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Then .

en Po ovey
prfmfhPve non -
oves Polynompafals non
pmkve. Teducble
om seducPlble
Z 9x), blyn
a ves (x).hox)
5 Conskant Constant,
a [x] 7educPble Some Q.
Oveg fu) q
be iff
oveyz Z fos whexe ,+O
)e non- non-
[x] qn).h() suppose
Z 5 ase ase g(*).h(x)
F()exeducble that x) x]. Constants
nQEx]. a b;
hen) h(n) y Put
MGaus5 Polynomfal.
Geven suPPose z
n 9), %
Let g(n),
Pln) Con
a Psoofi (S) > (=) let
flu) )
havewe NOLw SAmglasly,
S 6 paTengCom bo
F(x) c(P) he«)
= = the - b b,
+ y
C(E) (c bd
(*) 9, hi(u) 3(x)
(3m).CoettCRents b
C) hi(*)=9,0).h.t)
3,(«) xt. +
h,())) whexe whexe
3i(«), fos
h,Some On hicn)e 3,()e
(a)¬ bo
h E[xJ [x)
[x] Stdes,
have e 0, Yn
vofue thfs Pat
+tbinBn bak, biik,t a;
F. b;2, bu, açtE any hat foSuchr
Of a Snce
that Such
bases a P%
OyesF Of
EEboys abe bn
..., S-(b,
Bo Pa, Let
KoverE bases
cf ,m?
a be {aii, s,Let
EF]-n. dGn
[K:E]:m tet
fetd FCESK
a 5 that, Given
that Prove Then
tnty [E;F|
ot Qnd oPnthy than less oveYE
deqvee freta
a be Lek
’5- ,b ,ogbi,.. - ., mbm Spans koerF
Nou wie wpll Prove that

SupPose Pos brgtF

aya; 0
Sence S, 6 LI ’ ll Scalas's ag's -0
T.e a -0 t - ,2,.-, m

Spn ce S1
5) L.I all Scalars b'

The set 5:,B,,2

Pa,..,om Bný Ro i
5 a bas? Of K

dem k = mn

Al5o 'm" and n are fn Pte

[K:FJ<o (Finte )
|Hence Psoved
Let F be a etd and E
ke an
tensfon of F, whtch % f0tte
Re E , fengte etenston

eAsE aCLs as aivVectossPate ovex F

Ehas a frntte base ofHh
Let ve E
then ft,, u, must be a lneaity
dependendt Set of elements of E ovex F.

By the det oe (neax de

Peodent Set, dhexe
CxSES ao, a,,a2, ,QntF not all ZexO Such tha

Stnce eàch a,t F.

Cleanty fC)e F[x] [:each a;tF

and Co«) % non-Zero Potynomfal and fu)d
Thus foy Cach CEE,
thexe exS5 fou)e F[x], Such that F(u) -o
Each element n E 5 alqebxate oves
Thus E o an algebxac extensfon Of F
Let E be an alqebxatc exhension feeld F
and 6:F>l be an embeddng of F into an
algebxafcatty closed freld L, dhen 6 an be
xhended to an embeddng 2:E.

Poofi- Given that E 5 an algebxafC entenson

Of FiedF and L s algebafcaltly clsed freld.
Also, gven that f->L % embedd Png
Let 5- (K,e)/FcKEE Ba Subfteld and
:k->l embeddgng extenSfon

Cleasiy, 5+ as (F, )es

Define an oxdertng '< " on S by
(K,, .) (Ky,O) ff KieK and ek, >
Cleasiy (5, <) Ps a Poset.
NOuo, for any chan Cef (k; 6,)ee fn 5.
Take K= Uk dhen k P% a
Subffeld Of E
Contatntog F.
Nou deffne K as tt atK
O(a) = 0:(a)
Cleaxiy, i well - deftned
I- homomoghtyn
6:k- embed ding
’ (K,0)¬s and by definPon 9 an
uPfes bound tos C t axbfhary chan C.
By Zon's lemma
S has a maxtmal element
Let (K,e) be a maxgmal elenent ?n S.
Then an Chenson O, ' and
(oe clafm that kE

Oherof se, there enPsts E E, 4K,

Then, by knoon thegem
The enbe ddinq :K’ has an entensfon
F* k(«)1 there l an Contradichon
to maxgmaphy of (k,)
Hence K=E
. 6 Can be extended to an Embedd?rg

5) Let E be an algebntc eitenalon of freH F

Conhaned n an algebxac do[uxe F oF F
dhen Prove that follo wtng Condstons axe eytder
U Evexy Pöreducfble Polynomtal m FlN] that
has a dooh fn E, SpIfts nho lpneax factos in

E Spltteng freid of a famply af

PolynomPals n F[x].
) Evexy embeddng 6 Of E oto F
each element of F Fxed maps E onto E
ven that F s an alqebxa:c exhensfon
C: a fId F and F 5 algebrafk ClosutÉ

To Prove (i)
As5ume (:) holds
Potynomal n F[
i. Every seducble
that has a Yoot o E, Spl5 nto lonea
fctovs E.

Polynomfal over F
8y (:), we have Plx) SpIEs foo

SPIfFs Poho Bneax fadogs fn ElJ

Ovex F. that
the Smallest fretd Contanfng the
E s

E the splHng feld of the famfly


To Pxove (ii) ’ (i")

ASSume ha-(mhotds
le E 5 the Spif Hng freld Of a tfamfly
{fr(a13tea Of iynomfals oves F.
Then E 9enexators OvEs F by the Yo
any embeddnq G:EF Sich hat ca) -a
tat F
As E % genesaked by the roos of fn) ,
and note that E)e E.

Now, E al9ebratc extensgon of F. and

6 E 9% an embedding over F oh
a) -a ta¢ F.
By known theoxem
have 6;E>E z an autbmogphRsm,
To Prove (t)’)
Assume that (11) holds
P.e any embeddng E’F ovex F s
an auto moph5m Of F.
Let fox)tF ] bê an, foaeducpble Polyno mia
OVex|F dhat, ha) a soot «E E.
let b be any soot Of Fou) 9n F.
Because a,b axe the soohs Of Same
Poseduceble Polynomfal f(n), we have
-homomOYphia FI]
F(«) FI] and F(E) KeoM)>

There f aD oomorphfsm : F(<>FIE)

Such that s(a)-a tatF

By Known heogem we have

Can be Etended to an embedding

6y () we have Pa Gutomosph?5 m f E
(«)eE EE)

’E ohhapn al xoots Of the Pxeducble

Polynomfal fon)t FON]
Fo) Splts nto (ineax factoss,
fn EE[ ] , whenevex E Conhans a soot
£ Contafos

of frseducfble Poly nomfal f (x).

(6 Any PrreducPble Potynoma f(x) oVes a

freld o{
of ChagaChextStc 'o" has Stmple
Toohs. AI30, any Psxeductble Polynomfal
flx) oves freid f Of Chatacterstc Po
has multeAe soots P these exIStS a lynonal
gx)E F[] Such that flu) gt«).
Geven that fox)e FLx] Ps a foreduc?bie
Let F«) = Qot x+ axt.. t+an

( ’ ) SupPose Chasacterfstc C F P ZeYO

(we wfu PoVe that f() has sem ple oot
Tf Pos59 ble (x) has multepte rscots.
8y Knoon theovem , e')=0


> f) a chaxactex?sHic Constant ly

-Th:A a Contadecton
Since ) 9 an rseduc?ble Polynomfal.
.Ous Supposeon Po oso ng.
fu) has simple xoo.
Case 2
SupPose Chasachesistic Df F Po Pl%0)
Supose P) has muthgple oot
by Knoon theoem f (*) -0


a; =0 (a) =I<P

fu) - g (x)
The pafme fed oe freld F P ethex
5omosphfc to @e
Let F be a fre ld
Deffne Gmap F as Gn)=ne
where e multsp1fateve Pdenfky lemet

NOu), oe have tuoo Cases

Let Kes= (o) (Chasacherfst =o ).
Now, I F Can be extended to

()= Me EF

:’F 3 a homomosphSm
Our Clafm a ken
Me =0

Thes true all xe ker

By fundamental dheoxe m Of homomosphSrn
we have


’ Tmctc F
Im 6 has no PooPer Subfeld.

Prfme fe ld of F % homosphfe to Q.
Case ii
Lef kex <o>Chasachevf shee Ffs
Fntte ).
Then ! zF % a homomoph m Hh

By Fund amenta theovem Of homomophfm,

GJe have
Tm cF.

Nou ay z P.ID, Kex s P an dea o (E)

1 Lek KeY = <m) toy Some mtZ.



Sin ce Tm 6 has no zero dves oxs

Sence Tm 6 has no teso dvsors.

m" rmust be Pofme say P:

.e, m-P

Pryme fte ld of F % somoxphf to

,P es a Prfme.

8 The mulkepl%cateve oup of non- terO

elements Of a fentte fre d s Cyci.
SuPpose Fs a fngte freld and
SupPose F= F-lo fa a mulkplRcalfve grov
To Prove r cycic.
By Kno0n theoe m,
Let a and b ate tuo
Of a fnghe elements
abelan goup of oTdes m
and 'n" sespecvely.
D(ab) = LcM Of ola); ob) leme mo
UStOg thPA desulE fos fofte
abeRan grouP
F inducHively we fend an
element F*
Such that o(« LeMfoa) /aer
Let o be the cM of
ONdeY of elements tn F

Let aa)=n ’a'

and evesy element oxdex fh F* devedes Y.
(an)- (j=l

Als0, we take (ai) = (o)' where i:4,) n

i 9o a goot Of R), ahere ist,2,, n,

are doohs OR F).
= ()

(9 Let E be a fin?te Se pesable extensfon of
fteld F. Then Prove óhmat (G(E/e)l [E:FJ
Psoof- Gven that E s a fingte Sefesable
extenson C fred F
’E:F(«) fos Some e f
> s algebafc oves F
ler P(n) he the mgnema Pblynomfa oe'x
F and (et deg (F(M)) n.
6y Knouwn lemma
-the numbes extensfon to E
= F(«)

The number of destnct

Yocs of mgnfmal lynomfal

Bub uwe Rnow that evey element Of

G(E/F) Ps an extenson of E.

(19 Fundamental theoxem Of Gallous theory

Let E be a Gal?ous
extensfon of f. le k
be any Subfeld 6¢ E
Conhafnpng F then
mappeng to k to GlE/) setup a one to One
CoTsespondanCe foom the Se of at Subfields
Of F Contasneng F to subq8oups of
Such that.
()K= EG (E/*) (i.e k fs frxed feeld of a())

(i) Ce:K]-|G(E/k))
k: F fndex.a G{E/«) n G(E/)
V) K g a nog ma etensfon of F PA Qnd
only Pf G(E/K) ? a normal goup of
(V) IR K e a normal
entenston of-F hen
G(K/E) G(E/)
Geven that E % a
fteld F Ghalous tenson Of
Let K be any
[ubffe ld ot E
.e FcKeE Contagntng F

) Geven that E s
gatous eutenaton of F
’ F nogmal extensfon of F
) notmal extenSPon 0f k
’ kls a fned feld oR
it) Let H be a
'subgtoup of G(E)
by hypohests, E P Fenge,
Cf F.
SePerabe eutenston
8y Knoon theoem

) sence E nogma entensPon of F

84 lRnoon theoTem
[E :F] lG(E/e)|
Snce E not ma utensPon of k.
But we know that


- Tnden of G(E/*) n GE{E)

Lek k be a nogma eutensPon 0f F
Recall the follow?ng xesulE.
k Py a nogma
entension of F HE for each

Since k % nosmal extensfor, of F.

8y ) oe have (K)-K
GE GE/e)
be wl Prove that G( E/*)
Cleariy r la an
automorph?sm 0f E

Constdex o(k)=(rlo«)
:.G(E/*) 46(F/F)
(E) Sup PoseG(E/k) AG(E/F):
Then wwe have

’T(oH)) = c(K) KEK

As E P a nosma entensfon of k
By c) *ps fexed freld G(E/k) also rlet)e
By k a nos mal euensfon Of F
(V) Let k be a nos mal entensfon Of F
Then oK) =k fke k, eG(E/F) by
befPne t;kK as *(a) s(a) aek
Becauce la)tk thege foe t an Quto map
foom k to k
ohfch keeps the elements Of F f xed
cte G(K*)
Dektne a map o: G/E/*)’ G( K/e)
by p(c)= c 4 cta(E/F)
Nou let
Let Put Ey
Ker G(E/F) Pundamental
Rer Tm
th5 . ,
o 6;
k/ value - i t
FE otG(E/E)(a)
,4aéky za se tG(E/e) howomog G
KEE,K?5 G(K/F) n Gn(E/F)/ Im theosem
a /g) of
Subffeld homoMorphf
a)- =
Tdenttyf ()
Of a
E? t sm
GEk) %a Subgdoup Of G( )


TO Psove y 5 Onto

let He S
e H PA a subgsoup of GlE/F)
let E be a dhe fened. feeid bf H.
’ EH 9, a subffe ld cf E ontaen ng F
Nw (E) = G(E/E#) =H by li:)
EH éS uch dhat lE#)-H, for Hes'
f.e 3
Py onto

’ thee 6 a one to one Cosrespondance betuten


feeld E ovex F then the Galfous 9oop


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