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Received: 5 August 2022 Revised: 12 March 2023 Accepted: 23 March 2023

DOI: 10.1111/wej.12868


Comparison of UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 advanced oxidation

processes in the degradation of contaminants from water and
wastewater: A review

Mahshid Farzanehsa 1 | Liam C. Vaughan 2 | Arash Zamyadi 2 | Stuart J. Khan 1

School of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of New South Wales, Abstract
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in water and wastewater treat-
Water Research Australia, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia
ment have been the subject of growing interest throughout the last decade. Although
UV/hydrogen peroxide (UV-H2O2) is the most established technology among the
Stuart J. Khan, School of Civil and UV-AOPs, UV-chlorine (UV-Cl) is emerging as a reliable and potentially more cost-
Environmental Engineering, University of New effective alternative. Recent studies have indicated that UV-Cl processes may be
South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales,
more efficient and economically favourable for the degradation of some chemicals of
Email: emerging concern from contaminated water. Moreover, in terms of the formation of

Funding information
disinfection by-products (DBPs), UV-H2O2 seems to have no superiority over UV-Cl.
Australian Research Council (ARC) Future This said, more investigation in the assessment of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of
Fellowships Program, Grant/Award Number:
DBPs is required. Additionally, more pilot-scale and full-scale studies are required to
establish UV-Cl as a reliable alternative to UV- H2O2. This paper compares UV-Cl
and UV-H2O2 AOPs for the degradation of intractable chemicals from water and
wastewater based on the practical considerations of efficiency, cost, DBP formation,
kinetics and sensitivity to water matrix variability. Finally, various modelling
approaches to UV-Cl have been reviewed. This review showed that UV-Cl is superior
to UV-H2O2 in terms of degradation efficiency and cost effectiveness and can be a
robust alternative in many UV-AOPs applications.

reuse, wastewater treatment, water industry, water quality

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N potential for degradation of contaminants. However, side reaction

between primary and secondary radicals and contaminants may result
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are increasingly used for the in unexpected nitration, nitrogen fixation and N-derivatives formation,
degradation of a wide range of highly stable chemicals in water and which need to be investigated more in future studies (Gągol
wastewater (Chan et al., 2012; Ikehata et al., 2008). During advanced et al., 2020; Rayaroth et al., 2022). Moreover, in UV-Chlorine (UV-Cl)
oxidation, radical oxidants such as the hydroxyl radical are generated AOPs, chlorine forms different reactive chlorine species because of
to degrade contaminants, usually following the application of conven- photolysis. Some of the reactive chlorine species react with organic
tional water treatment processes (Cao et al., 2021; Chan et al., 2012; molecules and generate organohalide by-products (Guo et al., 2017;
García-Espinoza et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2015a). AOPs have high Xiang et al., 2016).

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Water and Environment Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of CIWEM.

Water Environ J. 2023;37:633–643. 633


A variety of UV-based AOPs has been developed by applying var- For instance, chlorine-resistant pharmaceuticals such as ibuprofen
ious catalysts, including hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, persulfate and a may be transformed into DBP precursors during the UV-Cl AOPs
range of heterogeneous substances such as titanium dioxide, in con- (Wang et al., 2015b). Only limited research has been performed on
junction with high-intensity UV radiation. Recently, hybrid methods the possibility and mechanisms of DBP generation in UV-Cl systems.
such as combination of cavitation and AOPs have attracted attention Moreover, in comparing UV-Cl with other established UV/AOPs, the
because of their enhanced oxidation capacity (Boczkaj & cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the generated DBPs need to be
Fernandes, 2017; Cako et al., 2020; Fedorov et al., 2021, 2022; investigated.
Fernandes et al., 2019). To provide guidance for the future application of UV-Cl, this
The application of UV/hydrogen peroxide (UV-H2O2) is widely paper aims to provide a critical review of the literature comparing the
established in water and wastewater treatment plants including for well-established UV-H2O2 with the emerging UV-Cl AOPs. Limited lit-
both direct and indirect potable reuse (Dwyer et al., 2008; Sultan & erature compares the two technologies thoroughly and there exist
Cho, 2016). There are various H2O2-based processes including perox- only a few papers investigating pilot-scale and full-scale studies of
one, photocatalytic AOPs and, as mentioned earlier, hybrid methods UV-Cl performance. Gathering this information will be beneficial for
(Fernandes et al., 2019, 2020). However, because of their relatively the design of future UV-Cl plants, as well as for the optimization of
high cost as a result of energy and oxidant dosage, the search for new future UV-Cl lab-scale experiments. This paper is also important for
more cost-effective and simple alternatives remains attractive. decision-making for advanced water treatment plants that may be
UV-Cl has recently emerged as a new technology with potential considering the implementation of UV-Cl as an alternative to UV-
benefits of simplified construction and higher efficiency compared H2O2.
with UV-H2O2. UV-Cl has been efficient in the degradation of many
contaminants including pharmaceuticals and personal care products
(PPCPs), taste and odour compounds and natural organic matter (Bu 2 | METHODS
et al., 2018; Javier Benitez et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2018).
UV-Cl has been documented to be efficient in the degradation of A systematic literature review was carried out based on the protocol
a broad range of recalcitrant trace organics (Huang et al., 2017; Sichel developed as the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review
et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2015b, 2012). However, there are other fac- and Meta-Analyses (Figure 1). Original research papers were identified
tors that need to be carefully evaluated in order to understand the rel- on SCOPUS using an advanced topic search with keywords
ative advantages and disadvantages for water treatment plants that (“Advanced oxidation” OR “AOP”) AND (“UV chlorine” OR “UV-Cl”
may be considering adopting UV-Cl as an alternative to UV-H2O2. OR “UV/Cl”) AND (“UV hydrogen peroxide” OR “UV peroxide” OR
Generation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) is among the main con- “UV-H2O2” OR “UV/H2O2”). Only original English research papers
cerns regarding UV-Cl AOPs (Wang et al., 2015a; Zhou et al., 2016). were selected.

F I G U R E 1 Preferred Reporting Items

for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses
recommendations flowchart.

Two hundred forty-two original English papers were identified By increasing pH from 6 to 8, the contribution of reactive chlorine
through an advanced search of SCOPUS. To screen the papers, selec- species increased from 57.7% to 75.1% (Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020).
tion criteria were set to select papers that compared UV-H2O2 and However, chlorine radicals are selective, so they cannot be as efficient
UV-Cl technologies. Papers were manually screened based on the title for all contaminants (Sichel et al., 2011; Tian et al., 2020).
and abstract, and then, the full text of articles was acquired, and A pilot plant study compared performances of various AOPs for
assessed 87 articles were screened as potentially fulfilling criteria and advanced treatment of municipal wastewater. The pilot system con-
73 papers were then selected in this review after further assessing sisted of six LP lamps with a total power of 0.48 kW. UV-fluence and
the full texts. The two technologies were compared based on the per- other experimental conditions were identical for UV-Cl and UV-H2O2
formance of UV-H2O2 and UV-Cl in terms of (1) contaminant degra- systems. Using both UV-Cl and UV-H2O2, log inactivation perfor-
dation, (2) cost and efficiency of the process, (3) DBP formation, mance for somatic coliphage, total coliform, Escherichia coli and
(4) kinetics and (5) pathway of contaminant degradation. The effect of Enterococci was studied. UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 showed similar perfor-
the water matrix on the treatment method was also studied in some mance in the inactivation of these microbial species from municipal
papers. These aspects will be discussed in the following sections. wastewater. Log inactivation for all the species was about three (Sgroi
et al., 2021). Changes in the fluorescing organic matter were also
investigated in another study of this pilot study and the results
3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION showed that at the same level of UV-fluence, UV-Cl more efficiently
degraded fluorescing organic matter than UV-H2O2 (Sgroi et al., 2021).
3.1 | Performance of UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 in terms In a full-scale treatment plant, the performance of UV-Cl and UV-
of contaminant degradation H2O2 were compared (Wang et al., 2019). The results showed that at
pH 6, the performance of UV-Cl in terms of reactive chlorine species
The degradation efficiency of UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 depends on vari- production for degradation of sucralose and caffeine increased com-
ous factors including the structure of contaminants, types of radicals, pared with the UV-H2O2 system. However, at pH 8, hydroxyl radical
pH and water matrix. production was decreased for UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 (Wang
Some contaminants are more receptive to oxidation by hydroxyl et al., 2019). UV-Cl was found to be more efficient at acidic pH
radical as the primary radical. On the other hand, electron-rich com- (pH = 5.5) rather than at higher pH. At pH 7–8.3, fewer hydroxyl radi-
pounds are more susceptible to oxidation by reactive chlorine species cals were generated (Chuang et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2018; Li
and degrade more efficiently in UV-Cl systems. Therefore, the struc- et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019).
ture of contaminant and type of generated radicals play a dominant The removal efficiency of 1,4-dioxane for treatment of reverse
role in the degradation efficiency. osmosis (RO) permeate in treatment trains for the potable reuse of
Depending on the type of lamp used in AOPs, the effect of pH municipal wastewater was investigated using various AOPs including
differs on UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 process. In low pressure (LP) lamps, UV-Cl, UV-H2O2 and UV-chloramines. It was indicated that degrada-
UV light is only produced at 254 nm. In such system, UV-Cl is more tion by UV-Cl was slower than by UV-H2O2 at pH 7 (Rott
efficient at pH lower than 7.5. For a medium pressure (MP) system, et al., 2018).
UV-Cl is emitted in wavelengths higher than 254 nm (Guo The degradation efficiency of several emerging contaminants is
et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019). Therefore, the overall effect of pH presented in Figure 2. As can be observed, in the majority of cases,
depends on the type of contaminants. UV-Cl performs more efficiently than UV-H2O2. Except for the degra-
The degradation efficiency of emerging contaminants was investi- dation of diclofenac and iopamidol, degradation of other trace
gated in several studies (Kedir et al., 2016; Miklos et al., 2019; Rott organics is up to 50% higher in UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 (Kedir
et al., 2018; Sgroi et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2015b; Yang et al., 2016). et al., 2016; Miklos et al., 2019; Rott et al., 2018; Sgroi et al., 2018;
For a broad range of trace organics, UV-Cl was more successful in the Wang et al., 2015b; Yang et al., 2016). In these studies, a comparison
degradation of a wider range of organic compounds than the other of UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 was carried out using similar UV-lamp and UV
investigated AOPs such as UV-H2O2 (Miklos et al., 2019). For exam- fluence.
ple, the degradation rate constants of some contaminants such as The higher efficiency of UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 has been
atrazine and carbamazepine by UV-Cl at the same molar oxidant dos- attributed to the higher rate constants of photolysis of chlorine com-
ages (70 μM) were 35% to 45% higher than their corresponding deg- pared with H2O2 (Li et al., 2017; Pan et al., 2018; Pati & Arnold, 2018;
radation rates in UV-H2O2 processes (Cerreta et al., 2019; Sun Yang et al., 2016). This could be because of a more efficient hydroxyl
et al., 2019). radical yield and reduced scavenging effect of HOCl compared with
Higher efficiency of UV-Cl in the degradation of metoprolol, a ß- H2O2 (Rott et al., 2018; Sichel et al., 2011; Watts et al., 2007). It
blocker commonly used for cardiovascular diseases, compared with should also be added that Cl radicals are more selective than hydroxyl
UV-H2O2 was deemed to be because of the presence of secondary radicals, which favourably react with electron-rich compounds (Fang
radicals (ClO and_
Cl2•_) in UV-Cl systems (Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020; et al., 2014; Guo et al., 2022).
Tian et al., 2020). Switching from UV-H2O2 to UV-Cl increased the The degradation of different compounds for UV-Cl and UV-H2O2
efficiency of metoprolol degradation from 57% to 95% within 15 min. processes under similar conditions was compared in Table 1.

F I G U R E 2 Degradation of various contaminants in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 advanced oxidation processes (Kedir et al., 2016; Miklos et al., 2019;
Rott et al., 2018; Sgroi et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2015b; Yang et al., 2016). UV-Cl, UV-chlorine; UV-H2O2, UV/hydrogen peroxide.

T A B L E 1 Comparison of
Degradation (%)
Oxidant dose contaminant degradation in UV-Cl and
Contaminant name UV-Cl UV-H2O2 UV lamp (mg/L) UV-H2O2 under similar conditions (Sichel
Benzotriazole 73 27 LP 40 W 5 et al., 2011; Wang, 2015; Yang
et al., 2016).
Tolybenzotriazole 72 30 LP 40 W 5
Desethylatrazine 20 25 LP 40 W 5
Diclofenac 90 100 LP 40 W 5
Iopamidol 58 100 LP 40 W 5
Geosmin 86 50 MP 1 kW 2
Caffeine 70 59.5 MP 1 kW 2
MIB 80 64 MP 1 kW 2
Triclosan 99 97 LP 10 W 5
Sulfamethoxazole 100 96 LP 10 W 5
EHMC 97 94 LP 10 W 5
Ciprofloxacin 98 85 LP 10 W 5
Tetracycline 100 40 LP 10 W 5
-BP3 97 50 LP 10 W 5
Trimethoprim 100 20 LP 10 W 5
Acetaminophen 83 30 LP 10 W 5
Carbamazepine 50 20 LP 10 W 5

Abbreviations: LP, low pressure; MP, medium pressure; UV-Cl, UV-chlorine; UV-H2O2, UV/hydrogen
peroxide; MIB, 2-methylisoborneol; EHMC, 2-ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate; BP3, benzophenone-3.

Although not many researchers investigated the overall treatment comparable study investigating the degradation of iopamidol, UV-Cl
efficiency in terms of total organic carbon (TOC) or chemical oxygen appeared to be the most cost-effective for achieving a specific degree
demand (COD) removal, in a study conducted by Gao, Zhang, et al. of degradation among UV-induced technology tested on the
(2020), TOC of water contaminated by metoprolol decreased by 11.1 iopamidol-contaminated water samples (Tian et al., 2020).
and 6.7 after UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 treatments. Calculating the cost of oxidants and electrical energy for the met-
oprolol degradation showed that the operational cost of the UV-Cl
process is USD 0.0033 m 3
order 1
, which is roughly one fifth of the
3 1
3.2 | Cost and efficiency UV-H2O2 process cost ($0.015 m order ) (Gao, Zhang,
et al., 2020).
The operational costs of UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 systems mainly reflect A study on the degradation of dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN)
electrical energy consumption (Guo et al., 2018; Sichel et al., 2011). In showed that 90% degradation could be achieved by UV-Cl using only
UV-Cl systems, a considerable energy saving of 75% has been 22% of the energy required by UV-H2O2. The comparison of the cost
reported for the degradation of hard to degrade contaminants, and of chemical dosage and electricity for these two AOPs revealed that
this energy saving was 30–70% for other trace organic compounds the chemical costs for UV-Cl is USD 0.03 which was only one tenth of
(Guo et al., 2018). This can result in 0–50% energy reduction in opera- the chemical costs for UV-H2O2 (USD 0.3 m ) of treated water (Yin
tional and capital costs of the UV-Cl reactor, compared with UV-H2O2 et al., 2018). Similarly, because the degradation rate of DCAN by UV-
systems. Cl is greater than by UV-H2O2, electricity costs are also lower in the
In addition to operational cost advantages, UV-Cl-AOPs can also UV-Cl process compared with UV-H2O2. Therefore, the overall cost
provide capital cost advantages. Primary radical generation in UV-Cl is of the UV-Cl was only 12% of the cost of UV-H2O2 (Yin et al., 2018).
more efficient compared with UV-H2O2 and also •OH scavenging This study was conducted in Hong Kong where the electricity price is
demand decreased in UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 which results in comparable with other large cities in developed countries such as the
a reduction in energy consumption of UV-Cl and the requirement for United States (Global Petrol Prices, 2020). However, depending on
a small chamber for UV reactors, which reduced the capital cost (Guo the price of electricity, the overall cost of UV-Cl relative to the UV-
et al., 2018; Kwon et al., 2020; Sichel et al., 2011). H2O2 system might differ. The cost of contaminant degradation in
Electrical energy consumption was investigated in the degrada- UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 was tabulated in Table 2.
tion of PPCPs. The electrical energy per order is defined as the elec-
tric energy in kilowatt hour, which is needed for the degradation of
one order of magnitude of the target pollutant in 1 m3 of water. It 3.3 | DBP formation
was reported that savings of 3.5–93.5% electrical energy per order
can be achieved by UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 in simulated Studies on the production of DBPs indicate that for highly treated
water samples (Guo et al., 2018). This value was observed to increase water, there is no strong evidence that more DBPs will be generated
up to 19–98% for wastewater samples (Guo et al., 2018). To discuss during the UV-Cl process compared with conventional chlorine disin-
the difference in energy consumption, it should be noted that the fection. However, the production of chlorate is still an important con-
PPCPs can be divided into two groups: compounds that were highly cern associated with UV-Cl (Wang et al., 2019).
susceptible to oxidation by hydroxyl radical as the primary radical and The formation of DBPs after degradation of N, N-diethyl-
the compounds for which reactive chlorine species play a more impor- 3-methyl benzoyl amide (DEET) and ibuprofen was studied in UV-Cl
tant role. In general, for the amount of energy applied, PPCPs in the and UV-H2O2 systems (Aghdam et al., 2017). DEET and ibuprofen
second group (PPCPs which are susceptible to reactive chlorine spe- were chosen as they are not susceptible to conventional treatment
cies) degrade more efficiently in UV-Cl AOPs (Guo et al., 2018). In a methods such as chlorination, ozonation or adsorption by activated

TABLE 2 The cost of contaminant degradation in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 (Guo et al., 2018; Sichel et al., 2011; Yin et al., 2018).
3 3 3
EE/O (kWhm ) Electricity cost($m ) Reagent cost Total cost ($m )

Compound UV-Cl UV-H2O2 UV-Cl UV-H2O2 UV-Cl UV-H2O2 UV-Cl UV-H2O2

Benzotriazole 0.26 0.52 0.029 0.057 0.006 0.005 0.035 0.062
Tolybenzotriazole 0.24 0.59 0.026 0.065 0.006 0.005 0.032 0.070
Desethylatrazine 1 1 0.110 0.110 0.006 0.005 0.116 0.115
Carbamazepine 0.16 0.62 0.018 0.068 0.006 0.005 0.024 0.073
Sulfamethoxazole 0.20 0.29 0.022 0.032 0.006 0.005 0.028 0.037
Diclofenac 0.15 0.17 0.017 0.019 0.006 0.005 0.023 0.024
Iopamidole 0.29 0.42 0.032 0.046 0.006 0.005 0.038 0.051

Abbreviations: EE/O, electrical energy per order; UV-Cl, UV-chlorine; UV-H2O2, UV/hydrogen peroxide.

carbon. DEET is a widely detected insect repellent, and ibuprofen is a The total concentration of DBP and the associated toxicity in UV-Cl
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Aghdam et al., 2017). It has been were comparable with the other conventional treatment methods,
reported that UV-Cl may lead to greater production of a range of such as chlorine disinfection (Zhang et al., 2019).
DBPs compared with UV-H2O2. Nevertheless, the composition of Following UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 AOPs, the concentrations of four
DBPs might vary based on the compounds to be degraded (Aghdam major DBPs, including TCM, dichloroacetaldehyde, trichloroacetalde-
et al., 2017). hyde and DCAN, increased. Names and concentrations of toxic DBPs
The formation of DBPs during UV-Cl AOP was compared with produced in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 processes were shown in Table 3.
their formation during the UV-H2O2 process for the degradation of For example, the formation of TCM increased 249% and 166% in UV-
carbamazepine and atrazine. These two compounds were selected Cl and UV-H2O2 systems, and TCM concentration grew 80% in UV-Cl
because they have different reactivity towards reactive chlorine spe- and 116% in UV-H2O2 (Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020). Although hydroxyl
cies and can be representative of other trace organics with similar radicals may degrade some contaminants through hydroxylation, com-
properties. At pH 6, similar concentrations of dichloroacetic acid plete mineralization is generally not achieved (Gao, Zhang,
(DCAA), trichloroacetic acid (TCAA), trichloromethane (TCM), chloral et al., 2020). Therefore, hydroxylated products may act as precursors
hydrate, DCAN, trichloropropanone, and total organic chlorine were to DBPs during subsequent chlorine disinfection. Consequently, yields
generated compared with UV-H2O2 ( p < 0.05) (Sun et al., 2019). How- of DBPs may increase following treatment by UV-Cl and UV-H2O2
ever, at pH 7 and 8, the production of DCAA and TCAA was increased AOPs (Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020). It should be noted that in this experi-
during UV-Cl AOP treatment (Sun et al., 2019). The differences in the ment, UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 systems were similar in terms of the type
yields of DCAA and TCAA at pH 7 and 8 are presumably because of and intensity of lamps and hydraulic flow conditions.
the differences between radical species in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2. In
UV-Cl system, both OH. radical and reactive chlorine species are gen-
erated and the contribution of reactive chlorine species in contami- 3.4 | Kinetics
nant degradation increases with the increase of pH (Fang et al., 2014;
Guo et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2019). However, in UV-H2O2, only OH. Reaction kinetics and pathways of PPCP degradation in UV-H2O2 and
radical is generated which is not susceptible to pH changes (Sun UV-Cl AOPs have been investigated in several studies (Aghdam
et al., 2019; Vogna et al., 2004). et al., 2017; Dao et al., 2018; Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020; Pan
A few studies analysed the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of DBPs. et al., 2018; Sgroi et al., 2021; Xiang et al., 2016; Yin et al., 2018; Zhu
Applying UV-Cl AOP to secondary wastewater effluent, Hua et al. et al., 2018). These studies showed that the degradation of the major-
(2021) showed that genotoxicity of treated effluent can decrease up ity of PPCPs and trace organics follows pseudo-first-order kinetics.
to 76% after UV-Cl treatment. In another study conducted by Sun Rate constant during UV-Cl oxidation was 0.146 min which was up
et al. (2019), analysis of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity showed that rel- to eight times higher than the rate constant observed for UV-H2O2
ative to UV-H2O2, UV-Cl did not increase genotoxicity but did treatment (0.0176 min 1) at pH 7.2 (Pan et al., 2018; Zhu
decrease the measured cytotoxicity. More investigations on the evalu- et al., 2018). It was also stated that the contributions of chlorination,
ation of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity are essential in future studies. hydroxyl radicals and reactive chlorine species were 26%, 15% and
Assessment of DBPs production during UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 59%, respectively (Zhu et al., 2018). Therefore, the higher degradation
AOPs for treatment of RO permeate for potable reuse showed that rate in UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 can indicate the higher molar
the concentration of total halogenated DBPs (<15 μg/L) in the RO absorption coefficient of free chlorine compared with that of H2O2.
permeate was similar to the concentration of total halogenated DBP The molar absorption coefficients at room temperature are 59 and
1 1
following UV-AOP. However, there were differences in the formation 19.2 M cm for free chlorine and H2O2, respectively (Gao, Zhang,
of specific DBP species following various AOP treatments. The forma- et al., 2020).
tion of haloacetaldehydes was observed to be increased by UV-Cl, pH is an important parameter in the efficiency of AOPs. In the
whereas the formation of chloropicrin was increased by UV-H2O2. degradation of ibuprofen, at pH 6, the first-order rate constant has

TABLE 3 Concentration of different DBPs in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 treatments.

Type of DBP Concentration after UV-Cl treatment (μg/L) Concentration after UV-H2O2 treatment (μg/L)
Ttrichloromethane TCM 340 260
Dichloroacetaldehyde DCAL 75 50
Trichloroacetaldehyde TCAL 275 200
Dichloroacetonitrile DCAN 16 19
Trichloroacetonitrile TCAN 1.3 1.7

Note: [chlorine]0 = [H2O2]0 = 0.2 mM, pH = 7 (Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020).

Abbreviations: DBP, disinfection by-product; UV-Cl, UV-chlorine; UV-H2O2, UV/hydrogen peroxide.

been described to be about three times greater during UV-Cl oxida- such as Br•, Br2, ClBr• and CO3•. Secondary radicals can contribute to
tion, compared with UV-H2O2 (Xiang et al., 2016). Increasing pH from PPCP degradation. Concentrations of secondary radical were at least
6 to 9 decreased the constant rate from 3.1  10 3
to 5.5  10 4
s 1
two orders of magnitude higher than that in UV/H2O2 (Guo
(Xiang et al., 2016). Although both reactive chlorine species and et al., 2018).
hydroxyl radicals contribute to ibuprofen degradation, an increase in In addition to hydroxyl radicals, UV-Cl can also generate reactive
pH from 6 to 9 increases the contribution of reactive chlorine species chlorine species (Stefan, 2012). The presence of reactive chlorine spe-
from 22% to 30%, mainly because increasing pH will cause an increase cies in UV-Cl can be useful in removing contaminants that are resis-
in OH scavenging (Aghdam et al., 2017; Dao et al., 2018; Xiang tant to hydroxyl radicals. Other matrix components such as Br– and
et al., 2016). Oxidation reactions at pH 6.5 are dominated by hydroxyl HCO3– can scavenge with HO. and reactive chlorine species and form
radicals. Although at pH 8, they are dominated by reactive chlorine secondary radicals such as reactive bromine species and CO3–. These
species (Wang et al., 2019). Moreover, the formation of AOX is secondary radicals can selectively degrade contaminants that are
increased by approximately 10 μg-Cl/L at pH 6.5 than at pH 8 which resistant to primary radicals (OH and Cl) (Guo et al., 2018). Secondary
might be attributed to the high concentration of hydroxyl radicals at radicals have been reported to be more than two orders of magnitude
pH 6.5 which means an increase in adsorbable organohalide (AOX) is higher in UV-Cl compared with UV-H2O2 AOPs which can effectively
mainly because of the presence of hydroxyl radicals, rather than reac- contribute to the degradation of large groups of PPCPs (Guo
tive chlorine species (Wang et al., 2019). et al., 2018).
Studies on the kinetics and pathways of a group of trace organics
showed that at pH 6, DEET degradation by UV-Cl follows pseudo-
first-order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.006 (mJ/cm2) 1
whereas 3.6 | Type and fluence of lamp
the constant rate of pseudo-first-order kinetics in the degradation of
DEET by UV-H2O2 was 0.002 (mJ/cm2) 1
, which was 67% lower than Usually, two types of lamps are applied in UV-AOPs: LP and MP
what was observed for the UV-Cl process (Wang et al., 2019). The lamps. LP lamps generate monochromatic emissions at 254 nm with a
study was conducted using 16 MP/UV lamps for both UV-Cl and UV- low output of around 30–600 W, whereas MP lamps generate emis-
H2O2. sions with a wide wavelength range between 200 and 320 nm with a
Although the majority of previous studies indicates the superior- high output of 1–12 kW (Stefan, 2012).
ity of UV-Cl over UV-H2O2, a study conducted on the degradation of Photons are emitted by the lamps and are absorbed by the oxi-
six pharmaceuticals by UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 found that UV-Cl was less dant. Then, the radicals are formed as the result of the oxidant break-
efficient in contaminant degradation for water samples. Applying down. The photon absorption ability of an oxidant varies with
pseudo-first-order reaction rate analysis, chemical degradation rate wavelength. At wavelength higher than 220 nm, chlorine absorbs UV
constants from UV-H2O2 oxidation were observed to be higher than light better than H2O2. Using LP lamps (254 nm) showed that the
the corresponding rate constants from UV-Cl (Ngumba et al., 2020). photon absorption ability of H2O2 is almost one third of that of chlo-
For the treatment of trimethoprim-contaminated water, Ngumba rine. MP lamps emit photons at a higher wavelength that are not
et al. (2020) reported the rate constant of 8.33  10 and absorbed by H2O2 which makes MP lamps less efficient for UV-H2O2
1.83  10 4
s 1
for UV-H2O2 and UV-Cl treatments. systems. Moreover, the absorbance of chlorine is much higher than
H2O2 in a system with MP lamps (Schalk et al., 2006; Stefan, 2012). In
MP lamps, there are many photons which are emitted at higher wave-
3.5 | Sensitivity to matrix composition lengths and are not absorbed by H2O2. Therefore, MP lamps are less
energy efficient than LP lamps for UV-H2O2 processes (Schalk
A few studies investigated the sensitivity of these AOPs to specific et al., 2006; Stefan, 2012).
water matrix characteristics (Guo et al., 2018; Xiang et al., 2016). At The type and fluence of lamps used were varied in different UV-
pH 7, the degradation rate of ibuprofen in deionized water was 10% Cl studies. Many researchers investigated the use of LP mercury
faster than in RO permeate water samples. The reduced rate of degra- lamps with different power (Aghdam et al., 2017; Kwon et al., 2020;
dation was attributed to the presence of bicarbonate and dissolved Sánchez-Montes et al., 2020; Sgroi et al., 2018; Sichel et al., 2011;
organic matter in drinking water samples, which is mainly responsible Szczuka et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2021). The reported fluence intensi-
for the reduction in the rate constant from 1.0  10 3
to ties for LP mercury lamps were between 191 and 1150 mJ cm 2
7.9  10 4
s 1
(Xiang et al., 2016). Although most of the studies preferred using LP lamps over MP
The degradation of 28 PPCPs by UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 was stud- lamps, medium- to high-pressure lamps were used in some studies
ied using synthetic and wastewater samples. The results showed that (Fang et al., 2020; Wang, 2015). The main advantage of using MP
in wastewater samples, UV-Cl was more efficient in PPCPs degrada- lamps over an LP lamp is that they have higher intensity output. In
tion than UV-H2O2 implying that the effect of the water matrix on experimental setups with MP lamps, one lamp can often be used
UV-Cl was lower than that of UV-H2O2 (Guo et al., 2018). It was pre- instead of several lamps in LP lamp setups. Therefore, MP lamps can
sumed that the lower sensitivity of UV-Cl to the water matrix was be more favourable in circumstances where there are limitations in
because of the higher concentration of ClO and secondary radicals terms of space or material.

There are limited studies investigating the type of lamps in Another critical research need is to evaluate the formation of
UV-Cl systems. However, a comparison of LP ultraviolet and ultra- DBPs in UV-Cl AOPs comprehensively. Most of the reviewed studies
violet light-emitting diode lamps in UV-Cl systems showed that indicated that there is a significant difference between UV-Cl and UV-
ultraviolet light-emitting diode lamps were more efficient in the H2O2 in terms of DBP formation. However, there are not enough
degradation of organic contaminants than LP ultraviolets (Gao, Lin, studies on the formation of chlorate, bromate, perchlorate and
et al., 2020). organohalide.
A well-known performance metric for AOP system is investigating
the removal of 1,4 dioxane (Chuang et al., 2017; Rott et al., 2018;
3.7 | Environmental impacts of UV-Cl and UV- Zhang et al., 2019) which is evaluated in a few studies. These studies
H2O2 reported that UV-Cl is superior to UV-H2O2 in the degradation of
1,4-dioxane (Zhang et al., 2019). However, testing and validating
AOPs are successful in the degradation of a wide range of contami- 1,4-dioxane removal in various source water is another area of con-
nants in water and wastewater. However, some intermediate by- cern that needs to be addressed in future studies.
product of these processes such as chlorinated and nitrated com- Evaluating the potential of radical scavenging in a UV-Cl system is
pounds might be more toxic than the original contaminants (Rayaroth an important part of the preliminary design of an AOP system which
et al., 2022). As discussed in Section 3.3, there is no major differences depends on the presence of organic and inorganic compounds in the
in the amount of DBPs produced in UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 technologies water sample. Unfortunately, there is little information in this area.
(Gao, Zhang, et al., 2020). Therefore, the environmental impacts of Future research should be involved an accurate estimation of radical
UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 are nearly similar. scavenging potential in various water sources.


There is a growing understanding of the UV-Cl AOP technology, UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 AOPs for degradation of a variety of recalcitrant
but there are still several areas which require improvement. For chemicals were compared based on efficiency, cost, DBP formation,
example, there is a knowledge gap in the effective modelling of UV- kinetics and sensitivity to the water matrix. Studies showed that the
Cl AOPs. Pseudo-steady-state models have been used by manufac- degradation efficiency of contaminants using UV-Cl is higher or com-
turers and consultants within the water industry to model UV-H2O2 parable with that of UV-H2O2. According to the reviewed literature,
AOPs. These steady-state models offer relative simplicity. However, UV-Cl was up to 90% more cost-effective than UV-H2O2. Although
because UV AOP is not a steady-state process, this simple model- the production of DBPs has been observed to be greater following
ling approach introduces inaccuracies. Under nonsteady-state condi- UV-Cl, there is no strong evidence that the cytotoxicity and genotoxi-
tions, chloramines and oxidants are consumed in photolysis city of these products are greater than those generated by the UV-
reactions and reactions with other radicals including hydroxyl radi- H2O2 process. Although both UV-Cl and UV-H2O2 AOPs follow
cals. These factors influence AOP performance because they change pseudo-first-order kinetics, studies reported that the rate constant of
radical scavenger demand and radical formation (Kishimoto, 2019; UV-Cl is larger than that of UV-H2O2 resulting in the faster degrada-
Kwon et al., 2020). tion of contaminants. Investigating the effect of water matrix on the
Potentially useful modelling approaches include kinetic equation efficiency of AOPs showed that the UV-Cl is less sensitive than UV-
models, which utilize a series of ordinary differential equations for H2O2 to the water matrix.
each influencing reaction to model nonsteady-state conditions. In conclusion, having the benefit of higher efficiency, lower
Nonsteady-state models can be validated using a comparison energy consumption and easy construction, UV-Cl is a promising tech-
between field and controlled study data and the model's predicted nology that can be applied for the degradation of recalcitrant chemi-
outcomes (Minakata et al., 2017). The objective is to develop the vali- cals as an alternative to the more well-established UV-H2O2.
dated model into a tool, which takes water quality parameters includ- However, more investigations on the assessment of cytotoxicity and
ing pH, alkalinity, total organic carbon and chloramine concentrations genotoxicity of DBPs and more comprehensive pilot studies are
as input. This tool will then output values for predicted oxidant con- essential to establish UV-Cl as a reliable technique for trace organics
sumption, UV transmittance (UVT) through the reactor and target degradation. Because there is some variability in the literature, it
contaminant degradation as a function of oxidant and UV dosage. would be appropriate for water utilities to undertake bench or pilot-
Results from this tool can be used by utilities and manufacturers to scale testing before assuming that one technology will perform signifi-
help them decide on appropriate treatment and design specifications. cantly better than the other. Moreover, in order to get accurate con-
The other future direction of our research will involve testing and clusions, the experiments should not be limited to the AOP
validating UV-Cl system for different source water including surface specifically but should take into account the potential production of
water and groundwater in terms of contaminants degradation, energy precursors and hence impacts on subsequent chlorine disinfection
consumption and DBP formation. processes.

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