatment medications.32
of CsA and phototherapy or CsA immediately It is not recommended to take CsA when
before or after psoralen and UV-A radiation breast-feeding because the drug may accrue
(PUVA), because the risk of development of cuta- within the breast milk, although the exact levels
neous malignancy is heightened. There is an may vary. In 1 study involving 7 breast-fed infants
increased risk of nonmelanoma skin cancers in pa- of mothers receiving CsA, drug levels of CsA in
tients using long-term (>2 years) CsA; patients infants were less than 0.1 mg/kg/d, with 50 to
exposed to PUVA, immunosuppressant therapy, 227 ng/mL available in daily breast milk.36 This
or MTX; and patients with a history of skin cancer. finding is in contrast to another study, which
Chapter 6 Cyclosporine 69

BOX 6.1 Pediatrics

Relative and absolute contraindications of Currently, CsA is only FDA approved in adults,
cyclosporine therapy because the safety and efficacy of CsA in children
with psoriasis has not been established yet, and
Relative contraindications there are only limited studies evaluating its use
 Patients with issues with intermittent use of in the pediatric population. One retrospective
medication chart review found that 17 of 22 (77%) patients
 Hypertension and currently on prescription were excellent responders to CsA therapy (mean
medication dosage 3.5  0.6 mg/kg/d for a mean duration
 Patients on nephrotoxic drugs of 5.7  3.3 months).38 In another case series,
15 of 38 patients (39.4%) achieved PASI-75 by
 Geriatric patients
week 16. Eight patients discontinued therapy sec-
 Drug-drug interactions ondary to abnormal laboratory values and/or
 Significant hepatic disease adverse events, but none were serious.39,40
 Gingivitis/excessive dental plaque
 Immunodeficiency Treatment of the older adults with psoriasis
 Gout should involve careful assessment of baseline
Absolute contraindications organ functionality, because this population
generally has decreased hepatic, renal, and car-
 Uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes
diac function. Also, the risk of drug-drug interac-
 Abnormal renal function or kidney disease tion effects is increased because this population
 Pregnancy and lactation is often subject to polypharmacy.
Drug and Food Interactions
 Presence of active infections CsA has significant drug interactions that should
 Hypersensitivity to CsA or any of its be noted and appreciated before and during
components therapy (Box 6.2). CsA is metabolized by cyto-
 Cardiovascular issues including migraines and chrome P450-3A, and several medications or die-
strokes tary substances can either inhibit or enhance
 Patients requiring live-attenuated cytochrome P450-3A activity, which may cause
vaccinations during treatment an unintentional increase or decrease in serum
drug concentrations. Both physicians and patients
 Noncompliant, unreliable, or unavailable
patients for routine follow-up should be aware of these medications and sub-
stances that could potentially increase the risk
 Concomitant PUVA or UV-B, methotrexate, or for toxicity or reduce CsA effectiveness. Further-
other immunosuppressive medications, coal
more, medications or dietary substances that in-
tar, greater than 200 PUVA treatments, or
radiation therapy in the past crease serum potassium levels, cause potential
nephrotoxicity, increase or decrease immunosup-
Data from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. pression, or directly interact with CsA itself,
Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis
should be avoided. In addition, CsA can reduce
and psoriatic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for
the management and treatment of psoriasis with tradi- the clearance of drugs such as prednisolone, sta-
tional systemic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol tins (increased risk of rhabdomyolysis), digoxin,
2009;61:451–85; and Koo JYM, Levin EC, Leon A, and colchicine.
et al. Moderate to severe psoriasis. 4th edition. Boca
Raton (FL): CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group; 2014.
p. ix, 391.
Baseline Monitoring
Before initiation of treatment, the patient must
have a thorough history and physical examination.
reported substantial inconsistencies in CsA The history should include past or present expo-
concentrations in infants receiving breast milk. sure to tuberculosis, hepatitis B or C, family his-
Additional, long-term studies are necessary before tory or personal history of kidney disease,
the establishment of recommendations.32,37 For diabetes, obesity, pregnancy and contraception,
now, pregnant women with moderate-to-severe presence of active infection or tumors, and use
forms of psoriasis should decide whether to termi- of nephrotoxic drugs. Baseline blood pressure
nate CsA therapy or discontinue breast-feeding. measurements as well as blood urea nitrogen
70 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

BOX 6.2
Selected medications, foods, and supplements that may interfere with cyclosporine therapy
Drugs and foods that inhibit cytochrome P450-3A and increase CsA levels
Antifungals: ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole
Antibiotics: macrolides, fluoroquinolones
Diuretics: furosemide, thiazides, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Calcium channel blockers: diltiazem, nicardipine, verapamil
Corticosteroids: methylprednisolone
Antiemetics: metoclopramide
Antiarrhythmic: amiodarone
Antimalarial: hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine
HIV protease inhibitors: ritonavir, indinavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors: fluoxetine, sertraline
Oral contraceptives
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice
Drugs and foods that induce cytochrome P450-3A and decrease CsA levels
Antifungals: griseofulvin
Antibiotics: nafcillin, rifabutin, rifampin, rifapentine
Antiepileptics: carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, valproic acid
Somatostatin analogues: octreotide
Tuberculosis medication: rifampicin
Retinoids: bexarotene
Others: pioglitazone, rosiglitazone, phenytoin, phenobarbital, orlistat
St. John’s wort
Drugs with known nephrotoxicity
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): diclofenac, naproxen, sulindac, indomethacin
Antibiotics: gentamycin, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
H-2 antagonists: cimetidine and ranitidine
Drugs, foods, and supplements that increase serum potassium
NSAIDs: all especially indomethacin
Angiotensin-converting inhibitors
b-Adrenergic blockers
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Antiarrhythmic: digitalis
Data from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with traditional systemic agents.
J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;61:451–85; and Koo JYM, Levin EC, Leon A, et al. Moderate to severe psoriasis. 4th edition.
Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group; 2014. p. ix, 391.

(BUN) and serum creatinine should be measured Ongoing Monitoring

on 2 separate occasions (Table 6.2). In addition, It is recommended to evaluate blood pressure
the physician should obtain liver function tests and BUN/creatinine levels closely every other
(LFTs), complete blood count (CBC), serum mag- week in the first 3 months of CsA therapy and in
nesium, potassium, uric acid, and cholesterol lipid monthly intervals thereafter if stable. In addition,
panel.1 monthly CBC, LFTs, magnesium, uric acid,
Chapter 6 Cyclosporine 71

Evaluation and workup for treatment with cyclosporine therapy
Baseline Monitoring Ongoing Monitoring
 History and physical examination  Every other week and then monthly after
 Blood pressure (measured on 2 separate occasions) 3 mo if stable
 Serum BUN and creatinine (measured on 2 separate  Blood pressure
occasions)  Serum BUN and creatinine
 Urinalysisa  Monthly
 Magnesium  Uric acida
 Potassium  Potassium
 Uric acid  Lipids
 Lipids  Liver enzymes
 Liver enzymes  Serum bilirubin
 Bilirubin  Magnesium
 Consider purified protein derivative and pregnancy
test if indicated
Guidelines reflect official American Academy of Dermatology guidelines. Of note, the authors of this chapter do not
check urinalysis, uric acid, and BUN.
Data from Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with traditional systemic agents.
J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;61:451–85.

potassium, and cholesterol lipid panel should be dosage within this range for 4 weeks, after which
obtained. Consider calculating GFR once yearly dosages may be increased by 0.5 mg/kg/d until
in patients at risk for lower kidney function.1 remission. The upper limit of CsA per day is
5.0 mg/kg and normally should not be exceeded.
Physicians should expect rapid improvement
VACCINATIONS within 1 to 4 weeks. Long-term treatment with
In general, it is recommended that patients on CsA is not recommended, and clinicians should
CsA should receive age-appropriate killed or inac- opt to switch to less toxic medications for contin-
tivated vaccines. The authors of this chapter uous treatment for risk of side effects, mainly hy-
endorse annual influenza vaccinations, although pertension and nephrotoxicity.
previous studies in transplant patients receiving
CsA report variable efficacy.41 Concomitant
administration of live-attenuated vaccinations is REFERENCES
contraindicated with CsA therapy.42 1. Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines
of care for the management of psoriasis and psori-
atic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS management and treatment of psoriasis with tradi-
There is currently a wide array of therapeutic tional systemic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;
options available for the treatment of moderate- 61:451–85.
to-severe psoriasis. Nevertheless, CsA remains a 2. Mueller W, Herrmann B. Cyclosporin A for psoriasis.
useful option owing to its reliable efficacy and N Engl J Med 1979;301:555.
rapid onset of action. This drug should be consid- 3. Wolverton SE. Comprehensive dermatologic drug
ered in patients with severe or recalcitrant psoria- therapy. 3rd edition. Edinburgh (Germany): Saun-
sis requiring intermittent, short-term therapy for ders/Elsevier; 2013. p. xxii, 826.
either induction of remission, rescue therapy, or 4. Singh AK, Narsipur SS. Cyclosporine: a commentary
maintenance and prevention of relapse. Experts on brand versus generic formulation exchange.
consider CsA especially useful as a “bridge” ther- J Transpl 2011;2011:480642.
apy to other medications during critical relapses. 5. Wong RL, Winslow CM, Cooper KD. The mecha-
For moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, CsA nisms of action of cyclosporin A in the treatment
can be started at 4 to 5 mg/kg in 2 divided doses of psoriasis. Immunol Today 1993;14:69–74.
and reduced in 0.5 mg/kg/d increments. Alterna- 6. Berth-Jones J, Henderson CA, Munro CS, et al.
tively, CsA may be initiated at dosages of 2.5- Treatment of psoriasis with intermittent short
3 mg/kg/d and be administered in 2 divided course cyclosporin (Neoral). A multicentre study.
doses.1 Patients should be continued at a stable Br J Dermatol 1997;136:527–30.
72 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

7. Faerber L, Braeutigam M, Weidinger G, et al. Cyclo- patients with psoriasis vulgaris. J Dermatol 2007;
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analysis in 579 patients. Am J Clin Dermatol 2001; 20. Shintani Y, Kaneko N, Furuhashi T, et al. Safety and
2:41–7. efficacy of a fixed-dose cyclosporin microemulsion
8. Colombo MD, Cassano N, Bellia G, et al. Cyclo- (100 mg) for the treatment of psoriasis. J Dermatol
sporine regimens in plaque psoriasis: an overview 2011;38:966–72.
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Journal 2013;2013:805705. efficacy of cyclosporine in psoriasis: a clinical and
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quality of life and safety. A randomized controlled 22. Griffiths CE, Powles AV, McFadden J, et al. Long-
trial. Br J Dermatol 2008;158:116–21. term cyclosporin for psoriasis. Br J Dermatol 1989;
10. Heydendael VM, Spuls PI, Opmeer BC, et al. Meth- 120:253–60.
otrexate versus cyclosporine in moderate-to-severe 23. Grossman RM, Thivolet J, Claudy A, et al. A novel
chronic plaque psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2003;349: therapeutic approach to psoriasis with combination
658–65. calcipotriol ointment and very low-dose cyclo-
11. Ho VC, Griffiths CE, Albrecht G, et al. Intermittent sporine: results of a multicenter placebo-controlled
short courses of cyclosporin (Neoral(R)) for psoriasis study. J Am Acad Dermatol 1994;31:68–74.
unresponsive to topical therapy: a 1-year multi- 24. Clark CM, Kirby B, Morris AD, et al. Combination
centre, randomized study. The PISCES Study treatment with methotrexate and cyclosporin for se-
Group. Br J Dermatol 1999;141:283–91. vere recalcitrant psoriasis. Br J Dermatol 1999;141:
12. Ho VC, Griffiths CE, Berth-Jones J, et al. Intermit- 279–82.
tent short courses of cyclosporine microemulsion 25. Ameen M, Smith HR, Barker JN. Combined myco-
for the long-term management of psoriasis: a phenolate mofetil and cyclosporin therapy for se-
2-year cohort study. J Am Acad Dermatol 2001;44: vere recalcitrant psoriasis. Clin Exp Dermatol 2001;
643–51. 26:480–3.
13. Colombo D, Cassano N, Altomare G, et al. Psoriasis 26. Colombo D, Chimenti S, Grossi PA, et al. Efficacy of
relapse evaluation with week-end cyclosporine A cyclosporine A as monotherapy in patients with
treatment: results of a randomized, double-blind, psoriatic arthritis: a subgroup analysis of the syn-
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14. Chaidemenos GC, Mourellou O, Avgoustinaki N, 27. Spadaro A, Riccieri V, Sili-Scavalli A, et al. Compar-
et al. Intermittent vs. continuous 1-year cyclosporin ison of cyclosporin A and methotrexate in the treat-
use in chronic plaque psoriasis. J Eur Acad Derma- ment of psoriatic arthritis: a one-year prospective
tol Venereol 2007;21:1203–8. study. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1995;13:589–93.
15. Lowe NJ, Wieder JM, Rosenbach A, et al. Long- 28. Stein CM, Pincus T. Combination treatment of rheu-
term low-dose cyclosporine therapy for severe pso- matoid arthritis with cyclosporine and metho-
riasis: effects on renal function and structure. J Am trexate. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1999;17:S47–52.
Acad Dermatol 1996;35:710–9. 29. Taler SJ, Textor SC, Canzanello VJ, et al. Cyclo-
16. Mrowietz U, Farber L, Henneicke-von Zepelin HH, sporin-induced hypertension: incidence, pathogen-
et al. Long-term maintenance therapy with esis and management. Drug Saf 1999;20:437–49.
cyclosporine and posttreatment survey in severe 30. Paul CF, Ho VC, McGeown C, et al. Risk of
psoriasis: results of a multicenter study. German malignancies in psoriasis patients treated with cyclo-
Multicenter Study. J Am Acad Dermatol 1995;33: sporine: a 5 y cohort study. J Invest Dermatol 2003;
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17. Shupack J, Abel E, Bauer E, et al. Cyclosporine as 31. Ryan C, Amor KT, Menter A. The use of cyclosporine
maintenance therapy in patients with severe psoria- in dermatology: part II. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;
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18. Koo J. A randomized, double-blind study comparing 32. Bae YS, Van Voorhees AS, Hsu S, et al. Review of
the efficacy, safety and optimal dose of two formula- treatment options for psoriasis in pregnant or
tions of cyclosporin, Neoral and Sandimmun, in pa- lactating women: from the Medical Board of the
tients with severe psoriasis. OLP302 Study Group. National Psoriasis Foundation. J Am Acad Dermatol
Br J Dermatol 1998;139:88–95. 2012;67:459–77.
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of preprandial versus postprandial administration of pregnancy outcomes in transplant recipients treated
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34. Edmonds EV, Morris SD, Short K, et al. Pustular pso- G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2016. [Epub ahead of
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30:709–10. ment of the immune response to influenza vaccina-
35. Armenti VT, McGrory CH, Cater JR, et al. Pregnancy tion in renal transplant recipients by cyclosporine,
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Breast-feeding during treatment with cyclosporine. consensus conference: with emphasis on the treat-
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in severe childhood psoriasis. J Dermatolog Treat 44. Laburte C, Grossman R, Abi-Rached J, et al. Efficacy
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childhood psoriasis: an Italian database analysis. 1992;26:86–90.
Amit Om, BS, Dane Hill, MD, Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD

 Apremilast  Plaque psoriasis  Phosphodiesterase 4  Psoriatic arthritis

 Apremilast is the first small molecule phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor approved for treat-
ment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
 Apremilast, in contrast to biologics, is not injectable, and its label does not require monitoring or
screening for tuberculosis.
 Apremilast is the first selective PDE4 inhibitor that is US Food and Drug Administration approved
for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis.
 Apremilast has a favorable safety profile so far, and it can be used in patients with comorbidities
that preclude use of other systemic medications.

INTRODUCTION renal, hepatic, or hematologic, where some bio-

Apremilast, approved by the US Food and Drug logics or traditional systemic psoriasis therapies
Administration (FDA) in 2014, is the first phospho- may be contraindicated. It is also an acceptable
diesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor approved to treat therapy for patients with compromised immunity,
psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and moderate-to-severe such as those with human immunodeficiency virus
psoriasis.1–5 Biologics have revolutionized the (HIV). In addition, apremilast can be safely com-
treatment of psoriasis. They are more effective bined with several systemic psoriasis treatments
and safer than the oral options previously avail- for greater efficacy.1
able. Biologics may not be the preferred systemic Apremilast is being tested for treatment of other
psoriasis treatment for every patient, however, diseases. Currently, there are clinical trials testing
because side effects include injection site reac- apremilast in patients affected by cutaneous lupus,
tions, upper respiratory tract infections, infusion lichen planus, cutaneous sarcoidosis, atopic derma-
reactions, and risk of reactivation of tuberculosis.6 titis, ankylosing spondylitis, prostatitis, vulvodynia,
They may also be limited by their high cost as well osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet disease,
as their need to be injected as the route of admin- and rosacea, because these diseases are thought to
istration. Nevertheless, patient adherence to bio- be affected to some degree by the same pathways
logics used in psoriasis may be as low as 33%.7 apremilast acts on.9
Some patients prefer an oral medication; 1 study
found 93% of patients chose oral medication
administration over injectable agents, assuming MECHANISM OF ACTION
equal drug efficacy.8 Apremilast is a selective inhibitor of PDE4. Phos-
Apremilast may be a good choice for patients phodiesterases facilitate the breakdown of cyclic
who prefer a relatively safe oral treatment, adenosine 30 ,5’-monophosphate (cAMP).2 Thus,
and for patients in whom other therapies are con- by blocking PDE4, intracellular cAMP levels in-
traindicated or become ineffective, such as those crease, reducing proinflammatory mediators,
who develop antidrug antibodies against certain such as interferon-g, tumor necrosis factor-a
biologics. It is taken at home and offers the poten- (TNF-a), interleukin-12 (IL-12), IL-17, and IL-23.
tial for better adherence for patients who may not Increasing cAMP levels also increase anti-
be able to readily return to clinic for scheduled in- inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 (Fig. 7.1).10
jections. It is an acceptable therapy for patients Specifically, the increased intracellular accumula-
with certain medical comorbidities, especially tion of cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA) 75
76 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 7.1 Mechanism of action of apremilast. Apremilast blocks PDE4, thus increasing the intracellular cAMP, which
ultimately activates PKA and leads to an anti-inflammatory effect.

and phosphorylates the cAMP-response element achieved an sPGA score of either 0 (cleared dis-
binding protein, which suppresses the transcrip- ease) or 1 (minimal disease) at week 16. In the
tion of numerous proinflammatory cytokines, ESTEEM 1 trial, a total of 844 patients were stud-
exerting an overall anti-inflammatory effect.11 ied over 52 weeks, divided into 3 periods. Period
The increased cAMP downregulates myeloid den- A looked at apremilast 30 mg twice daily versus
dritic cells as well as T helper 1 and T helper 2 im- placebo from 0 to 16 weeks; patients were
mune responses. This downregulation decreases randomized 2:1, apremilast:placebo. Period B
immune cell infiltration in the epidermis and ranged from week 16 to 32 and replaced the
dermis of psoriatic lesions and causes a reduction initial placebo with apremilast. Period C
in gene expression of numerous cytokines (IL-12/ rerandomized patients who started with apremi-
IL-23p40, IL-22, IL-8, b-defensin 4, myxovirus resis- last initially and showed a PASI-75 or greater at
tance protein 1, IL-17A, and IL-23p19).12 The week 32 to placebo or apremilast (Fig. 7.2).
systemic effects of PDE4 inhibition may lead to At 16 weeks, more patients who received apremi-
some of the side effects seen with apremilast, last achieved a PASI-75 compared with placebo
such as weight loss.13 In contrast to TNF-a inhibi- (33.1% vs 5.3%, respectively; P<.001). Further-
tors, such as infliximab or adalimumab, which more, more patients who received apremilast
bind directly to TNF-a, PDE4 inhibitors inhibit (21.7%) achieved an sPGA score of 0 or 1
TNF-a production at the level of gene expression compared with placebo (3.9%). Achieved
and do not completely suppress TNF-a levels; response rates were maintained well at week
this leads to a decrease of proinflammatory medi- 32.12 Long-term efficacy was reported as the per-
ators, but not complete inhibition.14 centage of patients who were still on drug. Of the
844 original patients randomized, 314 patients
that had received at least 1 dose of apremilast dis-
EFFICACY continued the study by week 52, with 124 patients
The efficacy of apremilast on plaque psoriasis has citing “lack of efficacy” as the reason for discon-
been tested in 2 separate phase 3 trials. ESTEEM tinuing. When determining long-term efficacy
1 and ESTEEM 2 included 1257 patients 18 years rates, those with PASI-75 out of the only the
of age or older with moderate-to-severe plaque remaining patients in the study were used in
psoriasis. Moderate-to-severe plaque disease calculating reported PASI-75 rates, which yielded
was defined by body surface area involvement a higher efficacy rate than would have been re-
of 10% or greater; static Physicians’ Global ported if all patients who started on drug were
Assessment (sPGA) score of 3 or greater (moder- included in the denominator. In ESTEEM 1, of all
ate or severe disease); Psoriasis Area and Severity the patients exposed to apremilast at any period
Index (PASI) score 12 or greater; and candidates of the study, including those who discontinued
for phototherapy or systemic therapy.2 Both the study, 18.7% were at PASI-75 at week 52.
studies assessed the proportion of patients who In the ESTEEM 2 trial, a total of 411 patients
achieved PASI-75 at week 16 and those who were studied. Patients were initially randomized
Chapter 7 Apremilast 77

Fig. 7.2 Study design of ESTEEM-1. Period A: Patients were randomized to either apremilast 30 mg twice daily or
placebo for the first 16 weeks. Period B: At 16 weeks, all patients were given apremilast 30 mg twice daily until week
32. Period C: At this point, in the initial group randomized to apremilast 30 mg twice daily, patients were further
randomized to either apremilast 30 mg twice daily or placebo if more than a PASI-75 response was achieved. If
loss of effect occurred in the placebo group, they were reinstated on apremilast 30 mg twice daily.

2:1, apremilast:placebo, and at week 16, all pa- 1:1 to receive apremilast or placebo (Fig. 7.3). At
tients were switched to apremilast. At week 32, pa- week 16, more patients who received apremilast
tients were evaluated for PASI-50 or greater, and achieved a PASI-75 compared with placebo
patients who met these criteria were randomized (28.8% vs 5.8%). In addition, more patients who

Fig. 7.3 Study design of ESTEEM-2. Period A: Patients were randomized to either apremilast 30 mg twice daily or
placebo for the first 16 weeks. Period B: At 16 weeks, all patients were given apremilast 30 mg twice daily until week
32. Period C: At this point, in the initial group randomized to apremilast 30 mg twice daily, patients were further
randomized to either apremilast 30 mg twice daily or placebo if more than a PASI-50 response was achieved. If
loss of effect occurred in the placebo group, they were reinstated on apremilast 30 mg twice daily.
78 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

received apremilast achieved an sPGA of clear or antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and have a
almost clear compared with placebo (20.4% vs swollen joint count (SJC) greater than or equal
4.4%, respectively; P<.001). The response was sus- to 3 and tender joint count (TJC) greater than or
tained over 52 weeks without significant adverse equal to 3.18 The design of the study was similar
effects15 (Table 7.1). As with ESTEEM 1, the to the ESTEEM trials: patients were initially ran-
long-term results from the ESTEEM 2 study were domized (1:1:1) to placebo, apremilast 20 mg
reported based only on the subjects remaining in twice daily, or apremilast 30 mg twice daily. After
the study. Of the original 411 randomized patients, 16 weeks, if patients did not experience a greater
115 that had received at least 1 dose of the drug than or equal to 20% improvement in SJC or TJC
discontinued the study before 1 year. Of the 115 and were initially in the placebo group, they were
patients that discontinued, 47 cited “lack of effi- rerandomized to apremilast 20 mg or 30 mg twice
cacy” as the reason. daily. If the patient was already on apremilast at
Apremilast has been retrospectively studied in 16 weeks, the course was continued. At week
combination with multiple systemic psoriasis treat- 24, all patients on placebo were switched to apre-
ments, including narrowband (NB)-UV-B, metho- milast. Concurrent biologic DMARD use was not
trexate, acitretin, cyclosporine, etanercept, allowed. PALACE-3 required patients to have
adalimumab, infliximab, or ustekinumab. Efficacy one greater than or equal to 2 cm psoriatic lesion
was greater with apremilast combination therapy as well as the SJC and TJC criteria.18
than with either treatment modality alone.1 It was The primary endpoint in the studies was
slightly less effective than etanercept 50 mg in ACR20, which means a 20% improvement in
clearing psoriasis, as measured by PASI-75 modified American College of Rheumatology
response at 16 weeks. In an ongoing phase III trial (ACR) response criteria at week 16.19 A 50% and
comparing apremilast to etanercept and placebo, 70% improvement in response criteria (ACR50
48% of etanercept patients and 40% of apremilast and ACR70, respectively) were additional end-
patients achieved PASI-75 at week 16.16 The points. In PALACE-1, 38.1% patients on apremi-
higher efficacy rate in this study (40%) than in the last 30 mg twice daily achieved ACR20 versus
ESTEEM trials may be due to a less severe popula- 19.0% placebo at week 16. In addition, 16.1%
tion because these patients were biologically naı̈ve achieved ACR50 and 4.2% achieved ACR70 at
(whereas in ESTEEM, many of the subjects had pre- 16 weeks. At week 24, 45.3% of patients achieved
viously failed biological treatment). A single case ACR20. By week 52, 54.6%, 24.6%, and 13.8% of
report combining apremilast and adalimumab patients achieved ARC20, ARC50, and ARC70,
resulted in an almost clearing of severe, biologic- respectively.20 In PALACE-2, at week 16, 32.1%
resistant plaque psoriasis.17 of patients on apremilast versus 18.9% on placebo
achieved ACR20, with 10.5% and 1.2% achieving
ARC50 and ARC70, respectively. In PALACE-3,
EFFICACY IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS at 16 weeks 40.7% of patients on apremilast
The efficacy in PsA has been studied in 3 trials, achieved ACR20, whereas 18.3% on placebo did
known as the PALACE-1, -2, and -3 trials. Patients so, with 15% and 3.6% achieving ARC50 and
18 years and older with PsA for at least 6 months ARC70, respectively14 (Table 7.2). The ARC20
were included. Subjects had to have been response was sustained through 52 weeks as
inadequately treated with disease-modifying well: 52.6% and 63% in PALACE-2 and -3,

Clinical response at 16 weeks of apremilast versus placebo in ESTEEM-1 and ESTEEM-2 trials
Apremilast 30 mg Apremilast 30 mg
Clinical Placebo, N (%) Twice Daily, N (%) Placebo, N (%) Twice Daily, N (%)
Response (N 5 282) (N 5 562) (N 5 137) (N 5 274)
PASI-75 15 (5.3) 186 (33.1) 8 (5.8) 79 (28.8)
sPGA of clear or 11 (3.9) 122 (21.7) 6 (4.4) 56 (20.4)
almost clear
Data from Papp K, Reich K, Leonardi C, et al. Apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor, in patients with
moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: results of a phase III, randomized, controlled trial (Efficacy and Safety Trial Evaluating
the Effects of Apremilast in Psoriasis [ESTEEM] 1). J Am Acad Dermatol 2015;73(1):37–49; and Paul C, Cather J, Gooderham
M, et al. Efficacy and safety of apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, in patients with moderate-to-severe pla-
que psoriasis over 52 weeks: a phase III, randomized controlled trial (ESTEEM 2). Br J Dermatol 2015;173(6):1387–99.
Chapter 7 Apremilast 79

Clinical response at 16 weeks of apremilast versus placebo in PALACE-1, -2, and -3 trials
Patients PALACE-1 Study PALACE-2 Study PALACE-3 Study
Achieving ACR Placebo  Apremilasta  Placebo  Apremilasta  Placebo  Apremilasta 
Week 16 (N 5 168) (N 5 168) (N 5 159) (N 5 162) (N 5 169) (N 5 167)
ACR20, % 19 38b 19 32b 18 41b
ACR50, % 6 16 5 11 8 15
ACR70, % 1 4 1 1 2 4
Apremilast 30 mg twice daily.
Significantly different from placebo (P<.05).
Data from Refs.14,18,19

respectively.14 At week 52, ARC50 and ARC70 re- concentration.31 The elimination half-life is about
sponses were well maintained at 18.6% and 6.8%, 9 hours.18 Apremilast metabolites are excreted
respectively, in PALACE-2, and 30.2% and 10.4%, in the urine. For patients with renal impairment
respectively, in PALACE-3. (defined as creatinine clearance <30 mL per min-
In 2 additional randomized trials, apremilast ute), the recommended dose is 30 mg daily, as
was statistically superior to placebo in achieving opposed to twice daily. Initially, when starting
and maintaining ARC20.21–27 Despite long-term the medicine, titrate using the AM schedule only
efficacy of achieving ARC20 and improving PsA as above.9 Because of the renal clearance, there
symptoms in several studies, apremilast may not is no need to adjust the dose for hepatic
reduce radiographic evidence of joint disease impairment.13
progression. Among patients with active PsA The major side effects seen in trials have been
not well-controlled with methotrexate, apremilast diarrhea, nausea, and weight loss. No significant
was not more effective than placebo after 1 year serious infections and no reactivation of tubercu-
at reducing joint disease, as measured with losis have been reported.10
MRI.28 Apremilast was effective against joint dis- Apremilast has a favorable safety profile to this
ease in 1 study of patients with ankylosing spon- point, even in combination with other drugs for
dylitis, suggesting further radiographic studies psoriasis.1 Many psoriasis patients on biologics
are needed to assess the effect of apremilast on become refractory to treatment. Up to 20% to
long-term joint disease.29 30% of patients on biologic agents can experi-
ence “biologic fatigue”; therefore, combining
therapies may be a beneficial approach.32 In 1
SAFETY study combining apremilast with another therapy
The therapeutic dosing of apremilast is 30 mg (either NB-UV-B, methotrexate, acitretin, cyclo-
twice daily. To reduce gastrointestinal (GI) upset, sporine, etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab,
apremilast is given a starter pack to up-titrate us- or ustekinumab), 14 patients of 81 (17%) discon-
ing the following schedule: day 1: 10 mg (AM); day tinued treatment before completion of 12 weeks
2: 10 mg (AM) and 10 mg (PM); day 3: 10 mg (AM) of apremilast therapy. Of the subjects
and 20 mg (PM); day 4: 20 mg (AM) and 20 mg who completed the 12-week trial, 25% experi-
(PM); day 5: 20 mg (AM) and 30 mg (PM); and day enced nausea and diarrhea, while 15% had weight
6: 30 mg (AM) and 30 mg (PM).2 The medication loss.1
can be taken with food without any decrease in
Some of the metabolic pathways used in the PRECAUTIONS
breakdown of apremilast involve the cytochrome The most common side effects associated with
P450 (CYP450) system. As such, the concentration apremilast are diarrhea in 14% of patients, nausea
of apremilast will be reduced by inducers of in 12%, headache in 10%, and upper respiratory
CYP450, such as phenytoin, rifampicin, and St tract infections in 10%14 (Box 7.1). The GI side ef-
John’s wort. Therefore, when using with other fects were usually mild and self-limited. The me-
CYP450 enzyme inducers, patients and providers dian onset of diarrhea was 9 days and lasted an
should be cognizant of the reduced effect. On the average of 29.5 days. The median onset of nausea
other hand, inhibitors of CYP450, such as ketoco- was 10 days and lasted an average of 17 days.15
nazole, do not significantly increase the The most serious side effects were GI clostridial
80 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

BOX 7.1 compared with none among placebo-treated

Side effects of apremilast patients.2,20
In the PALACE trials for PsA, the most com-
Common side effects (>3%) mon adverse effects were similar to those in the
Diarrhea plaque psoriasis studies: GI symptoms such as
Nausea diarrhea and nausea.20 Diarrhea was reported in
14.3% of patients, and 12.6% reported nausea.14
Upper respiratory tract infections
Although 57.1% experienced some weight loss,
Headaches 75.8% of patients remained within 5% of baseline
Weight loss weight.14 Discontinuation was infrequent and due
Abdominal pain
to diarrhea (1.8%), nausea (1.8%), and headache
(1.2%) in PALACE-1 trial.2
Before initiating therapy, a thorough history
Decreased appetite
should be taken, and education provided to pa-
Rare side effects (<2%) tients about potential side effects. There is no
Insomnia requirement to screen for tuberculosis. In patients
Back pain with a history of moderate-severe renal impair-
ment, a creatinine clearance should be obtained
at baseline.
Bronchitis Apremilast is contraindicated in patients with a
Tooth abscess known hypersensitivity to apremilast or to any of
the ingredients in the formulation.2 Pregnancy is
a contraindication; however, apremilast is accept-
Severe diarrhea able to use while breast-feeding.2 With a half-life
Severe nausea of up to about 9 hours, becoming pregnant would
GI clostridial infection result in little to no apremilast exposure after
3 days of stopping treatment.
Do not use apremilast in pregnancy due to teratoge-
nicity. It is OK during breast-feeding. VACCINATIONS
There is currently no indication to avoid inactivated
or live vaccines while on apremilast. Although no
infection in 1 patient and pneumonia in another.19 trials have studied this, specifically, patients in
Discontinuation due to side effects was rare and large clinical trials incidentally given live vaccines
occurred in 7% of patients taking apremilast.30 while on apremilast did not experience more side
Patients stopped in 1.6% of cases due to nausea, effects than those not given apremilast.13
1.0% due to diarrhea, and 0.8% due to headache,
and 4.1% of placebo patients discontinued.2
Weight loss of 5% to 10% was observed in 12% SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS
of patients treated with 30 mg twice daily versus
5% treated with placebo. Weight loss greater  Approved in 2014, apremilast is the first
than 10% was seen in 2% of patients on apremilast and only PDE4 inhibitor for both PsA and
versus 1% of patients on placebo.20 This weight moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
loss was noted in patients at any time during the  Apremilast is an appropriate first-line sys-
controlled period of the trial. The weight loss is temic treatment for moderate-to-severe
unrelated to diarrhea,33–35 but may be viewed as psoriasis. It is an especially good choice
a beneficial side effect by some patients.14 Apre- for patients who would prefer a relatively
milast is associated with a slightly increased risk of safe oral treatment and who are not con-
depression. In the 3 PALACE trials, 1.0% of pa- cerned about the lower efficacy rate
tients treated with apremilast reported depres- compared with biologics.
sion or depressed mood compared with 0.8%  Apremilast is an efficacious option
treated with placebo, although 4 patients (0.3%) compared with placebo, offering statisti-
in the apremilast group discontinued treatment cally significant PASI-75 scores in 2 psoria-
because of depression or depressed mood sis trials used for approval.
Chapter 7 Apremilast 81

 Because apremilast is an oral medication, it 10. Papp K, Kaufmann R, Thaçi D, et al. Efficacy and
is beneficial for those averse to injections, safety of apremilast in subjects with moderate to
and it has a potential role in the pediatric severe plaque psoriasis: results from a phase II,
population in the future. multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
 It is acceptable for use in patients with controlled, parallel-group, dose-comparison
other comorbidities (renal, hepatic, or he- study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2012;27(3):
matologic diseases), or in patients with e376–83.
compromised immunity, such as those 11. Perez-Aso M, Montesinos M, Mediero A, et al.
with HIV. Apremilast, a novel phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) in-
 The side-effect profile is advantageous in hibitor, regulates inflammation through multiple
that the major effects only include diarrhea, cAMP downstream effectors. Arthritis Res Ther
nausea, and slight weight loss. It is also safe 2015;17(1):249.
to use in combination with other psoriasis 12. Papp K, Reich K, Leonardi C, et al. Apremilast, an
therapies. oral phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor, in pa-
 Apremilast is an effective and safe therapy tients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: re-
for treatment of psoriatic arthritis, espe- sults of a phase III, randomized, controlled trial
cially for those patients who have failed (Efficacy and Safety Trial Evaluating the Effects of
DMARDs and biologics. Apremilast in Psoriasis [ESTEEM] 1). J Am Acad Der-
 Currently, studies are being done to matol 2015;73(1):37–49.
expand its use to other diseases, such as 13. Summary of the risk management plan (RMP) for
ankylosing spondylitis, lichen planus, cuta- Otezla (apremilast) [Internet]. 1st edition. European
neous lupus, and cutaneous sarcoidosis. Medicines Agency; Celgene Europe Limited; 2016.
Available at:
REFERENCES plan_summary/human/003746/WC500177381.pdf.
1. AbuHilal M, Walsh S, Shear N. Use of apremilast in 14. Busa S, Kavanaugh A. Drug safety evaluation of
combination with other therapies for treatment of apremilast for treating psoriatic arthritis. Expert
chronic plaque psoriasis: a retrospective study. Opin Drug Saf 2015;14(6):979–85.
J Cutan Med Surg 2016;20(4):313–6. 15. Paul C, Cather J, Gooderham M, et al. Efficacy and
2. Fala L. Otezla (apremilast), an oral PDE-4 inhibitor, safety of apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase 4
receives FDA approval for the treatment of patients inhibitor, in patients with moderate-to-severe pla-
with active psoriatic arthritis and plaque psoriasis. que psoriasis over 52 weeks: a phase III, randomized
Am Health Drug Benefits 2015;8(Special Feature): controlled trial (ESTEEM 2). Br J Dermatol 2015;
105–10. 173(6):1387–99.
3. Menter A, Korman N, Elmets C, et al. Guidelines 16. Positive Results from Phase III Study Evaluating Oral
of care for the management of psoriasis and pso- OTEZLAâ (Apremilast) or Injectable Etanercept
riatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2011;65(1): versus Placebo in Patients with Moderate to Severe
137–74. Plaque Psoriasis Presented at AAD. Available at:
4. Menter A, Korman N, Elmets C, et al. Guidelines of
care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic seid5902701. Accessed April 6, 2016.
arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;60(4):643–59. 17. Danesh MJ, Beroukhim K, Nguyen C, et al. Apremi-
5. Lebwohl M. A clinician’s paradigm in the treat- last and adalimumab: a novel combination therapy
ment of psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; for recalcitrant psoriasis. Dermatol Online J 2015;
53(1):S59–69. 21(6).
6. Scherer K, Spoerl D, Bircher AJ. Adverse drug reac- 18. Deeks E. Apremilast: a review in psoriasis and pso-
tions to biologics. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2010;8(6): riatic arthritis. Drugs 2015;75(12):1393–403.
411–26. 19. Kavanaugh A, Mease PJ, Gomez-Reino JJ, et al.
7. Thorneloe R, Bundy C, Griffiths C, et al. Adherence Treatment of psoriatic arthritis in a phase 3 rando-
to medication in patients with psoriasis: a system- mised, placebo-controlled trial with apremilast, an
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20–31. Dis 2014;73:1020–6.
8. Utz K, Hoog J, Wentrup A, et al. Patient preferences 20. Danesh M, Beroukhim K, Nguyen C, et al. Apremi-
for disease-modifying drugs in multiple sclerosis last and adalimumab: a novel combination therapy
therapy: a choice-based conjoint analysis. Ther for recalcitrant psoriasis. Dermatol Online J 2015;
Adv Neurol Disord 2014;7(6):263–75. 21(6).
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82 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5): multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-

826–50. controlled study. Arthritis Rheum 2012;64(10):3156–67.
22. Menter A, Korman N, Elmets C, et al. Guidelines of 29. Genovese MC, Jarosova K, Cieslak D, et al. Apremi-
care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic last in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: a
arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;61(3):451–85. phase II, multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
23. Roenigk H, Auerbach R, Maibach H, et al. Metho- placebo-controlled, parallel-group study. Arthritis
trexate in psoriasis: revised guidelines. J Am Acad Rheumatol 2015;67:1703–10.
Dermatol 1988;19(1):145–56. 30. Pathan E, Abraham S, Van Rossen E, et al. Efficacy
24. Maza A, Montaudié H, Sbidian E, et al. Oral cyclo- and safety of apremilast, an oral phosphodiesterase
sporin in psoriasis: a systematic review on treatment 4 inhibitor, in ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum
modalities, risk of kidney toxicity and evidence for Dis 2013;72:1475–80.
use in non-plaque psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol 31. Zerilli T, Ocheretyaner E. Apremilast (Otezla): a new
Venereol 2011;25:19–27. oral treatment for adults with psoriasis and psoriatic
25. Sandoval L, Pierce A, Feldman S. Systemic therapies arthritis. P T 2015;40(8):495–500.
for psoriasis: an evidence-based update. Am J Clin 32. New drugs: apremilast. Aust Prescr 2015;38(4):
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27. Gooderham M, Papp K. Apremilast in the severe psoriasis: results of integrated analyses of
treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Skin- data from phase II and III clinical studies. Br J Der- 2016. Available at: http://www. matol 2011;164(4):862–72. Accessed 35. Abdulrahim H, Thistleton S, Adebajo A, et al. Apre-
March 31, 2016. milast: a PDE4 inhibitor for the treatment of psori-
28. Schett G, Wollenhaupt J, Papp K, et al. Oral apremilast atic arthritis. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2015;
in the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis: results of a 16(7):1099–108.
Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Vidhi V. Shah, BA, Elaine J. Lin, MD,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Etanercept  Enbrel  TNF-a  OBSERVE-5  Biologic

 Etanercept is a soluble human dimeric fusion protein that competitively binds and inhibits tumor
necrosis factor.
 Etanercept improved psoriatic skin lesions in phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials.
 Etanercept can be used in pediatric and geriatric populations and is pregnancy category B.
 The most common side effects of etanercept are injection-site reactions and infection.

INTRODUCTION middle thighs, and the outer upper arms. Injection

Etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibi- sites should be rotated each time, and areas of
tor, was a significant advancement in treatment bruised or tender skin, or psoriatic lesions, should
of moderate-to-severe psoriasis. A quantum be avoided.2
leap forward, etanercept provided a combination The half-life of etanercept is 4.3 days, the
of efficacy and short- and long-term safety that shortest of all the TNF inhibitors approved for
was unmatched by the other available options at psoriasis,5 which is a potential advantage in the
that time, better than systemic therapies, such setting of adverse events (AEs).1 Concentrations
as methotrexate (MTX), cyclosporine, and psora- peak in the system at 48 to 60 hours with a
len and UV-A radiation (PUVA).1 Etanercept was bioavailability of 58%.5 Metabolism of etanercept
the first TNF inhibitor approved by the US Food is not decreased in the setting of renal or hepatic
and Drug Administration (FDA) for plaque psoria- impairment,6 and no dose adjustment is needed
sis (May 2004) and is also approved for the treat- when administered alongside MTX, warfarin, or
ment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), polyarticular digoxin.7–9
juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis,
and ankylosing spondylitis.2 It is effective for Mechanism of Action
erythrodermic and pustular psoriasis as well.3 Etanercept, a fully soluble, human dimeric
The current recommended dosing of etaner- fusion protein, functions as a TNF inhibitor by
cept is 50 mg twice weekly (BIW) for the first competitively binding to TNF and preventing
12 weeks, followed by a 50-mg weekly mainte- its activation of the inflammatory cascade. Eta-
nance dose (Fig. 8.1).2 If the patient prefers, nercept is composed of 2 extracellular ligand-
doses of 25 mg weekly or 50 mg weekly are effica- binding domains of the TNF p75 receptor
cious as well.2 Etanercept is effective in the pedi- linked to the Fc portion of human immunoglob-
atric psoriasis population, at a dose of 0.8 mg/kg ulin G1 (IgG1) by 3 disulfide bonds.2 Etanercept
(up to a maximum of 50 mg) once weekly.4 Eta- is a soluble form of the p75 receptor that in-
nercept is available as a single-use prefilled sy- hibits TNF-a, and to some extent TNF-b, by
ringe and a single-use prefilled SureClick blocking its interaction with cell-surface TNF re-
autoinjector, which patients may subcutaneously ceptors.2 Etanercept is different from adalimu-
self-inject after appropriate training if deemed mab and infliximab, which are monoclonal
capable by the dermatologist.2 antibodies to TNF.1 The dimeric structure of
Recommended injection sites for etanercept etanercept allows it to bind TNF at an affinity
include the abdomen (excluding a 2-inch circum- that is 50 to 1000 times greater than naturally
ference surrounding the navel), the front of the occurring TNF receptors (Fig. 8.2).10 83
84 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

50 50 50 50 50 50 Fig. 8.1 Dosing of etanercept

mg X2 mg X2 mg X2 mg X1 mg X1 mg X1 therapy for moderate-to-severe
psoriasis. Recommended dosing
of etanercept for the treatment of
plaque psoriasis is 50 mg BIW for
the first 12 weeks, followed by a
0 1 2 13 14 15 50-mg weekly maintenance dose.

Etanercept is a very large, complex glycopro- response after 12 weeks of therapy with the rec-
tein. A batch of etanercept contains multiple var- ommended step-down from 50 mg BIW to
iants with subtle differences; those variants can 50 mg weekly dosing.12 Clearance is better main-
vary from batch to batch.11 Etanercept is a tained with uninterrupted therapy, although
mixture, and the mixture changes over time. Un- rebound does not typically occur with discontinu-
derstanding that there is variation in the brand ation of therapy.13–15 There is a potential for loss
name etanercept product may be important in of efficacy of etanercept therapy over long pe-
considering how etanercept biosimilars should riods of time, possibly because of antibody devel-
be perceived. opment or poor adherence.12
By binding and sequestering TNF, etanercept
modulates biologic responses involved in the Pivotal Trials
pathogenesis of psoriasis, such as the expression US psoriasis pivotal trial
of adhesion molecules that function in leukocyte A 24-week, phase 3, double-blinded study across
migration (E-selectin and intercellular adhesion 47 sites in the United States assessed the clinical
molecule-1), serum cytokine levels, and serum response of etanercept monotherapy in patients
matrix metalloproteinase-3 levels.2 with psoriasis (Fig. 8.3).16 The primary measure
of efficacy was the percentage of patients in
each of the treatment groups who achieved a Pso-
EFFICACY riasis Area Severity Index (PASI) 75 score by week
Etanercept therapy improves psoriatic skin lesions 12. The study population consisted of 652 pa-
considerably. Patients may show some loss of tients with a mean psoriasis duration of 18.7 years,

Fig. 8.2 Structure of etanercept.

Chapter 8 Etanercept 85


80 77
58 58 59
Percentage of Paents

50 44
40 34
30 25
22 20
20 14 14 12
10 4 6
1 3
Week 12 Week 24

placebo low-dose medium-dose high-dose

Fig. 8.3 Clinical responses to etanercept therapy from the US pivotal trial. Efficacy outcomes after 12 and 24 weeks
of treatment with either placebo or low-dose (25 mg weekly), medium-dose (25 mg BIW), or high-dose etanercept
therapy (50 mg BIW), defined as percentage of patients with psoriasis who met specified PASI response criteria for
improvement (PASI-50, -75, -90).

a mean affected body surface area (BSA) of This pivotal trial demonstrated significant
28.7%, and a mean baseline PASI of 18.4. dose-dependent increases in etanercept efficacy
During the first 12 weeks of this study, patients after 12 weeks of therapy, and continued
were randomized to receive either placebo, low- improvement in psoriatic skin lesions with
dose etanercept (25 mg weekly), medium-dose continued therapy. An extension of this study
etanercept (25 mg BIW), or high-dose etanercept aimed to determine whether etanercept could
(50 mg BIW), in order to assess dose-dependent be used in an intermittent treatment paradigm
responses to therapy. At week 12, the placebo by assessing how long psoriasis stayed under con-
group then began to receive medium-dose eta- trol after withdrawal of therapy, and once
nercept as well. relapsed, whether control of psoriasis could be
By week 12, PASI-75 was achieved by 4% of re-established with reinitiation of therapy.17 Pa-
patients in the placebo group, 14% of patients tients from the initial study who achieved at least
in the low-dose group, 34% of patients in the PASI-50 by week 24 discontinued etanercept
medium-dose group, and 49% of patients in the therapy until they experienced relapse of disease
high-dose group (P<.001 for all compared with (loss of 50% of week 24 PASI improvement).
placebo). Statistically significant differences were They were then reinitiated on etanercept at their
noted from the placebo group as early as week originally randomized dose (25 mg BIW or
4 in the high-dose group, and week 8 in the 50 mg BIW or 25 mg weekly). Patients relapsed
medium-dose group. Mean levels of improve- on average 3 months after withdrawal from eta-
ment as assessed by PASI score in the 4 groups nercept therapy. After 12 weeks of re-treatment,
by week 12 were 14.0% in the placebo group, efficacy data were similar to that of the initial
40.9% in the low-dose group, 52.6% in the 12 weeks (Table 8.1). Re-treatment of psoriasis
medium-dose group, and 64.2% in the high- with etanercept appeared effective and well-
dose group. tolerated.
At week 24, PASI-75 was achieved by 25% of
the low-dose group, 44% of the medium-dose Global psoriasis pivotal trial
group, and 59% of the high-dose group (there Etanercept was tested in a 24-week, global phase
was no placebo control in the second half of 3 randomized controlled trial across 50 sites in the
this study). From the original placebo group, United States, Canada, and Western Europe to
33% of patients had achieved PASI-75 after further investigate the efficacy after dose reduc-
crossover to etanercept therapy starting week tion (Fig. 8.4).13 The primary endpoint in this
12, consistent with the medium-dose group at study was achievement of PASI-75 after 12 weeks
week 12 (34%). of study. Secondary efficacy endpoints at week 12
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
Pivotal trial safety data (percentage of patients)
US Pivotal Trial Global Pivotal Trial
Week 12 Week 24 Week 12 Week 24
Placebo LD MD HD LD MD HD Placebo 25 mg BIW 50 mg BIW Placebo 25 mg BIW 50 mg BIW
Injection-site reaction 7 11 17 13 14 20 16 6 13 18 10 5 4
Headache 7 3 12 7 5 12 9 8 12 11 3 5 6
Upper respiratory 11 10 9 5 14 14 12 13 13 13 16 16 13
infection (URI)
Accidental injury 4 4 3 4 7 7 7 6 4 7 6 4 5
Flulike syndrome — — — — — — — 2 5 4 2 6 3
Sinusitis 1 0 0 0 6 6 5 — — — — — —
Myalgia 2 2 4 2 5 7 4 — — — — — —
Nausea 1 3 2 2 5 3 3 — — — — — —
Rash 2 3 2 3 2 4 6 — — — — — —
Asthenia 3 4 4 2 6 7 3 — — — — — —
Abbreviations: HD, high-dose group; LD, low-dose group; MD, medium-dose group.
Chapter 8 Etanercept 87

placebo 25 mg BIW 50 mg BIW
80 77


Percentage of paƟents

50 45


30 28

Week 12 Week 24 (all paƟents
received 25 mg BIW)

Fig. 8.4 Clinical responses to etanercept therapy from the global psoriasis pivotal trial. Efficacy outcomes after 12
and 24 weeks of treatment with either placebo or etanercept. During the first 12 weeks, patients received doses of
either 25 mg BIWor 50 mg BIW etanercept. From weeks 12 to 24, all patients received etanercept 25 mg BIW. Ef-
ficacy was defined as percentage of patients with psoriasis who met specified PASI response criteria for improve-
ment (PASI-50, -75, -90).

were achievement of PASI-50 and PASI-90, and continuing on 25 mg BIW, and 38% of patients
percentage improvement from baseline PASI. that received 25 mg BIW after the initial 12 weeks
The study population consisted of 583 patients of placebo treatment. Remarkably, of the 88 pa-
with a median duration of psoriasis of 19 years, tients that had not achieved PASI-75 by week
median BSA affected of 23%, and median base- 12, 28 (32%) of them did achieve this by week 24.
line PASI of 16.4. During the first 12 weeks of This pivotal trial demonstrated statistically and
this study, patients were randomly assigned to clinically significant dose-dependent improve-
receive placebo, etanercept 25 mg BIW, or eta- ments in psoriasis with etanercept therapy. This
nercept 50 mg BIW. During the second 12 weeks, study was also the first to systematically examine
all study patients received etanercept 25 mg BIW. the maintenance of etanercept efficacy following
By week 12, 49% of patients in the etanercept a dose reduction and to have found that most pa-
50-mg BIW group and 34% of patients in the 25- tients were able to maintain PASI-75. The results
mg BIW group achieved PASI-75, in comparison of this study are similar to the findings of Leonardi
to 3% of patients in the placebo group and colleagues,16 whose study was conducted
(P<.0001). Subgroup analyses based on baseline with the same doses.
covariates, such as PASI, age, sex, race, prior sys-
temic or phototherapy, and BSA, revealed no sig- Efficacy in Pediatric and Geriatric Populations
nificant impact of these factors on treatment Etanercept is effective in children with moderate-
efficacy. Statistically significant differences in to-severe psoriasis. During a 48-week study in
PASI-75 responses were seen as soon as week 4 which pediatric patients were given 0.8 mg/kg
between the etanercept 50-mg BIW group weekly of etanercept, 57% of patients achieved
(10%) and placebo group (2%), and as soon as PASI-75 by week 12 as opposed to 11% of pa-
week 8 between the etanercept 25-mg BIW tients receiving placebo.4 From weeks 12 to 36,
group (20%) and placebo group (3%). By week all patients received open-label etanercept, and
12, the mean percentage improvement from PASI-75 response rates after 36 weeks were
baseline PASI was 68% in the etanercept 50-mg 68% and 65% for patients initially randomized to
BIW group, 57% in the 25-mg BIW group, and etanercept and placebo, respectively. During
0.2% in the placebo group. weeks 36 to 48, withdrawal effects were studied
By week 24, PASI-75 was achieved by 54% of when patients were randomly reassigned to
patients in the group following a dose reduction receive etanercept or placebo. Forty-two percent
from 50 mg BIW to 25 mg BIW, 45% of patients of patients in the placebo group lost adequate
88 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

response after withdrawing etanercept therapy, adverse effects25; thus, further long-term studies
but reached similar response rates as the initial are needed to gain conclusive evidence. A pilot
etanercept group with 4 to 8 weeks of re- trial showed that PASI-75 responses after 24 weeks
treatment. A continuation of this study as a 5- was achieved in 45% of patients treated with eta-
year open-label extension study demonstrated nercept 25 mg BIW, 30% of patients treated with
that PASI-75 and PASI-90 scores were achieved 0.4 mg/kg acitretin daily, and 44% of patients
and maintained in approximately 60% to 70%, treated with etanercept 25 mg once weekly plus
and 30% to 40% of the pediatric patients through acitretin 0.4 mg/kg daily.26 The combined use of
the 5 years, respectively.18 acitretin and etanercept may be useful in patients
Etanercept is also effective for psoriasis in pa- looking to take decreased doses of etanercept.
tients aged 65 years or older, with PASI-75
achieved by 54.1% of patients at 12 weeks,
78.7% of patients at 24 weeks, and 83.6% of pa- SAFETY
tients after 156 weeks of treatment.19 General safety concerns with the use of etaner-
cept therapy include infection (bacterial, viral,
Efficacy with Combination Therapy and fungal), neurologic disease (multiple sclerosis,
Combination therapy of systemic and/or topical MS), heart disease, drug-induced lupuslike syn-
agents with etanercept has the potential to maxi- dromes, lymphoma (although the risk of lym-
mize efficacy, particularly in patients who have phoma may be more closely related to having
failed monotherapy etanercept or who lost an immune disease and not a direct effect of the
adequate response after dose reduction. drug), melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer
Corticosteroids can increase the speed of ther- (NMSC), hematologic disease, and more. Etaner-
apeutic response in patients using etanercept, cept is pregnancy category B and is considered
and the European Dermatology Expert Group safe in pregnant women if used with caution.
recommends concomitant use, especially at the The most common side effect of etanercept is in-
start of therapy.20 jection site reaction, occurring in up to 37% of pa-
The UNITE (Utilization of narrowband ultravio- tients.12 These reactions include erythema,
let light B therapy and etanercept for the treat- itching, hemorrhage, pain, and/or swelling, which
ment of psoriasis) study showed that are generally mild to moderate and do not require
narrowband-UV-B light therapy 3 times weekly discontinuation of the drug. Precaution should be
combined with etanercept 50 mg BIW in taken in latex-sensitive patients, because the nee-
moderate-to-severe patients with psoriasis dle cover of the prefilled etanercept syringe con-
yielded a PASI-75 response in 84.4% of patients tains latex.12
after 12 weeks.21 The combination therapy in
this study was well tolerated, without an increase Clinical Trial Safety Data
in photosensitivity, although caution should still In the US pivotal trial safety analysis, etanercept
be taken in patients with a known or suspected was generally well tolerated, with similar AE and
history of skin cancer. infection rates across all treatment dose groups
Studies focusing on the combined use of eta- and no reported cases of tuberculosis (TB) or
nercept and MTX have mostly been conducted opportunistic infection (see Table 8.1).16
in RA and psoriatic arthritis patients. The TEMPO Twenty-seven patients withdrew because of AEs,
(Trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with Radio- and 16 patients withdrew because of inefficacy.
graphic Patient Outcomes) and COMET (Combi- The global pivotal trial safety analysis also found
nation of methotrexate and etanercept in active, similar rates of AEs and infections in the treatment
early, moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis) tri- groups over 24 weeks.13 Two patients withdrew
als both found combination therapy to be gener- from the study because of infection and 9 patients
ally safe and well tolerated.22,23 Zachariae and discontinued because of AEs, 5 of which were
colleagues24 studied the combined use of these thought to be drug related.
2 agents in plaque patients with psoriasis who In the pediatric population, Paller and col-
previously failed MTX monotherapy. They found leagues4 reported 3 serious AEs, including an
higher proportions of patients to achieve PASI- ovarian cyst that required surgical removal,
50/75/90 and Physician Global Assessment scores gastroenteritis complicated by dehydration, and
of clear or almost clear in the combination therapy serious pneumonia in an asthmatic patient that
group as opposed to the etanercept/MTX taper required discontinuation of etanercept therapy.
groups, with little differences in AEs. In the 5-year open-label extension study, no new
Data on the combined use of acitretin and eta- safety concerns were reported in 181 patients
nercept are limited to case series showing no that participated.18 Through 264 weeks, 89% of
Chapter 8 Etanercept 89

patients experienced an AE, most commonly up- infection requiring hospitalization, and events of
per respiratory infections (37.6%), nasopharyngi- medical interest (EMIs).
tis (26%), and headache (21.5%). There were 8 SAEs were those that were fatal, life-
serious adverse events (SAEs) in 7 patients, only threatening, required hospitalization, resulted in
1 of which (cellulitis) was considered treatment disability/incapacity, or were a congenital anom-
related. aly/birth defect or a significant medical hazard.
Esposito and colleagues19 reported a favor- EMIs included malignancies (including basal cell
able risk:benefit profile of etanercept therapy in and squamous cell carcinomas), TB, opportunistic
the geriatric population. Of the 15 out of 61 pa- infections, central nervous system (CNS) demye-
tients who withdrew from the study, 2 cases linating disorders, lupus disease, coronary artery
were due to AEs: 1 case was due to repeated ep- disease, and worsening psoriasis.
isodes of tachycardia after etanercept administra- Of the 2510 patients, 418 reported an SAE
tion, and 1 case was due to gastric cancer. during the study (Table 8.2). The most common
noninfectious SAEs were myocardial infarction
OBSERVE-5 Observational Registry Data (MI; 0.7%), coronary artery disease (0.6%), and
The OBSERVE-5 (Observational postmarketing osteoarthritis (0.6%). There were 120 patients
safety surveillance registry of etanercept for the that reported an SIE, the most being pneumonia
treatment of psoriasis) FDA-mandated phase 4 (1.2%) and cellulitis (0.9%). There were 604 pa-
surveillance registry assessed long-term safety tients that had 1 or more EMI, 159 of which
and effectiveness of etanercept therapy in 2510 were considered to be etanercept related.
patients across 375 sites for 5 years.27 Patients Patients in the OBSERVE-5 registry were
with moderate-to-severe psoriasis were assessed compared with patients in the Truven Health
at 6-month intervals for up to 5 years for SAEs, MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters
serious infectious events (SIEs) including any and MarketScan Medicare Supplemental

Pediatric safety data (number of events)
48-wk Study (n 5 315)
Etanercept Placebo 5-y Study
(n 5 210) (n 5 105) (n 5 181)
Total number AEs 914 144 161
URI 90 13 144
Headache 54 18 55
Nasopharyngitis 52 10 93
Influenza 23 3 28
Streptococcal pharyngitis 22 1 36
Cough 20 2 26
Vomiting 20 2 —
Skin papilloma 16 0 17
Injection-site reaction 62 5 16
Severe AE 3 3 8 (serious, including infection)
(excluding infection) Cellulitis (1)
Infectious mononucleosis (1)
Osteonecrosis (2)
Thyroid cyst (1)
Postoperative intestinal
obstruction (1)
Anxiety (1)
Abortion-induced (1)
Infection 378 58 2
Severe 4 0
Serious 3 0
90 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

databases, which provided age- and sex- be discussed before initiating therapy in patients
standardized expected incidence rates or AEs with recurrent/chronic infection.2,12,28
as compared with patients on nonbiologic oral
medications (MTX, cyclosporine). Based on this Tuberculosis
database, observed rates of malignancies, lym- Reports of reactivation of TB or new-onset TB
phomas, NMSC, and infections requiring hospi- infection have been seen with patients receiving
talization in OBSERVE-5 patients were not etanercept therapy, although the risk of reactiva-
higher than expected. tion of latent TB is lower with etanercept in com-
Overall, this long-term safety assessment parison to the monoclonal antibody TNF
found low incidences of SAEs, SIEs, and EMIs, inhibitors (adalimumab, infliximab) due to its solu-
with decreasing incremental yearly incidences— ble TNF receptor fusion protein quality.29 Patients
thus, greater exposure to etanercept was not should be evaluated based on risk factors for TB
associated with an increased incidence rate of and screened for latent TB before initiation and
these events (Table 8.3). during therapy. In patients on etanercept, a puri-
fied protein derivative (PPD) screen with 5-mm or
greater induration is considered positive, even in
PRECAUTIONS those with a history of BCG vaccination.12
Special attention should be given to patient pop- TB treatment should be given to any patient
ulations with a history of TB, malignancy, demye- with a history of active or latent TB, in whom
linating disorders, and congestive heart failure completion of a treatment course cannot be
(CHF), given the role of TNF in such disease path- confirmed. Etanercept therapy can be initiated af-
ogenesis. Etanercept is contraindicated in pa- ter 1 to 2 months of latent TB treatment, although
tients with sepsis.2 reactivation of TB remains a possibility despite
prophylactic treatment. A TB expert should be
Serious Infections consulted in the case of any questions or
Patients using etanercept are at increased risk for hesitations.
serious infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, and para-
sitic). Risk may be increased with concomitant use Opportunistic infections
of MTX, corticosteroids, and other immunosup- Opportunistic infections, such as aspergillosis,
pressants, in patients greater than 65 years, or in blastomycosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis,
patients with underlying predisposing medical legionellosis, listeriosis, coccidioidomycosis,
conditions. The use of etanercept with concomi- cryptococccosis, and pneumocystis, may pre-
tant abatacept and anakinra is not recommended, sent in patients receiving etanercept therapy
because RA patients had an increased risk of as disseminated rather than localized infection.
serious infection with such therapy.2,28 If the symptomatic patient resides or travels to
Etanercept should be withheld in patients regions of endemic mycoses, it is important to
requiring antibiotics, discontinued in those with consider empiric antifungal therapy while wait-
serious or opportunistic infections, and should ing on a diagnostic workup. Antigen and anti-
not be initiated in patients with active infection body testing may be negative in patients with
(systemic or localized). Risks and benefits should active histoplasmosis.2,12

OBSERVE-5 safety data
SAEs (n 5 418) SIEs (n 5 120) EMIs (n 5 604)
Treatment emergent Treatment emergent Malignancy (122)
Pneumonia (30) Pneumonia (30) NMSC (66)
Cellulitis (22) Cellulitis (22) Coronary artery disease (49)
MI (17) Diverticulitis (11) Worsening of psoriasis (13)
Coronary artery disease (14) Staphylococci infection (7) CNS demyelinating disorder (3)
Osteoarthritis (14) Sepsis (5) Lymphoma (2)
Diverticulitis (11) Appendicitis (4) TB (2)
Treatment related Bronchitis (4) Lupus disease (1)
Pneumonia (8) Herpes zoster (4) Opportunistic infection (1)
Cellulitis (8) Coccidioidomycosis (0)
Histoplasmosis (0)
Chapter 8 Etanercept 91

Malignancies use, and those diagnosed with class 1 or 2 CHF

Although the FDA label for etanercept describes should undergo echo testing.12,38,39
precaution for lymphoproliferative malignancy,
melanoma, and NMSC in patients using TNF inhib- Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation
itor therapy, the OBSERVE-5 trial did not show an TNF is thought to promote viral clearance in hep-
increased rate of malignancy in patients using eta- atitis B. If a patient receiving etanercept therapy
nercept as compared with the general popula- develops hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation, ther-
tion.27 In addition, there is an inherent increased apy should be stopped immediately and antiviral
risk of Hodgkin lymphoma and cutaneous T-cell therapy should ensue.2
lymphoma in patients with psoriasis that should Patients should be monitored for signs and
be acknowledged.30,31 Dermatologists should symptoms of HBV infection during and for
take precaution in watching for signs and symp- 6 months after stopping therapy.40 This moni-
toms of these particular malignancies in patients. toring includes liver function tests (LFTs), hepatitis
B surface antigen, hepatitis B envelope antigen,
Lymphoproliferative malignancy and HBV DNA counts in patients at risk for reacti-
The observed rates of lymphoproliferative malig- vation.40 No definitive information is available
nancies in patients with psoriasis using etanercept regarding treating HBV carriers using antiviral
were similar to those of the Marketscan database therapy along with etanercept, or regarding
(patients receiving nonbiologic oral agents) and resuming etanercept therapy after the control of
were as expected based on the Surveillance, reactivated HBV infection.
Epidemiology, and End Results database (did
not increase with increasing etanercept dosage Neurologic Events
or exposure).27,32 There have, however, been TNF inhibitors have been associated with new-
resolved cases of lymphoma reported in patients onset or exacerbation of CNS demyelinating dis-
stopping TNF inhibitors such as etanercept and orders (ie, MS, optic neuritis) and peripheral
infliximab.33 demyelinating diseases such as Guillain-Barré syn-
drome.12,41,42 Etanercept should not be initiated
Nonmelanoma skin cancer in patients with a personal history of or first-
An increased incidence of NMSC was reported degree relative with MS,43,44 or other demyelin-
from studies in patients with psoriasis receiving ating disorders. Adverse neurologic events have
etanercept therapy.32 This rate may be associated been reported to resolve with termination of
with the use of high-dose PUVA, cyclosporine, therapy.41
MTX, and immunosuppressants concurrently or
before etanercept therapy.34 In addition, there Hematologic Events
have been significant associations reported with Isolated cases of aplastic anemia, pancytopenia,
melanoma and TNF inhibitor therapy.35 Regular isolated leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia have
skin examinations should be performed for all pa- been reported with TNF inhibitor use.45,46 Patients
tients, and precaution should be taken in patients who experience pallor, easy bruising, bleeding,
with a history of skin cancer. or persistent fever should seek immediate atten-
tion. Etanercept therapy should be discontinued
Heart Failure if significant hematologic abnormalities occur2,12
Although the role of TNF in CHF is much and should not be initiated in patients with concur-
debated, 2 randomized controlled trials, RE- rent anakinra because there have been reports
NAISSANCE/RECOVER (Randomised Etanercept of such patients developing neutropenia.47
North AmerIcan Strategy to Study Antagonism of
CytokinEs/Research into Etanercept Cyt-Okine Allergic Reactions
Antagonism in VentriculaR dysfunction trial) and There is a small risk (<0.2%) for the development
ATTACH (Anti-TNF alpha Therapy Against of an anaphylactic reaction or other serious
Chronic Heart Failure),36,37 suggest dose- allergic reaction with etanercept use.2 If this oc-
dependent worsening of CHF prognosis with curs, etanercept should be discontinued and
TNF inhibitors. Etanercept should be withdrawn appropriate therapy should ensue.
with new-onset or worsening symptoms in pa-
tients with pre-existing CHF. There have been Autoimmunity
rare reports of new-onset CHF in patients A recent study found that 26.7% of etanercept-
without pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Pa- treated patients formed autoantibodies.48 There
tients diagnosed with class 3 or 4 CHF or ejection is a risk for formation of autoantibodies with eta-
fraction less than 50% should avoid etanercept nercept therapy that may rarely (<0.1%) result in
92 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

the development of a lupuslike syndrome or auto- CBC, history, and physical examinations
immune hepatitis.2 If these conditions develop, (Table 8.4).12
etanercept should be discontinued and the pa- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
tient should be further evaluated. The develop- recommends TB testing before the therapy initia-
ment of autoantibodies with initiation of TNF tion as well.55 Positive skin test findings should
inhibitor therapy may be a marker for forthcoming be followed with a chest radiograph—if negative,
treatment failure.49 patients should be treated for latent TB
(6–9 months of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/or
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis 4 months of 600 mg daily rifampicin),56 and if pos-
The use of etanercept is not recommended in pa- itive, patients should receive therapy for active TB.
tients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis,2 as 1 Biologic therapy may be started after 1 to 2 months
study showed that the addition of etanercept to of prophylactic treatment if the patient is adherent
standard therapy for granulomatosis with polyan- to and tolerating the prophylactic regimen.57 If
giitis was associated with an increased incidence a patient has a positive PPD because of prior
of noncutaneous solid malignancies.50 This risk BCG vaccination, blood tests can be obtained
could not be attributed to etanercept, however, measuring interferon production on stimulation
as placebo patients had a similar risk of solid with TB antigens that are not present in BCG.
malignancy as etanercept-treated patients when Most guidelines perform annual TB skin testing in
compared with the general population.50 Clinical patients receiving etanercept to screen for the
outcomes of these patients were not improved TB reactivation, especially in those at risk (ie, health
with the addition of etanercept in comparison to care workers, travelers to endemic areas).
standard therapy alone. The authors of this section recommend
initial baseline monitoring that includes a
Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT), LFTs, CBC, and
Precaution should be taken when administering hepatitis B and hepatitis C profile. QFT should
etanercept to patients with moderate-to-severe be repeated annually.
alcoholic hepatitis.2 A study involving 48 hospital-
ized patients treated with etanercept or placebo
for moderate-to-severe alcoholic hepatitis demon- VACCINATIONS
strated significantly higher mortalities in patients Because of the possibility that biologic agents
treated with etanercept after 6 months of use.51 may impair the body’s immunologic response to
vaccinations, administration of vaccinations
should be carefully considered in patients
MONITORING receiving biologic therapy (Table 8.5). Live vac-
The information presented is primarily based on cines (measles, mumps, and rubella [MMR], vari-
psoriasis guidelines from the American Academy cella, zoster, intranasal influenza, and so forth)
of Dermatology (AAD).12 are contraindicated within 1 month of treat-
A thorough history and physical examination ment.58 However, scientifically based/standard-
should be taken before initiation of etanercept ized recommendations for administering
therapy, including TB exposure, chronic/recurrent
infections, malignancy, neurologic and cardiac
history, and a thorough review of systems. Routine TABLE 8.4
follow-up examinations should adequately Monitoring recommendations from the
monitor patients for side effects and AEs.52 American Academy of Dermatology
Aside from baseline TB test, annual monitoring Monitoring
for TB, and a baseline hepatitis profile, routine History and Baseline and routine
laboratory testing beyond that for concomitant physical
therapies or comorbidities is generally not sup-
CBC Baseline and periodically
ported.53 The highest grade US Preventive Ser-
vices Task Force evidence for screening studies LFTs Baseline and periodically
is grade B for TB testing (interferon-g release TB skin test Baseline and annually after
assay is preferred over tuberculin skin testing), Hepatitis profile Not specified
and HBV/hepatitis C virus screening is supported
only by grade C evidence.54 The AAD recom- Data from Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guide-
lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
mends baseline PPD, LFTs, and complete blood arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guidelines of
count (CBC). For ongoing monitoring, the AAD care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am
recommends yearly PPD and periodic LFTs, Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):826–50.
Chapter 8 Etanercept 93

Vaccination recommendations from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (MMR, varicella, Contraindicated within 1 mo Contraindicated
herpes zoster, intranasal
influenza, oral typhoid, yellow
fever, oral polio, smallpox,
BCG, rotavirus)
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated or live Yearly immunization with
inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose for Contraindicated
adults 50 y
Human papillomavirus Unvaccinated males/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, Same; consider obtaining
liver disease, intravenous drug postvaccination serology
users, homosexual men, and so
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor assessment. High-dose vaccine
Offer vaccination if necessary Consider obtaining serology
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PPSV23) vaccine vaccine followed by
recommended PPSV23 if not given before
Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or Contraindicated
seronegative to any
Tetanus diphtheria booster/ Booster every 10 y and high-risk Same
tetanus diphtheria pertussis wounds
vaccine Offer before therapy, substitute
1 dose with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate if Same
high risk (asplenia,
complement deficient, group
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if Same
high risk (health care worker,
laboratory worker)

biologically inactive or recombinant vaccines to peak. A period of 4 times the half-life of etaner-
patients on biologic agents are lacking. Non-live cept (17 days) has been suggested to allow for
vaccinations may have the potential to achieve the return of the immune system to its baseline
adequate immune response, although antibody before vaccination with live vaccines.
titers may not achieve optimal levels and may
decrease more rapidly if given during biologic
It is preferable to complete all age-appropriate THERAPY AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK
immunizations according to current immunization REDUCTION
guidelines before initiating biologic therapy. The Recent evidence suggests that TNF inhibitor
production of antibodies from the vaccine gener- therapy has the potential to reduce cardiovascular
ally occurs in the 2-week period from primary im- risk by lowering systemic inflammation. A retro-
munization, but could take more than 6 weeks to spective study at Kaiser Permanente Southern
94 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

California concluded that TNF inhibitor use was 4. Paller AS, Siegfried EC, Langley RG, et al. Etaner-
associated with a significant reduction in MI risk cept treatment for children and adolescents with
(50%) and incidence (55%) compared with topical plaque psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2008;358(3):241–51.
treatments for psoriasis,59 and a 5-year Danish 5. Zhou H. Clinical pharmacokinetics of etanercept: a
follow-up study found that patients treated with fully humanized soluble recombinant tumor necro-
TNF inhibitors had a significant reduction in car- sis factor receptor fusion protein. J Clin Pharmacol
diovascular risk compared with other therapies 2005;45(5):490–7.
(interleukin-12/23, cyclosporine, retinoids).60 6. Don BR, Spin G, Nestorov I, et al. The pharmacoki-
However, there have been studies reporting that netics of etanercept in patients with end-stage renal
there is not a reduced MI risk in patients with pso- disease on haemodialysis. J Pharm Pharmacol 2005;
riasis receiving systemic psoriasis therapy 57(11):1407–13.
(including TNF inhibitor therapy); thus, further 7. Zhou H, Mayer PR, Wajdula J, et al. Unaltered eta-
investigation is warranted to determine the po- nercept pharmacokinetics with concurrent metho-
tential for risk reduction.61 trexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Clin
Pharmacol 2004;44(11):1235–43.
8. Zhou H, Parks V, Patat A, et al. Absence of a
SUMMARY clinically relevant interaction between etaner-
Etanercept is effective for the treatment of cept and digoxin. J Clin Pharmacol 2004;44(11):
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. This drug 1244–51.
should be considered in patients who are candi- 9. Zhou H, Patat A, Parks V, et al. Absence of a phar-
dates for systemic therapy or phototherapy, macokinetic interaction between etanercept and
although among the TNF inhibitors, adalimumab warfarin. J Clin Pharmacol 2004;44(5):543–50.
and infliximab therapy are more effective than 10. Mohler KM, Torrance DS, Smith CA, et al. Soluble
etanercept therapy when compared with pla- tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptors are effective
cebo.62,63 The authors consider etanercept to be therapeutic agents in lethal endotoxemia and func-
second-line biologic therapy because of lowest ef- tion simultaneously as both TNF carriers and TNF
ficacy of all approved and marketed biologics. antagonists. J Immunol 1993;151(3):1548–61.
Etanercept has a lower risk for serious infections 11. Schiestl M, Stangler T, Torella C, et al. Acceptable
such as TB in comparison to other TNF inhibitors changes in quality attributes of glycosylated bio-
and may be a more practical choice in those at pharmaceuticals. Nat Biotechnol 2011;29(4):310–2.
increased risk for immunosuppression. The 12. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines
response to etanercept therapy is varied, and of care for the management of psoriasis and psori-
typically continuous therapy is necessary for atic arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and
optimal clearance of psoriatic skin lesions. With guidelines of care for the treatment of psoriasis
the exception of TB screening, there is a lack of with biologics. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):
evidence-based guidelines for consistent moni- 826–50.
toring of patients using etanercept.54 Based on 13. Papp KA, Tyring S, Lahfa M, et al. A global phase III
clinical experience, the authors of this section randomized controlled trial of etanercept in psoria-
recommend baseline screening for TB and hepati- sis: safety, efficacy, and effect of dose reduction. Br
tis B and annual screening solely for TB. J Dermatol 2005;152(6):1304–12.
14. Gordon K, Korman N, Frankel E, et al. Efficacy of
etanercept in an integrated multistudy database
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96 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

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43. Barcellos LF, Kamdar BB, Ramsay PP, et al. Clus- 54. Ahn CS, Dothard EH, Garner ML, et al. To test or not
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high-risk for multiple sclerosis: a descriptive study. the value of screening and monitoring tests when
Lancet Neurol 2006;5(11):924–31. using systemic biologic agents to treat psoriasis
44. Dyment DA, Sadovnick AD, Willer CJ, et al. An and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015;
extended genome scan in 442 Canadian multiple 73(3):420–8.e1.
sclerosis-affected sibships: a report from the Cana- 55. CDC—Tuberculosis (TB) [Internet]. Available at:
dian Collaborative Study Group. Hum Mol Genet;
2004;13(10):1005–15. tb/pubs/LTBI/pdf/TargetedLTBI05.pdf. Accessed
45. Kuruvilla J, Leitch HA, Vickars LM, et al. Aplastic February 1, 2016.
anemia following administration of a tumor necrosis 56. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent
factor-alpha inhibitor. Eur J Haematol 2003;71(5): tuberculosis infection. American Thoracic Society.
396–8. MMWR Recomm Rep 2000;49(RR-6):1–51.
46. Vidal F, Fontova R, Richart C. Severe neutropenia 57. Doherty SD, Van Voorhees A, Lebwohl MG, et al.
and thrombocytopenia associated with infliximab. National Psoriasis Foundation consensus statement
Ann Intern Med 2003;139(3):W-W63. on screening for latent tuberculosis infection in
47. Genovese MC, Cohen S, Moreland L, et al. Combi- patients with psoriasis treated with systemic and
nation therapy with etanercept and anakinra in the biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59(2):
treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis 209–17.
who have been treated unsuccessfully with metho- 58. Wine-Lee L, Keller SC, Wilck MB, et al. From the
trexate. Arthritis Rheum 2004;50(5):1412–9. Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Founda-
48. Bardazzi F, Odorici G, Virdi A, et al. Autoantibodies tion: vaccination in adult patients on systemic ther-
in psoriatic patients treated with anti-TNF-a ther- apy for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;69(6):
apy. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2014;12(5):401–6. 1003–13.
49. Pink AE, Fonia A, Allen MH, et al. Antinuclear anti- 59. Wu JJ, Poon K-YT, Channual JC, et al. Association
bodies associate with loss of response to antitu- between tumor necrosis factor inhibitor therapy
mour necrosis factor-alpha therapy in psoriasis: a and myocardial infarction risk in patients with psori-
retrospective, observational study. Br J Dermatol asis. Arch Dermatol 2012;148(11):1244–50.
2010;162(4):780–5. 60. Ahlehoff O, Skov L, Gislason G, et al. Cardiovascular
50. Silva F, Seo P, Schroeder DR, et al. Solid malig- outcomes and systemic anti-inflammatory drugs in
nancies among etanercept-treated patients with patients with severe psoriasis: 5-year follow-up of
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cohort. Arthritis Rheum 2011;63(8):2495–503. 61. Abuabara K, Lee H, Kimball AB. The effect of sys-
51. Boetticher NC, Peine CJ, Kwo P, et al. temic psoriasis therapies on the incidence of
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Catherine Ni, MD, Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Infliximab  TNF-a  Psoriasis  SPIRIT  EXPRESS  EXPRESS II  IMPACT

 Infliximab is a safe and effective therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis.
 The mechanism of action of infliximab is inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-a, thereby inhibiting
the inflammatory cascade leading to psoriatic skin lesions.
 Pivotal trials on infliximab therapy for the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis include
 Infliximab is generally safe and well-tolerated. Annual tuberculosis screening is recommended
with infliximab use.

INTRODUCTION than those who are antibody negative, but the

Standard therapies for the treatment of severe formation of antibodies does not necessarily
psoriasis have traditionally been limited to metho- determine clinical responsiveness.5,6 When the
trexate (MTX), cyclosporine, acitretin, psoralen clinical response to infliximab is waning, the
and UV-A radiation (PUVA), and UV-B photother- frequency of infusions may need to be increased
apy. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have or low-dose MTX may be prescribed concurrently
been approved for use in severe psoriasis and to decrease the formation of antibodies against
represent a convenient, targeted systemic agent infliximab and therefore maintain clinical efficacy
that can achieve rapid clinical improvement with (Table 9.1).2
less potential for drug-related toxicities in both
the short and the long term.1 Infliximab is a
chimeric immunoglobulin 1 (IgG1) monoclonal MECHANISM OF ACTION
antibody that targets TNF-a. Multiple random- Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody
ized, controlled trials have evaluated the efficacy composed of a constant human IgG1 region
and safety of infliximab in psoriasis and psoriatic and a variable murine region. It has high bind-
arthritis (PsA). In 2006, the US Food and Drug ing affinity and specificity for TNF-a, forming
Administration approved infliximab for the treat- complexes with both soluble and transmem-
ment of chronic, severe plaque psoriasis and brane forms of TNF-a, thus preventing its down-
PsA.2 Infliximab is also approved for use in rheu- stream effects.7 The binding to transmembrane
matoid arthritis, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, TNF-a mediates complement and antibody-
and ankylosing spondylitis and is used off-label dependent cytotoxicity of cell lines that express
in the treatment of neutrophilic and bullous der- TNF-a, namely macrophages and monocytes.8
matoses, connective tissue diseases such as der- TNF-a is found in high levels in the skin lesions
matomyositis and scleroderma, and hidradenitis and plasma of psoriasis patients and plays a key
suppurativa.3 role in pathogenesis of psoriasis. TNF-a up-
The current recommended dosing of infliximab regulates vascular endothelial growth factor,
for chronic, severe psoriasis and PsA is 5 mg/kg induces keratinocyte proliferation, stimulates
given as an intravenous (IV) induction regimen at lymphocyte migration, and increases the expres-
weeks 0, 2, 6, followed by maintenance dosing of sion of proinflammatory cytokines.2 By inhibiting
5 mg/kg at 8-week intervals afterward (Fig. 9.1).4 TNF-a, infliximab inhibits key steps in the patho-
Patients who develop neutralizing antibodies to genesis of psoriasis and normalizes keratinocyte
infliximab are less likely to maintain a response differentiation. 97
98 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 9.1 Infliximab dosing regimen

for psoriasis.

EFFICACY Safety Study (EXPRESS), and European Inflixi-

The efficacy of infliximab in the treatment of mab for Psoriasis Efficacy and Safety Study II
psoriasis has been evaluated in multiple ran- (EXPRESS II) trials found that infliximab induces
domized, controlled trials. The Study of Psoria- rapid, efficacious, and sustainable clinical
sis with Infliximab Induction Therapy (SPIRIT), response for the treatment of moderate-to-
European Infliximab for Psoriasis Efficacy and severe plaque psoriasis.

Summary of clinical trials
Study Study Population Dose and Timing Results
SPIRIT  n 5 249  3 mg/kg infliximab (n 5 99) PASI-75 week 10: 3 mg/kg
(phase 2,  Severe plaque  5 mg/kg infliximab (n 5 99) 72%, 5 mg/kg 88%,
Gottlieb psoriasis, 6 mo  Placebo (n 5 51) placebo 6% (P<.001)
2004)  PASI 12, BSA 10%  Weeks 0, 2, 6 DLQI % improvement week
 Additional infusion at week 10: 3 mg/kg 84%, 5 mg/kg
26 if static PGA of moder- 91%, placebo 0% (P<.001)
EXPRESS  n 5 387  5 mg/kg infliximab PASI-75 week 10: infliximab
(phase 3,  Moderate-to-severe (n 5 301) 80%, placebo 3%
Reich 2005) plaque psoriasis  Placebo (n 5 77) (P<.0001)
6 mo  Weeks 0, 2, 6, every 8 wk PASI-75 week 24: infliximab
 PASI 12, BSA 10% through week 46 82%, placebo 4%
 At week 24, placebo (P<.0001)
patients crossed over to PASI-75 week 50: infliximab
infliximab 61%
EXPRESS II  n 5 835  3 mg/kg infliximab PASI-75 week 10: 3 mg/kg
(phase 3,  Moderate-to-severe (n 5 313) 70%, 5 mg/kg 76%,
Menter plaque psoriasis  5 mg/kg infliximab placebo 2% (P<.001)
2007)  PASI 12, BSA 10% (n 5 314) PASI-75 week 50:
 Placebo (n 5 208)  3 mg/kg continuous: 44%
 Infliximab groups random-  3 mg/kg intermittent: 25%
ized at weeks 14 to q 8 wk  5 mg/kg continuous: 55%
continuous OR intermit-  5 mg/kg intermittent: 38%
tent, as-needed therapy
 Placebo group crossed
over at week 16 to inflixi-
mab 5 mg/kg at weeks 16,
18, 22, then q8 wk
IMPACT  n 5 104  Infliximab 5 mg/kg (n 5 52) Week 50 infliximab:
(Antoni  PsA 6 mo  Placebo (n 5 52)  ACR20: 73%
2008)  Failed prior treatment  Weeks 0, 2, 6, 14  ACR50: 50%
with 1 or more  Placebo crossed over to  ACR70: 31%
DMARD infliximab at week 50 Week 98 infliximab:
 Long-term extension to  ACR20: 62%
week 98 (n 5 69)  ACR50: 45%
 ACR70: 35%
Data from Refs.1,5,6,15
Chapter 9 Infliximab 99

Study of Psoriasis with Infliximab Induction 3- and the 5-mg/kg groups. The response began
Therapy to decline at week 10 in the 3-mg/kg group and
The SPIRIT trial was a multicenter double-blinded, week 14 in the 5-mg/kg group.
placebo-controlled phase 2 trial that randomized In summary, SPIRIT demonstrated that inflixi-
249 patients to receive IV infusions of infliximab or mab induction therapy resulted in significant
placebo.1 Selected patients had plaque psoriasis improvement in psoriasis for most patients in the
for at least 6 months, Psoriasis Area Severity Index study. After 3 doses of infliximab, the response
(PASI) 12 or more, and 10% or greater body sur- rates in this study were similar to those seen with
face area (BSA) affected. The primary endpoint cyclosporine,9,10 and greater than those achieved
was the proportion of patients who achieved by other biologics.11–13 The response seen at
PASI-75 at week 10. Patients were randomly week 4, with about one-third and one-half of
assigned in a 1:2:2 ratio to infusions of infliximab patients in the 3- and 5-mg/kg infliximab groups,
3 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg, or placebo and were treated was only seen after 12 or more weeks of therapy
at weeks 0, 2, and 6, and followed to week 30. with other biologics.11–13 The improvement in
Responses were seen after the first infusion quality of life, as measured by DLQI, was also
of infliximab. By week 2, 34% and 40% of patients greater than other biologics or hospital-based
in the infliximab 3 and 5 mg/kg groups had treatment (Fig. 9.2).1
achieved PASI-50, compared with 4% in the pla-
cebo group. At week 10, 72% of the 3-mg/kg European Infliximab for Psoriasis Efficacy and
group and 88% of the 5-mg/kg group achieved Safety Study I
PASI-75 compared with 6% of placebo. These The EXPRESS I trial was a multicenter, double-
results correlated with Physician’s Global Assess- blinded, phase 3 trial that evaluated the efficacy
ment (PGA) findings, with 72% and 90% of the of infliximab induction and maintenance therapy
infliximab 3- and 5-mg/kg groups, respectively, for moderate-to-severe psoriasis.5 The primary
achieving PGAs of minimal (PGA 5 1) or cleared endpoint was the percentage of patients achieving
(PGA 5 0) psoriasis by week 10. Improvements PASI-75 at week 10. The secondary endpoints
in quality of life were also noted–the median were PASI-50 and -90 at week 10. Selected pa-
change in Dermatology Life Quality Index tients had moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis,
(DLQI) from baseline to week 10 was 8 and PASI 12, BSA 10%, and were candidates for
10 for the 3- and 5-mg/kg groups, respectively, phototherapy and systemic therapy.
compared with 10 in the placebo group. In the EXPRESS I trial, 378 patients were ran-
To assess the safety of re-treatment, patients domized to infusions of infliximab 5 mg/kg or pla-
with PGA  3 were eligible for a single IV infusion cebo. Infusions were given at weeks 0, 2, 6, and
of their assigned treatment at week 26. A month then every 8 weeks up to week 46. Patients in
after re-treatment, 38%, 64%, and 18% of patients the placebo group received placebo infusions at
in the 3-mg/kg, 5-mg/kg, and placebo group had weeks 0, 2, 6, 14, 22 and then crossed over in a
a PsA less than 3 (considered mild, minimal, or double-blinded fashion to receive infliximab
clear psoriasis). 5 mg/kg at weeks 24, 26, 30, and every 8 weeks
Patients were followed up to 20 weeks to through week 46.
assess the duration of response. The maximum At week 10, 80% of patients achieved PASI-75
response was achieved at week 10 for both the and 57% achieved PASI-90 in the infliximab


Fig. 9.2 Efficacy data of SPIRIT trial.

100 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

group. Only 3% and 1% of the placebo group these patients continuing to increase during the
achieved PASI-75 and PASI-90, respectively. This course of the study. By week 10, one-fourth of pa-
response was maintained at week 24. By week tients reported complete clearing. This study also
50, PASI-75 and PASI-90 had dropped to 61% demonstrated that maintenance treatment with
and 45%, respectively. Similarly, 83% of patients infliximab 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks was effective
attained a PGA of clear or minimal psoriasis by in maintaining clinical response and well tolerated
week 10, which dropped to 53% at week 50. in most patients (Fig. 9.3).
This decline in clinical response was associated
with low infliximab serum concentrations due to European Infliximab for Psoriasis Efficacy and
the development of anti-infliximab antibodies. Safety Study II
Within the group of patients who achieved PASI- The EXPRESS II trial was a phase 3, randomized,
75 at week 10, only 39% who were antibody pos- double-blinded placebo-controlled trial that
itive maintained this response through week 50 investigated the benefit of regular versus on-
versus 81% and 96% of the antibody-negative demand maintenance regimens of infliximab.6
and inconclusive patients, respectively. Being The EXPRESS II trial was the first biologic study
antibody positive did not preclude those patients to directly compare maintenance regimens of
from having a clinical response, although fewer continuous, every-8-week therapy versus intermit-
antibody-positive patients achieved PASI-75 or a tent, as-needed therapy.
maintained clinical response. The primary endpoint was the percentage of
Maintenance of clinical response was patients achieving PASI-75 at week 10. Other
related to the ability to achieve stable serum con- endpoints were improvement in the PGA and
centrations of infliximab. Of the patients who DLQI by week 10, and the average percentage
maintained their PASI response through week improvement from baseline PASI between weeks
50, median preinfusion serum infliximab concen- 16 and 30 and weeks 16 and 50.
trations were 1.0 mg/mL or greater at weeks 30 All patients had moderate-to-severe psoriasis,
and later. The patients who lost response by with a PASI 12 and 10% or greater BSA involve-
week 50 had median preinfusion serum infliximab ment. This study consisted of 835 patients who
concentrations 1.0 mg/mL or less. Among the pa- were assigned to infliximab 3 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg,
tients who achieved PASI-75 at week 10, 89% of or placebo at weeks 0, 2, and 6. At week 14, pa-
patients maintained this response at 6 months tients were randomized again to either contin-
and 65% maintained this response at 1 year. No uous maintenance therapy or as-needed
dose escalation or additional therapy was intermittent therapy at the same dose as the in-
needed, apart from low-potency topical cortico- duction phase. In the maintenance group, pa-
steroids on the face or groin. tients received their assigned infliximab doses at
In summary, the EXPRESS trial demonstrated 8-week intervals (weeks 14, 22, 30, 38). In the
the efficacy, rapid onset, and maintenance of ther- as-needed group, infliximab was given when the
apeutic benefit of infliximab as monotherapy in PASI improvement from baseline dropped to
moderate-to-severe psoriasis. By week 6, about less than 75% at the weekly study visits. If PASI
two-thirds of patients achieved PASI-75 and improvement was at least 75%, placebo was
one-third achieved PASI-90, with proportions of given. The placebo group was crossed over at

Week Week Week

Fig. 9.3 Efficacy data of EXPRESS I trial.

Chapter 9 Infliximab 101

week 16 to receive infliximab 5 mg/kg at weeks EFFICACY IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS

16, 18, 22, and every 8 weeks until week 46. Treatment options for PsA are wide ranging, with
At week 10, 70% and 75% of the 3-mg/kg and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
5-mg/kg group had achieved PASI-75 versus 1.9% being used for mild cases and disease-modifying
in the placebo group. PASI-90 was achieved by antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for more severe
37% and 45% of the 3-mg/kg and 5-mg/kg group cases. However, many patients do not respond
versus 0.5% in the placebo group. significantly, and thus, the anti-TNF agents are
Efficacy for the maintenance phase was evalu- becoming increasingly popular.
ated from week 14 through week 50. Among The Infliximab Multinational PsA Controlled
the week 10 PASI-75 responders, response was Trial (IMPACT) study was a phase 3, double-
better maintained in the every-8-week continuous blinded, randomized, controlled trial that
maintenance group as compared with the as- assessed the efficacy of infliximab for PsA in pa-
needed intermittent group. In the patients tients who had failed prior treatment with
receiving 3 mg/kg, the median of the average per- DMARDs or NSAIDs.14,15 The primary endpoint
centage improvement in PASI was 80.6% for the was American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-
every-8-week group versus 72.4% for the as- 20 response at week 98. This study recruited
needed group. In the patients receiving 5 mg/ 104 patients with active peripheral polyarticular
kg, the median of the average percentage joint involvement and was conducted in 3 stages.
improvement in PASI was 89.6% versus 76.4% During stage 1, patients were assigned to pla-
for the every-8-week group versus as-needed cebo or infliximab 5 mg/kg at weeks 0, 2, 6, and
group. Among the week 10 PASI-75 nonre- 14. Stage 2 began at week 16, when the placebo
sponders, 59.0% eventually achieved responder group was crossed over to infliximab 5 mg/kg
status at some point during the maintenance every 8 weeks through week 46. The original
phase across all groups. infliximab group continued to receive infliximab
This study concluded that the patients in the 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks until week 46. Stage 3
5-mg/kg every-8-week continuous therapy was an open-label extension from week 54 to
group maintained PASI responses better than week 98, during which patients received inflixi-
the 5-mg/kg intermittent treatment group and mab 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks.
3-mg/kg groups. Of the patients assigned to At week 14, 58% of patients in the infliximab
3 mg/kg, those who received infliximab every 8 group and 11% in the placebo group achieved
weeks maintained PASI responses better than ACR20 response. By week 50, 74% of patients
the intermittent treatment group as well. had achieved 20% or greater improvement in
Although infliximab has been shown to provide their ACR criteria. At week 98, 62% maintained
excellent initial control, a maintenance regimen this ACR20 response, with 45% and 35%
is important in sustaining adequate response. achieving ACR50 and ACR70. At week 98, 82%
At the same time, long-term drug exposure or more of patients showed articular improve-
should be limited by choosing the lowest effec- ment, as evidenced by a moderate or good dis-
tive dose or least frequent interval of drug ease activity score (DAS) 28 response. DAS28
administration (Fig. 9.4). improved 48% and 43% from baseline at weeks

Week Week
Fig. 9.4 Efficacy data of EXPRESS II trial.
102 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

50 and 98, respectively. Physical function also a larger number of infusions and were followed
improved, with Health Assessment Questionnaire for longer was not adjusted for. Of the 12 patients
scores approaching normal levels of functioning who reported serious AEs, 4 were considered by
by week 50 (49% improvement from mean base- Gottlieb and colleagues1 to be related to inflixi-
line of 1.1). Average annual radiographic pro- mab. One patient reported squamous cell carci-
gression was also significantly reduced in the noma, and 1 patient reported cholecystitis and
infliximab group as compared with placebo. The cholelithiasis in the 3 mg/kg group. In the 5-mg/
modified van der Heijde-Sharp (vdH-S score) kg group, 1 patient reported diverticulitis, sepsis,
was used to score bone erosion, joint space nar- and pyelonephritis.
rowing, and total radiographic scores in 40 joints The rate of infusion reactions was 18%, 22%,
in both hands and 12 joints in both feet. At base- and 2% in the 3-mg/kg, 5-mg/kg, and placebo
line, the mean estimated annual progression was groups, respectively. Symptoms included head-
5.74 modified vdH-S points. At year 2 of infliximab ache, flushing, chills, nausea, dyspnea, site infiltra-
treatment, the mean estimated progression was tions, and taste perversion. Most were mild or
significantly reduced to 0.65 modified vdH-S moderate in severity.
points. One drawback of the modified vdH-S The re-treatment infusions were well tolerated,
scoring system is that changes in just 1 joint of a with no delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions
patient may result in a higher score and overem- reported. At week 26, the incidence of infusion
phasize the disease course. This data together reactions was 2 to 3 times higher for patients
indicate that infliximab 5 mg/kg was able to main- with antibodies to infliximab versus antibody-
tain a significant, sustained clinical improvement negative patients. Despite this, the presence of
in treatment-refractory PsA. antibodies was poorly predictive of infusion reac-
tions during the study, because most antibody-
positive patients did not have infusion reactions.
SAFETY Laboratory values were for the most part
Infliximab is very well tolerated by most patients. unchanged, with the exception of elevated
Because of TNF’s role in mounting an immune alanine aminotransferase (placebo 16%, infliximab
response, the most common risk with TNF inhibi- 34%) and aspartate aminotransferase (placebo
tors is that of infection and malignancy. Sepsis, 14%, infliximab 24%).
invasive fungal infections, opportunistic infec- Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) were also
tions, and reactivation of latent tuberculosis (TB) measured in this study, because of previous
are more serious infections that have been studies that detected newly positive ANAs in pa-
reported. Lymphoma and nonmelanoma skin tients receiving infliximab. The incidence of newly
cancer (NMSC) are also concerns with the admin- positive ANA was 22% to 25% in the SPIRIT trial,
istration of TNF antagonists. which is lower than previous trials of infliximab in
The most common side effects in randomized rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn disease. No pa-
clinical trials were upper respiratory infections, tients developed drug-induced lupus or lupuslike
headaches, and infusion reactions.1,5,6 Those syndrome.
with antibodies to infliximab were seen to be
especially prone to infusion reactions.16 Other European Infliximab for Psoriasis Efficacy and
adverse events (AEs) include hepatitis B, multi- Safety Study I
ple sclerosis (MS) and demyelinating disorders, The proportion of patients who reported AEs was
congestive heart failure (CHF), drug-induced slightly higher in the infliximab versus placebo
lupus, blood dyscrasias, and hypersensitivity group (82% vs 71%).5 Three serious infections
reactions. Worsening of CHF was reported in were reported in the infliximab group; 1 patient
one study in the 10-mg/kg group.17 Infliximab died as a result of sepsis and necrotizing fasciitis
is pregnancy category B.4 from a burn on his hand, for which he did not
Safety data from clinical trials are presented in seek medical attention for 1 week. Three delayed
later discussion. hypersensitivity reactions were reported in the
infliximab group. Symptoms included myalgias,
Study of Psoriasis with Infliximab Induction arthralgias, fever, and rash, which improved within
Therapy 2 weeks. Two patients reported lupuslike syn-
Patients were assessed through week 30 for AEs.1 drome with arthralgias and anti-double-stranded
The rate of AEs was slightly higher in the 3-mg/kg DNA. Four serious infusion reactions were re-
and 5-mg/kg groups as compared with placebo ported in infliximab patients. There were no cases
(78%, 79%, and 63%, respectively). However, the of TB, demyelinating events, heart failure, or ma-
fact that patients in the infliximab group received lignancies other than skin cancer.
Chapter 9 Infliximab 103

European Infliximab for Psoriasis Efficacy and for patients with psoriasis on biologic therapy.19
Safety Study II Conducted from 2007 to 2013, PSOLAR enrolled
The safety profile of infliximab in this study was 12,095 patients who received either infliximab,
similar to that of previous trials.6 Across the 4 ustekinumab, other biologic agents, or non-
different treatment regimens, the safety profile biologic agents. Rates of all-cause mortality,
was similar. There were no additional safety con- major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), ma-
cerns for the 5-mg/kg group over the 3-mg/kg lignancies (excluding MNSC), and serious infec-
group. Two cases of TB were reported in patients tions were reported.
who originally had negative purified protein deriv- Although incidence rates for all-cause mor-
ative (PPD) tests, emphasizing the importance of tality, MACE, and malignancy were comparable
thorough screening at baseline for TB risk factors across the biologic groups, rates of death and
and consideration of chest radiographs.18 Twelve MACE were higher in the nonbiologic group.
malignancies were reported in the infliximab Although oral immunomodulator use (defined as
group. One patient developed squamous cell car- either MTX or cyclosporine) increased risk of
cinoma and 9 developed basal cell carcinomas. All MACE, infliximab and other biologics did not
10 of these patients had previous exposure to predict MACE. Higher rates of serious infections
narrowband UV-B and/or PUVA. Two patients in were reported in the infliximab group and other
the infliximab group reported lupuslike syndrome. biologics group, as compared with the ustekinu-
One patient developed prolonged muscle weak- mab and nonbiologic groups. PSOLAR concluded
ness and peripheral neuropathy, which subse- that no additional safety precautions were identi-
quently resolved. One patient with no prior fied for infliximab, other biologic agents, or immu-
cardiac history died of a fatal myocardial infarction nomodulators. The association between TNF
9 months after discontinuing infliximab. Five pa- inhibitors and risk of serious infection is consistent
tients reported serious infusion reactions in the with previous studies and already detailed in
combined infliximab treatment groups. Nine re- prescribing information. Safety data from PSO-
ported delayed hypersensitivity reactions, with LAR will continue to be reported to regulatory
myalgias and/or arthralgias, and fever and/or rash. agencies annually (Table 9.2).

Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and

Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry It is important that dermatologists are wary of
(PSOLAR) is the largest intercontinental registry precautions in infliximab administration. Special

Safety data from Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry
Infliximab Ustekinumab Other Biologics Nonbiologics Total
All-cause mortality 0.35 (21) 0.43 (30) 0.42 (55) 0.70 (39) 0.46 (145)
Cardiovascular 0.08 (5) 0.13 (9) 0.10 (13) 0.22 (12) 0.12 (39)
Other 0.17 (10) 0.23 (16) 0.23 (30) 0.32 (18) 0.23 (74)
Unexplained death 0.10 (6) 0.07 (5) 0.09 (12) 0.16 (9) 0.10 (32)
MACE 0.38 (23) 0.33 (23) 0.33 (43) 0.45 (25) 0.36 (114)
Cardiovascular death 0.08 (5) 0.13 (9) 0.10 (13) 0.22 (12) 0.12 (39)
Nonfatal cerebrovascular 0.12 (7) 0.10 (7) 0.11 (14) 0.11 (6) 0.11 (34)
Nonfatal myocardial 0.18 (11) 0.10 (7) 0.14 (19) 0.14 (8) 0.14 (45)
Malignancy excluding 0.58 (35) 0.53 (37) 0.74 (98) 0.81 (45) 0.68 (215)
Serious infections and 2.73 (67) 1.0 (56) 1.80 (186) 1.26 (169) 1.5 (478)
Data from Gottlieb AB, Kalb RE, Langley RG, et al. Safety observations in 12095 patients with psoriasis enrolled in an inter-
national registry (PSOLAR): experience with infliximab and other systemic and biologic therapies. J Drugs Dermatol
104 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

attention should be given to patient populations and antibody testing may be negative in patients
with a history of TB, malignancy, demyelinating with active histoplasmosis.4,22
disorders, CHF, and certain other conditions,
given the role of TNF in such disease pathogenesis. Malignancy
An increased incidence rate for melanoma and
Infection NMSC has been shown in psoriasis patients using
Patients using infliximab are at increased risk for infliximab.4 This rate is associated with the use of
serious infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, and high-dose psoralen and PUVA, cyclosporine,
parasitic). Risk is increased with concomitant use MTX, and immunosuppressants for NMSC.23
of MTX, corticosteroids, and other immuno- Patients with a personal history of malignancy
suppressants, or in patients with underlying should take special precaution.
predisposing medical conditions. The use of Increased rates of lymphoma have been re-
infliximab with concomitant abatacept and ana- ported in patients receiving either etanercept or
kinra is not recommended, because patients with infliximab for psoriasis.24 There is also, however,
rheumatoid arthritis had an increased risk of a general increased risk of Hodgkin lymphoma
serious infection with such therapy.4,20 and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in psoriasis pa-
Infliximab should be withheld in patients tients that should be acknowledged.25,26
requiring antibiotics, discontinued in those with
serious or opportunistic infections, and should Hepatitis B
not be initiated in patients with active infection TNF is thought to promote viral clearance in hep-
(systemic or localized). Risks and benefits should atitis B.22 If a patient receiving infliximab therapy
be discussed before initiating therapy in patients develops hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation, ther-
with recurrent/chronic infection, and careful moni- apy should be stopped immediately and antiviral
toring should take place.4,21,22 therapy should ensue.4
Patients should be monitored for signs and
Tuberculosis symptoms of HBV infection during and for
Patients receiving infliximab therapy are at 6 months after stopping therapy. This monitoring
increased risk for the development of TB or includes liver function tests (LFTs), hepatitis B
reactivation of latent TB (pulmonary and extrapul- surface antigen, hepatitis B envelope antigen,
monary TB). Patients should be evaluated based and HBV DNA counts in patients at risk for reacti-
on risk factors for TB and screened for latent TB vation.27 No definitive information is available
before initiation and during therapy. A PPD screen regarding treating HBV carriers with antiviral
with 5-mm or greater induration is considered therapy along with infliximab or regarding
positive, even in those with a history of BCG resuming infliximab therapy after the control of
vaccination.22 reactivated HBV infection.
TB treatment should be given to any patient
with a history of active or latent TB, in whom Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating
completion of a treatment course cannot be Disorders
confirmed as well as in patients with risk factors TNF inhibitors have been associated with new-
for TB infection but a negative screen. Infliximab onset or exacerbation of central nervous system
therapy can be initiated after 1 to 2 months of demyelinating disorders (MS, optic neuritis) and
latent TB treatment, although reactivation of TB peripheral demyelinating diseases such as
remains a possibility despite prophylactic treat- Guillain-Barré syndrome.22,28 It should not be
ment. A TB expert should be consulted in the initiated in patients with a history of MS (including
case of any questions or hesitations.4 in a first-degree relative, given the increased
risk)29,30 or other demyelinating disorders. Associ-
Opportunistic Infections ated neurologic symptoms have been reported to
Opportunistic infections, such as aspergillosis, resolve with termination of therapy.28
blastomycosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis, legi-
onellosis, listeriosis, coccidioidomycosis, crypto- Congestive Heart Failure
cocccosis, and pneumocystis, are more likely to Although the role of TNF in CHF is much
present in this population and may present with debated, 2 randomized, controlled trials,
disseminated rather than localized infection. If RENAISSANCE/RECOVER (Randomized Eta-
the symptomatic patient resides or travels to nercept North American Strategy to Study
regions of endemic mycoses, it is important to Antagonism of Cytokines/Research into Etaner-
consider empiric antifungal therapy while waiting cept: Cytokine Antagonism in Ventricular
on a diagnostic workup. Consider that antigen Dysfunction) and ATTACH (Anti-TNF Therapy
Chapter 9 Infliximab 105

Against Congestive Heart Failure), have shown Services Task Force evidence of screening studies
trends toward a worse CHF prognosis that was is grade B for TB testing (interferon-g release assay
dose-dependent with TNF inhibitors. Infliximab is preferred over tuberculin skin testing). There
should be withdrawn with new-onset or wors- have been reports of treatment with infliximab 
ening symptoms in patients with pre-existing MTX leading to reactivation of chronic hepatitis B
CHF.17,31 Patients diagnosed with class 3 or 4 infection. It is unclear how TNF-a affects hepatitis
CHF or ejection fraction less than 50% should C, and data from small scale studies are insufficient
avoid infliximab use, and class 1 or 2 CHF should to refute or support the need to monitor for hepa-
undergo echocardiographic testing.22,32,33 titis B virus (HCV). Based on evidence from these
small studies, HBV/HCV screening is only sup-
Drug-induced Lupus ported by grade C evidence.41 The AAD recom-
Infliximab therapy can lead to autoantibody mends baseline PPD, LFTs, complete blood
formation, although few of these patients develop count (CBC), hepatitis profile, history, and physical
clinical symptoms. It has been suggested that the examinations for patients on infliximab.
development of autoantibodies with initiation of The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
anti-TNF therapy is a marker for forthcoming tion recommends TB testing before the therapy
treatment failure.34 initiation.18 Positive skin test findings should be
A recent study found that 48% of infliximab- followed with a chest radiograph—if negative, pa-
treated patients formed autoantibodies.35 If tients should be treated for latent TB (6–9 months
a patient experiences signs and symptoms of a of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/or 4 months of
lupuslike syndrome, the dermatologist should 600 mg daily rifampicin),42 and if positive, patients
assess circulating ANA and discontinue therapy.22 should receive therapy for active TB. Biologic
therapy may be started after 1 to 2 months of pro-
Blood Dyscrasias phylactic treatment if the patient is adherent to
Isolated cases of aplastic anemia, pancytopenia, and tolerating the prophylactic regimen.43 If a
isolated leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia have patient has a positive PPD due to prior BCG vacci-
been reported with TNF-inhibitor use.36,37 Pa- nation, blood tests can be obtained measuring
tients experiencing pallor, easy bruising, bleeding, interferon production on stimulation with TB anti-
or persistent fever should seek immediate atten- gens that are not present in BCG. Most guidelines
tion. Infliximab therapy should be discontinued perform annual TB skin testing in patients
with significant hematologic abnormalities.4,22 receiving infliximab to screen for the TB reactiva-
tion, especially in those at risk (ie, health care
Hypersensitivity Reactions workers, travelers to endemic areas).
There have been rare reported cases of anaphy- The authors of this section recommend
laxis, angioneurotic edema, allergic rash, fixed initial baseline monitoring that includes a
drug reactions, urticaria, serum sickness, and non- QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT), LFTs, CBC, and
specified drug reactions. Immediately discontinue hepatitis B and hepatitis C profile. QFT should
infliximab therapy if this occurs and start appro- be repeated annually (Table 9.3).
priate therapy.4

MONITORING Monitoring recommendations from the
The information presented is primarily based on American Academy of Dermatology
psoriasis guidelines from the American Academy Monitoring
of Dermatology (AAD).38
History and Baseline and routine
A thorough history and physical examination physical
should be taken before initiation of infliximab ther-
apy, including TB exposure, chronic/recurrent in- CBC Baseline and periodically
fections, malignancy, neurologic and cardiac LFTs Baseline and periodically
history, and a thorough review of systems. Routine TB skin test Baseline and annually after
follow-up examinations should adequately
Hepatitis B Before initiation of therapy
monitor patients for side effects and AEs.39 serology
Aside from baseline TB test, annual monitoring
for TB, and a baseline hepatitis B test, routine Data from Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guide-
lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
laboratory testing beyond that for concomitant arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guidelines of
therapies or comorbidities is generally not sup- care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am
ported.40 The highest grade US Preventative Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):841.
106 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

VACCINATIONS vaccines to patients on biologic agents are lacking.

Because of the possibility that biologic agents may Non-live vaccinations may have the potential to
impair the body’s immunologic response to vacci- achieve adequate immune response, although
nations, administration of vaccinations should be antibody titers may not achieve optimal levels
carefully considered in patients receiving biologic and may decrease more rapidly if given during bio-
therapy (Table 9.4). Live vaccines (measles, logic therapy.
mumps, and rubella [MMR], varicella, zoster, intra- It is preferable to complete all age-appropriate
nasal influenza, and so forth) are contraindicated immunizations according to current immunization
within 1 month of treatment.44 However, scientifi- guidelines before initiating biologic therapy. The
cally based/standardized recommendations for production of antibodies from the vaccine gener-
administering biologically inactive or recombinant ally occurs in the 2-week period from primary

Vaccination recommendations from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (MMR, Contraindicated within 1 mo **Contraindicated
varicella, herpes zoster,
intranasal influenza, oral
typhoid, yellow fever,
oral polio, smallpox,
BCG, rotavirus)
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated Yearly immunization with
or live inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate **Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose **Contraindicated
for adults 50 y
Human papillomavirus Unvaccinated male/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, liver Same; consider obtaining
disease, IV drug users, homosexual postvaccination serology
men, and so forth)
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor assessment. Offer High-dose vaccine
vaccination if necessary Consider obtaining serology
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine Pneumococcal conjugate
(PPSV23) vaccine recommended vaccine followed by
PPSV23 if not given
Haemophilus influenzas Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
type b
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or seronegative to **Contraindicated
any component
Tetanus-diphtheria/ Booster every 10 y and high-risk wounds Same
diphtheria-tetanus- Offer before therapy, substitute 1 dose
acellular pertussis with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high risk Same
(asplenia, complement deficient,
group living)
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high risk Same
(health care worker, laboratory worker)
** Vaccination can be considered on case-by-case basis in consultation with experts.
Adapted from Lebwohl M. Psoriasis. Lancet 2003;361(9364):1197–204; and Wine-Lee L, Keller SC, Wilck MB, et al. From
the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: vaccination in adult patients on systemic therapy for psoriasis. J Am
Acad Dermatol 2013;69(6):1007.
Chapter 9 Infliximab 107

immunization, but could take more than 6 weeks intermittent infliximab maintenance regimens over
to peak. A period of 4 times the half-life of inflixi- 1 year in the treatment of moderate-to-severe pla-
mab (56 days) has been suggested to allow for que psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007;56(1):31.
the return of the immune system to its baseline e1-15.
before vaccination with live vaccines (see 7. Knight DM, Trinh H, Le J, et al. Construction and initial
Table 9.4). characterization of a mouse-human chimeric anti-
TNF antibody. Mol Immunol 1993;30(16):1443–53.
8. Scallon BJ, Moore MA, Trinh H, et al. Chimeric anti-
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TNF-a monoclonal antibody cA2 binds recombi-
The efficacy of infliximab in the treatment of nant transmembrane TNF-a and activates immune
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis has been effector functions. Cytokine 1995;7(3):251–9.
documented in multiple randomized, controlled 9. Ellis CN, Fradin MS, Messana JM, et al. Cyclosporine
trials. Infliximab is notable for its ability to for plaque-type psoriasis. Results of a multidose,
achieve rapid clinical response, with an onset double-blind trial. N Engl J Med 1991;324(5):277–84.
of action that is faster than other biologics.45 10. Koo J. A randomized, double-blind study
Multiple meta-analyses evaluating etanercept, comparing the efficacy, safety and optimal dose
infliximab, adalimumab, and ustekinumab found of two formulations of cyclosporin, Neoral and San-
that infliximab is most efficacious, with a higher dimmun, in patients with severe psoriasis. OLP302
proportion of patients achieving PASI-75.46–49 Study Group. Br J Dermatol 1998;139(1):88–95.
Continuous maintenance therapy with infliximab 11. Mease PJ, Goffe BS, Metz J, et al. Etanercept in the
was also found to be more effective than treatment of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis: a rand-
as-needed, intermittent therapy.22 The authors omised trial. Lancet 2000;356(9227):385–90.
consider infliximab to be third- or fourth-line bio- 12. Lebwohl M. Psoriasis. Lancet 2003;361(9364):
logic therapy for patients with chronic, severe 1197–204.
plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic 13. Ellis CN, Krueger GG, Alefacept Clinical Study
therapies.4,50 Infliximab’s main advantage is that Group. Treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis by
it is the only biologic that is dosed based on selective targeting of memory effector T lympho-
exact weight. Thus, very obese patients are cytes. N Engl J Med 2001;345(4):248–55.
more likely to clear on infliximab compared 14. Antoni C, Krueger G, de Vlam K, et al. Infliximab
with other biologics. Further studies comparing improves signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis:
the efficacy of infliximab directly to systemic results of the IMPACT 2 trial. Ann Rheum Dis
therapies and other biologics as well as inflixi- 2005;64(8):1150–7.
mab as combination therapy (in particular with 15. Antoni CE, Kavanaugh A, van der Heijde D, et al.
MTX) for psoriasis are warranted. Two-year efficacy and safety of infliximab treatment
in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: findings of
the Infliximab Multinational Psoriatic Arthritis
REFERENCES Controlled Trial (IMPACT). J Rheumatol 2008;35(5):
1. Gottlieb AB, Evans R, Li S, et al. Infliximab induc- 869–76.
tion therapy for patients with severe plaque-type 16. Lecluse LLA, Piskin G, Mekkes JR, et al. Review and
psoriasis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- expert opinion on prevention and treatment of
controlled trial. J Am Acad Dermatol 2004;51(4): infliximab-related infusion reactions. Br J Dermatol
534–42. 2008;159(3):527–36.
2. Gall JS, Kalb RE. Infliximab for the treatment of pla- 17. Chung ES, Packer M, Lo KH, et al, Anti-TNF Therapy
que psoriasis. Biologics 2008;2(1):115–24. Against Congestive Heart Failure Investigators. Ran-
3. Fathi R, Armstrong AW. The role of biologic thera- domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot
pies in dermatology. Med Clin North Am 2015; trial of infliximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody
99(6):1183–94. to tumor necrosis factor-alpha, in patients with
4. FDA. Highlights of prescribing information. 2013. moderate-to-severe heart failure: results of the
Available at: anti-TNF Therapy Against Congestive Heart Failure
drugsatfda_docs/label/2013/103772s5359lbl.pdf. (ATTACH) trial. Circulation 2003;107(25):3133–40.
Accessed January 30, 2016. 18. CDC - Tuberculosis (TB). Available at: http://www.
5. Reich K, Nestle FO, Papp K, et al. Infliximab induction;
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6. Menter A, Feldman SR, Weinstein GD, et al. servations in 12095 patients with psoriasis enrolled
A randomized comparison of continuous vs. in an international registry (PSOLAR): experience
108 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

with infliximab and other systemic and biologic 32. Desai SB, Furst DE. Problems encountered during
therapies. J Drugs Dermatol 2014;13(12):1441–8. anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy. Best Pract Res
20. Kimball AB, Rothman KJ, Kricorian G, et al. Clin Rheumatol 2006;20(4):757–90.
OBSERVE-5: observational postmarketing safety 33. Khanna D, McMahon M, Furst DE. Safety of tumour
surveillance registry of etanercept for the treatment necrosis factor-alpha antagonists. Drug Saf 2004;
of psoriasis final 5-year results. J Am Acad Dermatol 27(5):307–24.
2015;72(1):115–22. 34. Pink AE, Fonia A, Allen MH, et al. Antinuclear anti-
21. Bresnihan B, Cunnane G. Infection complications bodies associate with loss of response to antitu-
associated with the use of biologic agents. Rheum mour necrosis factor-alpha therapy in psoriasis: a
Dis Clin North Am 2003;29(1):185–202. retrospective, observational study. Br J Dermatol
22. Menter A, Korman NJ, Elmets CA, et al. Guidelines 2010;162(4):780–5.
of care for the management of psoriasis and psori- 35. Bardazzi F, Odorici G, Virdi A, et al. Autoantibodies
atic arthritis: section 4. Guidelines of care for the in psoriatic patients treated with anti-TNF-a ther-
management and treatment of psoriasis with tradi- apy. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2014;12(5):401–6.
tional systemic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2009; 36. Kuruvilla J, Leitch HA, Vickars LM, et al. Aplastic
61(3):451–85. anemia following administration of a tumor necrosis
23. Paul CF, Ho VC, McGeown C, et al. Risk of malig- factor-alpha inhibitor. Eur J Haematol 2003;71(5):
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sporine: a 5 y cohort study. J Invest Dermatol 37. Vidal F, Fontova R, Richart C. Severe neutropenia
2003;120(2):211–6. and thrombocytopenia associated with infliximab.
24. Brown SL, Greene MH, Gershon SK, et al. Tumor Ann Intern Med 2003;139(3):W-W63.
necrosis factor antagonist therapy and lymphoma 38. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines
development: twenty-six cases reported to the of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
Food and Drug Administration. Arthritis Rheum arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guide-
2002;46(12):3151–8. lines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with bio-
25. Gelfand JM, Berlin J, Van Voorhees A, et al. logics. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):826–50.
Lymphoma rates are low but increased in patients 39. Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From
with psoriasis: results from a population-based the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis
cohort study in the United Kingdom. Arch Dermatol Foundation: monitoring and vaccinations in pa-
2003;139(11):1425–9. tients treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am
26. Gelfand JM, Shin DB, Neimann AL, et al. The risk of Acad Dermatol 2008;58(1):94–105.
lymphoma in patients with psoriasis. J Invest Der- 40. Van Lümig PPM, Driessen RJB, Roelofs-Thijssen MA,
matol 2006;126(10):2194–201. et al. Relevance of laboratory investigations in moni-
27. Motaparthi K, Stanisic V, Voorhees ASV, et al. From toring patients with psoriasis on etanercept or adali-
the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis mumab. Br J Dermatol 2011;165(2):375–82.
Foundation: recommendations for screening for 41. Ahn CS, Dothard EH, Garner ML, et al. To test or not
hepatitis B infection prior to initiating anti-tumor to test? An updated evidence-based assessment of
necrosis factor-alfa inhibitors or other immunosup- the value of screening and monitoring tests when
pressive agents in patients with psoriasis. J Am using systemic biologic agents to treat psoriasis
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29. Barcellos LF, Kamdar BB, Ramsay PP, et al. Clus- 43. Doherty SD, Voorhees AV, Lebwohl MG, et al. Na-
tering of autoimmune diseases in families with a tional Psoriasis Foundation consensus statement
high-risk for multiple sclerosis: a descriptive study. on screening for latent tuberculosis infection in pa-
Lancet Neurol 2006;5(11):924–31. tients with psoriasis treated with systemic and
30. Dyment DA, Sadovnick AD, Willer CJ, et al. An biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59(2):
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Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Elaine J. Lin, MD, Vidhi V. Shah, BA,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Adalimumab  TNF-a  Psoriasis  CHAMPION  REVEAL  ADEPT  ESPRIT

 Adalimumab is a safe and effective therapy for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis.
 The mechanism of action of adalimumab is inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), thereby
inhibiting the inflammatory cascade leading to psoriatic skin lesions.
 Pivotal trials on adalimumab therapy for the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis include
 Adalimumab is generally safe and well-tolerated. Annual tuberculosis screening is recommended
with adalimumab use.

INTRODUCTION long as the dermatologist has carefully explained

The advent of adalimumab therapy has greatly and evaluated the patient’s ability to do so. Injec-
advanced the effectiveness of skin clearance in tion sites should be alternated and should not be
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Originally chosen in regions of bruised or tender skin. Pa-
developed for the treatment of rheumatoid tients tend to prefer the pen over the syringe, as
arthritis (RA)1 and psoriatic arthritis (PsA), adali- it less painful, more convenient, faster, and safer.5
mumab improves skin lesions in patients with pso-
riasis. Adalimumab was approved by the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment MECHANISM OF ACTION
of moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis in Adalimumab is the first fully human recombinant
2008 and has since become a widely used therapy immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody that
in the United States and abroad. It is also effective binds and neutralizes soluble and membrane-
in erythrodermic and generalized pustular psoria- bound tumor necrosis factor (TNF), so that it
sis2 and is additionally FDA approved for the cannot interact with p55 and p75 cell-surface
treatment of RA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, TNF receptors. It also induces apoptosis in mono-
PsA, ankylosing spondylitis, adult Crohn disease, nuclear cells with TNF receptors.6
pediatric Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, and In regards to the pathogenesis of psoriasis and
hidradenitis suppurativa.3 PsA, adalimumab inhibits specific events such as
The current recommended dosing of adalimu- the release of serum cytokines (interleukin-6),
mab for psoriasis is subcutaneous (SC) injection of acute phase reactants of inflammation, matrix
an 80-mg loading dose at baseline, 40 mg the metalloproteases, other markers of cartilage and
following week, and maintenance on 40 mg every synovium turnover, and the expression of adhe-
other week (EOW) thereafter (Fig. 10.1).3 No sion molecules responsible for leukocyte migra-
definitive conclusions have been made regarding tion.6 The inhibition of these events is thought
off-label omission of the loading dose.4 After a to prevent epidermal cell hyperproliferation lead-
single dose, adalimumab levels peak in the blood- ing to psoriatic skin lesions.
stream at approximately 5.5 days, with a half-life
of approximately 2 weeks.1
Available methods of SC injections include a EFFICACY
pen and syringe, each containing 0.8 mL of Clinical trials on adalimumab therapy for psoriasis
40 mg adalimumab. Self-injection is permitted so demonstrated remarkable results that led to its 111
112 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

At week 16, 71% of adalimumab-treated

patients from period A achieved PASI-75,
compared with 7% of placebo-treated patients
(P<.001). Differences in PASI scores occurred by
the first study visit at week 4, with mean PASI im-
provements of 52% versus 9% for placebo-treated
Fig. 10.1 Adalimumab dosing regimen for psoriasis: patients (P<.001). By week 16, 45% and 20% of
80-mg loading dose at baseline, followed by 40 mg adalimumab-treated patients had achieved PASI-
the next week and 40 mg EOW thereafter. 90 and -100 scores, respectively, in comparison to
2% and 1% of placebo-treated patients (P<.001).
The percentage of patients who lost adequate
FDA approval. REVEAL and CHAMPION, phase 3 response after stopping adalimumab treatment
pivotal trials on the drug label, investigated the was 28%, greater than the 5% who lost adequate
efficacy and safety profiles of adalimumab versus response despite continuing adalimumab. In
placebo (in controlled and interrupted therapy), addition, loss of response occurred in a signifi-
and adalimumab versus placebo versus metho- cantly shorter time period in patients stopping
trexate (MTX), respectively (Table 10.1). therapy.
REVEAL demonstrated rapid efficacy of adali-
REVEAL mumab in psoriasis and that continuous treatment
REVEAL was a 52-week randomized, controlled is more efficacious than interrupted treatment in
trial that enrolled 1212 patients from 81 sites maintaining adequate response (Fig. 10.3).
across North America.7 Adalimumab efficacy
was assessed by 2 primary end points, achieve- Open-Label Extension Study from REVEAL
ment of Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) -75 Patients from REVEAL and 3 other clinical trials
at week 16, and percentage of patients who lost were given the option to receive adalimumab
an adequate response between weeks 33 and therapy in a 3-year OLE trial.8 This trial aimed to
52. The study population consisted of 53% of determine additional long-term efficacy and
patients with moderate psoriasis, and 47% of pa- safety data of continuous adalimumab therapy.
tients with severe/very severe psoriasis by Physi- By doing so, it surpassed the limitations of past tri-
cian’s Global Assessment (PGA). als, such as short duration of study (<1 year), the
The study was divided into 3 periods: A, B, and use of dosages not recommended by the FDA,
C (Fig. 10.2). During period A (weeks 0–15), pa- and the exclusion of patients with less than a
tients were randomized 2:1 to receive standard PASI-75 response.
recommended dosing of adalimumab or matched Patients could enter this study in 1 of 4
placebo dosing. Patients who achieved PASI-75 groups: A through D. Group A consisted of pa-
by week 16 were continued on to period B, tients with less than PASI-75 response at week
whereas those who did not were eligible for a 16 of REVEAL. Group B consisted of patients
separate Open-Label Extension (OLE) study. who had between PASI-50 and PASI-75
During period B, the blind nature of the study response at week 33 of REVEAL. Group C con-
was maintained by giving placebo-treated pa- sisted of patients who received adalimumab
tients 2 injections of 40 mg adalimumab, and during period C of REVEAL. Finally, group D
adalimumab-treated patients 2 injections of pla- consisted of patients who had initially received
cebo. Then, all patients received 40 mg adalimu- placebo during period A and then received
mab EOW (weeks 16–33). Patients who achieved adalimumab in period B of the OLE study. Pa-
PASI-75 by week 33 were eligible to continue on tients with less than PASI-50 response at week
to period C (weeks 34–52) to investigate whether 33 and patients who were rerandomized to
adequate response would be lost with interrupted receive placebo in period C of REVEAL were
therapy (patients who achieved PASI-50 to excluded from this study.
PASI-75 response were eligible for the OLE The patients in groups A–D were scheduled to
study). Patients originally in the active therapy receive uninterrupted treatment with 40 mg SC
group from period A were rerandomized in a adalimumab EOW for a minimum of 108 weeks,
1:1 ratio to receive adalimumab or placebo in or- or until dose escalation. Dose escalation to
der to assess for loss of response from weeks 33 40 mg weekly was permitted for patients who
to 52. Loss of response was defined as less did not achieve PASI-50 by week 24 of the OLE
than PASI-50 response after week 33 (relative to study. During this time, patients were permitted
baseline score) and at least a 6-point increase in to continue shampoos, emollients, and corticoste-
PASI score from week 33. roids on the palms/soles/inframammary areas,
Chapter 10 Adalimumab 113

TABLE 10.1
Summary of phase 3 pivotal trials
Eligibility  Age 18 y  Age 18 y  Age 18 y
criteria  Diagnosis of psoriasis for  10% BSA involvement  Diagnosis of moderately
6 mo with stable plaque  PASI score 10, diagnosis to severely active PsA
psoriasis for 2 mo of plaque psoriasis for  Active psoriatic skin le-
 10% BSA 1 y sions or a documented
 PASI score of 12  Stable plaques for 2 mo history of psoriasis
 PGA of at least moderate  All patients were TNF-  All patients were required
severity at the baseline inhibitor naı̈ve and MTX to have a history of inade-
visit naı̈ve quate response or intoler-
ance to nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug
therapy for PsA
Washout  2 wk for topical therapies  2 wk for topical therapies (Exclusion Criteria)
periods/ and UVB phototherapy and phototherapy  Treatment w/in 4 wk of
exclusion  4 wk for UVA photother-  4 wk for nonbiologic sys- baseline w/ cyclosporine,
criteria apy and nonbiologic sys- temic therapies tacrolimus, disease-
temic therapies  12 wk for biologic modifying anti-rheumatic
 6 wk for efalizumab therapies drugs other than MTX, or
 12 wk for any other bio- oral retinoids
logic therapies  Topical psoriasis treat-
ments w/in 2 wk of base-
line (excluding medicated
shampoos or low-potency
topical steroids)
 Concurrent treatment w/
MTX >30 mg/wk and/or
corticosteroids in
dosage of >10 mg/d
 History of anti-TNF
Results  By week 16, 71% of adali-  By week 16, 79.6% of  By week 24, 59% of adali-
mumab and 7% of adalimumab, 35.5% mumab and 1% of
placebo-treated patients of MTX, and 18.9% of placebo-treated patients
achieved PASI-75 placebo-treated patients achieved PASI-75
 By week 52, 28% of pa- achieved PASI-75
tients rerandomized to the  More adalimumab-treated
placebo group lost patients (16.7%) than
adequate response MTX-treated patients
(<PASI-50) in comparison (7.3%) or placebo-treated
to 5% of adalimumab- patients (1.9%) achieved
treated patients complete disease
 Adalimumab response
was rapid, with a 57%
mean PASI improvement
by week 4

and groin, as long as it was not within 24 hours of Comparative Study of Adalimumab Versus
a study visit. Phototherapy and other systemic Methotrexate Versus Placebo in Patients with
therapies were not permitted. Psoriasis
Adalimumab efficacy was well maintained for Efficacy and safety results from the randomized,
up to 3 years of continuous therapy in those controlled comparative study of adalimumab
with sustained PASI-75 responses in the first versus MTX versus placebo in patients with psori-
33 weeks of therapy (Table 10.2). Efficacy was asis (CHAMPION) demonstrated the superiority
best maintained in those who achieved PASI-100. of adalimumab to placebo, and the noninferiority
114 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 10.2 REVEAL study design.

Study design describing 3 different
treatment periods (period A,
period B, and period C). Patients
achieving PASI-75 response or
greater were continued on to
period B, and patients achieving
PASI-75 response or greater from
period B were continued on to
period C. Patients from period A
achieving less than PASI-75
response and period B achieving
greater than PASI-50 response
but less than PASI-75 response
were eligible to enter into an OLE

of adalimumab to MTX, a widely used systemic assessing efficacy between the 2 agents and pla-
treatment.9 cebo was by the proportion of patients that
The study enrolled 271 patients from 28 achieved PASI-75 in 16 weeks.
different sites across Europe and Canada and ran- The baseline mean PASI score for the patients
domized them in a 2:2:1 ratio to receive either in this study was 19.7, and mean body surface
adalimumab, MTX, or placebo for 16 weeks. Ada- area (BSA) coverage was 32.1%. At 16 weeks,
limumab dosing was SC injection of 80 mg at week 79.6% of patients receiving adalimumab achieved
0, and 40 mg EOW. Oral MTX was dosed at 7.5 mg PASI-75 versus 35.5% of patients receiving MTX
at week 0, increased to 10 mg/wk at week 2, and and 18.9% of patients receiving placebo
finally, to 15 mg/wk at week 4. Patients who (Fig. 10.4). PASI-100 was achieved by 16.7% of
achieved PASI-50 by week 8 were maintained on adalimumab patients, 7.3% of MTX patients, and
the 15 mg/wk dose, and those who did not were 1.9% of placebo patients. Response to adalimu-
increased to 20 mg/wk. Any patient not achieving mab therapy was rapid, indicated by a 57%
PASI-50 by week 12 was increased to a maximum improvement in PASI score by week 4 of
study dose of 25 mg/wk. The primary method of follow-up.

Fig. 10.3 REVEAL efficacy data. Efficacy outcomes after 4, 12, and 16 weeks of treatment with either placebo or
adalimumab 40 mg EOW (after baseline dose of 80 mg), defined as percentage of psoriasis patients who met spec-
ified PASI response criteria for improvement (PASI-75, -90, -100).
Chapter 10 Adalimumab 115

TABLE 10.2 Efficacy in Psoriatic Arthritis

Efficacy information from open-label The ADEPT trial was a pivotal, double-blinded,
extension study randomized, placebo-controlled trial designed
to evaluate safety and efficacy of adalimumab
PASI-75 Additional Efficacy
Group Rate Information therapy for moderate-to-severe PsA.1
The 315 study patients were divided based on
A 79% (week 40% mean percentage
history of MTX use and degree of psoriasis (<3%
160) improvement after
or 3% BSA involvement) and randomized in a
3 y of continuous
therapy 1:1 ratio to receive SC injections of either placebo
or 40 mg adalimumab EOW. Primary efficacy end-
B 70% (week 44% mean percentage
points were American College of Rheumatology
165) improvement after
(ACR) 20 response score at week 12 and any
3 y of continuous
therapy change in the modified total Sharp score of radio-
graphic structural damage of the hands and feet
C 76% (week 93% mean percentage
at week 24 from baseline. An important second-
160) improvement after
ary efficacy end point was the improvement of
33 wk of therapy
PASI-75/90/100 cutaneous psoriasis as assessed by achievement
response rates after of PASI-50 and PASI-75.
160 wk was 76%/ At week 12, ACR20 was achieved by 58% in
50%/31% the adalimumab group and 14% in the placebo
D 89% (week 73% mean percentage group (Fig. 10.5). ACR20, -50, and -70 re-
160) improvement after sponses did not differ between patients taking
24 wk of therapy adalimumab in combination with MTX and pa-
PASI-75 response rates tients taking adalimumab alone. Radiographs
at weeks 64/100/160 of patients receiving adalimumab indicated inhi-
were 78%/88%/89% bition of structural changes as well, with a
change in modified total sharp score of 0.2
Adalimumab was more effective than MTX and for adalimumab patients and 1.0 for placebo pa-
placebo and rapidly improved symptoms. The tients at week 24.
CHAMPION trial was the first time a biologic agent The initial degree of psoriasis was similar be-
was compared head to head with MTX for psoriasis. tween the placebo and adalimumab groups.

Fig. 10.4 Efficacy data of CHAMPION trial. Efficacy outcomes after 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks of treatment with either
placebo, MTX (7.5 mg at week 0, 10 mg/wk at week 2, 15 mg/wk at week 4, and escalated according to response
thereafter), or adalimumab 40 mg EOW (after baseline 80-mg dose), defined as percentage of psoriasis patients
who met specified PASI response criteria for improvement (PASI-50, -75, -90, -100).
116 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 10.5 Efficacy data from ADEPT. Efficacy outcomes after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment with either placebo or
adalimumab 40 mg EOW, defined as percentage of PsA patients who met specified ACR response criteria for
improvement (ACR20, -50, -70) and specified PASI response criteria for improvement (PASI-50, -75, -90).

PASI-75 was achieved by 59% for adalimumab include lymphoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer
and 1% of placebo patients at week 24 (n 5 69). (NMSC).
This trial demonstrated significant improve- The most common adverse reactions in
ment in the joint and skin manifestations of PsA placebo-controlled clinical trials with adalimumab
and cutaneous psoriasis, resulting in the break- were injection site reaction, seen in 20% of pa-
through of adalimumab as a potential first-line tients receiving active therapy versus 14% of pa-
therapy for these conditions. tients receiving placebo. These reactions
(erythema, itching, hemorrhage, pain, or swelling)
Expert Recommendations on Adalimumab were generally mild-to-moderate and did not
Efficacy require discontinuation of the drug. Other com-
Clearance of skin lesions is better maintained with mon adverse reactions include mild-to-moderate
uninterrupted administration of adalimumab in- infection, such as upper respiratory infection, or
jections, although rebound does not commonly sinusitis, headache, or rash. Adalimumab is preg-
occur upon discontinuation of therapy. There is, nancy category B.11
however, loss of efficacy after the restart of adali-
mumab therapy.7 Studies investigating dose esca- Risk of Infection and Malignancy
lation from 40 mg EOW to 40 mg every week Multiple studies have examined the risks of infec-
showed that this may only be beneficial in a small tion and malignancy associated with the use of
fraction of patients, specifically those who lost biologic agents. The PSOLAR (Psoriasis Longitu-
response to EOW dosing.10 dinal Assessment and Registry) registry was
designed to detect adverse events (AEs) over a
6-year period in psoriasis patients using various
SAFETY therapies.12 The registry enrolled patients on
Adalimumab is a well-tolerated drug with minimal various treatments; the patients were not ran-
side effects in most patients. Given the role of domized to the different treatments. Serious
TNF in host defense, the most common concern infection rates were higher with adalimumab
with adalimumab is the risk of infection and malig- and infliximab in comparison to non-MTX and
nancy. Serious infections include the reactivation nonbiologic therapies; the risk of serious infec-
of tuberculosis (TB), bacterial sepsis, invasive tions associated with ustekinumab and etanercept
fungal infections, and infections due to opportu- was not increased compared with non-MTX and
nistic pathogens. Concerns for malignancy nonbiologic treatment.
Chapter 10 Adalimumab 117

The SABER (Safety Assessment of Biologic Five-year results of this registry showed
Therapy) study, which combined data on patients decreasing rates of serious TEAEs and infections
with autoimmune disease (RA, inflammatory with increased adalimumab exposure, similar to
bowel disease, psoriasis, PsA, and ankylosing another 5-year registry of psoriasis patients
spondylitis) from 4 large US databases, found no treated with etanercept.16
increased risk with TNF inhibitor therapy as a
group for hospitalization for serious infections, REVEAL
compared with initiation of nonbiologic medica- Safety and AE data in the REVEAL trial were sepa-
tions.13 The study also examined the incidence rately investigated for the 2 groups: patients in
of cancer following TNF inhibitor therapy and period A (adalimumab-treated and placebo),
found no increase in the incidence of solid cancer and the all-adalimumab group (patients who
compared with disease-specific alternative ther- received at least 1 dose of adalimumab
apy for all immune-mediated diseases.14 For dis- throughout the study duration; Table 10.4).
eases and cancer types wherein there was a During period A, there was a greater incidence
sufficient number of events to estimate risk, no of any AE at all as well as nonserious infectious
significantly increased risk was detected for lym- AEs in the adalimumab-treated group. There
phoma, leukemia, or NMSC. were a comparable number of serious AEs,
serious infections, and malignancies between
ESPRIT 5-year Analysis the 2 groups (1.8% for both).
The ESPRIT surveillance registry is an ongoing, In the all-adalimumab group (patients that
10-year observational after-marketing registry received at least 1 dose of adalimumab during
designed to prospectively evaluate the long- study duration), infections were the most com-
term safety and efficacy of adalimumab therapy. mon serious AE (higher frequency of soft tissue
Five-year results were recently published in July infection such as cellulitis, abscess). One case of
2015, showing no new safety signals from previ- TB was reported, in a patient who prematurely
ous trials.15 discontinued isoniazid prophylaxis without noti-
Eligibility criteria included patients 18 years of fying his physician. There were no reported cases
age or older with a diagnosis of chronic plaque of lymphoma, demyelinating syndrome, lupuslike
psoriasis, who initiated adalimumab within syndrome, or rebound on discontinuation.
4 weeks of registry entry, initiated adalimumab
without being off the drug for more than 70 Open-Label Extension Trial
consecutive days, or participated in a “feeder In comparison to the safety and AE data from
trial” (adalimumab clinical trial) without being off REVEAL, the OLE trial had a similar rate of serious
the drug for more than 70 days after completion infections and a lower rate of AEs leading to
of the study. The registry consisted of 2 popula- discontinuation of adalimumab therapy (see
tions: the “all-treated population” (received Table 10.4).
at least 1 dose of adalimumab during the registry) There were 5 cases of candidiasis infection and
and the “new prescription” population (all-- 2 cases of TB reported. The first TB case was in a
treated population patients that received first 40-year old man who was noncompliant with
dose within 4 weeks of registry entry). Patients latent TB therapy, and the second case was in
could continue on concomitant psoriasis therapy a 36-year old man who had a negative purified
with the exception of anakinra, abatacept, or protein derivative (PPD) and normal chest
another biologic agent. radiograph.
Patients were exposed to adalimumab for Two treatment-emergent deaths (75-year-old
13,639 patient-years (PY) during the registry man with coronary artery disease and 47-year-
and 19,242 years total (Table 10.3). Over the old man with unknown cause of death) and 2
course of the 5 years, discontinuation rates other deaths after analysis of adalimumab expo-
were 10.6% and 13.1% for the all-treated and sure (68-year old man with MI, 61-year-old woman
new prescription populations, respectively, with an unknown cause of death) were reported.
with the most common reason for discontinua- There were no cases of lymphoma, demyelin-
tion being loss to follow-up. The rate of serious ating disorder, or lupuslike syndrome reported.
treatment- emergent adverse events (TEAE)
was 4.3/100 PY of total adalimumab exposure, Comparative Study of Adalimumab Versus
with the most serious TEAE being infection Methotrexate Versus Placebo in Patients with
(1/100 PY). Myocardial infarction (MI) was the Psoriasis
most common event leading to death Safety and AE assessments in the CHAMPION
(<0.1 Event/100 PY). trial were continued up until 70 days after the
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
TABLE 10.3
Incidence rates of treatment-emergent adverse events from ESPRIT registry
Overall Event Rate
<1 y (PY 5 493.4) 1–3 y (PY 5 3999.9) 3–5 y (PY 5 8506.6) >5 y (PY 5 6242.9) (Total PY 5 19,242.8)
(N 5 953) (N 5 2029) (N 5 2109) (N 5 968) (N 5 6059)
Any 280 (56.7) 612 (15.3) 988 (11.6) 2393 (38.3) 4273 (22.2)
Leading to death 8 (1.6) 10 (0.3) 7 (<0.1) 2 (<0.1) 27 (0.1)
Serious TEAEs
Any 116 (23.5) 219 (5.5) 325 (3.8) 167 (2.7) 827 (4.3)
Serious infection 30 (6.1) 58 (1.5) 64 (0.8) 36 (0.6) 188 (1.0)
20 events overall
Cellulitis 8 (1.6) 9 (0.2) 4 (<0.1) 5 (<0.1) 26 (0.1)
Pneumonia 4 (0.8) 5 (0.1) 9 (0.1) 6 (0.1) 24 (0.1)
MI 5 (1.0) 4 (0.1) 8 (0.1) 3 (<0.1) 20 (0.1)
SCC 0 2 (0.1) 11 (0.1) 7 (0.1) 20 (0.1)
TEAEs leading to drug discontinuation
Any 149 (30.2) 125 (3.1) 100 (1.2) 14 (0.2) 388 (2.0)
5 events overall
MI 3 (0.6) 3 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 8 (<0.1)
Drug hypersensitivity 4 (0.8) 0 1 (<0.1) 0 5 (<0.1)
Bronchitis 1 (0.2) 5 (0.1) 1 (<0.1) 0 7 (<0.1)
Cellulitis 3 (0.6) 3 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 0 7 (<0.1)
Pneumonia 2 (0.4) 5 (0.1) 4 (<0.1) 0 11 (0.1)
Arthralgia 2 (0.4) 2 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 0 5 (<0.1)
Headache 4 (0.8) 2 (<0.1) 0 0 6 (<0.1)
Psoriasis 13 (2.6) 17 (0.4) 8 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 39 (0.2)
Special interest TEAEs
Cerebrovascular accident 2 (0.4) 5 (0.1) 10 9 (0.1) 26 (0.1)
CHF 2 (0.4) 3 (<0.1) 6 1 (<0.1) 12 (<0.1)
MI 5 (1.0) 4 (0.1) 8 3 (<0.1) 20 (0.1)
Overall 15 (3.0) 33 (0.8) 76 54 (0.9) 178 (0.9)
Lymphoma 0 0 2 0 2 (<0.1)
Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma 0 0 0 0 0
NMSC 4 (0.8) 15 (0.4) 50 43 (0.7) 112 (0.6)
Leukemia 0 0 0 0 0
Melanoma 4 (0.8) 1 (<0.1) 3 2 (<0.1) 10 (<0.1)
Other 7 (1.4) 17 (0.4) 21 10 (0.2) 55 (0.3)
Infection 69 (14.0) 215 (5.4) 337 (4.0) 864 (13.8) 1485 (7.7)
Oral candidiasis 0 5 (0.1) 0 3 (<0.1) 8 (<0.1)
Opportunistic 0 0 1 (<0.1) 0 1 (<0.1)
Active TB 0 2 (<0.1) 1 (<0.1) 0 3 (<0.1)
Latent TB 1 (0.2) 7 (0.2) 4 (<0.1) 3 (<0.1) 15 (<0.1)
The value in parentheses is a percentage.
Abbreviation: PY, patient years.

Chapter 10 Adalimumab
120 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

TABLE 10.4
Safety data from REVEAL and open-label extension trials
Period A Period A All-Adalimumab Open-Label
Placebo Adalimumab Group Extension
Adverse Event 120.7 PY 250.2 PY 540.5 PY 2043.8 PY
Any 498 (4.13) 1155 (4.62) 2157 (3.99) 5009 (245.1)
Serious AE 7 (0.06) 17 (0.07) 33 (0.06) 149 (7.3)
Serious infectious AE 4 (0.03) 7 (0.03) 12 (0.02) 30 (1.5)
Infectious 106 (0.88) 315 (1.26) 650 (1.20) N/A
Leading to withdrawal 15 (0.12) 18 (0.07) 42 (0.08) 96 (4.7)
Special interest
TB 0 0 1 (0.002) 2
Opportunistic infection 0 0 1 (0.002) 5
CHF 0 1 (0.004) 1 (0.002) 6
Allergic reaction 0 1 (0.004) 1 (0.002) 12
Injection-site reaction 26 (0.215) 69 (0.276) 92 (0.170) N/A
Malignancies 1 (0.008) 2 (0.008) 2 (0.004) 15
NMSC 1 (0.008) 4 (0.016) 7 (0.013) 17
Lymphoma 0 0 0 0
Lupuslike syndrome 0 0 0 0
Demyelinating disorder 0 0 0 0

last treatment. Seventy-nine (73.8%) patients and opportunistic infections, hepatitis B reactiva-
in the adalimumab-treated group, 89 (80.9%) tion, and NMSC.
patients in the MTX-treated group, and 49
(79.2%) patients in the placebo group reported
AEs. There were no serious infections reported PRECAUTIONS
during this study, and no significant differences Special attention should be given to patient pop-
were seen in infection rates between the ulations with a history of TB, malignancy, demye-
groups. linating disorders, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Serious AEs varied between groups. In the and certain other conditions, given the role of
adalimumab-treated patients, there was 1 TNF in such disease pathogenesis.
case of pancreatitis and 1 case of an ovarian
cyst enlargement. In the MTX-treated group, Infection
there was 1 case of hepatitis, secondary to Patients using adalimumab are at increased risk for
MTX use. There was 1 case of calculus of the serious infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, and para-
right uteropelvic junction in the placebo- sitic). Risk is increased with concomitant use of
treated group. MTX, corticosteroids, and other immunosuppres-
Eight patients discontinued the study due to sants, or in patients with underlying predisposing
AEs: 1 adalimumab patient due to elevated medical conditions. The use of adalimumab with
aminotransferase concentration, 6 MTX patients concomitant abatacept and anakinra is not recom-
(due to upper abdominal pain, retrobulbar optic mended, because RA patients had an increased
neuritis, hepatitis, and 3 cases of abnormal liver risk of serious infection with such therapy.3,17
function tests [LFTs]), and 1 placebo patient due Adalimumab should be withheld in patients
to elevated hepatic enzyme concentration. There requiring antibiotics, discontinued in those with
were no reported cases of TB or deaths during serious or opportunistic infections, and should
this study. not be initiated in patients with active infection
(systemic or localized). Risks and benefits should
Summary on Adalimumab Safety Concerns be discussed before initiating therapy in patients
Based on these safety data, dermatologists with recurrent/chronic infection, and careful moni-
should watch for serious infections such as TB toring should take place.3,18,19
Chapter 10 Adalimumab 121

Tuberculosis therapy should be stopped immediately and anti-

Patients receiving adalimumab therapy are at viral therapy should ensue.3
increased risk for the development of TB or reac- Patients should be monitored for signs and
tivation of latent TB (pulmonary and extrapulmo- symptoms of HBV infection during and for
nary TB). Patients should be evaluated based on 6 months after stopping therapy.26 These signs
risk factors for TB and screened for latent TB and symptoms includes LFTs, hepatitis B surface
before initiation and during therapy. A PPD antigen, hepatitis B e antigen, and HBV DNA
screen with 5-mm or greater induration is consid- counts in patients at risk for reactivation.26 No
ered positive, even in those with a history of BCG definitive information is available regarding treat-
vaccination.20 ing HBV carriers with antiviral therapy along with
TB treatment should be given to any pa- adalimumab, or regarding resuming adalimumab
tients with a history of active or latent TB, in therapy after the control of reactivated HBV
whom completion of a treatment course cannot infection.
be confirmed as well as in patients with risk fac-
tors for TB infection but a negative screen. Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating
Adalimumab therapy can be initiated after 1 Disorders
to 2 months of latent TB treatment, although TNF inhibitors have been associated with new
reactivation of TB remains a possibility despite onset or exacerbation of central nervous system
prophylactic treatment. A TB expert should be demyelinating disorders (multiple sclerosis [MS],
consulted in the case of any questions or optic neuritis) and peripheral demyelinating dis-
hesitations.3 eases, such as Guillian-Barré syndrome.19,27 Ada-
limumab should not be initiated in patients with a
Opportunistic infections history of MS (including in a first-degree relative,
Opportunistic infections, such as aspergillosis, given the increased risk)28,29 or other demyelin-
blastomycosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis, ating disorders. Associated neurologic symptoms
legionellosis, listeriosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryp- have been reported to resolve with termination of
tococccosis, and pneumocystis, are more likely to therapy.27
present in this population and may present with
disseminated rather than localized infection. If Congestive Heart Failure
the symptomatic patient resides or travels to re- Although the role of TNF in CHF is much debated,
gions of endemic mycoses, it is important to 2 randomized, controlled trials, RENAISSANCE/
consider empiric antifungal therapy while waiting RECOVER (Randomised Etanercept North Amer-
on a diagnostic workup. Consider that antigen Ican Strategy to Study Antagonism of CytokinEs/
and antibody testing may be negative in patients Research into Etanercept CytOkine Antagonism
with active histoplasmosis.3,19 in VentriculaR dysfunction trial) and ATTACH
(anti-TNF Therapy Against Congestive Heart Fail-
Malignancy ure),30,31 have shown trends toward a worse CHF
An increased incidence rate for melanoma and prognosis that was dose dependent with other
NMSC has been shown in psoriasis patients using TNF inhibitors. Adalimumab should be withdrawn
adalimumab.21 This rate is associated with the use with new-onset or worsening symptoms in pa-
of high-dose psoralen and UV-A light, cyclo- tients with pre-existing CHF. Patients diagnosed
sporine, MTX, and immunosuppressants for with class 3 or 4 CHF or ejection fraction less
NMSC.22 Patients with a personal history of malig- than 50% should avoid adalimumab use, and pa-
nancy should take special precaution. tients diagnosed with class 1 or 2 CHF should un-
Although there have been resolved cases of dergo echocardiographic testing before initiating
lymphoma reported in patients stopping other an anti-TNF drug.19,32,33
TNF inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab),23 there is
not sufficient evidence to suggest an increased Drug-induced Lupus
rate of lymphoma in psoriasis patients using adali- Adalimumab therapy can lead to autoantibody
mumab. There is, however, a general increased formation, although few of these patients develop
risk of Hodgkin lymphoma and cutaneous T-cell clinical symptoms. The development of antinu-
lymphoma in psoriasis patients.24,25 clear antibodies (ANAs) and anti-double-
stranded DNA antibodies with initiation of
Hepatitis B anti-TNF therapy may be a marker for forth-
TNF is thought to promote viral clearance in hep- coming treatment failure.34
atitis B.19 If a patient receiving adalimumab ther- According to 1 study, 19% of adalimumab-
apy develops hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation, treated patients formed autoantibodies.35 If a
122 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

patient experiences signs and symptoms of a TABLE 10.5

lupuslike syndrome, the dermatologist should Monitoring recommendations from the
assess circulating ANAs and discontinue therapy.19 American Academy of Dermatology
Blood Dyscrasias
Isolated cases of aplastic anemia, pancytopenia, History and Baseline and routine
isolated leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia have physical
been reported with TNF inhibitor use.36,37 Patients CBC Baseline and periodically
experiencing pallor, easy bruising, bleeding, or LFTs Baseline and periodically
persistent fever should seek immediate attention.
TB skin test Baseline and annually after
Adalimumab therapy should be discontinued
with significant hematologic abnormalities.3,19 Hepatitis profile Baseline
Data from Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guide-
Hypersensitivity Reactions lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
There have been rare reported cases of anaphy- arthritis: Section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guidelines of
care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am
laxis, angioneurotic edema, allergic rash, fixed Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):840.
drug reactions, urticarial reactions, and nonspeci-
fied drug reactions. Immediately discontinue
adalimumab therapy if this occurs and start appro- to and tolerating the prophylactic regimen.42 If a
priate therapy.3 patient has a positive PPD because of prior BCG
vaccination, blood tests can be obtained
measuring interferon production on stimulation
MONITORING with TB antigens that are not present in BCG.
The information presented is primarily based on Most guidelines perform annual TB skin testing in
psoriasis guidelines from the American Academy patients receiving adalimumab to screen for the
of Dermatology (AAD).19 TB reactivation, especially in those at risk (ie, health
A thorough history and physical examination care workers, travelers to endemic areas).
should be taken before initiation of adalimumab The authors of this section recommend
therapy, including TB exposure, chronic/recurrent initial baseline monitoring that includes a
infections, malignancy, neurologic and cardiac his- QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT), LFTs, CBC, and
tory, and a thorough review of systems. Routine hepatitis B and hepatitis C profile. QFT should
follow-up examinations should adequately be repeated annually.
monitor patients for side effects and AEs.38
Aside from baseline TB test, annual monitoring
for TB, and a baseline hepatitis profile, routine VACCINATIONS
laboratory testing beyond that for concomitant Because of the possibility that biologic agents may
therapies or comorbidities is generally not sup- impair the body’s immunologic response to vacci-
ported.39 The highest grade US Preventive Ser- nations, administration of vaccinations should be
vices Task Force evidence for screening studies is carefully considered in patients receiving biologic
grade B for TB testing (interferon-g release assay therapy (Table 10.6). Live vaccines (measles,
is preferred over tuberculin skin testing), and mumps, and rubella [MMR], varicella, zoster, intra-
HBV/hepatitis B virus screening is supported only nasal influenza, and so forth) are contraindicated
by grade C evidence.40 The AAD recommends within 1 month of treatment.43 However, scientifi-
baseline PPD, LFTs, and complete blood count cally based/standardized recommendations for
(CBC). For ongoing monitoring, the AAD recom- administering biologically inactive or recombinant
mends yearly PPD and periodic LFTs, CBC, history, vaccines to patients on biologic agents are lacking.
and physical examinations (Table 10.5).19 Non-live vaccinations may have the potential to
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention achieve adequate immune response, although
recommends TB testing before the therapy initia- antibody titers may not achieve optimal levels
tion as well.41 Positive skin test findings should and may decrease more rapidly if given during bio-
be followed with a chest radiograph—if negative, logic therapy.
patients should be treated for latent TB (6– It is preferable to complete all age-appropriate
9 months of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/or 4 months immunizations according to current immunization
of 600 mg daily rifampicin),20 and if positive, pa- guidelines before initiating biologic therapy. The
tients should receive therapy for active TB. Bio- production of antibodies from the vaccine gener-
logic therapy may be started after 1 to 2 months ally occurs in the 2-week period from primary im-
of prophylactic treatment if the patient is adherent munization, but could take more than 6 weeks to
Chapter 10 Adalimumab 123

TABLE 10.6
Vaccination recommendations from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (MMR, varicella, Contraindicated within 1 mo Contraindicated
herpes zoster, intranasal
influenza, oral typhoid, yellow
fever, oral polio, smallpox, BCG,
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated or live Yearly immunization with
inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose for Contraindicated
adults 50 y
Human papillomavirus Unvaccinated males/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, Same; consider obtaining
liver disease, intravenous drug postvaccination serology
users, homosexual males, and so
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor assessment; High-dose vaccine
offer vaccination if necessary Consider obtaining serology
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PPSV23) vaccine vaccine followed by
recommended PPSV23 if not given prior
Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or Contraindicated
seronegative to any component
Tetanus-diphtheria/diphtheria- Booster every 10 y and high-risk Same
tetanus-acellular pertussis (TD/ wounds
TDAP) Offer before therapy, substitute 1
dose with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high Same
risk (asplenia, complement
deficient, group living)
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high Same
risk (health care worker,
laboratory worker)
Data from Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: monitoring
and vaccinations in patients treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(1):94–105; and Wine-Lee L,
Keller SC, Wilck MB, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: vaccination in adult patients on
systemic therapy for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;69(6):1003–13.

peak. A period of 4 times the half-life of adalimu- by lowering systemic inflammation. A retrospec-
mab (8 weeks) has been suggested to allow for tive study at Kaiser Permanente Southern Califor-
the return of the immune system to its baseline nia concluded that TNF inhibitor use was
before vaccination with live vaccines. associated with a significant reduction in MI risk
(50%) and incidence (55%) compared with topical
treatments for psoriasis,44 and a 5-year Danish
TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR INHIBITOR follow-up study found that patients treated with
THERAPY AND CARDIOVASCULAR RISK TNF inhibitors had a significant reduction in car-
REDUCTION diovascular risk compared with other therapies
Recent evidence suggests that TNF inhibitor ther- (interleukin-12/-23, cyclosporine, retinoids).45
apy has the potential to reduce cardiovascular risk However, 1 study reported no reduced MI risk in
124 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

psoriasis patients receiving systemic psoriasis over 3 years: results from an open-label extension
therapy (including TNF inhibitor therapy)46; thus, study for patients from REVEAL. J Am Acad Derma-
further investigation is warranted to determine tol 2012;66(2):241–51.
the potential for risk reduction. 9. Saurat J-H, Stingl G, Dubertret L, et al. Efficacy and
safety results from the randomized controlled
comparative study of adalimumab vs. methotrexate
SUMMARY vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis (CHAMPION).
The effectiveness of adalimumab for the treat- Br J Dermatol 2008;158(3):558–66.
ment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis 10. Leonardi C, Sobell JM, Crowley JJ, et al. Efficacy,
has been demonstrated in multiple studies. It safety and medication cost implications of adalimu-
should be considered as a first-line therapy in pa- mab 40 mg weekly dosing in patients with psoriasis
tients who are candidates for systemic therapy or with suboptimal response to 40 mg every other
phototherapy, given its superiority to MTX and its week dosing: results from an open-label study. Br
effectiveness in those failing etanercept ther- J Dermatol 2012;167(3):658–67.
apy.47 The response to adalimumab therapy is 11. HUMIRA (adalimumab) [Package Insert]. Abbott
varied, and continuous therapy is more likely to Laboratories. Available at: http://www.accessdata.
provide optimal clearance of psoriatic skin lesions.
There is a lack of consistent evidence-based 102LB.htm. Accessed December 12, 2015.
guidelines for monitoring of patients using adali- 12. Kalb RE, Fiorentino DF, Lebwohl MG, et al. Risk of
mumab, and based on clinical experience, the au- serious infection with biologic and systemic treat-
thors of this section recommend annual screening ment of psoriasis: results from the Psoriasis Longitu-
solely for TB. CBC and chemistry screens can be dinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR). JAMA
monitored annually or only at baseline. Dermatol 2015;151(9):961–9.
13. Haynes K, Beukelman T, Curtis JR, et al. Tumor ne-
crosis factor a inhibitor therapy and cancer risk in
REFERENCES chronic immune-mediated diseases. Arthritis
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dose, placebo controlled study of the fully human 14. Grijalva CG, Chen L, Delzell E, et al. Initiation of tu-
anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha antibody adalimu- mor necrosis factor-a antagonists and the risk of
mab (D2E7) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. hospitalization for infection in patients with autoim-
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Chapter 10 Adalimumab 125

21. Burmester GR, Panaccione R, Gordon KB, et al. 32. Desai SB, Furst DE. Problems encountered during
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126 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

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John K. Nia, MD, Mark G. Lebwohl, MD

 Ustekinumab  Stelara  Psoriasis  Interleukin-12  Interleukin-23  PASI

 Ustekinumab is a human immunoglobulin Gk monoclonal antibody that binds to the p40 protein
subunit shared by interleukin-12 (IL-12) and IL-23 cytokines.
 Ustekinumab is safe and efficacious for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and
psoriatic arthritis.
 Efficacy, tolerability, ease of use, and long dosing intervals contribute to patient satisfaction and

INTRODUCTION dosing, high efficacy, and tolerability could posi-

It can be argued that psoriasis is the most success- tively affect adherence in psoriasis patients,
fully treated immune-mediated disease and a who, in the past, have not treated their disease
promising example of the impact of translational adequately.
research.1 Improved understanding of the patho-
physiology of psoriasis in the late twentieth and
early twenty-first century facilitated the evolution MECHANISM OF ACTION
of treatments from nonspecific, immunosuppres- Although monoclonal antibodies directed against
sive medications to novel targeted therapies.2 TNFs proved to be effective in treating psoriasis,
Several biologic agents have been developed for more specific targets were sought. Ustekinumab
the treatment of psoriasis over the past decade. is a human immunoglobulin Gk (IgGk) monoclonal
Biologics act with greater target specificity and antibody that binds to the p40 protein subunit
generally have not demonstrated end-organ toxic- shared by IL-12 and IL-23 cytokines, preventing
ities more commonly observed with other effective their interactions with the heterodimeric IL-12
systemic agents. Although concern over adverse receptor subunit. IL-12 and IL-23 are naturally
events (AEs; infections and malignancy) exists occurring cytokines involved in inflammatory and
with some biological therapies, studies have immune responses. In transgenic mice, the over-
shown that the risks are minimal and benefits expression of IL-12 has been linked to the
are well documented.3–6 Targeted therapies, development of inflammatory skin lesions; not
such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a inhibitors, surprisingly, lesional skin in psoriasis patients has
have considerably enhanced the treatment of demonstrated increased expression of IL-12
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and compared with nonlesional skin.15
improved overall quality of life in psoriasis IL-12 and IL-23 are produced primarily by anti-
patients.7–13 genic stimulation of dendritic cells and macro-
Ustekinumab is a human, monoclonal antibody phages.16 IL-12 is composed of a p35 and a p40
that binds to the shared p40 subunit of interleukin subunit, the latter being largely expressed in pso-
(IL)-12 and IL-23. It was US Food and Drug Admin- riatic lesional skin; its receptor is made up of
istration approved for the treatment of moderate- IL-12RB1 and IL-12R2 subunits. Binding of IL-12
to-severe plaque psoriasis in 2009 and has proven to its receptor causes activation of a JAK-STAT
to be a safe and efficacious treatment.14 Recom- signaling pathway, causing T cells to be assigned
mended dosing occurs at weeks 0, 4, and every to the Th1 pathway and downstream secretion of
12 weeks thereafter (Fig. 11.1). Infrequent its effector interferon-g (IFN-g).17
128 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 11.1 Ustekinumab dosing

regimen for psoriasis.

IL-23 is composed of p19 and p40 subunits PHOENIX 1 was a multicenter, randomized,
(both largely expressed in lesional skin). It binds double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial that
to a receptor made of the IL-12RB1 and IL-23R studied 766 patients receiving ustekinumab
subunits.18 Similar to IL-12, binding of the 45 mg, ustekinumab 90 mg, or placebo in a
p40 subunit with IL-12RB1 and the p19 subunit 1:1:1 ratio. Dosing occurred at weeks 0, 4 and
with IL-23R signals through JAK-STAT signaling, every 12 weeks thereafter, with limited flexibility.
activating STAT3 and causing a Th17-driven Patients initially treated with placebo were
response.19 rerandomized to receive ustekinumab 45 mg or
Ustekinumab blocks IL-12 and IL-23 from bind- 90 mg at week 12. The primary efficacy endpoint
ing to the IL-12Rb1 receptor chain of IL-12 (IL- was the proportion of patients experiencing a
12Rb1/b2) and IL-23 (IL-12Rb1/23R) receptor 75% improvement from baseline PASI (PASI-75)
complexes on the surface of natural killer and score at week 12. Patients initially assigned to
T cells. In vitro models showed ustekinumab ustekinumab, who had achieved PASI-75 at weeks
equally disrupted the action of IL-12 and IL-23, 12 and 28, were rerandomized at week 40 to
blocking STAT 3,4 phosphorylation and ultimately continue on ustekinumab every 12 weeks, or
IFN-g, IL-22, and IL-17 production.20 switched to placebo. Patients randomized to pla-
cebo at week 40 were placed back on treatment
when they lost 50% of PASI improvement
Similar to endogenous IgG, ustekinumab has For many, improvement began within 2 weeks
an approximate half-life of 3 weeks.20 Peak of their first dose. Approximately 67% of patients
serum concentration of ustekinumab occurred at receiving ustekinumab 45 mg (P<.0001) and
approximately 13.5 days after a 45-mg dose and 66% of patients receiving ustekinumab 90 mg
7 days after a 90-mg dose.21 Steady-state drug (P<.0001) achieved PASI-75 at week 12. Three
concentrations were achieved by week 28. Usteki- percent of placebo-treated patients achieved
numab is metabolized much the same as human PASI-75 at week 12. Furthermore, roughly 60%
IgG. An Fc receptor binds to IgG and carries it of patients receiving ustekinumab 45 mg and
across the cell membrane to be degraded within ustekinumab 90 mg were deemed clear or almost
the cell.22 clear by the physician at week 12. By week 28,
50% of patients achieved 90% reduction from
their baseline PASI score (PASI-90), a new clinical
EFFICACY standard for efficacy.32
Compared with conventional therapies, many Patients initially assigned to ustekinumab, who
biologics have exhibited increased efficacy, had achieved PASI-75 at weeks 12 and 28, were
and ustekinumab is not an exception. Efficacy rerandomized at week 40 to continue on ustekinu-
in psoriasis patients is measured by improve- mab every 12 weeks, or switched to placebo. Pa-
ment in Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), tients randomized to placebo at week 40 were
body surface area (BSA), Physician Global placed back on treatment when they lost 50% of
Assessment (PGA), and dermatology-related PASI improvement. Importantly, rebound psoria-
quality of life. Ustekinumab has demonstrated sis was not reported in patients withdrawn from
short- and long-term efficacy in the treatment treatment. The median time to loss of PASI-75
of moderate-to-severe psoriasis and remains was approximately 15 weeks, and 85% of patients
among the best evaluated biologic in the reinitiated on treatment saw a PASI-75 within
treatment of psoriasis.4,6,14,15,23–31 Two land- 12 weeks of restarting treatment. Efficacy of
mark, phase III, prospective, long-term exten- therapeutics in psoriasis was also measured by
sion studies, PHOENIX 125 and PHOENIX 2,4 patient-reported outcomes. At week 12, 50% of
observed efficacy, measured by clinical patients reported that psoriasis had little to no
response, and safety of ustekinumab in psoria- effect on patient’s quality of life. These results
sis patients for up to 5 years.4,25 were sustained for patients continued on therapy
Chapter 11 Ustekinumab 129



Fig. 11.2 PHOENIX 1 study design—patients were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive the standard dosage of
ustekinumab 45 mg, 90 mg, or placebo. At week 12, patients receiving placebo were then placed on ustekinumab.
At week 28, patients with PASI less than 50 were discontinued; patients with PASI-50 to 75 increased dosage fre-
quency to every 8 weeks, and patients with PASI 75 continued ustekinumab every 12 weeks. At week 40, patients
initially receiving placebo were switched back to placebo, whereas those receiving ustekinumab every 12 weeks
were rerandomized to either placebo or ustekinumab every 12 weeks. Patients receiving placebo were placed
back on ustekinumab at loss of therapeutic effect. Patients continued to be followed for 5 years.

and worsened for patients when treatment was and then to 90 mg every 8 weeks. Similarly, pa-
withheld. tients receiving 45 mg every 8 weeks could in-
The PHOENIX 2 study enrolled 1230 patients crease frequency to 90 mg every 8 weeks; and
and had the same study design as PHOENIX patients who were receiving 90 mg every 12 weeks
I through the first 28 weeks; however, it sought could increase their dose to every 8 weeks.
to answer whether dosing intensification would Most patients receiving ustekinumab main-
improve response in partial responders. Partial re- tained their clinical response over time. The long-
sponders, defined as patients obtaining greater term extension phase of PHOENIX 1 demonstrated
than 50% PASI improvement and less than 75% in the overall population that 63.4% of patients
PASI improvement, were rerandomized at week receiving 45 mg ustekinumab and 72% of patients
28 to receive every-8-week dosing or continue receiving 90 mg ustekinumab maintained a PASI-
on every-12-week dosing. Week 12 data were 75 after 5 years. Comparably, high levels of clinical
similar to that in PHOENIX 1, with ustekinumab response were maintained over 244 weeks in pa-
performing superior to placebo, with a PASI-75 tients studied in the PHOENIX 2 study; 76.5% (uste-
of 63.1% and 72% in the 45-mg and 90-mg kinumab 45 mg) and 78.6% (ustekinumab 90 mg) of
groups, respectively. patients achieved a PASI-75, and 50.0% (uste-
In the portion of patients treated with usteki- kinumab 45 mg) and 55.5% (ustekinumab 90)
numab 45 mg, 22% were partial responders attained PASI-90. Notably, improved response
compared with 15.8% receiving 90 mg. Data was observed following dosing adjustments, allow-
through 1 year revealed increasing dosing fre- ing clinicians to customize treatment for their pa-
quency to every 8 weeks in patients receiving tients. Ustekinumab was also noted to improve
45 mg of ustekinumab did not result in greater ef- nail psoriasis until up to 1 year of treatment in those
ficacy compared with continuing treatment every receiving maintenance treatment (Fig. 11.3).33
12 weeks. However, dosing ustekinumab 90 mg Several randomized, controlled trials have
every 8 weeks resulted in a high PASI-75 rate. compared efficacy of ustekinumab against other
This finding prompted investigators to allow systemic and biologic agents.6,24,34–40 The Active
more dosing flexibility in the long-term extension Comparator (CNTO1275/Enbrel) Psoriasis Trial
phase. Patients receiving 45 mg every 12 weeks (ACCEPT)41 study was a direct comparator study
were able to increase dose 45 mg every 8 weeks establishing greater efficacy of ustekinumab

Fig. 11.3 (A) Week 12 PASI-75 rates in the overall population, PHOENIX 1 and PHOENIX 2. (B) Week 28 PASI-75
rates in the overall population, PHOENIX 1 and PHOENIX 2. (C) Week 244 PASI-75 rates in the overall population,

over etanercept. The Psoriasis Longitudinal unclear what is responsible for the lack of
Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR)40 is a pro- response; however, heavier patients are notori-
spective observational study (sponsored by Jans- ously difficult to treat, and there are well-
sen Biotech) comparing the safety and efficacy of documented effects of body mass index on
3 TNF inhibitors (adalimumab, infliximab, etaner- disease incidence, severity, and response to bio-
cept) with ustekinumab. At 6 and 12 months, com- logic treatment.43 PHOENIX 2 investigators noted
parisons of percentage decrease in BSA, PGA, patients who needed increased dosing in usteki-
and patient-reported outcomes showed ustekinu- numab were heavier, had more severe psoriasis,
mab to be more effective than the TNF inhibitors. and were more likely to have comorbidities.4,25
At 12 months, 59.2% of patients receiving usteki- The highest incidence of dosing adjustments
numab achieved a PGA of clear or almost clear, was observed among patients weighing greater
compared with 56.5%, 42.0%, and 57.6% for ada- than 100 kg who were originally randomized to
limumab, infliximab, and etanercept, respectively. 45 mg. Clinical and pharmacokinetic data support
The mean improvement of BSA from baseline for a 90-mg dose in patients (>100 kg); lower serum
patients treated with ustekinumab after 1 year concentrations were noted in heavier patients at
was 16.3%. Patients treated with infliximab saw each dose.44 Per the package insert, the recom-
a decrease of 17.6% BSA after 1 year, whereas mended administration for patients weighing
patients on etanercept and adalimumab saw less than or equal to 100 kg (220 lbs) is 45 mg
less significant decreases of 13.8% and 12.3%, initially and 4 weeks later, followed by 45 mg
respectively. The mean improvement in derma- every 12 weeks. For patients weighing greater
tology quality-of-life index from baseline was than 100 kg, the recommended dose is 90 mg
7.5 for ustekinumab, compared with 6.9, 5.4, initially and 4 weeks later, followed by 90 mg
and 4.9 for infliximab, etanercept, and adalimu- every 12 weeks.21
mab, respectively. In the PHOENIX 2 study, partial responders
were more likely to have failed treatment
with at least 1 conventional systemic or biolog-
FACTORS EFFECTING DECREASED ical agent compared with nonresponders.4 In
EFFICACY some clinical trials, patients with prior TNF
Although ustekinumab has demonstrated efficacy inhibitor use had worse PGA and percentage
for psoriasis, there remains a portion of patients BSA responses compared with biologic-naı̈ve
who have shown insufficient response.42 It is patients.40,42
Chapter 11 Ustekinumab 131

PSOLAR reinforced the effect of weight on patients receiving the standard dose achieved
response to biologic therapy; patients with lower a PGA of 0 or 1, and 54.1% of patients receiving
weight experienced superior results compared the half-standard dose and 61.1% of those
with heavier patients. Disease severity correlated receiving the full dose achieved PASI-90. In
with larger decreases in BSA but a lower PGA time points beyond week 12, clinical response
response. PSOLAR demonstrated patients with was more favorable in the standard dose
prior TNF inhibitor use had less of a response compared with the half-standard dose. Pharma-
compared with bionaı̈ve patients, whereas prior cokinetic and efficacy date for the dose adjust-
ustekinumab use had no effect on response.40 ment of 0.75 mg/kg was appropriate for
patients weighing less than 60 kg. Adverse
events in this study were similar across treat-
EFFICACY IN PALMOPLANTAR PSORIASIS ment groups, with no observed dose effect.48
Palmar plantar psoriasis (PPP) is a disabling and
disfiguring form of psoriasis characterized by
the presence of plaques with and without sterile EFFICACY IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS
pustules and fissures on the palms and soles in IL-12, IL-23, and IL-17 play a pivotal role in the
conjunction with psoriatic plaques in the typical synovial changes seen in psoriatic arthritis.49
distribution.45 PPP is associated with a higher Treatment modalities involved nonsteroidal anti-
degree of pain and an increased morbidity inflammatory drugs, disease modifying antirheu-
compared with psoriasis patients without palm matic drugs, and TNF inhibitors. Several studies
and sole involvement.46 It is also notoriously assessed the efficacy and safety of ustekinumab
difficult to treat using previous conventional in patients with psoriatic arthritis.50–52 Clinical
therapies. response in psoriatic arthritis is measured by a
In an open-label, 24-week study to evaluate the 20% improvement in baseline from the American
safety and efficacy of ustekinumab in patients with College of Rheumatology (ACR20). In 1 phase 3,
moderate-to-severe PPP, 20 subjects received international, placebo-controlled trial to assess
either 45 mg (patients weighing 100 kg), or the efficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients
90 mg (patients weighing >100 kg), of ustekinu- with psoriatic arthritis, patients were randomized
mab subcutaneously at weeks 0, 4, and 16. After to receive ustekinumab 45 mg, 90 mg, or pla-
16 weeks of treatment with ustekinumab, 7 of 20 cebo in a 1:1:1 ratio, and 50% of patients
subjects achieved clinical clearance (defined as a receiving ustekinumab also received metho-
Palm-Sole PGA of clear or almost clear). After trexate.52 ACR20 responses were significantly
16 weeks of treatment, 6 of 9 subjects who higher in patients treated with ustekinumab as
received 90 mg of ustekinumab achieved clinical were improvements in skin disease, dactylitis,
clearance, compared with only 1 of 11 subjects enthesitis, and disease activity as measured by
who received 45 mg.47 C-reactive peptide. Ustekinumab proved to be
effective independent of methotrexate use.
Another phase 3 randomized, controlled study
EFFICACY IN PEDIATRIC PSORIASIS assessed patients previously treated with a TNF
Ustekinumab has been shown to be safe and inhibitor.51 Investigators reinforced that ustekinu-
effective in treatment of pediatric psoriasis. The mab was effective in treating psoriatic arthritis in
CADMUS trial is a phase 3, multicenter, double- patients already exposed to TNF inhibitor,
blinded, placebo-controlled study of 110 male although not as effective as those who were bio-
and female patients aged 12 to 17 years old.48 Pa- naı̈ve. These 2 studies continued for 2 years and
tients were randomly assigned to receive a stan- showed clinical and radiographic evidence that
dard dose adjusted by weight (0.75 mg/kg ustekinumab is safe and effective in psoriatic
[<60 kg], 45 mg [60–100 kg], 90 mg [>100 kg]), arthritis.50
a half-standard dose (0.375 mg/kg [<60 kg],
22.5 mg [60–100 kg], 45 mg [<100 kg]) at weeks
0, 4, followed by every 12 weeks, or placebo at SAFETY
week 0 and 4 with crossover to standard or half- Ustekinumab has been the foremost biologic
standard dosing at week 12. evaluated for safety in patients with psoria-
The results of this study were apparent very sis.4,53,54 The PHOENIX 1, PHOENIX 2, and
quickly. By week 4, approximately one-third of ACCEPT trials are the preeminent sources of
patients in each ustekinumab group were clear long-term safety data collected for patients
or almost clear. At week 12, 67.6% of patients treated with ustekinumab. Investigators found
receiving the half-standard dose and 69.4% of no statistically significant difference in overall
132 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

AEs between ustekinumab- and placebo-treated Reich and colleagues64 analyzed 3000 patients
patients. Most reported AEs were nasopharyngi- on ustekinumab and found no increase in MACEs
tis, upper respiratory infections, headaches, and compared with patients in the general or psoriasis
arthralgias. More than 5 years in the PHOENIX 1 populations.
and 2 trials, there was no evidence of cumula-
tive end-organ toxicity. There was a low inci-
dence of autoantibodies to ustekinumab. One MONITORING
ustekinumab-treated patient developed revers- The information presented is primarily based on
ible posterior encephalopathy syndrome; how- psoriasis guidelines from the American Academy
ever, there were no reported cases of of Dermatology (AAD).65
demyelinating disease.55 A thorough history and physical examination
Theoretically, a blockade of the actions of IL-12 should be taken before initiation of ustekinu-
and IL-23 could predispose a person to viral, bac- mab therapy, including TB exposure, chronic/
terial, and fungal infections.56,57 Rates of infec- recurrent infections, malignancy, neurologic and
tions and serious infections were comparable cardiac history, and a thorough review of sys-
during the placebo-controlled portions of ran- tems. Routine follow-up examinations should
domized, controlled trials, and rates of serious in- adequately monitor patients for side effects and
fections in ustekinumab-treated patients were AEs.48
comparable to those expected in patients with Aside from baseline TB test, annual monitoring
psoriasis treated with conventional systemic for TB, and a baseline hepatitis profile, routine
drugs.58 Although patients on TNF inhibitors are laboratory testing beyond that for concomitant
at increased risk for reactivation of latent tubercu- therapies or comorbidities is generally not sup-
losis (TB) reactivation, ustekinumab does not ported.66 The highest grade US Preventive Ser-
appear to increase this risk.4,58 vices Task Force evidence for screening studies
In placebo-controlled periods, rates of infec- is grade B for TB testing (interferon-g release
tions, serious infections, and malignancies were assay is preferred over tuberculin skin testing),
comparable with those of patients receiving and hepatitis B virus/hepatitis C virus screening
placebo.58 Rates of malignancies other than non- is supported only by grade C evidence.60 The
melanoma skin cancer in ustekinumab-treated AAD recommends baseline PPD, liver function
patients were consistent with rates expected in tests (LFTs), and complete blood count (CBC).
the general population, suggesting that ustekinu- For ongoing monitoring, the AAD recommends
mab does not increase rate of malignancy.58 Of yearly PPD and periodic LFTs, CBC, history, and
more than 12,000 patients (40,388 patient-years) physical examinations (Table 11.1).65
observed in PSOLAR, overall incidence rates The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
for malignancy (0.68/100 patient-years), serious tion (CDC) recommends TB testing before the
infection (1.6/100 patient years), and mortality therapy initiation as well.67 Positive skin test find-
(0.93/100 patient years) were significantly lower ings should be followed with a chest radiograph—
when compared with other biologics.59 Most if negative, patients should be treated for latent
common reported types of serious infections TB (6–9 months of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/or
were pneumonia and cellulitis. PSOLAR demon-
strated a higher risk of serious infections with
adalimumab and infliximab compared with non- TABLE 11.1
biologic treatment, while also observing no Monitoring recommendations from the
increased risk of serious infections with ustekinu- American Academy of Dermatology
mab or etanercept.60 Monitoring
Early studies exhibited a higher risk of major History and physical Baseline and routine
adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) in pa-
tients receiving anti-IL-12/23 antibodies com- CBC Baseline and periodically
pared with those in placebo groups. Concern LFTs Baseline and periodically
over a possible link between ustekinumab and TB skin test Baseline and annually
MACEs prompted an in-depth investigation. after
PSOLAR found ustekinumab to have a signifi- Hepatitis B serology Not specified
cantly lower rate of MACEs (0.33/100 patient-
years) compared with other biologics.61 The risk Data from Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guide-
lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
of MACEs in patients treated with anti-IL-12/23 arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guidelines of
biological was evaluated in 2 large meta-analysis care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am
studies that came to conflicting conclusions.62,63 Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):838.
Chapter 11 Ustekinumab 133

4 months of 600 mg daily rifampicin),68 and if pos- Most guidelines perform annual TB skin testing
itive, patients should receive therapy for active in patients receiving ustekinumab to screen for
TB. Biologic therapy may be started after 1 to the TB reactivation, especially in those at risk (ie,
2 months of prophylactic treatment if the patient health care workers, travelers to endemic areas).
is adherent to and tolerating the prophylactic The authors of this section recommend
regimen.69 If a patient has a positive PPD because initial baseline monitoring that includes a
of prior BCG vaccination, blood tests can be ob- QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT), LFTs, CBC, and
tained measuring IFN production on stimulation hepatitis B and hepatitis C profile. QFT should
with TB antigens that are not present in BCG. be repeated annually.

TABLE 11.2
Vaccination recommendations from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (measles, mumps, Contraindicated within 1 mo Contraindicated
and rubella [MMR], varicella,
herpes zoster, intranasal
influenza, oral typhoid,
yellow fever, oral polio,
smallpox, BCG, rotavirus)
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated Yearly immunization with
or live inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose for Contraindicated
adults >50 y
Human papillomavirus Unvaccinated males/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, Same; consider obtaining
liver disease, intravenous postvaccination serology
drug users, homosexual men,
and so forth)
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor High-dose vaccine, consider
assessment. Offer obtaining serology
vaccination if necessary postvaccination
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PPSV23) vaccine vaccine followed by
recommended PPSV23 if not given prior
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or Contraindicated
seronegative to any
Tetanus-diphtheria/diphtheria- Booster every 10 y and high-risk Same
tetanus-acellular pertussis wounds offer before therapy,
(TD/TDAP) substitute 1 dose with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate Same
if high risk (asplenia,
complement deficient, group
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if Same
high risk (health care worker,
laboratory worker)
Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
Data from Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: monitoring
and vaccinations in patients treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(1):99; and Wine-Lee L, Keller SC,
Wilck MB, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: vaccination in adult patients on systemic therapy
for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013;69(6):1003–13.
134 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

VACCINATIONS 2. Bartlett BL, Tyring SK. Ustekinumab for chronic pla-

Patients should receive all immunizations appro- que psoriasis. Lancet 2008;371(9625):1639–40.
priate for age as recommended by current immu- 3. Bongartz T, Sutton AJ, Sweeting MJ, et al. Anti-TNF
nization guidelines. Per the package insert, antibody therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and the risk
patients undergoing treatment with ustekinumab of serious infections and malignancies: systematic
should not receive any live vaccines. If a patient review and meta-analysis of rare harmful effects in
requires immunization with a live vaccine, usteki- randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2006;295(19):
numab should be stopped for 6 months before 2275–85.
and 2 weeks after vaccination. Multiple studies 4. Langley RG, Lebwohl M, Krueger GG, et al. Long-
and case reports have linked ustekinumab with term efficacy and safety of ustekinumab, with
duration and severity of herpes zoster; thus, and without dosing adjustment, in patients with
vaccination should be considered before initia- moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from the
tion of therapy.70 Brodmerkel and colleagues71 PHOENIX 2 study through 5 years of follow-up.
found long-term treatment with ustekinumab Br J Dermatol 2015;172(5):1371–83.
does not compromise the immune response to 5. Hochberg MC, Lebwohl MG, Plevy SE, et al. The
T-cell-dependent/-independent vaccines in psori- benefit/risk profile of TNF-blocking agents: findings
asis patients. Inactivated vaccines are safe; of a consensus panel. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2005;
however, it is not certain to confer immunity 34(6):819–36.
while on ustekinumab. The pneumococcal and 6. Thaci D, Blauvelt A, Reich K, et al. Secukinumab is
annual inactivated influenza vaccines are recom- superior to ustekinumab in clearing skin of subjects
mended and may be taken during therapy.21 with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: CLEAR, a
A summary of vaccination recommendations by randomized controlled trial. J Am Acad Dermatol
the National Psoriasis Foundation can be found 2015;73(3):400–9.
in Table 11.2. 7. Gottlieb AB, Langley RG, Strober BE, et al.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study to evaluate the addition of methotrexate
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS to etanercept in patients with moderate to severe
Ustekinumab is a highly efficacious and safe plaque psoriasis. Br J Dermatol 2012;167(3):
therapy recommended for the treatment of 649–57.
moderate-to-severe psoriasis. This molecule is 8. Menter A, Tyring SK, Gordon K, et al. Adalimumab
directed against the p40 component of IL-12 therapy for moderate to severe psoriasis: a random-
and IL-23 and is thus more targeted than earlier ized, controlled phase III trial. J Am Acad Dermatol
biologic therapies; consequently, it would be ex- 2008;58(1):106–15.
pected to suppress less of the immune system. 9. Papp K, Okun M, Vender R. Adalimumab in the
Indeed, individuals born with IL-12Rb1 deficiency treatment of psoriasis: pooled efficacy and safety
are susceptible to mycobacterial and salmonella results from three pivotal studies. J Cutan Med
infections but not to other opportunistic infec- Surg 2009;13(Suppl 2):S58–66.
tions.72,73 In clinical studies and in practice, there 10. Revicki D, Willian MK, Saurat JH, et al. Impact of
has not been an increase in these infections nor adalimumab treatment on health-related quality of
have there been any other signals of immunosup- life and other patient-reported outcomes: results
pression in patients treated with ustekinumab. from a 16-week randomized controlled trial in pa-
Dosing as infrequently as every 12 weeks is a tients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
major advantage over all of the currently avail- Br J Dermatol 2008;158(3):549–57.
able injected or oral psoriasis therapies and 11. Saurat JH, Stingl G, Dubertret L, et al. Efficacy and
may be the reason that a high proportion of pa- safety results from the randomized controlled
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line agent in treating psoriasis and psoriatic Br J Dermatol 2008;158(3):558–66.
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arthritis despite conventional non-biological and briakinumab with major adverse cardiovascular
biological anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy: events. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2013;27(12):
6-month and 1-year results of the phase 3, multi- 1586–7.
centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, rando- 63. Ryan C, Leonardi CL, Krueger JG, et al. Association
mised PSUMMIT 2 trial. Ann Rheum Dis 2014; between biologic therapies for chronic plaque pso-
73(6):990–9. riasis and cardiovascular events: a meta-analysis of
Chapter 11 Ustekinumab 137

randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2011;306(8): patients with psoriasis treated with systemic and
864–71. biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59(2):
64. Reich K, Langley RG, Lebwohl M, et al. Cardiovascu- 209–17.
lar safety of ustekinumab in patients with moderate 70. Kalb RE, Fiorentino DF, Lebwohl MG, et al. Risk of
to severe psoriasis: results of integrated analyses of serious infection with biologic and systemic treat-
data from phase II and III clinical studies. Br J ment of psoriasis: results from the psoriasis longitu-
Dermatol 2011;164(4):862–72. dinal assessment and registry (PSOLAR). JAMA
65. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines Dermatol 2015;151(9):961–9.
of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic 71. Brodmerkel C, Wadman E, Langley RG, et al. Im-
arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guide- mune response to pneumococcus and tetanus
lines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with bio- toxoid in patients with moderate-to-severe psoria-
logics. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):826–50. sis following long-term ustekinumab use. J Drugs
66. van Lümig PP, Driessen RJ, Roelofs-Thijssen MA, Dermatol 2013;12(10):1122–9.
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monitoring patients with psoriasis on etanercept trance, broad resistance, and favorable outcome
or adalimumab. Br J Dermatol 2011;165(2):375–82. of interleukin 12 receptor beta1 deficiency: medical
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Elaine J. Lin, MD, Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Vidhi V. Shah, BA,
Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Secukinumab  Cosentyx  Interleukin-17A  Monoclonal antibody  ERASURE  FIXTURE

 Secukinumab is a first-in-class human monoclonal antibody against interleukin-17A.
 Secukinumab has been demonstrated in clinical studies to be significantly more efficacious in the
treatment of plaque psoriasis in comparison to etanercept and ustekinumab.
 The most common side effects attributable to secukinumab are monilial infections.
 Secukinumab is now US Food and Drug Administration–approved for the treatment of psoriatic
arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

INTRODUCTION dosing of 300 mg every 4 weeks thereafter

Secukinumab is a first-in-class human monoclonal (Fig. 12.1). Dosing at 150 mg, secukinumab can
antibody against interleukin-17A (IL-17A). The be used in some patients. Injection sites should
evolving literature on the role of immune cells be alternated, and bruised, red, scaly, hard, or pso-
and inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis riatic skin should be avoided. Recommended sites
of psoriasis has advanced therapeutic efficacy include front of thighs, lower abdomen (except 2
tremendously in the last 20 years. Early clinical inches around the navel), and upper outer arms.2
studies of T-cell–targeted therapies, such as those Following a subcutaneous injection of secuki-
involving cyclosporine, indicated an integral role numab, 55%–77% reaches systemic circulation.
of T cells in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.1 Focus Peak serum concentrations are reached in
of research has recently been directed toward approximately 6 days after administration, and
Th17 cells, a subset of T cells producing the cyto- steady-state concentrations are reached by
kine IL-17A. On January 21, 2015, the US Food week 24 when following the every 4-week dosing
and Drug Administration (FDA) approved secuki- regimen. At 1 and 2 weeks after a single 300-mg
numab for the treatment of adult patients with dose, secukinumab concentrations in interstitial
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who are can- fluid in lesional and nonlesional skin of plaque
didates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. psoriasis patients ranged from 27% to 40% of
Secukinumab is manufactured by Novartis serum concentrations. The mean half-life of secu-
Pharmaceuticals under the trade name of kinumab ranges from 22 to 31 days.2
Cosentyx. Administered through subcutaneous
injections, there are 3 different devices: secuki-
numab lyophilized powder in single-use vials MECHANISM OF ACTION
reconstituted with sterile water for injection Secukinumab is a recombinant, high-affinity, fully
(reconstitution done by health care provider human immunoglobulin 1/kappa monoclonal
only), prefilled syringes (PFSs), and autoinjector/ antibody that selectively binds to and neutralizes
pens (Sensoready Pen). All forms administer a sin- IL-17A. IL-17A is a naturally occurring proinflam-
gle dose of 150 mg of secukinumab and are to be matory cytokine that has been associated with
stored in a refrigerator, between 2 C and 8 C several chronic inflammatory diseases and plays
(36 F and 46 F). The recommended dose and a key role in the pathogenesis of plaque
regimen are a 300-mg subcutaneous injection at psoriasis.3 Sources of IL-17A found in psoriatic
weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 followed by maintenance skin include Th17 cells, mast cells, and 139
140 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 12.1 Recommended initial and maintenance dosing schedule of secukinumab.

neutrophils. IL-17A upregulates the expression of systemic therapy. Exclusion criteria included forms
inflammatory-related genes in target cells, of psoriasis other than chronic-plaque type,
including endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and ongoing use of certain psoriasis treatments, active
epithelial cells, including keratinocytes, and or ongoing inflammatory disease or chronic or
causes the release of cytokines, chemokines, anti- recurrent infectious disease, evidence of tubercu-
microbial peptides, and other mediators that help losis (TB), history of human immunodeficiency virus
sustain inflammation in the skin.3,4 infection, hepatitis B or C, underlying immuno-
Psoriatic lesions are thought to have higher compromising conditions, lymphoproliferative
expression of Th17 and IL-17A, which activate diseases, malignancy or history of malignancy
keratinocytes, leading to aberrant differentiation within the past 5 years, significant medical prob-
and proliferation and the production of lems, pregnant or nursing women, and women of
keratinocyte-derived angiogenic and chemoat- child-bearing potential not using effective contra-
tractant factors. Further recruitment of inflamma- ception during the study. Across all 4 studies,
tory cells and synergy of inflammatory cytokines enrolled patients were characterized as 79% bio-
set up a positive feedback loop for inflammation logic-naı̈ve, 45% nonbiologic failures, 8% biologic
and keratinocyte-mediated psoriatic epidermal failures, 6% anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) fail-
changes.5 These changes include acanthosis, ures, and 2% IL-12/23 inhibitor failures. However,
hyperkeratosis, and parakeratosis. At therapeutic median baseline PASI score,9,10 baseline IGA score
levels, secukinumab intercepts disease pathogen- range (moderate to severe), median baseline BSA
esis, leading to normalization of skin histology and (27), and median Dermatology Life Quality Index
achievement of clear to almost clear skin for most score11–13 of patients were generally consistent
psoriatic patients. across all treatment groups.2


Secukinumab has been proven to be a highly effi- The ERASURE trial enrolled 738 patients, whom
cacious treatment in subjects with moderate-to- were randomized into the secukinumab 150 mg,
severe plaque psoriasis with the most pronounced secukinumab 300 mg, or placebo arm. Each
effects seen with a 300-mg dose.6 Clinically mean- group received their respective doses at weeks
ingful and statistically significant improvement 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 followed by a dose every 4 weeks
based on coprimary endpoints of Psoriasis Area until week 48. The FIXTURE trial evaluated 1308
Severity Index (PASI) -75 response and Investi- patients, whom were randomized into similar
gator Global Assessment for clear to almost clear arms to the ERASURE trial with similar dosing
skin (IGA 0/1) at week 12 was produced by 4 phase schedules, but with the addition of an etanercept
III double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled arm. Patients randomized to etanercept received
trials (ERASURE, FIXTURE, JUNCTURE, and 50-mg doses twice per week for 12 weeks
FEATURE) that evaluated 2-dose regimens using followed by 50 mg every week. In both trials, pa-
either 300 mg or 150 mg of secukinumab tients in the placebo group who were nonre-
compared with placebo (Table 12.1).6–8 sponders at week 12 were crossed over to
Enrolled subjects were 18 years of age or older receive secukinumab in either the 150-mg or the
with plaque psoriasis diagnosed at least 6 months 300-mg dose at weeks 12, 13,14, 15, and 16
before randomization who had a minimum body followed by the same dose every 4 weeks. Each
surface area (BSA) involvement of 10%, an IGA study consisted of a 12-week induction period
score 3 or greater, and a PASI score 12 or greater (baseline to week 12) and a 40-week maintenance
and who were candidates for phototherapy or period (weeks 12–52).
TABLE 12.1
Psoriasis Area Severity Index-75, -90, -100, Investigator Global Assessment 0/1 response rates at week 12 in 4 phase III clinical trials on secukinumab
ERASURE (n 5 738) FIXTURE (n 5 1306)
300 mg 150 mg 300 mg 150 mg
Secukinumab Secukinumab Placebo (%) Secukinumab Secukinumab Etanercept Placebo (%)
(%) (n 5 245) (%) (n 5 244) (n 5 246) (%) (n 5 323) (%) (n 5 327) (%) (n 5 323) (n 5 324)
IGA 0/1 65.3a 51.2a 2.4 62.5a,b 51.1a,b 27.2 2.8
a a a,b
PASI-75 81.6 71.6 4.5 77.1 67.0a,b 44 4.9
a a a,b a,b
PASI-90 59.2 39.1 1.2 54.2 41.9 20.7 1.5
PASI-100 28.6a 12.8a 0.8 24.1b 14.4b 4.3 0
300 mg 150 mg 300 mg 150 mg
Secukinumab Secukinumab Placebo (%) Secukinumab Secukinumab Placebo (%)
(%) (n 5 59) (%) (n 5 59) (n 5 59) (%) (n 5 60) (%) (n 5 61) (n 5 61)
IGA 0/1 69.0a 52.5a 0 73.3a 53.3a 0
PASI-75 75.9a 69.5a 0 86.7a 71.7a 3.3
a a a a
PASI-90 60.3 45.8 0 55.0 40.0 0

Chapter 12 Secukinumab
PASI-100 43.1a 8.5 0 26.7 16.7 0
P<.001 for the comparison with placebo.
P<.001 for the comparison with etanercept.

142 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

In the ERASURE study, 81.6% and 71.6% confidence, and satisfaction with self-injection.
of subjects, respectively, achieved a PASI-75 Scores for all 3 domains remained high from base-
response, and 65.3% and 51.2%, respectively, line to week 12 in all groups, indicating that self-
achieved an IGA 0/1 response, at week 12. These injections with PFS was acceptable to subjects
values were significantly higher in comparison to before the first injection and remained highly
placebo; 4.5% and 2.4% of the placebo group acceptable up to week 12.
achieved a respective PASI-75 or IGA 0/1 In JUNCTURE, treatment with secukinumab
response at week 12 (P<.001 for each comparison 300 and 150 mg via the autoinjector pen resulted
of secukinumab vs placebo) (see Table 12.1).6 in 86.7% and 71.7% of subjects, respectively,
In the FIXTURE study, 77.1% and 67.0% of sub- achieving a PASI-75 response, and 73.3% and
jects, respectively, achieved a PASI-75 response, 53.3%, respectively, achieving an IGA 0/1
and 65.3% and 51.2%, respectively, achieved an response, at week 12. These values were signifi-
IGA 0/1 response, at week 12. These values cantly higher in comparison to placebo; 3.3%
were significantly higher in comparison to etaner- and 0% of the placebo group achieved a PASI-
cept and to placebo; 44.0% and 27.2% of the eta- 75 or IGA 0/1 response at week 12, respectively
nercept group and 4.9% and 2.8% of the placebo (P<.001 for each comparison of secukinumab vs
group achieved a respective PASI-75 and IGA 0/1 placebo). Usability was evaluated in a similar
response at week 12 (P<.001 for each comparison fashion to the FEATURE trial and demonstrated
of secukinumab vs etanercept and secukinumab high subject-reported injection tolerability, ease
vs placebo) (see Table 12.1).6 of use, absence of critical use-related hazards,
In both trials, continued treatment through and acceptability that was high at baseline and
week 52 was associated with sustained high remained high up to week 12.
response rates (PASI-75 response in 81%–84% In all 4 studies, coprimary endpoints (PASI-75
for 300 mg, and 72%–82% for 150 mg at week response and IGA 0/1 response at week 12) and
52) in most patients (Table 12.2).6 key secondary endpoints (ie, PASI-90 response
at week 12) were met by both dosage arms of
secukinumab with significantly higher proportions
FEATURE AND JUNCTURE of patients compared with the placebo or etaner-
The FEATURE and JUNCTURE studies evaluated cept (FIXTURE only) arm (Fig. 12.2). Efficacy is
the safety, tolerability, and usability of adminis- dose dependent as evidenced by consistently bet-
tering secukinumab with a PFS or an autoinjector ter responses across all efficacy end points with
pen, respectively, and have also demonstrated the 300-mg versus the 150-mg regimen in each
the superior efficacy of secukinumab to placebo of the 4 trials. Onset of efficacy was observed early
at week 12.7,8 The FEATURE and JUNCTURE during the course of therapy; a 50% reduction in
studies enrolled 177 and 182 patients, respec- mean PASI from baseline was achieved by week
tively. Patients in each trial were randomized 3 in the 300-mg group and by week 4 in the
into the secukinumab 150 mg, secukinumab 150-mg group across all 4 trials.6–8 With regards
300 mg, or placebo arm and received their to a maintenance regimen of secukinumab, recent
respective doses at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 fol- evidence (SCULPTURE study) indicates that regu-
lowed by a dose every 4 weeks. lar 4-week interval dosing is more efficacious than
In FEATURE, treatment with secukinumab 300 a re-treatment-as-needed regimen in maintaining
and 150 mg via the PFS resulted in 75.9% and long-term psoriasis control.2
69.5% of subjects, respectively, achieving a In comparison to other biologic agents,
PASI-75 response, and 69.0% and 52.5%, respec- FIXTURE demonstrated the superior efficacy of
tively, achieving an IGA 0/1 response, at week 12. both doses of secukinumab over etanercept. The
These values were significantly higher in compar- secukinumab 300-mg and 150-mg regimen arms
ison to placebo; 0% of the placebo group achieved a respective 33% and 23% higher PASI-
achieved a PASI-75 or IGA 0/1 response at week 75 response rate compared with the etanercept
12 (P<.001 for each comparison of secukinumab arm at week 12 as well as a respective 12% and
vs placebo). Usability of PFS was demonstrated 10% higher PASI-75 response rate at week 52
by most subjects successfully following the steps (Fig. 12.3).6 The CLEAR trial, a prospective
in the instructions for use for self-injection via double-blind study, showed that secukinumab
the PFS and the absence of critical hazard inci- (79.0%) was superior to ustekinumab (57.6%) in
dents. In addition, acceptability of the PFS was achieving PASI-90 at week 16 for moderate-to-
evaluated at baseline and at week 12 by Self- severe plaque psoriasis (P<.0001).14 As a second-
Injection Assessment Questionnaire domains, ary endpoint, PASI-100 response at week 16 was
which included feelings about injections, self- significantly greater with secukinumab (44.3%)
TABLE 12.2
Psoriasis Area Severity Index-75 and Investigator Global Assessment 0/1 response rates from week 12 to week 52 in ERASURE and FIXTURE trials
300 mg 150 mg 300 mg 150 mg
Secukinumab (%) Secukinumab (%) Secukinumab (%) Secukinumab (%) Etanercept (%)
(n 5 245) (n 5 244) Placebo (n 5 323) (n 5 327) (n 5 323) Placebo
IGA 0/1 from wk 74.4 59.2 NE 79.7 67.7 56.8 NE
12 to wk 52
PASI-75 from wk 80.5 72.4 NE 84.3 82.2 72.5 NE
12 to wk 52
Abbreviation: NE, not evaluated.

Chapter 12 Secukinumab
144 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Fig. 12.2 PASI-75, PASI-90, PASI-100, IGA 0/1 response rates at week 12 in 4 phase III clinical trials on secukinumab.

than ustekinumab (28.4%) (P<.0001) (Fig. 12.4).14 subcutaneous secukinumab 300 mg and 150 mg
Secukinumab is the only biologic agent to show were found to significantly improve signs and
greater efficacy than an IL-12/23 inhibitor and symptoms of PsA versus placebo.11 Patients
TNF inhibitor for the treatment of moderate-to- with PsA were randomized to receive secukinu-
severe plaque psoriasis. These results are crucial mab 300 mg (n 5 100), 150 mg (n 5 100),
to consider clinically because they provide head- 75 mg (n 5 99), or placebo (n 5 98). Secukinumab
to-head comparisons that may guide the choice or placebo was given at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4,
of appropriate treatment. and then every 4 weeks thereafter. American Col-
Secukinumab was FDA approved for psoriatic lege of Rheumatology 20 response rates at week
arthritis (PsA) in January 2016. In FUTURE 2, a 24 were 54%, 51%, 29%, and 15% of patients
randomized double-blind phase 3 trial, assigned to secukinumab 300 mg (P<.0001),

90 84.3
80 77.1
60 56.8
Paents (%)

50 44 300 mg
27.2 Etanercept
30 24.1

10 4.3
IGA 0/1 PASI-75 PASI-90 PASI-100 IGA 0/1 PASI-75
Week 12 Week 52
Fig. 12.3 FIXTURE trial: efficacy end points comparing secukinumab and etanercept.
Chapter 12 Secukinumab 145

100 93.1
90 82.9 82.7
57.6 Secukinumab
Paents (%)

300 mg
50 44.3 Ustekinumab
IGA 0/1 PASI-75 PASI-90a PASI-100
Week 16
Fig. 12.4 CLEAR trial: efficacy end points comparing secukinumab and ustekinumab. a Primary endpoint.

150 mg (P<.0001), 75 mg (P 5 .0399), and of SAEs across all secukinumab dosing groups and
placebo arms, respectively. placebo over 52 weeks (Table 12.5).6 Notably,
For patients with PsA and concomitant secukinumab demonstrates comparable safety to
moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, dosing and etanercept over 52 weeks of treatment.
administration should follow the schedule for pla- Preclinical data suggest that IL-17 is important
que psoriasis outlined above. The recommended in the mucosal defense against Candida, thus
dose for PsA is a 150-mg subcutaneous injection making infection with this fungus a possible side
at weeks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 followed by 150 mg every effect to secukinumab use. Indeed, Candida
4 weeks thereafter. Dosage at 300 mg can be infections were found to be more common,
considered if there is no improvement.2 although without mention of statistical signifi-
cance, with secukinumab than with etanercept
during the 52-week treatment period. In the
SAFETY 300-mg and 150-mg secukinumab groups, 4.7%
All 4 phase III clinical trials (ERASURE, FIXTURE, and 2.3% reported mild-to-moderate Candida
JUNCTURE, and FEATURE) evaluated the safety infection, respectively, whereas 1.2% of the eta-
of secukinumab in comparison to placebo up to nercept group reported mild-to-severe infection.6
12 weeks after treatment initiation (Tables 12.3 Notably, there were no cases of chronic or sys-
and 12.4).6–8 Although it was not stated to be sig- temic candidiasis; all cases were responsive to
nificant, secukinumab at both doses had a higher standard treatment and did not lead to treatment
rate of at least 1 adverse event (AE) than placebo, discontinuation.
which was driven by mainly nonserious upper res- Neutropenia was also noted in clinical trials,
piratory tract infections. Some of the most com- although most cases were transient and reversible
mon AE reported over the 12-week induction and showed no indication of dose-related effects.
period across all 4 trials were nasopharyngitis, diar- Rates of serious infection, malignancy, unspeci-
rhea, and upper respiratory tract infection.2,6–8 fied tumors, and major adverse cardiovascular
In regards to serious adverse events (SAEs), events, and discontinuations due to AE were all
secukinumab had slightly, but not significantly, very low. During the entire 52-week period,
higher proportions compared with placebo in ERASURE reported 1 subject (0.3 events per 100
the ERASURE and FIXTURE trials over the induc- patient-years) and 5 subjects (1.7 events per 100
tion period. However, this difference was only patient-years) who developed benign or malig-
observed in the first 12 weeks and did not translate nant neoplasms in the 300-mg and 150-mg secu-
into a higher risk over the 52-week treatment kinumab groups, respectively, compared with 1
course. The safety of secukinumab is evidenced subject (1.5 events per 100 patient-years) in the
by comparable exposure-adjusted incidence rates placebo group. FIXTURE reported only 1 subject
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
TABLE 12.3
Summary of adverse events reported through week 12 in 4 clinical trials
Secukinumab Secukinumab Secukinumab Secukinumab
300 mg 150 mg Placebo 300 mg 150 mg Etanercept Placebo
Subjects with any 135 (55.1) 148 (60.4) 116 (47) 181 (55.5) 191 (58.4) 186 (57.6) 163 (49.8)
AE, n (%)
Secukinumab Secukinumab Secukinumab Secukinumab
300 mg 150 mg Placebo 300 mg 150 mg Placebo
Subjects with any 42 (70.0) 39 (63.9) 33 (54.1) 30 (50.8) 34 (57.6) 28 (47.5)
AE, n (%)
Chapter 12 Secukinumab 147

TABLE 12.4
Summary of adverse reactions reported through week 12 in ERASURE, FIXTURE, FEATURE, and
Secukinumab Secukinumab 150 mg Placebo
300 mg (N 5 691) (N 5 692) (N 5 694)
Adverse Reaction n (%) n (%) n (%)
Nasopharyngitisa 79 (11.4) 85 (12.3) 60 (8.6)
Headache 45 (6.5) 38 (5.5) 63 (9.1)
Diarrheaa 28 (4.1) 18 (2.3) 10 (1.4)
Pruritusb 22 (3.2) 21 (3.0) 18 (2.6)
Upper respiratory tract infection 17 (2.5) 22 (3.2) 5 (0.7)
Rhinitisa 10 (1.4) 10 (1.4) 5 (0.7)
Oral herpes 9 (1.3) 1 (0.1) 2 (0.3)
Pharyngitisa 8 (1.2) 7 (1.0) 0 (0)
Urticaria 4 (0.6) 8 (1.2) 1 (0.1)
Rhinorrheaa 8 (1.2) 2 (0.3) 1 (0.1)
Occurred at a rate higher in secukinumab group than placebo.
Data from FEATURE trial missing.

(0.2 events per 100 patient-years) in the 300-mg compared with placebo in the induction period
secukinumab group who developed a benign or of clinical trials, they were largely attributed to
malignant neoplasm in the 52-week period. No common infections: nasopharyngitis (11.4% vs
serious opportunistic infections while on secukinu- 8.6%), upper respiratory tract infections (2.5% vs
mab or secukinumab-related deaths have been 0.7%), and mucocutaneous infections with
reported. Candida (1.2% vs 0.3%).2 Of note, the studies
All therapeutic protein products pose a risk of did not mention statistical significance of any of
immunogenicity. Treatment-emergent antisecuki- these values. In the ERASURE/FIXTURE trials,
numab antibodies while using secukinumab were serious infections in long-term treatment were
detected in a total of 6 subjects across all 4 clinical not consistently shown to be more common in
trials. Although 1 patient’s antibodies were classi- secukinumab than placebo.12 Patients should
fied as neutralizing, none of antibodies were asso- seek medical advice if signs and symptoms of
ciated with AE or loss of efficacy (defined as an infection occur. In the event of serious infection,
increase in PASI score by 6 points from the mini- discontinue secukinumab and closely monitor pa-
mum PASI score achieved on treatment).6–8 tients until infection resolves.

PRECAUTIONS As is the case with all immunosuppressant agents
Infections in the treatment of plaque psoriasis, secukinumab
Caution should be exercised when considering is contraindicated in patients with active TB. All pa-
secukinumab in patients with chronic infection or tients should be evaluated for TB before treat-
history of recurrent infection. Although infections ment. Patients with latent TB and a history of
occurred at higher rates with secukinumab latent or active TB in whom adequacy of treatment

TABLE 12.5
Rates of nonfatal serious adverse events during 52-week treatment period in ERASURE/FIXTURE
Treatment Arm
Secukinumab Secukinumab Etanercept
300 mg (Incidence 150 mg (Incidence (Incidence Rate Placebo (Incidence
Rate per 100 Rate per 100 per 100 Rate per 100
Trial Subject-Years) Subject-Years) Subject-Years) Subject-Years)
ERASURE 6.3 6.4 — 7.4
FIXTURE 6.8 6.0 7.0 8.3
148 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

cannot be confirmed should initiate appropriate Aside from baseline TB test, annual moni-
anti-TB therapy before initiation of secukinumab. toring for TB, and a baseline hepatitis profile,
Although observational and focused studies are routine laboratory testing beyond that for
needed to further evaluate the full range of side ef- concomitant therapies or comorbidities is gener-
fects of secukinumab, there are currently no re- ally not supported.17 The highest grade US
ports of reactivated latent TB in any psoriasis trial. Preventive Services Task Force evidence for
screening studies is grade B for TB testing (inter-
Crohn Disease feron-g release assay is preferred over tuberculin
Although currently not an absolute contraindica- skin testing), and hepatitis B virus/hepatitis C vi-
tion, caution must be taken with patients with a rus (HBV/HCV) screening is supported only by
history of Crohn disease and initiating secukinu- grade C evidence.18 The AAD recommends
mab therapy as studies have suggested potential baseline purified protein derivative (PPD) skin
worsening of the disease. A phase II study showed test, liver function tests (LFTs), and complete
that blockade of IL-17A in Crohn patients was not blood count (CBC). For ongoing monitoring,
only ineffective for disease treatment but also the AAD recommends yearly PPD and periodic
exacerbated disease for some patients.13 In this LFTs, CBC, history, and physical examinations
study, 39 patients with Crohn disease were (Table 12.6).15
treated with secukinumab, of which at least 4 The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
were suspected to have drug-related worsening tion recommends TB testing before the therapy
of Crohn disease.13 In the FIXTURE study, 1 pa- initiation as well.19 Positive skin test findings
tient developed a new diagnosis of Crohn disease should be followed with a chest radiograph—if
while on the 150-mg secukinumab regimen.12 Pa- negative, patients should be treated for latent
tients who receive secukinumab and have active TB (6–9 months of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/or
Crohn disease should be monitored closely. 4 months of 600 mg daily rifampicin),20 and if pos-
itive, patients should receive therapy for active
Hypersensitivity Reactions TB. Biologic therapy may be started after 1 to
Secukinumab-associated anaphylaxis and urticar- 2 months of prophylactic treatment if the patient
ial reactions have been reported in clinical trials.2 is adherent to and tolerating the prophylactic
If serious hypersensitivity reactions ensue, the regimen.9 If a patient has a positive PPD due to
drug should be discontinued immediately and prior BCG vaccination, blood tests can be ob-
appropriate therapy initiated. The removable tained measuring interferon production on stimu-
cap of the Sensoready Pen and the Cosentyx lation with TB antigens that are not present in
PFS contain latex and, therefore, should not be BCG. Most guidelines perform annual TB skin
handled by latex-allergic patients. testing in patients receiving secukinumab to
screen for the TB reactivation, especially in those
Pregnancy at risk (ie, health care workers, travelers to
Secukinumab is pregnancy category B and endemic areas).
should only be used if the potential benefit to the The authors of this section recommend
mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. initial baseline monitoring that includes a
Excretion of secukinumab in human milk and the
safety and effectiveness of secukinumab in the pe-
diatric population have not been evaluated.2
TABLE 12.6
Monitoring recommendations from the
MONITORING American Academy of Dermatology
To date, no formal guidelines have been set on Monitoring
safety monitoring in patients receiving secukinu- History and physical Baseline and routine
mab. The information presented is primarily
CBC Baseline and periodically
based on psoriasis guidelines from the American
Academy of Dermatology (AAD).15 LFTs Baseline and periodically
A thorough history and physical examination TB skin test Baseline and annually after
should be taken before initiation of secukinumab Hepatitis profile Not specified
therapy, including TB exposure, chronic/recurrent
infections, malignancy, neurologic and cardiac his- Data from Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guide-
lines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic
tory, and a thorough review of systems. Routine arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guidelines of
follow-up examinations should adequately care for the treatment of psoriasis with biologics. J Am
monitor patients for side effects and AEs.16 Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):840.
Chapter 12 Secukinumab 149


HBV and HCV profile. QuantiFERON-TB Gold Because of the possibility that biologic agents
(QFT) should be repeated annually. may impair the body’s immunologic response
Patients specifically taking secukinumab to vaccinations, administration of vaccinations
should be monitored for signs and symptoms of should be carefully considered in patients
inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, if the pa- receiving biologic therapy (Table 12.7).16 Live
tient is receiving concomitant CYP456 substrates, vaccines (measles, mumps, and rubella [MMR],
particularly those with narrow therapeutic indices, varicella, zoster, intranasal influenza, and so
monitoring for therapeutic effect or drug concen- forth) are contraindicated within 1 month of
tration of the CYP450 substrate can be treatment. However, scientifically based/stan-
considered. dardized recommendations for administering

TABLE 12.7
Vaccination recommendations for biologic agents from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (MMR, varicella, Contraindicated within 1 mo Contraindicated
herpes zoster, intranasal
influenza, oral typhoid,
yellow fever, oral polio,
smallpox, BCG, rotavirus)
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated or Yearly immunization with
live inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose for Contraindicated
adults 50 y
Human papilloma virus Unvaccinated male/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, Same; consider obtaining
liver disease, intravenous postvaccination serology
drug users, homosexual men,
and so forth)
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor High-dose vaccine
assessment. Offer Consider obtaining serology
vaccination if necessary postvaccination
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PPSV23) vaccine vaccine followed by
recommended PPSV23 if not given prior
Haemophilus influenzae type b Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or Contraindicated
seronegative to any
Tetanus-diphtheria/diphtheria- Booster every 10 y and high-risk Same
tetanus-acellular pertussis wounds
(TD/TDAP) Offer before therapy, substitute
1 dose with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate if Same
high risk (asplenia,
complement deficient, group
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if Same
high risk (health care worker,
laboratory worker)
From Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: monitoring and
vaccinations in patients treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(1):99; with permission.
150 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

biologically inactive or recombinant vaccines to REFERENCES

patients on biologic agents are lacking. Non- 1. Ellis CN, Gorsulowsky DC, Hamilton TA, et al.
live vaccinations may have the potential to Cyclosporine improves psoriasis in a double-blind
achieve adequate immune response, although study. JAMA 1986;256(22):3110–6.
antibody titers may not achieve optimal levels 2. Cosentyx [package insert]. East Hanover (NJ):
and may decrease more rapidly if given during Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; 2016.
biologic therapy. Available at:
It is preferable to complete all age-appropriate product/pi/pdf/cosentyx.pdf. Accessed February
immunizations according to current immunization 21, 2016.
guidelines before initiating biologic therapy. The 3. Miossec P, Kolls JK. Targeting IL-17 and TH17 cells
production of antibodies from the vaccine gener- in chronic inflammation. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2012;
ally occurs in the 2-week period from primary 11(10):763–76.
immunization, but could take more than 6 weeks 4. Kirkham BW, Kavanaugh A, Reich K. Interleukin-
to peak. 17A: a unique pathway in immune-mediated dis-
Specific to secukinumab, non-live vaccina- eases: psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid
tions are allowable during the course of treat- arthritis. Immunology 2014;141(2):133–42.
ment but may not elicit an adequate immune 5. Martin DA, Towne JE, Kricorian G, et al. The
response sufficient to prevent disease.2 Howev- emerging role of IL-17 in the pathogenesis of psori-
er, a study demonstrated that healthy subjects asis: preclinical and clinical findings. J Invest Der-
who were vaccinated with inactivated trivalent matol 2013;133(1):17–26.
subunit influenza virus and conjugate group C 6. Langley RG, Elewski BE, Lebwohl M, et al. Secukinu-
meningococcal vaccine 2 weeks after a 150- mab in plaque psoriasis–results of two phase 3 tri-
mg secukinumab dose were able to achieve als. N Engl J Med 2014;371(4):326–38.
protective antibody levels (measured 1 month 7. Paul C, Lacour JP, Tedremets L, et al. Efficacy, safety
after vaccination) comparable to individuals and usability of secukinumab administration by
who did not receive secukinumab before autoinjector/pen in psoriasis: a randomized,
vaccination.10 controlled trial (JUNCTURE). J Eur Acad Dermatol
Venereol 2015;29(6):1082–90.
8. Blauvelt A, Prinz JC, Gottlieb AB, et al. Secukinu-
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS mab administration by pre-filled syringe: efficacy,
Although secukinumab has been demonstrated to safety and usability results from a randomized
have superior efficacy to ustekinumab and etaner- controlled trial in psoriasis (FEATURE). Br J Derma-
cept, efficacy is not the only important facet to be tol 2015;172(2):484–93.
considered when choosing an appropriate thera- 9. Doherty SD, Van Voorhees A, Lebwohl MG, et al.
peutic agent. Other important considerations are National Psoriasis Foundation consensus statement
length of drug survival, efficacy in PsA, and fre- on screening for latent tuberculosis infection in
quency of dosing schedule. Because of the lack patients with psoriasis treated with systemic and
of prospective and observational studies, it is diffi- biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59(2):
cult to evaluate the persistence of efficacy and the 209–17.
real-world utility of secukinumab. Secukinumab is 10. Chioato A, Noseda E, Stevens M, et al. Treatment
FDA approved for the treatment of PsA, which of- with the interleukin-17A-blocking antibody secuki-
fers an additional reason for its use. In addition, pa- numab does not interfere with the efficacy of influ-
tient compliance may interfere with medication enza and meningococcal vaccinations in healthy
adherence, because secukinumab is dosed more subjects: results of an open-label, parallel-group,
frequently (2 shots every 4 weeks) than other med- randomized single-center study. Clin Vaccine
ications with similar efficacy (ie, ustekinumab, 1 Immunol 2012;19(10):1597–602.
shot dosed every 12 weeks). 11. McInnes IB, Mease PJ, Kirkham B, et al. Secukinu-
Overall, emerging evidence of the efficacy of mab, a human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal
secukinumab in the treatment of psoriasis and antibody, in patients with psoriatic arthritis
its relatively good safety profile make secukinu- (FUTURE 2): a randomised, double-blind, pla-
mab a welcomed new therapeutic agent. With cebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2015;
any novel agent, prospective registry data, data 386(9999):1137–46.
from after-marketing surveillance, and accumula- 12. Langley RG, Elewski BE, Lebwohl M, et al. Supple-
tion of related literature will be needed to ascer- mentary appendix to secukinumab in plaque psori-
tain the safety and long-term efficacy of asis—results of two phase three trials. N Engl J Med
secukinumab. 2014;371(4):326–38.
Chapter 12 Secukinumab 151

13. Hueber W, Sands BE, Lewitzky S, et al. Secuki- treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad Der-
numab, a human anti-IL-17A monoclonal anti- matol 2008;58(1):94–105.
body, for moderate to severe Crohn’s disease: 17. van Lumig PP, Driessen RJ, Roelofs-Thijssen MA,
unexpected results of a randomised, double- et al. Relevance of laboratory investigations in
blind placebo-controlled trial. Gut 2012;61(12): monitoring patients with psoriasis on etanercept
1693–700. or adalimumab. Br J Dermatol 2011;165(2):375–82.
14. Thaci D, Blauvelt A, Reich K, et al. Secukinumab is 18. Ahn CS, Dothard EH, Garner ML, et al. To test or not
superior to ustekinumab in clearing skin of subjects to test? An updated evidence-based assessment of
with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: CLEAR, a the value of screening and monitoring tests when
randomized controlled trial. J Am Acad Dermatol using systemic biologic agents to treat psoriasis
2015;73(3):400–9. and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015;
15. Menter A, Gottlieb A, Feldman SR, et al. Guidelines 73(3):420–8.e1.
of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic 19. CDC - Tuberculosis (TB) [Internet]. Available at: http://
arthritis: section 1. Overview of psoriasis and guide-;
lines of care for the treatment of psoriasis with bio- pubs/LTBI/pdf/TargetedLTBI05.pdf. Accessed
logics. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(5):826–50. February 1, 2016.
16. Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the 20. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent
Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Founda- tuberculosis infection. American Thoracic Society.
tion: monitoring and vaccinations in patients MMWR Recomm Rep 2000;49(RR-6):1–51.
Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Vidhi V. Shah, BA, Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Ixekizumab  Taltz  Interleukin-17A  Monoclonal antibody  UNCOVER-2  UNCOVER-3

 Ixekizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against interleukin-17A.
 Ixekizumab is more efficacious in the treatment of plaque psoriasis in comparison to etanercept
and placebo.
 Ixekizumab has led to higher clinical response rates and skin clearance rates in clinical trials than
any other agent currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of
 The most common side effects attributable to ixekizumab are injection-site reactions, upper
respiratory tract infections, nausea, and tinea infections.

INTRODUCTION pathway in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. IL-17 is

Ixekizumab, a biologic marketed under the brand produced by Th17 cells and functions in the acti-
name Taltz, was approved in March 2016 for the vation/recruitment of neutrophils, blockade of
treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis neutrophil apoptosis, release of inflammatory
by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). cytokines, and stimulation of psoriasis angiogen-
Another drug that targets a specific cytokine to esis.4–7 Th17 cells and IL-17 messenger RNA are
reducing inflammation and skin lesions, ixekizu- increased in psoriasis lesions, and Th17 cells are
mab is 1 of 3 biologic agents, including secuki- increased in the blood of psoriasis patients.8,9
numab and brodalumab, that targets the Of the 6 isoforms of IL-17, ixekizumab specifically
interleukin-17 (IL-17) pathway in the pathogenesis binds to and inhibits IL-17A, the most potent
of psoriasis.1 isoform involved in psoriasis.10,11
Ixekizumab currently does not have any other IL-17A dimerizes with itself to form a homo-
FDA-approved indications other than plaque pso- dimer or with IL-17F to form a heterodimer,
riasis (although it is also effective for psoriatic rendering it functionally active.12,13 T cells, natural
arthritis).1,2 The current recommended dosing of killer cells, mast cells, and neutrophils all produce
ixekizumab is subcutaneous injection of 160 mg IL-17A and IL-17F; however, Th17 cells character-
at baseline, followed by 80 mg every other week istically produce IL-17A.13 These homodimers and
(EOW) until week 12, followed by 80 mg every heterodimers bind to and activate the IL-17 cell
4 weeks for maintenance dosing (Fig. 13.1).1 In surface receptors IL-17RA and IL-17RC, triggering
comparison to secukinumab and brodalumab, the inflammatory cascade that leads to psoriasis
the dosing regimen for ixekizumab is more favor- lesions.13
able because there are fewer injections required Other IL-17 blocking agents include secukinu-
overall in the loading and maintenance phases mab and brodalumab. Similarly to ixekizumab,
(secukinumab requires 10 injections in the loading secukinumab (IgG1 mAb) targets IL-17A, whereas
phase, and brodalumab requires EOW injections broadalumab (IgG2 monoclonal antibody [mAb])
in the maintenance phase).3 is specifically directed against the IL-17 receptor
IL-17RA. However, as opposed to secukinumab
and broadalumab, which are fully human mAbs,
MECHANISM OF ACTION ixekinumab is a humanized mAb. Fully human
Ixekinumab is a humanized monoclonal immuno- antibodies are thought to have less immunoge-
globulin G4 (IgG4) antibody that targets the IL-17 nicity, which could in turn imply less risk for loss 153
154 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

80 mg 80 80 80 80
X2 mg mg mg mg

0 1 2 3 4 ConƟnue EOW unƟl 12 16 ConƟnue 80 mg Q4

week 12 weeks

Fig. 13.1 Ixekizumab dosing schedule. Recommended dosing for ixekizumab is a loading dose of 160 mg (two
80-mg injections) at week 0, followed by 80 mg EOW until week 12, followed by 80 mg every 4 weeks thereafter.
Available methods of subcutaneous injections include an autoinjector or a prefilled syringe, each containing 1 mL
of 80 mg ixekizumab. Self-injection is permitted so long as the dermatologist has carefully explained and evaluated
the patient’s ability to do so. Patients tend to prefer the pen over the syringe, because it is less painful, more conve-
nient, faster, and safer. Before injection, the solution should be inspected visually for particulate matter and/or
discoloration. The medication should be clear and colorless to slightly yellow, and if any variation is present, the
solution should be discarded. (Data from Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis (IN): 2016. Available at: http://pi.

of efficacy, although high-titer antibodies that patients achieving PASI-75 as early as week 2 in
affect ixekizumab efficacy are uncommon (occur- the 150-mg group as compared with placebo
ring in only about 2% of treated patients).14,15 (Table 13.1).
By week 12, there was more improvement in
PSSI score in the 25-mg, 75-mg, and 150-mg
EFFICACY groups versus placebo. Greater reduction in
Ixekizumab is highly effective in clinical trials, with NAPSI score occurred as early as week 2 versus
higher response and clearance rates than other placebo in the 75-mg group, and greater reduc-
FDA-approved psoriasis treatment agents.12,16 tion in joint-pain VAS occurred by week 12 in
the 150-mg group. DLQI score and itch severity
Phase 2 Trial and Open-Label Extension Study improved with ixekizumab treatment as well (see
A phase 2 double-blinded, multicenter, random- Table 13.1).
ized, dose-ranging study was performed in 142 A 52-week, open-label extension (OLE) study
adults (18 years or greater) with moderate-to- of this trial enrolled patients from the original
severe plaque psoriasis for at least 6 months. trial who achieved less than PASI-75 improve-
Subjects were required to have a Psoriasis Area ment from baseline (Table 13.2).18 Patients with
Severity Index (PASI) score of at least 12, Physician PASI-75 or greater entered a treatment-free
Global Assessment (PGA) score of at least 3, and a period (weeks 20–32) and were entered into the
minimum of 10% body surface area (BSA) affected OLE after falling to less than PASI-75, or at week
with psoriasis.17 Patients were randomized to 32 if PASI-75 was maintained throughout the
receive subcutaneous injections of placebo or treatment-free period.16 The 120 patients who
10 mg, 25 mg, 75 mg, or 150 mg of ixekizumab enrolled were scheduled to receive 120 mg of
at weeks 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16. The primary outcome ixekizumab every 4 weeks; 103 patients com-
was the proportion of patients achieving 75% pleted this OLE study until the end. By week 52,
improvement in PASI score (PASI-75) at 12 weeks. 77% of patients achieved PASI-75, 68% PASI-90
Secondary assessments included achievement of response, and 48% PASI-100. Patients who
PASI-90, PASI-100, PGA score, joint-pain visual responded to treatment in the original trial
analogue scale (VAS) to assess psoriatic arthritis continued to maintain high levels of response at
joint pain, Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI), week 52 (PASI-75 maintained in 95% of original
the Psoriasis Scalp Severity Index (PSSI), an itch PASI-75 responders, PASI-90 maintained in 94%
VAS, and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). of original PASI-90 responders, and PASI-100
By week 12, PASI-75 and PASI-90 were maintained in 82% of PASI-100 responders).
achieved by more patients in the 25-mg, 75-mg, Response rates were unaffected by dosing group
and 150-mg ixekizumab groups, and PASI-100 from the original trial.
by more patients in the 75-mg and 150-mg
groups (P<.001 for each PASI level and group UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3 Phase 3 Trials
vs placebo). Statistically significant differences in UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3 were both
outcome were seen as early as week 1 in the 12-week, prospective, double-blinded, multi-
75-mg and 100-mg groups, and with more center phase 3 trials in patients age 18 years or
Chapter 13 Ixekizumab 155

TABLE 13.1
Primary and secondary efficacy endpoint data after 12 weeks of study (Dermatology Life Quality
Index score after 8 weeks)
Ixekizumab Ixekizumab Ixekizumab Ixekizumab
Placebo 10 mg 25 mg 75 mg 100 mg
PASI-75 (% of patients) 8 29 77 83 82
PASI-90 (% of patients) 0 18 50 59 71
PASI-100 (% of patients) 0 0 17 38 39
NAPSI % change (from 6.8  41.1 14.3  97.8 24.0  32.8 57.1  36.7 49.3  35.9
baseline  what?)
PSSI % change (from 6.8  41.1 43.4  62.8 87.1  23.6 94.8  14.5 84.8  41.5
Joint-pain VAS score 4.8  48.2 5.9  47.6 17.0  28.1 18.6  13.4 39.0  27.5
change (from baseline)
DLQI score change 2.4  4.4 Not provided 7.1  6.5 8.5  5.1 7.8  5.7
(at 8 wk)
Data from Leonardi C, Matheson R, Zachariae C, et al. Antiinterleukin-17 monoclonal antibody ixekizumab in chronic plaque
psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2012;366(13):1190–9.

greater, designed to assess whether ixekizumab patients given placebo, and 5% and 28% of pa-
every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks was superior to tients given etanercept, respectively. Greater
placebo and noninferior or superior to etaner- DLQI improvement in patients receiving ixekizu-
cept.16 Trial patients were required to have a mab was observed as soon as week 2 and in
diagnosis of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis greater proportions thereafter compared with
(defined as >10% BSA, PGA score of 3 or greater, placebo and etanercept (P<.0001). Greater
PASI score of 12 or more) for at least 6 months. A improvement in itch NRS scores occurred with ixe-
total of 1224 patients in UNCOVER-2 and 1346 kizumab versus placebo and etanercept (P<.0001
patients in UNCOVER-3 were randomized in a for each ixekizumab dose vs placebo or etaner-
2:2:2:1 ratio to receive 1 of 2 dosing schedules cept) (Fig. 13.2, Table 13.3).
of ixekizumab, etanercept, or placebo. These Overall, these studies demonstrated that
dosing schedules consisted of a 160-mg loading ixekizumab has greater efficacy in the treat-
dose of ixekizumab followed by 80 mg every ment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis than pla-
2 weeks or every 4 weeks, etanercept 50 mg twice cebo and etanercept. PASI-75 was achieved by
weekly, or placebo injections. Primary endpoints 90% of patients by week 12 in patients
of this study were achievement of PASI-75 or receiving ixekizumab every 2 weeks, with rapid
greater and static physician global assessment onset of efficacy.
(sPGA) scores of clear or minimal with at least a
2-point reduction from baseline at the start of
the 12 weeks. Secondary assessments included Efficacy in Other Forms of Psoriasis
sPGA, PASI-90, PASI-100, itch numeric rating A Japanese open-label study of ixekizumab inves-
scale (NRS), and DLQI. tigated efficacy in erythrodermic psoriasis (EP)
Both dosing regimens of ixekizumab had and generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) in addi-
greater efficacy than placebo and etanercept at tion to moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.19 A
week 12 (P<.0001). In addition, greater numbers total of 78 plaque psoriasis, 8 EP, and 5 GPP pa-
of ixekizumab-treated patients achieved PASI-75 tients received standard loading and maintenance
as early as week 1 as compared with etanercept doses of ixekizumab. By week 12, PASI-75 and
(UNCOVER-2: P<.0001 for 4-week group, PASI-90 were achieved by 98.7% (77/88) and
P 5 .22 for 2-week group; UNCOVER-3: P 5 .35 83.3% (65/78) of plaque psoriasis patients, 100%
for 4-week group, P 5 .0003 for 2-week group). (8/8) and 62.5% (5/8) of EP patients, and 80%
In UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3, complete (4/5) and 60% (3/5) of GPP patients, respectively.
clearing occurred in 41% and 38% of patients Overall, these results emphasize the potential of
given ixekizumab every 2 weeks, 31% and 35% ixekizumab to treat less common forms of
given ixekizumab every 4 weeks, 0.6% and 0% of psoriasis.
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
TABLE 13.2
Safety data from phase 2 trial and open-label extension study
Placebo Ixekizumab Ixekizumab Ixekizumab Ixekizumab OLE Study
(n 5 27) 10 mg (n 5 28) 25 mg (n 5 30) 75 mg (n 5 29) 150 mg (n 5 28) (n 5 120)
Serious AEs 0 0 0 0 0 8.3% (10)
Serious infection — — — — — 1.7% (2)
Cardiovascular — — — — — 2.5% (3)
Malignancy (rectal cancer) — — — — — 0.8% (1)
Hidradenitis suppurativa — — — — — 0.8% (1)
AEs 63% (17) 75% (21) 70% (21) 59% (17) 46% (13) 66.7% (80)
Nasopharyngitis 19% (5) 11% (3) 10% (3) 10% (3) 14% (4) 10% (12)
Upper respiratory infection (URI) 4% (1) 4% (1) 10% (3) 3% (1) 4% (1) 7.5% (9)
Sinusitis — — — — — 4.2% (5)
Diarrhea — — — — — 4.2% (5)
Basal cell carcinoma — — — — — 0.8% (1)
Allergy/hypersensitivity 7% (2) 4% (1) 3% (1) 7% (2) 4% (1) —
Injection-site reaction 0 0 10% (3) 3% (1) 7% (2) —
Headache 4% (1) 14% (4) 13% (4) 3% (1) 4% (1) —
Chapter 13 Ixekizumab 157

84.2 UNCOVER-2
Percentage of PaƟents

70.7 UNCOVER-3



41.6 40.5


7.3 7.3
2.4 3.1
0.6 0.6 0


PASI 75 PASI 90 PASI 100
Fig. 13.2 Clinical responses from UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3 after 12 weeks. E, etanercept; IX2, ixekizumab
every 2 weeks; IX4, ixekizumab every 4 weeks; P, placebo.

SAFETY common AEs reported were nasopharyngitis, up-

Phase 2 Trial and OLE Study per respiratory infection, injection-site reaction,
In the 12-week phase 2 trial, adverse events (AEs) and headache; however, there were no dose-
were reported in 63% of patients in both the related trends in the incidence or severity of these
ixekizumab groups and the placebo groups.17 events.
No serious AEs, including death, or major cardio- In the 52-week OLE study, the exposure-
vascular events were reported, although the study adjusted incidence rates were 0.47 per patient-
duration and size were not long or large enough year for AEs and 0.06 per patient-year for serious
to adequately detect such events. The most AEs.18 Adverse events were reported in 67%

TABLE 13.3
Safety data from UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3
Ixekizumab 2-wk Ixekizumab 4-wk Etanercept Placebo
Group (n 5 734) Group (n 5 729) (n 5 739) (n 5 360)
Serious AE 2% (14) 2% (14) 2% (14) 2% (7)
Infection 26% (190) 26% (191) 22% (159) 21% (74)
Adverse events 58% (424) 58% (419) 54% (399) 44% (160)
Nasopharyngitis 8% (61) 8% (58) 7% (55) 8% (28)
URI 4% (27) 3% (24) 5% (34) 3% (12)
Injection site reaction 10% (76) 9% (62) 11% (80) 1% (4)
Pruritus 2% (14) 2% (16) 1% (8) 1% (5)
Headache 5% (33) 5% (34) 4% (31) 2% (8)
Arthralgia 3% (20) 3% (18) 2% (17) 2% (8)
158 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

(n 5 80) of patients. There was 1 reported case of currently ongoing (UNCOVER-1, UNCOVER-2,
a thalamic infarction as determined by clinical UNCOVER-3).
signs and symptoms (no imaging reported).
Serious AEs were reported in 8% (n 5 10) of pa- Summary and Additional Safety Concerns
tients, the most notable being 1 patient with Warnings and precautions on the FDA label for
rectal cancer and 1 patient with depression and ixekizumab include infections, TB, and inflamma-
suicide attempt. There were no cases of major tory bowel disease (IBD).1 Safety data from clinical
cardiac events, tuberculosis (TB), invasive fungal trials show that ixekizumab is well tolerated over-
infection, or deaths. The safety data from this trial all. Rates of nasopharyngitis and upper respira-
are limited by the lack of a control group as well as tory tract infection were equal among all
possible bias toward OLE retention of patients treatment groups in all trials, including the long-
without safety concerns. term OLE study. There were no cases of multiple
sclerosis or reports of laboratory abnormalities
UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER 3 indicating end-organ toxicity in any of the trials,
In the combined data from these 2 large-scale and other serious AEs were limited to isolated
phase 3 trials, the percentage of patients cases.
who experienced an AE was higher in both ixe-
kizumab dosing groups and etanercept groups Mucosal inflammation and inflammatory bowel
as compared with the placebo group. Serious disease
AEs were reported in 1.9% (n 5 28) of Given the role of IL-17A as an effector cytokine at
ixekizumab-treated patients (both dosing skin and mucosal surfaces, and its overexpression
groups), 1.9% (n 5 14) of etanercept-treated in intestinal tissue in Crohn disease, it was origi-
patients, and 1.9% (n 5 7) of placebo patients.16 nally thought that IL-17A inhibition may improve
The most common AEs were nasopharyngitis, symptoms of Crohn. A study on secukinumab
upper respiratory tract infection, injection-site for patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn, how-
reactions/erythema/pain, pruritus, headache, ever, was terminated prematurely after secukinu-
and arthralgia. mab was ineffective and associated with a high
Overall, infections were more frequent with ixe- number of AEs in comparison to placebo.20
kizumab treatment than etanercept or placebo, Blockade of IL-17A may rarely be associated
although less than 1% of these were severe. There with increased mucosal inflammation.12,21 The
were 14 reported cases of mucocutaneous Candida phase 3 trial data on ixekizumab reported 1 case
infection in ixekizumab-treated patients, 5 cases in of exacerbated ulcerative colitis in a patient
etanercept-treated patients, and 2 cases in placebo receiving ixekizumab every 2 weeks that required
patients. There were no reported cases of TB. Less mesalazine dose escalation, and 1 new onset case
than 4% of patients experienced allergic or hyper- of Crohn disease in a patient receiving ixekizumab
sensitivity reactions, but these were more frequent every 2 weeks that had no previous history of
in ixekizumab-treated patients (n 5 50, 3% of pa- chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.16
tients) as opposed to etanercept (n 5 18, 2% of pa-
tients) or placebo (n 5 7, 2% of patients). Most of Neutropenia
these hypersensitivity cases were mild in severity, IL-17 may play a role in the mobilization and
with the exception of 1 case of leukocytoclastic homeostasis of neutrophils22; thus, IL-17 blockade
vasculitis that progressed to a serious AE resulting may be associated with neutropenia in psoriasis
in a hospital admission. patients. In the 12-week phase 2 trial, 2 ixekizu-
Major adverse cardiovascular events included mab-treated patients had Common Terminology
1 myocardial infarction in an etanercept-treated Criteria for Adverse Events grade 2 neutropenia
patient, 1 cerebral embolism in an ixekizumab- (1000 to <1500 cells per cubic milliliter) with no
treated patient (every 4 weeks), and 1 acute concurrent infection.17 In the OLE study, there
myocardial infarction in a placebo patient. was no effect on mean neutrophil count in patients
Overall, the safety profiles from these phase 3 on prolonged ixekizumab treatment, and no cases
trials at week 12 were comparable to the phase 2 of neutropenia higher than grade 2.18 In the com-
trials at week 20 and comparable with etanercept. bined phase 3 trial data, grade 3 neutropenia
Most AEs were mild to moderate in severity, and (500 to <1000 cells per cubic milliliter) occurred
there were no clear discrepancies in rates of in 2 ixekizumab-treated patients (every 2 weeks),
serious infection, malignancy, or major cardio- 4 etanercept-treated patients, and 1 placebo-
vascular events as compared with placebo. The treated patient.16 Grade 4 neutropenia (<500 cells
safety data from this trial are limited by its short per cubic milliliter) occurred in 1 patient treated
duration; however, longer-term studies are with ixekizumab (every 4 weeks) that normalized
Chapter 13 Ixekizumab 159

at a 2-day retest. None of these patients had a Hypersensitivity Reactions

concurrent infection. Ixekizumab-associated angioedema and urticarial
reactions have been reported in clinical trials
Suicide (0.1%); however, there were no anaphylaxis
There have been limited data on a possible asso- events reported from the UNCOVER trials.1,17,18 If
ciation of suicide risk in patients treated with the serious hypersensitivity reactions ensue, the drug
IL-17 receptor blocker brodalumab; however, should be discontinued immediately and appro-
there have been no reported cases of suicide in priate therapy initiated. The ixekizumab autoinjec-
patients treated with ixekizumab.12 Treatment- tor and prefilled syringe do not contain latex.1
emergent depression was reported in 1 placebo
patient, 3 etanercept-treated patients, and 5 Pregnancy
ixekizumab-treated patients in the phase 3 tri- There is currently no available information
als.16 There were 2 cases of suicide attempt re- regarding ixekizumab use in pregnancy and asso-
ported in ixekizumab-treated patients: 1 of ciated risks. Human forms of IgG cross the
these patients had a prior history of suicide placental barrier; thus, ixekizumab may be trans-
attempt, and both cases were preceded by mitted from the mother to fetus. However, the au-
important psychological triggers not attributed thors of this section advise that use in pregnant
to ixekizumab.16 women, if needed, is not likely to cause a serious
medical issue.

Caution should be exercised when considering The information presented is primarily based on
ixekizumab in patients with chronic infection or psoriasis guidelines from the American Academy
history of recurrent infection.1 In the event of of Dermatology (AAD).11
serious infection, discontinue ixekinumab and A thorough history and physical examination
closely monitor patients until infection resolves. should be taken before initiation of ixekizumab
therapy, including TB exposure, chronic/recurrent
Tuberculosis infections, malignancy, neurologic and cardiac
As is the case with all immunomodulatory agents history, and a thorough review of systems. Routine
in the treatment of plaque psoriasis, ixekizumab is follow-up examinations should adequately
contraindicated in patients with active TB.1 All pa- monitor patients for side effects and AEs.24
tients should be evaluated for TB before treat- Aside from baseline TB test, annual moni-
ment based on risk factors and screened for toring for TB, and a baseline hepatitis profile,
latent TB before initiation and during therapy. A routine laboratory testing beyond that for
purified protein derivative (PPD) screen with concomitant therapies or comorbidities is gener-
5-mm or greater induration is considered positive, ally not supported.25 The highest grade US Pre-
even in those with a history of BCG vaccination.23 ventive Services Task Force evidence for
There are currently no reports of reactivated screening studies is grade B for TB testing (inter-
latent TB in any ixekizumab psoriasis clinical trials; feron-g [IFN-g] release assay is preferred over tu-
thus, additional observational and focused studies berculin skin testing), and hepatitis B virus/
are needed to further evaluate the full range of hepatitis C virus screening is supported only by
side effects of ixekizumab. grade C evidence.26 The AAD recommends
baseline PPD, liver function tests (LFTs), and
Inflammatory Bowel Disease complete blood count (CBC). Periodic history
Use of ixekizumab in the presence of IBD is not a and physical examinations are recommended as
contraindication, although caution should be well, and yearly PPD and periodic LFTs and
taken when initiating therapy in this patient popu- CBC can be considered for ongoing monitoring
lation because studies have suggested potential (Tables 13.4 and 13.5).24
worsening of the IBD.1 The phase 3 study showed The Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
that blockade of IL-17A was associated with more tion recommends TB testing before the therapy
episodes of Crohn (0.1%) and ulcerative colitis initiation as well.23 Positive skin test findings
(0.2%) as compared with placebo.1,16 Although should be followed with a chest radiograph; if
IBD exacerbations were uncommon, the possibil- negative, patients should be treated for latent
ity of IBD flares should be considered in patients TB (6–9 months of 300 mg isoniazid daily and/
who receive ixekizumab and have active or past or 4 months of 600 mg daily rifampicin),27 and
history of IBD. if positive, patients should receive therapy for
160 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

TABLE 13.4 active TB. Biologic therapy may be started after 1

Monitoring recommendations from the to 2 months of prophylactic treatment if the pa-
American Academy of Dermatology tient is adherent to and tolerating the prophylac-
tic regimen.28 If a patient has a positive PPD
because of prior BCG vaccination, blood tests
History and Baseline and routine can be obtained measuring IFN production on
physical stimulation with TB antigens that are not present
CBC Baseline and periodically in BCG. Most guidelines perform annual TB skin
LFTs Baseline and periodically testing in patients receiving ixekizumab to screen
for the TB reactivation, especially in those at risk
TB skin test Baseline and annually after
(ie, health care workers, travelers to endemic
Hepatitis profile Not specified areas).

TABLE 13.5
Vaccination recommendations from the National Psoriasis Foundation
Vaccination Before Therapy During Therapy
Live vaccines (MMR, varicella, Contraindicated within 1 mo Contraindicated
herpes zoster, intranasal
influenza, oral typhoid, yellow
fever, oral polio, smallpox, BCG,
Influenza Vaccinate with inactivated or live Yearly immunization with
inactivated vaccine
Chicken pox If negative serology, vaccinate Contraindicated
Zoster Before therapy: 1 dose for Contraindicated
adults 50 y
Human papillomavirus Unvaccinated males/female Same
patients up to age 26
Hepatitis A Vaccinate if high risk (diabetes, Same; consider obtaining
liver disease, intravenous drug postvaccination serology
users, homosexual men, and so
Hepatitis B Serology, risk factor assessment. High-dose vaccine
Offer vaccination if necessary Consider obtaining serology
Pneumococcal Pneumococcal polysaccharide Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine (PPSV23) vaccine vaccine followed by
recommended PPSV23 if not given prior
H aemophilus influenzae type b Vaccinate if unvaccinated Same
MMR Vaccinate if negative, or Contraindicated
seronegative to any component
Tetanus-diphtheria/diphtheria- Booster every 10 y and high-risk Same
tetanus-acellular pertussis wounds
(TDAP) Offer before therapy, substitute 1
dose with TDAP
Meningococcal Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high Same
risk (asplenia, complement
deficient, group living)
Poliomyelitis Assess risk factors, vaccinate if high Same
risk (health care worker,
laboratory worker)
From Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation: monitoring and
vaccinations in patients treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58(1):94–105; with permission.
Chapter 13 Ixekizumab 161

The authors of this section recommend initial REFERENCES

baseline monitoring that includes a Quanti- 1. Eli Lilly and Company [Internet]. Indianapolis (IN):
FERON-TB Gold (QFT), LFTs, CBC, and hepatitis [publisher unknown]; 2016. Available at: http://pi.
B and hepatitis C profile. QFT should be repeated
annually. 2. Lilly’s ixekizumab met primary endpoint in a phase 3
study investigating the treatment of psoriatic
arthritis (NYSE: LLY). N.p., 2016.
VACCINATIONS Web. 16 June 2016.
Because of the possibility that biologic agents 3. Farahnik B, Beroukhim K, Zhu TH, et al. Ixekizumab
may impair the body’s immunologic response to for the treatment of psoriasis: a review of phase III
vaccinations, administration of vaccinations trials. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) 2016;6(1):25–37.
should be carefully considered in patients re- 4. Blauvelt A. New concepts in the pathogenesis
ceiving biologic therapy.24 Live vaccines (measles, and treatment of psoriasis: key roles for IL-23,
mumps, and rubella [MMR], varicella, zoster, intra- IL-17A and TGF-b1. Expert Rev Dermatol 2007;
nasal influenza, and so forth) are contraindicated 2(1):69–78.
in patients receiving ixekizumab according to 5. Fitch E, Harper E, Skorcheva I, et al. Pathophysi-
the FDA-approved label; this label seems to be ology of psoriasis: recent advances on IL-23 and
based on lack of evidence of safety for use of Th17 cytokines. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2007;9(6):
live vaccines in this setting rather than on data 461–7.
showing (or even a theoretic risk that) there would 6. Nestle FO, Kaplan DH, Barker J. Psoriasis. N Engl J
be a problem. Med 2009;361(5):496–509.
Scientifically based/standardized recommen- 7. Lowes MA, Suárez-Fariñas M, Krueger JG. Immu-
dations for administering biologically inactive or nology of psoriasis. Annu Rev Immunol 2014;32:
recombinant vaccines to patients on biologic 227–55.
agents are lacking. A study conducted on inacti- 8. Lowes MA, Kikuchi T, Fuentes-Duculan J, et al. Pso-
vated trivalent subunit influenza virus and conju- riasis vulgaris lesions contain discrete populations
gate group C meningococcal vaccinations in of Th1 and Th17 T cells. J Invest Dermatol 2008;
healthy patients using secukinumab demon- 128(5):1207–11.
strated that IL-17A blockade does not interfere 9. Kagami S, Rizzo HL, Lee JJ, et al. Circulating Th17,
with the effectiveness of these vaccines, as Th22, and Th1 cells are increased in psoriasis.
assessed by levels of antibody protection.29 How- J Invest Dermatol 2010;130(5):1373–83.
ever, further studies may be needed in order to 10. Weaver CT, Hatton RD, Mangan PR, et al. IL-17
confirm vaccine effectiveness with secukinumab family cytokines and the expanding diversity of
and ixekizumab use. effector T cell lineages. Annu Rev Immunol 2007;
It is preferable to complete all age-appropriate 25:821–52.
immunizations according to current immunization 11. Krueger JG, Fretzin S, Suárez-Fariñas M, et al.
guidelines before initiating biologic therapy. The IL-17A is essential for cell activation and inflamma-
production of antibodies from the vaccine gener- tory gene circuits in subjects with psoriasis.
ally occurs in the 2-week period from primary J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012;130(1):145–54.e9.
immunization, but could take more than 6 weeks 12. Blauvelt A. Ixekizumab: a new anti-IL-17A
to peak. monoclonal antibody therapy for moderate-to se-
vere plaque psoriasis. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2016;
SUMMARY 13. Gaffen SL, Jain R, Garg AV, et al. The IL-23-IL-17
Ixekizumab has greater efficacy compared with immune axis: from mechanisms to therapeutic
most FDA-approved agents available to patients testing. Nat Rev Immunol 2014;14(9):585–600.
with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, based on 14. Gao SH, Huang K, Tu H, et al. Monoclonal antibody
data from clinical trials.12 More data are needed humanness score and its applications. BMC Bio-
from prospective registries, after-marketing sur- technol 2013;13:55.
veillance, and additional studies to provide con- 15. Levin EC, Gupta R, Brown G, et al. Biologic fatigue
clusive information and guidelines on efficacy, in psoriasis. J Dermatolog Treat 2014;25(1):78–82.
safety, monitoring, vaccinations, and use in 16. Griffiths CEM, Reich K, Lebwohl M, et al. Compari-
specialized populations. However, ixekizumab son of ixekizumab with etanercept or placebo in
does offer significant potential for complete clear- moderate-to-severe psoriasis (UNCOVER-2 and
ance of psoriasis and may become a first-line UNCOVER-3): results from two phase 3 randomised
biologic agent.12 trials. Lancet 2015;386(9993):541–51.
162 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

17. Leonardi C, Matheson R, Zachariae C, et al. Anti- 24. Lebwohl M, Bagel J, Gelfand JM, et al. From the
interleukin-17 monoclonal antibody ixekizumab in Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Founda-
chronic plaque psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2012; tion: monitoring and vaccinations in patients
366(13):1190–9. treated with biologics for psoriasis. J Am Acad
18. Gordon KB, Leonardi CL, Lebwohl M, et al. A 52- Dermatol 2008;58(1):94–105.
week, open-label study of the efficacy and safety 25. van Lümig PPM, Driessen RJB, Roelofs-
of ixekizumab, an anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal Thijssen MA, et al. Relevance of laboratory investi-
antibody, in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis. gations in monitoring patients with psoriasis on
J Am Acad Dermatol 2014;71(6):1176–82. etanercept or adalimumab. Br J Dermatol 2011;
19. Saeki H, Nakagawa H, Ishii T, et al. Efficacy and 165(2):375–82.
safety of open-label ixekizumab treatment in Japa- 26. Ahn CS, Dothard EH, Garner ML, et al. To test or not
nese patients with moderate-to-severe plaque to test? An updated evidence-based assessment of
psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis and generalized the value of screening and monitoring tests when
pustular psoriasis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol using systemic biologic agents to treat psoriasis
2015;29(6):1148–55. and psoriatic arthritis. J Am Acad Dermatol 2015;
20. Hueber W, Sands BE, Lewitzky S, et al. Secuki- 73(3):420–8.e1.
numab, a human anti-IL-17A monoclonal anti- 27. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent
body, for moderate to severe Crohn’s disease: tuberculosis infection. American Thoracic Society.
unexpected results of a randomised, double- MMWR Recomm Rep 2000;49(RR-6):1–51.
blind placebo-controlled trial. Gut 2012;61(12): 28. Doherty SD, Van Voorhees A, Lebwohl MG, et al.
1693–700. National Psoriasis Foundation consensus statement
21. Langley RG, Elewski BE, Lebwohl M, et al. Secukinu- on screening for latent tuberculosis infection in
mab in plaque psoriasis–results of two phase 3 patients with psoriasis treated with systemic and
trials. N Engl J Med 2014;371(4):326–38. biologic agents. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59(2):
22. Kolls JK, Lindén A. Interleukin-17 family members 209–17.
and inflammation. Immunity 2004;21(4):467–76. 29. Chioato A, Noseda E, Stevens M, et al. Treatment
23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guide with the interleukin-17A-blocking antibody secuki-
for primary health care providers: targeted tubercu- numab does not interfere with the efficacy of influ-
lin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis in- enza and meningococcal vaccinations in healthy
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TargetedLTBI05.pdf. Accessed May 1, 2016. Immunol 2012;19(10):1597–602.
Shivani P. Reddy, BS, Catherine Ni, MD, Jashin J. Wu, MD

 Biosimilar  Inflectra  Remsima  CT-P13  Infliximab-dyyb

 Through the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation act, the US Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) has defined a biosimilar as a biologic product that is highly similar to the original
product notwithstanding minor differences in clinically inactive components.
 Preclinical analytical assessments are used to determine variations in biosimilar agents and are
critical for their approval.
 Inflectra (infliximab-dyyb, CT-P13), a recently approved biosimilar by the FDA, is indicated in pa-
tients with chronic severe psoriasis when other systemic therapies are medically less appropriate.

INTRODUCTION licensure pathway for biologic products that

The development of biosimilar agents such as tu- were “biosimilar” to, or interchangeable with,
mor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors has significant the original biologic product.1 Through the
potential to change the standards of psoriasis BCPI act, the US Food and Drug Administration
therapy in forthcoming years. The availability of (FDA) has defined a biosimilar as a biologic prod-
biologic drugs for the treatment of moderate-to- uct that is highly similar to the original product
severe psoriasis has revolutionized psoriasis treat- notwithstanding minor differences in clinically
ment, and, as the patents for these medications inactive components. No clinically meaningful
(adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab) are expiring differences between the biologic and the bio-
soon, dermatologists can expect increased advo- similar in terms of safety, purity, and potency
cacy for biosimilars. can exist. These aspects of the biosimilar drug
The development of biosimilars is not the same must be demonstrated through analytical
as developing a generic, in part because biologics studies, animal studies, and at least 1 clinical
are so much more complex than small molecule study, unless the FDA deems it unnecessary.
drugs. Biologics are so complex that no company The biosimilar, however, does not need to
can duplicate them, not even the originator com- demonstrate its independent efficacy and safety
pany. Each batch of an innovator biologic may for FDA approval, as is typically required for the
differ in small ways from other batches. Variation original biologic off which it is modeled.1
within an innovator product occurs and is accept- The greatest potential for biosimilar agents in
able as long as it is not thought to have clinical im- the treatment of psoriasis is in association with
plications. Similarly, biosimilars are not identical TNF inhibitors (infliximab, etanercept, and adali-
to the innovator product but can be marketed if mumab); however, many clinical trials investigating
the differences between the biosimilar and the these biosimilar agents are currently in the prelim-
innovator are sufficiently small that no clinical inary stages and results have yet to be published.
implications are expected. An extensive array of An infliximab biosimilar by the brand name of
data is required to demonstrate biosimilarity Inflectra was recently approved in April 2016
(more data than are required of batch-to-batch by the FDA for the treatment of adult severe pla-
variants in the innovator product). que psoriasis, adult and pediatric moderately-
The Biologics Price Competition and Innova- to-severely active Crohn disease unresponsive to
tion (BCPI) act was created as a part of the conventional therapy, moderate-to-severe rheu-
Affordable Care Act in 2010 as an abbreviated matoid arthritis in combination with methotrexate,
164 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

active ankylosing spondylitis, and active psoriatic structures.6 Glycosylation, folding, charge, the
arthritis. presence of impurities, and individual amino
acid variants can differ and potentially alter the
function of the protein product.7,8 In addition,
SMALL MOLECULE GENERIC DRUGS biosimilars can undergo physical and chemical
In approving a generic drug, the FDA requires degradation such as deamidation, cleavage, and
pharmaceutical equivalence to the reference aggregation; these changes can make a molecule
drug (identical amounts of same active drug more likely to be recognized by the body as
ingredient in the same dosage form and foreign (Table 14.1).9
route of administration), bioequivalence to the Preclinical analytical assessments are used to
reference drug, and adequate labeling and determine these variations and are critical for
manufacturing.2 Bioequivalence is generally approval of these biosimilar agents. There are
used to establish similarity between a generic approximately 40 different analytical methods
drug and reference drug and is defined as the that are used to assess approximately 100 various
absence of significant differences in the avail- drug attributes.5
ability of the active ingredient at the site of Drug companies are required by the FDA
drug action.3 Two drugs are bioequivalent if to provide information on any manufacturing
the 90% confidence intervals (CIs) of pharmaco- changes as well as bioanalytical data character-
kinetic parameters (maximum concentration, izing each drug batch.10 Posttranslational modifi-
area under the curve) of generic-to-reference cations are evaluated using mass spectrometry,
drug ratios fall within 80% to 125%. This bio- assessing for glycosylation, phosphorylation,
equivalence ensures that the rate and extent of acetylation, sulfation, glycation, and charge.11,12
absorption of the generic drug does not differ If minor changes do exist, however, the FDA
from the reference drug.3
Generic drugs approved by the FDA have the
same high-quality, strength, purity, and stability
as the reference drug. In addition, the generic TABLE 14.1
manufacturing, packaging, and testing sites Comparison of characteristics of small
must pass the same quality standards as those molecule drugs, biologic agents, generic small
of brand name drugs.4 molecule drugs, and biosimilar agents
Small molecule drug Biologic agent
 Chemically  Produced in living
ANALYTICAL ASSESSMENTS  Low molecular weight  Medium to high mo-
The creation of original biologic agents takes place (100–1000 Da) lecular weight (18–
in unique genetically bioengineered cell lines.  Commonly orally 150 kDa)
Companies that produce biosimilar agents do not delivered  Commonly parenter-
have access to these specific cell lines and thus  Less immunogenicity ally delivered
use new cell lines to produce biosimilars. This, in  Same chemical entity  Greater
from batch to batch immunogenicity
addition to the other multiple steps involved in pro-
 Biologic agents are
duction, induces variations in the biosimilar from not identical from
the original reference biologic agent, which are batch to batch
determined in preclinical analytical assessments.5
Generic small Biosimilar agent
The process of creating the biosimilar
molecule drug
involves recombinant DNA that encodes the
exact same amino acid sequence as the  Bioequivalent to  Protein backbone is
originator biologic. This recombinant DNA is reference drug3 identical; however,
 Same strength, purity, there is increased
placed within a plasmid and transfected into a
and stability variation from biologic
new cell line in order to produce the biosimilar  Demonstrating clinical agent due to hetero-
protein product, which is then collected and pu- efficacy and safety is geneity in posttransla-
rified. This entire process is tightly optimized not required for tional modifications,
and monitored to minimize variation from the regulatory approval degradation, and so
reference biologic.5 forth
In comparison to the creation of generic small  Clinical comparative
molecule drugs, which are produced by chemical studies are necessary
synthesis, the creation of biosimilars occurs within to demonstrate
living cells and can involve quaternary folding of bioequivalence
Chapter 14 Biosimilars 165

does not necessarily mandate clinical studies to biosimilarity, 1 phase I trial for pharmacokinetics
re-evaluate efficacy. or a single pivotal phase 3 trial is required for
In addition, functional assays are necessary to FDA approval.18,19
compare the biosimilar agent to the biologic Biosimilar companies have argued that clinical
agent. Functional assays includes the evaluation studies should not be required to be repeated
of drug binding affinity and avidity to the target with each manufacturing change, especially if
and ability to neutralize target cytokines.13 End companies producing biologics are not required
product assessments include evaluation of impu- to.5 The inability to exactly replicate each batch
rities, aggregates, product stability (shelf-life of drug is true for the reference biologic agents
and temperature alterations), and product de- as well as for the biosimilars. For example, Schiestl
vices for delivery (autoinjectors and prefilled and colleagues7 analyzed the biochemical finger-
syringes).14 print of etanercept and found that it varied by
20% to 40% in basic variants and degree of
REGULATION Although the biosimilar regulation pathway
Given the increased complexity in developing differs between various regions of the world, the
biosimilars as compared with generic molecules, guidelines for approval and licensing are similar
they are susceptible to more stringent regulato- between main organizations (EMA, FDA, and
ry pathways to maintain the quality and safety of World Health Organization). The stringent ana-
the drug. The European Medicines Agency lyses of structural and functional components of
(EMA) was the first organization to develop a biosimilar will help assure quality, efficacy, and
and publish guidelines for biosimilars develop- safety of this novel therapy.
ment,15 and the FDA has released 7 guidances
for the development of biosimilars at present.16
The FDA recommends a stepwise totality-of-the- EXTRAPOLATION
evidence approach in assessing biosimilarity Although biosimilars have primarily been studied
demonstration (Fig. 14.1).17 Both agencies in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
require the primary amino acid sequence, po- patients, approval has been extended to multiple
tency, dose, and route of administration of the indications. There is much debate about what
biosimilar and biologic product to be identical, clinical and scientific data should be required for
and any differences in higher-order structure approval for extrapolation of indications and
and posttranslational modifications must be whether biosimilars should have to repeat studies
minimal and cannot impact safety, efficacy, or that have already been conducted by the original
immunogenicity.18,19 In order to demonstrate reference biologic.20

Analytic Studies

Preclinical Assessments
Analytic Studies
Clinical Pharmacology
Preclinical Assessments
Clinical Studies
Clinical Pharmacology

Clinical Studies

Originator Biosimilar Agent

Fig. 14.1 Emphasis of approval steps for biosimilar agents versus originator biologic. The emphasis on different
developmental steps to approval of a biosimilar agent is different than that of the originator biologic agent. Analyt-
ical studies form the basis for approval of biosimilar agents, whereas clinical studies form the basis for approval of
originator biologic agents. (Data from US Food and Drug Administration. Scientific considerations in demonstrating
biosimilarity to a reference product: guidance for industry. 2015. Available at:
DrugsGuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM291128.pdf. Accessed March 8, 2016.)
166 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

There are several issues that the FDA states infliximab, any inactive components of the prod-
should be justified scientifically in order to uct, or murine proteins.22 The precautions in
consider extrapolation of indications. The first Inflectra administration are largely similar to those
is that the mechanism of action in the condition in infliximab administration.
of use—including the target/receptor for each The major measurable physicochemical char-
activity/function of the biosimilar, binding, dose/ acteristics and biological activities of infliximab-
concentration response, pattern of molecular dyyb and reference infliximab that have been
signaling on engagement of target receptors, assessed are comparable between the 2 agents
relationship between biosimilar structure and (Box 14.1).23,24
target/receptor interactions, and location
and expression of the target/receptors—should
be the same. The pharmacokinetics and bio- CLINICAL TRIALS
distribution in various patient populations, differ- There are currently no clinical trial data published
ences in expected toxicities in each indication for biosimilars in psoriasis; however, there are
and patient population, and any other factors limited data available for infliximab-dyyb in
affecting safety and/or effectiveness of the bio- rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis
similar in each indication and patient population patients. There are 2 registered studies for
are all issues that should all be addressed as an adalimumab biosimilar and 1 registered
well.21 study for an etanercept biosimilar in psoriasis
The EMA and FDA both deemed that when patients.27
the mechanism of action differs between various The PLANETRA study was conducted in 606
indications or is not fully understood, separate patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the PLAN-
clinical trials should be conducted.19 In obtaining ETAS study was conducted in 250 patients with
data, the most sensitive patient population and ankylosing spondylitis on the infliximab-dyyb bio-
clinical endpoint should be used in order to similar to infliximab. The results of these studies
determine clinically meaningful differences in ef-
ficacy and safety.19 In order to minimize varia-
tions in response to biosimilar therapy due to
individual patient characteristics, clinicians BOX 14.1
should give careful attention to comorbidities Comparable physiochemical attributes of
Inflectra (infliximab-dyyb, CT-P13) to
and concomitant medications and try to keep
populations homogenous in order to appropri-
ately attribute differences in response to the bio- Amino acid sequences are identical. Fourier-
similar.20 These clarifications and precautions transform infrared spectroscopy and other
are important given that biologic therapies are structural analyses indicate that secondary/
often approved for multiple diseases with tertiary structures are highly comparable.26
different pathogeneses, as is trying to be done Binding affinities for TNF and other infliximab
with biosimilars. ligands are highly similar. Neither binds
Extent of TNF neutralization was
INFLECTRA equivalent.23,25
Inflectra (infliximab-dyyb, CT-P13) is indicated in Apoptosis and complement-dependent
patients with chronic severe psoriasis when other cytotoxicity levels were equivalent in a
systemic therapies are medically less appropriate. transmembrane TNF-expressing Jurkat cell
It was initially approved by the European Medi- line.23,25
cines Association in September 2013 and mar- Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was
keted under the name Remsima, based on comparable between Inflectra and infliximab
several clinical and nonclinical studies described in vitro, using peripheral blood mononuclear
in this chapter. cells or whole blood from patients with
The recommended dosing of Inflectra in pla- CD20.25
que psoriasis is 5 mg/kg given intravenously at Deamidation and oxidation profiles are similar.
weeks 0, 2, and 6 followed by a maintenance Although some numerical differences in
regimen of 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks thereafter. glycosylation exist, overall type and
It is contraindicated in patients with moderate- distribution of glycans observed in Inflectra
to-severe heart failure (New York Heart Associa- and infliximab are similar.23,25
tion Class 3 or 4) as well as in patients that have Data from Refs.23–26
displayed a severe hypersensitivity reaction to
Chapter 14 Biosimilars 167

indicated no clinically relevant differences in effi- unknown (as is the degree of interchangeability
cacy and safety.26,28 between different batches of innovator prod-
In the PLANETRA study, patients with ucts), and the FDA has not provided guidance
inadequate response to methotrexate were on this. Interchangeability may lead to
randomized 1:1 to receive either infliximab-dyyb repeated switching between the biosimilar
or infliximab. After 54 weeks of study, the Amer- and reference biologic (which currently
ican College of Rheumatology 20 response in happens with different batches of the inno-
both groups was very similar (infliximab-dyyb vator product), which could lead to increased
74.7%, reference product 71.3%), as was the immunogenicity and potentially compromise
safety profile and immunogenicity.29 the safety and efficacy of either agent
In the PLANETAS study, patients were ran- (although there will be more data that this
domized 1:1 to receive either infliximab-dyyb or does not occur with the use of the biosimilar
infliximab. By week 54 of study, the Assessment than is currently available for different batches
of Spondylo Arthritis International Society of the innovator).19,35,36 The American Acad-
(ASAS) 20 response (odds ratio [OR] 0.89, 95% emy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that
CI 0.50, 1.59), ASAS40 response (OR 1.26, 95% in order to substitute a biosimilar for a bio-
CI 0.73, 2.15), and ASAS partial remission rates logic, the biosimilar must have a unique
were comparable between treatment groups. nonproprietary name and be designated as
There were no significant differences between interchangeable by the FDA, the prescribing
treatment groups in adverse events, serious physician must provide permission for the sub-
adverse events, infections, and infusion-related stitution to the pharmacist, the patient must be
reactions.30 informed and educated about the switch, and
Two randomized controlled trials of adalimu- a permanent record must be made of
mab biosimilar in 798 psoriasis patients have the switch in the patient’s medical record,
been completed, and data from these trials are although the AAD has not recommended
pending.31,32 One study on ABP 501 enrolled this for different batches of the innovator
350 patients and was completed in March product.37
2015, with results yet to be posted. The second It is important that pharmacovigilance and
study on GP 2017 enrolled 448 patients and continuous monitoring ensue following regulatory
is scheduled to be completed in April 2016. approval of biosimilars.19 Adverse events, side ef-
One randomized control trial of etanercept bio- fects, and potential risk factors should be identi-
similar GP2015 in 546 psoriasis patients was fied with increased use of these agents by drug
completed in March 2015, but has yet to post companies and reported accordingly to regulato-
study results,33 and another study of etanercept ry agencies.
biosimilar CHS-0214 in 496 psoriasis patients If a patient does not respond to a biosimilar as
is scheduled to be complete in May 2016 expected, it would be important for the clinician
(Table 14.2).34 to reassess the same way as they would with an
altogether different biologic. The patient should
not be switched to the original biologic agent,
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS AND but in cases of poorly responsive disease, the
SUMMARY dosage can be modified, concomitant therapy
There are several aspects of biosimilar therapy can be added, or an alternative therapy can be
that must be considered before implementa- given.38
tion into clinical practice. Given that the current The approval of biosimilar therapy for the
version of the originator biologic product will treatment of psoriasis has some potential to
likely remain on the market, the patient and broaden access of biologic-based therapy for pa-
clinician will have to select between a biologic tients suffering from this condition as well as
or biosimilar for treatment, weighing factors other inflammatory disorders. Specifically, bio-
such as price, insurance coverage, and immu- similars have potential to lower cost and possibly
nogenicity if switching between agents.19 increase access to patients.18 Much of the basis
Clinicians will also have to weigh the uncer- for approval of biosimilars is built on pre-
tainty within different batches of the innovator existing knowledge and experience with the
against the possibility of greater variation various batches of the reference biologic, and
but more data on biosimilarity with the subjecting biosimilar agents to rigorous develop-
biosimilar. mental regulations will facilitate a smoother tran-
The degree of interchangeability between sition of this therapeutic modality into clinical
the original biologic and biosimilar is largely practice.
TABLE 14.2
Phase 3 clinical trials of biosimilars in psoriasis

Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Start Date/ Primary Outcome Secondary Outcome
Clinical Trial Dosing Completion Date Measures Measures
NCT01970488 ABP 501: 80 mg at week 1/day 1, and October 2013/ PASI score PASI-75 response,
Study to Compare Efficacy and Safety 40 mg subcutaneously (SC) at week March 2015 improvement sPGA, BSA, AEs,
of ABP 501 and Adalimumab 2 and every 2 wk thereafter until after 16 wk of SAEs, laboratory
(Humira) in Adults with Moderate to week 52 treatment values, vital signs,
Severe Plaque Psoriasis Adalimumab: 80 mg at week 1/day 1, antidrug antibodies
and 40 mg SC EOW thereafter until
week 14. At week 16, subjects with
a Psoriasis Area and Severity Index
(PASI)-50 response remain on study
for up to 52 wk; subjects initially
randomized to adalimumab
rerandomized (1:1) to ABP 501 or
adalimumab treatment for weeks
NCT02016105 GP2017: 80 mg SC in week 0, December 2013/ PASI-75 PASI-50, PASI-90,
Study to Demonstrate Equivalent followed by 40 mg SC EOW, estimated April response PASI-100, IGA,
Efficacy and to Compare Safety of starting at week 1 and ending at 2016 rate health-related
Biosimilar Adalimumab (GP2017) week 51 quality of life
and Humira (ADACCESS) Adalimumab: 80 mg SC at week 0,
followed by 40 mg SC EOW,
starting at week 1 and ending at
week 51
NCT01891864 (etanercept) GP2015: 50 mg twice weekly for the June 2013/ PASI-75 response PASI-50, PASI-90,
Study to Demonstrate Equivalent first 12 wk and 50 mg once weekly March 2015 rate after 12 wk PASI score,
Efficacy and to Compare Safety of thereafter injection site
Biosimilar Etanercept (GP2015) and Etanercept: 50 mg twice weekly for reactions,
Enbrel the first 12 wk and 50 mg once immunogenicity
weekly thereafter
NCT02134210 (etanercept) CHS-0214: 50 mg SC twice weekly for June 2014/ PASI-75 response Not available
Study to Compare the Efficacy and 12 wk May 2016 rate after 12 wk
Safety of CHS-0214 vs Enbrel in Etanercept: 50 mg SC twice weekly
Subjects with Chronic Plaque times 12 wk
Psoriasis (RaPsOdy)
Abbreviation: EOW, every other week.
Chapter 14 Biosimilars 169

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Combination Therapies for
Anjali S. Vekaria, MD, Mark G. Lebwohl, MD

 Psoriasis  Combination  Acitretin  Cyclosporine  Methotrexate  Biologics  Etanercept

 Combination therapies of biologics and systemic agents for psoriasis treatment can potentially
enhance efficacy of treatment, increase onset of remission, and decrease side effects by allowing
for dose reductions.
 Potential therapeutic combinations examined include methotrexate paired with biologics; cyclo-
sporine paired with biologics; acitretin paired with biologics; or phototherapy paired with
 Randomized clinical trials, case series, and case reports chronicling these therapeutic combina-
tions have demonstrated good safety and efficacy data, indicating an important future role for
combination therapy in the treatment of psoriasis.

INTRODUCTION recalcitrant disease or dose-related cumulative

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that toxicity from traditional treatments.3 Combina-
negatively affects approximately 2% of the US tion treatment of biologics with systemic agents,
population1 with significant impact on quality of such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin,
life.2 Approximately 20% of these patients have can potentially enhance efficacy, hasten onset of
moderate-to-severe disease.3 Its systemic effects remission, and decrease potential side effects by
include cardiovascular, metabolic, rheumatologic, allowing for dose reductions (Table 15.1). When
and psychiatric comorbidities4 with older studies combining immunosuppressive agents, the possi-
showing 25% to 38% of patients with psoriasis bility of additive immunosuppression should be
dissatisfied with their traditional treatments.5 Of considered, and the dosage and period of overlap
those affected with psoriasis, 17% require treat- of more than one immunosuppressive medication
ment beyond traditional topical corticosteroids, should be minimized. This chapter investigates
such as phototherapy or systemic agents.6 More different combination therapies with biologics
traditional systemic treatments include metho- and traditional oral treatments.
trexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin with newer
biologic treatments, such as ixekizumab, secuki- Methotrexate
numab, ustekinumab, adalimumab, etanercept, Methotrexate is the most frequently used oral
and infliximab, quickly becoming important treatment for psoriasis and has been found to
players in the therapeutic arena. A new oral be significantly effective in randomized, con-
agent, apremilast, has also been in use since trolled trials, open-label studies, and retro-
2014, with a few case reports of its use in combi- spective studies.7–11 Combination therapy of
nation with other therapies. methotrexate with biologics is an emerging field
As treatment methods progress for this of treatment with many considerations. Impor-
chronic disease, clinicians have been forced to tantly, combining biologic therapies with metho-
expand therapeutic regimens and explore new trexate has not been shown to increase the
combination therapies for patients with bone marrow toxicity or hepatotoxicity of
TABLE 15.1
Traditional treatments and biologics for combination therapies in patients with psoriasis

Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Therapy Source Dosing Comparisons Study Type
Methotrexate 1 Puig, 13
2012 Ustekinumab 90 mg (transient increase in injection None Case report
Ustekinumab frequency) 1 methotrexate 10 mg/wk
Methotrexate 1 Philipp et al,14 Standard dosing adalimumab 1 methotrexate None Retrospective
Adalimumab 2012 12.4  4.5 mg/wk chart review
Methotrexate 1 Dalaker & 3 mg/kg infliximab at week 0, 2, 6, then q None Retrospective
Infliximab Bonesronning,31 8 wk 1 methotrexate 7.5–15 mg/wk chart review
Wee et al,27 2012 3 mg/kg or 5 mg/kg infliximab at week 0, 2, 6, then q None Retrospective
8 wk 1 methotrexate 5–20 mg/wk chart review
Methotrexate 1 Gottlieb et al,3 Etanercept (50 mg twice weekly  12 wk then 50 mg/ Etanercept monotherapy (50 mg twice Randomized,
Etanercept 2012 wk  12 wk) 1 methotrexate (7.5–15 mg/wk) weekly  12 wk then 50 mg/wk  controlled trial
12 wk)
Zachariae Etanercept (50 mg twice weekly  12 wk then 25 mg Etanercept (50 mg twice weekly  12 wk Randomized,
et al,38 2008 twice weekly  12 wk) 1 methotrexate (stable then 25 mg twice weekly  12 wk) 1 controlled trial,
dosing  3 mo) methotrexate (stable dosing  3 mo open label
then 4 wk taper)
Gelfand Etanercept (50 mg twice weekly  12 wk, then continuous Etanercept monotherapy (50 mg twice Randomized,
et al,40 2008 or interrupted etanercept 50 mg/wk  12 wk) 1 stable weekly  12 wk, then continuous or controlled trial,
dose of methotrexate interrupted etanercept 50 mg/wk open label
for 12 wk)
Driessen Etanercept (50 mg twice weekly  12 wk, then etanercept None Case series
et al,17 2008 25 mg/wk twice weekly  12 wk) 1 methotrexate
(2.5–35 mg/wk)
Cyclosporine 1 Yamauchi & Cyclosporine (200 mg BID until PASI-50), then etanercept None Case series
Etanercept Lowe,18 2008 (50 mg weekly while cyclosporine tapered)
Lee et al,46 Cyclosporine (200 mg daily) 1 etanercept (50 mg weekly) None Case series
Cyclosporine 1 Karanikolas Cyclosporine (2.5–3.75 mg/kg/d) 1 Adalimumab (40 mg Cyclosporine (2.5–3.75 mg/kg/d) Nonrandomized,
Adalimumab et al,33 2011 weekly) monotherapy or adalimumab (40 mg open-label
weekly) clinical trial
Acitretin 1 Gisondi et al,53 Etanercept (25 mg weekly) 1 oral acitretin (0.4 mg/kg daily) Etanercept monotherapy (25 mg weekly) Randomized,
Etanercept 2008 or oral acitretin (0.4 m/kg daily) controlled trial
Data from Refs.3,13,14,17,18,27,31,33,38,40,46,53
Chapter 15 Combination Therapies for Psoriasis 173

methotrexate. Although there is no published were ameliorated with methotrexate dosage ad-
literature about the combination of methotrexate justments.14 de Groot and colleagues15 evaluated
with the newer anti-interleukin-17 (IL-17) drugs, inflammatory markers in psoriatic lesional skin
secukinumab or ixekizumab, one would expect with decreased markers seen in combination ther-
the combination to be more effective than mono- apy compared with methotrexate or adalimumab
therapy with either agent. alone.
Data from clinical trials for rheumatoid arthritis
Methotrexate and Ustekinumab show increased levels of adalimumab in patients
Ustekinumab is a human monoclonal immuno- treated with combination therapy as compared
globulin G antibody that binds to the p40 subunit with adalimumab alone.16 Thus, levels of adalimu-
of IL-12 and IL-23. Dosing is weight based with a mab may be increased by an unknown mechanism
45-mg or 90-mg dose every 12 weeks for a when using it in combination with methotrexate.
patient weighing 100 kg or less or greater than In fact, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) antago-
100 kg, respectively.12 For patients who are not nists used with methotrexate have been approved
adequately treated with ustekinumab alone, for the use of rheumatologic diseases. Studies
combination therapy has been seen to be useful have also shown a decrease in antiadalimumab
particularly in those suffering from psoriatic antibody formation in patients on combination
arthritis, as a bridging therapy, for palmoplantar therapy.14
disease control or for recalcitrant disease.6 Overall, larger trials are lacking, but positive
The success of the combination of metho- results have been seen in multiple case series
trexate and ustekinumab was highlighted in a with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis6,17–32 as well
case report of a patient who had failed as randomized trials for those with rheumatoid
therapy with psoralen and UV-A (PUVA), cyclo- arthritis. Certainly, more data are needed to fully
sporine, infliximab, etanercept, and various elucidate risks and benefits of this combination
combination therapies, including etanercept/ therapy.
methotrexate, etanercept/methotrexate/acitre-
tin, adalimumab/efalizumab/cyclosporine, cyclo- Methotrexate and Infliximab
sporine/efalizumab/cyclosporine/methotrexate, Infliximab, a TNF-a antagonist, is a chimeric
and cyclosporine/adalimumab. Responses to all monoclonal antibody shown to be effective at a
these regimens and combinations had slowly lost dosage of 5 mg/kg for the treatment of psoriasis.
their efficacy, usually after just a few months. Approved for combination usage of infliximab
Treatment with ustekinumab showed improve- 3 mg/kg with methotrexate or infliximab
ment within 1 month, although response was 5 mg/kg with azathioprine in the treatment of
eventually lost as with the patient’s other thera- rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn disease, respec-
pies. By adding methotrexate 10 mg to the tively, such combination therapy for psoriasis is
regimen along with a slight increase in injection less common.33
frequency, the patient regained response with A subanalysis in the IMPACT 2 (Infliximab
persistent control.13 Multinational Psoriatic Arthritis Controlled Trial
2) studied the efficacy of combination metho-
Methotrexate and Adalimumab trexate (25 mg/wk or less with mean dosage
Adalimumab is a fully human monoclonal anti- 16.2 mg/wk) and infliximab. At week 54 of the
body approved for use with plaque psoriasis at trial, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI)-75 was
a dose of 80 mg at week 0, 40 mg at week 1, achieved in 53% of patients on combination ther-
and then 40 mg every other week. A retrospective apy compared with 48% of patients on infliximab
chart review examined responses to combination monotherapy. Safety profiles were similar be-
therapy with standard dosing of adalimumab, tween the 2 groups.4
without loading doses for some patients, and A retrospective chart review was conducted
methotrexate dosing at 12.4  4.5 mg per on 23 patients with psoriasis treated with
week.14 In 27 of 32 patients, a very good to mod- 3 mg/kg infliximab combined with intramuscular
erate response, defined as a Physician’s Global methotrexate (7.5–15 mg every week).31 All pa-
Assessment (PGA) score of 0, 1, 2, or 3 was tients had previously failed treatment with metho-
seen. In fact, a reduction in methotrexate dosage trexate, cyclosporine, or PUVA. Infliximab
was possible in 5 patients. Combination therapy infusions were given at weeks 0, 2, 6, and then
showed a good safety profile with AEs limited to every 8 weeks. If patients maintained response af-
mild infections, abdominal complaints, and diar- ter 6 months of treatment, infusion intervals were
rhea. Adalimumab was stopped in 1 patient due lengthened to 9 weeks up to 14 weeks. Most pa-
to recurrent infection; gastrointestinal effects tients were given infusions every 8 to 10 weeks.
174 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

Twenty-one patients reached 50% improvement improvement compared with 60.3% in the mono-
by week 14 of treatment. The remaining 3 pa- therapy group.4,34 There were a higher number
tients continued with treatment with sustained of adverse events (AEs) seen in the combination
improvement. Treatments effects included head- therapy group, 75%, as compared with the mono-
ache, dizziness, and thromboembolism in a pa- therapy group, 60%, with reported events being
tient with multiple other risk factors. Mild similar in the 2 groups.4,37
infections were also reported and treated suc- In a randomized, open-label, 24-week study,
cessfully with standard therapy. No hepatotoxici- Zachariae and colleagues38 chronicled adding
ty, which is traditionally seen with methotrexate etanercept to the treatment regimen of patients
therapy, was reported. To address loss of who had failed or had little effect from metho-
response, which has previously been reported trexate for 3 months. Patients were randomized
with infliximab monotherapy after 1 year of treat- to either etanercept with methotrexate continued
ment, treatment intervals were shortened or or etanercept with methotrexate eventually
methotrexate dose was increased.31 tapered and discontinued over a 4-week period.
Generally, it is advantageous that infliximab be Etanercept was dosed at 50 mg twice weekly for
dosed with concomitant methotrexate to inhibit 12 weeks and then 25 mg twice weekly for
the formation of antidrug antibodies. It is also 12 weeks. Of the patients who had been on eta-
thought that the concurrent dosing of metho- nercept/methotrexate combination as compared
trexate during the study reduces such immunoge- with etanercept/methotrexate taper, 66.7%
nicity. Another study by Wee and colleagues27 versus 37.0% were judged as “clear” or “almost
showed the incidence of infusion reactions was clear.” PASI-75 scores were also seen to be
much lower in those receiving infliximab with improved at both weeks 12 and 24 in the combi-
methotrexate than with those receiving only inflix- nation group. AEs were increased with statistically
imab. Studies in both psoriatic arthritis and rheu- significant infectious AEs in the combination ther-
matoid arthritis have established better patient apy group compared with the etanercept mono-
outcomes using combination therapies with therapy group. Most AEs in either group were
methotrexate. Lower doses of TNF-a antagonists mild or moderate.3,34 Mild-to-moderate hepatic
are also more cost-effective for the patient. Inflix- enzyme elevation was seen in 17.9% and 12.9%
imab has been associated with hepatosplenic T- of the etanercept/methotrexate taper and combi-
cell lymphoma in inflammatory bowel disease nation group, respectively.4,39 Thus, etanercept
patients treated concurrently with azathioprine. and methotrexate combination therapy is a
Thus, caution should be taken in using combina- good treatment option with safety profiles gener-
tion treatment and should not be first line ally being similar between the groups.
because larger clinical trials are needed.31 Finally, the EASE study (Etanercept Assessment
of Safety and Effectiveness),40 a multicenter, ran-
Methotrexate and Etanercept domized, open-label trial, compared patients
Etanercept is a TNF-a antagonist used for with psoriasis receiving continuous etanercept
moderate-to-severe psoriasis at doses of 50 mg 50 mg twice weekly for 12 weeks, followed by
twice weekly for up to 3 months and then 50 mg continuous or interrupted etanercept 50 mg every
once weekly.3,34 Current recommendations for week for 12 weeks. Those on a stable dose of meth-
patients with psoriatic arthritis include the otrexate for 8 weeks before baseline were allowed
approved use of etanercept with methotrexate to continue with results showing those on a combi-
for those who have not responded to metho- nation treatment of etanercept and methotrexate
trexate alone.3,35 In fact, long-term safety of this were more likely to achieve a PGA score of 0 to 2
combination therapy has been established in pa- at week 24 compared with not being on metho-
tients with rheumatoid arthritis.36 trexate.3,39,41 In fact, many of the patients were
Randomized, controlled trials have shown su- able to decrease their weekly methotrexate
perior efficacy of etanercept and methotrexate dosage or even eventually suspend its use.
therapy compared with etanercept monotherapy Another small case series in high-need patients
in psoriasis.34 In the largest randomized, con- with psoriasis showed the efficacy of combination
trolled trial (n 5 478) lasting 24 weeks, Gottlieb therapy for maximal therapeutic effect without sig-
and colleagues3 dosed etanercept at 50 mg twice nificant difference in laboratory findings or AEs
weekly for the first 12 weeks and then 50 mg/wk for compared with methotrexate monotherapy.17
12 weeks with 1 group also receiving methotrexate Pharmacologically, the greater response seen
dosed at 50 mg/wk and 7.5 to 15 mg/wk, respec- with combination therapy has yet to be explained.
tively. Results showed 77.4% of patients in the Studies of lesional and nonlesional skin with other
combination group obtaining 75% disease combination therapies suggest increased
Chapter 15 Combination Therapies for Psoriasis 175

targeting of inflammatory markers with such treat- lasting an average of 6.85 weeks and 93.2% after
ment compared with monotherapy alone.39 maintenance therapy lasting an average of
In fact, large rheumatologic studies, such as 56.5 weeks. Finally, 1 small pilot study for patients
TEMPO (Trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with psoriatic arthritis (n 5 11) added cyclosporine
with Radiographic Patient Outcomes) and 3.0 mg/kg/d to those with inadequate dermato-
COMET (Combination of methotrexate and eta- logic response to etanercept. Nine patients
nercept in active early rheumatoid arthritis), achieved PASI-75 by week 24 with AEs, including
assessing etanercept and methotrexate combina- worsening of hypertension and elevated creati-
tion therapy found no significant differences in nine. Other combination therapy studies have
terms of serious adverse events (SAE) reported evaluated patients already on cyclosporine
or serious infections.36,39,42 treatment who require eventual cessation once
Caution is advised because few trials have disease control has been achieved with concomi-
analyzed the potential for increased AEs with com- tant etanercept treatment.18,19,39,47–49 Although
bination therapies. One exception, the CORRONA few and small, these studies highlight the poten-
(Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of tial for cyclosporine and etanercept as effective
North America) database for rheumatoid arthritis combination therapy, although larger clinical trials
patients, found that combination therapy of meth- are needed.
otrexate with TNF antagonists, particularly adali-
mumab, etanercept, and infliximab, was not Cyclosporine and Adalimumab
associated with higher risk of infection compared The combination of cyclosporine and adalimumab
with infection rates of monotherapy of any agent was investigated in an open-label trial for patients
alone.39,43 Finally, a Swedish registry for psoriatic with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis refractory to
arthritis patients found similar SAE rates for those methotrexate. This study showed a PASI-50 rate
on combination therapy compared with metho- after 12 months of treatment in 95% of patients
trexate alone.39,44 Another source chronicled the on combination therapy compared with an 85%
potential use of etanercept with methotrexate and 65% PASI-50 rate in those receiving adalimu-
coupled with subsequent tapering of metho- mab and cyclosporine alone, respectively.33
trexate to a minimal effective dose. This combina- Another case series investigated 5 patients who
tion lowered the risk of toxicity.13 In fact, this transitioned without flare from cyclosporine to
combination therapy has been shown to be effec- adalimumab with a cyclosporine taper ranging
tive in rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic from 6 to 11 weeks.4,50
arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.39,45
Thus, etanercept and methotrexate combina- Cyclosporine and Apremilast
tion therapy seems to be a successful alternative A recent case report highlighted the use of both
to treatment of recalcitrant disease with multiple cyclosporine and apremilast in a 45-year-old
studies and reports outlining its successful use. man who had previously failed or developed
adverse reactions to methotrexate, photother-
Cyclosporine apy, ustekinumab, adalimumab, and etaner-
There are limited studies on the use of cyclo- cept.51 Although taking certolizumab for joint
sporine with biologics. The information in later pain, the patient was started on apremilast
discussion highlights the data currently available 30 mg twice daily. He eventually discontinued
on combination therapies with cyclosporine. his certolizumab without return of joint symptoms
but continued to have generalized psoriasis. He
Cyclosporine and Etanercept restarted cyclosporine at 100 mg twice a day, af-
Yamauchi and Lowe18 evaluated 8 patients who ter a “cyclosporine holiday” due to 2 years of
received cyclosporine 200 mg twice a day until continuous dosing at 400 mg daily and achieved
reaching PASI-50, at which point etanercept was almost complete clearance. Thus, the patient
started at 50 mg weekly while cyclosporine was was able to achieve a greater level of treatment
concomitantly tapered. This combination therapy success with combination therapy and a lower
maintained response during tapering as well as dose of cyclosporine than previously achieved.
12 weeks after tapering concluded. Lee and col- Although more data are certainly needed, this
leagues46 administered cyclosporine 200 mg daily case report shows the potential use of combina-
with etanercept 50 mg weekly to 7 patients until tion therapy with apremilast.
symptom improvement with subsequent dose
reduction of both etanercept and cyclosporine. Acitretin
All 7 patients showed progress with PASI im- Acitretin is an oral retinoid used as monotherapy
provements at 94.9% after conditioning therapy in psoriasis treatment in both pustular and plaque
176 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

psoriasis. Because acitretin monotherapy is not as excimer laser therapy. After 10 months, the pa-
effective as most other psoriasis treatments, it is tient was unable to continue excimer laser therapy
usually prescribed in combination with other and was started on apremilast with standard
treatments, especially phototherapy. dosing escalation to 30 mg twice daily. After
Smith and colleagues52 evaluated 15 patients 3 months of combined acitretin and apremilast
in a retrospective chart review detailing combina- therapy, complete resolution of all symptoms
tion therapy with acitretin and biologics. Overall, was reported.
29% showed complete clearance, 43% showed
PASI 90, 14% showed PASI 75, and 7.1% showed Biologics and Phototherapy
no change. More data and clinical trials are Etanercept in combination with narrowband UV-B
certainly needed, but this study highlights the (NBUVB) has been evaluated in multiple studies
potential for therapeutic success with acitretin all showing a low rate of AEs. Kircik and col-
combination therapy. leagues58 showed etanercept (50 mg twice
weekly) combined with NBUVB (3 times per
Acitretin and Etanercept week) evaluated in 86 patients allowed for a
A 24-week, randomized trial by Gisondi and PASI-75 rate of 84.0% at week 12, with PASI-90
colleagues4,39,53 included 60 patients randomized and PASI-100 being achieved by 58.1% and
to either combination etanercept (25 mg weekly) 26%, respectively.
and oral acitretin (0.4 mg/kg daily) (n 5 18), Park and colleagues59 conducted a study
etanercept alone (25 mg twice weekly) (n 5 22), during which 30 patients all received therapy
or oral acitretin (0.4 mg/kg daily) alone (n 5 20). with etanercept, 50 mg twice weekly, for
At week 24, PASI-75 was seen in 44% of patients 12 weeks, after which half received treatment
receiving combination therapy, 45% of patients with NBUVB 3 times per week for 12 weeks and
receiving etanercept monotherapy, and 30% of a once weekly dose of 50 mg etanercept. At
patients with acitretin monotherapy. Body surface week 24, 53% of patients in the combination
area improvement at week 24 was 78% in the group had achieved PASI-75, whereas only 47%
combination group, 80% in the etanercept group, on monotherapy achieved similar results. Of
and 46% in the acitretin group. Safety profiles note, it was found that combination therapy with
were the same in all 4 groups.4,52,53 This study etanercept did not show significant improvement
suggested using etanercept in combination with compared with etanercept monotherapy.
acitretin was equally as effective as using etaner- Lynde and colleagues60 studied etanercept,
cept monotherapy. Of note, the etanercept 50 mg per week, with NBUVB in 75 patients
monotherapy and combination therapy groups who had failed to reach PASI-90 improvement af-
both had greater improvement than acitretin ter 12 weeks of etanercept monotherapy. At week
alone.39 Other smaller clinical case series on the 16, of those patients adhering to thrice weekly
combination of etanercept and acitretin showed phototherapy sessions, 43% reached PASI-90
good disease control with no increase in improvement compared with 3% in the mono-
AEs.19,52,54 One study examined possible cases therapy group (P<.05).
in which this combination would be recommen- In a 1-arm, open-label study, De Simone and
ded, such as in those with a history of nonmela- colleagues61 evaluated 33 patients receiving
noma skin cancer in whom phototherapy would 50 mg weekly of etanercept and NBUVB 3 times
not be recommended.55 Because acitretin has weekly for 8 weeks, then followed by etanercept
potential protective properties against the monotherapy for 4 weeks. After week 8, 15% of
development of nonmelanoma skin cancer, it patients had achieved a PASI-90, and after week
may warrant use in a patient with a history of 12, 58% achieved a PASI-90.
nonmelanoma skin cancer.52,56 Wolf and colleagues62 evaluated the use of
NBUVB in those patients failing to achieve PASI-
Acitretin and Apremilast 75 after 6 weeks of etanercept monotherapy.
One case report of complete clearance of Mean PASI reduction was 89% for the combina-
palmoplantar psoriasis in a 66-year-old woman tion therapy group compared with 68% for those
was reported.57 The patient had previously failed undergoing etanercept monotherapy (P<.05).
various topical corticosteroids, combination beta- Bagel63 evaluated the effectiveness of adali-
methasone dipropionate and calcipotriene mumab with NBUVB in 20 patients with all
ointment, and tazarotene 0.1% gel. She was sub- receiving adalimumab, 80 mg at week 0 and
sequently started on systemic acitretin treatment then 40 mg every other week, and NVUVB 3
at 10 mg daily, which was increased to 20 mg times weekly. At week 12, 95% of patients had
daily, combined with 10 months of biweekly reached PASI-75 with 55% achieving PASI-100.
Chapter 15 Combination Therapies for Psoriasis 177

From weeks 12 to 24, patients received no treat- 7. Montaudie H, Sbidian E, Paul C, et al. Methotrexate
ment, with 65% of patients maintaining their in psoriasis: a systematic review of treatment
PASI-75. modalities, incidence, risk factors and monitoring
In another study, Wolf and colleagues64 of liver toxicity. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
treated 4 patients with standard dosing of adali- 2011;25(Suppl 2):12–8.
mumab with half the body treated with 311-nm 8. Saurat JH, Stingl G, Dubertret L, et al. Efficacy and
NBUVB once per week for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, safety results from the randomized controlled
there was a statistically significant mean PASI comparative study of adalimumab vs. methotrexate
reduction of 86% on the phototherapy-treated vs. placebo in patients with psoriasis (CHAMPION).
side compared with 53% on the untreated side. Br J Dermatol 2008;158(3):558–66.
Wolf and colleagues65 also completed a similar 9. Griffiths CE, Clark CM, Chalmers RJ, et al.
study with ustekinumab therapy. Ten patients A systematic review of treatments for severe psori-
were treated with ustekinumab at weeks 0 and 4 asis. Health Technol Assess 2000;4(40):1–125.
along with 311-nm NBUVB 3 times per week. 10. Heydendael VM, Spuls PI, Opmeer BC, et al. Meth-
There was a statistically significant 82% reduction otrexate versus cyclosporine in moderate-to-severe
in PASI on the half also treated with phototherapy chronic plaque psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2003;349(7):
versus a 54% mean reduction in PASI score on the 658–65.
side without phototherapy. 11. Carrascosa JM, de la Cueva P, Ara M, et al. Metho-
Thus, phototherapy appears to be an effective trexate in moderate to severe psoriasis: review of
adjunctive treatment to biologic treatment. the literature and expert recommendations. Actas
In summary, combination therapy achieves Dermosifiliogr 2016;107(3):194–206.
greater improvements in psoriasis. Ideally, com- 12. Langley RG, Lebwohl M, Krueger GG, et al. Long-
bination therapy would allow dosage reduction term efficacy and safety of ustekinumab, with and
of some individual treatments. Conversely, addi- without dosing adjustment, in patients with
tive immunosuppression is a risk for increased moderate-to-severe psoriasis: results from the
malignancy and infection and should therefore PHOENIX 2 study through 5 years of follow-up. Br
be minimized. J Dermatol 2015;172(5):1371–83.
13. Puig L. Treatment of severe psoriasis. J Eur Acad
Dermatol Venereol 2012;26(Suppl 5):17–8.
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2010;69:934–5. cept for the treatment of psoriasis (UNITE): efficacy,
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Investigational Therapies
for Psoriasis
Peter W. Hashim, MD, MHS, Mark G. Lebwohl, MD

 Janus kinase  Tumor necrosis factor-a  Interleukin-17  Interleukin-23

 Investigational therapies aim to inhibit the specific immunologic mechanisms behind plaque
psoriasis without widely affecting the normal immune system.
 Pathways targeted by investigational therapies include Janus kinase, tumor necrosis factor-a,
interleukin-17, and interleukin-23.
 Phase II and phase III clinical trials have demonstrated strong safety and efficacy data for several
agents, indicating an important future role in treating moderate-to-severe psoriasis.

INTRODUCTION those receiving the 15-mg dose, compared with

Enhanced insight into the immunogenetic mecha- 2.0% in patients with placebo (P<.001 for each
nisms behind plaque psoriasis has led to the comparison to placebo). Infections were the
development of multiple new systemic therapies. most common adverse events, seen in 22.4% of
These treatments include drugs targeting Janus the 2-mg dosing group, 20.4% of the 5-mg
kinase (JAK), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), dosing group, 38.7% in the 15-mg dosing group,
interleukin (IL)-17, and IL-23 pathways and 32% in the placebo group. Of note, 15-mg
(Table 16.1). Clinical trials are currently underway dosing was associated with statistically significant
to examine the safety and efficacy of these agents decreases in hemoglobin ( 0.52 g/dL vs
in moderate-to-severe patients. The treatments 0.14 g/dL with placebo; P<.05), hematocrit,
discussed have demonstrated promising results and red blood cell counts as well as transient de-
in phase II or phase III trials and may play an creases in neutrophil count.13
important role in future treatment algorithms. Rapid and significant improvements in itch
severity have been demonstrated with tofaciti-
Tofacitinib nib.14 In patient-reported surveys using 5-mg
Tofacitinib is an oral JAK1/JAK3 inhibitor and 10-mg twice a day dosing, reductions in the
currently approved for rheumatoid arthritis at a itch severity index (ISI) were evident as early as 2
dose of 5 mg twice daily. The current label in- or 3 days after treatment initiation. Among pa-
cludes a black box warning for serious infection tients with a baseline ISI 1 or greater (indicating
and malignancy. It is under investigation for the presence of itch), treatment with tofacitinib
chronic plaque psoriasis. In a phase IIb, random- provided a statistically significant reduction in
ized, placebo-controlled trial, treatment out- pruritus (P<.05) by day 6 and through all 12 weeks
comes were examined by Papp and colleagues1 of treatment.
using twice a day doses of 2 mg, 5 mg, or A phase III, noninferiority trial between tofaciti-
15 mg. At week 12, the proportion of patients nib and high-dose etanercept was conducted by
who experienced 75% or greater reduction in Bachelez and colleagues.2 After 12 weeks,
the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI-75) PASI-75 responses were achieved in 39.5% (130/
was compared with the placebo group. PASI-75 329) of patients receiving 5 mg of tofacitinib twice
responses were achieved in 25.0% of patients a day and 63.6% (210/330) of patients receiving
receiving the 2-mg dose, 40.8% of those tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day, compared with
receiving the 4-mg dose, and 66.7% of 58.8% (197/335) of those receiving etanercept 181
Therapy for Severe Psoriasis
TABLE 16.1
Summary of clinical trials
Primary Agent Target Source Dosing Comparisons Study Length (wk)
Tofacitinib JAK1/JAK3 Papp et al,1 2012 Tofacitinib, 2–15 mg twice Placebo 12
Bachelez et al,2 2015 Tofacitinib, 5–10 mg twice Etanercept, 50 mg twice 12
daily weekly or placebo
Certolizumab TNF-a Reich et al,3 2012 CZP, 400 mg at week 0, then Placebo 12
200–400 mg q 2 wk
Mease et al,4 2014 CZP, 200 mg q 2 wk or Placebo 24
400 mg q 4 wk
Brodalumab IL-17R Nakagawa et al,5 2016 Brodalumab, 70–210 mg Placebo 12
Papp et al,6 2014 Brodalumab, 140–210 mg None 120
Mease et al,7 2014 Brodalumab, 140–280 mg Placebo 12, then 40 wk open label
Q2W extension with
280 mg q 2 wk
Lebwohl et al,8 2015 Brodalumab, 140–210 mg Ustekinumab 45–90 mg 12, then extension with
Q2W (standard weight-based brodalumab 210 mg
dosing) or placebo q 2 wk or 140 mg q 2 wk,
q 4 wk, or q 8 wk, or
ustekinumab (standard
Guselkumab IL-23p19 Sofen et al,9 2014 Guselkumab, single dose of Placebo 24
10–300 mg
Gordon et al,10 2015 Guselkumab, 5 mg at weeks Adalimumab (standard 16, then extension through
0 and 4 and then q 12 wk, dosing) or placebo week 40 (placebo patients
15 mg q 8 wk, 50 mg at transitioned to
weeks 0 and 4 and then guselkumab 200 mg
q 12 wk, 100 mg q 8 wk, or Q8W)
200 mg at weeks 0 and 4
and then q 12 wk
Tildrakizumab IL-23p19 Papp et al,11 2015 Tildrakizumab 5–200 mg at Placebo 52, then 20 wk follow-up
weeks 0 and 4 and then
q 12 wk
Risankizumab IL-23p19 Krueger et al,12 2015 Risankizumab single dose of Placebo 12
0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 1, 3, or
5 mg/kg intravenously,
0.25 or 1 mg/kg

Chapter 16 Investigational Therapies for Psoriasis

Data from Refs.1–12

184 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

50 mg twice weekly, and 5.6% (6/107) of those ligand. In a phase II study by Nakagawa and col-
receiving placebo. Thus, relative to etanercept leagues5 involving 151 Japanese patients, broda-
50 mg twice weekly, noninferiority was demon- lumab was subcutaneously administered at weeks
strated with 10-mg dosing of tofacitinib, but not 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 at doses of either 70 mg,
with 5-mg dosing. The rate of adverse events 140 mg, or 210 mg. Higher response rates were
was similar across all groups. seen at higher doses; in the 37 patients receiving
210 mg, PASI-75, PASI-90, and PASI-100 re-
Certolizumab Pegol sponses were achieved by 94.6%, 91.9%, and
Certolizumab pegol (CZP) is a PEGylated mono- 59.5% of subjects, respectively, compared with
clonal antibody to TNF-a approved for the treat- 7.9%, 2.6%, and 0%, respectively, in the 38-per-
ment of Crohn disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and son placebo group (P<.001 for each comparison
psoriatic arthritis. In a phase II trial conducted by of treatment to placebo).
Reich and colleagues,3 subcutaneous doses of Through 120 weeks of an open-label exten-
CZP 200 mg and CZP 400 mg were compared sion study by Papp and colleagues,6 the long-
with placebo. PASI-75 responses were achieved term efficacy and safety of brodalumab were
in 75% (44/59) of patients in the CZP 200-mg evaluated in 181 patients. A dosage of 140 mg
group (P<.001 vs placebo), 83% (48/58) of pa- every 2 weeks was administered in patients
tients in the CZP 400-mg group (P<.001 vs pla- weighing less than 100 kg, compared with
cebo), and 7% (4/59) of patients in the placebo 210 mg every 2 weeks for heavier patients or
group. The Physician’s Global Assessment (PGA) those who demonstrated inadequate responses.
score was measured as clear or almost clear in At week 120, PASI-75, PASI-90, and PASI-100
53% of patients receiving 200 mg and 72% of pa- response rates were 86%, 70%, and 51%, respec-
tients receiving 400 mg, relative to 2% in controls tively. Nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory tract
(P<.001 for each treatment group compared with infections, and arthralgias were the most
placebo). Adverse events occurred at comparable frequent adverse events.
rates across the 3 groups. Brodalumab has also demonstrated utility in
The efficacy of CZP has also been demon- the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. In a phase II,
strated in treating psoriatic arthritis. In a phase placebo-controlled trial by Mease and col-
III, placebo-controlled trial of 409 patients, Mease leagues,7 168 patients were randomized to
and colleagues4 examined American College of 140 mg, 280 mg, or placebo. At week 12,
Rheumatology 20% (ACR20) responses for doses ACR20 response rates were significantly higher
of 200 mg every 2 weeks or 400 mg every 4 weeks. in the 140-mg group (37%) and 280-mg group
After 12 weeks of treatment, ACR20 responses (39%) relative to placebo (18%; P<.05 for each
were significantly greater in patients treated treatment group vs placebo).
with CZP 200 mg (58.0%) or 400 mg (51.9%) rela- Lebwohl and colleagues8 compared brodalu-
tive to placebo (24.3%; P<.001 for each treatment mab and ustekinumab in the treatment of
group vs placebo). moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis through 2
phase III, placebo-controlled trials: AMAGINE-2
and AMAGINE-3. Patients were assigned to bro-
ANTI-IL-17 AGENTS dalumab doses of either 140 mg or 210 mg every
IL-17, a proinflammatory cytokine involved in host 2 weeks or to standard weight-based doses of
defense against monilial infection, plays an impor- ustekinumab. At week 12, dosing with 140 mg
tant role in the pathogenesis of plaque psoriasis. of brodalumab led to significantly higher PASI-
The IL-17 group of molecules includes 6 ligands 100 response rates than ustekinumab in the
(A through F) and 5 receptors (RA through RE). AMAGINE-3 study (27% vs 19%; P<.05) but not
Secukinumab, an IL-17A antagonist, was recently in AMAGINE-2 (26% vs 22%; P 5 .08). However,
approved for the treatment of moderate-to- for patients receiving 210 mg of brodalumab,
severe plaque psoriasis in adult patients eligible PASI-100 response rates were significantly higher
for systemic therapy. At present, 2 other biologic relative to ustekinumab in both trials (44% vs 22%
drugs that target the IL-17 signaling pathway in AMAGINE-2; 37% vs 19% in AMAGINE 3;
have been investigated through phase III trials: ixe- P<.001 in both studies). Patients in the 210-mg
kizumab and brodalumab. Most recently, ixekizu- brodalumab group also improved nearly twice
mab was approved for psoriasis. as rapidly as those in the ustekinumab group,
achieving PASI-75 responses in a median time of
Brodalumab only 4 weeks. Of note, candidiasis occurred
In contrast to ixekizumab, brodalumab targets the more frequently with brodalumab than with uste-
IL-17 pathway through its receptor, rather than kinumab or placebo, possibly due to the impact of
Chapter 16 Investigational Therapies for Psoriasis 185

IL-17 on host defense. Also noteworthy is the regimens with regards to adverse events, serious
announcement by Amgen of its decision to not adverse events, or infections.
pursue marketing of brodalumab because of a
small number of suicides in subjects treated in Tildrakizumab
the development program for this drug. Papp and colleagues11 evaluated tildrakizumab, an
anti-IL-23p19 monoclonal antibody, in a 355-per-
son phase IIb, randomized, placebo-controlled
ANTI-IL-23 AGENTS trial. At week 16, PASI-75 responses were 33% in
Selective targeting of the IL-23 cytokine has patients receiving 5 mg, 64% in those receiving
become an emerging treatment approach for pla- 25 mg, 66% in those receiving 100 mg, and 74%
que psoriasis. IL-23 plays an important role in in those receiving 200 mg, versus 4% in placebo
driving Th17 cell differentiation and producing (P.001 for each comparison to placebo). The
the T-cell–mediated immune dysregulation seen sole difference in adverse events between treat-
in psoriasis. The cytokine is composed of 2 sub- ment groups and placebo was a higher frequency
units: IL-23p19 and IL-12/23p40. Although IL- of hypertension with tildrakizumab, although
23p19 is unique to IL-23, IL-12/23p40 is shared most of the affected subjects were noted to
by IL-23 and IL-12. The utility of targeting the IL- have hypertension or borderline hypertension at
12/23p40 subunit has been established by the baseline.
ability of ustekinumab to significantly lower psori-
asis disease activity.15,16 However, studies now Risankizumab
support the theory that such demonstrated effi- Risankizumab, which targets IL-23p19, was exam-
cacy is largely due to inhibitory effects on IL-23, ined in a phase I study by Krueger and col-
rather than IL-12.17,18 These results have led to leagues.12 Subjects (n 5 31) were randomized to
heightened interest in targeting the IL-23p19 sub- single treatment with escalating doses of risanki-
unit. Three agents that have shown promise in zumab (0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 1, 3, or 5 mg/kg intrave-
clinical trials—guselkumab, tildrakizumab, and nously, 0.25 or 1 mg/kg subcutaneously), which
risankizumab—are discussed. were compared with placebo (n 5 8). At week
12, PASI-75, PASI-90, and PASI-100 response
Guselkumab rates for patients receiving risankizumab (all
Guselkumab is a human antibody that inhibits IL- doses) were 87% (P<.001 vs placebo), 58%
23p19. In a phase I, randomized trial of 24 pa- (P<.05 vs placebo), and 16% (P 5 .590 vs pla-
tients by Sofen and colleagues,9 guselkumab cebo), respectively. All subjects achieved a PGA
doses of 10 mg, 30 mg, 100 mg, and 300 mg rating of clear or almost clear at weeks 12 and
were compared with placebo. At week 12, PASI- 24. Rates of adverse events were similar between
75 response rates in the guselkumab treatment treatment and placebo groups.
groups were 50% (10-mg dosing), 60% (30- and
100-mg dosing), and 100% (300-mg dosing),
versus 0% in the placebo group. The frequency SUMMARY
of adverse events was comparable between pa- Current data from clinical trials suggest that
tients receiving guselkumab and placebo. several emerging systemic therapies for
Gordon and colleagues10 compared guselku- moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis are safe
mab to adalimumab in a 52-week, phase II, ran- and efficacious. These agents benefit from
domized, placebo-controlled trial. Several mechanisms targeting the underlying immuno-
guselkumab dosing regimens were examined: logic processes without broadly interrupting
5 mg at weeks 0, 4 and every 12 weeks afterward, the normal immune system. The treatment land-
15 mg every 8 weeks, 50 mg at weeks 0, 4 and scape for psoriasis continues to change rapidly,
every 12 weeks afterward, 100 mg every 8 weeks, and further investigation brings the hope of
or 200 mg at weeks 0, 4, and every 12 weeks after- improved management for this debilitating
ward. These groups were compared with standard disease.
dosing adalimumab and placebo. At week 18, the
proportion of patients with a PGA score of 0 (clear)
or 1 (almost clear) was significantly higher with REFERENCES
guselkumab 50 mg (79%), 100 mg (86%), and 1. Papp KA, Menter A, Strober B, et al. Efficacy and
200 mg (83%) compared with adalimumab (58%) safety of tofacitinib, an oral Janus kinase inhibitor,
(P<.05 for all comparisons). These increased re- in the treatment of psoriasis: a Phase 2b random-
sponses were maintained through week 40. There ized placebo-controlled dose-ranging study. Br J
were no significant differences between therapy Dermatol 2012;167(3):668–77.
186 Therapy for Severe Psoriasis

2. Bachelez H, van de Kerkhof PC, Strohal R, et al. 11. Papp K, Thaci D, Reich K, et al. Tildrakizumab (MK-
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7. Mease PJ, Genovese MC, Greenwald MW, et al. 16. Leonardi CL, Kimball AB, Papp KA, et al. Efficacy
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2 trial of guselkumab versus adalimumab for plaque psoriasis pathogenesis. J Exp Med 2006;203(12):
psoriasis. N Engl J Med 2015;373(2):136–44. 2577–87.
A dosing recommendations for, 111–112
ACCEPT trial of ustekinumab efficacy of
efficacy in, 129–130 ADEPT trial, 113, 115–116
safety of, 131–132 CHAMPION study versus methotrexate
Acitretin, 49–62 versus placebo, 113–115
comparison with etretinate, 49–50 expert recommendations on, 116
efficacy of open-label extension study from, 112–113,
chemoprevention of cutaneous squamous 115
cell carcinoma, 55 REVEAL trial, 112–114
combination therapy, 51–55 mechanism of action of, 111
monotherapy, 50–51 monitoring of
metabolite of etretinate, 49–50 American Academy of Dermatology
pharmacokinetics of, 49 recommendations, 122
Acretin baseline, 122
apremilast with, 175–176 Centers for Disease Control and
and biologics, 176 Prevention, 122
combination therapy precautions with
biologic agents in, 53 blood dyscrasias, 122
in chemoprevention, 55 congestive heart failure, 121
outcomes of, 54 drug-induced lupus, 121–122
studies, reviews and recommendations for, hepatitis B, 121
52–53 hypersensitivity reactions, 122
systemic agents in, 52 infection, 120
topical agents in, 52 malignancy, 121
contraindications to, 58 multiple sclerosis and demyelinating
cyclosporine with, 175–176 disorders, 121
and etanercept, 172, 176 opportunistic infections, 121
evaluation and workup for treatment with, 59 tuberculosis, 121
monitoring of, 59 safety of
precautions comparative study versus methotrexate
drug interactions with, 58–59 versus placebo, 117, 120
metabolic and hepatic, 58 ESPRIT registry of treatment-emergent
pregnancy category X, 58 adverse events, 118–119
safety of, 55–58 ESPRIT 5-year analysis, 117
side effects of, 55 infection and malignancy risk with, 116
immunosupression, 57 open-label extension of REVEAL, 117, 120
metabolic and hepatic effects, 57–58 in REVEAL trial, 117, 120
mucocutaneous, 56 SABER assessment of, 117
musculoskeletal, 56–57 summary of concerns, 120
in children, 57 tumor necrosis factor inhibitor therapy and
neurologic, 57 cardiovascular risk reduction, 123–124
ophthalmic, 58 vaccinations and, 122–123
psychiatric, 58 Adalimumab biosimilar trial, 168
teratogenicity of, 55–56 ADEPT trial of adalimumab, efficacy in, 113,
Acretin and broadband ultraviolet B 115–116
phototherapy, 54–55 Allergic reactions, with etanercept, 91
Acretin and narrowband ultraviolet B AMAGINE-2 and AMAGINE-3 studies, of
phototherapy, 54–55 brodalumab, 184
Acretin and psoralen plus ultraviolet A, 51–52, 54 Annular plaque psoriasis, 5
Adalimumab, 111–126 Apremilast, 75–82
approval and indications for, 111 with acretin, 176
cyclosporine with, 172, 175 contraindication to, 80 187
188 Index

Apremilast (continued ) Breast-feeding, cyclosporine and, 68–69

cyclosporine with, 175 Broadband ultraviolet-B phototherapy, 17
dosing of, 79 acretin with, 54
efficacy of efficacy of, 19
in combination therapy, 78 Brodalumab
in ESTEEM-1 trial, 76–78 AMAGINE-2 and AMAGINE-3 studies of, 184
in ESTEEM-2 trial, 76–78 comparison with ustekinumab, 184
in PALACE trials in psoriatic arthritis, 78–79 IL-17 pathway in, 184
mechanism of action of, 75–76
monitoring of, 80
in phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibition, 75 C
precautions with, 79–80 CADMUS trial of ustekinumab, for psoriatic
safety of, 79 arthritis in children, 131
side effects of, 79 Calcineurin inhibitors, topical, 12
vaccinations and, 80 Cardiovascular risk reduction, tumor necrosis
Arthritis mutilans, 9 factor inhibitor therapy and, 123–124
Autoimmunity, with etanercept, 91–92 CHAMPION study of adalimumab versus
methotrexate versus placebo, 113–115
CHAMPION trial of methotrexate
B efficacy in, 38, 40–41
Biologic therapy, 13 safety and adverse events in, 42–43
Biosimilars, 163–170 Combination therapy
for adalimumab, 167–168 biologic treatments, 171
association with TNF inhbitors, 163 traditional systemic treatments and, 171
clinical trials of, phase 3, 168 COMET trial of methotrexate-etanercept
considerations in combination, 175
continuous monitoring, 167 Congestive heart failure
cost reduction, 167 with adalimumab, 121
interchangeability, degree unknown, 167 with inflixinab, 104–105
creation of, 164 Corticosteroids
differences from innovator products, 163 etanercept with, 88
for etanercept, 168 topical, 11
European Medicines Agency Cosentyx. See Secukinumab (Cosentyx)
in extrapolation of indications, 166 Crohn disease, with secukinumab, 148
in regulation of, 165 Cyclosporine (CsA) (Sandimmune; Neoral), 63–73
extrapolation of indications for, 165–166 and acretin, 175–176
FDA and and adalimumab, 172, 175
definition of, 163 and apremilast, 175
in extrapolation of indications, 166 in combination therapy
regularoty guidelines for, 165 systemic, 67
functional assays of, 165 topical, 66–67
inflectra, 166 contraindications to, 69
phase 3 clinical trials of, 167–168 dosage of, 63–64
in PLANETAS study, 167 drug and food interactions with, 67, 69–70
in PLANETRA study, 167 efficacy in psoriatic arthritis, 67
posttranslational modification evaluation of, and etanercept, 172, 175
164 guidelines for safe administration of, 67
regulation of, 165 history of, 63
selection of a biologic versus, 167 mechanism of action of, 64
small molecule generic drugs, FDA methotrexate comparison with, 39–40
requirements for, 164 monitoring of
analytical assessments of, 164 baseline, 69–70
World Health Organization in regulation of, ongoing, 70–71
165 in monotherapy
Blood dyscrasias continuous long-term, 66
with adalimumab, 122 intermittent for maintenance and
with inflixinab, 105 prevention of relapse, 65–66
Index 189

short-term for induction of remission, 64–65 mechanism of action of, 83–84

nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) in, 64 in TNF inhibition, 83
in pediatric and geriatric patients, 69 pediatric dosing of, 83
for plaque psoriasis, 63 precautions with
precautions in pregnacy category C and alcoholic hepatitis, 92
lactation, 68–69 allergic reactions, 91
side effects of autoimmunity, 91–92
hypertension, 68 granulomatosis with polyangiitis, 92
malignancies, 68 heart failure, 91
nephrotoxicity, 67–68 hematologic events, 91
trade names for, 63 hepatitis B virus reactivation, 91
treatment with, evaluation and workup for, 71 infections, 90
vaccinations and, 71 lymphoproliferative malignancy, 91
malignancies, 91
monitoring of
D American Academy of Dermatology
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperosis (DISH), with recommendations, 92
retinoid use, 56 for tuberculosis, 92
Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs neurologic events, 91
(DMARDs), methotrexate, 41–42 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 91
opportunistic infections, 90
tuberculosis, 90
E vaccinations and, recommendations from
Emollients, 12 National Psoriasis Foundation, 92–93
Enbrel biosimilar trial, 168 safety of
ERASE study of methotrexate-etanercept general concerns, 88
combination, efficacy and safety in, 174 in geriatric population, 89
ERASURE trial of secukinumab, efficacy in, in global psoriasis pivotal trial, 86
141–144 in OBSERVE-5 postmarketing surveillance
Erythrodermic psoriasis registry, 89–90
acitretin in, 51 in pediatric population, 88–89
ixekizumab in, 155 in U.S. psoriasis pivotal trial, 88
methotrexate in, 37 Etanercept biosimilar trial, 168
presentations and sites of, 5–6 Excimer laser targeted phototherapy, 19–20
ESPRIT registry of treatment-emergent events, dosing for, 22–23
safety of adalimumab, 118–119 EXPRESS ll trial of infliximab
ESPRIT 5-year analysis of adalimumab, for safety, efficacy in, 98, 100–101
117 safety in, 103
ESTEEM-1 trial, efficacy of apremilast for plaque EXPRESS l trial of infliximab
psoriasis in, 76–78 efficacy in, 98–100
ESTEEM-2 trial, efficacy of apremilast for plaque safety in, 102
psoriasis, 76–78
Etanercept, 83–96
with acretin, 172, 176 F
approved indications for, 83 FEATURE trial, efficacy of secukinumab in, 142,
cyclosporine with, 175 144–145
dosing of, 83 FIXTURE trial, efficacy of secukinumab in,
efficacy of, 84 140–141
with acitretin, 88 Flexural psoriasis. See Inverse psoriasis (Flexural
with combination therapy, 88 psoriasis)
with corticosteroids, 88
in global psoriasis pivotal trial, 85, 87
with methotrexate, 88 G
in pediatric and geriatric populations, Global psoriasis pivotal trial of etanercept,
87–88 efficacy of, 85–87
in U.S. psoriasis pivotal trial, 84–85 Guselkumab, anti-IL-23 agent, 183, 185
injection sites for, 83 Guttate psoriasis
190 Index

Guttate (continued ) in EXPRESS ll, 103

clinical presentation of, 5 in induction therapy, 102
streptococcal infection and, 5 infection and malignancy in, 102
nonmelanoma skin cancer and, 102
in PSOLAR study, 102
H side effects of, 102
Hepatitis B Inflixinab
with adalimumab, 121 monitoring of
with inflixinab, 104 American Academy of Dermatology
Hepatotoxicity, of methotrexate, 44–46 recommendations, 105
Hyperlipidemia, management during retinoid baseline, 105
therapy, 57 Centers for Disease Control and
Hypersensitivity reactions Prevention, 105
to inflixinab, 105 precautions with, 103–105
to ixekizumab, 159 blood dyscrasias, 105
to secukinumab, 148 congestive heart failure, 104–105
Hypertension drug-induced lupus, 105
with cyclosporine, 68 hepatitis B, 104
in psoriasis, 9 hypersensitivity reactions, 105
infection, 104
multiple sclerosis and demyelinating
I disorders, 104
Immunogenicity, secukinumab and, 147 opportunistic infections, 104
Immunosuppression, with acretin, 57 tuberculosis, 104
Infection(s) vaccinations
with adalimumab, 120 recommendations of the National Psoriasis
bacterial and viral Foundation, 106–107
psoriasis and, 10 Inverse psoriasis (flexural psoriasis), 5
with etanercept, 90 Investigational therapy(ies)
with inflixinab, 104 anti-IL-17 agents, 184–185
with ixekizumab, 159 anti-IL-23 agents, 185
with secukinumab, 147 guselkumab, 183, 185
Inflammatory bowel disease, ixekizumab and, risankizumab, 183, 185
158–159 tildrakizumab, 183, 185
Inflectra (Remsima) certolizumab pegol (CZP), 182, 184
clinical trials of tofactinib, 181–182, 184
other, data pending from, 167 Ixekizumab (Taltz), 153–162
PLANETAS, 167 defined, 153
PLANETRA, 166–167 dosing schedule for induction and
dosing in plaque psoriasis, 166 maintenance of, 153–154
physiochemical characteristics and biological efficacy of
activities of, 166 dermatology life quality index score,
Infliximab, 97–109 154–155
definition, 97 in erythrodermic psoriasis, 155
dosing recommendations for, 97–98 in joint pain, 154
efficacy and safety of in open-label extension study, 154–155
in EXPRESS ll trial, 98, 100–101 phase 2 trial, 154
in EXPRESS l trial, 98–100 in plaque psoriasis, 154–155
efficacy of in UNCOVER-2, 154–155, 157
clinical trials summary, 98 in UNCOVER-3, 154–155, 157
in IMPACT study, 101–102 indications for, 153
in psoriatic arthritis, 101 mechanism of action of
in SPIRIT trial for induction therapy, 98–99 binding and inhibition of IL-17A in
as inflectra biosimilar, 163–164 IL-17 pathway in, 153
mechanism of action of, 97 monitoring of
safety of baseline, 159
in EXPRESS l, 102 TB testing in, 159–160
Index 191

precautions with in RESTORE1 trial, 39–40

hypersensitivity reactions, 159 efficacy studies of, 39–40
infections, 159 in erythrodermic psoriasis, 37
inflammatory bowel disease, 159 and etanercept, 172, 174–175
pregnancy, 159 in COMET trial, 175
tuberculosis, 159 in ERASE study, efficacy and safety in, 174
safety concerns in response increase with, 174–175
major adverse cardiovascular events, 158 in TEMPO trial, 175
mucosal inflammation and inflammatory etanercept with, 88
bowel disease, 158 formulations of, 37
neutropenia, 158–159 and infliximab, 172–173
suicide, 159 in IMPACT 2 trial, 172
safety of to inhibit formation of antidrug antibodies,
in open-label extension study, 157–158 174
phase 2 trial, 157 in long-term management of plaque
in UNCOVER-2, 157–159 psoriasis, 38
in UNCOVER-3, 157–159 mechanism of action of, 38–39
vaccination recommendations of the National antiproliferative role of, 38
Psoriasis Foundation, 160–161 immunomodulatory properties in, 38
monitoring of
American Academy of Dermatology
J recommendations, 45
Joint pain, ixekisumab in, 154 baseline, 45
JUNCTURE tria, efficacyl of secukinumab in, hematologic, 45
145–147 hepatotoxicity, 46
ongoing, 45
renal, 45
L precautions with
Lupus, drug-induced, with inflixinab, 105 contraindications for, 44
Lymphoproliferative malignancy, with excessive third space fluids, 44
etanercept, 90 hepatotoxicity, 44
myelosuppression, 44
pediatric and geriatric use, 45
M pulmonary fibrosis, 44
Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) teratogenicity, 44–45
ixekizumab and, 158 in rheumatoid arthritis, 37
ustekinumab abd, 132 safety of, 42
Malignancy in CHAMPION trial, 42–43
with adalimumab, 121 in RESTORE1 trial, 43
with cyclosporine, 68 side effects of, 43
with ustekinumab, 132 and ustekinumam, 172–173
Malignant melanoma, from PUVA therapy, 32 vaccinations of, 46
Medications, aggravation of disease, 10 MTX. See Methotrexate (MTX)
Metabolic syndrome, 9 Mucocutaneous effects, of acretin, 56
Methotrexate (MTX), 37–48 Mucosal inflammation, ixekizumab and, 158
and adalimumab, 172–173 Multiple sclerosis and demyelinating disorders
in combination with biologics, 171–173 with adalimumab, 121
dosing of, 37–38 with inflixinab, 104
drug and food interactions with, 43 Musculoskeletal effects, of acretin, 56–57
efficacy of Mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate
in CHAMPION trial, 38, 40–41 comparison with, 40–41
comparison with cyclosporine, 39–40 Myelosuppression, with methotrexate, 44
comparison with mycophenolate mofetil,
in MT-255 trial, 39–40 N
in psoriatic arthritis, 42 Nail finding(s)
in reduction of immunogenicity, 41–42 nail folds, 8
192 Index

Nail (continued ) human T helper (Th) lymphocytes in, 19

oil drops on nail bed, 8 immunomodulatory, 19
pitting and thinning, 8 immunosuppression in, 19
Narrowband ultraviolet-B phototherapy, 18 narrow band UV-B, 13
acretin with, 54–55 psoralen and UV-A (PUVA), 12–13
efficacy of, 19 safety of
Narrowband ultraviolet-B therapy, 18 acute effects, 20
Neoral. See Cyclosporine (CsA) (Sandimmune; photoaging and photocarcinogenesis, 20
Neoral) tanning bed delivery of, 18
Nephrotoxicity, of cyclosporine, 67–68 targeted, 18
Neurologic effects, of acretin, 57 excimer laser in, 19–20
Neutropenia treatment with
ixekizumab and, 158–159 disease severity classification for, 21
with secukinumab, 145 types of
broadband UV-B (290-329 nm), 17
narrow band UV-B (311-313 nm), 18
O vaccinations and, 23
Obesity, psoriasis and, 10 PLANETAS trial of inflectra, 167
OBSERVE-5 postmarketing surveillance registry, PLANETRA trial, of inflectra, 166–167
etanercept and, 89–90 Plaque psoriasis
Ophthalmic effect, of acretin, 58 acitretin in, 50–51
Opportunistic infections cyclosporine in, 63
with adalimumab, 121 Pregnancy
with etanercept, 90 category C, cyclosporine in, 68–69
with inflixinab, 104 category X, acretin in, 58
Oral therapies, 13 ixekizumab in, 159
secukinumab in, 148
Pseudotumor cerebri, with systemic retinoid
P therapy, 57
Palmoplantar psoriasis, ustekinumab in, 131 PSOLAR trial of ustekinumab
PHOENIX trials of ustekinumab efficacy in, 130–131
efficacy in, 128–130 major adverse cardiovascular events in, 132
safety in, 131–132 Psoralen
Photoaging biochemical pathway of, 27–28
from phototherapy, 20, 31–32 European 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP)
from PUVA therapy, 31–32 study, 27
Photocarcinogenesis, from phototherapy, 31 formulations of, 27
Photochemotherapy, defined, 27 mechanism of action of
Photo-onycholysis, from PUVA therapy, 31 oral and topical formulations, 27
Phototherapy, 11–13 North American 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP)
biologics and, 176–177 study, 27
contraindications to, 21 Psoralen-ultraviolet light A (PUVA) therapy, 27–35
defined, 17 bath PUVA, 27
dosing of in children, 33
broadband UV-B, 21 contraindications to, 32
for excimer laser, 22–23 cutaneous microenvironment changes with,
Fitzpatrick skin phototype in, 21–22 28–29
minimum erythema dose for, 21–22 dosing of
narrowband UV-B, 21 oral 8-MOP for oral psoralen plus UV-A
efficacy of therapy, 30
broadband UV-B, 19 UV-A for psoralen plus UV-A
narrowband UV-B, 19 photochemotherapy, 30
tanning beds in, 20 efficacy of
history of, 17 American study: 8-MOP and UV-A
indications for, 18–19 radiation, 29
mechanism of action of in combination therapy, 29–30
apoptosis in, 19 vs. narrow band-UV-B therapy, 29
Index 193

mechanism of action of, 28–29 topical therapies for

effect on epidermis, 29 bland emollients, 12
vs. UV-B phototherapy, 29 calcineurin inhibitors, 12
monitoring of corticosteroids, 11
full-body skin examinations in, 33 salicylic acid, 12
ocular evaluation in, 33 tazarotene, 12
photo-onycholysis from, 31 vitamin D3 and analogues, 11–12
in pregnancy and lactation, 32 treatment history in, 4
safety of treatment of
acute toxicities with, 31 immuomodulatory medications, 10–11
malignant melanoma from, 32 phototherapy and medications, 11
nonmelanoma skin cancer from, 31–32 safety and, 11
photoaging from, 31–32 uninvolved psoriatic skin, 3
versus UV-B-phototherapy, 29 Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score, in
vaccination and, 33 efficacy measurement, 19
Psoriasis Psoriasis Longitundinal Assessment and Registry
age of onset, 1–2 (PSOLAR), safety of infliximab, 103
biologic therapy for, 13 Psoriasis vulgaris
characterization of causes of, 5
clinical and histological, 2 characterization of, 4–5
clinical findings in subclassification of, 5
subtypes, 3–4 Psoriatic arthritis, 8–9
comorbidities in, 3 apremilast for, 78–79
complications in, 9–10 American College of Rheumatology
cutaneous lesions in response criteria for, 78–79
annular pustular and impetigo in PALACE-1 trial, 78
herpetiformis, 7–8 in PALACE-2 trial, 78–79
erythrodermic psoriasis, 4–5 in PALACE-3 trial, 78–79
generalized pustular, 6–7 arthritis mutilans in, 9
guttate psoriasis, 5 in children, CADMUS trial of ustekinumab, 131
inverse psoriasis, 5 classic findings in, 9
localized pustular variants, 7–8 cyclosporine in, efficacy of, 67
napkin psoriasis, 8 infliximab for, 101
psoriasis vulgaris, 4–5 methotrexate and adalimumab in, 173
pustular, 6–7 methotrexate and etanercept in, 174
dendritic cells in, 3 methotrexate in, 42
differential diagnosis of, 4 Psychiatric effects, of acretin, 58
epidemiology of, 1 Psychological involvement, 9–10
forms of, 1–2 Pulmonary fibrosis, methotrexate and, 44
gender and, 1 Pustular psoriasis
genetic basis of, 2 acitretin in, 51
historical background, 1 annular and impetigo herpetiformis, 7
history in, 3–4 cyclosporine and acretin in, 175–176
HLA-Cw6 in, 2 generalized (von Zumbusch), 6–7
joint symptoms in, 3–4 linear, 8
laboratory tests for, 9 localized variants, 7–8
linear, 8 napkin, 8
macrophages in, 3
modifying factors in, 10
nail findings in, 8 R
neutrophils in, 3 Remsima. See Inflectra (Remsima)
oral agents for, 13 RESTORE1 trial of methotrexate
pathogenesis of, 2 drug and food interactions in, 43
phototherapy for, 11–13 safety in, 43
psoriatic arthritis in, 8–9 side effects in, 43
racial differences in, 1–2 toxicity in, 43
T cell function in, 2–3 REVEAL trial of adalimumab
194 Index

REVEAL (continued ) retinoids in prevention of, 55

efficacy in, 112–114 Suicide, ixekizumab and, 159
in open trial extension of, 112–113, 115
safety in, 117, 120
Rheumatoid arthritis T
biosimilars in, 165 TALTZ. See Ixekizumab (Taltz)
methotrexate and adalimumab combination Tanning beds
for, 173 in delivery of phototherapy, 18
methotrexate in, 37 efficacy of, 20
in psoriasis, 9 Tazarotene, 12
Risankizumab, anti-IL-23 agent, 183, 185 TEMPO trial of methotrexate-etanercept
combination, 175
S of acretin, 55–56
SABER, safety assessment of adalimumab, 117 of methotrexate, 44–45
Salicylic acid, 12 Third space fluids, excessive, methotrexate
Sandimmune. See Cyclosporine (CsA) and, 44
(Sandimmune; Neoral) Tildrakizumab, investigational anti-IL-23 agent,
Secukinumab (Cosentyx), 139–151 183, 185
adverse events Topical therapies, 11–13
Candida, 145 Tuberculosis
in ERASURE and FIXTURE trials, 145–147 with adalimumab, 121
immunogenicity risk, 147 with etanercept, 90
in JUNCTURE and FEATURE trials, 145–147 with infliximab, 104
neutropenia, 145 ixekizumab and, 159
described, 139 with secukinumab, 147–148
dosage and administration of, 139–140 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor therapy, and
efficacy of cardiovascular risk reduction, 93–94, 123–124
in CLEAR trial, 142, 144–145
in ERASURE trial, 141–144
in FEATURE trial, 142, 144–145 U
in FIXTURE trial, 140–144 UNCOVER trials of ixekizumab (Taltz)
in JUNCTURE trial, 142 efficacy of, 153–155, 157
mechanism of action of safety of, 157–159
IL-17A binding and neutralizing, 139–140 U.S. psoriasis pivotal trial of etanercept
monitoring of efficacy of, 84–86
American Academy of Dermatology safety of, 88
recommendations, 148 Ustekinumab, 127–137
baseline, 148–149 defined, 127
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dosing of, 127–128
recommendations, 148 efficacy of
for TB, 148 in ACCEPT trial, 129–130
pharmacokinetics of, 139 assessments in, 128
precautions in CADMUS trial in pediatric patients, 131
Crohn disease, 148 decreased, factors affecting, 130–131
hypersensitivity reactions, 148 in palmoplantar psoriasis, 131
infections, 147 in PHOENIX 1 trial, 128–129
pregnancy, 148 in PHOENIX 2 trial, 129–130
tuberculosis, 147–148 PSOLAR trial, 130–131
safety of, in comparison to placebo, 145 in psoriatic psoriasis, 131
vaccination recommendations, National mechanism of action of
Psoriasis Foundation, 149–150 cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 blockade in,
Skin cancer, from PUVA therapy, 31–32 127–128
Smoking, psoriasis and, 10 JAK-STAT signaling pathway in, 127
SPIRIT trial, induction of infliximab, 98–99 monitoring of
Squamous cell carcinoma American Academy of Dermatology
acretin in prevention of, 55 recommendations, 132
Index 195

baseline TB test, 132 National Psoriasis Foundation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, 133–134
recommendations, 132–133
initial baseline, 133
pharmacokinetics of, 128 V
safety of Vitamin D3 and analogues, 11–12
infections, 132 von Zumbusch psoriasis, 6–7
major adverise cardiovascular events
risk, 132
malignancies, 132 W
vaccinations Woronoff rings, 5

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